Knowledge Base in Salesforce Lightning

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hello everyone this is Shrikant today we are going to learn about knowledge base in Salesforce lightning and we'll also have some real-time scenarios to have a better understanding by end of this video you will be able to understand what is Salesforce knowledge and how it is helpful for customers or agent agents are nothing but customer support people and we'll also see how to configure it to make customers and agents life easier ok and finally you could confidently propose knowledge articles or knowledge base as a solution to your client when we got this kind of requirements ok always remember way learning something new topic in Salesforce don't think like a developer or it mean think like an end-user this helps us to learn things quickly ok ok who are you I got a problem I recently started a laptop selling company ok that's nice there are many service related questions coming in from customers of course my agents are not completely trained yet ok that's a problem I'm the only one who has the complete knowledge and I am not having enough time to address queries or trying all my agents please help ok before going to your problem I have a questions how come your legs are so thin and how come your hands are so flexible ah ok ok I'm sorry let's try to understand your problem first ok so basically our skinny legs guy is owning a company where he sell laptops ok so left side whenever you are sending laptops there might be some issue something like login issue OS fail or they might come up with some issues and they can even ask for product details so all the customers can rise some kind of issues or some kind of queries to the customer support people so right sir we have agents who our customer support people who needs to address these questions or issues correct bird as this is a new company our CEO did not get enough time to train these agents as they were not trained they were unable to address all these issues at the same point of time we see you or knows everything about this product a twosie about all these products but the thing is he couldn't address all these issues by himself with discuss one side because he's not an agent in the first place so this is his problem his results were not trained and at the same point of time he was unable to address all these questions at once don't worry we have a solution for this presenting you knowledge base it's like a library in Salesforce okay how does this work now we have customers where they will be querying or asking for some questions we have agents now what we will do is we'll ask our CEO to document all the pregnat it's like a fake use or login issue resolutions or about always failed issues and all and we'll ask him to put it in the knowledge base so this is kind of container sales was by default provides okay so in this knowledgebase will ask him to upload it whenever it is necessary so this knowledge base will be having all the product details or all the epicures and all now these agents whenever a case comes like a login issue are always failed let's say OS file issue has come up as a case to these agents any document in knowledge base which is matching with this name will be shown up on their screens directly next to that case so obviously they can just tell them the customer okay so this is the document so these are the steps you need to do and then they can assist these customers so this is how agents can access knowledge base on their screens next to their case and then they can rip lent them back quickly okay now not only agents can have access to this knowledge base even customers can have access to this knowledge base but not the complete access we can display only set of four knowledge base questions something like a fake use as articles to these customers so that they can see and then they can fix their problem by themselves rather than asking two agents every time this helps our agents to have better productivity also this is how knowledgebase will help our skinny legg CEO to resolve this issue I love it how to set up knowledgebase in Salesforce lightning like anything in Salesforce knowledgebase is also very easy to set up in Salesforce lightning let's dive in to create knowledge base in Salesforce you need to click on gear button first and here you need to click on service setup ok click on service setup this will take us to the screen where you can set up the knowledge base here you sinon in center bread if you don't see this here you can click on view all and there you can select knowledgebase also and here you can scroll down and you should be able to see Nolan Center okay so now I will click on knowledge set up here and it will show me a pop-up where I can select the values now I will click on start so this is how you need to setup so first click on start and if here you need to give the names who needs to have access to this knowledge business so you can click on this place so that the person can create knowledgebase articles or knowledge-based documents okay by default it has selected my name who is system in my system admin access is having permission to create articles or information in knowledgebase ok now click on next here it is asking for some kind of data category so don't worry about it just click on next and it will ask about create some articles or what next so I can create articles by clicking on let's go articles are nothing but information or the documents that you want users to or agents you have access to ok now click on finish now our knowledge set up is ready ready and ready now so it is ready where I can see it the thing is whenever you set up knowledgebase automatically an object or table will be created in Salesforce with named knowledge so how to see that like any tab in Salesforce you can just click on app launcher and then you need to click on new wall and scroll down and you should be seeing something called knowledge knowledge where are you knowledge yeah I am searching for knowledge good so it will now get us to this knowledge tab where you can create information or you can create documents or we call it as articles in Salesforce so this is this is what is called knowledgebase tab where you can create new information ok now there are no current articles or no information that is there in our knowledgebase currently it is empty now about CEO wants some kind