Process Builder - A Tool every Salesforce developer must know

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hi everyone how are you doing today I am going to explain process builder a wonderful tool every says post developer must form let's not waste time kvitko by end of this video you will be able to understand actions that process builder can do and you will be able to figure it out when to use process filter instead of workflow or it sugar for a given scene as well what is a process builder it is a tool provided by Salesforce why it is used to automate your business process without writing a single line of code Hey poyu I am a Salesforce admin I don't know how to vote don't worry brother you don't need to know coding to play with process result Rosen's builder can mean walk in two ways when a record is created or edited and when another process costs which means when a record is created or edited you can perform any one action combination of actions are all of these actions I will explain each one of these actions with examples for a better understanding hey you again what happened you want to create an order record when opportunity is closed one and amount rather than five million okay trust Center can help you on this out of all these actions create new record will sells your purpose don't worry I will explain you with an example type process builder here and click on process filter it will now get to a page where you can see list of all causes click on you type a process name process builder demo demo API name is automatically filled actions of process builder the processes when I record which means when a record is created or edited now click on save now you will be navigated to this well design page where everything you need to select step by step now click on add object our requirement is when an opportunity is closed one and new order should be created so object will be obviously opportunity and of course these process will be when a record is created or edited now going click on save do you criteria name is equal to the conditions stage is equal to closed one and stage is equal to closed one and amount greater than familiar if you do this it will be useful I mean it will be easy for you to see what is the condition by seeing the criteria name itself now select the field you need to set the conditions now stage equals close one second row add row and then you amount amount choose currency five million five six zeros and first condition stage name equals close one chicken one amount equals five million so it should be clear that yeah this is what our admin asked five million so it is stage equals closed one and opportunity greater than five million so on this condition he needs the records should be created now click Save okay our criteria got set now select the action so we have seen all the action set these are the list of actions out of which we need to select three extra party action name create and order create or the record and record type obviously should be ordered or the yeah now it will ask for default values start a status and account ID so start it date we need to mention and it can be a date we need reference or a formula field reference in the sense the field value which comes from the opportunity the opportunity which invoke this action we can select formula where we can give a twisted to a open/close use this formula and then this opportunity and status we can directly cue a picklist values draft and account ID you can fetch this from opportunity reading so clear difference and click on it OPP winter select accorded account IDs choose now click Save so the criteria is pitch so when it is the closed one we need to create an action so create order record is an action so in that order action we have given the default values so now everything is done click on activate see the configuration is so easy you can come and then this is go online we just need to test click on opportunities select any one opportunity so it been asked for close one opportunity and amount greater than 5 million so go to stage change it to a closed one and okay amount click on it will make file at 55 so 5 by there we are recorded 5 5 and click on save so you check the date last modified need to check the last 111 13 to 17 and 11 2 p.m. ok now we need to check the orders click on order step latest one one one nine and order created started last one fight sustained time status drop started 11:30 see so easy once when an opportunity is close one and five million we have created an order see as simple as that I think our it mean will be happy now what come on at me dear full of problems now what is it submit for approval when opportunity is close one and and one rather than five million u.s. dollars can process pretend helping of course it can is the same criteria but you want submit for approval it's easy so out of the actions which you can see submit for approval action will help you don't worry it mean I will show you a demo to create this process first of all we need an improved process so let's quickly create improve the system will this process create new whole standard queue process name process filtered then [Music] next we need to set the criterias these criteria conditions should be very standard cookie radius which we have given in process with M so M 1 greater than 5 million and stage equal pieces forced one closed in selected click on next and direct manager next [Music] and we need to select an email template here I have already created some demon template opportunity didn't select it go next leave their default values as this save it will asked for steps creating a booster oh yes give some random values logged a record and next or the code should enter this criteria click Next leave the defaults a letís click on save now we'll be creating attachments and of the world is created will be creating a task and will be interested in to some user click and less I need to on here in this case now Alice is the subject fake opportunity created big opportunity created and unique name due date should be closed straight less less unknown and should be created it created it this that it is so within that it is of opportunity it should be create opportunity has to be addressed that's what the idea is okay one save so we have it at the opportunity one now stuff has left click on activate activate obtain now we are having enough ablow process which will be used in this process now that April process is created we'll go and create this process further action click on process filter open our will open our existing process fill the demo click so this follows version is so click on process to the demo when you prior action here but