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the fix is in the votes rigged the pundits paid off the polls skewed sensors reign q anon deemed dangerous by the fsb fbi care of easel's infidel vanished valentifa's murders rapes arsons and lootings are blamed on right whites hunters hard drives are wait for it russian disinformation ashley's dad shower abuse diaries details silenced that 2016 was hacked is left gospel but 2020 with stolen burn ballots voting internet hookups to germany and spain poll watchers banned hammer and scorecard is fine and fast and furious benghazi the irs nsa cia congress spying phony fisas obamagate shifts lies brennan's lies comey's lies it's as if they never happened a dumb down locked down drugged up fattened up propagandized and intimidated middle america is told hundreds of thousands of biden votes appeared in the middle of the night when five battleground states quit counting in the dead of night then restarted and all at the same time cnn or is it fox i can't tell the difference anymore tells us who won never mind the count nor the electoral college don't go to church don't gather for thanksgiving don't fly the flag and line up for the vaccination showers except this is america and we are americans first nations here fought the greatest army in the world for freedom and achieved sovereignty enslaved tribal africans fought for freedom and won it and the king's subjects well we crossed a frozen river on christmas to capture drunk hessians in their beds that was before we were america and all of this is far from over i'm a retired socom soldier dia intelligence collector an ex-dea special agent targeted by the deep state and turned whistleblower now your intelligence officer repurposed as chaplain teacher leader and truth teller new mission restore our fallen republic objective defeat the deep state means expose fake news tools truth discernment and free will dear deep state dems antifa blm rhinos and assorted traitors and enemies foreign and domestic your masks won't silence us your shutdowns won't stop us your riots don't scare us you're not as disciplined as the british you're not as organized as the nazis you're not as fierce as the japanese you're not as brutal as isis and we beat them all you're next welcome i'm jeff prather and this is the prather point welcome everybody very interesting in that my uh stream yard details were changed to november 21st so i had to get on at the last minute and change those and i'm seeing a lot of electronics being changed so be on the lookout for that as well i'm still up though i did a spot on john michael chambers and i'm gonna be doing a show on on his network in the near future but first please this is probably the most important show i've ever done so make sure you save it you like it you share it and you subscribe here also go to and subscribe there as well just in case i'm also broadcasting to periscope and i'll try and get this up on other formats as well parlor and some other formats as well i also want to mention thanks for all your support and your intelligence it's overflowing when i'm coming in and also thanks to patriot jimmy i just want to say he's sent me more shirts this time it's a od olive drab when i first got out of active duty i wouldn't wear uh green for a couple years uh but uh those are back in excel so if you want to get a free shirt all you've got to do is uh subscribe to or jeffreyprather if you want to support my work and thank you for all of you who are doing make sure you check in i've i've been posting furiously very crucial information uh there on patreon backing up everything i'm saying if you have a question about what i'm talking about here really you got to go to and it's usually up i know some of the posts weren't coming through and uh sometimes you have to go to the site that i'm linking it from to uh get that but a lot of stuff going on and i did a breaking broadcast on saturday and i got over 9000 views of that and i really appreciate that and my numbers are going up so we'll see how that holds out but this is historic make sure you understand that nothing like this has ever happened the deep state's been around for a long time the fake news has been around forever but the counter to that is incredible because of new technology and i believe because the great holy spirit is looking down and providing discernment deliverance uh on our nation which is the world's last best hope so going to dive right in here um and a lot is going on so on saturday i announced uh what sydney powell had put out uh that uh special mission unit uh army forces had raided germany there were counter announcements to that the company's saying that didn't happen uh there were so-called state department experts trying to explain it i'll tell you right now the speech department doesn't know what they're doing half the time they don't know what they're talking about again go to my to see uh the truth about that and i have worked along with the state department in many embassies i remember one operation in snowcap they wanted me to go to take my chalk off a uh helicopter in front of an m60 machine gun um but uh that ray did happen it's uh on and it happened in conjunction with german forces and i have long worked with host country forces military and police it's very possible for that to happen it happens all the time and there are lots of ways to do that but i'm not going to go into too many details uh about that but that did happen and i'm going to go over a lot of stuff so listen closely and if you need to um uh re-listen but make sure you save this uh and come back so first off fauci has declined biden's offer to join his team uh q has famously been revealed as ezra cohen was nick and that is crucial so if you've been on my patreon you'll see that i've put up the op plan for the enemy of what they were planning to do which was confound confuse and cheat the elections which they have done and now they are trying to make uh that happen uh and beat the december 14th deadline for the electoral college votes to be cast so trump was aware of this and that's why he fired deep stater esper as secretary of defense so who he put in his place was chris miller so in the special forces and special operations community we all