Konami's Arcade Beat 'em Up Ports | DELISTED | SSFF

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hey I'm dark it's me Derek and welcome to stop skeletons and fighting we have been through several waves of retro revivals at this point enough to feel skeptical when a new one nunchuckles its way onto the scene but yo Shredder's revenge is amazing they did it they actually did it it is classic arcade Turtles action but for the modern generation not that there haven't been great modern Brawlers there has in fact been plenty being able to give some foot soldiers the good old talk to him Donna tell him juggle combo special just warms my heart it hits different sense it's the turtles a franchise that nearly birthed this entire genre before being plagued by shoddy blinking will miss them digital only arcade ports and reimaginings and they're not the only Kanani arcade bangers forced into digital d-listed obscurity some were even that lucky not even a Pachinko machine for Sunset Riders Konami really he says bury me with my money it's a gambling machine what the [ __ ] that's right welcome to another episode of D listed the show that spotlights digital games pulled from digital stores or abandoned by the march of time but sometimes not for long the games will be looking at in this episode are probably gonna keep Rodeo dancing in and out of availability and onto new platforms at least temporarily as is the case with tmnt's upcoming Cowabunga collection and while some wrongs are being writed it is only a Band-Aid on an issue that's existed for over a decade one that should have never been an issue in the first place this is d-listed konami's classic arcade Brawlers but first but first hey I'm in the kitchen now since December I've started taking my health a little more serious with exercising more having some supplements but did you know that all powder supplements taste awful even if they say they're flavorless don't believe me it's all a disgusting lie except for athletic Rings Uncle Darris can tell you something that nobody else is going to tell you athletic greens yo The Taste I'm not saying like put it in your morning coffee or anything like that but athletic greens has this great medicine green tea taste that is leagues better than anything else I have tried it's part of my daily routine not just because it's chock full of vitamins and minerals but because man it's easy to mix because of a cool jar fill it with some water one scoop shake her up and you're good to go and you're like me you drink it in your morning shower hmm wow I sure supported my energy levels for the rest of the day click the link in the description below to get one year supply of vitamin D3 K2 and 5 travel packs for free with your first purchase thanks to athletic greens for sponsoring this part of the video I hit the microphone on the video [Music] as an American man in his late 30s let me tell you I was part of that laser Precision targeted demographic for turtle media I genuinely don't remember A World Before Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles it was all over my childhood from the moment I gained sentience and konami's TMNT arcade machine was released at the exact right time for maximum multimedia franchise Synergy it was fall of 1989 the television show had become a huge hit toys are flying off the shelves and struggling actors were crammed and do 70 pound death suits for movies tours and albums for real any theater showing the turtle's movie that didn't also have the turtles arcade machine in the lobby was just pissing money away in that brief period before Street Fighter 2 and Mortal Kombat this was the Pinnacle of the arcade and let's be real guys and rubber suits are great that first TMNT movie actually holds up pretty well but the arcade game hit different I mean forget the NES game please please forget it this was like reaching into the TV and actually playing the cartoon the graphics and animations were amazing the turtles talked they ate pizza for help and four kids could play at once this was the best thing ever for my seven-year-old bring it's also why Donatello was my favorite dude's got the reach can't deny the reach oh wait no was that the Nintendo Game I forget it was so huge that Konami had to just abandon that first NES game completely from that point on Turtles games are basically just all Brawlers and of course it was a must-have game with more levels and lots of tweaks from the arcade original it could never match the hopped up on too much Coca-Cola four-player action at Tyler Stark's Chuck E cheese birthday party it's a different vibe from hoarding your extra lives by jump kicking Shredder and crank a combined 396 times as recommended by Nintendo power as a kid I absolutely did that because Nintendo Power said to but even in world record speed runs this is still the optimal strategy so I guess the pros at Nintendo Power knew what they were talking about the love for the original Turtles arcade game never really went away it's probably the only reason people my age bothered to buy 2004's Battle Nexus sure it was a new generation of turtles but I didn't care about that the arcade game was a hit and unlockable a terrible terrible unlockable turns out all all the music is gone every single level has the same just generic song [Music] all voice clips were removed and on top of that you need to play all the way to the ninth chapter to unlock it which is the bulk of the game I ain't doing that but this is where the market for classic games was at the time there was the occasional compilation but if you look at games like Animal Crossing mcs3 subsistence Mortal Kombat deception Doom 3 classic games were Novelties bonuses to add an extra bullet point to the back or entice you into a special edition