Fiber Tales Podcast | Episode 46 | Yarny adventures & preparing for colder months

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[Music] you're on your honeymoon and i can't only chew my bones when i'd rather be with you [Music] i'd much rather be with you yeah i'd much rather be with you [Music] hello and welcome to the favorite sales podcast my name is leger and i'm a knitwear designer and photographer based in the southern part of denmark on a small island called finn where i live with my partner and her two small children it's been a while since i have done one of these knitting podcasts and it always feels a little different after some time like i don't know i don't feel nervous but there's little more excitement about making an episode so yeah i hope i can manage to talk about everything um i hope you had a lovely summer and i hope that you are able to spend a lot of time outdoors here at the beginning of the summer was quite cold but then finally it um got a lot nicer and we spent most the time going to the beach and bringing the kids there because we live pretty close to the beach and it's just something i really love to do i feel very calm there and the kids love it and now it is that time is over so the weather has definitely changed and it's a lot cooler today though it's a very beautiful sunny fall day and i just can feel the moment the leaf starts changing and we get these rainy um fall days i feel the need for knitting so much more and it's really interesting because this year normally in the summer i have this dip in knitting mojo or whatever you want to call it but this year i really felt like it um it was there i knit all summer i didn't have any problems i wasn't knitting i just wasn't feeling super in the mood for podcasting or um writing down patterns i was more knitting as a whenever i was watching tv or everywhere i had some time to do it sitting outside um but it's definitely when i feel the weather change i get back into this feeling of creating things and coursing up for the winter i don't know what it is but it's a bit like when you're pregnant if you've ever been and that you get this need to to start nesting uh and i have a little bit the same feeling in the fall that i should get some clothing ready for the winter and i feel like um yeah it's just a very different feeling so it's one of the very beautiful things about fall and yeah in the summer i was more focused on the photography part of my business so if you don't know i work full-time as a small business and it's just me doing everything which can be a lot sometimes but i do fiber tails on one side and i do i design patterns and on the other side i have my photography business now that has been running for a little over a year and i had a lot of weddings this summer and family photography sessions and stuff which is a lot of fun and i really enjoyed when the weather is nice to go out and do something and meet people and so on so it's been really nice and i've been really enjoying the summer but i also feel a bit bad because i feel like i've been just uh leaving favorite sales and everything a bit on hold um but generally this generally in the summer it happens anyway it happened to me before i started doing photography so i thought it was a good mix and i still think so um so yeah it's just been really exciting i'm still in the beginning of things everything is so new and there's a lot of things to learn as a small business owner but it's been a lot of fun and i feel very energized for the fall there's um it's still very busy with the photography and it's also quite busy now with knitting so there's so much to do before winding down for the winter and the really cold dark months where i cannot do a lot of these things so um apart from the whole holiday i've been doing some quite exciting things lately that i can't wait to share with you um i went to visit a very special shop that is local to me well local but it's danish and i also have released a new pattern that i will talk a bit more about and then i have some new designs coming up so i can't wait to show you more of those and at the end of the episode i will take you for a little walk in the garden so you can see a bit more how everything is looking it's so beautiful right now with the trees um full of apples and you can start to notice that change of color and yeah i can't wait to show you so let me first start with the pattern that was released recently and that is my course um so-called means grow that's why it's hard to say when i'm speaking english because i want to say grow um calm means grow as i said and they have this little um leaf pattern on the top that i also used on microsoft so that was why i thought it would be a nice idea to use the same name and apart from so they have a very simple let me see if it will focus on the socks so it's very simple um [Music] there we go ah it's really giving me some issues it wants to focus on my face anyways it has a very simple two by two ribbing and then the the little design and um the rest of the sock has a simple sorry there's a hair it has a simple heel flap and gusset and a rounded toe so it's a very very simple sock i am [Music] apart from the design up here i played a lot around with how deep i wanted the heel flap to be for my foot and i think i've come up with a really nice um in between like i've done different things in the past i tried to make them deeper and not so deep and at least for my foot this is what works but every foot is different so everything um it will be different for everybody and these socks are knit up in a very beautiful hand-dyed yarn sorry i still have like an end i should have woven in and these socks are knit in a very beautiful hand-dyed yarn from annabelle williams who is a dyer based in the uk and they are naturally dyed and i think the color is called something with earth i will try to put it below if not you can find them link in my on the pattern page on