Knitter's Life, Episode 16

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[Music] do [Music] do [Music] hello and welcome to whiskey and wool this is my knitter's life series um that is new for 2021 how are you how are you doing how are you holding up hope you're staying safe it's kind of scary out there with the delta variant rising and vaccinated people getting sick and hospitals running out of beds um i hope you're safe and well um i am doing fine yeah it is uh mid-august is it mid-august yeah it's a little past mid-august but it is august nonetheless and um i am here to talk to you today about some knitting projects that i have been getting up to um unfortunately i don't have any spinning i did do a tiny bit of spitting but there's really nothing to show for it and i will show you catch you up on my spinning next time in my next episode my name drinking coffee it's early morning on saturday here um in northern new jersey where i live and work and craft um we are experiencing a tropical storm uh which is making its way up the east coast and so it's made for very damp rainy cloudy like very very humid sort of like that soggy wet blanket feeling um it's just kind of this soggy wet blanket has blanketed the area and yeah it's been it's typical in the summer weather for us here in this area my name is shannon i don't think i've said what my name is if you're new here welcome and if you're returning welcome back um i am going to start this episode the way i start every episode with or most every episode with a chat about whiskey and occasionally jen uh this will be a gen chat that i filmed um over a week ago with a friend who who i was visiting and we tasted a new to me jen anyway take a look if you're not interested in that chat i think it's actually quite good if you're not interested in it though i will tell you where to skip to so you can get straight into the knitting and wool content hi everyone hey guys we're gonna do a gin chat today um this is my friend anthony hi everybody how are you um have you and so tell us how your experience with jen drinking oh it's not very good that's okay well it's like one of those things like when in college when you overindulge you just and you just like all right that's it for now maybe forever okay so that was just like a few years ago right yeah right that's what i thought so you don't really drink gem i don't okay no so this could be good or bad depending on how to be honest yeah it'll be honest it'll be honest okay so i love jen as you all know i've talked a lot about it um and i drink it frequently it is my go-to um i've been talking about wanting to get a particular gen to taste and this isn't it this i was shopping for the one that i'm looking for a hendrix limited edition that's what i'm looking for if you're wondering um but this looked interesting it caught my eye it's called gray whale gen um this is an american gen it's a it's um made in california i think the bay area actually the san francisco bay area oh and they give money back to whale conservation well that makes sense well yeah yeah yeah so that's really cool and it's made with botanicals that are found on the west coast um so this is considered a contemporary or modern gen as compared to like a london dry so it'll be less juniper forward we think um it does have juniper in it from big sur which is cool right and it also has lime and fir tree tea kelp mint and almonds those are the botanicals that they admit to because as we know gens are different by the number of potent by the botanical recipe because gin and vodka are exactly the same alcohol it's just that jen is distilled with botanicals got it so otherwise you can use you can make if you can make vodka you can make jen if you've got botanicals and stuff so and then every company does their own recipe and they usually guard them very closely um so this company the it's a husband and wife team and they met at a bar 20 years ago and decided to make a gin which and yeah here they are i think they established the company in 2016. they founded golden state distillery it celebrates california and it supports the golden state's nature and wildlife conservation which is pretty cool that's pretty cool yeah um so they distill their gin six times they use a corn based spirit which is common for united states because we we make a lot of corn we grow a lot of corn corn yeah corn oh you didn't understand what i said yeah corn corn like corn on the cup um so they said that provides a perfectly blank canvas to allow their californian botanicals to truly shine and there's some really cool pictures and stuff that i'll include in in the clips here so you can see them um i don't know if there's anything else that i need to let us know before we just go ahead and taste i think we just go ahead and taste it yeah so we're gonna smell first and then we're gonna sip just like i remember [Laughter] i smell lime like i can i get a strong lime and there's something pungent yeah there is i wonder if that's the saline the sea kelp i definitely smell a lot and taste the smell of lime yeah and then there's and then after that is that pungent smell there's a fruity smell too like plums maybe or you know like some berries i think jam no i'm i'm grasping gonna taste okay wow not bad right not what i'm expecting is it grapefruit there could be grapefruit i will read what the experts say after okay yeah i taste