Kristy Glass Knits: Patty Lyons Fall Harbor Springs KAL

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and then the squid we share the square we're both in focus you're the square right side of my left side er for sure in focus I feel honored [Music] Christy loves her park where am i Park Slope it is hot and muggy we're super disappointed cuz we want to wear sweaters right now but it's pretty rough I'm totally gonna make her put on fine I'll do it but Patti everybody degrees 690 everyone monkey and human look our hair and now extra curly you're just straight down but come on - curly for me um okay that's not girl people loved that's a wave oh come on let me only my girl and he does is waffling I'm curling my hair is today okay so people love doing patty with on last night so I'm glad you're back I'm I'm glad I'm back too although back is here in my house my home studio this one so clever should we hug okay so this is like such a New York thing we're in tonight in New York told me nothing to anyone that's not here but I got a little alone email or text I forgot this morning saying I'm running a couple minutes late because it's alternate side so I'm waiting my car till 9:30 yeah now that would be the equivalent of going won't won't won't won't won't won't won't walk to anyone who doesn't know who knew right but knowing that I'm a New Yorker I just texted or emailed whatever it was back brilliant yeah meaning it is impossible to park in my neighborhood period period like oh wait I risked honest and we risk driving but then but then um because we own cars but if anyone's ever seen a Seinfeld episode or maybe it was mad about you I forget which where someone who has a car so excited to get a parking spot that then the rest of the time if they're talking about going someplace and like oh we could drive are you insane if I have a parking spot so we own a car so that it can just stay just awareness but once a week here twice a week in Manhattan but only once a week here we clean the streets and I clean the street yeah I mean there's like a suite a sweeper yeah that sort of goes and kind of just be awesome it's enjoying it it's almost like exam boni it is it is a set it's a filth Zamboni and it has these but it doesn't really they just like anyway so once a week our streets are cleaned and so you have to move across the street now in Manhattan you actually have to move your car and go someplace out yes here time it here we just double Park and put a note in our window with a cell phone with our cell phone number which I was shocked because I feel like New York or Oakland Yahoo yeah seriously I thought I think it's so stringent with parking that I wish I was going to wait what is this happening with all the double parking and then what if you have to get out but to your point no one's going anywhere because it's alternate street day it's um open law of the jungle and of course it's just even more boring for everybody in the world but us the two of us but it's not about you it's about what we're interested in to find out about and you can listen or not today is Tuesday with 9:30 and the street cleaning with 9 to 10:30 brilliant and I even looked up on our website that's supposed to tell me and but if I'm a moody these are stupid things which I paid four dollars to park not bad I'm worth four dollars four dollars I'm gonna expensive I'm cheap in town at the price or twice the price I was good that makes you money we know you meant yeah so it's like a thousand degrees and normally around September you're thinking Oh finally like this is sweater or weather right we could put on sweaters the last time you were here it was right after it it was right after some vacay so January yeah no it was was after the New Yorkers we were about to cast on for the Costa Maya yeah spring that along okay so maybe it was like February and oh but who she was wearing is joy that's right I was very turtleneck sweater it was like a hue it was like the cowl that ate your head anyway like a huge I think my Brooklyn tweet Cory it was huge and then you put the Costa Maya over it you put know what say I'm leaning out of the shot aren't we professional she she look this lovely you know like slim see we're now constant changes Chris I'm gonna make her at this on okay well that's so cute but I'm not gonna make her leave it on because oh I don't think we've mentioned this way I do 90 degrees see look how cute you look no it's actually appropriate yeah as opposed to oh my god it looks really good on you now as opposed to when you muscle it over the towel from but why are we really here today just cuz I missed you was that is that virology too we have a lot of fun last night I know we did okay but so this was the last night along yeah this was the prints and this is the next one or as what happened between this is the bomb get along hey yeah this year I'm gonna do other I'm gonna do a color work cowl as well but this year we're doing the fall cow then there's gonna be a crazy color work cowl cow I know really hard hey and my daughter and I we have fights because I'm saying cow and she's saying cow and I'm like no the college taking me in the cow okay you know I think I'm gonna go to I'm gonna kick it old school and say cowl knit all along oh yeah you're no more how no no he'll actually the Cal thing come if I'm honest kind of bugs what would you call cable no yeah okay I'm gonna get our Chicago on here this is this is getting help