Knitting Traditions Podcast Ep.29-shifty sweater, fluffy cardigan and more sweater goodness

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[Music] hello everyone and welcome to knitting traditions podcast episode something getting close to 30. um so trying to record an episode outside today just to have a little bit better lighting it's uh monday morning and the fog has just lifted it looks like it's gonna be a nice day i just got home from a shift so i'm looking forward to enjoying the day there is two drops on the ground it's six celsius degrees so i put on some thicker warmer wool for you guys just to stay nice and snuggly and let's just hope there's not too many interruptions um outside because through the the editing part of the episodes is not very fun but um i'll do my best for you so what i'm wearing this is the tegna if i am remembering wrong because my head is a bit foggy as well i will put the name here um i also put all the information about what i talk about in the description box below there's like a little thing over here probably or here where you can find everything that i talk about but i'm also active on instagram as knitting traditions if you have any questions directed directly to me um it's a lot easier for me to reply on there than here but i read all the comments below and i'm just honored to be a part of this society so this sweater is a top-down construction and i used norwegian wool for this i used the rauma final and i don't remember the colorways but this is like a heathered light gray uh almost white it's it's quite it's like a mix of of white and gray fibers um it looks almost undyed um that the heatherness is gray fiber spun in with white wool fiber 100 wool yarn one of my favorite ones it's great for color work i do know you can get it in the states as well if that's where you live because rama does ship out internationally to resellers restock to other stores and this is a very dark uh mossy green kind of colorway it's more green than it appears in the the lighting and this is like a mustardy goldy brown color and i think in the pattern you're supposed to split for the sleeves down here however i'm not a fan of the whole batwing construction it's very cozy but it's not very practical for me i have to layer usually and it's a problem to put on jackets if you have a sweater that kind of stops here because then there's a lot of fabric and everything kind of lifts up to put the jacket on so what i did is i split for the sleeves before before the these crosses and i'm really happy with that modification uh i also just think that sweaters that don't have bad sleeves i i like the shape of them a lot more i don't know if this was an alteration but i did not do any decreases on the sleeve and i did a long ribbing at the end um around 10 centimeters ribbing and also for the hem of the sweater i did the same um 10 centimeters of one by one ribbing i think that is modification um but i'm not sure but i really like the look of that it's very cozy the long rib is a feminine look to me and i just like the way it hangs on the arms so i'm really happy with this design i think it's a really beautiful color work sweater and with the modifications of the arms it's quite practical as well and um yeah the wool the wool um since it's a hundred percent wool this phenolic iron it's a very forgiving uh yarn more forgiving than super wash yarns are because in soup yarns everything is a bit more slippery so if there is any unevenness it's a lot more visible but with this it's more toothy so everything kind of sticks to each other and that makes a very even color work i think um i don't know if i have any floats to show so here are my floats on the back for those who like to see and yeah i don't know what happened here i think i was probably moving in some ends all right so that was what i'm wearing since the last time i have finished an object but before getting into that i'm gonna grab a beverage because it is quite cool outside so i did bring some tea that i want to drink before it gets ice cold and i'm drinking from this cute little handmade ceramic mug that i or cup that i bought when i was living in poland it was made on the street that i used to live on in the jujitsu area and it's a nice little memory from the time there and hopefully soon in the future i can go back and maybe get some more lots of it's a red tea with lots of berries and flavor all right so let's get into a finished object so this is not been blocked yet but it's been worn a lot already this is the sara sweater by lenny i think lenny hoy is her name it's a beautiful top down raglan with a twisted rib neck that you can either wear this way or as a let's see if i can fold it for you i fold it down turtleneck i wear it this way because i think i should have gone up a size because when i wear this it kind of pulls on the neck here and it looks beautiful but then when i fold the neck down it kind of doesn't cover all of this i kind of have to pull it to perfectly cover it i could sew it down but i really like it all the way up on my neck it feels really nice and snuggly and it has sleeves with a long rib and there is a split rib on the body and it has pockets on the front with this really nice design i did a modification here and the pocket was supposed to be knitted all the way down to the edging but i was a bit worried because i like to put things in my pockets that it would show that it will kind of be heavier than the fabric and show underneath the edge but i um after putting it on and wearing it because of the way the pockets are made i don't