juniper but it's not at the front it's kind of in the middle it's nice yeah it's like this um very bright citrus at the front at the front i'd say right yeah and then some juniper in the middle and what's in the back is that the saline salty i think so because it's a little smooth interesting right yeah um i forgot to put a couple drops of water in here which might change the flavor a little bit well yeah but um so let's see what the experts say and then we also prepared a cocktail to taste with you sweltering summer day you're right exactly it's very warm i'm warm okay uh gray whale gen review let's see what let's see they have a lot of stuff about the distillery which i already shared um oh their cork is also 100 biodegradable um oh that's cool yeah so it's it says it's it's uh categorized as a contemporary or new western gen um it's typically noted for reducing the overall role of juniper um okay on the nose gray whale gen is actually fairly classic with no shortage of fresh juniper berry notes oh juniper berry notes and pineness and no doubt accentuated by the presence of the fur tree which is a botanical that they use right oh grapefruit it expresses some mixed notes of grapefruit citrus zest elderflower wild flower and salty saline i think it's the elder flower that that's the berry that i was seeing yeah yeah you know it's interesting because that when we were looking to prepare the cocktail recipe i was looking at the recipes on their website and a few of them had the elderberry st germain the elderberry liqueur that they recommended now i understand why um it says on the palette this is indeed a bit sweeter than your classic london dry gens but by no means crazy saccharin as some of the other new western style gens can be such as nuance new amsterdam i don't know if that's anyone's favorite perhaps you won't like this one then it features some pretty well balanced flavors of ruby red grapefruit kaffir lime leaves along with mixed peppercorns and a warming sensation of chamomile tea oh so at least we got the salt and we got the lime and we got the grapefruit right yeah 100 yeah all in all it's not lacking in character and but nor is it really trying to reinvent the wheel alcohol heat is moderate and dialed in about where you'd expect at 43 abv or 86 i think that's that that comes through yeah i do too um yeah solid american craft gin you could feel comfortable with all right let's have our cocktail now this is gonna be nice i think so i'll just drop those in already cheers cheers oh that's great oh and we forgot to top it with soda do you need it i don't so what this this is basically like a gimlet uh except that it's with jen so it's jen and limeade um and you use a mint leaf garnish from my garden from anthony's garden we're in anthony's lovely home in upstate new york it's been a wonderful weekend [Laughter] all right are we anything any closing remarks i might have a newfound love of gin wow we got another one another gin drinker i think i turned a corner yeah it is right refreshing yeah well i hope you get to choose or try some uh jen of your choice and i will see you again next time bye bye guys welcome back i hope you enjoyed that that jen has quickly become one of my favorites um i really love citrus flavors and as soon as anthony said grapefruit i was just like yes this is my kind of gen it's interesting because so many gems in america the contemporary gems that are being made these days are very heavy heavy hibiscus tasting and this one was not so it was a nice surprise very enjoyable all right i have a finished object hooray um yeah so i like cranked on through the uh illuminate sweater by andrea mowry um and i am wearing it i don't know for how long it is quite warm as i said soggy blanket weather um i love it i think this is my favorite knit that i've made this year maybe even my favorite all-time knit i just love the way it came out i love the way the spin cycle yarn played with the mo hair i was a little worried about the contrast but i think the low contrast really works in these colors um the uh spin cycle is a part of their nocturne um collection and it is so the labels are dark the colors tend to be a little dark and moody i actually think what they've done this is what i have left of the color i think what they've done is put some black in there like there's definitely in the strands there's definitely a deep dark strand that is carried throughout i don't think it's black exactly but it's definitely dark toned so like in for in this case um there's always a moody purple or navy that's carried along with the other colors as they as they go and this one had a lot of blue green and then some sort of green gold colors did i say the color name it's evil eye um the mohair that i used is a magpie feather i really think like for this sweater you don't necessarily need to use the magpie mohair i think this mohair is similar to most mohair um that's out in the marketplace um by both indie dyers and probably you know like shibuy mohair you'd be fine with any of those um yeah but this one is uh the colorway is velvet underground and it is a 70 30 blend so yeah i love it uh i wish i was going to rhinebeck for the meet up and all of that but nevertheless uh very happy with this sweater it just it flew off the needles too i just couldn't put it down dominated my knitting for the last couple weeks and i'm so excited that i have