Knit Ink Ep. 18: August Already?

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[Music] hello and welcome my name is petra and i'm here today with my lovely daughter natasha hello and together we're knit inc and it is episode 18. we're at the point in our episodes where we couldn't quite remember what episode it was and that made me so excited that we've we've continued this long yeah um yeah i we weren't sure if it was 18 or 19 but it's 18. um so yeah still in these high teens um but still doing it it's been about a month since our last recording i think so and that that's probably another reason why it was hard to remember what the episode number it was but yeah yeah i think in the summer we'll probably manage one a month or so yeah like everyone i'm sure you are excited to be able to spend some time with people outside um so we've been doing a lot of that and just lots of things going on um you're you're still working on the the chicken oh the corresponding we'll talk about the chickens later but welcome everybody welcome to our returning viewers yes yes welcome back to our returning viewers and a big hello to new viewers um we're glad you're here um we'd love it if you'd subscribe or leave a comment whichever button wherever it is like all of that good stuff yeah we so enjoy um reading your comments it really brings us so much joy and we are getting pretty close to having four thousand subscribers which just amazes me that's exactly well will that be time for do we want to do a 4 000 subscriber giveaway you know i guess we could because i went to our lovely little local well my lovely little local yarn store yesterday driftwood yarn and elizabeth's got like a couple of really lovely um you know local hand dyers and i was perusing some skeins and she's going to have some she's going to have some trunk shows and actually that reminds me that um we had a giveaway i can't exactly remember what reason i think it was for a thousand subscribers and we sent the locally dyed yarn oh yeah welcome home or something yeah and the wonderful viewer made a couple of pairs of really beautiful socks two pairs of socks yeah i'll post a photo yes do please post a photo so thank you for sending us that photo those i think she tagged us on instagram that's how yeah yeah that really um made me really happy and tagged that the local the hand dyer that particular yarn and i'm sorry the name escapes me natasha will put it here she makes such gorgeous yeah colors i mean it's up there with la uh uh bien mommy and me love you yeah exactly okay so so what should we do a quick little any life updates for the past month or so yes you go first okay i did another i was actually available on this while camping again um and my friend julia was with us and she knits too and and we're always knitting together on these camping trips but we're always like kind of unplugged not on our phones and we always forget to take a photo but i really want to either have her on here and one time when we um record up in boston um or at least get a photo of us knitting together um that would be really lovely yeah julia we'd like to have you as a yeah um so we that wasn't it was a bit of an adventure because we had to cross some creeks to get to the campsite so we had to put our car into off-road mode um which it is an suv but it's like a luxury suv it's not meant for like extreme off-roading and we were a little nervous going through a creek um but it was really fun and we did a little walking to a swimming hole we went into the town of woodstock and saw some live music outside um so that was a fun getaway um anything else exciting to talk about that was kind of the one big trip between now and then um but we're actively planning our trip to england yeah since the uk has opened up to us and eu fully vaccinated people so that's for september for september september yeah which i guess will be here before we know it oh i know i've started to try to get my act together for that so anything exciting to say so i haven't been anywhere except for going on local walks with friends i have been out for a couple of dinners outside i have gotten a pretty good routine with the chickens now they've really imprinted on us it's much easier to get them inside their run we we let them free range most of the time most of the day and as a result of that they haven't been eating enough of their layer food which is specially formulated to give them enough calcium and protein for egg laying so the egg laying has really diminished i noticed it over the last 10 days interesting they're just not that interested in their layer food so i'm trying an experiment of fermenting their food so you know our friend ellen told me that her cousin keeps chickens and he feeds them fermented food and apparently they're the best eggs she's ever had so the first batch of fermented food will be ready tomorrow so i'm going to try that is that a difficult process no it's really easy you just put some food in a jar one part food to two parts water stir it every day and after day three it uses natural yeast and oh okay yeah so it makes the food more palatable i guess for them so would you are you gonna try um having them free range less or maybe like maybe after they have breakfast like make sure they eat in the coop before you before them out yeah yeah we've been trying that we've been trying to keep them in well in their run and they're a little bit longer in the mornings and then sometimes in the evenings yeah and if we go out so i guess another update is i was actually beginning to go into work two days a week so that impacted their free-ranging time but as of last week because of the delta variant um i've gone back to working fully remotely just as i was actually getting used to right and enjoying the hybrid model yeah my work has started the hybrid model too um they started in the middle of july and the day i was planning on going in the night before they said there was a covid there was someone that had coveted in the office earlier that week so i decided not to go in and they have since um this last week or the week before i think it was last week they announced it's back to masks in the office but the office is open but you have to wear a mask and they are considering people having to be fully vaccinated to go into the office which honestly i support um so wait we are still figuring it all out but still also working from home yeah but yeah okay so it is getting hot so because i'm wearing my sweater so i kind of want to start talking about this okay let's overheat so much so um because it is on it's august 7th i don't know if we said that oh it's on august 7th thursday it's august 7th and it's not raining it's at it's a really nice warm day okay so let's move on to um what we're wearing what we're wearing attention you go first okay what are you wearing my legs are sticking to this couch okay i am wearing the ravello by isabelle kramer and this is my second ravello um the original pattern is a different um stripe formation where it's i think three colors is from the pattern and you kind of have one block for the yoke and then you bring in stripes you do four rows of a contrast color and then you alter and then you have a body color to finish off the sleeves in the body and i had seen a pattern where i liked these thin stripes of just two rows and this is a fingering weight sweater so it's just it's it's not super thin like the stripes it's enough to see the color um but it's just kind of fun to get a mix of different colors in so i had seen a pattern and it was a round yolk sweater and i just wasn't feeling the pattern so i was like you know what i have this fingering weight yarn that i wanted to use