as you can see nothing is editable because once it is activated it will be in derivative one so we need to blow it so that and you watching will be created you can save the new version created and we can add action can click on add action actually diaper submit for the provider submit for approval and specific April process when you decide our approval processes process through the demo and click on save and see as it blesseth record two actions and then click on activate now we are good to go well test this functionality now back to setup open an opportunity will open the existing opportunity laptops and then I will change am 0.5 it will make it 6 6 sequence here it should go level one yes yes and it is assigned to my manager test as I am certain I can approve this record by clicking on a pro-rated type approved clinic group as this record is a probe this will be in read-only mode we need to click on unlock record to unlock this record so that a user can actually edit it are you sure okay and then this record will allow us to edit see they did button it is not yeah that's all I think he will be happy now at least oh oh come on it mean you will never be happy so what is it now you want to post a chapter when opportunity is closed one and a moth between two billion and five minute oh you change the criteria very nice okay let's do it same drill again process builder click on process builder it will now get to your page where you can see all the process click here and we'll see two versions which like the latest version and then as you can see everything is in read-only mode to edit it we need to chronic so that a new version will be created click on send now we can edit it we need to add a new criteria why because admin change the criteria to closed one and amount should be in between five million and two million so we need to add in two criteria so first condition doesn't satisfy here we need to I think you created criteria name stage is equal to the same way we need to give the conditions as criteria so it would be easy and among disappered garden - and amount less than equal to 5 m USD 2m okay we'll set the conditions now stage equals clothesline we need to add two conditions here one more amount greater than two six zero one two three four prices and a Mont choose less than or equals five zero zero able to go huh and click on save now we need to add an action what is that action he wants to cause two chatter when this condition satisfied supposed to chapter one [Music] foreclosed one and among between 2 million and 5 million USD forced to record we can post user on Shattuck oops also I am choosing recording so we can give the post text here so a new opportunity created with a Mon will set the Ahmadi can actually use match bits amount choose will give the opportunity name as well created where we will put opportunity name and then choose will give the account also of which one we got the opportunity for account will give the account name as well so it will be image fill second account ID first one and then we'll give the name here choose so remove account text untick on save now I think everything is then we will activate it see less than two minutes again convolution is source of the process builder we go back to set up and then open opportunity will open the same opportunity hundred laptops and will change the EMA state is already closed one so if the amount is in between - laughs - pi so 2 million to 5 million this has to trigger so click on save and it should appear here in the chat ok because we have asked for chatter a new opportunity created for opportunity bit amount for account see the first one is the a opportunity name American banking corporation hundred laptops and 4 million is the amount which we have got it from edge fields see as simple as that hmm I know you will come back let's see what you got you want to send an email to opportunity on earth when opportunity is close one and I want to return two million and 5 million is the same criteria but you want to send an email out of all these actions only email alert will serve your purpose okay let's see the demo same drill again process builder click on process builder now we will see the list of process click on another latest version click and as you people already understood a building will be read-only we need to clone it save and we need to for the same criterion we need to add a new action add action so I've been asked for an email alert on the same criteria will you email or - no e alert and select any email alert so i or negated one email by default there is opportunity created click on save and we got our email alert activate less than a minute it is too fast go back to setup so to trigger this email alert conditions are staged close one and a month is between 2 million and 5 million so even expect negative it just trigger it out by change a value by 3 and then click on save it should trigger so this is the email which we got 0 minutes ago hello she can new opportunity has been created you can salesforce yeah and so on see very easy let's see whatever it been got now hey you're full of problems brother what is it now you want to update trail opportunity products when opportunity is growth lost so basically you want to update your children cards fair enough out of these actions update relative records will do the magic ok same steps again setup process builder process builder you can see all the processes click on process filter Damon latest is both version as you know it is read-only mode we need to clone it we need to add a criteria here so we first will put on it save it and add criteria so what is the criteria now he said when stage is closed lost he needs his chair the course to be updated opportunities he records to be updated so stage choose equals clothes lost sip simple and what is the action now action type update records so update all opportunity products record type what kind of record obviously which is related to opportunity and we can select any related record type now opportunity line items the APN a missed opportunity line items no criteria so what are the piece that we want to update so on sale records we want description to change with opportunity is closed lost so all the Chiricahua scription will be updated with opportunity is close to us that's out right here and activate Kara done come from back to setup we'll take this criteria how it is working so when it is closed lost all the child records line description has to be change it to opportunities closed last as simple as that this opportunity was any products oh it doesn't doesn't have any products it seems we'll add one product can select one right three select quantity will