Knife Making - Forging a Knife With a Railroad Clamp
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Channel: Maker HA
Views: 23,430
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: knife, faca, forja, forging, woodcraft, craft, homemade, making, how it's made, blacksmith, knife making, bushcraft, Blacksmithing, survival, tracker, tactical, sự phục hồi, nhung con dao, ножи, ナイフ, coltelli, سكاكين, pisau, railroad clamp, Eisenbahnklemme, железнодорожный зажим, восстановление, Нож, татический, demiryolu kelepçesi, bıçak taktik, restorasyon, kẹp đường sắt, Dao tatical, pince de chemin de fer, रेलरोड क्लैंप, मरम्मत, चाकू सामरिक, 鉄道クランプ, 復元, ナイフタティカル, 鐵路夾, 恢復, 刀戰術, abrazadera de ferrocarril
Id: edIcL4RRpZk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 5sec (1145 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 02 2022
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