know who chris miller is if you haven't seen 12 strong or read the book horse soldiers chris miller was one of the special forces team members on there i believe he was the captain of that oda and he subsequently worked uh so that was a miraculous effort uh that did the impossible that rewrote special operations and special forces doctrine then later on he was involved in the dia um rescue uh of jessica lynch the soldier uh who's um humvee everybody was killed and then she was raped and sodomized uh and then there was a special di uh uh clandestine effort to get her back and he was also involved in that he is a hero and he is the real deal and uh so that is very good news it's just not another uh politician pundit uh it's a real green beret the motto of the special forces is they oppressively bear to liberate the oppressed and he is uh excellent another fifth group guy and if you had my show the other day when i tried to get chad on there and chad apologized that he couldn't get on there but chud was also fifth group as well so out of the oss office of strategic services in world war ii comes two things a cia which is a mess and special forces uh dropping behind enemy lines which are which i think are the greatest special operations force ever i'm a little prejudiced there but they can do um everything but anyway that's who came in uh in replacing him and also ezra cohen wasn't was elevated as well you won't have heard a lot about him because he is extremely low profile and ended up in the dia as opposed to the cia because it's now spy versus spy white hat versus black hat cia being totally corrupt because that was a cia facility in frankfurt with the servers and these servers there's lots of them we're talking about dominion we're talking about voter works we're talking about cyto we're talking about akami a lot of uh servers and those servers were attached uh to the internet so it was u.s property it wasn't german soil and it's really important to understand that a while back uh president trump tweeted out that biden was a national security threat and i tweeted out again i'm still on twitter that when you when the potus when potus president united states who is the uh cic the commander-in-chief designates something as a national security threat that throws a switch and that activates the forces to defend our country i.e the military the department of defense and there are special mission units that you've never heard of i know you've heard of delta which is uh um special forces operational detachment delta founded by colonel beckwith uh you know in dev group uh you know um seal team six but there's other folks much more low pro profile uh than that uh and those are smooth special mission uh units ezra kodenwat uh watnik was elevated and even q has said watch for him and that's who mcmasters could not get rid of remember mcmasters was a deep state uh general army general as well and he couldn't get rid of him remember obama said hey you've got to fire flynn as recalling what nick uh i believe is q uh and q has been elevated to a key position because this is all climax at climaxing right now and the reason i'm revealing the identity of q um is because i believe when my intelligence and a lot of stuff i'm going to say today you've never heard anywhere else and so make sure you're getting this and i believe barr is turned back to deep state durham my intelligence says has done nothing but barr does not intend to indict biden he doesn't intend to indict the clintons it's the same old thing from ray and haskell and the cia and the fbi were cut out of the meeting of the alert of the raid uh in germany uh but he does intend to indict uh was nick and that's why i'm putting this out there who i believe is q he is extremely low profile on purpose you won't find photos of him out there but he began his career where i was at the defense intelligence agency the defense intelligence agency are the good guys because we're almost all military and we understand selfless service uh and uh professional nobility um and he became flynn's protege under he became friends and was under uh flynn so remember flynn wanted to reform the intelligence community in civilian terms that translate says drain the swamp and he said i'm not going to dis discount the pizzagate until it's proven and again that's the flow of the deep state um false economy which is human beings children and women specifically but especially uh children drugs and weapons and uh mcmasters tried to get rid of him in when i was working at the dia as the chief of the global operations center uh we had what's called um there's an early bird report and that goes into the president's daily brief and sometimes uh the uh intelligence uh the dni briefs him in person uh sometimes they just get a book but uh uh ezra was able to do that briefing and was designated a senior intelligence official which is a big deal in the intelligence community early on so why this is so significant is because q is being revealed the bad guys are on to him barr looks like he's a deep state guy he's looking he looks like he's going to try and indict uh him for leaks of course they're going to completely ignore all the hillary uh leaks and all the biden leaks and they're not really leaks uh they were released on purpose as espionage it's really espionage but interestingly enough uh his uh handle is ghost and that was my old handle uh as well but i am certainly not uh cute um but anyway that's what's going on uh this is both good and bad news uh it's good news that q and miller are center stage in the dod it's good news that uh potus has designated biden a national threat that happened a while back and that flips a lot of switches uh but it is bad news of course that barr is still deep state cia and durham is doing nothing so uh that's why i'm putting that out there otherwise i would not reveal this and i certainly never reveal classified information i because i'd end up uh i have they have come after me for 15 years so remember barr had said oh we'll see something by the summer on durham and then he said well we won't see anything uh before the elections and now i can't i've got to tell you because i'm always going to tell you the truth whether it's good or not is we should not expect any help