extra because i think what i'm going to do is make a pair of the andrea maury pattern spark socks using this purple lighter purple and what's left of this i don't have quite enough but i have some other like blue green drips and drabs of spin cycle that i'm gonna just put with it to um to finish that pattern so that that'll be fun that that's a new cast on that i'm gonna do in the next month i would say don't wanna i don't wanna commit myself to having anything to show next time i do miss having a small project on the needles um but uh as you may have guessed i have uh i finished two projects last episode and this pro this time around i finished one project and i hadn't really cast on anything new so i have a couple new cast ons to share with you but before i share those let me talk about what martha's wearing because this is my whip that is next closest to being done uh this is the open edge tea by jessie made and it's designed to be a little bit of a crop um tea to wear with high-waisted pants and skirts i am making it out of some yarn love yarn which is a um it's a silk linen blend it's quite nice if only my camera would focus there we go you can see it has a little bit of a subtle sheen to it this is the colorway living coral and she calls this silk linen blend princess buttercup and it is a 65 silk 15. oh sorry 35 linen old eyes having trouble focusing just so you get all of the info on that i bought this yarn last year with the intention of making a summer e summer lighter warmer weather knit um and i never cast on anything so it was just sitting in my stash and i had like planned this spring that i was gonna go ahead and make something but um i yeah i just never got around to really working on it seriously until the last couple weeks uh so yeah i made quite a lot of progress i was probably like here and i just like made the whole front and the back is half done as you can see i think you can see on her her neck is right here just off screen off the top of the screen but yeah so practically there once um the back is done then there are sleeves to make so you can see the armhole is pretty low um but yeah very short cap sleeve and you can see it's got a drop shoulder um so yeah and then it's done what's cool about this pattern i mean there's a lot of really interesting features she she i really think jessie knows what she's doing when it comes to specs so i think her spec is very good i think the fit is very good and uh also technique like she's i always learn a little something new and in this case like we made the neckband as we knit the top so there's no going back and doing a neckband to do with you know on this um sweater i actually prefer these little picot holes over this open um sort of woven detail woven looking detail like this yeah i'm not i don't love that i wish i just had done a picot edge there you do repeat this open thing on the on the edge of the sleeve it's a short sleeve it's probably like that long so yeah this is nearly done just in time for fall but you know what in this area september is still pretty mild and kind of all the way up till october it's pretty like until halloween it's pretty mild around here uh we get very mild fall temperatures so this this could get somewhere um i think it's going to boil down to how i if i can think of ways to style it for work um because i you know there yeah anyway we'll see we'll see what happens um i've this is now you're seeing like sort of my my uh mediocre reaction to it you're maybe understanding why it's still on the needles after like i think i cast this on in june i'd have to look back to be sure but yeah you can kind of understand why i'm kind of just you know not making a huge amount of progress on it uh yeah not as enthusiastic about it i just think summer knits warm weather knits in this area are tricky because we seem to like they're great for if you're in air conditioning all day long but if you're transitioning between being inside and outside being outside is really can be very very very hot and the last thing you want is um like i have a lot of linen linen fabric blouses um that i wear and like very thin cotton blouses that i wear um in the summertime because those just feel cool on your skin those plant-based fibers versus um you know a knit limp a limp knit sitting on you silk is kind of warm it turns out um yeah so one of these days i'll knit a a linen sweater i just haven't i've thought about it i just haven't gotten around to it and perhaps that will get some traction in my summer wardrobe all right let's move on to other whips um so familiar to you from last time oh my gosh i'm kind of excited about this now only because of a knit along that's happening um okay so i didn't make all that much not surprising actually since i made so much progress on this and this i did not make a lot of progress on this this is my spots sweater by ann vinsell it is a unique yoke construction unique to me anyway where you just do as a back neck and part loop part of the armhole provisional cast on and then you work your way down to those cast on stitches and eventually you start working in the round so it's an interesting way like to not do short rows but i think um the benefit for knitting that way is that the pattern this overall um not mosaic knit but like this overall sort of bird's eye stitch stays lined up when you do it this way so instead of it making a circle and kind