Knifemaker Restore Antique Cleaver
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Channel: Black Beard Projects
Views: 6,394,002
Rating: 4.5857186 out of 5
Keywords: restoration, tool restoration, how to restore, restore, how to, knifemaking, knifemaker, knife making, knife, how to make knife, high carbon steel, cleaver, cleaver knife, chef cleaver
Id: 33rYZkzCfgw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 32sec (872 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 21 2018
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Actually saw this one before the post. Pretty cool stuff but I actually liked the original aesthetic(design not condition) a bit more than the direction he ended up going with it.
What is that hook thing under the handle for? I've never seen that before.
I thought he was going to restore the hook as well by replacing the old cord for a new one :(
This is cool but it seems like it is still dull and it could be polished to a shine.
I'm wondering what the story is about it's creation. When he showed the spine near the bolster it looked like the handle and blade was either a single piece of metal or had a good weld. And yet there was definitely some rivets in it as well. And then the hook on the handle. An odd creation with some unique character.
Nice work, but the new handle seems a little to smal for a cleaver.
From the video description:
Anyone play Diablo back in the day? Seriously the Butcher's Cleaver!
Can someone explain the hardness tester?