think that would have actually happened so if i make it again i will follow it um exactly as to pattern to get even bigger pockets um but it's perfect for putting like keys in or smaller things i have had my phone in here as well but i have a a bigger iphone so it's easier for it to fall out i'm really happy with how this sweater turned out it is so soft so squishy very next skin soft um so i was thinking in the future i could do like an episode where i showcase all my um squishy soft sweaters that are next to skin soft and talk about them and then i can do another one with my rustic garments that are more scratchy and talk about them if that's something of interest instead of one here and one there i could do like a special some special episodes but this is definitely next to skin soft and it's really warm even though the content is about a third cotton pima cotton it's also merino and baby alpaca i've been wearing it a lot because it is that um warmth but also the really soft and snuggly feeling so i haven't had the time to wash and block it because i've been wearing it so much and this is the yarn that i used for it this is the fluff sock base from zakami yarns which are based in cumbria in the uk and this this yarn was gifted from them i was gifted three skeins of this colorway and then some yarns to give to you in a giveaway and i just think this colorway is so beautiful it's called boomi which means earth correct me if i'm wrong and it is this nice pale green with flecks of darker green like a mossy and my favorite flecks are the the rust flecks they just made me so happy whenever i got one of those little rust flecks i just beautiful so yes this flew off the needles it was a joy to knit on and i had three skeins and i've used up two skeins plus 40 grams because they come in um 100 grams gains so i have 60 grams left which means two and a half skeins was enough for this turtle neck somewhat long body so probably two skeins i could get a cropped sweater from definitely a t-shirt but also i think a cropped sweater i could do a three-quarter sleeve and make a longer sweater probably um yes so that is my sara sweater highly recommend the pattern it's beautiful and i love it um oh and yeah i wanted to talk about how i decided to kind of um alternate skeins because when you do buy uh hand-dyed yarns there is always going to be a small discrepancy between skeins just because that's the nature of it it's not a machine dyed in a big batch where everything is completely the same color so i use one skein for the the neck and the upper part of the body then i didn't alternate skeins for the sleeves so you can see that where i started the sleeves there is a bit more darker spots in that yarn that's gain but i think it looks nice for the body i did alternate here every second row using helical knitting which is you knit until there is three stitches left on the round and then you attach the new yarn and start knitting and then you knit until three stitches before you attach it and you just slip those three and then you get to that yarn that was used in the previous year and that's just hang in there and you keep knitting with that one and then you just repeat that so every row you get to three stitches before where you were if that makes sense helical knitting in the round there are videos on youtube but i think that's a really nice way of doing it when you're knitting in the round because there is no um carrying of the yarn in the back and it looks well invisible as long as you don't tighten your stitches too much because then you might get kind of a line of tighter stitches going diagonally so don't do that i've learned that the hard way so yes maybe i'll make a pair of shorty socks with the rest because they do call it their spluff socks so probably the cotton content in this makes it strong enough for socks it would be really nice and lovely i think some of my favorite socks are the ones that i made with mo hair content because that fluff is just very cozy for indoor socks so i'll think about it maybe sucks or maybe color work we shall see and then um i've put some progress into my half and half triangles wrap so this is a forever project that will probably be returning to the podcast for several episodes it is very comforting to knit on and i pick this up when i need a break from more um knitting that uses up more brain capacity because this is very simple but it's also very addicting so when i'm knitting on it i kind of just want to knit on this but i'm in no rush to finish it but i have finished the first skein of the juniper green since last time and i actually put a stitch marker on here to show you my progress because i realized this is a huge shawl and you can't really see that i made progress in between the episodes um but let's see do you see that little silver hand down there so i've knitted everything above this since last time which is quite a lot of knitting because for every row now the rows are getting longer and i put stitch markers every 26 stitches and that made like 10 segments between stitch markers for the whole um length of the triangle and i have now one two almost three segments left so i have knitted more than seventy percent of the second triangle so it's not that much left but again the triangles are getting longer and longer and like i talked about in the previous episode i am keeping it in my lovely bag from sage valley handmade and i love it so this was a gifted bag just to be clear about that and then um in the last episode i talked about this other sweater that i was knitting on in between the sara sweater