uh from so the indictment hasn't happened yet he's intending to uh do it um so uh the there's lots of other things happening too and i'm going to kind of walk you through all of uh that and um all of the so uh you probably have been following that a lot of the servers were societal and there's a lot of confusion when you hear gomer and and larry johnson from the state department talking about this and they don't really understand in detail what they're talking about because they haven't worked in these spaces i've worked uh intimately in these spaces uh and some of the stuff that larry johnson put it put out about um cia being under the military and embassies is not true at all that's not how it works but suffice it to say that the cyber systems have been very compromised in all of the branches and i'm going to go into that except for the air force and space force and now we see why trump inaugurated space force because it wasn't already infiltrated by deep state uh traders he was able to put his own people in there and that uh cyber stuff is secure so again um i st and my intelligence is also saying that trump will win georgia one of the things you're seeing is why they're still counting votes they're still finding votes uh and they're not and they're confused about it is because they are watching the news they are watching all of the anons and all the uh citizen journalists reporting stuff and they're trying to adjust what they've done to that when something comes out they're trying to destroy servers or change stuff backs or make it close or something like that and that's why they everything keeps changes because they're watching everything breaking uh and like i said the beginning of my show i set this up and then all of a sudden it was for november 21st at a different time uh the show i was on last night i was garbled as i was putting this stuff out so if i'm garbled you need to re-watch this show but this is basically the great reset versus the great awakening there's also reports out there that trump was going to nuke iran i don't believe that for a second but i do have intelligence that shows that iran has way too many centrifuges the mainstream propaganda press is going to play that down but that means that there's going to be some kind of hit probably israel and u.s against that it could be cyber uh it could be human could be a combination of both but i don't believe for a second that trump was going to engage in uh nuclear uh war but um so you're gonna hear that stuff and again that's just more propaganda out there to psyop uh you uh yes with uh cisa which is the uh cyber intelligence security agency and the counterintelligence security agency uh under department of homeland security that has been corrupt corrupted chad wolf wood and fire the cyber guy uh and you're seeing all the traders come out and so are the american people seeing all this uh come out but you're seeing sydney powell uh come out and i have as a special agent i have put um drug dealers in jail for 30 years in federal charges i've sat at the front table with assistant united states attorneys i've even worked with some united states attorneys and united states attorneys do not and assist united states attorneys ausas do not like to take cases and they don't they don't come up to the table unless they got the win and that's what sydney powell has said is i don't talk about what i don't have that's very common for her to say that means that she's got this so i'm very confident the the thing i'm worried about uh is getting this through the court system and up to the supreme court and the supreme court has not been turned i see pop puff puff there cracking yes i'm going to get to kraken i just haven't gotten there um yet but i can jump there so there's a variety of things going on but sydney powell also said i'm going to unleash the kraken uh that was not some kind of reference to a bad uh greek roman movie that was actually to cyber algorithmic software that recorded the algorithm percentage switching of the votes real time it exists it's up on my patreon you can go look at it the proof is there evidence is there they've also got uh something like uh two or three hundred affidavits from people about this there's video proof of this of course uh the a lot of the you know the state department's a mess the department of justice is a mess a lot of these uh local governments are a mess here in uh arizona the gop uh did not even go to uh uh monitor the elections and they've since resigned but you're seeing constant resignations as they watch uh the uncovering of their criminal and traitorous activity you're seeing them adjust accordingly but my intelligence says that um legitimately trump won georgia and arizona and probably michigan i'm not sure about that arizona because we do have a blue move that we have lots of californians i have neighbors that are coming from san diego san francisco uh chicago coming in and then they bring their um left-wing viewpoints uh with them uh but uh this is very crucial to understand this and make sure this gets out uh that we do not put up with this because this is not politics this is the end of our country our republic has already fallen uh and once if you were able to access that uh serbian video uh uh find that i put on patreon that everybody had a hard time accessing and i did the best i could but i'm kind of a dinosaur is once the communists get in you never get them out i don't think that's quite true but um because we're americans as i said uh but uh we will see uh what happens so a year ago uh senator uh schumer alerted the fbi that the dominion servers were out of conus continental united states is a term uh we use they were in the cayman islands venezuela and cyprus and uh election software has been used for covet 19 and goes to serbia and iran and russian hackers and the fbi and sisa did put out uh pre-election notices about that but this all ties back through serbia i'm seeing a ton of um of intelligence coming through serbia i'm talking to my i.t technical folks about that and serbia appears to be a cyber um frontier zone um so uh you know also uh clinton clinton server that she handed in was a clone the real server was out in her backyard in a fake doghouse with a fake dog with air