of information to be there in this particular knowledge so now I will click on new Salesforce by default provided us with some kind of FAQ knowledge types fa Q's are nothing but frequently asked questions from customers so we'll give some kind of frequently asked questions and then we'll go ahead that it'll so we'll try to create the FAQ about warranty and the OS issues okay so a warranty details of model laptop model ABCD 1 1 2 2 ok your will be automatically populated and you just need to type the question this is that it's text 8 here you need to click on edit so that you can type your question something like what or the warranty details of laptop model ABCD 1 1 2 2 and then you can give it as here again you need to click on edit laptop model warranty details or 2 years and can be extended ok as this is a rich text area you can select bold or you can put italic etc etc so this is the question this is away this is FAQ question and this is the answer separately 7 new cell will create one more article ok so this is about some kind of Oasis shoe so I knew another FAQ I will say that title will be always information ok and in question we need to just give edit and I will ask for so the question will be what is the default OS that gets installed when I buy the laptop so he's just asking for what kind of voice that will be installed and I can give it as Windows 10 symbol or maybe you can put Linux edit and here you can just type Windows 10 simple and then click on save okay now we have two informations that are provided in knowledge base so this is about waste information about the default OS this is a query and the other one is about warranty details so these are two FAQ informations that we are storing in knowledge base survey click on knowledge we have created the information now any case comes up which are matching with this knowledge information these knowledge information should be displayed in the agent screen so that they can just help the customers immediately now we will quickly create a case about asking for warranty so as the information about warranty has been already created we'll see whether it is showing up now click on Ches Ches Ches Ches case in case you're here so kisses click on new so these are existing cases in my system I will click on new and I will ask for warranty okay so anything about warranty so case will just give the mandatory fields it's about email or maybe phone and scroll down scroll down scroll down subject please provide so this is like an query query case ok so just a query question to the customer support please provide the warranty details about the model model ABCD 1 1 2 2 ok and I will just copy and give the same description as well and click on save so as soon as this case has been created agent should be able to see the relevant information that I have created so if you see this is the knowledge so this is this will default Lee come if it doesn't come you need to add this related list first of all we'll see the details first ok so this is a woody subject which customer has raised this is the description it is asking for some warranty details as an agent I do not have much information about it so I need to rely on knowledge base now if you don't see this particular knowledge block in the rights or or anywhere in your screen you need to add it from the page load ok record page loads you will see any page here right click on setup and click on edit page this will take us to the record page screen and here if you see here is the knowledge if you don't see it you just need to type knowledge here knowledge so you just need to drag and then put it wherever you want it ok so this is how you can add your knowledge block into your page layout ok sighs it is already added into my system I will just go back and it will open my case page but the question is I have created a case which is relevant to our entry details but the information which are created in the knowledge base is not displaying up here but basically ideally that has to be displayed here the information which we have created in knowledge base has to be displayed here why articles are not displaying under knowledge layout in case page it should display right yes it should display but there is a reason all the articles that we have created are in draft stage usually article will be in three states either in draft stage or in published State or it's an archive state all the recalls that we created first time will be in draft State there is something called publish button on clicking on it it will go into the published it as soon as an article is in publish state then it will display under cases now to make those articles to be displayed in this knowledge box we need to publish them so how to publish it will go back to knowledge tab either you can click on app launcher and go or you can click on here and then click on knowledge so we are navigating to knowledge tab now we now we need to navigate to to the draft articles so whenever you create an article like we did before so those articles will be interrupted okay so you need to publish them how to publish it so sell both of them and you see a publish button here right so if you click on this publish automatically they will get they will move into published it so click on publish now they are published with well did they go so as the state has been changed we need to find them in published articles list view so these lists uses standard Salesforce which to use now articles are in published it now will see whether these articles are displaying in our case or not so click on this case will just refresh this page and here if you see we are seeing those suggested articles so warranty details laptop model and noise information if you don't see them just search here something like laptop see if you can just search warranty it will get the relevant one so warranty click on it and it will open that respect to article if I see and open this article it says two years in this documentation so I will go back to the case and I will inform to the customers saying that hey customer devar and D is about two years for this model abd what double one double two this is how knowledge articles can be published in Salesforce nice but all these are related to epic use I wanted to store user manuals also like installation manuals or troubleshooting manuals how to do it if I go to this knowledge tab and click on new Salesforce will