and that was the weekender light and believe it or not i have made a lot of progress on this but i had to rip back um so let's see i'm probably dropping lots of stitches now yes i am the perks of knitting with rustic yarn is that when you drop stitches they don't really tend to go anywhere unless you're very rough with it because of that toothiness everything just sticks together um not great for ripping out always but great for when you tend to drop things so this is my weekender light i think i am almost at the point of where the pattern tells you to um start the arms because it's knit bottom up i haven't actually read through the pattern yet it's a pattern by andrea mowry and i'm knitting it with a knit fabric out to do knit stitches but it's supposed to be [Music] worn inside out so you have this um detail going in the front and the back and this is also a split hem look i talked about in the last episode how i made some alterations um i made the split hem longer i'm using a different yarn i'm using a different gauge and a different size in order to compensate for that different gauge which is what i often do if i can't get the gauge of sweater let's say i'm too tight then i'll go down a size or two i have to do a little bit of math and how i do the math i don't know if this is correct or wrong but i take if i knit too loose let's say my gauge is 21 and it's supposed to be 26 then i take 26 and divide it by 21 and then i multiply the circumference of a smaller size with that number that i got and i see if i get a circumference that would fit me and if i do that then i will use that size with my gauge to get it a correct size for me and or i can multiply that number with an even smaller size and see if that's even better and yeah you can do the opposite with my page being bigger more stitches don't listen to me all right you can probably find nice equations online that's just simple uh calculation that i do that makes sense to me and i think last time i had gotten probably like here when i talked to you guys or maybe here and then i started the second skein because i have four skeins of this this is the um wild in the woods why can't i remember it's wild in the woods and i think the base is folklore and the color is roots and my friend brittany from crooks fibers she has made her woolen honey in this exact colorway however hers look more mustardy goldeny orange while mine looks more red rust so i think there's the difference between the batches both stunningly beautiful i'm really happy with how this is turning out but i realized after knitting probably like this much of the second skein that there was quite a visible color change between the two the two skeins which i didn't see when i held them up against each other but i decided that um you know what this is such an enjoyable knit that i would do what i don't actually normally do and i would rip back so i ripped back and i did the helical knitting of alternating skeins and i think that made the color more uniform if that makes sense everything's blowing out but yeah so i did that and i'm knit up and the reason that i put this down and knit on other things is just because i am not sure if i want to follow the weakener light pattern for the upper part for this yarn i really want to knit it as instructed in the pattern but then that it has like a straight neck up here so it's pretty close on the front of the neck and this is a very rustic scratchy yarn and this is the area on my body which is the most sensitive so i kind of want this to be that warm sweater to throw on when i'm skiing or in the mountains chilly that i can put on as a layering piece and i think i will use it a lot more if it's a rounded crew neck than if it's higher up on the front of my neck that's what i think because then i can have other things underneath and it's not going to be next to skin and i think i would wear it a lot more that way but i'm not really sure how to convert it maybe i would have to do a raglan instead and figure out those raglan decreases and the crew neck so i'm gonna have to have a look and see if i uh maybe i have some other bottom up raglan construction sweater patterns with this gauge and then i can use that as an inspiration or maybe i'll just freestyle it and see i have freestyle sweaters before and then do the weekender light again in a softer yarn because i really do like the shoulder construction look with the ribbing that andrea maury has in this pattern so we shall see what happens and i'm on my second skein so i have two left should be fine i think i want to make the body longer than the weakened or light pattern instructs just because i am tall and i like to make things longer i either want it to be cropped or i want it to be this warm snuggly layering piece and then i want it to be a bit longer um so we shall see what happens and then i have put in a bit of work on my hera socks by sara from day to day knits podcast and last time i had finished the heel and now i have also finished the lace chart for the front of the foot and i'm working on the foot itself which only has a little bit of lace on on the sides running down and the kind of still that word um that runs from the leaves and all the way down so yes this really doesn't have a lot of knitting left it's just that it's on two millimeter needles and i want to knit all the garments but i'm really excited to have these done they make really cute socks and they are knit in the ralma two throats kamelseria which is um it is a yarn used for socks but it has no nylon content it's a hundred percent two plied wool um so i'm