conditioning um and so that is purposeful that's not accidental that is uh espionage uh the problem uh with all of this is is like in georgia they're doing a recount a recount doesn't make any difference maybe some slight difference it's an audit you have to look at signatures and you have to look at the the algorithms and how those votes came in and who were the witnesses uh and so i'm also very very concerned uh about that so uh at so yeah i want prosecutions too but right now we have to worry about resignations prosecutions maybe later but you know we haven't seen any prosecutions and now we know why is because uh you know the deep state is the doj it's the fsb fbi and nobody ever gets prosecuted uh for anything uh it's it's just uh you know um stone and uh flynn and me and trump and guys like us so uh but you know if you got siri and you should turn off all of those cortanas and series if you got because they're just spy devices that you're paying for if you ask siri who is president united states and she'll tell you harris and that's another thing to put out there is um for if there's any dems listening you know biden won't last long three months um and then he'll have a stroke or have an accident or or something syria is already saying that uh harris is the president united states um as i'm speaking now um uh uh zuckerberg and um uh the guy who runs uh ken dorsey uh who runs twitter is in front of uh uh the senate right now and there's some good stuff coming out there josh uh senator holly is saying that they will not he showed devices that they have for editing and for checking across uh across the industry with twitter and other things for censorship and so that will come that will break up he called them robber barons that will come and that will be broken up but not in time not nearly in time but it is being exposed even as we uh speak so uh this pattern of uh this stuff hooking up to the internet is the same thing you saw with hillary's server uh in the basement and as i just revealed in the doghouse going out to a fairfax chinese storefront being intercepted that's in that is uh overt uh cyber espionage the same thing with the thousand talents program with dr lieber at harvard so this is an intelligence pattern it's not evidence the the actual stuff is the evidence but the kraken uh law has been able to real-time monitor scorecard uh which is the nsa bill blinny dennis montgomery algorithm used by the nsa remember admiral rogers was the heroic head of nsa back then who came to trump and said hey they're listening to you get out of trump towers and trump immediately um left so um so uh that is really important to uh understand and without revealing classified information because i won't do that um there is an unholy alliance between the between the intelligence community and the department of justice uh and uh that exists uh domestically but it looks like that existed also uh overseas and um that is what uh army uh special missions units assigned to uh europe command uh hit so uh hopefully you are able to understand this the it so i was on a show last night john michael chambers and he's asked it was a post-election show like not an election it's another covert operation they love covert operations fast and furious was what got me from hero to zero uh with the uh dea then benghazi then syria um they keep uh doing this chas with arms it's always the same thing these servers are also coming out of have gone through venezuela as well and of course venezuela is where the communist regime is increasing in south america and we have a lot of illegals coming in through there uh as well so you've heard about seidl but you probably haven't heard about akami unless you have watched dr paul catrell i'm going to get back on his show because he's a patriot too and uh akami uh is a chinese company akami technologies that has been out of massachusetts and was certified as a company out of massachusetts and um akami beijing technologies also okami china is a wholly owned subsidiary of akami located in beijing china and i'm reading from an exhibit out of an affidavit so this is this is evidence that becomes proof in court the problem is do we still hold the courts have we got constitutionalists now at the supreme court because this is going to the supreme court uh and that is the difficulty uh making this uh happen so uh uh the kraken uh server is an auto run remote monitoring system switching from hammer through blockchain data record with remote scanning and real-time scanning and that is the evidence that can be proof in court and sydney powell who is a stone cold lawyer says we've got this so uh it is a race to get all of the affidavits in uh and for these uh folks not to be intimidated and bought off uh if you know if anybody is listening you know scotus uh amy comey barrett kavanagh they all need to have their uh secret service protection increased uh uh as does sydney powell if you can get secret service or get with uh keith schiller who is the private security for trump before he retired and start doing uh investigations uh that is crucial and i'll see what i can do about that but i mean i've been overwhelmed i can tell you that i am validating these server links i'm not a cyber guy but i know lots of cyber guys i work closely with them uh and uh these uh cyber logs are happening uh in uh detail so uh you probably haven't heard a lot about you've heard about seidl uh you've heard about dominion um but again dominion was going from massachusetts to serbia and then back again voting machines should not be hooked up to the internet and why would it go uh out of the country uh and that again is the same pattern we saw with the mueller phony report and that is cia going with masood in italy and igor dachenko steele's russian intelligence officer and then coming back and being reported by the fbi is foreign counter intelligence it's the same intelligence pattern yet again so intelligence is not uh evidence it is analyzed information but in intelligence we look for patterns and the pattern is clear and uh you know a show i did last night uh i spoke i had to go someplace and do something else and i didn't have a lot of time and i don't and they didn't really understand uh what i was talking about so this is i