of you know dipping down across your front the way like this yolk does and these stripes even do these stay very much like soldiers in a line you know um and so i guess that's the benefit to it and also the way that she has you do the increases um on the armhole it's a raglan design raglan um silhouette the way she has you do those maintains that straightness of those motifs which i think is is interesting okay the reason i'm kind of a little excited about this again is because there's a knit along going on um i'm i have not quite joined it yet um the knit along is with a very dynamic and energetic uh yarn shop local yarn shop in london called i want to say it's tribe i don't have my phone over here try i think it's tribe yarn um but i'll put on screen if i'm wrong there i want to say there's another word in there but i'm not sure um anyway the owner of that shop is doing a knit along and um she made it sort of a sampler of the spot sweater so that she could help people that are doing the knit along answer questions and stuff not only about yarn but also about construction which if you watch me talk about this last time or maybe two episodes ago even i talked a lot about a little frustration over the fact that anne's patterns most of them are not on ravelry and there's very little um opportunity for a knitter who's just picking it up to see what other knitters had to say about it so that was i was finding that a little frustrating and there was a little bit of um some sort of head scratching moments in the beginning of knitting this i'm now i'm fine with it now like now it's fine but i had some moments where i was like is this am i doing this right is this does this make sense is this a way is this what we're meant to do kind of thing and uh yeah it would have been nice to read up from what other knitters had said about it and even and instagram tends to be more sort of these glossy um you know gushing praise and there's not a lot of criticism or help with the pattern so um with the yarn shop owner um offering support to you know and motivation to knit this i i might i might move a little faster the reason i haven't joined the cal yet is because to join it you need to purchase basically a store credit from her so for me us dollars it's a little over a hundred dollars so you're purchasing you're joining the cal you join the count by making this purchase of basically a gift certificate or store credit that then you're intended to use that credit to purchase yarn to make the sweater and yeah i just haven't done that because i'm a little reluctant to purchase store credit which will convert to an extra charge of shipping from uk to us i mean shipping is not incredibly huge for the between us between uk and us but nevertheless i'm probably looking at probably around 20 or 25 dollars worth of shipping um on top of that store credit so i don't know i'm gonna think about it i'm gonna i did miss a couple of the events already this the knit along did just start so if you are interested in making the spot sweater and whether you're okay with the charges um the extra charges or whether you live in uk and shipping is not a problem for you or you live in london then go for it i mean maybe maybe this now is the time because i think the i think the yarn shop's owner's name is millie i'm not positive though um she is so energized over this sweater and the sampler she made is spectacular like i really wished i i wished she'd been doing it when i before i cast on because i maybe would have made some different choices in terms of the yarn that i chose she hers is multi-color and it's so gorgeous but i was thinking actually to make if i were to make a second one to do use like a mini set a mini um either like some sort of rainbow or mini set that's been curated together by a yarn dyer as the contrast color that would be really cool so i and i have a couple mini sets coming i have one that's coming pretty soon um i bought a halloween one um from stitch together studio so that'll be coming i think early october and uh and then i have a couple other mini sets coming for christmas so maybe this is just um you know just finish this one up and uh yeah yeah make a second one at some point um the yarn i'm using my contrast is uh this right here which is a hand spun by me i had it's one of my early hand spuns i had made a sweater's quantity but the um i just wasn't so good at spinning and it's a little stiff and ropey the yarn it's um a corydale bamboo or c cell blend uh mostly coriado like i think it's around 85 percent from countess ablaze and it's a it's a soft red color with mixed with a very pale aqua in there almost gray it looks almost gray so this is my contrast color and my main color is a very soft pink from camilla fiber company i am holding together a strand of mohair and a strand of superwash merino sport weight uh to create the fuzzy body that colorway is called clay dust it was a she camilla fiber does a i don't remember that dyer's name either it's at the tip of my tongue she does not do um or sorry she does seasonal colors so right now i think the seasonal color that's out is like blackberry or something like that so this was a clay dust was a seasonal color in the springtime and i just bought a sweater's quantity of the both the mohair and the sport weight thinking i would make something but i didn't know what um i bought from her because she was