and i love my original ravelo the pattern's written really well and i really like raglan sweaters i think they fit me well so i followed the pattern of the ravello with the stitch count and all of that but didn't follow the striping instead i used um some scrap their ten they were 10 gram mini scraps from a swap we did last advent swap we did last fall or last winter last december i guess and you had two skeins of this magpie swanky sock this is not a sk this is an extra skein from a different project kit that you had bought and i had this as a backup but i think i wrote down how many grams i had left let's see i use 1.9 skeins of glue so it was great to just use these two skeins and then i did i had fun kind of alternating choosing all the different colors i stuck with like the orange brown tan i did one stripe of turquoise um this is an ode to my first fravello where the body is the turquoise which i kind of thought was fun and i love the way this fits um it's a good first summer evening sweater right now i'm boiling so i'm gonna take this off in a second um and i think another i might have done i did a twisted one by one rib um on the instead of a garter stitch and i think in the pattern they have you as well as you um pick up and do the garter edge after but i didn't do that for my first one and i also didn't do that for the second one i just cast on and did a couple one by one ribbing not a ton it's a very thin edge um and i think i cast on size two and i might have increased the sleeves to size three yes that's what my um oh you made some nice notes on ravelry that's great yeah you may go back i mean that's a i'm trying and then it says i used about eight grams of mini scraps in about six colors because i didn't actually end up using every single scrap um from the minis only eight grams yeah no that's not interesting no not in total eight grams of each color of each color so there were 10 gram minis and i ended up because i didn't want to end up having not enough for a stripe so i did the whole body and then i did the sleeves so the body so i wanted to i wanted to match oh yes my sleeves and body match and they they clash with your shorts oh yeah this definitely clash with my shorts but whatever um that's like a zoom thing isn't it you're looking online on top you wait till i stand up well i'm gonna take this off in a second because i'm hot um but i think that's all i have to say about it oh you did helical knitting because you you oh yes yes yes oh that was something i just want to bring up actually okay i'm going to take this off and then hold on okay okay so um i did helical knitting for the swanky sock not for my stripes but um because one color and i think i talked about this in the last episode one color was a little cooler than the others so the way helical knitting is um uh babel's traveling yarns has a really good video tutorial on this and i'll link it below but it's a great way to um alternate skeins of hand-dyed yarn without having like doing it in the same place that kind of creates a jog or like a weird type of seam when you're kind of rotating through and the way it works briefly because i'm not going to give a full tutorial um is you knit to three stitches before your last um before your other ball of yarn and then you slip those three stitches and knit around and then when you get to the part of your next round you slip three stitches before that um and you just drop it yeah so nothing each time you wrote you're going three stitches back so the only thing is because um these are thin stripes and in some cases places because when you're slipping those three stitches you're actually only knitting nine rounds i should say i was doing i was doing ten rounds in between each stripe but when i'm slipping those three stitches those three stitches are slipped and they count for two rounds right so but it was actually only nine so in some places it kind of pulled a little so oh i see you can kind of see here it's a little thinner actually it's hard for me to point and hold this do you mind holding it up oh yeah i know i can do this um it is see it it's kind it's very difficult to tell i can see it if i look closely but there's a little bit of a a little bit of a wave blip there it's totally subtle and i think and you can see here it's a little thinner um it's it's really not noticeable at all unless you're like dissecting it really closely you know what i think it actually makes it look really interesting and unique um it feels amazing yeah yeah it's you've blocked it and the knitting is so even it's really a gorgeous swing i'm really happy with it i think it's great for the fall oh it's beautiful yeah so yeah helical knitting i apologize i didn't explain that super well um but it's great for hand-dyed yarns and um super easy alternating skeins and i did it on the sleeves as well oh you did okay yeah yeah i've done helical knitting too and it's absolutely amazing i wish i had known about it years ago yep all right so that was a lot what are you wearing i am wearing something that i made in 2018 it's called the maryland sorry i have to marry lynn by astrid schramm okay and it's knitted um in shopping el nino which is a hundred percent linen it's a chain you have that's what i meant my red tank top in from the last episode which i did i should have brought that home i did uh make that a little longer so i did it so you did and you're happy with it yeah yeah and the colorway is called tinte and it's it's a blue so i made this back in the spring of 2018 as a store sample for driftwood yarns um i'm just gonna quickly stand up it's it's a pretty simple a-line um summer top with uh i suppose you would call this a boat neck it isn't it yeah top down with a garter ridge the sleeves have a have a guard edge and you do increasing oh that's really nice in a in in garter panel here to make it a line and i find that at this stage of my life and my shape that this kind of a-line top is comfortable and i think relatively flattering yeah um so it fits me pretty um with zero ease at the top and then then i have some you know a little bit of positive ease and i'm wearing cargo shorts which do not go with it but we're doing the we look good at the top hopefully not so much on the bottom so yeah that's what i'm wearing and i haven't i realized that this is the first time i'm wearing it this summer oh wow you were wearing that a lot when you first finished it i feel like yeah yeah i definitely wore it a lot in 2018 and 19 probably so that's what i'm wearing so shall we talk about some fos finished objects i think so go ahead um this will probably transition to a whip so hold on to that all right so i have a couple hats um i have my co-workers having a baby girl in september so i did a little hat for her um this is with my i keep using those sheepies little grand little minis little minis you're working my way through the set which is interesting because somebody on ravelry asked me if i would sell the set oh it's definitely been picked through there's not much there's not a whole lot because they're not available anymore oh they're super cute oh gosh that's it and this is a clever way of ma that yeah so yeah they're both marled um with some contrast so the fun thing about these minis is there's so some of them are kind of mixed of two colors you can see the top is like the turquoise and the pink and then the bottom here is purple and turquoise so they um they kind of you can see here where i was rotating skein by skein they they blend into each other really nicely so this is for a girl born in september this is for a boy um due at the end of october and this is just a free pattern like fam like hats for all the family or something