interested to see how it wears it's not going to be worn in boots it's going to be indoor socks i'm most curious about the heels if these turn out to wear if it turns out that these will get holes quickly then if i use it again i'll probably use a silk mohair or nylon thread just for the heels and toes and that should be good to kind of reinforce it a bit and then i have more projects so since last time i started a sweater that i have been wanting to cast on for years but first tea so if you saw two episodes ago i had bought a lot of yarn from spin cycle which i have been eyeing forever and i have casted on the shifty sweater and i was supposed to put this on a larger circumference needle before showing you but i forgot so next time i have made some alterations um color wise so and and gauge wise because i could not get as tight of a gauge as andrea mary's i am using the same yarn as her the colors that i am using is the deep bump no grumpy birds i am using grumpy birds that is the main color and then all these little blips are knit in this colorway which is the nocturne base it's the new spin cycle base which is dyed on a gray base and this is nectar brown sugar but it really is a muddy green throughout it does not have as much color changes as the dyed in the wool but i'm kind of liking the look of that that i have a color changing background but then i have that somewhat stable blip going throughout to tie it all together so i think that i'm supposed to have changed the blip color now because it's supposed to have like three contrasting colors but i kind of just want to continue using this throughout the whole sweater to kind of tie it all together with the even with the background changing and i have this much left of the first gain and i have i think i brought it and i have one more i'm supposed to have three skeins to do this sweater but i think what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna see how much i can get done with with two skeins and then either make it more cropped or um i've heard that ravelry has this function where people can sell yarn from their stash or scraps so i might go in and see if anyone has half a skein left or something of this after one of their projects and see if i can get my hands on that if not i'll just order a whole skein but i don't think i'll need a whole skein we shall see but yes i was talking about the cage um so because uh my gauge was a lot bigger wider i think it's it's supposed to be 30 and a half and i got 26 28 depending on the needle size so what i did is i did that calculation i divided 30 over 28 and then i multiplied that with the circumference of size two and that gave me the perfect circumference for my bust size i think we shall see um it is quite an uneven yarn especially the dyed in the wool the nocturne seems to be more even at least the skein that i'm using right now and also i'm relaxing more and more so my it might get even bigger who knows um but i'm excited to see how it fits and how the increases look because there are four sections of increases um i'm using size two now which is the same as in the sample but mine will be bigger because of my bigger or looser gauge and i've heard that the other sizes don't have an even increase around but size two does so i didn't have to think about that [Music] so yeah i'm interested to see i probably should also measure my row gauge to see if it's completely off maybe i need to split the sleeve sooner or maybe i need to split them later so i'm going to put them onto larger needles and check that um i did cut the yarn after doing the neck here just because i really wanted to have the orange coming quite early in the sweater because the orange is the is my favorite part of the grumpy birds color so i did that just to have more to start the orange right after and i think it looks kind of nice with that stark um change after the uh ribbing i was contemplating actually doing a double rib so make it twice as long and knit it down but i didn't have to i thought it was it was lying pretty nicely because if i would have done a double it would have been even tighter on the neck so i was happy with the the width of the neck and how it move lies inwards sometimes a simple neck can be kind of floppy but not here probably also owing to the fact that i did it in 2.25 millimeter needles and i'm also using 275 for the body instead of 3.5 as in the bottom so i'm using quite smaller needles and it's still bigger but i am loving how this is turning out it is extremely addictive and i just want to get that my favorite section is this orange right here and i really hope that i find a similar orange in one of the other balls again because it's just beautiful um so i'm really excited about the sweater and i'm hoping it will lie nicely once it's done and that the size will be good it's definitely a lot of fun to knit and a lot simpler than i thought it was going to be i've never done this kind of mosaic before but it's all just knit purl and slip if you know how to do that and you know how to do increases you can make this sweater andrea maurice patterns are great clear and i highly recommend this so and i now i drop stitch this yarn is not sticky the way that um the other sweater is so i have to be careful when i drop stitches too to get them back on so that's that and i cast on another thing i need to wear a blanket because it's cold cheers so i cast on another project um i was um i went to the cafe in town with my cousin and our friend and she wanted to go shopping afterwards she wanted to go to the orange store i tried to not go shopping and