Knife Making - HUNTING Knife w/ Elephant IVORY Handle (Synthetic)
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Channel: Barbershop Customs
Views: 41,937
Rating: 4.9060893 out of 5
Keywords: trollsky, trollskyy, gree, beetle, black, beard, outdoor, oksyda, oxide, steel, mahogany, handle, custom, customknife, knives, knifemaking, knife, bushcraft, camp, camping, handmade, sheath, leather, nature, knifemaker, knivespl, knivespassion, Polish, customknives, knifenut, knifeporn, sharp, blade, knifecommunity, nóż, nożownicy, rzemiosło, stal, nożownik
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 59sec (1079 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 29 2020
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