think the most important show i've ever done and i'm putting out a lot of data points here um and and you know they're not in my introduction purposefully but akami technologies is a global delivery network cyber security and cloud service system providing internet security services but of course uh they have been hacked and well they haven't been hacked they are hacking uh and there is a ton of uh video uh videos doing this uh and of course uh everyone from fox to cnn is censoring this and covering up all of these uh stories um completely because they are in on it big data uh is big media and you know for example again um uh the guy on cnn uh vanderbilt's kid i can't think of his name at the moment the only place he worked before cnn was the cia and the cia as i've said many times doesn't collect intelligence it collects people so it can control the narrative and that is what is happening uh right now so uh again dominion uh servers go through massachusetts uh back to serbia i haven't been able to get these screenshots uh up but economy technologies uh shares does a cyber handshake with so uh this goes back to a system log called hunterland i haven't connected that dot yet uh with hunter but it certainly uh sounds uh suspicious and i haven't been able to get these uh i've been going through a ton of uh intelligence uh recently but uh it it it is very clear that um there's article on the hill uh from just a while back saying uh the department of homeland security's dhs cyber security agency that cisa announces that it would be partnering with election officials and private sector groups to develop an election auditing tool that that can be used to help ensure the accuracy of the votes in 2020. again this is not my words this is uh the hills words quoting the department of uh homeland security and cesa the cyber security agency so who uh are they working with they are working with voting works who is voting works voting works is a left-of-center non-profit provider of voting machines and open source election verification software open source not closed source again this is um 2020 vote by mail work this is off of their site which is a non-profit in november 2019 the us department of homeland security announced it would partner with voting works to pilot the use of its vote verification software in six battleground states during the november 2020 election again not my words their words in april 2020 responded to the covet 19 pandemic voting works announced it would be providing technological assistance to states and local jurisdictions seeking to scale up voting by mail opportunities and how is biden coming ahead he's coming ahead by a vote by mail and so i've long said and given lots of proofs dr yan uh from uh wuhan uh saying uh kovid19 was a biological weapon not me but her uh saying that to shut everything down uh and bringing in vote by mail so voting works was created within and incubated by the left-leaning center for democracy and technology and you can go to nonprofit center for democracy and technology whenever you hear democrat democracy you're hearing democrats and no one ever says republic it's the grand old party of the republic because we we are a republic not a democracy and no one will ever say that uh the major donors uh are uh google amazon facebook microsoft and wait for it george soros via his foundation to promote an open society votingworks builds voting machines and audit software tools to intend to and verify that votes cast on paper-based voting systems are correctly tabulated they take the paper ballots because paper paper is it that's the way to go and then they they transfer it to electronic just like president obama did with all of his records have been digitized just like with the digital birth certificate and it publishes some of the code it writes on github a microsoft subsidiary that hosts and promotes open source software and that's something i said on my last show is that uh when we when they went in and did an audit of this stuff they saw that the code and the passwords and how to change votes were on open source software where have we seen that before that's exactly what we saw with hillary's server open source software where do we see that also thousand talents program with dr lieber uh and the chinese spy program the the pla people's liberation army female military intelligence lieutenant uh working through the ccp chinese communist party with him and that was probably the last real arrest that the fbi made one of these tools is arlo an open source software designed to perform a risk limiting audit and after an election is completed a risk limiting audit spot checks a sample of verified paper ballots against the results tabulated by electronic voting machines to verify the sample was counted accurately in november 2019 the us department of homeland security announced it would partner with voting works to pilot the use of arlo in six battleground states so why would you do this in battleground states why not just have paper ballots and why are you doing a sample audit well if you've seen dr shiva and a lot of other really intel much more intelligent folks than i uh put out that the percentages that trump won in a landslide which would verify by all the rallies that we've seen and the biden guys can't get 30 guys 20 guys at an event but as the percentages changed then they would start to change and that's exactly what this is saying here is an open source software designed to perform a risk limiting audit after the election to spot check a sample of verified paper ballots so with just a little bit of reading between the lines you can see actually what is happening and you should also really pay attention to who is standing by trump right now uh you know we have come to expect this from the democrats they sold out long ago because they don't have real but the but the the republicans who are not standing by him take note especially in all of your states and make sure you are not um supporting them uh any more so uh and for so let me go back to the statement i was saying i've worked with the state department um you know when you're in a country you everybody reports to the ambassador everybody works for the ambassador i worked in the state department as a military guy