going to the yarn store because um i have some hoarding tendencies and i have difficulties leaving things behind if i like it so of course when i went to the yarn store with no intention of buying anything i bought something there was this cardigan sample in the store it's like a super squishy fluffy um simple cardigan and it was a free pattern i think it was sunstone maybe by camilla peele who is a designer that collaborates with v kingdom and they have free patterns in norwegian um that's simple so if you're friends with google translate you could give it a go and i've been eyeing this yarn by camilla peel in collaboration with vikinggaren for a long time it's um beautiful and so soft however expensive if you want to make a garment because it's a thicker yarn you need more balls than if you use weight fingering weight because if you use fingering weight you can usually get around to make a sweater in my size with two three skeins with the thicker yarns probably i'll need seven or eight or even more but they had this free magazine in the store um which is oh it's not vegan garden i'm so sorry it's house of yarn and camilla peel this lady she works with them i've never knitted anything by her before but then i saw this in the magazine and this is a free pattern everything in here was free patterns and this right here uses up in my size 12 skeins so 12 skeins or balls of yarn for a garment instead of three so you can kind of imagine how how that is a bit more expensive but it was so soft and i just couldn't resist so i cast on and i am using slightly different colors i'm or actually i'm just using an extra color in it um so this this mostly green right here uh and here is not actually in this pattern but i am a big fan of the autumnals so i threw that in there um and this is so soft you guys it's so soft can you like just see the the squish in this it is some of the softest or probably the softest garments that i will own and this is knit with the yarn held double um so this is this is the yarn um it's camilla peels fnug yarn and it's a hundred percent brushed alpaca and it's 80 meters per skein um and i'm holding it double it's supposed to be knit on 15 millimeter needles and i have one pair of 15 millimeter needles some like plastic ones that i bought in turkey years ago and they're very uncomfortable to knit with so i tried to see if i couldn't get gauge with 12 millimeter needles just making sure that i'm not knitting very tightly and i mean come on 12 millimeter needles it's plenty big enough it's plenty big so yeah i got gauge but i don't think i've gotten row gauge because um i was supposed to have probably split for the sleeves here and no way it's too short because i have that extra color i'm just adding it to the stripes to make it longer and i should still have enough yarn to finish it and i knit all of this in two hours three hours it's super fast you knit it back and forth to front and back so you have to purl but again it's 12 millimeter needles so it's super fast it's like 77 stitches for this whole thing and i'm making the um medium large because i want this to be a big snuggly cardigan to kind of just throw over my other clothes now that we're going into colder times and this will be nice to have all year round um i'm really really enjoying just holding this so and it's so fast so this is a nice palette cleanser if you may say so it's it's not a sock or a hat or some small accessory which are usually um talked about as palette cleansers but it is super fast so yeah really uh enjoying it all right so that is all that i have been knitting on for this past week and a half um i have some acquisitions to show if you're interested in that some gifted and some bots so if that's not your cup of tea then i will see you next time i hope you have a wonderful day and rest of week and if you do like acquisitions then stay tuned so um my sada sweater was knit in zakami yarns and i have never knit with that kind of yarn combination before the alpaca mourinho and cotton and they have beautiful colorways so i just couldn't resist buying some more yarn from them so i follow them on instagram and i saw that they were making bouquets so look at this they were selling these flower dried flower bouquets with five mini skeins of yarns and i just couldn't resist i live in a basement apartment that doesn't have a lot of light so because the windows are on the side where the sun basically isn't so dried flowers is very nice because i can keep them in the areas of the apartment where normal flowers wouldn't survive and this one has yarn in it so probably this will remain a decoration for a very long time because i think the mini skeins adds to it uh i don't want to knit with them because they're so pretty and i am keeping it in a old jam jar with a crocheted cover that i made a few years ago just because i didn't have a vase that did it justice and i figured that you know this is a handmade kind of look to it so i thought it was cute so i'm keeping this on a shelf between the kitchen and living room for some nice decoration and you know i i saw this and then you know i went through their web store and i saw other yarns that i wanted and this is actually a new colorway that they had i think it's called aziria i'm wondering if that means fox because they keep putting fox emojis next to the colorway um almost fell down [Music] so i had a look and they had the aziria in several bases and the bases made the color look different so i saw this and this is their merino silk and yak base a sock slash fingering weight and because it has a sill content i