Korean Hangover Soup

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what's up y'all today i got myself some heijong which is hangover soup korean staple a korean classic i'm not sure if i've ever had it before because usually actually every time i'm hungover i always never think to eat soup does that even make sense i don't know i am a bit hungover right now uh not too bad enough to get out and do a video but other than that that's probably all i'm doing today to be honest with you so let's see what we have in here i don't know anything about this by the way so if i look like you know a noob and i don't know how to explain stuff well then it's just because yeah like i said i don't think i've ever had this so in the bag some interesting contents i threw in this uh this mask so that's a classic touch i guess and we have a can of coke a little thing of rice and the soup itself this came out to 13 total so not too bad you know there's definitely been days when i'm hungover and i would pay much more than 13 if i could find a viable cure for it let's see what we're working with soup in a bag okay that's pretty crazy already man it's hot it's real hot i think the point of this is to kind of eat it and sweat out all the toxins and that makes sense to me you know now i do know that there isn't just one type of heijong or koreans it's more of a blanket term for any kind of you know soup like this that you eat after drinking a lot i had a long day with the lads yesterday so you know this could be perfect i haven't eaten anything it's about noon right now and we're gonna see how this eats and see if it helps me out at all see if i can work up a good sweat this one in particular it did have some options for spice level i don't think it's usually a spicy thing but i did go with level two um from a zero to four scale so right in the middle there best believe i would have gone for a level four but i just wanted to kind of try how it's supposed to be just i did add a little bit of spiciness so let me show you real quick what we're working with pretty good amount here and i like the color this is looking really good it's looking like a really good dinner or perhaps lunch but not the first thing you want to open your eyes to when you can barely open your eyes in the first place i believe this is pork spine and there's three good looking pieces of this in here there's also what i believe is like cabbage and then a nice pretty thin but good smelling broth here let's dig into this i'm going to try the broth first because i think that's what you're supposed to do going in wow you know what that's delicious that's absolutely that's really good very flavorful it's hot uh you know dare i say msg it's got a nice decent little kick to it but it's packed with flavor and it's deep it's really deep really nice stuff right there very flavorful let me try this uh this meat so bones kind of falling off i respect that let's see if i can get a good chunk of it try this piece right here for now oh that's that's delicious that's mighty fun i have had pork spine soup again as a dinner type of thing i'll tell you never this early not even close to this early that's for damn sure but this is some good stuff and i'm i'm about to be doubling back like next time i have a bad hangover i feel like deep rich salty like i said a little bit of spice but no weird like crazy flavors i'd say mostly savory salty maybe a little bit of kick from uh you know the stuff like this cabbage right here let me try this nice flavor to that it's not mixed in kind of crazy flavor combinations like sweet sour that much it's just pretty neutral in my opinion and pretty damn good wow just a little bit hard to eat though like when i'm hungover i don't really want to be picking meat off the bones like this sometimes i can't even move you know those days i probably wouldn't go for this really delicious stuff though i'm telling you what i'm going to try to do is i'm just i'm going to try to just pull off all the meat from the bones right now and then eat it like the whole thing with a spoon if you're someone who likes meat on the bone when you're eating food korea has a lot of stuff like that for you personally sometimes it's like man it's too much work let me just give me that but give me that boneless you know i'm the boneless special i'll tell you what though i'm feeling i'm feeling invigorated already only took a few bites but already building up a nice sweat and um i don't know i i've had people say before it makes sense like koreans they love to drink they love to party they know how to develop a good little hangover cure and i had this friend who was saying like you know if anyone's going to get the formula it's going to be the koreans all right i think i got most of the meat off those bones now i'm just gonna go in one other thing is the cabbage is a bit it's a bit lengthy uh looking like some tails from the swamp man it's kind of hard to eat but it feels healthy but also that's the thing about it it feels healthy but also like it still hits mcdonald's breakfast on a regular day could make you feel pretty bad and when you're hungover like it might be a temporary fix a little band-aid but i feel like this has potential to be like a long-term a better hangover cure with all the veg and whatnot got some rice what i think i'm going to do actually is mix all this rice up in here and just make the ultimate ultimate soup man yeah i've literally been sleeping on this so [Music] this is super filling too wow oh forgot about this nothing better than a hot spicy soup and a nice cold refreshing soda coke is also one of my secret hangover cures i'm full up to the bone i'm not sure if y'all can tell but i'm definitely sweating so i'm fierce i feel like the key is you eat this sweat it out take a shower and then you're really good to go anyway i highly recommend this to anybody who gets hangovers sometimes if you can find this then i recommend it and if you can't find this specific thing like i said there is no specific heijong or korean uh hangover soup it's just stuff like this when you're hungover like it's the last thing you want to try but it might really be worth it now if you can't actually get your hands on this like from a korean restaurant or something this would be good any time of the day to be honest with you so even if it's you know kind of intimidating for when you have a hangover just go out and eat it for dinner so mmm i'll tell you what man that'll wake you up it'll pick you up wake you up slay me down this is the equivalent of likes getting cold water splashing your face next time you're hungover and you want to eat something and you want a getting sweat but you don't have a sauna just sitting around and you don't want to do laps then eat something like this something to make you sweat some hot spicy soup whatever and see how that treats you all right though y'all thanks for watching bending out peace you
Channel: BenDeen
Views: 161,541
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bendeen, ben deen, mukbang, muckbang, eating show, asmr, food, hangover, hungover, korea, korean, haejangguk, 해장국, stew, soup, spicy
Id: 6at_js1tvNY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 29sec (689 seconds)
Published: Tue May 10 2022
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