give us to create knowledge article or knowledge information but it is related to FAQ Salesforce by default givers this feature to store information about appear cubes effect your switch frequent last questions whenever it is frequently asked questions it is all about question and answer correct question and answer bird as per the requirement by that CEO he is asking for us to store a BOTY user manuals we don't want this question answer here in that case but we need our text area or some kind of big text box where we can have step-by-step feature about this user manual if you see here so whenever we click on new knowledge article in the UI so it is asking for title question and answer right so it's so purely about a fake use but as you asked if we need some kind of manual not to our knowledge articles to be created we do not want question-and-answer instead we want step-by-step description and it has to be stored in a different field or a different way different column okay to have that we need to have separate fields on different page layouts for that you need to create record types okay so our target T's will create another page layout which will store this field and it will remove these two fields and we'll have to record types one is FAQ and one is manual okay so we'll try to do it so currently by default Salesforce give us this page limit okay which pays out this page out is having question and answer so first we need to have another field which is for step-by-step description okay so we'll create meal first and we also need to create one more things out that page though should not have this question answer so to do it we need to go to setup click on setup and object manager click on this object manager as I said whenever you set up knowledgebase then automatically knowledge object will be created so they search for knowledge object so yeah this is our knowledge object so if you see carefully it has been a little bit kab unlike our custom objects or standard objects it has been under the numbers cruncher okay this is just for information nothing to do with our setup so we'll try to create a new field which is a wood step-by-step description of the user manual so we'll create new and I think it is better to have a rich text area I hope you already know how to create custom fields so over again scroll down each text area and and next so make it a step-by-step procedure and let the default values as these and click on next and click on next and click on save so we have our please ready so we need to have this field in a separate page node where question-answer shouldn't be there so we'll click on page layout and this is our FAQ page layout and this is the default page down so in this epic you page node you have seen as a pic you is basically frequently asked questions it will have question-and-answer fields now we'll create one more base node where it should only have step-by-step procedure unlike our FAQ page layout so I will just try to clone it from knowledge base load or FAQ layout and then make it as light pink knowledge manually out and click on save in this page layout I don't want question-and-answer so I will remove them from this page now take it from here take it from here and I need to get our step-by-step procedure then we ready to go yeah yep and then click on save now we have our page layout study the next thing is about red cortex why do we need record types whenever you click on your knowledge article it should ask you whether you want to create FAQ or user manual so to do that we need to have record types to ask that question for you which we need to have record types currently we have a pick your record type now we need to create one more so epic user default record type and it hull it has been created by Salesforce we are just creating it for manual long so manual manual record type okay and I need to make it active else it will not display I am enabling it for all profiles and click on next next click on next and select the page load I want manual level to be selected for all points ok and you can be very careful with this step if you miss this out you cannot see the expected result click on save now we have our record type ready and we have our page load ready now we can test it so we have if you click on record types so we have to record types so whenever you have to record types sales was will ask you to select either code type first and based on this record type it will navigate to the respect to screen so I will switch back to knowledge so I will just click off cross here and now we call knowledge tab again and I will click on new so now it is asking if you want to select FAQ or you want to select magnet so as a figure has already been seen on scorning manual so click on next and if I go down I would be seeing only step by step procedure and I will not see question answer because this is about manual so it's like a user manual so you just need to give a step one you need to open your system step to unplug it or plug it and step three is how it out some like that okay all these steps can be given in manuals so something like click on start click on shutdown throw it so your laptop out of the window something like this so title will be how to fix my laptop over heating issue something like this and you can just create a manual saying that how to fix that issue by step by step clear now I can create FAQ again so I will see I will show you again how FAQ page out looks like so I will click on new again and in this epoch you click on next and you should be seeing question answer so scroll down and you should be seeing push in an answer and if you see step by step approach is also still there because then they have created that particular repeat I did not remove it from the actual FAQ layout so just take it out from the layout click on page layouts and click on FAQ layout and scroll down and scroll down and from here just take it out okay drag and drop in the top and click on save and you can just navigate here and click on refresh to see where their FAQ page load has been changed and the suppressed approach to flip should not be this line of only question and answer same problem sort step-by-step procedure is not displaying now here question and answer is displaying from FAQ so this is how you can use your record types and payloads to serve your different kind of knowledge article types we have three articles so far two fa