intelligence guy and also as a snow cap special agent everybody has um uh offices for example in mexico city the dea office is really big uh it's been big there for a long time especially since uh the camara murder and torture so you got to check in with the ambassador and you run everything but i was also a defense intelligence atta defense attache officer dao which is a military diplomat they get along pretty well and the snow-capped counterparts get along pretty good it's cop to cop and it's also military to military because they don't really know under the state department guys who's a spy and who's uh not so uh but the state department's been arrest a mess for a long time i was telling about a long time operation i was doing an operation and i think it was guatemala and we were bringing down um uh doper planes and the state department supplied the helicopters and like so when you land you take your i was chalk one st i was chalk one stick one and i'm supposed to get out and the guy's um he's like yeah get out in front of the m60 machine gun with the machine gun i'm like i'm not getting out in front i'm not taking me or myself out in front of the m6 then they want us to line up like this around the aircraft i'm like everybody starts firing we'll kill each other you go back to an l-shaped ambush everybody knows that that's how uh naive and stupid the state department and arrogant the state department i could tell you more stories but here's one that just came out outgoing u.s diplomat admitted in a recent interview with defense one to line to president trump trump and other senior administration officials about the true number of us troops deployed in syria so remember one of the major lies was syria and remember that isis grows from iraq and syria that's what it stands for isis or isil whatever you want to say levant but retiring ambassador jim jeffrey the u.s special envoy for syria said that for years his team outright misled the trump administration about troop levels deployed in the region we were always playing shell games to not make clear to our leadership how many troops we had there he admitted the actual number of us military forces a lot more than 200 troops trump agreed to stationed there in 2019 and those were supposed to be special forces guys uh trainer a lot a while back i did somebody's show like trump finally ends fast and furious and really what i was talking about was fast and furious was guns to cartels and then benghazi uh was guns to libyans and then syria was guns to syrians we spent 500 million dollars and we got five guys who were um uh anti-syrian regime pro us 100 million dollars per guy it was ridiculous he finally put an end to that uh program because it was really just uh clinton running guns to the bad guys and obama and holder who said oh i don't know about um fast and furious and that's when after the trial um for uh the murderers of brian terry and fast and furious back in the day when i could still get on the news when i was still on laura ingraham and fox and drudge and local news and they'd still talk to me before they were turned um is uh they wanted to ex the government wanted to exclude the ak-47s the murder weapons from the trial of the murders of brian terry and i said why would you exclude the murder weapons from the trial unless you're trying to cover something up and then i started talking about all the perjury lies of eric holder and um you know uh that was uh the next thing you know uh i get slammed i get a another fake article written about me so it's always kill the kill kill the messenger by killing the message so uh trump wanted to withdraw troops from syria what's the point of us being in syria we don't need the oil fields that that's what putin wants that's what putin why putin went into um ukraine to get the friendship pipeline uh to control over 50 of the natural gas and that's why putin is now putin is now now trying to get the covid vaccinations i'll do a separate show on that and also now trying to fit uh into the election uh scam as well but uh while i'm speaking or just before the show uh defense just announced a drawdown from afghanistan and iraq down they're going to have the le the letter the levels of troops about 2500 by mid january so trump is finally keeping his promise because he was being lied to he was set up he was lied to there was a fake investigation and all of this uh has been still uh going on so um when uh mcmasters uh came in he tried to clean house remember obama said hey told trump the only guy you got to get rid of is uh flynn and why was that because flynn was dia because dia is all defense personnel it's chock full there are civilians gs15s up at the top and stuff but for the most part it is uh working uh dia guys and like i told you they were intimately involved in their rescue of uh jessica lynch uh you know when the war was hot the dia guys would be going out in trucks the cia would be rolling out in six armored suburban armored suburbans like that's a huge signature nobody's going to talk to those guys and they don't care about anybody uh talking to them fifth group also saved they couldn't save time tom spann one of the first of the sad guys to be killed in afghanistan but they did save the other sad guy who was with him uh sorry about all the acronyms uh cia said a special activities division ground branch uh that's who you see in um 13 hours the former uh seal the heroic seals um so uh cohen watnuk was very young but he became a senior director for intelligence programs in uh the national security uh council that's really young to be in that in that position and the cia has traditionally controlled that position uh but um uh was nick went in there and and uh because of flynn and because of uh trump even though he was uh new uh and there are very few photographs uh of him uh but you will and you will not hear from him uh publicly much at all uh but uh think back to when uh devin nunes uh was still on the house committee he got they canned him for not a good reason but he was he was saying that uh susan rice had unmasked people in the remember the dems were all saying oh no it's not true turns out that it was true and they got nunez uh out of there because he was in the classified briefings uh and the guy that