Kratos Tortured By ALL His Traumatic Memories - God of War Ragnarok Valhalla ALL Memories

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[Music] Ros I'm glad to see your back inside it seems Valhalla has arranged something special for you in the throne room see you again soon katos I know this you remember this cratos the memory is vivid a familiar scene to any that know your Legend a man at the crossroads of a fateful decision ah you've spoken of this brother the pack you made with Aries to Stave off the Barbarian hord the day I sold my soul to a god of war why show me this well if I had to guess probably to make you feel like the piece of you are is he necessary he's no part of my design he's either valhalla's or yours at least he hasn't replaced me again not yet anyway seems a real charmer a memory fragment of your time in alheim then tell me who was Kratos of Spartan the day you made your pledge to Aries I was the youngest captain in the Spartan Army I had gained a reputation for my skills in combat my command on the battlefield but also my aggression I was determined to never lose and until then never had my men were loyal fiercely so how many Spartans did you command not enough that day how many barbarians did you face thousands I must say it's genuinely hard to think of anything stupider than pledging your soul to Aries of all people I mean any of Zeus's brood are bound to be garbage present company by no means excluded but Aries made a real art out of being vicious and depraved though I suppose I can't begrudge you your role model I see you still use the blades he gave you can you really say you regret a decision and still keep benefiting from the trappings of that decision I'm not sure I'm just asking you ever tried to do the math on how many people died as a result of your little collaboration like contemplating the grains of sand on a beach isn't it just overwhelming honestly what is that looks like someone left you a party favor oh and it's a symbolic totem of your shame that's so [Music] thoughtful now you've done it you're being judged and we all know your past actions wouldn't pass muster with anybody oh I meant to ask how did you like setting yourself on fire truly entertaining stuff sorry to miss how it ended up I think maybe you still have some ash on your skin am I crazy oh oh I'm back brother Kratos I've been awaiting your return I brought something else to keep things interesting you're not the only one with weapons from far off lands you know [Music] ready those who have fallen Carry Me Oh Brother you have to stop them before they why did you do it Kratos why did you pledge yourself to Aries I was ambitious BR I could not accept defeat I crave power is that all are you sure nothing more to that story nothing else under the surface I yield Kratos very well I believe you found an understanding within yourself shall we see pools it's not only memories indeed for what is a memory apart from our perspective on it you know the evils that came of your path you know the evils within yourself yes these you dwell on but it's not that simple is it the H is vast brother what would have happened if you didn't stop it our lands would have been overrun our people killed violated people your army was sworn to protect an army led by you did you not feel a duty to fulfill your purpose did you not fear for the safety of your Homeland you saved them you would excuse my actions excusing them is not the exercise Kratos only accepting them accepting that you acted based on what you knew then not on what was to come your motivation and their consequences are far more complicated than you let yourself believe I think perhaps you have more to process yes I have much to think about I will return and I will be waiting an Infamous act one they still spoke of in the years of rebuilding I somehow doubted they meant it so literally I'll give you this brother your Technique is improved immeasurably I needed his power to secure my Vengeance Against The Gods I believed I had no choice no choice you could have not ripped my head off my body that was absolutely an option and he's back but that wasn't the worst of it was it katos Killingly deprived Greece of the sun they were plunged to Perpetual cold and darkness crop ceased to grow famine descended on our homeland not that you care enough he is better isn't he Kratos I'm curious your decision to behead Helios was it fueled by any personal motivations or was it really just a means to an end it was not personal I did know him long before I killed him he was as insufferable as any God but his death brought me no satisfaction did you know what would happen as a result when Helios was captured by the gut of Dreams the lands fell into darkness and were not restored until his return I knew exactly what would happen and lest we forget katos lest we neglect to place your deed in full and proper context I saved your life me and you literally tore off my head for my troubles imagine if all your new friends knew how you used to treat your old friends of course you're not the same man right now you only get your friends killed through lack of foresight far easier to blame others that way am I right I know you are a projection of the mind but for what it is worth the death I gave you was unjust oh how touching yeah not actually worth the spittle it took to mumble that out do not do that again nobody wants to hear that from you a little something to remember me by I truly hope it brings you unrelenting [Music] torment chills you just a little when they do that doesn't it feels like [Music] judgment tell me cratos truly how did it feel to plunge your Homeland Into Darkness iag did not intend the land to suffer but I was indifferent consumed only by rage and retribution that is not what I asked how did it feel in that moment your soul given over to Darkness bringing a Darkness over everything you could see felt true I don't think you were indifferent Kratos I think you were hurt deeply hurt and you handled it unskillfully wait is that you restoring the sun you took helios's Chariot and put the sun back in the sky but sacrificed yourself in the process yes I fell to my death and was saved by Helios but this memory happened before I killed him my evils were Yet to Come what is the point that your legacy has always been a complicated one that goodness is not a destination we arrive at but a practice Misfortune may drive anyone to Darkness we resist it only through wisdom and vigilance you are not so unskillful now as you were then better voices in your head you might call it I think that's enough for now you have much to contemplate yes back to the beach then you should be proud of your progress Kratos see you soon a substitute daughter a box full of evils this one feels important this is your blacksmith story isn't it his girl was the key and he died protecting her protecting her from me I opened that box seeking the means to kill Aries and what I released pretty much turned all the gods crazy thanks again for that quiet head unfortunate the time I spend in my own Valhalla means you get more time with h Kratos how well did you know the blacksmith's daughter Pandora she reminded me of my own daughter who I lost long ago I'm sorry cratos even at your most vengeful you must not have wanted to see harm come to her Pandora was innocent the way she saw things she could reach me when few could she deserved better than to be a pawn sacrificed in a game of gods your regret is palpable but thank you for letting yourself remember that is important all your righteous hering about how evil the gods are and you somehow gloss over that little