Knife Making - Making a Tactical Medieval Style Knife
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Channel: Maker HA
Views: 5,575
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Keywords: knife, faca, forja, forging, woodcraft, craft, making, how it's made, blacksmith, knife making, bushcraft, Blacksmithing, survival, tracker, tactical, sự phục hồi, nhung con dao, ножи, ナイフ, coltelli, سكاكين, pisau, medieval, tactical knife, survival knife, rough knife, средневековый, тактический нож, нож выживания, грубый нож, 中世の, 戦術的なナイフ, サバイバルナイフ, 粗いナイフ, Ortaçağa ait, taktik bıçak, hayatta kalma bıçağı, kaba bıçak, thời trung cổ, dao chiến thuật, cuchillo táctico, من القرون الوسطى, سكين تكتيكي
Id: dQSIiu_K_rw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 4sec (904 seconds)
Published: Sat May 13 2023
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