KRISO Technology for Ship Propulsion Efficiency Improvement and Propeller Noise Reduction

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International Maritime organization has mandated adoption of the Energy Efficiency design index for all vessels contracted since 2013 IMO also resolved to reduce the noise generated by a ship to 3 DB within 10 years and to 10 DB within 30 years to conserve marine mammals and fish accordingly the global ship building industry is making allout efforts to improve the propulsion efficiency and protect the marine environment Dr hin Soul's team at Korea Research Institute of ships and ocean engineering has world-class Technologies in this field based on systematic researches on Improvement of propulsion efficiency and noise reduction Dr Soul's team developed Innovative Technologies that are indispensable for development of eco-friendly [Music] [Music] ships only 70% of the power of ship propeller is used for propulsion and the rest disappears due to friction heat loss Vortex and so on in order to increase the propulsion efficiency of the ship it is necessary to minimize the loss by improving the design technique of the propeller and developing the high efficiency propeller appendages various types of strong cavitation occur in the propeller this is the main cause of noise and vibration of ship loss of propulsion efficiency and propeller and Rudder erosion Dr Soul's team has managed to not only enhance propulsion efficiency but reduce radiated noise using a technology that improves the propeller [Music] cavitation the existing ship propeller Hub has a round cup-shaped cover its Sleek shape contrary to expectations creates strong Vortex flow and forms a strong Hub vortex cavitation in an attempt to inhibit the formation of Vortex the team developed a new propeller cap in a different shape called Kap it can improve the propulsion efficiency while efficiently inhibiting formation of Hub Vortex [Music] cavitation Kap and fin is a combination of Kap and a simple-shaped plate [Music] the fin attached helps absorb the rotational energy behind the propeller and removes the propeller Hub Vortex cavitation while improving the propulsion efficiency it reduces propeller Broadband noise and prevents Rudder erosion by completely eliminating Hub Vortex cavitation with an improved efficiency of the propeller it showed excellent performance in the model test results The chryso Vortex generator is a structure built in front of the propeller it controls the flow of fluid into the propeller to improve the propulsion efficiency and reduce the noise and vibration of the ship other conventional energy saving devices are installed in the form of a fin or duct close to the propeller with such a structure the propulsion efficiency can be improved by the pre- swirl effect but propeller cavitation can be increased causing erosion to the propeller in addition existing energy saving technologies have the form of large structures so they make the maintenance difficult and show structural problems on the other hand the technology developed by the research team improves the propulsion efficiency by attaching The Vortex generator to the front hall of the propeller and reduces the underwater radiated noise of the ship by improving characteristics of the propeller cavitation thanks to its relatively small size and simple shapes kvg can be easily applied to most ships with little side effect this technology has excellent performance in Improvement of propulsion efficiency and underwater radiated noise reduction in the case of large commercial vessels more than $700,000 a year in operating costs can be saved it is an eco-friendly high efficiency shift technology it has excellent structural stability enhances propulsion efficiency improves the cavitation phenomenon of the propeller reduces noise and vibration of the ship and prevents erosion of the propeller and Rudder especially these Technologies are applicable not only to newb build ships but also to retrofit of existing ships to eco-friendly high efficiency ships in relation to the Technologies five of the eight domestic patent applications have been registered and international patents have been filed as the IMO regulations on greenhouse gas emissions and regulations on marine environment protection are strengthened the demand for related Technologies is explosively increasing and the economic value of this technology will be highly recognized for a long [Music] time for it has been recognized as the highest level technology to achieve for the development of eco-friendly vessels thus it will contribute to humanitarian efforts to preserve the marine environment and provide a new growth engine for the stagnant domestic ship building industry ultimately it will be recognized as a proud Science and Technology research [Music] achievement
Channel: ScienceGraphic.net과학기술영상
Views: 587,550
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hanshin Seol, e-SMK, KRISO, Korea Research Institute of Ships & Ocean Engineering, IMO, Cavitation, K-Cap, Hub Vortex, K-Cap & Fin, K-V.G., Vortex Generator
Id: 8FItnysLHCA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 50sec (410 seconds)
Published: Thu May 25 2017
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