Know The Earnings Of ANY Seller On Shopify, Amazon, Etsy Or EBay (Here's How!)

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have you ever wondered what kind of profits are truly being made in the world of e-commerce and have you ever wondered which products are actually the most profitable to sell online well in this video I'll guide you through a practical approach to uncover the earnings of any e-commerce business across platforms like Shopify Amazon Etsy and eBay and the best part is that you can use this data to figure out whether it's worth it to sell any specific product online what's up everyone my name is Steve Chu and I've been running a seven figureure e-commerce store over at bumblebee Linden for the past 17 years I'm also the author of The Wall Street Journal bestselling book The Family First entrepreneur now let's start with Shopify now in the past Shopify has been a black box and you can never really tell how much money a Shopify store made in Revenue sure you could use sites like ahfs to estimate search traffic or similar to estimate overall traffic but it was impossible to determine the actual Revenue numbers on that traffic until now there's a tool called shop hun .io that will automatically crawl any Shopify store website and tell you how much it's making in sales and it's extremely accurate now how is that possible well to be straight up no one knows the exact methodology that shop Hunter uses but I suspect that the software crawls the site and applies the 999 rule let me explain most shopping carts like Shopify will display an outof stock message if a customer tries to add something to their cart that exceeds the inventory available so by adding 999 items into the cart and then slowly backing down the number until the product is in stock you can actually figure out exactly how much a store has an inventory and by monitoring this number on a daily or even an hourly basis you can determine the store sales tools like shop do this on mass it detects new products price changes changes in inventory everything and then tells you how much the store makes so here's what the tool looks like by the way if you use the Link in the description below you'll get a free trial and the data is eye openening here's what the interface to shop hter looks like and it's a little tricky to use but I'll walk you through it the first thing you need to do is to figure out whether the store in question is on the Shopify platform because right now shop Hunter only works for Shopify stores once you find a store you want to track the first thing you must do is to use a tool called built with to determine whether it is in fact a Shopify store once the store is confirmed to be a Shopify store type in the URL into your browser and from there typ control U to expose the source code for the site then hit crlf and do a search for my Shopify all one word this is the URL that you need to copy for shop Hunter then go into shop Hunter and click add shop and paste the URL into the box from here shop Hunter will crawl the site and track the sales now this is a brand new shop that has not been tracked before it'll take a couple of days for the tool to gather data here's an example report you can see daily sales and exactly which products are being sold and the best part is that I've compared this data to real Shopify stores and it's extremely accurate but how can you apply this report to find a product to sell well let's say you want to sell pillows and you want to know the bestselling pillow that this store carries simply go under the product View and find out their exact sales on a per product basis again trying this tool is free if you use my Link in the description below so just give it a shot by the way if you're looking to open your own e-commerce store make sure you sign up for my free 6-day e-commerce mini course below now let's switch to Amazon here's how you can find out approximately how much money any Amazon Seller makes online and right now Amazon owns over 50% of e-commerce in the United States so if you're looking to sell physical products online you probably want to know how large the overall Market is now for Amazon I'm going to teach you two different ways to find out how much money any listing on Amazon makes the first way is 100% free and the second way is to sign up for a tool that allows you to easily get sales data in bulk both are viable ways to gather data the free method just takes a lot longer so if you're on a major budget you don't want to spend any money and you don't mind a more tedious approach here's how you can get sales estimates the first step is to go over to Amazon and go to the product page for the product you want Revenue numbers for now in this case I chose a garlic press then scroll all the way the way down until you see the BSR which stands for best sellers rank jot this number down somewhere in this case here's the BSR then click on the jungle Scout Link in the description below to go to the free estimator page enter in the marketplace the product category and the best sellers rank that you jotted down earlier now according to Jungle Scout the estimated sales is about 21,000 per month multiply this by $8.99 and this garlic press is generating over $190,000 per month this is the manual way to get sales numbers and it's easy to calculate for just a couple of products but any more than a couple and it's extremely tedious now if you're willing to spend around 60 bucks you can get access to the full suite for example you can go to the list of garlic presses on Amazon hit one button and all the Revenue data and historical data is displayed in a nice table for every single listing you can also do what is called a reverse lookup where you tell jungle Scott to find a product that generates X dollar per month with low competition and the tool will literally find that product for you for example here's what the jungle Scout opportunity finder looks like simply check out the categories that you want to sell into under average monthly unit sold I usually enter a minimum of 300 with a minimum price of 20 bucks under monthly search volume I enter in 1,000 and then I slide the competition slider down to return only very low to medium competition products and then finally I click on the search button jungle Scott will then output products and search queries that people are typing into Amazon search that meet your criteria here are just a couple of tips when you're going through the list of products one ignore all