you do to save and then we'll try to make it this line description is empty as you can see now we'll make it closed lost closed and lost okay save now both the child records line description has to be changed see opportunities flows frost simple very easy right hey you got it out what is it what kind of relative records can be update using process builder it's a very very very good out it can update both pay records and share rakaats which is having both master detail and look up relationships hey you got a new problem good good you want to update future records of opportunity when opportunity is close lost ten year process filtered help me out of course it can help you it has two ways to solve this issue one update relative records to calling an FX class for learning perspective I will show you how to do this with FX class [Music] okay to know this we need to create a new class fixed class so public class process builder invocation some Auto is to update future the cost which will satisfy some criteria when opportunity is closed lost so it should be public static void and method so a parameters will take only primitive types all list of primitive types as of now we are taking opportunity IDs so we'll get this opportunity ID we will run a query on this opportunity IDs twist off opportunity line-item OPP line itams to be updated sequel to select select ID is I have an inch paste my own as a namespace here so 0 0 some response for is deactivated so basically we'll make this deactivated checkbox to true if it is closed lost which means all the children course which satisfy some condition we will make it deactivated where so we have a service price P cell space greater than thousand and thousand and ID in ID opportunity ID in so the IDs which record it as a parameter in : OPP IDs we are done with our opportunity item updated and we are running it for loop on this and we are making it to true and finally we are updating it here so we are done with our class now we will go to process filter and we'll see how it is working process builder click on process builder it will open processes click on the latest version and we need to add a new action here because there was already condition closed lost we need to add the action action type is of course effects now update selected child records effects class so process builder invocation it is not visible here huh so the thing is we need to make our class method as in vocable with an annotation corn in workable method so if you add that annotation then it will be visible for process builder so we'll add this in vocable method annotation you were couple and third say now it should reflect here if it is not reflecting for you just replace the page add row so this is to add parameters so that meant that is having offer IDs which meaning descent the opportunity ID of which of the required which this process called invoke drop and then say and then we need to activate this and then we'll test it now go back to any opportunity opportunity opportunity a farmers corporation of Florida so we see the products first so 4x since prices are only two is having sales price they over there 10,000 and line description is empty is ID activity is empty so if we make it close lost two of the OP line opportunity should be deactivated let's go down and check the values if you see is deactivated for two line items he is deactivated is true because says very son rather than 10,000 for both the products and line description for all the tree has been populated because we have other action I'd update related requests that also has run at the same time and that action populated line description and the class topics class action has activated this two line items that's all hey it seems you are impressed I love this process builder is there anything that process filtered cannot do of course even though process blur is an awesome tool it still have its limitations let's see what are they things that we cannot do with process filter are deleting records out porn messages cloning a record updating unrelated records will see one way one so first one is deleting requests so we cannot actually delete a concert or processor but there is an al community one is with close one with effects so in effects you can write a code to delete the records and you can call that FX class from the process freedom so from the floors you can do this similar thing you can call flows the process builder will be discussing how to call flows from process the death in next tutorials next output outbound messages it has an outer day 2 4 + and ethics so as you know that only thing that process filter cannot do and workflow can do is outbound messages you get sent above messages from effects as well and now cloning a record cloning a record cannot be done with process builder as of now they alternative is effects and finally updating unrelated records from process filter you can only update relative records either parent or child that to master detail or a lookup but it cannot update unrelated reports so that you can do with either close awesome epics and here is the chart of capability so if you can't do a requirement with both flow it can be done with process builder it can't be done with process builder a flow or a visual workflow can do it if we can't be done with that flow all visual workflow then you can go with trigger you got no option over there and here are some of the recommendations deactivate any workflow or process having similar conditions as it will lead to inconsistent results use proper naming conventions in conditions or actions condition is equal to amount greater than 5 million question action is equal to update grammar is go to through if you put this kind of things you don't need to open any action or criteria to see what it exactly made by naming by seeing the name itself you will understand what is the condition which you have given and perform a bulk load test to see your process working properly or not and thank you so much if you liked this video give a thumbs up
Channel: Salesforce Exclusive
Views: 102,756
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Keywords: Process Builder, Process Builder Salesforce, Salesforce Process Builder, Process Builder - A Tool every Salesforce developer must know, A Tool every Salesforce developer must know, Automate business Process, Submit for Approval, Approval Process, Post to Chatter, Email Alerts, Update relative records, Call Apex, demo, salesforce admin, when to use process builder
Id: -OLnkdfd9rA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 22sec (1822 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 20 2017
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