donating money to um stop asian hate organization and that's linked below in the description box if you're interested in donating or learning more about them um so yeah i had bought that's why i went ahead and bought purchased a sweater's quantity from her to support her charity raising efforts um yeah i don't know if there's anything else i could tell you about this but yeah exciting knit along at least i can follow the hashtag and and take inspiration and or you know get some you know helpful hints or whatever from people so hopefully i'll be i'll be moving a little more quickly with this with this sweater okay my next uh things are new cast ons and i have um i'm going to show you the one that has i've got the most progress on first so this is my goodness i hope i say this name right this is i want to say it's a danish knitter um danish designer it's a free pattern uh the pattern is called misha i don't know i put it on screen it's only five letters um but definitely some a scandinavian um knitter or designer this is the yolk so far it is a top down knit this is my first time knitting with rama yarn which rama is a if you're not familiar it is a norwegian yarn brand um and i'm using the fingering weight which is called phenol and yeah it's a 100 norwegian wool and uh yeah it's it's it's interesting i um i purchased this last year i had seen a couple people working on green sweaters and i um rama had just come out with some heathers in their phenol line like it's pretty their yarn colors are pretty extensive so i wanted to purchase this you know i love the green heather so i don't know if you can see that very well but there is like some gray black heather in there yeah so i purchased a sweater's quantity and didn't have a plan um i there was a couple sweaters that had occurred to me and i landed on this one um because i really liked the black and white contrast with it yeah just thought it looked really great um the pattern then has this black and white trim um the pattern is not really all that size inclusive it is um only like three or four sizes and i'm towards the end of the size range i think i'm making the second biggest one so it's not that big um but you know i think with a little finesse like you if you were are a bigger size you could probably figure it out i mean it is a free pattern so i guess you know there's a little reluctance to put more work into it's also an older pattern it's been around for a while um the inspiration was 1950s designs so that sort of mid-century modern graphic colors with um in a she made a body conscious shape where that has a waist i'm not going to do that i'm actually going to do a boxy shape i think i think i will like that better like kind of more this silhouette so i'm not going to do any of the waist shaping or anything like that um but yeah it's in interesting knitting the rama i um like i said i never had knit it before and i actually accident if you if you've watched me for a while you know that i accidentally bought two sweaters quantities of it uh the other color is a blue um which i don't have handy to show you but i have a plan for that yarn too like i have an idea of what i'm going to do with that yarn so i thought that i would just make this sweater first before i because that yarn will that pattern will include a little i'll need to do a little fussing with the pattern to make that yarn work for it and i just thought it would be better to make something that was a little more straightforward out of the yarn first so i could see the yarn has a very crisp hand and i think um what happens when you block it do i have a blocked swatch around i don't think i do um [Music] what happens when you block it is that it tends to bloom the um the stitch definition gets a little more blended and i think it's really good for color work because i mean even though like this color work is pretty good i mean i was a little nervous working in black and white color work that about the floats showing through but the floats really don't show through much at all and i think after i block it there there will be even less so if you are seeing little flecks of white in there you won't see them at all once i block it because i think the yarn will bloom will poof and bloom um yeah so i've been like plugging away on this i'm in i'm in it's a very you know short amount of color work and i'm in the zone where it's just like straight stockinette knitting in the round so super super easy um tv watching with subtitles no problem i just knit away um and social knitting too it's a great project and it's been my travel knit because it's been small but it's about to get big so um that that will that will change unfortunately probably when i get past the armhole and all that um also the pattern has no back row shaping or back short row shaping for the back to raise the back neck so i think i am gonna do that uh just before i split for the armholes i was supposed to knit a few more rows for the neck i think it's supposed to be a bit of a mock neck but and maybe that negates the need for short rows i'm not sure i ended up making it smaller because i didn't really want a mock neck i wanted just more of a regular crew neck i do really love this little um rolled stockinette trim though that's there i hope you can see it um yeah so that that's that i did that little detail i did really like and i kind of like how this looks almost like a