think i could use this for socks so i bought one skein of this and it's so soft that i think was a lot to the yak yak is a very soft luxury fiber so i'm really happy with this and i just need to get my sock mojo back it could also be a really nice colorway to put into a shawl if i decide to knit more shawls we shall see but it matches my lipstick uh yeah aziria that was the colorway and this is actually 120 grams and 480 meters so it's quite the generous skin and when i was looking at their sock bases i saw this other color which it's not very typical me but it was just so beautiful so this is their lulu color and you know i'm not a very blue person but the specs oh it's stunning these rust brown specks on blue it just reminded me of diving in like mexico and those beautif those any place that has those blue clear waters and the coral reefs and yeah i just thought this was beautiful and for socks i can go a bit out of my comfort zone with colors because it's not next to my face even though i probably wouldn't make a shawl or scarf or anything or hat in this colorway for me i would definitely make socks in this so this is this this is merino baby alpaca and silk um this is 115 grams and 460 meters so this one has the yak and silk and this one has the alpaca and silk so it's two different sock bases but both of them have silk content so i think i can use them for socks and stunning colorways and i was on a roll so i figured since i was already opening up my wallet i'd buy some more so they had sent me their um surreal pack of silk base to give in a giveaway but i also really wanted to try it so i saw that they had dyed up the this yarn weight in the new colorway aziria so i bought six skeins of this because i'm thinking of making um either a sweater or a cardigan with this yarn held double and then three skeins kind of in yardage but health six sixtile double that's gonna be plenty um for for a garment and this is 74 suri baby suri alpaca and 26 silk and these come in 50 grams so there's 300 meters so if i hold it double that will give me 900 meters in yardage but i think it should be fine um as long as i you know because if i hold a double i can have a looser gauge and then it should be plenty and again this is so soft everything that i have touched from them is just so soft and this color is stunning i think my favorite part of the azeria is the darker part of the yarn and then you know i was really happy with my with my purchases and then i saw on instagram i think probably like a week or two weeks after i had ordered it that they had put this colorway onto their fluff sock face that i made my sarah sweater in and i thought i really really want that colorway on that face as well but i've already bought the um kind of suri alpaca one i bought the sock white one and i can't really justify putting in another order can i but then this parcel arrived and they had very generously gifted me two skeins of the fluff sock and i had no idea so this was a big surprise um but look and i have to admit the color on the fluff sock is stunning this is a lot prettier in my eyes then i mean this is gorgeous too but this this dark rust so i almost cried a little bit so thank you so much you made my day so these two are the same as in the star sweater it's the 38 baby alpaca 25 merino and 37 pima cotton and it's 400 meters in each 100 gram skein and non-superwash which is great so i have two of this now and i know that i managed to make that bigger sweater with two and a half skeins so i am thinking of making uh a cropped sweater or maybe a long-sleeved ranunculus in this yarn and as soon as i saw this that kind of bumped up on my list even over the yarn that i bought with the plan just because the color is so saturated and pretty so yeah i need to have a think about what pattern i'm gonna use for it but i'm loving the color and this is even softer so i just i need more hours in a day to knit all the things and another gifted thing that they included in their parcel was this and i didn't even know that they made bags but this is a lovely kind of woven fabric with a woven flower print on the bottom and the it says zakami x uh renature by rinacher so it's a collab a collaboration between zakami and by rinacher's sewing technique so every bag is unique and it's made from upcycled vintage materials from the 1940s and 50s and this one contains a military sheet a rustic cotton tablecloth and a curtain all made by our ancestors never thinking that our products will turn into a project bag oh that's so nice and melinda and gergelli do i say that right they are the couple behind zakami and byrniture is rita rita behind it a rita in an american pronunciation or english pronunciation and it's just stunning and yeah and it has this inside so this is beautiful i am a big fan of using app using up um fabrics scrap yarns and kind of finding a lovely purpose to all the things that we have um so yeah thank you so much so that was all of the knitting and acquisitions that i have gotten last week and a half um and i think it's enough i was a bit worried that i hadn't actually gotten a lot of knitting done but casting on that cardigan that kind of flew off the needles that kind of helped a little bit so probably i'm guessing if i continue knitting on that then by the next episode it might already be done um i have the day off today so maybe if i don't go hiking i'll get quite a few hours in on that as well what else has been happening uh i've been working as usual um it hasn't really i haven't really done a lot i was at the cabin uh that's where i recorded the last episode