and nothing more but Jump Ahead to March 2007 the toothpaste was out of the tube virtual console and Xbox Live arcade we're bringing digital retro re-releases to the masses for just a few bucks your modern system could download and play classic games not only that Turtle Mania was gearing up again TMNT was returning to theaters for a new generation along with a grip of tie-in video games the Stars were aligned for TMNT arcade to finally debut in the living room via Xbox Live that's right two decades later TMNT arcade was Again part of a multi-pronged attack for the next major wave of turtles and for us a geriatric Millennials we were again the perfect age hey I'm on this field [Music] Turtles 1989 classic arcade it was ported by digital eclipse and published by Ubisoft who had only just recently taken the licensing Reigns from Konami though konami's logo still shows up at the start I mean it was their game originally so I'm sure they got to slice the revenue and it was a big hit and a minor win in the console war as it was a 360 exclusive it never went to PSN and even the NES Port never came to Virtual Console but if I'm gonna jump kick Shredder 400 times I'm gonna at least do it with unlimited continues and three buddies on the couch though it was a bit of a rude awakening Nostalgia will do that to you because while this version is basically arcade perfect it was also basically arcade perfect it is unfortunately shallow brief and repetitive especially when you don't have to take breaks to run and beg mom for more quarters but this was 2007 it was the age of the wireless controller meaning couch Co-op was easier than ever and it was the age of Xbox Live meaning online was easier than ever I mean with some buddies and some fresh pizza TMNT arcade was still a half hour power you could not deny though the presentation left a lot to be desired this new style Turtle border is just so ugly it's like this constant reminder that we just can't have nice things without contractual corporate obligation and there's no way to put in multiple quarters to give you more lives yes you have unlimited continues but every time you die you have to press continue and reselect your Donatello gameplay wise it's great and just how you remember it but presentation wise the whole thing screams we don't know how to remake these old games yet there weren't no game rooms I'm trying to say still it moved almost a million down downloads at 400 points or five dollars a pop that internal power that's Turtle profits the year it was delisted 2011 it still moved nearly a hundred thousand downloads the week presentation and lack of any special features didn't seem to keep it from doing numbers because what we lost was just the convenience the easy access to a quick hit of nostalgia the 89 Turtles arcade game is such a landmark and clearly beloved game it is criminal that it has not been widely available for over a decade and yeah I know it's on Main it's probably been on main for as long as Mame has existed but I mean I want to get on a play meme then I gotta get three of my friends to get on maim at the same time like emulation is great it is not always the most convenient and while this is being re-released on the Cowabunga collection I am still annoyed that artificial scarcity means that me and my buddies will have to buy this game again for over 10 years quick easy online Turtles action hasn't existed and that is a travesty but I guess there were other options like did you know that there is this weird DS game called arcade attack yeah a 2009 in-name only reimagining of the arcade game I guess it attempts to be a slower paced deeper action game like a classic brawler but with the depth of a fighting game it's a neat idea on paper but not so much in practice which is probably why I completely missed this and then there's the remake by raw Thrills exclusive to arcades I've seen this machine out in the wild and while it was a massive and gorgeous cabinet it was a whole dollar for one credit and that was cut into my beer money though seeing it did bring a smile to my face I'm sure it's made its mark on many Dave and Buster's birthday parties you can have one of your own for the ten thousand dollars or if that's out of your price range arcade one up has a smaller reproduction of the classic machine for 400. so yes there are options out there but mainly for the enthusiasts with lots of disposable income and room in their homes I am just looking forward to the Cowabunga collection bringing it back to the couch Turtles arcade had a sequel that Konami turned out in just a year and a half spring 1991. in fact for how iconic the first Turtles arcade was Turtles in Time replaced most of the machines in my area growing up so it's probably the one I've played the most and really the original Turtles arcade may have been the first but turtles in time is probably the better game depending on how you felt about those hoverboard levels but it was another gigantic arcade Smash Hit for Konami of course there was also the amazing Super Nintendo Port which had lots of new content and rebalances Sega got its own version with the hyperstone heist by this point home consoles were catching up to the arcades meaning that the Nostalgia for Turtles in Time might be stronger than the original it also made another terrible appearance as an unlockable in 2005's Nightmare it was the only new way to get Turtles in Time legitimately in its day but it again had different music different Voice work hey bring that and apparently frame rate issues at least it was unlocked after only beating episode 1. there must have been feedback from people who only bought the previous Turtles game for the arcade but by 2009 TMNT was hotter than ever the new movie was a theatrical hit the