extra nudge you gave them opening the box was Athena's plan I did not know the consequences you would claim ignorance of the consequences of trusting Athena is that your idea of a joke Kratos cuz I admit it's hilarious but let's be real kattos whether you should have suspected the consequences or not you certainly can't claim that you would have cared about them you wanted the power to kill Aries and because you wanted it everything is Justified that's your moral code at the end of the day isn't it to imagine you once again holding an office of solemn metaphysical responsibility a trusted figure a worshiped figure the absolute Gall of you to let yourself consider such a thing I guess irony can have you when it earns you or something oh how precious I don't think you can be trusted to keep that safe at [Music] all pretty sure he agrees with me Fox we saw you open in the scrying pool what was inside exactly here deceit vanity hatred amplifying what the gods already possess but what else behind you brother stop Kratos I yield hard thought let's see what your mind has worked out when the evils of the Box were purged what remained was hope which you chose to release back to the world yes after everything you came back full circle to sacrificing yourself my death would have been just but it was not to be yes you lived and hope still lived inside you from that day to this one one might say you brought hope back to these Realms after a long Slumber box or no box Kratos hope and fear and love and hate exist in every one of us the question is which will you choose to let guide your actions each choice we make shapes our world I see the truth of it and I believe I am ready to walk through that door excellent is that a key one from my past did it unlock something important only a m seems Valhalla thinks you have a story to tell later katos the key you found whose was it what did it unlock it belonged to a boat captain I met during a battle on the Gen Z his ship was part of a fleet under attack by a Hydra the key unlocked his quarters where I heard women screaming for help ah yes the story of your fight with the three-headed sea serpent you impaled one of its heads on the ship's mast was it yes but that battle is not why this key appeared it is my killing of the boat captain for it that seems to follow me wherever I go the key again more to the story yes when there's time Kos about this boat captain if you needed his key to save others why do it seem to bother you so your actions in this case seem justified the captain was swallowed by the Hydra before I was able to kill it when I entered its mall to retrieve the key the captain had somehow survived dangling over a fall that would surely kill him I saw the terror in his eyes as he fought to hold on and then relief when he beli believed I would save him instead I took the key and dropped him to his death and it was all for nothing the women were dead by the time I reached them ah the key again we will talk later you've told me many times of Mortals you killed when in the god service what is it about this boat captain it would have cost me nothing to show him Mercy his life was in my hands to be so casually cruel this man did nothing to me and I treated his life as nothing he was not a God who would manipulated me nor bound me in service I cannot hide behind my thirst for Revenge he was just a man afraid for his life attacked and swallowed by a monster he had no hope of defeating but the Hydra was just an animal I showed him what a true monster looked like a flute oh will you play a song brother it was my daughter's but I will tell you of it later the flute you found you said it belonged to your daughter I carved it for her as a gift she enjoyed playing and was skilled with it there was a song she would play one I used to remember every note of but no longer brother if you mean to recount the story of the day you were tricked into killing your wife and daughter you don't have to you've told that story before we know how it ends you needn't relive it that's not the story her flute brings to mind is it no K piece of loot again still on your mind brother yes I will explain later Mia the day my family died was not the last time I saw kabe I had journeyed to the underworld to rescue Helios when I arrived D I heard ky's song on the wind and found her in the fields of alium it had been long since I felt such Joy but it was another chick of the Gods it wasn't her worse it was the goddess of the underworld wished to destroy all of creation elesium included she knew that for me to stand against her meant leaving kabe behind forever so I pushed my daughter away again all while she cried and begged me not to C these food whenever you're ready take your time other the choice you were given to stay in aium with your daughter only to perish SS like no choice at all of course it was a choice one I wished many times I made differently how so when I left Greece kopy was never far from my mind I do not know how much time we would have had together in alium but I would have traded the decades that followed for mere hours with her it took meeting Fay for that feeling to go away along with kipi song but I do still think of her in alium and hope she found peace you found the pendant of a necklace fancy I will tell you the pendant story soon the pendant you found brother do you recognize it does it have some significance yes it belonged to my wife it was FaZe no my first wife Leandra ah I see you you know brother you've told me a great deal about your daughter gy but her mother is a bit of a mystery my thoughts on her are complicated but she was a good woman and I loved her more than she knew she saw in me possibilities I could not at the time in that way she and Fay were much alike why Sandra's pendant I have more to say but not now your first wife lysandra you said she saw possibilities in you that you didn't she suggested I did not have to be who I had chosen to be that the Carnage and suffering I inflicted on those my Army conquered was a choice that there was another way I refused to see it then think it was my duty to annihilate all that stood in the way of the Spartan Empire I believed leaving foes alive simply invited potential uprisings later that enemies could never be turned to friends I was wrong my Sandra's pendant again I suspect your story isn't complete yes but I know later lysandra was clearly important to you why did you say your feelings for her were complicated because she was a good wife and I was not a good husband I refused to listen to heed her advice I commanded armies had responsibilities to them I thought greater than those to her but that was huis an ambition the truth is it never even crossed my mind to consider her advice or needs so when I think of her I can only see my failures she deserved better for me and that was long before my o to Aries led to all it was to follow I understand brother
Channel: VGS - Video Game Sophistry
Views: 67,918
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Keywords: God of war ragnarok valhalla, kratos tortured, kratos getting tortured, god of war ragnarok valhalla helios, god of war ragnarok valhalla all memories, god of war ragnarok valhalla all ending, god of war ragnarok valhalla all dialogue, god of war ragnarok valhalla helios dialogue, god of war ragnarok valhalla pandora, god of war ragnarok valhalla ares, god of war ragnarok calliope, god of war ragnarok valhalla the boat captain
Id: VlH99MI5Ijs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 5sec (1565 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 17 2023
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