ravelry so and yeah it's just a very beautiful yarn has a beautiful texture let me see if i can show you really close so you can see how they how well you can see the stitch definition here and the little leaf pattern is quite easy to do i have a video tutorial showing it's actually a little um cable so yeah i'm really pleased with these and they came out in september i think it was i have a really poor memory for things so but they came out recently and yeah i can't wait to wear them wear them some more now that the weather is finally colder i want to show you one thing i've been working on this summer um before i should tell you more about the trip i went on and that is this massive thing and it looks enormous there's still one end that has to be woven it's actually completely finished um and it's a design that i've been working on in my godland yarn that i had made at the local mill so twice a year i sell my onion that is made from my parents scotland sheep and a local sheep like a white sheep that's mixed in and it's spun at the local mill and this ginormous cardigan is a design that i've been working on all summer and i was so happy with it and i was ah it just seemed perfect i love the construction it has it's a lot of fun it's all brush so it's a lot of squishy brush the only thing is after i finished it i realized i don't exactly like how the the how the bag is looking and i need to figure out what to do about that so it's a little bit unrest and the other thing is to change the bag because of how it's constructed that is a very interesting construction um it's not so easy to fix it so let me just show you how it looks on because it is a big big boy let's see if you can even see in the camera and okay so it is an all over brush cardigan i don't know you cannot see it very well and i cannot go much further back so um it's knit from the cuff up and that is one of the reasons why the construction is a bit difficult okay let me just remove the chair and see if i can show you better okay this this works so it is quite like has a lot of positive ease and it's supposed to be really cozy and warm and um so let me show you where i'm stuck so what the initial idea was to have um in the back as you maybe can tell here and the two pieces are overlapping and it was just supposed to sit really nicely like a little bit of um uh how you say when you fold paper origami no i can't remember right now but um it was supposed to have this very graphic uh effect uh and it didn't look very nice so i kind of um sewed it up so now it's it's just been stitched together in the back i still don't know exactly how i feel about this look um so that's why this cardigan is right now on hold and i'm just trying to figure out how i feel about it because it is very nice and squishy and cozy but i'm not 100 happy with the bag it also needs some buttons it has buttons buttonholes um let me see if i can find one here so it will have big buttons going down the front um and yeah it is a very very cozy knit and it just is absolutely glorious in the godland world because the gotland wall has this uh i'm getting a lot of exercise today the goblin wool has a lot of halo so it fluffs up really nicely um afterwards and yeah i just think it is gonna be the most cozy thing i can wear it over everything that's another problem i have with some of my cardigans if i have more volume voluminous sleeves i find that i cannot wear it over all everything i own so but um yeah it's just kind of stuck at the moment and that's what happens sometimes with this with the signs is that i have an idea in my head or even i sketch it out i do all the calculations and then sometimes it just doesn't look the way you imagine on a body so things on paper it's just not going to work the same on a body with shapes i have to figure out how i'm going to tackle the bag to have something some a very elegant solution because as you can see this design is very simple so i want the each detail to be completely perfect and um yeah just very natural and effortless so i'm gonna grab a bit of coffee because i'm talking 100 miles an hour and i have some coffee in my mug it's with oat milk and i really really love having a coffee with oat milk in the afternoon okay so i've been working on that and just to mention um i will have another yarn sale hopefully in the fall um so october november uh the middle where i'm having my aunt spawn has been very busy since they got quite um a lift they got a webshop and things start moving quicker for them um which unfortunately for the small the spinning they do for small um in small batches and like for private people has been put a little bit more to the side so it's taking longer for my yarn to get spun i gave them the wool in the fall in the spring sorry and it should be ready in the fall but i don't have to wait and see i don't know when they they're gonna call me so but when once that's done i will have more of that wool and also of the charcoal like i had last time as i said i'm speaking really quickly and this is what happens when i haven't podcasted in a while i feel like i have so many things to say um [Music] i've also been knitting on some socks and stuff i won't show you now i will show you once they're done because it's not super exciting i find but i yeah so that's been my summer knitting and it's been quite um quite simple as you can see a lot of bro is quite meditative nothing that i wasn't feeling i was feeling inspired but not for anything really complicated so now onto the trip that i took if you follow me on instagram where i'm also fiverr tales you will know that i took a little trip with my very dear friend and colleague um shanida from air crochet so she's a crochet designer and she's local to me and it is the best thing ever to have a local colleague as most of my friends in the knitting community online and especially colleagues like people who also live from designing it's just such a blessing to have a