be helpful cuz I'm from Chicagoland and jazz you know so much cat yeah so the Powell cow right okay so cow bothers you k al bothers me a little bit bugs I used it for years I just would say metal on and everyone would say Cal and I'm like you know we totes abbrevs um but crucial and we need to over che along I mean it's ABS it's its ups you're so perfect how much in the ish of their breathe that's just you make my admin startup too much yeah okay it's fall how old man along is coming up but that's gonna be in January and then there's been another spring one then I got assigned in it's back there I'll show you later off-camera how far ahead it's well dude you got pretty far head yeah because these are is you know yeah these aren't normal unlike and not like a normal person know who would design the sweater and then saying good along everyone go you guys enjoy knit together if you have a question you know give me a bus ya know I film like for our it's a full video sweating us yeah so it has to be super fun yeah in advance because as I'm knitting I'm thinking of the things that I want to film and then I have to stop because I'm like oh that's gonna need yeah I want to really talk about fixing mistakes in lace because they just made a mistake or fit you know so you know this one on that about you know this one has over 30 video tutorials and there's like seven sweater mod documents because you know then there's like what if I'm dating to a different stitch gauge from knitting to a different row gauge what if I want a different size what if I want to alter the length what if I want to alter the sleeve what if I want to alter the neck it's crazy pants so cool so the spring one's going to be reversible I'll show to you later okay now if you want do a little preview after they're gone or not a secret video at the end would it be a secret video preview that doesn't show until later no oh that's a wife I'm gonna credit I don't know I have a mole because we're it's a secret top that launches on the nautical name cruise oh yeah I've even just say the cruise yeah yeah yeah yeah we don't wanna upset the cruise leave yeah but gosh everything we're going to Mexico that's hence the names so that's why that one was called Costa my eye and the spring-summer Cal before was called Tortola and this one's also going to be named after a few of me patty there you go okay but this cat is super fun and broke my brain so hard to design but it's really fun to knit okay so my my knitters gave me a Throwdown they wanted a combination of mindless knitting okay which is the back here yeah they wanted like some TV knitting they listened super some mindless is this and then and then super interesting fun a little bit of challenge and it's really attractive on your and every shape then you have this super fun sleeve which yes dips down over your hand but no doesn't get into your soup because the back of the sleeve is normal sleeve length that just dips down over your hand so unless you're eating soup like this it doesn't actually get in your food believe me I get food on everything and I've eaten a lot in this sweater and that one back there is the small altered length shorter has a little split same because I'm all about the slit singer and the longer back we want to make our butts look smaller it covers the bum but I need to be able to put my hands in my pocket hence the split scene so I do like the longer length and I like but I sometimes don't like the longer length in front because I don't like the weird always bunching up when I sit so I like longer back bum coverage it has a gentle shirttail hem in the front that's all magically made with the shaping of the central global decreases there is no like short row shaping in this one and the next shaping is also all magically created by the biasing of the fabric that's a construction yeah welcome to New York I felt like just when you ended that sentence there was a little stuff that was like a rimshot you guys probably couldn't hear but there was like a I finished and there was a little yeah do you I often teach my and that's off when I eat cuz I feel nervous there's only one that I do that it was a sweater that I did for Vogue a couple spring summers ago and it's white like a pure white linen countenance manga moon it's really pretty and they the samples on loan to me because technically the sample was fun they're really nice oh look letting me use them because I use them in as class samples so there's a whole class that was built around it um called if you could draw you can design it that's about more complex shaping so sometimes I wear that like a toga and I'm teaching that and that one because a it doesn't belong to me it belongs to vote and B it's white I take it off - if key yeah but otherwise I'm pretty good I even eat a lobster which I'm not good at being a Jewish girl who's like eatin the only lobsters I've ever eaten in my life are at make we're love amai her socks retreat and so Amy taught me how to how to do it how to break it yeah but normally we we all non main people where our bibs yeah and Amy's like dibs yeah no choice but they ran it right cuz you know she knows how to do it yeah they ran out of bibs so I was wearing it was the last day of the retreat and I can't remember what sweater I was right but I ate a lobster without a bib and knitwear that's scary okay what what are we talking about here oh these were I just thought that sure these are wrong please