um i have i will put the link below and i have a link in my ravelry page um this one i decided to do the little the little loopy thing which is kind of cute um and then i have another hat so my friend's mom is fighting cancer and i made this hat but i'm not sure i'm going to give it to her it's a little scratchy oh is it yeah why would you use the sock yarn i yeah oh yeah no you kind of give it to her yeah i this is so i held two yarns together i held that they were scraps from you this one's really soft this is a single ply gray or something oh yeah this is seems like madeline toshner this is a madeleine tosh um i'm not sure what she calls this now but it's it's a single yeah it's a single fingering way and then this is some sock yarn that you had left over oh that's like a reggie a durable sock yeah what it didn't occur to me though so it's not super soft i blocked it with a ton of conditioner and stuff and it could be like a loose beanie or or a rib but i'll find someone else to give this too and i will make another one for my friend's mom or it can be you know the folded rib so someone else will get this it'll go into the random gift thing but it was um this was the waffle i think this was a free pattern waffles something or other i'll put the link below um okay it was you know the the waffle pattern where you um knit one row then knit two purl two for the other row so it's kind of a fun i don't know who who's going to yet but it might be a christmas gift or something yeah um oh yeah i see the pattern it's nice natasha you did a really nice job and i have some yarn picked out to make a hat for her too um i can't quite remember what i had she wanted purple right yeah which was great because you have a lot of people but you know we'll figure it out we have other purple yarn to figure out we'll go through my stash and yeah got some actually i think i know exactly what i'm looking at it now some um soft softer yarn yeah yeah okay so those are my hat fos what do you have yeah i i last time i said i'd finish my three summer tops and i haven't finished any of them i did finish a pumpkin halloween doggy sweater with fun i am worried it's cool it's the lucky dog sweater pattern knit for pearl soho and i'm gonna have to check my notes oh yeah this buy so something and this is soft this is cash merino super you know who this would fit my friend corgi really yeah so it's um the lucky dog sweater and the design is so salvo for full pearl soho and i use this pattern the smallest size to make um a little strudel in this color too this is this is for maya yeah i mean like finn is the corgi i don't know if he needs a sweater well i've i knitted to the measurements but um it could be shrunk if it's too big yeah this is the underside there's ribs so there's a lot of give in it yeah and the pattern is really nice the pattern is actually designed for worsted weight and this is a dk so i was winging it a little bit but i've knitted it to the measurements it might be a little bit long of an existing doggy sweater so we'll see if it's too big for her then um your aunt can either shrink it or give it to another doggy yeah yeah so that's my fo um and then i just need needed some really simple knitting and i didn't have anything that i could just pick up so i made three little dish cloths out of this um what is it it's a 100 worsted weight cotton yarn and it's um lily sugar and cream these are good like easter time if you want to theme your dish class to the season so i'm going to give one to my mom because i was working on it when i was talking to her one day and then i made a little one it could be for washing your face or maybe it can even go for a little baby as a baby gift oh yeah that's cute baby washcloth and i've got maybe i'll swipe it and give it for this little baby girl oh yeah and i've got just a little bit left from 100 gram and i'm making up because mom said these seem really big and they were a bit big so then i'm knitting them all in um different sizes so so that's it for my fos yeah i hear you on the something easy that's why i started those hats um because i had some complicated stuff going on too yeah sometimes you just need something meditative to pick up yeah and those hats i can just oh yeah you can just whip those hats out huh nice natasha um okay so i think that brings us to whips yeah looks in progress yeah yeah why don't you go natasha okay so i told you i started this and it's not quite a tale of woe but i think it's going to be a tip tiller um okay this is the fold lines by nora gone um which is a it's a brooklyn tween pattern i hope this isn't a tale of well i've not heard about this well you'll see okay so i'm using the shibuya knits echo which you got for me which is really nice so i cast on for the size i'm all tangled size two it's bottom up knit and pieces i cast this on on my birthday so it's bottom up knit and pieces um and it's kind of like a drop shoulder and it has this like star pattern um oh yeah it's a gorgeous done it's not done by cables it's done with kind of twisting stitches and and it's yeah it's fun so here's my thing it's big it's really big this is the back and i didn't sweat it for me yeah but i think it's actually gonna be even too big for you like it's it's pretty big wow and i didn't even finish the back this is the back so the sleeves are dropped down to be like here oh i see yeah but i think you know we're i'm so used to knitting things like slightly cropped now this is like this is going to go down to like oh yeah really low and i think it would be even big for you too it would be kind of like a sweatshirt yeah but the thing is i don't want it to be that i want to want it like your your ravello yeah so i have cast on oh gosh the size small i did not swatch and it's biting me in the you know what but we'll and i i go okay so i put i do this thing um where i'll put a so i have eight eight of these skeins and i'll put a little stitch marker when i've used a skein so okay this is this was to my first game this was to my second and then this this stitch marker is just to mark the center so this is about two and a half skeins like look how freaking and this has so much stretch like this wow is huge look how big this is okay natasha um take it easy um so i was i was like oh i'm gonna end up playing yarn chicken if i'm using two and a half probably two and three quarters for the front and back okay then that leaves me you know like one skein for each sleeve which might be okay but it also might be just short and i was like oh and then the sweater is going to be too big and the sleeves are going to be too short it's such a shame it's really so it took me it's taken me about a month to do this wow maybe three and a half weeks three and we'll call it three and a half weeks but and it's it really does look like paper folding yeah so it's such a cool design um so and so the point of what i was gonna say about marking the skeins i got to the first game and i was like oh this is going to be too big isn't it i'm just going to keep going this pattern is so much fun i'm going to keep going then i got to the second and i was like okay this is definitely too big but i'm just going to keep going i'm just going to keep going and then i started doing the bind off and i was like i can't keep going gosh natasha so i know i also um so so the thing is i want to say this pattern is hard to modify because it's you have to you know the stitches mat up with the pattern it's not like when you're doing you know just stripes or just knitting you can just i could just started to like i could have started decreasing yeah easily and then i was like oh maybe i'll just do the back the size small but then things aren't