Forging a Bowie knife that my subscribers voted for. I've wanted one of these for a very long time

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day one in the Forge working on the bully  knife I might as well just start because   it's much easier just to show you  what we're doing then try to put to   words to explain to you what's going  on that picture is worth a thousand words so look at that isn't that a beautiful piece of  Steel that's old which makes me happy boom so   it's too big we we you already know that started  on this blade but very first I want to test this   one and show you how that's staying in there how  dense this steel is so we've got that little but   that's not going to mean a thing to us I just  want to be able to heat this piece of Steel up   to stoop it hot and then quench it rapidly rapidly  and then hit it with a hammer see what happens I'm   going to place that in there while everything  else warms up and cover it with some more charcoal oh that looks great so I'm  going to shut the the blower down look at that that's perfect  so we're going to go over to our water so this is Extreme thermal shock and I'm  going to hold that until it's perfectly quiet   so the majority of a knife if you already  know the carbon at this point that's a hard   piece you're going to put it back into the  fire and bring it up to 200 degrees that's   going to temper it to soften it to relax  those little molecules hold on I need to   find a set of safety glasses because this could  hurt so now I'm going to put it on the forge on   the forge on the Anvil and we're just going  to hit it let's see what happens there we go   look at that that will make a beautiful  blade now this just has to sit here for   a while so where's my glasses of course can I  hold this still I can it's excellent so let's start I have to take a moment and do a quick  adjustment to my tongs the can we see   in the fire not if I don't show you but  you can't you can't see in the fire but   they're too they're too small the tongs  that I'm used to are for inch and a half   and this is currently at two and 3/4  and I still need to get a grip on this Steel in I can start I'm gonna have to heat  up Don't Touch the damn thing I'm   gonna have to heat up over here to  Mush that down okay let's fix this problem it's different for me today  when I'm in the Forge blacksmithing I   don't have any lights on and I usually  have the windows covered as well it's   really bright in here and I'm finding it  strange just thought I'd share that with you currently we're at almost C so I'm just going to like give a a  real professional guess here and say   it's around there cut this and get it back in the Forge so I want to hold that side down and than that d well we've gone to the part of the build where  I need to start holding on to the Tang so these   have to go back to be shun look at that  that's this would be the spine currently   this is that front face this needs sorry this  needs to be tapered still and brought down on   both sides but first I need to shrink  these up to be able to hold on to this tank a e a l d a a a a you've come to here which I'd love but I'm  the tip is getting away from me this drop   tip I should have focused on getting  that drop tip right correct before I   started doing these blades oh well wasn't  learn so what I'm going to do now is let   this cool and then I'm going to Mark out  this shape onto this blank and cut off the excess why did you think that would work I don't know hope good catch he it wasn't bad off there  that's not so bad that's the right   Arc just not where it needed to be  so I'm going to remove those with the grinder this is going well so in the Forge again a a for the moment forging is done it started off is a  cardboard paper and now we're at high carbon steel   look at that I am so happy with this it's a huge  Tang I still have no clue how I'm going to attach   that okay that's a lie I have a few Clues but I'm  not willing to share any of them yet cuz I feel   I'm going to change from all of them what I will  share is this Fuller the next step is going to   be filing and putting the Fuller in that's going  to I've never done it so I don't even know what   that's going to be I'm going to attempt I'm going  to build a metal chisle designed specifically to   remove steel four Fullers so I'm going to clean  up this fine and start pushing that in I will   record every second of that if that doesn't work  or I fail at it drastically or I just think it's   just terrible I'm going to forge an anvil and  Forge a hammer and do it like Viking Styles   get this back red hot and Forge in that Fuller  which is an option because I know how to do it   but it's going to squish out these sides so I'm  going to have to rework on all of the lines or   potentially just have to use Machinery to clean  them up afterwards cuz I feel once it's squished   and I get that indentation for the Fuller if  I come back and hit the the spine or work on   the blade I'm going to push those areas back in  I guess that's just a long way of saying I get   to learn on this knife which is really great so  I'm going to be posting a video of the forging   process of this knife and then do another video  for all the filing and the the Fuller and then I   don't know how you know what I don't know I'm not  going to go any further cuz that's the next video   that I know that I'll be doing for certain  so until then I'm going to get back to work yeah like right now okay bye
Channel: Ninedirections
Views: 3,722
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bowie knife, knife making, forging a bowie knife, making a knife, knife makers, edged weapons, knife making videos, knife making from scrap metal, forging a bowie knife by hand, forging a large bowie knife, how to make a knife, how to make a bowie knife, forging a bowie, making a knife from scrap metal, making a knife out of scrap metal, making a knife at home, sword making asmr
Id: wylgCGcjPf8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 3sec (1203 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 09 2024
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