Kristi Noem Recounts Killing Goat in Upcoming Book

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she killed her dog and bragged about it in her book and that may have killed Christy gnome's political future she said their Wirehaired Pointer was untrainable well now we're visiting a home that has three of the breed okay okay okay okay meet McCoy our Jimmer's new best pal he's definitely rambunctious McCoy is a Wirehaired Pointer the same breed as Cricket the dog Christy gnome shot dead in her upcoming autobiography No Going Back the South Dakota Governor describes cricet as untrainable but Tyler Smith who cares for three Wirehaired pointers including McCoy doesn't buy that good boys he says it just takes patience and time moose bie McCoy what's involved in training them how long does that take it could take you know 2 to 3 years to get a finished dog gnome says she shot Cricket after the dog bred fur tracking Birds slaughtered her neighbor's chickens Smith who also has chickens has trained his dogs not to attack them he knows the difference he's not looking to just kill animals gnome's book out next week has another disturbing Story the same day she shot Cricket she also shot her family's Pet Goat she writes that the goat was nasty and mean chased her kids and smelled rancid so just like Cricket she dragged the goat to the same gravel pit and shot him but the goat survived the wound so she went back to her truck retrieved another shell then hurried back to the gravel pit and put him down bad psycho governor no sit down bad stay stay away from dogs the late night Comics are finding humor in the jawdropping story people are really going to hate her next book Christy gome then I ate it meanwhile here in New York Donald Trump's hush money trial resumed today the former president has not commented on the Christin Nome uproar but top sources close to his campaign are quoted as saying the revelations about her killing her dog and her goat have torpedoed any chances of being named Donald Trump's running mate I'm going to sit in a freezing gold ice box for 8 hours 9 hours today Trump was accompanied For the First Time by a family member his son Eric and the former president was slammed with a $9,000 fine for violating the gag order and warned he could face incarceration ation if it happens again today the judge granted Mr Trump permission to miss court on May 17th so he can attend his son Baron's High School graduation [Music]
Channel: Inside Edition
Views: 56,342
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: politics, entertainment, south dakota, animals, Inside edition, inside_edition, ie newsdesk, ie politics, ie entertainment, ie animal kingdom, south dakota governor, kristi noem, dog, puppy, goat, fatal shooting, gop, republican, wire-haired pointer, no going back, jim moret
Id: z3vWP3O06cE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 46sec (166 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 30 2024
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