going to line up because even at the top the um the pattern goes into the seam and it's just not going to line up and i'm not going to like that because the stitch count isn't going to be off so i was like i couldn't modify this in the way that i would have for another pattern um so that's so so i got it i got into the size and i think that this i think the size down is still going to be kind of a roomy sweater um i'm also so the pattern has you do let's see the this is one besides the ribbing um this is one pass of the pattern right okay one repeat one repeat so that have you do two and a half repeats before you um cast on some stitches for the sleeve so i'm just gonna do two repeats so i'm gonna eliminate a half of a repeat and then i also the ribbing is three inches and i did it two and a half this time oh i see so that's going to bring me down about at least three or four inches and this i measured this um so this is 16 inches from my underarm and normally i'm like closer to like a 12. it's like where i'm like around so i'm eliminating about three three and a half uh inches with this modification so i'm doing the size down from this a little bit shorter on the hem ribbing and then eliminating half a repeat before doing the sleeves and i think that will fit me better the size down is is 22 stitches less so that's one it's like one one one of these across yeah yeah that makes sense so i it is i'm it's not a complete tailor bow but i'm going to like it so much better by doing this you know and yes i should have swatched i should have stopped after the first game but you know what i have a handle on the pattern i'm using the nic companion app on my ipad um which you can use on your phone too where you can highlight um wherever you are which is great for charts um and there was one other thing i was gonna say about oh so i can't memorize the whole pattern but by row i can so you read it once you've made a panel you can probably read it right well i can i can kind of read it and i do have my stitch markers in between each repeat which helps a million so i can memorize and it's knit back and forth and i was like oh should i try and modify this and knit in the round but i'm gonna use this i'm gonna knit the skein i have wound up and i'm gonna kind of use this as a guide while i'm knitting this just to size it up at least through like one and a half skeins or so before i unpick that um so that is my whip and i love the yarn it's a mix of silk and merino's in there yeah 52 still 48 by merino and it is japanese so it's themed with the olympics that's what i've been doing the past two weeks i've been watching the olympics oh yes um actually i've been watching quite a bit yes too let's talk about tom daley tom daley how did you bring that up in the beginning oh my god i got so many messages from him but he is so cute i got messages from him yeah well my no not from him oh god i got messages people were sending me oh messages about he brought so much yarn to tokyo i was so impressed also he only started knitting at the beginning of the pandemic wow i like looked through i'm pretty sure that's what his instagram said um which i thought was pretty admirable how much he's a just become an immediate lifestyle knitter and b he's really talented like he's knitting all sorts of things and did you know that he was knitting for charity yeah you get that cardigan for um a cancer uk cancer charity which i thought was wonderful i'm wondering if a lot more people in england are going to start knitting now hopefully because every time i listen to bbc radio every time they mention tom daley they mention he's knitting no i know and i love the fact that he's like kind of normalizing like you can do that any knitting anyway knitting anywhere and like yeah you are still paying attention like he's cheering on his teammates and now he looked at a photo he's sitting there knitting other people are on their phone like you know yes you can be much more present knitting something meditative than uh being on your phone on your phone yeah yeah so i know it's been really fun yeah uh-huh oh shoot i forgot i wanted to mention the beginning but hopefully i made it half an hour through and caught fun stuff if you have not seen tom daley his instagram is made by tom daley um and he was he was in the olympics i think at least in rio i'm not sure this was his element this is his third olympia amazing his first gold for um the the synchronized diving with his partner um the two of them got gold and with his diving diving partner not his real life partner his real life partner and him and tom had a baby um through a surrogate and um the reaction from his partner who they're married um he was so excited when tom daley won the gold he was like screaming that was that i mean it's really sad that the athletes can't have their family there but they have done a decent job of showing you know the zoom or team's um viewing yeah and the reactions from the families have been pretty great when john and i watched while we were getting emotional with the families he was just so happy you know it's so great it is great and he won a bronze medal yesterday for his solo diving he might have won a gold in that solo before but he hadn't for the that's nice and now you know what i missed that that was earlier on that was in the first week yeah yeah okay so what are you working on all of your summer nets yes i'm on a huge sleeve island and i'm hopping from sleeve from on sleeve island to another sleeve island so maybe i'll just talk about the one that i'm knitting okay which i haven't had my hair cut because i haven't finished the sweater for my hair i actually got my hair cut oh it does look nice and healthy but i'm getting there so this is the duchene and i am making and does that buy again oh who is that by i'm going to have to look that up i'll put it below i'll put it below don't worry about it okay i'm knitting in um pima cotton and linen blend hampton the yarn is called hampton and it's by cascade yarns and i think they just do color they just do numbers it's number four this light gray and last time i finished the front and back and blocked them and so i i seamed them so modifications i'm i'm using um i'm making at a tighter gauge and um i also did not swatch [Music] anyway so i i joined together and i made one sleeve it's a pretty short sleeve because it's dropped shoulders um pretty quickly and i am using these funky needles um they are yeah chai twist i stop i tried them for the first time and i was trying to see what the cable so they are shorter than nine inch circulars right i don't know what he would say for this this cable is um oh it's it says it it's a you're gonna have to cut this out sorry i think it might be a six inch cable two two and three inch it doesn't it doesn't tell you what size the cables are anyway um it's it's it's a really small circumference and at first when i started knitting with these tips i didn't really like it because they're actually pretty heavy they're short and heavy and i haven't really been knitting with metal metal needles for a long time now because i use the liquor wooden needles oh yeah i like those um those are kind of my go-to needles and then i've got the shorter knit picks i guess the five inch but anyway now i'm on the second sleeve and i'm i'm getting used to them and it is so efficient really on a sleeve to just be able to go round and round and round and not have to keep shifting not have to keep shifting especially on a stocking stitch sleeve and so they come with an even short so i'm using three inch tips there's also two inch tips i don't know if i'd be able to knit with two inch tips there's almost nothing to hold and then two