Q's and one manual right we have created two graphic use and one troubleshooting manual right is there a way we can categorize these things properly yes there is a way so whenever you need to we have multiple like thousands of articles or different types of different record types you need to categorize them so that it is easy for you to check the articles whenever you click on the category so we call this category you share in Salesforce as data category oops so here we can create two categories like we have the record types we can categorize like epic use and manuals so I'm having one as FAQ category and the second one has manuals to create data category groups you need to click on sir we set up again this will take us to the screen where you need to type data category in this quick find so if you see there is data categories set up clearly see if you have other options also just you need to click on data category setup and now it will ask us to create the group first first we need to create a group so where I will make it as of a queues and manuals okay and I will give the unique name and click on save now group has been created so this is if you see this is kind of tree structure I can add FAQ here a fake use and click on add and I can add DC under that a fake use under all we have a fake use I will click on manually it now manuals and I click on add now you can add as many categories as you want and at the same point of time under each group also under each category also you can add one more category something like if you see under manuals also I can add further than one more category but no it is not required but I will show you how you need to create sonar manuals I can make it as user manual as one category and under manuals I can add another category as troubleshooting manual ok so if they were if I create the manuals of if I create manuals of troubleshooting then I can put those in this category and if I want user manual second this in category and FAQ says in this candidate currents I don't need these two I mean I don't need these differentiation so I will just go and delete those categories ok so I can create in their categories also like this scene under all you will be seeing two categories and the menus you will be seeing two more categories so I will delete them because ok and again troubleshooting click on OK now we have only two categories of accuse and manuals and I click on save now our data category setup is Rowdy now how to add our articles to these data categories to do that these data categories has to be in active mode if you see desiring inactive we need to make them active how so here there is an option activate category group and this will get activated and it has been listed under activity category right now we will go and see how to add these articles in this data categories respectively now we will navigate to the knowledge tab and we'll see how to assign an article to a data category now this is our draft article so click on how to fix my laptop overheating issue and will categorize into manual category okay so how to add it if you see there is something called category down here and this is a drop-down click on edit after you click on edit it will give you all so you can add any article to multiple categories in this case I want to add only to the manuals category and I will click on save so this is how you can a categorized or particular article to any category if you can add multiple it show you how many categories it is belongs to the biggest advantage with this categories is we can use this categories as a filter in reports by using these filters you can find how many articles under this category who are in published it and in drop straight how can i queue permission to my users to create and publish articles some of my agents should just see the articles but not publish how to do this to manage these permissions we need to convey them in profiles so we have multiple permissions on profiles for managing these articles first one is manage articles it is helpful for us to create the articles and edit those articles etc archive articles is all about archiving the articles which are not in use anymore and finally we have cut permissions on object which is really important or knowledge object if you don't have permission on this knowledge object even though you have access or manage publish an archive articles it's not at all useful so you need to have permission or knowledge object first only then these permissions will come into picture okay now we'll see how these permissions will affect the user in case of this knowledge articles so currently I have this agent a square so we'll go to his profile and then see how we can change it and how it will impact him I finally logged in with that user separately so first we'll go ahead check with this profile okay so this is custom admin profile associated with this user and click on edit okay now and if you search for manager else down here so I see manager that's right so I will remove this permission and we have something called archived articles and finally we should be taking out publish articles see so these are the three permissions perm publish archive and manage articles but in knowledge so a knowledge of laquida created and then how just given a read and B what which means they should be able to see agent should be able to see the knowledge articles but they it cannot do anything like creating of articles publishing the articles or archiving the articles so we'll just save and we'll see whether it is happening properly or not now I logged in with a square agent and if you see we have this case okay now we'll open this case and we'll see on if he is having access to those articles so this is our case detail page and and if you see this user is having access to these knowledge articles okay now we will see whether he can create new articles or not I really should not create because we did not cube permission for this user or this user profile do not to have published articles or archived articles or manage our transformation so if you see we don't see any new button here so I will just open the draft articles and we'll see whether he can publish or not so he do not have any buttons as such only thing he can do on these articles is just read option or he can only view those articles he cannot do anything about it now I want this user to have all the permissions