nunes was talking to was was nick so you're starting to see you can't look at what people say just like you can't look at the dems uh hey you know we're for uh you know black rights and we keep everybody in the welfare state you got to look at what they do so i hope this is uh making sense this is a lot of information but uh uh was nick joined the the the dia in 2010 one year after i retired uh interesting that's good um and uh his job was worth three or four ranks higher it's not unusual for us to be put in a rank one or two higher that's very common especially if you're going to be promoted i've been in those positions many times but three or four is unusual and newsweek not me reported that cohen was nick entered the defense clandestine service in 2012 and was sent to the farm uh and it's newsweek saying this not me the cia training facility in virginia um and he had worked in haiti out of department of defense's miami office we do have domestic offices for the dod according to a former senior intelligence pistol uh cohen wasting later served overseas in afghanistan at a cia base worked with sf over there can tell you about that uh and uh he was embedded with the agency guys that's the clowns constant action we call them uh but the agent guys were all like frack this guy he's just here to spy on us for flynn and the dia i'm going to reap i'm going to repeat that when he was in afghanistan with the agency guys they said frack that guy he's just here to spy on us for flynn and the dia so understand that this is spy versus spy like the old mad comic book it's black hat versus white hat it's dia versus cia and special forces uh thrown in there and some other special mission units and marshals on the good guys and fbi um and doj uh on the uh bad guys like me he was a gs 13 that's that's a journeyman level after that you're um 14 i never wanted to go higher it's just like being a uh a major um like i always say major pain in the butt is what i was uh but he was extremely uh loyal uh and so because we see a sense of selfless service and nobility in the military that i've never seen elsewhere and i often talk about of my service in federal law enforcement and intelligence and in the military i much enjoyed my military service uh the most and i lived the hardest and i made the least but it was the best people and i remember those fondly i stay i that's who i stay in touch with i stay i don't really want to talk to too many doj dea folks i run into some friends every once in a while but it's just a much more destructive and caustic environment and i'm not talking about the bad guys the bad guys are not the problem i'm talking about the fellow agents and i'm not saying what you hear hannity say like oh yeah it's just the guys at the top uh it's pretty much all the way through we don't see fbi whistleblowers we've seen some nsa a couple cia i remember eric holder put a cia black cia whistleblower uh in jail even though he said he was a black activist uh first uh but um that's where we're at so it's the the problem with all of this is that it's coming out is the transition from the intelligence to the evidence the intelligence from the the transition from the intelligence community the department of justice and i've already said and you can research and you can go on patreon there's an unholy alliance between the intelligence community and the department of justice reference probable cause versus intelligence and the difficulty will be getting the intelligence to legitimately not like the bad guys have been doing illegitimately and covertly getting the intelligence in as evidence for proof in court and then precedence also presidents is how court cases are decided because while things have happened like this before never at this level uh and uh never and partly because i believe for the discernment deliverance of the great holy spirit to america the world's last best hope uh but also because of the citizen journalists like me and like others um that are and all of you uh as a team on team america that are uh getting this out so i hope this is making sense so to to recap uh it looks like ezra cohen was nick is q um and q if you're following q q has been silent a lot and that also fits in but the reason i'm saying that now is because it looks like bars still a cia deep state and barr plans on indicting him while he ignores hunter's laptops and biden's chinese connections uh and everything else and they and the uh voting machines whether it's cyto dominion akami have all been hooked up to the internet gone through other countries spain serbia germany and this also looks like it has gone through the cia there's other footprints i've been talking to different folks uh who have had careers that i've worked with across the span of of military intelligence and federal law enforcement and we've looked at other signatures and footprints and it looks like us it's we are the enemy as i said on patreon we found the enemy and uh we are us specifically the deep state the founders you got to go back and look at the founders made no uh they did not perceive an intelligence agency or an intelligence community which has become a leviathan and if you heard me on some other shows where i go through my background and my introduction to the covert operations because i was first in the military uh you know with special forces uh in honduras on the board of nicaragua working with the contras and then there's the oliver north thing i'm not an oliver north fan uh and that goes into arkansas with cash cocaine and contras and guns and that builds up the clintons you know reagan inadvertently uh built up the clintons uh and that began this uh black money scheme that they have become uh addicted uh to so the there's plenty of intelligence out there uh it's getting it uh to the supreme court and that the supreme court has not been turned and threatened and extorted like we've seen in all these left-wing states and the problem is that this works great both ways for the left because if they steal the election and biden gets in they're happy notice how quiet there are there have been uh violent there was the million uh mega march uh was million in dc there was a thousand mega march uh in arizona they've attacked trump supporters but it's it's pretty