pretty short cables um i'm using the longer cable but there is you can buy a set of these and they come with a connector so you can connect the two cables these actually don't come with a connector although i thought that they did but elizabeth set me up yesterday with a connector okay and i had these as us size eight which is five millimeter that i mean i knit this in in five millimeter size needles i had also ordered the usi six which i think is four millimeter needles on some project that i finished the sleeves on now um but anyway i will say for knitting short circumference yeah these are really efficient i mean i think i'm going to finish this today oh awesome so that's one sleeve island and then i can make a hair appointment and get my hair cut nice um and i would like you to try this on to see how it fits okay because i'm actually i didn't do short rows in the back and i'm a little concerned that it might be rising up in the back but um hopefully this will fit pam i think she's probably a little about your size or maybe a little bit smaller yeah she might be smaller than me yeah so that's that's one of my sleeve islands okay are you working on anything else yeah i have one more whip to talk about how many more whips do you have i have quite a few um why don't you do another one okay i'll do my other sleeve island which is the venus oh okay i have a sign for that yeah by martin's story and i think that this is eligible for the needles at the ready um let's hear it for the boys netherland which is make something by a male designer or male 1 yawn oh and i'm not completely sure if that knit along is still going on oh but it definitely was going on for a while and last time we podcasted i had done the back which is this and i blocked it nice since then i have finished the front nice and i don't know where it is at the moment barking no it might be on the dining room table i i was just gathering it when you were right is this a ruse um can we i'm just gonna pause and get it do you mind yeah yeah yeah okay i'm glad that i found the front that i oh yes so it's not a complete ruse so let's hold up both pieces here so yeah so um this is knitted in pieces like the is it the paper fold fold line fold lines okay it's it's basically the same except it's a slightly lower neckline and it's for the front and back for the front and back okay yeah yeah this is the back i can see yeah there's the difference yeah yeah so i i knit this this um and that's blocked too this is block two and it's 120 row repeat pattern but now i'm kind of really into the rhythm of it and i am making it out of rowan creative linen which i think i may have mentioned before this is actually the yarn that the pattern was designed and it's one of the rare times oh that's amazing um and i'm you i'm making the second size which is the medium so i did start and i i had bought four i thought last time i said three but actually i had four 100 gram balls and or skeins and each one of these used one and maybe a quarter or something oh wow okay so what so the sleeves are knit flat and i'm knitting both at it both at the same time because it really does help when you're doing a lace pattern so you you look at the row and you do the same row on both sleeves i think it's much more efficient than right needing one sleeve and then going back especially for a 120 rope repeat pattern yeah i mean 120 row repeat pattern it sounds overwhelming but it really isn't because there's a lot of you know the side panel is repeated it's just that the side panel versus the middle panel is repeated at a different rate okay yep so i was knitting the sleeves to pattern when i got to about where i am now and i thought you know what these are way too wide and i don't want baggy white sleeves so i ripped out i did a natasha and i ripped out and um and i started again i'm like they might be too small but i'm going to i like my sleeves here to be kind of not tight but not too much positive eaves did that did it grow with blocking actually it really didn't it's um it's a cotton linen blend oh okay um but now i'm gonna increase the rate of increasing and the great thing about knitting two at a time is that you're increasing at the same time and hopefully the sleeves will be the same unlike my other top where the sleeves are different yeah so i'm i'm making progress this is how much yarn i have for each one okay i really hope that i don't have to do serious yarn chicken because since i'm knitting the bottom up you can't just like say oh okay i'm just gonna have three quarter length sleeves now um because also the sleeves are going to be a sleeve cap and fitted in it's kind of like the old-fashioned way that i used to knit swiss knit sweaters because you can see there's shaping here right so the sleeve is going to be shaped to fit in right so if i'm running if i'm close to running out of yarn i'm going to go on rubble and see if i can get some yeah hopefully but i think i i think it will be okay i think i will what about steaming close well i've got some oh i've got some long tails i've got a long tail that i'm going to use for seaming and you know what i'm if i i'm sure i'll find something similar to this to see okay i'm not worried about seaming too much and the sleeves are not in the round or flat no flat right you might have said that right right i didn't actually say it but i'm using the prim needles which are super light which is why i think those metal chai goo seems so heavy to me right probably so i usually knit a little bit on this now every evening that's my first knitting i pick up when i'm kind of fresh yeah and then i move on to some something more meditative after i've had a glass of wine and i'm tired yep so those are the two summer tops and then shall i just roll into the third sure roll right in where that's another sleeve island that i have not begun and it's not because i didn't want to but because i didn't have any yarn oh because i had used up all the yarn and you had promised me some leftovers and i forgot i but i brought them home this time thank you so this is cascada which is the same yarn that you made um your fold line tank my outline tank you all sorry there's a lot of lines there's a lot of lines my outline but just show the difference blocked versus not blocked well oh yeah well this is blocked mine's blocked mine's not blocked and mine's this is size three needle and this is size full and this is let's go a little closer i don't know if you can see the difference in real in the through the camera or not but and it has this lace panel yeah so i finished the body wow really nice that it's that's the um the a line another a line shaped top yep but this time there's a lace panel and it's asymmetric the lace panel is only on one side and the pattern actually if i was following the pattern i'd be casting off now for the sleeves and actually so talking about modifying so i am going to make sleeves and you brought me some yarn i brought you 75 grams of one skein so this is the yarn it's pollock juniper moon yawn and it is what is it i think it's silk and linen it's another it's another silk and then blend so i'm going to use this to make some sleeves that are about this length a modification so talking about modifying patterns i want to give a really really special shout out to a couple of podcasters another mother and daughter helen and rosie ellen's the daughter rosie's the mom and they podcast out of northern england and they are called the the fiber i think their podcast is called the fiber tribe but you also might be able to find them by the diddy stitcher so helen is a and they have they have a floss tube helen is a stitcher she does these amazingly elaborate like cross