Kol & Davina Love Story (Part 1)

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[Music] Caleb deina oh a cool name terrible Taste of music you obviously need me my family I know they're all crazy as loons about your family not much to say only child you're a witch don't look so surprised love didn't just ask you out here because you're gorgeous no we're uh Kindred Souls what do you mean and you're practically famous you're the Harvest girl that told them all to shove it I'm a lot like you don't really believe in rules and Authority your courage should be celebrated stop complimenting her and find out what she's hiding our mother wants answers and if you can't get them we'll do do this my [Music] way hi I'm I'm I'm sorry I know I haven't called in a while don't be silly love you're all right where are you um I'll taste you the address appears someone has knocked you at heels quite literally I thought I'd have that hon [Music] her I mean not to fry but I figured you had your secrets after our last day ended in a werewolf barar yeah I'm sorry about that that's all right I never really liked old girls anyway whatever it is you're up to but you can tell me when you're good and [Music] ready [Music] release me or I will kill you right [Music] now you seem to have crossed continents in order to weasel your way into de's good graces thereby meddling in my family business straight isn't it unless of course it's your family business you know ever since my dinner with my mother and Finn I've been wondering when you might make an appearance Cole then the chick is up hello brother it's not that I begrudge you hitching a ride back to the land of the living it's just that you're making all the wrong friends brother it'll be really useful if you woke up about now do you have the white o steak a bit of a snack truthfully is that what you would like for me to pass along tell her that I've got everything under control I'm keeping an eye on deina she's working on a spell to unlink her mates from cla's Seline so that she can kill him without them dying too mother needs class alive and connected told me I suggest that if you can't find that steak you either kill the girl spell or you kill that girl starting to freak out you okay my head close yeah uh smashed the place up and then he left where'd he go to hunt down your pet serial killer friend this is not to be Mr judgmental here but I'm I'm starting to question the company that you keep the W steak it's gone I'm afraid the uh the serial killer one took it Michael Michael Michael's free he can kill clouse and then my friends died too well fine understand all this Michael's been trying to kill clous for aons how are you going to stop him it's pretty Advanced for a weak girl like you and I can give you a list of people who have underestimated me not one of them has done it a second time well perhaps I should help you I'm pretty good at stuff like this it's never paid to underestimate me either [Music] okay release me I've been wondering when you might make an appearance you're one of them you ruined the spell and now my friends are going to die because of you my mother said kill a spell or kill her you don't disobey him with a dearest without some consequences and that man you've made your pet my father well he's more of a lunatic than she is yes I'm a Michaelson but I've got just as much reason to Lo a lot of them as you do deactivated my bracelet how show me see usually I like a girl with ambition but this is just beyond mad just show me the spell Caleb Cole or whatever your name is problem's not the spell love the problem's the White Oak steak it's too powerful show me the spell and hand me the keys I fine your funeral I'm still not going to allow you to drive me bloody car though we need to do this together I'm strong enough on my own no you're not listen I know you don't trust me and that's fair enough but these are your mates that we're trying to save here the only way that we can do this is if we work together you need to trust me right take my hands take my power Channel me are you okay A bit lightheaded you are lucky to be alive young lady you want to tell me what the hell you were thinking can we not do this right now am I going to embarrass you in front of your friend who the hell is this guy anyway and we got to stop meeting like this P he's my friend and he's helping me help you do what wage war on clouse and help me get killed in the process I just saved clouse's life trying to protect you yeah from a psycho vampire hunter that you brought back all right enough well I think it's enough it should be enough I mean we're all friends here aren't we we should get out of here I'm not afraid of him you want to get yourself killed I'm out to get even with CLS and you're going to help me but first you're right let's get out of here sleep deina you've been awake for days kind of hard to rest with a thousand-year-old psycho on the next bud when you say that I sound like a bit of a creeper can you just stop stop what darling calling me darling and trying to be funny and all of that oh most girls like this but then you're not like most girls are you what I'd like is for you to just stop messing around can't share my secrets with you unless we trust each other I don't care about your secrets Caleb Cole I don't even know what to call you Cole Michaelson and if you want to take down class without your friends dying then You' be a fool not to listen that's the dearest calling me home you were witch before you were a vampire right yeah I loved it and then when we turned I lost it all my thrill seeker couldn't get that from Magic anymore so I looked elsewhere yeah murder Mayhem yeah youthful Misadventures trying to get back what my mother stole from me is that why she brought you back as a witch well she felt like this body would be the best for the task at hand spine on the prettiest witch in town I can't believe your mom said you need to flirt with me I know she sent me to follow you a flirting bit with me you were told to get the white oak steak days ago we need it now seeing as your father has risen you kept it from me why because of deina CLA to protect your plan she's never going to trust me if she thinks I'm just a flying monkey to the wicked witch I've got it handled mother I want that stick I don't care what you have to do you to get it what did your mother want from you she wants me to take that steak out of your bag give it to her so that you can't kill clouse before she gets her big happy family is that why you called me here I'm not my mother's puppet you want to take down clouse right I've wanted one thing for years to drive a dagger into to his heart like he's done to me so many times so you've been hanging out with me this whole time because you don't have enough power on your own no Kim is about it's about chemistry it's about connection and after what happened with the white oak steak I don't think you could deny what we have so here hold my hand is the hand holding really necessary I mean we could make out but then not be entirely [Music] distracting all right Follow My Lead [Music] to replace the one I broke I changed Wella CLA we going to change everything