Kohler knocking sound, rebuild

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[Music] alright here's an interesting one basically and it got this more because the person who owns it said that when they were cutting uphill it was under load and it sounded like it had a rod knock so I assumed that it wasn't a rod knock that it was just something simple like maybe the motor mount bolts tripped loose or something and was shaking back and forth so I did a compression test when I first got it and it read like below 90 psi which is kind of weird so I went ahead and readjusted the valves tightened it back down not that that would really improve the compression that much probably make it worse but basically I was trying to crank it over after I did adjust the valves and I noticed that there was the crank case was actually moving separately from this plate right here and I did notice when I was first starting to work on it I found this dowel just sitting in between the fins right there and apparently that dowel is supposed to go right here just right here in that hole but it's not in there so it shook out and then I also noticed that these bolts are not even tightened down at all so I'm going to go ahead and pull this flywheel and see what's going on in there it seems to be pretty bad so I got the flywheel off and I just got to get the stator off or rotor whatever you want to call it and this plate I'm gonna take the valve cover back off again and then turn the motor over to make sure that the push rods are or the cam isn't on the lifters so that way it's idle so that way the cam isn't gonna make it hard to take that top cover off now that there's no load on either the springs and cams I'm gonna go ahead and get the starter off and get this out of the way and that'll be easier to pull this plate off so I can set it to the side apparently there's no easy way to get this off because of the way that this wire is run I don't want to have to take the little connectors out of this plastic piece that might break so I'm just gonna use whatever length is on this wire to set it off to the sidewith so I got all these bolts off and I almost forgot to drain the oil so I'm going to go ahead and do that and take the little filter off so it doesn't make a huge mess and then I'll show the plate coming off I don't know if you can see it but there is quite a bit of shavings in the oil I don't know why but these twin cam engines always have that problem so may be better or worse than the last one that I dealt with but who knows I don't think this is going to pull anything out with it Wow those are extremely large cambers quite a bit of metal at the bottom it's kind of hard to see on camera everything's pressurized oil even the upper bearing crankshaft bearing oh and there seems to be some slack because as the connecting rod is not moving when I do that so I'm gonna go ahead and get this out of the way I went amazing went ahead made some little scratches on the cam gear in the pinion gear so that way I know where to put them back and you can also see how loose these cams are since I made sure it's on the compression stroke so that way there's no load on something kind of cool with some of these motors the oil pump is driven by one of the cam gear shafts and basically they're hollow and when they get spun the oil comes up through the middle of the shaft pass the can and then oils everything up here and all that pretty neat alright so now I'm gonna go ahead and take this hat off so far I am very impressed with the condition of this machine I am gonna be able to reuse all the gaskets this one kind of did split a little bit but it's very thin amount and the way it's split it's gonna be able to go back together just fine especially knowing that the cover is on the top instead of on the bottom like on most of the machines and also the head gasket appears to be in good shape and the cross hunting is even still in the cylinder so I'm not sure that there's anything super badly wrong with it I do feel like there might be something going wrong with this counterweight system over here but I'm not sure yet it's kind of hard to tell alright so I got the head off in the pulley and the bolt here which holds the counter weights together appears to be on a nut in the back so I'm basically just going to go ahead and unbolt the connecting rod and push the piston back and take it out and then I'll just slide the whole crank assembly up okay so nothing appears to be wrong with the rotating parts of this engine so basically what I'm gonna do is clean everything up especially all the carbon off this piston because it's pretty bad get all the Rings back in there right carefully and then I'm gonna go ahead and probably take the valves apart because I think that that might be the issue with the compression because there's a lot of carbon in there so I'm just going to clean everything up and then do the valves and put it back together and hope it works all right so I got everything cleaned up nicely I'm going to go ahead and start putting it back together so I'll do a time lapse you all right so I got it back together most of the way now and just wanted to show what I meant by adjusting the valves on this basically there's a this is a this has a rocker stud instead of a bolt and there's basically this very long nut that the rock are actually pivots on and there's a set screw down in there I don't know if you can see it very well but it's got a star bit I believe it's a t10 or like a t 15 and you basically loosen that up and then it relieves the pressure off the stud so that way this can just spend freely and then you just adjust the rocker as necessary right now I have it pretty loose to increase the compression because there's actually an extra bump or lobe on this can so you can see the intake valves going down and you'll basically see it move a little bit the exhaust valve I don't know if you can see that but it is moving there's a small extra lobe and then it goes through the compression stroke and then down fires and opens normally but there is an extra lobe there so you can adjust this for more looseness and you get more compression and then basically the tighter you have it the less compression you have it's supposed to have a little weight in there that once the motor starts that goes away but sometimes it doesn't work so you just have to use it with the low compression all righty everything's together tires are all aired up pull these back on so I'm just gonna see if it's gonna do a second first start maybe it doesn't want the choke
Channel: mechanical king
Views: 50,203
Rating: 4.7542996 out of 5
Id: 0zXCfSWoFo4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 47sec (647 seconds)
Published: Tue May 22 2018
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