stitch and embroidery yeah absolutely phenomenal and i used to do a lot of cross stitching and embroidery too i might get back into it yeah when i retire and rosie is a knitter and she in her shoutout she said what she really liked about our podcast is that we modify patterns right she said she shouldn't be afraid to modify patterns modify your patterns rosie everyone modify your patterns make them to fit you and to suit you you know think about patterns as recipes that they're sort of a guide and yeah and as you as you knit more and more things for yourself especially with garments i think you'll realize what what fits you what you like and then you can just take bits and pieces from yeah designs and and really make them your own and isn't that one of the amazing things about knitting for yourself is that you can knit exactly what you would like versus you know going into the high street and buying something that you sort of like yeah and i think you know obviously some patterns are easier than others to modify you you've shown that today yeah um and you know sometimes the modifications don't work out but it's all a learning process and i think um you know one thing that's easy is maybe like you know the ribbing length or knit until you know x number of inches before you split for the sleeves you can always increase or decrease sleeve length especially if they're top down are easy to modify um sometimes i've done in between sizes you know trying to figure out what the repeat is um but there's definitely with more experience and i even go back and you know reference old patterns for some things about um how they've done a certain yeah some things that work a certain way that i'd like to remember so yeah yeah so thanks thanks thanks you too um over in northern england for the shout out yeah and i've gone back and i've watched some of you earlier episodes and they are really really charming um so we're gonna put a little link in and if you would like to watch uh an english mother and daughter and if you're also interested in stitching then um it's kind of a nice change of pace agreed okay yeah okay so anyway this might be i'm worried that this might be too big but i'm just gonna finish this talking about modifying i didn't modify and maybe i should have [Laughter] but you know what i was thinking this is gonna be a gift and i have three possible people if if it's too big for me then um i'm not gonna say but do you have an order of who gets first pick no no just who it might suit depending on what it actually looks like when it's finished um and you know as you were talking about your is it the fold lines fault lines fold lines i know you you're mentally prepared to rip out that back but i was also thinking couldn't we have thoughts making it for someone that it would fit the thing so much that pattern has been in my queue since it came out in like 20 i think it was 2018 it might have been 2017. so not a super long time but i've had my eye on that pattern for a long time i see for a lot for a while and it's a dk yarn and i feel like sometimes dk yarn isn't super easy to it's not as it's not what i have most of in my stash mostly i've got like fingering and other weights so when you gave me this dk weight yarn i was like yes i have a dk weight yarn and i wanted to do it in a light color because you can see the pattern oh yeah that's true you can see the flowers yeah so it was like having a dk weight yarn that was a light color it was just like that's what it was meant to be and i've been wanting it so i thought about it too i thought about oh you would like it and then i was like well then i'm going to want to make another one for myself and then when i saw how big it was i was like it's still going to be too big for you so okay i did think about finishing it for you i did but no i didn't maybe not me but someone else i was thinking yeah but anyway oh good you know good on you natasha that you you are you're going to make it work and you're going to make it into a beautiful sweater that you love even if you have to unpick and let's face it you know you were knitting it when you were watching that and i'm knitting a smaller size now so it's going to go quicker okay it's going to be shorter and it's one less 22 stitch repeat each time um and i knit the ribbing smaller so it's it's gonna go quicker i commend you i commend you for that yeah okay all right so i have one more whip that's also a tale of well oh my gosh okay so this is my outline tank so another non-swatching situation you know is there a lesson in here yeah i mean sometimes we take the time i probably i probably swatched like not as much as 75 as the time but more than 50 of the time so maybe 60 of the time i probably swatched 20 of the time so i didn't watch for this and this is this is dk right no we go back and forth i think it's more like sport weight okay so this is a cotton this is the linen this is the linen silk blend the juniper moon pollock and it's called summer time the color is called summer time and so this is the outline tank by jessie may so i did not swatch for this i cast on for the size two and you do the ribbing in size three and then you go up to size four for the body and i remember i was like two inches in and i switched down to size three needles this ended up being i being it's really wide and the straps are really long so i went back and made the straps long shorter but it's still too wide and the pattern it is meant to be kind of oversized and cropped and cropped but it's the i don't mind the length but it's it's just it's like you see it's not flat you see this armpit situation right and even though i made the sleeves nice sleeves these aren't really sleeves straps shorter it's still just not it's not now it looks out of proportion because you've got short you've got fitted arm holes and the top is really really baggy yeah so but i really like the pattern so this it's supposed to be fingering weight and i used a thicker yarn and knit up a size than i probably should have so 100 user error so i the part here these are done with drop stitches and it was so fun to do so i was like oh i'll rip back and just do some decreases like still have the wide or at the bottom and kind of make it a line but with these drop stitches i just wasn't sure if i was going to do it right and honestly this is a really quick knit because there's no sleeves and it's just stocking stockinette in the round um and then the sleeves are all the straps are really really quick too it's just like these tiny triangles so you gifted me uh you you bought that young no no this year oh yeah but you gifted me this this shibuy cone hopefully you'll win for my birthday which is fingering yes and is another linen silk blend so this is actually fingering so i was like and you gave me two skeins which is basically enough look at this this is obviously ill-fitting um so i i only got you sorry to interrupt you sweetie i only got you two skeins because i this was pretty expensive yarn and i had looked up and two skeins would be enough for a tank top for you in this fingering way so i see where this is going so i decided to cast on a new outline tank with this now i've cast on for the size too well why because it's a smaller size needles should i swatch yes i think you should swatch you and you already cast on didn't i already passed on i've been knitting on it this time i only cast it on yesterday oh okay i should stop i should stop and swatch yes i i i i could put it to a vote but i i think i'm going to stop and swatch you you should i should be i should and you know what we'll wind this up now and i'll see you just to swatch yeah i've done like i've done like four rows of the