supp You' be wanting to get back to Marcel's hey lied to him about you rather go back to the attic voluntarily returning to the jail so would have locked you up you must have been lonely all that time now which needs a coven even if it is just two you're going to like me DEA CLA and I'm going to let you pretend a while that you don't [Music] already [Music] I was with Caleb last night and he took the wife o steak when I was asleep I I'm sorry I never should have trusted him Cole doesn't have the steak clouse does matter of fact clous has coold too what well how is that possible I'm the one who took him I saw an opportunity and I wasn't going to pass it up and trust me we are all safer this way not Caleb clouse will kill him his name isn't Caleb it's Cole andl has had a, years to kill him and he hasn't so worry less about him and more about yourself all right this guy is not your friend he wants to use you to get his own way you don't know him like I do I know him better than you do now I'm sorry I had to go behind your back and I hate lying to you I really do but believe me this is for your own good sit down you are the one that I like the least yeah well there a pretty young lady who disagrees with that opinion then let me make myself perfectly clear you go near deina again I'm going to cut off parts of you that you'd rather keep a more threats are bloody inventive you're not as powerful as you once were Harvest girl doesn't mean I can't still kick your [Music] ass is right about you you know you're weak [Music] impressive how did you get free better question is if he's not dead then what are you going to do when he recovers we have an hour maybe less enough time to chain him bleed him dump him in the river it's a bit harsh isn't it since when do you care what happens to clouse Nick he's a pain in the ass but well she's a problem for us all clouse is the problem I don't give a damn what happens to Esther quite nice of you coming to my rescue like that no it's a good thing you didn't actually steal the steak from me right I'd have been the one torturing you that mean you trust me now it's finished but I'm worried it's not enough to protect cammy's body from est's Magic I might know a way to distract you from your troubled mind you can take this seriously or I can lock you in a coffin like your brother Finn if you prefer oh no I I'd prefer you to booger off what is it with you two now gets a bit old playing old man out in the own family no clouse Elijah rebec Becca always a Party of Three not room for me at the table always seem to be room for myself is this you was that better looking back then you wish if all goes well perhaps you'll let me near deina without bodily harm i w her I won her took a while but in the end she handed it to me he's a thief and a liar but like Elijah he doesn't give his word lightly since this is the best day I've had in the past two centuries I've made a wish for you close your [Music] eyes [Music] careful careful it's nasty pretty go to the rescue eh SL change your plans brother the bloody H please don't kill him well he should have thought about that before he betrayed our sister those vampires look oh so [Music] hungry if I were you I would make myself scarce go no need to be testy love we both have the same goal really because my goal is to get Cole out of your house alive which seems to be about number 10 on your list number nine at least what is wrong with you he's your brother yes and I also have a sister one who I happen to care about [Music] more I'm past second thoughts that's my girl I'm not leaving job Chopped with a nut job that hates vampires neither am [Music] I allow me to send a message to your little girlfriend I curse you to this unable to jump to another over the next few days I want you to contemplate what's to come we need a stronger witch called deina no no no no no I I don't want to know that I'm sick then do a better bloody [Music] job I'm not going to kill you you idiot despite your behavior you're still my brother you are a Michael son you're my blood so where were you yesterday oh you know being a hero saving the day the usual oh and you didn't think I could help you were with your mate you can't call me it takes 10 seconds this is a right proper spot we're having it's almost as if we were uh oh what is that phrase going steady you wish uh maybe hey at least your boyfriend showed up sad Co what's wrong on you now you listen to me okay then he got a bit perturbed when he went to Rescue Josh and uh and that's all I was going to be okay but I'm running out of time that the body calls in D we need to jump him into a new one we can't just pick up another body at the farmers market we don't even have a spell for that will you give me a minute along with deina I believe I owe you a [Music] dance [Music] I know that we're in a cemetery and I happened to be terminal you go and met the stars are lovely how can you joke right now no are you okay I think I want to be alone for [Music] this I'm afraid that's not an option always and forever is not just something you weasle out of brother [Music] SC [Music] [Music] have you any sleep lately no I've been here studying all the stuff since cold eyed and I thought that you were going to help me bring him back like you [Music] promised [Music] sorry I'd love to help but I'm a little busy mourning another dead boyfriend I'll find Michael for you and you'll give me CO's ashes deal if Cole had asked me to run before he got hexed well he wouldn't have had to ask me twice I'm truly sorry that I wasn't there for you but we have a problem CL what else is new if things go south that dagger might come in handy Cole gave me that dagger for my protection I'm only doing this because you said it will give me the power I need to bring back Cole who Tau you this closest thing I had to a teacher the guy I'm bringing back now when you became region our ancestors gave you a onetime only access to their power now are you sure you want to use that on Cole Michaelson I've already made up my mind Spell's almost done I just use the power of the spirits to turn dirt and Ash into flesh and bone look deina CLA you want my advice is someone who has just been put through the Michael andine to be careful Cole's not like his brothers I need you to use your power as Regent to bring her back no I only get one shot at this I'm using it to bring back coal please love I promise you we will find another way you are all liars I'm going to bring back the the only one of you who has ever meant [Music] anything who the hell are you what did you do it wasn't [Music] Rebecca so much for your big promise to stay with should we got back he's my brother and I many life times longer than you've been on this island I will stop at nothing to get to co back that was my only chance that was Cole's only chance now I know why he hates you I'm so sorry love I promise we'll get cold back just not today
Channel: Lexiedits_
Views: 6,224
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: OFNc-v3-KJ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 47sec (1367 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 03 2024
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