Kotlin Standard Library Safari. Your Own Adventures

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Hi everyone. Seb here. Welcome back! Today’s episode of “Kotlin Standard Library  Safari” is going to be a bit different.  Generally, in this show, I want  to highlight things in the Kotlin   standard library that you’re going  to find interesting and useful. But   while I was writing the script for a few  episodes, I realized something critical. What’s really at the center of all  of this is exploration – finding   out stuff about the APIs that  you may not have known before. So, instead of going straight into the next topic,  and look at the next set of standard library APIs,   we’re going to take a bit of a different  route today! Instead, I want to give you some   handy tools to help you explore things on your  own – first and foremost the standard library,   but in fact just Kotlin code in general. It makes sense to me to address this  sooner rather than later. You know,   so that while you’re waiting on the next  episode of this show, you’re already well   equipped to discover some of the goodies in  the code you’re working with on your own. The beautiful thing about working with Kotlin  is that with IntelliJ IDEA and Android Studio,   we have some powerful companions at our side that  help us in every step of the development process. So, let me share with all of you how I read and  try to understand Kotlin code that I encounter   and modify. I’m working with IntelliJ IDEA  here, but the same things should apply for   Android Studio just as well – and when I talk  about keyboard shortcuts, I’m going to mention   the macOS keybindings, but you’re going to see  Windows and Linux keybinds on screen as well. Now whenever you see me put code on the screen,  you might have noticed that there are these   little grey bobbles wherever variable names  or types appear. These are called inlay hints,   and honestly, I don’t want to  read code without them anymore. We enable those under Editor > Inlay Hints >  Kotlin. I personally can’t get enough of them,   so I have all of them enabled, but  if you’re feeling overwhelmed with   the amount of info on the screen, you  have some fine-grained control here. There are a number of situations where I  especially appreciate inlay hints. For example,   when I’m chaining a bunch of operations, they  give me a quick sanity check whether I am   creating the correct type at the end. They’re  also awesome whenever you encounter lambdas,   especially lambdas with receivers, because  they give you information about variables   that are implicitly in scope, or which  receiver your lambda actually provides. Especially if we are working in a project that  makes heavy use of Kotlin’s DSL functionality,   these hints can help demystify some of these APIs,   and just generally help gain even  more insights into how the code works. Oh, and as a little hint – if we  are using the Gradle Kotlin DSL   (so if our build file ends in .kts),  these inlay hints also work here! I have to admit, I tried to actively avoid  touching Gradle for a long time myself,   but I’d say that the Kotlin Gradle  DSL together with these inlay hints   are one of those features that have helped me  understand how the Kotlin DSL for Gradle works,   what functions are available  in what scope, and so on. So yeah, that was my little ad  for the Inlay Hints feature.   If you try it yourself, maybe you’ll  fall in love just like I did. :) Now I actually want to return to something  a bit more basic, but that I’m still seeing   people miss out on. Code completion is definitely  a common way in IntelliJ IDEA or Android Studio to   discover an API, we all know the drill – we put  a dot behind a symbol, and get some suggestions   of what we might want to call. But what about  situations where it doesn’t pop up naturally?   Those exist as well! For example, when I’m  inside a lambda such as this builder function! Now first of all, notice how the inlay hint  actually gives me this nice information, that   I have an implicit `this` in the scope here, and,  of course, I could use this information to type   `this`, and then a dot. But that completion  really isn’t the most elegant way – after all,   I don’t even need to write `this` here, and  I probably don’t want to keep the `this` in   the resulting code, either. That’s like  the whole point of it being implicit! Well, how do we get completion,  then? The answer is real simple:   we can actually just press press  control-space to manually invoke   completion based on our current scope.  And this works practically everywhere! So in the example of this builder  block, it shows us all the functions   we can access in this scope. And if we’re  returning to an unfinished statement,   we can also use control space here. Super  versatile, I use it every day. If I actually check   my productivity guide in IntelliJ IDEA, it says  here I invoked basic code completion 2400 times   over the last four months or so. And I’m not  writing code full-time! You get the idea. Okay, let’s say completion found  us a function that looks promising   judging its name. When we first type  out a function with parentheses,   IDEA gives us a little hint bubble  that tells us the parameters that the   function accepts. But that popup only appears  the first time we put down the function. But, because we’re dealing with  an API that we’re just exploring,   we might not immediately fill in the parameters.  We go back and forth in our code. And when we   return to our function, we would appreciate a  quick reminder of the parameters that it accepts. Well, this is once again a simple  trick: If we press Command-P, we can   magically summon that popup  again that we’ve seen before. And, if we look at a statement  that has been written previously,   we can see that even here it might  make sense to hit Command-P again.   