ribbing and you won't have to sorry i keep interrupting you now but you're all excited you won't have to redo your ribbing you can just adjust accordingly and you'll feel so and you'll feel so much better right i was like i'll just measure it up against this one but i should just but it's different yawn different way and you're using different needles no i'm using this so i want to do size three for the ribbing and size four for the body because it'll go quicker with size four and i use size five correct e i think you said you used size four yeah i think but this is gonna be for this yarn anyway yeah anyway yeah you know what i'll wind this up for you yeah so you'll be ready to so at least you can do a swatch tonight how's that okay yeah and you know what i might do a swatch too because i have a bit of a disaster cast on too oh boy i'm gonna take this off now okay so um but i can um if you need more yarn for your sleeves i'm not gonna unpick this yet because i want to i do want to kind of gauge it with my that's a good idea yeah with my new one but if you need yarn for your sleeves you've got it here okay thank you i think that three quarters of a skein should be enough for the sleeves so um let's see so i have a couple of new car i have a couple of new costumes and then i have a modification and a repair and i really and the knit along i don't know if we'll have time for me to talk about all of that why don't you talk about your modification and repair and and your knit along i only have one more thing to talk about okay so i since we've been talking about modifying and garment i'll just finish up the garment and then after that it's moving into accessories so now i have nothing to knit on oh keep on knitting the rib you think so yeah because you're not gonna you can adjust accordingly right right i can decrease you can decrease or increase from there after the rib okay so so yeah you've got my goodness you definitely need something to knit up okay so this is a top that i knit um if you if you don't mind holding this up for a second natasha while i look up the the details of this um it was a knit along actually with christy glass knits oh with um patty lions with pally lions and i can't remember if it was 2020 or 2019. it's called it was called the roselle um oh it was 2019. yeah it started in april of 2019 and it's using yarn and i'm just gonna get the ball of yarn that i got in um we got norway um modeling another linen it goes really well with my shorts um no she's lit all the way isn't it well this august yeah so um it's young we got when we went on a norway trip um tin liner sand sand nesco i can't say it's been a while since we've had to say sand is gone it's it's really fine i mean it's a really fine fingering it's 53 percent cotton 33 viscose and only 14 linen did i say what the name of the pattern was the rosette roselle t roselty and the sensory modeling i mean i love it look at this it's got it's also knitted in pieces it's got these beautiful lace sleeves yeah and then the front there's a it's another a line but the lace is lace panel and you can wear this in the front or you can wear it in the back right i think the back might be a nice section yeah so the thing about this is that it falls off my shoulders right i mean i wore it last week and i just couldn't i just couldn't i just couldn't wear it it was it was literally falling off my shoulders like you're not that much yeah which made me really sad because it fits everywhere else yeah and i and and the whole so this was a very detailed um knit along because if you know paddy lyons she's all about knit to fit and she's very technical she's very technical and i think the knit along will just take this off it keeps falling off yeah take it off um it was a pretty involved knit along in that patterns were released or sections of the pattern were released every week or two weeks and paddle lines created videos and there were instructions on how to modify it to fit you so i think the reason it falls off the shoulders is not the pattern or the design but it's this yarn that stretches oh so i'm holding up more yarn on a crochet hook and what i'm thinking of doing is crocheting around here single crochet which will hopefully pull it in and i did this on a sweater years ago that white one i wore in episode one i think i had a similar i had a similar thing happen with 100 cotton yarn yeah that it was falling off my shoulders so i need to cinch it in yeah so stay tuned for next time just be careful you don't end up with any puckering yeah so what i'll do is i'll do it kind of gradually yeah you know i'll do a i'll do single crochet and i was hunting around because i knew i had saved a little bit over because i have another two two um i have another two of these but i don't wanna i just wanna bust into it and and i was searching for this and i couldn't find it and then when i stopped searching and i was preparing for the knit along i found it nice of course i know i'm monopolizing this but should i no all good so for the knit along wait wait i just before you get along i just want to show one more thing that i'm thinking of doing so okay another one of my birthday presents was this yarn this is trendsetters yarns transition tweed 52 cotton 48 acrylic and it's this cool gradient and you can see here it's very loosely it's not really not yeah it's so loosely tied it's not even applied it's not applied it's four strands held together and the reason i bought this for natasha for her birthday is because she loves teal and she loves tweed yeah right yes yes so anna my sister if you haven't seen her um i'll guess she has had this t-shirt that i have oh it's this is a book this is not a hand-knit t-shirt this is bull right this is bot yeah she's had this she had it for years and i've had it for years so it's we've had it for a long time um you got it originally anna and i've had it at least four years in my closet and i wear it every summer and i'm always like i'm always like i should knit this so i what but i haven't had the right yarn the cool thing about this you can see this is also some sort of drop stitches but you can see it's not even plied it's like it's it's exactly the same it's just these fine strands yeah i think you can see so i'm like hey this could make one of these so i have to dissect this a little bit not not i'm picking it but just kind of um examining it examine it i'm pretty sure it's knit sideways um really yeah oh yes you you can tell yeah by this the stocking sticks yeah so um i'm gonna i have to do i'm gonna do some swatches figure out if i need to purchase any patterns to figure out this zigzag or if i can figure i think so i guess so so i'm gonna work through it i remember maybe two years ago searching on ravelry for a similar pattern and not finding one um so i'll do another i'll do another browse and see if i can find a similar one but i can't i can't tell if this is drop stitches or yarn overs or what um because it is does have a zigzag you know what i think you this is a great example of buying a stitch dictionary and i was watching kia kia's podcast thank you for your comment here if you watch our podcast um she commented about my water lily because i was inspired she's needing a top and she's consulting a stitch dictionary to have a flower motif for the yolk of her sweater and i think that you could consult a stick stitch dictionary yeah that's a good idea and figure out the stitch and it i mean i could i could kind of see what's going on here but the zigzag gives it a yeah a different and then it's definitely picked up and done just ribbing two by two after um on the hem and the sleeves but it's almost like you can see it would be a pretty simple