worry so when I when I this is how I first figured out the design when I was like trying to play around it yeah figured out how the shaping would move and what would happen but then all of my all of my classes all of my video spider classes work these tiny little mini sample swatches that teach you all the techniques and so these are various mini swatches showing the various length alterations that you can make and I teach how you do the length alterations and it's just kind of fun because you get really confident after making like this tiny little sample and do you think everyone should do that before they attempt to sweater like this well they don't have to but I think it's I stole this idea actually from one of my students I was in burner or Patricia I think it was Patricia who is making the Tree of Life cardigan do you remember that yeah it was really complicated and the cables were are not like to over to right cross there are cables that look like a tree ready so they're described the best way they can be described but you know when she would get to a new cable she'd put down her knitting and she had a little like practice watch done she can pick up the practice watch try the cable look at the picture go nope rip it out tried to gang up okay now I get it and she picked up her garment she never made a mistake on her sweater she never ripped one stitch out so I kind of thought that was brilliant as a great idea so the first Cal we did it on was Tortola where we didn't just make the practice watch we just kept the practice watch going so the two row lateral braids like try it like something this big now short row shaping of the hem okay try it on this you know moving into lace okay try it so you can just keep working on your little practice watch but it does build a lot of confidence yeah and there's way less working out yes yeah because then you just rip out your tiny swatch and who cares yeah what else it's swatch even what else I love looking this is another insight I love looking up the thing and seeing the square and remember you you say we share square that means nothing this is where is this is the focus on her camera and we were sitting down it's morning so I hadn't had a lot of coffee so I'm not real smart so said she meaning this one hey mom was trying to get me in focus she's a very nice hostess that wants me to be in for yes the guest is always in focus and so Christy say well I'm too far to reach right now okay but also she said touch her face so I I kept doing this and like it somehow magic and the fact that you did it yeah super silly more than once but no she meant walked up to the camera and touched the part on the camera where your face would be um and she was very gentle about it instead of being like no idiot I mean like yeah it's not magic you just said and then I was touched it the square actually had part of your Faceman part of money and and then she declared oh we share a square now what is this the urn oh this yes let's talk about it it's broken Solana so I love this because I chose a chain at construction have you ever worked chain that China is rocking so it has all this air in the middle of it and it's like I'm not really fluffy this is squeeze square so it's like a big fluffy Airy thing and it's a 50% wool 50% cotton because it's rib so this bamboo is all in rib so I was worried that all wool it would be really really hot although there are a couple knitters that are doing the cowl that because we just started it oh and jump in any time it'll be getting a coupon code yeah um come on in the water's fine we literally just cast on um and I think she said she lives in Buffalo maybe or Canada forget which and so she is doing it all on wall oh she is yeah but the 50% wall 50% cotton you have the little breathability the cotton in the elasticity of the wall yeah but then I also found a hundred percent cotton chain at for those folks with wool allergies and so the lovely folks at webs are my yarn vendor and there's a little link where you can order and get everything but yeah you just cover it for everyone you think of everything well okay so in all in all honesty I didn't think of that one I mean ITER's did okay the first Cal I did was Corcoran which was also a beautiful 50 percent wool 50% cotton blend and I had some knitter say do you have any hundred percent alternative and I was like oh I just missed the table oh um so for now we're Tola I didn't think ahead for that and I had the 353 65 cashmere which was a cashmere cotton blend and then the 365 come to mm which is 100% cotton so the knitters thought okay I was like oh snap nice job Arizona yeah this feels like hormone to me it's super crazy soft yeah and it's just like but there's a little toothiness that's nice what I working on okay oh that's good so there's like it's not like you know a mercerized cotton yeah we're just slides off and yet there's a like that yeah that's really nice yeah that's gonna be my next where yeah that's what you that yeah so delish I just shot my last video for this thing cuz like I'm it's all I have cast on that I'm still yeah because I decided after I knit this one I decided well this didn't take me that long it actually did take me long but not it won't take you long do anything long cuz I had a math error yeah designing yeah there was a yeah I had a there was actually an epic text thread between me and Amy Herzog about the design anyway it's a whole thing yeah but then I decided