Knowing the Ojibwe

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] not everything that is written is the truth it can be ones interpretation of truth the truth to everything is how we speak how we live about life so these are just a little bit of science there's four polls in there there's four raps in there and it faces east-west because because the East is the beginning of life the West is our Western doorway is the spirit doorway when we one we are born we walk from the east to the west and then the spiritual walk these two doors here the north and the south got soaked on the story of life is in the north we travel from death to the north and then we go to the happy hunting grounds down in the south when we run this lodge you don't have to say anything to anybody the person conducting the lodge will know everything and anything about you don't even have to say nothing that person will know you're every one of your dreams because they come out in the story your dreams come out your visions come out anything that you've ever experienced in your life it will come out and people will know the person conducting a lodge will know everything about you and how it is that you are to carry your life this is our teaching Lodge this is where everything starts from and then we end up here in the main lodge that it is we had differences because a lot of our people have been educated and and also influenced by other cultures and other societies and how it is that they do things and a lot of that has includes and infiltrated our way of thinking our way of living life so a lot of our people will say and do things that that is contrary and when we were inside that Lodge I said let's go to the midday Lodge so we walked into the middle arch we all sat down and I spoke for about three hours about about the power and the energies I talked to the talk to the wind the wind came within about 15 seconds blew down everything blew down all the tents all the campers everything just blew them right over to remind us that we need purification Suseela yet we still get in valence because our feelings are running hives one extreme to the other extreme it's not in the middle it's not at peace we disturb the peace inside of ourselves somebody says where we are that person don't know what they're talking about well let me tell you this who is the who is the best person to please we are our environment wherever we travel we are who we are we can't change that what changes things is the idea that the thoughts of everything we manipulate before so it didn't happen at all fancy it up and make it say it happened this way I remember I went to a conference in Miami racism conference and when I was there 3800 people from all over the world came and one day were there they said oh you did that to my people you did that to my people who's going to pay that's what people are saying this who's going to pay who's going to pay you did that to my people boy felt real bad on our sitting man after all and I happen to know the lady she was from Denver Colorado or Boulder Colorado her name was Shirley Banali she works for the Ford Foundation of America she said Mr Morrison I'm very curious to find out what you have to say so I stood up and I said where's the love where's the love that brought everyone of us here every one of us we have this love we brought it here where is it all I hear is my ancestors hatreds your ancestors hatreds their Wars their jealousies their whatever differences that they had in that time it's still here in this room today right now I said where's the love that brought every one of us here knowing we can make a difference in each of our communities no matter where we come from in this world we can make a difference Peter what's a Malta Mauritius you know beyond gay on internal power synonym Oh show me when I win we'll see what we're on an orchard me a limo shed you know beyond a limo every day was the multi mana she's gaining on if I wish it a name Oh Shane honey wah wah seaworthy
Channel: dereksbuds4u
Views: 48,582
Rating: 4.9086757 out of 5
Keywords: Minnesota, Indian, Ojibwe, Native, American, Red, Lake, Reservation, Derek, Bledsoe, UCM, Bruce, Martin, Penn, State
Id: HW20Xl3WSeE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 22sec (562 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 04 2006
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