well-known brand names for example I would avoid Brands like berbery or danani look for products that are more obscure avoid apparel or baby products if possible unless you have a strong value prop or just some sort of Advantage there and then finally you want to look for products that you can add value to and then differentiate Yourself by selling but overall jungle scoutt is well worth the money and one of the best tools for product research start with the free method and then give the paid version a try cuz it's going to be night and day let's move on to Etsy next here's how you can easily figure out how much money any seller is making on Etsy and once again I'm going to show you two ways to do it the free manual way and then the much faster way with tools let's start with the freeway first one of the nice things about Etsy is that the platform shows you which products have sold for most sellers on the platform so let's take this product here you can click on this link here to view the seller shop and to get sales data you can click on the sales link to see how many units the seller has sold in the lifetime of the product and from here you can go through and count the desired products on this list and then multiply by the sales price to get the sales data rinse and repeat now the great part about this method is that it's 100% free but there are many limitations for one thing most sellers now have their sales hidden so you actually can't see how many products they've sold for example there's no sales link for this particular seller the second limitation is that you have to manually go through the sales data to count the number of sales for the product that you're looking at most Etsy sellers offer multiple products and it's actually a pain to go through the entire list and then finally there are no dates on these sales so you have no idea what the sales velocity is for the products now it is for these reasons that I use a tool called everb for my Etsy product research everb is a tool that has scraped all the Etsy listings and can tell you how much each listing makes here's a quick and dirty demo let's say I want to see what jewelry is selling well on Etsy well I first do a search for jewelry and then I click on this button here with the everb Chrome plugin installed everb then tells me the monthly revenue for the listing and the total lifetime sales of that product in a nice easy to digest table needless to say everb makes product research way faster and if you want to try the tool use the link in the description to get a free trial now the final Marketplace is eBay now out of all the e-commerce platforms between Shopify Amazon Etsy and eBay eBay is by far the most transparent of them all literally every single auction in sale is documented on the eBay interface and to figure out how much money a product is generating it's just a matter of understanding which filters to use on eBay's interface so like the other marketplaces I'm going to show you two ways to get sales the free way and the much more efficient way with a tool called zik analytics let's start with the freeway first to find out how well any product is selling on eBay it's just a matter of looking at the completed listings for example if you want to know how well garlic presses are selling just type in garlic press into eBay search then go on the leftand column under show only and then click on sold items then based on the number of sales and the date of the sale you can manually calculate how much money these garlic presses are making now the downside of calculating sales this way is that it's tedious according to eBay there are over a thousand results for garlic press sales and pages and pages of data which would take forever to go through now in order to get data much faster and in a much more digestible fashion you should use a tool called zik analytics I'll give you a quick demo but if you want to give it a try and follow along use the link in the description to try the tool for just $1 now just like the other Marketplace tools all you have to do is type in what you're looking for into the zik analytics interface and it will instantly tell you all the sales data associated with the product I was doing research for a student the other day for Doc hes so I type in Doc hes into zik and it instantly tells me the number of sold items and the revenue for the past 30 days zik will also show you all the different sellers that are selling dog harnesses and the historic sales Trends Z analy also has a keyword tool that tells you the search volumes for various queries on eBay as well as a host of other analytics tools for Sellers and again if you are serious about product research on eBay it always pays to get the tool anyway up until this point I've showed you how to get real sales numbers on all these platforms but why does it matter well if you're thinking about selling anything online you want to know how well it's selling before you decide to sell it one time I had a student of mine who wanted to sell camouflage wedding dresses super random and guess what there was very little demand you also need to know if a niche is too competitive as well and I can't tell you how many students have signed up for my class wanting to sell baby clo cell phone cases or apparel and more often than not these products are just way too competitive and then finally there's the 8020 rule of business 20% of the products sold in any store make up 80% of the sales and tools like shop Hunter allow you to find out what that 20% is and then ignore the rest now that you know how to find the sales data for any e-commerce platform make sure you watch this video here on how to find suppliers for any product that you want to sell
Channel: MyWifeQuitHerJob Ecommerce Channel
Views: 5,297
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: make money online, shopify store, online business, selling on etsy, ecommerce business, selling on ebay, how to sell on ebay, amazon fba, how to make money online, online business 2024, online business ideas, online business ideas 2024, how to make money online 2024, products research, selling on shopify, shopify sales, ebay selling, etsy, etsy shop for beginners, amazon seller for beginners, amazon sales business, everbee, shophunter, junglescout, zikanalytics, sell on etsy
Id: YNSCybycf8c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 27sec (687 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 23 2024
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