friend like her and she's amazing so if you're into crochet i will definitely recommend checking her out she makes beautiful designs a lot of beautiful textures like um that i also enjoy very much and she yeah she's starting to make more garments as well and it's just really exciting because i feel like diamonds and crochet are so very um it's a very how do you say unexplored area um at least in the style that i would find attractive so we went on a small trip to a place called gul so it's called g and then ul ul means wool in danish so ghoul is like a play on words with gold and wool so yeah and we went there uh just to get out of the house a little bit both of us need that and it was a lot of fun it wasn't very planned we talked about this trip for a long time but when we finally did it it was more like a yeah in the spur of the moment we decided to go on a little trip and um we've been wanting to go for a long time if you don't know ghoul they are a team of wonderful people i mean they are the two ladies that started the company and now i think they have expanded quite a lot but they are based on an old farm in yulin so on the peninsula next to my island and they do natural dyeing on very beautiful wool know what i wanted to say and they they have some lovely places and they natural they die naturally on those bases um and they do workshops and stuff like that and it's just very lovely and they are they are mainly focused on um like their yarns you would normally have one color in different tones and on different bases and it's just beautiful so what did i get there you might ask i got this [Music] i got undydian and i felt almost like it was a crime i also got some diet yarn but i mainly got this yarn and it wasn't the plan i had no plan whatsoever and but this color is just amazing this is under a new zealand lamb's wool and um it is a fingering weight and they have actually if you can see on the label i don't know if you can tell they have one two three four five six seven different natural bases with different tones of it looks more yellow on the screen but it's a like a white with a bit of cool gray and then some some brown in there it's definitely not a white yellow it's more like a yeah a cool white with some brownish speckles and this is the color that is called nclb3 so they have different bases and that's also what makes gives their dyeing a lot of depth and i think it's very interesting what colors you get on different yarns and yeah i bought three skeins of this one so i have two skeins here and i already cast on something very quickly i felt very inspired after this beautiful trip and i cast on a sweater that i will show you in a moment so i got two skeins of the lambswool and then i got because i couldn't go home i i just felt it would be wrong to go home without any color um because they had so many color ways i just uh i've just been really in the mood for very neutral tones lately um so i managed i picked up five little very cute and they're so adorable i picked up these five little um colors and as you can see the the tones are just so deep and rich and yeah amazing and um this is their embroidery yarn i don't know if i have any plans for embroidering i will try to use it maybe in some knitwear it is also just for fun um it is a very uh yeah it's just so tempting to get a lot of colors and they had five four i think hundred corners or something like that so i got these five little colors and that way i can think about what i would use the colors for and you know next time i go maybe i will have a plan for a color project in mind but right now i didn't have that plan so i just went with the natural a neutral and then i fell in love with one more thing that i had to bring home and that was um this little skein so let's see if it will focus again so as you maybe can tell the skein has a like a beigey um color all over like the like how you call that the base color and then on top that is brown specks and i think they look so perfect i find it very hard to find um naturally dyed yarn with the specks and i really love that especially on socks and this is a sakyan it's a merino 80 mourinho 20 nylon and i have talked about suck yarn before oh it's getting darker now it's a little more cozy with the with the candle i've talked about uh trying out um sakya and that is 100 natural before it is a bit difficult because um i've experienced unfortunately um with the mundim from retrosaria that it didn't hold up at all i wore it like once in a and it just broke so um i don't want to spend that much time on garments that will not last and i know you have different you can find different types of yarn and the way it's spun and there are many ways to get go around not having any nylon content but it's something that i'm not feeling so strongly about in socks normally i feel very strongly about not wanting anything like nylon in my yarn or acrylics or anything but for sakyan i have a little bit of a different opinion because i want them to last i feel like if you need something that doesn't last very long that's also a waste and not good for the environment even if you can you know mend it and stuff so i have come to the conclusion that for me it works out to sometimes get a sakyan with some nylon these socks are actually without and they seem to hold up really well they are wensleydale if i'm remembering are they romney maybe they were romney i don't have the label here and it's again all on my on the side on the page but yeah they have a very sturdy kind of feel to them and i think they will last better than the mundim for example but i still am a little careful when i wear them because it's just i don't want them to get ruined but i have been wearing them and they seem to not look they don't look worn at all so hopefully i found a way to get around it but i also just couldn't couldn't leave this one it's very beautiful and it will be fun i don't know if it will be for design or just like