to cast that one on and so some of the videos I thought oh well instead of shooting like in tiny little step outs I'll shoot some of the seaming videos live and in person on this gal I don't know what her name is Vanessa Vanessa that's fancy seem like that right now that came to me alright so what can we find down below as far as coupons and stuff you're on you guys just you guys are gonna get a special coupon code okay so the way these videos where our classes work is after the Cal is done then the sweater is one price just the pattern and like the sweater with all the videos embedded because they're just embedded right there on the PDF oh you're like knitting along you're like oh there's red click oh right that pops up so the video class is 15 and then the pattern only becomes 8 okay but during the cow it's already on sale at 10:00 but then I'm gonna give you guys another Kristi got those for yet another 10% off so you can get this whole for our video class and the sweater and everything for 6 bucks off that's because it'll be nine a lot about 15 that's a lot off yeah so Chandler surprises do you know what it is yet the code you want to say it or should we just type it in um I'll make it up right now Kristi Harbor make sure you spell that right well but okay put in the link at the bottom yeah Yeah right coupon code Christina Kristi you know how spell yeah well better know how to spell Oh do not put two T's in there oh do you know like do it oh you are this is just the Oh because it's named after kind of time machine so it is only o R it is CH a r b o r c yeah nothing fancy here no you know ii cheese just won t don't do it just show let's get really mad well mine is k and why just like Kentucky and the other thing I love about knitting as far as like there's bring about a penny bring it back well just that you can not only can you knit with whatever you like knit with whatever you like like a Romanian company but you're creating your own clothes so if there's not a look that you like in a store if there's not something you can find that you like make it right yeah so I do love that yeah I love the control being you know New York control freak of knitting and I love the power of making something with your own hand it's kind of it's like a freakin superhero super skill it's a super skill it's our superhero I've been really trying to build my wardrobe around my nets to because I'm never really gonna make pants that I'm gonna wear my wardrobe is easily built around leanness I always described my like my friend Amy Amy her sock brilliant knitwear designer I always call our fashion jeans and yeah so do you that's right and I mean that we do have no sorry I had verified they're free about two but yeah jeans yeah jeans and yeah but I'm never gonna make I don't think I'm ever gonna make swales I don't think so and I don't think I'm gonna make you know a dress or a skirt necessarily to go with mine it's but I really feel great about the the hand knit sweater and then I buy so many ways although yes I will say you would look killer in a knit skirt there are some knit skirt patterns that are like knit pants I'm gonna go under that's gonna be a hard pass yummy but I will say there's some gorgeous knit yeah I do and I have a couple dresses did you see the early fall vogue they do wrong tell us tell us tell us about the maker well they do what they do a maker feature which is they feature two designers every but but the dress thing was my the other maker actually was Brook Nico cause they they Trisha featured me and drug so Brook has an all-lace dress Oh which is beautiful I did a cabled cardigan that's really like intense and complicated and beautiful looking because it took me forever to design and it inspired a brand new class called chart it swatch it love it customs such patterns and it's my crazy way of designing stuff so it's just naturally is that what I said yeah sure where do I see that I know I was just on the grounds yeah yeah Dan stuff so is that ransom n stuff okay so wait that class you can get live at Bouck yeah it's not I do know okay so I because this is good make a note because this is October others well I'm doing it in November oh we're at Vogue mini oh yes and I'm doing it a smaller class in October at the Columbia Gorge no sorry it's rebrand it's not Columbia Gorge harbour festival anymore it's called not another fiber festival if it is so that's an Oregon yeah because she's now doing two festivals a year and the other one isn't in Columbia Gorge so she had to rebrand got it so October in Oregon then I'm going to teach it in November in Minneapolis Vogue and then in January in the New York so it's all about if you you know how we're super ornery and we like to see a pattern and go mmm I like the shape but I want a different cuff I want to change the hem treatment I hope you want to add a cable panel or I want to add a lace panel I want to add a lace detail down the street sleep so the first thing we do is talk about the like three main stitch buckets stitches they're all made of knits and pearls lace and cables and then we touch on that the same concepts are going to apply with color work and drop stitch but I didn't want to make that required so we talked about the one then we go into the where all the different parts of your sweater to really look at a sweater pattern go oh well I could change the stitch pattern in that color or that hood or that and basically they all break