quiet that and that's part of the news media they're not saying that the fires that were set has also killed um the bobcat fire killed uh um smoke jumpers or rather hot shots uh as well but this is uh crucial and yes marty farrell says thomas olaf when the fgfk wants to smash the cia that's mcduff and george webb talking a lot about that uh as well and um you know philadelphia just found found 8 000 more violets but 85 percent of them are for joe biden in philadelphia that's not surprising gavin newsom goes to uh hawaii without a lockdown while everybody sits around the the hypocrisy of the elite is nothing new that's just like the the roman elite uh senator blumenthal's urging mark zuckerberg to remove breitbart gateway pundit and donald trump jr eric trump and steve bannon from facebook and uh zuckerberg brags about interfering an election and cracking down on dreaded q anon so they could not organize violence which is there's been no q a non-violence it's all blm antifa uh they in fact the the blm guy who brutally beat an innocent trump supporter in dc is wait for it a child sex offender these are not coincidences these are these are people who have been uh created and the smartmatic director admitted in 2017 that their system was able to create at least one million phantom votes in last year's venezuela election and so venezuela has been bringing is a source uh for drugs and for illegals uh long ago the farc in colombia switched from being a communist organization to a narco organization to continue to uh fund their uh movements so i see somebody says q's not one person yeah that's fine q's not one person uh but there's always a central team leader that's what i'm talking about uh here the west continent election commission refused to do a recount unless trump pays 7.9 million up front that is unconstitutional that's crazy but they have been away from the constitution for a long time dr shiva is really an excellent source on analyzing the algorithms and percentages um and uh sydney powell has also said that she has a whistleblower who was part of the smartmatic uh creation uh system and we're seeing whistleblowers come out of the closet all over the place which is great although i feel bad for them because i know what they're going to go through uh having been through it um project veritas uh georgia recount auditors call multiple ballots for joe biden that were actually marked for uh trump gateway pundit had asked the doj to investigate michigan attorney general's suppression of voter fraud and of course that hasn't uh helped that hasn't happened yet former dominion project manager helped execute 25 million contract with the state of michigan while working as a democratic mayor at the same uh time um uh trump is gaining votes uh in uh georgia but there is so much corruption and again it's not just politics this is espionage this is as i've explained is you pay a source or an informant for access and for influence and china has done this a long time through the left primarily but also you know mcconnell's wife's dad runs the evergreen shipping uh company as well and uh um congressman andy biggs here in arizona has requested 100 audit of maricopa uh county ballots that he's a good guy uh i also have worked with uh congressman gosar uh he he was uh working with me on fast and furious uh quite a while uh back i'm not sure where he stands now and of course they're really locking down on covid because that's going to fit in so where this has got to go is to scotus it's got to go to the supreme court the united states and we've got to see if we have now a constitutional majority in the supreme court or if they have been extorted threatened and bribed off as well and frank rizzo says the same thing happened in venezuela at 3am the counting stopped and maduro that's exactly right it's the same pattern that's an intelligence pattern that can be used as evidence it's not evidence but the pattern can be used as evidence for proof in court and then we have to look at precedence and so we need all hands on deck participating as much as possible looking at the ecommi stuff paying as much attention and getting all this information out there on as many uh formats and media so uh save this and share it uh and get more folks uh subscribing get this out we cannot let this uh stand or we will lose our country we've already our republic has already fallen and it's very very difficult to get the communists out once they are in and they've been infiltrating for a long time and that's what the serbian video was that i put on my patreon that people had difficulty accessing so again there is plenty of intelligence that can be used as evidence and plenty of affidavits and plenty of witnesses uh the difficulty is getting it to the supreme court uh before the december deadline and then the backup to that is um 30 30 states have gop legislatures where they actually decide the electoral college voters and in an emergency like this they could re-decide who those electoral college voters remember i told you that for new york it's wait for it hillary clinton um so that is a backup and then beyond that uh it's not the end of the world but it's not good news so as i said at the beginning of the show uh this is far from over however the cyber when i'm talking about something i have verified something i don't know if there's anybody on who's been with me a long time if patrick or or brett's on but uh you know when's the last time i was wrong when i've made an intelligence projection um uh so uh the dominion servers are cloned through cloudflare uh and belgrade and come back to serbian bad actors as well so this is not over by any means on christmas day we will cross a frozen river to capture drunk hessians in their bed it's in our dna so fear not god bless keep the faith hold fast we are winning this is what winning looks like it's not pretty it's not easy it's not clear remember freedom is never given it is earned it is won it is fought for it is taken take it
Channel: Jeffrey Prather
Views: 22,799
Rating: 4.9513779 out of 5
Id: sAL8s3Ad2Mg
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Length: 63min 50sec (3830 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 17 2020
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