license gains based on the movie were successful and the arcade original was sounded like hotcakes on xbla TMNT was now a multi-generational Phenom the pipeline of brand new turtles games was continuing so naturally another arcade perfect Port was the newest brainer of all time right no oh so simple we were so close but instead the world was blessed with turtles in time reshelled yeah instead of just a simple Port Turtles in Time joined the crowded Club of decent to forgettable 7th generation remix for every Bionic Commando re-armed and Splatterhouse there was a rocket night Burger Time World Tour Blaster Master overdrive and a boy in his blob internals in time reshelled was no different though on the surface they really went for it and I get from ubisoft's point of view why this was a solid move the turtle's IP was theirs now why release a game where they'd have to split another check with Konami or maybe Konami didn't want to split the check I mean they were re-releasing a lot of their games the time too but strangely very few of their Turtles games alright alright Turtles in Time reshelled what do we got pixel based Graphics are out we got full 3d characters here which isn't my personal favorite but we were coming off of the CGI movie so I can't exactly tell it to get off my lawn the game runs and feels fine there's original music too that's fine they got the 2003 voice cast in to record lines which of course of course you gotta do that I don't love it but I'm letting that cloud hang I mean it's okay that this game wasn't made just for the olds well I do take exception to ignoring changes made in the Super Nintendo version like keeping the two hoverboard levels as full levels instead of just short bonus stages hearing this a hundred times just as annoying as ever but resheld makes some welcome changes to the combat modernizing things a little bit the inclusion of a double jump is awesome specials have a dedicated button now some people really hated these changes but overall I found the combat to be pretty well balanced and far less frustrating than in 89 arcade it's still a pretty bland and repetitive ordeal but I got through most of the game without dying after picking up on the nuances in the combat a few of the bosses were super cheap but it was never quarter munching cheap you know what I'm saying there was an attempt to balance this game for the home and not the arcade resheld also had four difficulty levels a survival mode leaderboards online and couch Co-op it's a nice package but despite all this resheld is a misfire like a conceptual misfire the consensus was if you're gonna give us a game that is just as repetitive short and with ultimately little extra replay then just give us the original and I agree not that the original Turtles in Time was Bland but neither version of this game last it's much longer than a large pizza from Charles entertainment cheese still reshelled was a modest success despite reviewing poorly it was the best-selling game on PSN the first month and moved 444 000 downloads of xbla before being de-listed in June 2011 not even after two years resheld is a bit of a tragedy all around as this game has never been available since and will not be included on the Cowabunga collection at least not as of the making of this video and I think it's really unlikely that it ever will even though I was mild on this game it's sad that reshelled is seemingly gone forever if only for the sake of preservation it just feels wrong for something tied to such an iconic Ninja Turtles game to just be gone but the Konami arcade train would not stop in the 90s they really kicked the door down with four player machines but with the X-Men arcade game they took it further [Music] players [Music] 1992 you walked into an arcade and you are not gonna miss this gigantic beautiful machine not to mention absolutely Derek does a chef's kiss graphics and animations so many enemies on screen at once and the satisfying feeling of clearing the screen with an awesome devastating special move and great Voice work all around die man the early days of magfest I would absolutely wreck my voice doing the Colossus yell for an entire weekend but it was worth it because the fun I've had playing X-Men arcade with drunken strangers at magfest oh man I couldn't tell you it is still a classic but back in the day Konami was again pushing the boundaries of the arcade and striking while the iron was hot riding on the hype of the 1992 Saturday morning cartoon with the most iconic theme song ever hold on producer Grace were you too young to know that theme song did you watch that show growing up you don't know [Music] the show's on Netflix for a hot minute and it was not good but man back when I was a kid I couldn't get enough of it it was another massive arcade hit for Konami throwing up man multiple machines even in Anchorage Alaska at the time yo what up Merlin's arcade that's a Planet Fitness now you shining this time from backbone entertainment and published by Konami at this point it had been established how to handle classic re-releases like this and backbone slash digital Eclipse had basically written the book on it since they released the Bare Bones TMNT arcade in 2007 or maybe they were finally able to convince Konami or whoever to allow them to put extra stuff in who knows with X-Men arcade they came correct the presentation is super slick I love the new menus and the borders though what's up with this deviantART level title screen storm looks bored Wolverine has spiders on his arms and cyclops is just full-on disassociating there's tons of video options like smoothing or turning the wallpaper off even zooming in so you can pretend you're playing the single screen four player only arcade machine it looks awful but I kind of