a cozy mindless knit because sometimes i need not to work on designs and yeah i really want to tell you a bit more about what we did when we went to visit the shop as well because um jeanette and i we just took this trip we went from the southern part of finn all the way over to um the middle of julen that is like a one and a half hour trip we had some issues with um her character tesla and it was the first time we went to she went to for longer trip that where she had to charge the car and yeah i'm not gonna tell the whole story because she's probably gonna be mad at me but it was a lot of fun and we spent way too much time trying to figure out how to charge the car um but it wasn't so much about arriving as it was about the trip um so when we got there and we finally got there it's a beautiful area um we come into this very big open hall i will try to see if i can put some clips in here and in the middle of the room i don't know if you know this account but there is a danish natural dyer who is called tubohendai and she was there and it was just so so much fun to see her and it seemed like we had planned it but we didn't it was there was no one in the shop because they had a workshop that day so there was no staff in the shop but we had asked and she was like yeah i just come over when i'm saying she i'm talking about luisa who is one of the owners of ghul and she told us that we could come anyway it didn't matter and then there was it was like a little meeting and we were just all there and it was just very lovely and um yeah so we finally had a moment we managed to steal luisa for a bit to sit and talk and just pet that cat and knit for a little bit and she was unfortunately very busy because she had that workshop and we didn't warn her in time we kind of said the day before that we were coming so next time we will definitely try to plan it a little bit better so we have more time to chat and i will have more time to take pictures and stuff i did take a few pictures but as i said we spent a little too much time getting there because of the whole tesla charging the car situation anyways um it was definitely one of those trips that gave me a lot of new energy to work on designs and just seeing new yarn and meeting people and it's just one of those things that i think is very important to um to prioritize when you have a small business and you work from home because i tend to think oh i have so many things to do i have accounting to do i have social media i have like pattern writing testing so many things and of course i also have my photography business so that one on top of everything is a lot of email work and planning and shooting and editing so taking a day and saying i'm just gonna go out all day and do something just for fun and with no real specific purpose can be a little bit difficult um but this is also one of the reasons i'm i've decided to be self-employed is that i can have this time and that i can focus on um you know that it's i'm my own boss and it comes with a lot of pros but and of course some cons but it is one of the pros and i should really remind myself is that i can decide if i want to take a day and it wasn't a day off even it was a day for networking and watching yeah and looking at yarn and feeling inspired and it's just so important to do to stay inspired um especially when my work is it's very important in my work that i have this that i feel inspired for new designs and it's not something you can if i sit down with a notebook it's not gonna happen normally sometimes it works but most times it doesn't doesn't work like that and so if i feel uninspired for a period of time i really need to remind myself that taking this extra time off will build will make me happy and when i'm happy i feel more inspired so it's a whole it's a whole thing that you have to kind of um pay attention to and yeah it was really good and i think we're gonna plan another trip soon and go to ireland which was our first idea so we have a lot of ideas for things we want to do and it's just very nice to have a such a sweet colleague and it was very nice to meet some new people my camera just stopped but i was just saying i never met um both ladies from ghoul and i never met from triple hendered either so it's just really nice to meet new people that you know for a long time online but you never met in real life and um yeah what else oh i have to show you the design i cast on so i have the second ball here i'm just gonna get up again because it's easier to show you and seems like it got a little bit dark uh light in here bright in here so this is the [Music] yolk let me just find the back okay i think this is the back so this is a little yolk i'm working on um at the moment that i cast on pretty much straight away after we we went we went wow sometimes the w's are difficult and just after we went to uh ghoul i cast this one on it is a very um fun top-down yoke just a round yoke i didn't do any short row shaping yet i think i would do it after the yolk so you have this very beautiful um circle i just find it so satisfying making these circles oh my camera will not focus there we are um and yeah it just has these little details that i will show you much better once it's been blocked and so this is just a little sneak peek a little early look at the design and yeah i it's a it's very satisfying to work on and the yarn is beautiful i just very nice yarn and yeah i can't wait to see how it would look once it's blocked and then once i get more of it done so this is one thing i've been working on and i cast on straight away after i came back from my trip to gul and i also [Music] cast on another thing that i got young for but i think i will save the one for the next episode so i have something new to show you next time as well i have a little thing from the ladies at ghoul after i came home they asked me if i wanted to do a little giveaway so i actually have a little giveaway for the first time in