Korone Noises During Henry Stickmin's Ace Attorney Scene (Hololive) [English Subbed]

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no [Music] foreign [Music] please continue your testimony okay i was riding alongside my partner in the armored man but generally spotted a bag on the side of the road we got out and eventually decided to throw the bag in with the others we didn't know what i was saying so the defending is in order to break into the bank that correct is it not obvious is it really that obvious [Music] well then what are you waiting for present this evidence already [Music] no take that he was inside the bag it'd be impossible for him to tie that knot what that meant how did he do it it's simple it's simple what are you saying i'm saying mariah he was unconscious the witness was attempting to dispose of the body he left the defendant in the back knowing he'd drive by all the way back to the bank and his partner passed the bag he convinced his partner to throw the bag in with the others oh but but why would he do that oh [Music] but unfortunately for the witness uh-huh his victim woke up and tried to escape from his tomb oh no he was arrested on the spot in the witness everything everything's over let's come back to haunted now hi gammon this can't be happening to me [Music] well that certainly was an interesting spell however i am now ready to deliver my verdict i find the defendant henry no guilty [Music] yes [Music] thank you for watching
Channel: -Double Negative-
Views: 53,602
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Vtuber, Hololive, Subtitles, English Translated, english subbed, vtuber clip, vtuber highlights, Inugami Korone, Korone, Henry Stickmin, Korone ch, Ace Attorney, Stickmin, reference, 逆転裁判
Id: 6dtJq8pwxFo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 12sec (252 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 27 2021
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