shape um oh it's a very simple shape it looks like it was knit in pieces and then seamed and yes yeah it's actually basically two pieces that are exactly the same oh no it's not there's no seam oh no there it is but i bet i could do it in the round there that's probably just because it's machine knitting and then seam the top the interesting thing is that the rib is knitted in the normal rib way but then the rest is knitted sideways yeah so that's picked up and the top the neckline is knit sideways too the neckline is sideways oh yeah but the ribbing on the sleeves and the bottom is not so that's definitely picked up after so a little more dissecting a stitched dictionary is a good idea stay tuned and so this is something to think about this though is it is a gradient right so change it's going to change so i had to think about how that's going to look front to back sideways right i'm also thinking that you know what you could adapt this pattern and not make it sideways i do think i'll want to have the color go up and down so i might want to do that i think that and if the zigzag goes the other way that's fine too these zigzags are going up and down but if they go sideways that's okay too i think you could still make them go up and down because it would be a kind of a play on the phone and feather in a way the fernand feather yeah which is it which is a zigzag um wow this is fun so stay tuned i i'm not i'm not quite there yet because i've got to get through my fold lines and my outline tank and a couple other things i'm thinking about and it is a summer knit so i'm not sure i'm not sure when it'll happen yet but um it's it's muddling okay talk about your knit along okay so the knit along is going to be the unofficial official official unofficial knit along knitting um the mold mania leggings by stephen west oh boy these are a statement piece i you know what and i thought about making them last year when i was working from home in the winter i thought they'd be so great to just wear it home and then i ended up buying myself 100 merino pants from banana republic um but then loretta from knit my way home she mentioned on her last podcast that she was going to make these as a official unofficial knit along with joyce from i think it's ruby no moss cottage podcast excuse me i'm going to consult my notes because i want to get this right um yes ruby moss cottage podcast joyce from ruby moss cottage podcast um she made a pair of the mild mania leggings last year and she is launching this knit along there is a hashtag which natasha you can put in here sure if any of you want to join in for the for the winter kind of a really loose knit along so at a minimum loretta me and joyce are going to be making these and what i'm excited about is using up all my left over sock yarn and so i have this really huge glass bowl which i'm going to show you now which i got at our local thrift store a couple of years ago it's heavy careful and i've used and i've been using it to store yarn that i'm gonna be knit on and this is where that purple yarn was hiding when i was clearing it out so yeah so you can add this right in there um so these are all my um fingering way leftovers from socks you know and maybe even sweaters i think this was a sweater where it's less than 50 grams um but you know quite a bit from all different socks and then in the middle here is a little container with smaller amounts so i'm thinking i'm going to use these so the mild mania leggings you use two fingering weights together and you mild so you keep changing okay and i'm gonna use i'm gonna find a gray or a black to hold together with these colors that's kind of what i'm thinking okay so i looked at joyce's um leggings and she matched the legs oh boy which took which takes some planning and weighing but i think i'm just gonna not bother matching and either way is cool but i'm really excited just to use up yeah so this is my huge bowl that's great yeah it's heavy um yeah i think it'll just be fun just to use these up totally you know instead of the other alternative is a blanket or or anyway so that's that's as far i bought the pattern i've collected all my yarns i haven't gone through and found grays and blacks i would really love to be able to just do this completely from stash ray and not buy any yarn yeah um but i haven't and i am going to swatch oh another thing is so the mold mania leggings are knit so that its reverse stockinette is the right side but i don't i don't like that look as much i'm gonna make mine modifying again um i'm gonna make mine so that it's the stocking stitch is the right side okay and i'm hoping that's gonna be a pretty easy yeah yeah the marls look flows i think there is a different it's a different look with how the model looks on reverse on the pearl sizer yeah and i just prefer the stock i just prefer the stopping side okay so that's i think that's it okay that's it for me i think that's it for me too yeah um okay oh stosh stash acquisition um well i kind of mixed mine in because i have a couple okay um and it's young both of the stash acquisition i have is kind of colorful and it's from these are so cute and well so nicely yeah so it's it's the the company's earth yarns and they plant a tree every time somebody buys ah some of the yarn and it's their unique sock i've already made a pair of sock out of one of these not these colorways but yeah so they it comes in two cakes and they're perfectly matched so you can make matching matching socks and this is this is really nicely soft yarn isn't it yeah and what is the composition of this and also if you share a picture of your socks finished or in progress using hashtag we'll plant an additional tree for every post and they're made in turkey made in turkey and it's extra fine superwash merino and 25 nylon but it's really soft i mean it's much softer than reggia yeah and talking about leggings i also bought this this is the same company but it's chunky and this is a single ply is it a single it feels like yeah it's a single pie that's probably gonna pill like bejesus but it's like basically already pilling and it's already peeling but i i've seen um baby leggings made out of this and there's like a few people that i know that uh well one of my friends is going to be a grandmother um so i was thinking i'd kind of enjoy making little baby leggings while i'm making my own leggings thank you and this kind of really just chunky arm yeah and who cares if they peel right yeah they fit babies for like 10 minutes exactly so that's that's it for my acquisitions okay cool well this was a jam-packed app because it's a month's gone by yeah so hopefully we can do another one in a couple weeks um we'll see but um thanks for sticking it out for this longer episode and hopefully you got some joy out of it and um hope you're all keeping well yeah enjoying your hobbies no matter what they are thank you so much for watching thank you for your comments please subscribe because i think we should have a 4 000 subscriber giveaway yeah and that would we we're in reach we could potentially do it um hopefully we'll have one more podcast before fingers crossed we go to the oh yeah yeah i know there's one giveaway that i owe to somebody in england that i will it's one of the old vintage um stitch um oh embroideries yup yup that i will post when we go to england hopefully that works out yeah um yes so take care happy kneading until next time bye [Music] you
Channel: Knit Ink
Views: 9,579
Rating: 4.9731994 out of 5
Id: As3KfdXC3ag
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Length: 73min 34sec (4414 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 13 2021
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