down into horizontals and verticals do I change a cuff a cup ahem do I change do I do a striping pattern of different stitches do I do a new collar do I do a new hood do I do a new you know and then all the verticals right you know Center panel three panels up the sleeve all that stuff so we go the watch that than the how which yes there's math there has to be mad just everyone get over it not that simple bring your calculator it's super simple the math of how you would look at a sweater and go I like that sweater shape like say you liked this guy but maybe I didn't put any detail on the sleeve yeah maybe that the sleeve was just stockinette yeah and you sort of thought oh I like the lace motif in the back I want to pick that up and put it on the sleeve yeah so we go through all the how of like cuz you know you can't just cast on the same number of stitches because cables have a suckage factor right so how you would take that pattern and go but I had a cable panel right in the middle or maybe it has a lace panel because I've actually stolen my own idea so Tortola the master to design it was really common right it has the reverse shirttail on the front the shirt on the back that top-down short go sleeve cap and has the lace panel that travels so I thought well I'm designing this whole class about how to swap out stitch patterns and how to make this same pattern multiple times and have it look totally different mhm well if I found me wool or wool blend that was the same gage because then I don't have to redo all the math for the outer man and restrain see Gregor's and replace the lace in the center with some beautiful complex or just cable patterning that traveled around the neck and then made this cap sleeve three-quarter sleeve with cables so I'm stealing that concept right the last part of the class anywhere from a half an hour to an hour depending on how many questions people are asking in the middle is design your own and with some fun tools people are gonna love this dictionaries where we can talk about like okay if you're intimidated don't even know where to start find something that you like and then go you can change the look of that cable for instance significantly by changing what is the background stitch or how many stitches are in the cable or the rise in the table oh there's a lace pattern that's a sick stitch repeat there's another one that's a sextet repeat what if I did these two but then we get into crazy toys where I have like these wires that Bend and you know as an extra at the end after we come back secret video I'll show you one my crazy wire thing yeah yeah so I'm bringing like big fat yarn and tape and people can tape them on to the table and the way I designed my cables for this early fall I wrote a whole blog post on it and I'll send you the link is I played around with the yarn right over the graph paper mmm and braided it until I found a look that I wanted and then I taped well I actually pinned it onto a blocking board but you can tape it and then I traced it and then I took the yarn off and then I turned those McGrath waste curves on the graph paper into cable symbols because you have to fudge it a little and then i swatched it charted swatch it and then I walked it hence the name of the class oh my god it's really fun it's crazy I think it's gonna be so great it's all about already I have no idea I haven't got my numbers yet but if it's but if it's not goat I don't think that one it sold out in Minneapolis because that's not so know about we should go all you Midwestern yes go to Minneapolis because we also go for all all the the the the tips and tricks of like what different stitch patterns will do to your fabric yeah so I know what like we talked about in its and pearls what happens when pearls are stacked vertically to the fabric what happens when they're stacked horizontally what happens when they're on the same face of the fabric like same time and then what happens with lace when the decreases come together or central double decreases that pulls the fabric down the yarn overs will lift it up so that stitch is good for like a hem what happens when they're all yarn overs are stacked this way oh that may make the side Anjali oh my I had that like instead of a button band I you know cuz like I don't like picking up stitches and I'm not gonna button a cardigan maybe I don't want to apply a button then maybe I want to leave it open and knit a band within the knitting as I'm knitting garment oh maybe I'll choose some lace that undulates at the edge and that might be a nice you know so we can all become designers super easily by just messing with things well you're just blowing my mind it's super fun because there's so much more I need to learn about knitting well winning is a lifetime forever forever forever forever things otherwise I'd be out of business I mean I have to keep learning new things yeah so that you can fresh yeah yeah so I can you know teach all you oh yeah what does he love it guess what I've never done but and I really have to I've never this is just between us right I've never put a zipper in to knit where I really oh yeah I remember that no you don't what you don't so it's what it's more like a mental block I into like conceptually what we need to go to the garment district and pick out the best Dipper cuz I like the favorite zipper and then build a sweater around it you just need the right zipper and I need to like get over my I need to get over