spider web it's gonna be something that won't look out of place pretty much all year you know all the all the winter months all those fall and winter months it'll look fine straight through to like st patty's day right so yeah this has been kind of a nice soothing knit to work on all right i have a clip of another cast on that i did a couple weeks ago and i didn't get i didn't get traction on it well i'm gonna let the clip explain why um i had a little problem a new cast on i want to share with you it is from making magazine number 10 intricate and it is this sweater right here it is called asteralis pullover and i just buy paula pereira i think that's the way you pronounce her name yeah so it's a really pretty textured sweater it's made out of a dk weight and i have been sitting on uh a dk weight yarn for quite some time it's this one i have an audience of one um cocktails by john arbin it actually it's categorized as a sport weight but when i swatched it swatched up fine for this sweater um yes you can see it's a corrierel alpaca silk blend so i thought the drapability of the alpaca and silk would make colorways white russian would make a really nice version of of this sweater so i actually cast this on a couple weeks ago and i got stuck because of something that's so uh aggravating um it's these flowers here so i followed the pattern and then it occurred to me like i reached i was doing something and i thought is that right and i went to look at whether or not there was pattern errata and the pattern there is and the pattern errata is about these um these flower motifs so these are supposed to be more than one strand i think it's supposed to be six strands total they're supposed to actually look like this see all those sorry about my my thumbnail i've had an injury it doesn't hurt it's just uh gross to look at anyway yeah so it's supposed to look like that not that not that single strand um so i don't know i got stuck because i was like well do i rip back up because it's practically all the way back to the ribbing or do i just go back with a thread with some yarn and a needle and boost those areas up and then just from here on in um make them right this swatch by the way is from a class i took with paula about i knew she was going to be teaching the technique that's used in this sweater and the gold sweater from making magazine so i i knew i wanted to make it with this yarn and i just took the class so i would learn but i took this so long ago i took it around the time that making magazine came out that i didn't remember that that was the way to do the stitch so uh anyway a little bit of a frustration a little bit of a setback with this sweater um and yeah so that i don't know i'll i'll figure it out what to do next um i'm kind of at a standstill with it just because i picked up a couple other new things to work on that i'm i probably have showed you or will show you um one last quick thing about this this pattern had required a tubular cast on and i i learned a few things about tubular cast on that i didn't know before and i ended up doing like a modified tubular cast on um which i i'm going to talk about uh in another video down the road i think i'm going to do a cast on tutorial about tubular and about the way i modified it and then another modification that occurred to me as i was thinking about um how to handle tubular cast on but i i think my cast on looks pretty good yeah so there you go hopefully um that is a dk weight sweater so well it's just a sport but it's actually dk weight so yeah i need to move past the errata and just finish finish the yolk part and then it'll be smooth sailing from there we'll see see what happens i love that color and that yarn i'm super interested to see how that yarn works out um in a sweater i've had that i didn't say so but i've had that yarn since um since eyf in 2019 the last eyf festival that there was um i bought it there and it was a show special and you cannot get it uh now from john arbin at all so but they're having a knit along so that was the reason why i cast that on because they're having a knit along that's going i think through the end of october so i do want to get back into it so i can like take advantage of the motivation that comes with uh doing a knit along all right i have one more new cast on i literally cast this on yesterday so here we go um i started a new shawl god lord knows i don't i do not need do not need another shawl but i wanted to knit something i wanted i wanted a shawl pattern that would um help me feature this yarn because this yarn is quite special it is from young long island yarn and farm and it is hand dyed by cake wool and it is classified as a fingering weight but it for me it knit more like a um a dk weight it really matches well with the dk weight um the color is cotton candy you can no longer get it it was a limited edition of um yarn by long island yarn and farm she does probably every six months or so she does some special yarns i think right now she has yarns that are hand dyed by tammy from wing in a prayer farm um and using natural dyes and they're really really pretty so anyway i had purchased this as a part of some support for uh some extra hospitalizations that that tabitha was doing with her her llamas she had um a baby that was sick like born and then it was sick like within a couple days it's fine now the baby's fine now but um she was doing a