love it you can even switch between the North American and Japanese ROMs even though the differences are minimal commitment to being as comprehensive as possible is always appreciated in projects like this naturally it's got full six player action with couch Co-op and online but in a point for Sony the six player local co-op is exclusive to the PSN version since I guess only four controllers can be synced to an Xbox 360 including remotes however problems again arrive in the audio department well Turtles in Time resheld had a brand new soundtrack X-Men thankfully has all the Original Classic Nami arcade bangers and yes I'm including that song that just says X-Men X-Men over and over again come on however the classic vo was not so lucky for whatever reason they couldn't use it bye row will new to toast the solution just re-record all of it hiera will turn you to touch which on paper sounds like such a bad idea but the re-recorded vo is so good nothing moves The Blob nothing moves the blob the actors tried their best to nail the exact delivery and the engineers tried their best to match the processing of the original recordings so almost the same Hami line readings with almost the same overly Reverb and compressed sound you must rescue the professor you must rescue the professor they even kept the classic bad translations so good I didn't even notice until I sat down and compared the footage I Moonlight as a bit of an audio geek so this was just really fascinating to me and I will always appreciate sanding the undersides of the drawers so to speak when it comes to preservation go and save the city go and save the city while this game reviewed about the same as the 2007 Turtle sport judging by Major Nelson's Xbox Live charts it wasn't quite raking in the same amount of cash The Nostalgia probably just wasn't as strong with X-Men also it being 10 blocks couldn't help much five dollars is about the most you can reasonably charge for a game like this but that didn't stop it from getting an IOS and Android port in 2011 if you can believe it this port was instead done by.mu who also published Shredder's revenge so there's another turtle's connection they're also making a metal slug tactics game I'm a little excited about yeah I am always down for my girl Theo what we talking about again X-Men right anyway the Home console version of X-Men was delisted at the end of 2013 along with a bunch of other X-Men and Marvel games the IOS and Android game met the same fate at the end of 2014. while you can still encounter the original game at Game conventions or if you have enough space in your home with the 1up arcade version it's a bummer that the backbone entertainment version with its extra features impressive new voice performances and six player online is lost forever and I mean that very literally if X-Men arcade ever comes back it will likely not have the re-recorded Voice work kill you or the deviantART menu graphics and this is a net loss for our culture I think we can all agree our final game for D listed was the last game we released but originally released alongside Turtles in Time Konami knew how to pick him TMNT X-Men and of course the Simpsons were all given the arcade beat-em-up treatment just as they were all hitting Mega hit status and really every kid my age has some Ninja Turtles toys and some farts and some swag I was doing the BART band with the best of them what you did in the early 90s Don't Judge Me Anyway America had just started simping for The Simpsons and Konami was there to deliver arcade action to the masses and it's still one hell of an arcade beat him up in my experience Lisa is the best she's the Donatello of The Simpsons and no I will not be taking any further questions thanks to tried and true gameplay more phenomenal pixel art that matched the style of the show very well Simpsons arcade had the distinction of being the only good Simpsons game for a really long time however it would spend the 90s in the arcade and never make its way to home consoles Simpsons was I think in a similar situation as X-Men where the console space was contractually locked down by whatever the hell Activision McLean were doing at the time or so I thought Simpsons arcade was ported and quite a bit but just in the weirdest places like Commodore 64 and dos oh man we talk a lot about GBA ports around here but dos ports that's a whole other Beast but I've been around the dosbox I'll tell you what really threw me EA's 2009 Java flip phone remake I had no idea this ever existed man how did TMNT and Simpsons both get super weird remakes I never heard of now I hadn't planned on covering this game and even though it's not a Konami game it's another delisted game and it's not close enough let's boot up the old cumulator and check out the Java version developed by Iron Monkey it is shockingly good I did not expect this especially given that it's a remake in name only like that weird TMNT DS game in EA's mobile Simpsons arcade remake you can only play as Homer but instead of a kidnapped Maggie there is a donut carrying a top secret USB that Homer mistakes as a donut worth killing for wow late era Homer is ready for some deep fried murder controls are simple requiring only the five button for attack and the two four six eight Keys as the d-pad there's Nuance too holding down attack makes Homer charge you can also pick up and swing around grunt enemies there's also family power ups sprinkled around levels with tons of enemies I wish there was a bigger enemy variety but it was cool seeing characters like Chief Wiggum or mayor Quimby who aren't in the Konami game there are some familiar stages but levels are redone and I also really enjoyed the music honestly add this to the short list of good Simpsons games one big knock against