a long while i feel and this is the giveaway look how beautiful it is so this is actually my own copy because the idea didn't come until after i got home um and so i don't know if you've been if you follow ghoul you might know that they have this book and this is the other side it's called inferring um and this is the danish version and it's been out for quite some years and it's all about natural dyeing and it is just has beautiful pictures and a lot of information about danish plants that you can die with and where to get them when to get them and all that good stuff and then yeah it's just a very beautiful satisfying book even if you're not that much into dying as i am i find it so fascinating to read about what plants give what colors they have like a whole um how you call that table no uh where you can see yeah for example here you can see what what kind of uh um oh god in english it's all in danish and i'm trying to remember the words in in english they have this uh it's been a while since i spoke english like this um for example they have like explanation of different sheep and a wool they have explanation of the different plans and when to get them and so on and so on and so on it's a very nice book and it just came out in english so after i got home luisa asked me if i want to do a giveaway of this book in english and i thought that was perfect because i know a lot of people watching me are not danish or english speaking and it is a very nice book it will be it looks very much like this one and it is just in english and i will pick a winner here and on instagram um so i have to figure out all the details for this giveaway which of course i haven't done beforehand as i should um [Music] i think i will pick a winner anyways i will put all the info down in the description because i have no idea and i will have to think about what are the rules and put them down but one of the rules will be that you have to leave a comment on this um on this video and also be subscribed to my channel and um on instagram it will probably be a bit different so there will be two copies um for lucky winner and they will be sent straight to you from the ladies at ghoul and yeah that is it go read in the description box below anyways i always have as much information i can fit in there and if i forget something or there are some links or some names you don't understand how i pronounce which happens quite a lot it should all be in the in the information box below the video so just remember to open that and look before maybe asking because i try to put as much information in there as i can and i think that was it for my trip to gul and i hope i can go back soon so let me just check my notes what what was the last thing i wanted to talk about um this is more or less what i had for today's episode um i as i said i'm working on another design right now and i have a few designs um actually stranded a little bit at the moment that i have to pick up and get ready again and i am just sometimes i feel very stuck under the sign and i've been uh yeah a lot of things going on behind the scene i'm not gonna bore you with all the details but just knowing that i i am working on things and some things just get stuck for whatever reason and um hopefully i can manage to have some out actually i was planning to design a a shawl instead of this this yolk sweater i just showed you because i was thinking um it is a little bit easier for me to get a short pattern out as i don't have to do all the grading and all the stuff that can sometimes also the testing is a little bit more straightforward as i don't have to get to find all the sizes to have them tested but it's just a lot of times i feel like um designing garments so as the very last thing before i will take you for a little walk in the garden i have a little discount to share with all of you so because i've been feeling so excited about knitting and yeah everything fall related i just thought it would be a very nice thing to share with all of you a little discount on my patterns so it is uh if you buy three patterns um yeah you if you buy three patents you get one of them free so it's a three for two discount and there's no code you just have to buy three patterns and the last one one of them will be free and it's all set up in ravelry so i don't know it don't remember if it goes for the like what which one would be free it's um just a three for two um discount and i um it's running until sunday and it's running until sunday central european time so midnight sunday midnight central european time just in case you're somewhere else it's um it's not me deciding it's set up like that and it has to end at some point but you will have a few days to decide on what to get if you want to get anything and that is my little yeah my little fall gift to all of you guys and thank you so much for watching and let's go into the garden [Music] so [Music] so [Music] as you can see this day is just absolutely beautiful and the sun is shining through the leaves behind me through the trees and everything is just really quiet and it's probably gonna be the last day this for the next many days that we have beautiful weather like this um it looks like it's gonna rain a lot so i'm trying to soak it all up and just really enjoy this day it's just yeah i wish all fall days would be like this i don't mind the rainy days but it just can be really long periods of time where i live that we have rain and just sometimes it's just so nice to have these days where you can go out even without a jacket or a sweater today because very soon and even if i love all my knits it will be chilly so it's just very very very nice [Music] foreign
Channel: Fiber Tales
Views: 21,562
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 7vEXr-XnkX4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 31sec (2311 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 29 2021
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