the fact that I went ahead and took addy at the Goodman School of Drama in my sewing class where I was supposed to build a bodice and so I have in my head like sewing equals hard Patti plus sewing equals failure so it's me really need to get over that yeah it's a nice walk but you have never put a different I thank you getting a zipper first though yeah because I just thought um Amy did mr. Rogers sweater she did yeah yeah the pattern is actually right there did you watch that documentary yes didn't it bring a tear oh dear many what are you a cold-hearted woman I am one she had one little patrician pair pouring down while I had like giant Jew I thought it would have you know yeah it really was it was really and and the damage now there's a book good neighbor mmm-hmm and the book was published by the same publisher as Amy's new book so they're doing a tie-in she designed and yeah she did because you know the thing with sweaters right oh yeah oh thank you so mr. they found out in the research for the book bomb something that a lot of knitters already know um every single one of mr. Rogers sweaters and he had a million of them were handed by his mother every single every one because there he had over 800 episodes every sweater was handed by his mother that's for real truth yeah for a real trip and met him in Hemet it's it's true I didn't know that I think they might did they mention in the documentary number no I wouldn't remember that there's um there's a great website that has like all the facts about mr. Rogers you never know yeah it's very good so I'm we need to have a mr. Rogers and hit along that would be amazing they're doing that I don't know I should talk to her so many ideas we're gonna do I love it we're like a tiny little sweater from your mr. Rogers doll yeah I mean if you don't want one time minis because I am gonna make a little theme rather these are all tiny swatches may always make me think of little tiny sweaters yeah so I'm going to be doing a tiny sweater for Franklin's Franklin habits dolorous kit when they come with outfits I'm gonna do one of the sweaters of the season let's take a baby and I think it might be a miniature version of the spring/summer Cal garment so there can be a like Dolores and me situations okay what we haven't we're still playing around the schedule so I'm not sure whether I'm gonna fit in the schedule but yeah I'm gonna take of this the springhouse gonna look great on you I'm excited patty patty wants me to be part of the spring cause she's pushing hard well at least you got a knit to wear cause you're gonna look door first of all ok you're gonna cruise you're gonna try it on in pieces is there a floor unseen faces and only one of them is blonde but I'll bet your back um thank you for being on my channel oh thank you for coming all the way to Brooklyn it was on a hot as Amy's I won't say it I was gonna say hot as rhymes with Falls day oh well before we go do you are you in Rhinebeck yeah do you have any what's your right mix letter you wanna share do you have one I I don't I don't ever do a run yeah sweater because my fall no long it's over like me so this is my Rhinebeck sweater but didn't get where they're um oh I'm totally okay with it yeah and I'll be good where yeah although so now we have like two different fits basically yeah so I have a whole blog about like yeah understanding these and see mine so this is the medium to oh yeah so what I wear this which I do wear that's my oversized for any rocket tunic on you yeah it's like a longer fit and it's very oversized it's like cozy and and this is a relaxed fit still but a little thunder so there's a whole blog I wrote about understanding ease we're the same sweater a bunch of different versions of sweater different sizes you ever tried on multiple people and we list what's their high chest measurement what's the full chest measurement so that people can really visualize it and see that okay if I want like a relaxed fit I might choose 0 to 3 inches of these yeah and when I say zero to three inches of these whether or not you use your high chest your full trust kind of depends on your full chest measurement but I write all about it so I wear both of these yeah this is my fun oversized and that's my life's relaxed fit okay but I do think I'm gonna try to knock out a Rhinebeck hat okay because every single clue of the sweater I did two weeks so that people could kind of knit it in a relaxed fashion but there's some crazy fascinators who day three of clue one they knit the whole back yeah and I'm like oh oh gotta throw some accessories in there yeah keep on yeah maybe I'll have a little hat so yeah I actually swatched I mean I charted I haven't swatch it like a fun cable and lace habit so cute okay wait see there okay and comment below if you're gonna see patty at one of her classes because Jenna I like seeing your comments I want to know where people are and who they are and where they're coming from and don't forget the coupon code or [Music]
Channel: kristyglassknits
Views: 8,106
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fiber arts, knitting with kristy glass, kristyglassknits, beginning knitting, knitting lessons, knitting, purling, yarn, knitting 101, how to knit, how to purl, learn to knit
Id: ShSSiTsYkac
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 3sec (2283 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 18 2018
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