and i left the cabin i brought home some of the gem that i foraged um i am working on drying up some plants because i have a lot of these here these are the taguetas is the latin name i think of the plant and you can use them for dyeing yarn so i have no plans in the imminent future of dyeing yarn i don't have any yarn to die i don't know where i would get my hands on that but i am slowly drying up the flowers that i have every now and again i pick one or two and i i leave them to dry so that if i get around to trying plant dyeing in the future i have a little stash of those flowers to use and i think they would give a yellowy orangey color so that would be interesting to see um i've also dried up some lavender i have let me show i have a little lavender plants both here and at the cabin so uh it's gonna start going below minus degrees soon so i have been picking them and hanging them upside down with just some cotton yarn around to dry because lavender smells really nice i think it looks cute and insects don't like the smell of lavender so it can keep bugs away theoretically so uh at the cabin i have two bundles of these hanging in my room because i do have some yarn stash there and here at home i have lots of lavender sachets with dried lavender both with my knitted garments and also in my yarn stash and i also have like some scented lavender spray that i spray into the room every now and then just to make it an unfriendly smell for bugs because i don't want moths luckily we're now going into the colder season where moths aren't as big of a problem as in the summer but so far so good no moth infestation in this place i did have a problem when i lived in poland two three years ago so i'm terrified of it so yeah you can also use cedarwood that's also a smell that they don't like so i do have some cedar wood balls and rings in my stash and between my garments other than that i hope that you are well and that you're finding a lot of joy in knitting i know we're going into sweater season and i've heard on instagram that a lot of people are finding uh their knitting mojo peeking um because it's going getting towards cooler weather and i hope that uh if you're in a warmer climate or at the other side of the world like australia and you're going into your summer months that's um you're still enjoying your knitting with some more summer friendly yarns and then maybe some of my previous episodes where i was knitting more on t-shirts and tops that that could have given some inspiration and yeah i'm not ready for summer to be over but i am enjoying knitting which definitely fits in better with the fall climate than the summer but i'm really dreading the darker months it gets really dark here um and it's just not fun waking up in the morning when it's pitch black outside and then you go to work it's pitch black and then you might see like a little bit of daylight outside in the middle of the day but by the time you go home it's pitch black again so you're kind of living in darkness for several months and that's that can be a little bit depressing um and usually a lot of norwegian people at least in the past when they had a break in the winter they would fly down south like turkey greece spain just to have a little bit more sun and daylight and now with the pandemic um can't do that so um my my boyfriend he has some problems with sleep so he has this lamp that gives daylight that's supposed to to help wake up and help him wake up if he really hasn't had any sleep so i've been using that he doesn't use it but i use it as an alarm in the morning so that when i need to wake up that kind of turns on the light so i get a fake uh sun rise um to wake up to and that helps a little bit um but i'm already looking forward to um the winter solstice and then going towards the lighter days again and i shouldn't complain because it's actually still pretty light out there it's there is light i can see the sun still but you know always having something to look forward to is nice so i'm looking forward to that and yeah my tea is cold my fingers are a bit cold so i think i'm gonna call it a day and i will see you soon and uh if you have a project that you're looking forward to casting on please comment below i would love to hear about it we're still running the stash along until the end of the year i think i will draw the last price before winter before christmas um just so that i uh i can ship it out before christmas um and then i'm thinking we could um do another rustic minute long starting uh next year so maybe you can keep that in mind if you have your eyes on some rustic uh natural yarns that are non-superwash and like animal fibers like merino wool alpaca no hair anything like that uh then you can keep that in mind because we might be starting a cal again and the stachel on cal is super simple if you haven't heard about it just knit or make something with something that you've had in your stash before starting 2021 and you can put a photo of it on instagram using the hashtag stashlong or on our ravelry group i did draw the winner on ravelry last time so maybe the next prize will be drawn from instagram so keep that in mind um yeah and i think that's enough rambling for today i'll put a little bit of footage at the end um and i will see you soon bye [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Knittingtraditions
Views: 30,739
Rating: 4.9721165 out of 5
Id: H4x0NkGemOA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 46sec (3766 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 13 2021
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