celebration of the baby's life sale so that was why i purchased this and i think it was like 10 or 15 off this was this is the most expensive yarn i think i've ever bought the skein retailed for 67 and i got a little bit of a discount on it it was really really expensive and i really wanted to showcase it somehow um in a project and i figured a shawl because it is a mostly alpaca um yarn so it's like i can't i'm having trouble reading let me get my reading glasses 50 alpaca 30 merino 20 silk so it's beautiful but it seems more suitable because it's 50 alpaca it's more suitable for a shawl so i was um scratching my head and trying to figure out what kind of shawl pattern i should make and i've loved the golden hour shawl for such a long time i thought that that would be a good one to cast on so that is what i have cast on and i made a little bit of progress i mean here's the thing with shawls this is a triangle shawl like it just feels like you're making so much progress at first but then your rows get longer and longer and suddenly it's like a slog so i'm hoping i won't reach that point with this um but yeah i am using if you know the pattern it's a three color shawl and i'm using this beautiful pink yarn from long island yarn and farm as my uh color b so it um it it makes it to me and looking at the color b seem like color a which is this sort of cream color this is um leftover uh daylights from harrisville tweed and it's a dk weight um nearly all cormo so super soft squishy wool and a cream color with red specks which i thought would blend nicely with the pink um the color a seems to be a you know it seems important that it should be sort of a fade to the background type color so that's why i went with like a light cream color and then uh color c is sort of this like pop of color so i chose this hand spun that i made a while back um i won't be using all of it i'll be using about half of it so it's got some orange and some some bright pink and green going on in there different it's kind of a gradient it's doing the yarn is doing different things at um transitioning into different colors and stuff so i thought this would be really cool for a nice pop of color on my you know primarily cream and pink shawl but i think it's going to be really pretty i do really like it um this shawl pattern's been out for a while it ha it's a mosaic color work so i think you can see mosaic means that you're only knitting with one color at a time and you're slipping stitches to create the color work pattern so i think you can see the color work there it's pretty nice i also really love these eyelet rows these eyelet rows separate the different texture and mosaic knitting that you end up doing in the sweater i mean or in the shawl one good thing about this the yarn that i chose is that i have more than enough yarn of all the colors well of two of the colors i have more than enough yarn i actually don't have enough of this i have about 150 yards and i think i need about 250 yards so i found this other this is wing and a prayer leftover yarn from wing and a prayer from a project from my first spark cardigan that i made that ended up i ended up giving away because it did not fit but i think it'll be fine for the later rows you know down the road um in the shawl i don't even know if people will realize that there shouldn't have been there's two different shades of this cream color so i think it's fine and it'll work out fine but this was just a really cool way to um use up the that or to use that pink yarn in a way that would that special expensive yarn that would sort of highlight it and and show it off um i'm holding a uh i have a i've taken out my halloween project bag from wild and woolly woodsy wait woodsy and wild woodsy and wild i got this last year it's got this pretty silver metallic base and if you know me in life you know that i love silver like silver is probably my favorite color like silver sparkle i love having um silver sparkle accessories and uh yeah all right yeah so nothing much really lifestyle wise i you know just been my semester's starting in two weeks and uh yeah i might be delayed on my next episode if that's of of of um interest i am going to texas to visit my granddaughter and my son and daughter-in-law um in two weeks so i'll be going over labor day weekend so yeah that would be when i would film again so i'll be filming the following weekend so it'll be a three-week lag before you see me again and i might have a lot to talk about then um just because it's a lot of crafting time and my you know my my my job goes from zero to a hundred um basically right around labor day so um it's been we're kind of sleepy right now doing a lot of like pre-semester prep um but yeah it's really we'll open back up and it'll just be busy again um so anyway i hope you stay well and um happy and healthy and i hope your crafting is bringing you joy and you maybe you know learned a thing or two from watching my video content um and i will see you again next time take care [Music] do [Music] you
Channel: Whisky and Wool
Views: 699
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: knit, knitting, knitwear, knitter, tricot, stricken, strikking, tricoter, yarn, spinning
Id: ZSG5o3oMtmw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 27sec (3147 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 21 2021
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