like publishing of articles are coming up articles very simple just going it to his profile and make them checked where is well let's try it out okay now we'll try to give him all the permissions on articles okay so scroll down and give manage articles permission and archive article permission and publish article permission so is it enough the answer is no because to publish articles which means you're creating articles which means you need to have create option on third level so we'll give create edit and you can also give delete and you can also give modify out so I'm giving all the permissions so that you have will have access oh I forgot one one last thing left so all the users who wants to do more than viewing the articles they should be a knowledge they should be having the knowledge user permission so we'll see whether this user is having it or not self like on this user and we should be saying something call it knowledge user see this is knowledge user you need to have this permission only then you can do more than viewing the articles so click on it and click on save now we are pretty much done so to do more than viewing the articles you need to have knowledge user permission you need to have access to knowledge object and you also need to have manage permission archive a permission and publish articles permission so we'll just go here and we'll see whether this user is having this permission or not I mean just you press this page and we should be seeing some buttons here look so we got buttons to publish and sign archive delayed so you can do whatever you want here and you can also create new articles so this is how you can give permission to users to just view the articles or you can also give permissions to the users to manage delete edit whatever you want all these articles okay by default system admin will be having all the access on these articles clear what if my articles needs to be updated will my old changes will be lost if an article is published then the old changes will never be lost they will be added as a new version every time you do changes it will create a new draft article and you can do whatever changes you want and then and you will be created for it the old changes will not be lost for published article let's come to this knowledge stamping and so currently we are in publisher has stayed and let's open this warranty details of cap top if she see the detail says the warranty is two years let's say there were because of our new guidelines it has been changed to three years okay now we need to have this information updated to the agents or to the customer so this is the only knowledge base how do we edit it so the published article can never be edited so you need to create a new version by using edit as draft so as soon as you click on edit as draft it will create a new version and it will be drafted see now we will do some changes with this answer okay click on edit and now change the value from two years to three years and click on save now this will be creating a new version but it is still interrupted so if you see if you click on this version this is a new version of this previous document so click on versions and if you see this is the old version which isn't published yet so they will be still seeing users will be still seeing that version I'm an extended value as two years until our latest version which is in our state is published they will be still seeing yes two years so what we need to do is we need to publish this as soon as you click on publish this will get this will go to the previous version and this will come into use for both a customers and agents so I will confirm place and we'll see whether it is in acting or not so you see it says to viewing so this is the version that will be used if I go to knowledge articles now and I will click on this warranty details of laptop model as this is published state now it will show three e TP three years as an extended version see so this is the version that currently both customers and agents will be seeing so why should number two which is in act two state so this is version 2 and this is version 1 if I click on this older version there you should be seeing saying as to a seat as soon as you create a new version the previous version will go to archive state this is how you can update your changes in this knowledgebase what option will I have if my article is no longer required so you do have two options one you can archive it - you can delete it so any article can be in draft stage and it can be published is finally it can be in our chem stage so if you still want to delete it if you don't want that article to be there in the system at all then you can delete it if you want to let that article be there in the system then you can just archive it as simple as that okay first thing first so we cannot delete any article which isn't published State okay but if you want to delete or if you don't want that published article to be displayed to any user then what you can do is click on the tactical and move that article to archival state okay click on archive and click on archive button it should move that article to our Cal State Normal go and check it in our articles okay here if you see any article in archive state those will not be displayed to the agents or to the customers in case if you really don't want this article to be displayed in the system at all then you can select that article and you can delete it so by clicking on this delete it will be removed from the database forever so this is how you can archive all you can delete any article from the system and that's your wrap-up if you liked this video give a thumbs up if you have any questions comment down below practice practice practice and but you
Channel: Salesforce Exclusive
Views: 30,389
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Keywords: Knowledge Base in Salesforce Lightning, salesforce knowledge, knowledge articles in salesforce, salesforce knowledge base, publish knowledge articles, cases salesforce, salesforce cases, knowledge, archive articles salesforce, create articles salesforce, knowledge object salesforce, knowledge salesforce, salesforce lightning knowledge, knowledge salesforce lightning
Id: fgWbwcdkYjg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 38sec (2078 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 30 2020
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