KPMG and Tax Havens for the Rich : The Untouchables - the fifth estate
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Channel: The Fifth Estate
Views: 560,661
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Keywords: KPMG, tax haven, Isle of Man, Canada, CRA, Canada Revenue Agency, IRS, tax evasion, the fifth estate, Gillian Findlay, CBC, CBC News
Id: 6LjMXmGdhrA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 59sec (2579 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 03 2017
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This is a fucking travesty, people. Watch the video. KPMG advised its wealthy clients on how to outright evade tax on money parked on the Isle of Man, and the CRA and the Liberals (and before them, the Harper Conservatives) both enabled them and then when caught didn't even give them a slap on the wrist. These public servants should be PILLORIED.
And the tax evaders assessed the entire sum hidden, plus if warranted, prison time. If Tubby Black had to go to prison why not these thieves?
One positive effect of Global Warming might be that several of the tropical islands on which tax havens are located will flood and disappear.