Because the popup also shows things  like default parameters and overloads. This once again helps us discover new  functionality while typing out our own   code. In this example, maybe we find ourselves in  a situation where we want to compare two strings,   but weren’t sure if or how the function accepts an   extra parameter to ignore the  upper- and lowercasing of the text. Oh, and we actually talked about ignoreCase  and friends in the previous episode of the   Standard Library Safari. So go check that  one out as well if you haven’t seen it yet. And while we’re already inspecting the parameters  of a function, we can go one step further. We can   pop open a quick-documentation! If we hit F1,  IntelliJ IDEA is gonna show us a little text   blurb explaining what a method is supposed to do. And here’s a nifty little trick: We can actually   pin this window to the side of our IDE,  and we can click the little cogwheel that   says “auto-update from source”. And  now, if I click around in the code,   I always get up-to-date information on the side  of my IDE about the function I currently use. ...the Kotlin Online Docs And now I’ve already brought   up documentation, it’s also a great moment  to plug the official Kotlinlang.org website   and the docs you can find there. Because,  really, let’s not kid ourselves here. What   I’m here isn’t foundational research. The  Kotlin standard library is well-documented. Without a doubt, if you go to the docs on  Kotlinlang.org, and take some time to browse   through some subjects or pages you haven’t  read beforehand, you might find yourself   learning about a concept or language construct  that will come in handy the next time you are   creating new code with Kotlin, or refactoring  some code you wrote a few months back. But   enough about that. You know the docs exist. I  know you know the docs exist. Back to the IDE. And let’s talk a bit more about navigating code! Now, if you’re only taking one shortcut away  from this, let it be Command-Click – or, as   known by its formal title, “Go to declaration or  usages”. As that name might suggest, it’s actually   a two-way shortcut. When we click on the usage  of a symbol – a variable, a place where we’re   constructing a new object, invoking a function  or where we’re implementing an interface – this   shortcut is going to send us straight to  the definition of what we just clicked. And vice-versa, when we click on  a symbol declaration – so a place   where we’re declaring a variable,  an interface, a class or a function,   this is going to give us a list of all places  in our project where that symbol is being used. In an average Kotlin program, a lot  of things are Command-clickable.   And Command-click is an easy way to  reveal interesting information about   your own code and the code you depend  on. You can really go wild with it. For symbols that we defined ourselves, like  variables, this is just a really neat way   to navigate our own code base. But of course, we  can also click into library functions, both from   the standard library or from any third-party  library that we have added to our project. I find stepping into a library useful for  a bunch of reasons – we can look at the   code we’re calling, learn something from its  implementation and its structure, and we can   immerse ourselves even deeper. We can kind of  swing from implementation to implementation. Anyway, looking at where we’ve ended up, as  is convention with both Kotlin and Java files,   once again, we have the docs  right next to the implementation. IntelliJ IDEA and Android Studio actually  have this nifty little feature called   “Rendered API Docs” which makes it  a bit more comfortable to read the   docs which are included with the code. I  personally like it because it also gives us   an even stronger contrast of  what is docs and what is code. Now let’s say we ended up navigating to a file  that we find particularly interesting. You know,   one where there’s a lot of implementations, a lot  of juicy code to look at. We can of course scroll   up and down, take a look at some symbols, read  about them and so on. But IDEA once again can   help us with a more structured browsing approach,  which might help us discover interesting parts   of the file quicker. There’s the “structure”  toolwindow, which we can find via View - Tool   Windows - Structure. And we can use this as  another navigation helper. You know, to give us   an overview of everything that’s in the file,  conveniently located next to the actual code. And, last but not least, if you just can’t  find what you’re looking for by navigating   around this way, you can always go back to the  good old search function. We can reach that with   “Find in Files”, reachable via Command-Shift-F.  And here’s a little trick – by default,   this function only searches our own code, not  the code of our dependencies. But if we hit   Scope and select “Projects and Libraries”, now  we’re also searching in those files as well. And there’s also the so-called structural search,  which is a bit of a specialized tool when it   comes to scouting out code. It allows us to find  constructs matching a specific schema, for example   finding functions that have exactly one  parameter. You might not use this one as often.   But it’s always good to have heard about the  fact that it exists – you never know when that   knowledge might come in handy, and then you  can look into the topic a bit more deeply. Alright, as I said, a little bit of a different  episode today. I promise you – next time we’re   back with tackling more topics related  directly to the Kotlin standard library.   Hope you enjoyed this one nonetheless,  learned something new. If you have some   must-have settings, shortcuts, or whatever,  feel free to share them in the comments. And you know the drill, to stay  up-to-date with all things Kotlin,   subscribe button, notification bell, yada yada. Aaaaanyway, next time you touch Kotlin code, try  using some of the new things you’ve learned today.   And maybe try and burn these three shortcuts  into your memory and use them rigorously: Command-Click – For jumping around in your  code, finding declarations and usage sites.  Command-P – For showing the nifty  little parameter hint bubble  Control-Space – For completion,  anywhere and anytime. Of course, there are tons of other productivity  shortcuts in your Kotlin IDE. If you’re interested   in more of them, check out the linked video  which covers the top 15 IntelliJ IDEA shortcuts.   Or grab yourself a virtual version of this  flyer, which has an overview of the most-used   shortcuts using the keymap of your  choice – link in the description. And, just go ahead and try integrating  your new knowledge when you work with   Kotlin code the next time. In fact, you  can do that right now – because I am off,   and I hope you’ll go and  explore some more Kotlin. See   you in the next one!
Channel: Kotlin by JetBrains
Views: 3,496
Rating: 4.9043827 out of 5
Keywords: Kotlin, Kotlin standard library, mobile development, Android development, app development
Id: DIHlq_Q0vKM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 37sec (697 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 23 2021
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