it though the lack of sound effects but those were added into the game's HD Touch version on iOS yeah I got an iPhone Port too this looks like a better version all around Beyond improved graphics and sound homework gets a jump ability and new attacks to go with it there's also added minigames in this version but I say looks like a better version because I wasn't able to find myself an iPhone with this still installed in time for this video Yeah iOS emulation I'm sad to say still has a ways to go I guess if you were in the know at the time this mobile version would have held you down until the Konami arcade game finally came to North American consoles via xbla and PSN in February 2012. this is another backbone entertainment joint and once again they come correct with the extras you get your choice of either the North American or Japanese ROM which actually has a few notable differences like atomic bombs more Health pickups and the ability to boost your health past 100 also these hack guys hats don't Boomerang it's actually a more balanced version of the game that I think I'd appreciate a lot more in the arcade I actually managed to beat the Japanese version on just 10 quarters a feat I have never come close to doing in an arcade beating the game with each family member unlocks a new set of extras including rare flyers and posters sound and music tracks and dude the music in this game is truly unlike anything else foreign that was just the intro to the song and then check out this utter Madness [Music] like music made for arcade games it's different but the Simpsons arcade goes so hard like this soundtrack is its own special kind of masterpiece and being able to so easily appreciate the soundtrack on this port was amazing so another great Port of another great game with a lot of great extras but we saved not the best for last but the last for last if that makes any sense Simpsons was on the market just shy of two full years between 2012 and 2013 and really by 2012 you could say the BART man was up even though it was packed with the most extras of the bunch 10 bucks was again asking a bit too much and better Brawlers like Scott Pilgrim and even Castle Crashers proved Brawlers didn't need to solely exist as shallow quarter munchers Simpson's arcade was the best-selling new release in its first week but he immediately fell out the charts not having a shelf life of the turtles like all the games we discussed in this video the one-up arcade machines are there if you have the space and the extra cash but none of those feature the same extras and bonus content or charming re-recorded audio nor do they have the convenience of simple and cheap online play I mean yes those machines do have online we're talking about the number of people that have RK went up machines and everyone with an xbl La TSA and steam account earlier the seventh generation of consoles is when the cordless controller and online gaming became standard and it should have been the era where this genre made a huge comeback and I guess it still did but for the classics that paved the way it was not to last arcade one up and the Cowabunga collection which we'll have online are filling holes fixing mistakes that shouldn't have been there in the first place and what about the other Konami Classics that weren't re-released where is justice for Sunset writers oh wait a sec looks like it was released for the switch and PS4 in 2020 how am I only finding out about this now foreign [Music] if there are any other gone but not forgotten digital games you'd like to see on an episode of D listed let me know in the comments below thank you so much for watching huge shout out to our old College buddy Shelby thank you for Lending us your old Xbox 360 with all the old games on it and the thanks to Tyler from my retro life cool into some amazing home video footage of his family visiting an arcade in the 90s this footage is an absolute delight and a great little like Time Capsule of that era Link in the description below if you want to watch the entire video it's it's wonderful also thank you to all our patreon supporters all these awesome people here every single one of these names it's possible for making this show possible we have been patreon strong for seven years now thank you so much for all of that that's ridiculous we got seven more 70 more years why stop here stop skeleton some fightings on patreon you want to have your name right here see videos early vote on videos uh early be a part of our Podcast chat along with us during the live recording of our podcast all kinds of extra stuff get our bonus weekly progress reports our state of the skeletons every week we talk about uh what we've been working on what new stuff is coming well you want to know what's happened with stop skeletons get on the patreon but if you can't do that just tell a friend watch the friend let everyone know what's the dumbest and funnest YouTube channel out there let her know about Uncle Derek producer Grace mosh pad the hot dog game we're taking a sleepover here let her know about stop skeletons funny tell them about the channel I'll see you all again real soon stay powerful
Channel: Stop Skeletons From Fighting
Views: 151,374
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TMNT, arcade, avgn, beat em up, beat em up games, beat em ups, best beat em up games, cowabunga collection, delisted, delisted games, delisted konami, happy video game nerd, hvgn, konami, konami beat em ups, nintendo, punching weight, reshelled, ssff, stop skeletons, stop skeletons from fighting, tmnt shredders revenge
Id: BDgGc4xw7FM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 16sec (1756 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 22 2022
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