Knee Arthroscopy on New Day Cleveland

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stepping over here since David is out and said I'm coming on to do my next segment and arthroscopy so I have dr. Ryan a check here and he is talking about joint pain and if you're a candidate for joint pain this is someone who can absolutely help you out from the crystal clinic I'm glad you're the doctor and have to go through the words like that I'm doing it's good that's the first year of medical school actually just learning the jargon so I'm getting there so what is so arthroscopy is minimally invasive surgery where we use little incisions small equipment where we can diagnose visualize and treat common orthopedic problems within joints themselves we use a small little camera a fiber-optic light and water simple enough to distend the joint so we can visualize what we need what we need to treat know how do you know that you are a good candidate for this or that this is something you should be looking into because of the pain that you have sure the first thing is joint pain whether it's a nanny or shorter more commonly usually patients are good candidates for it it's more the issue that they're having we're getting really good about the anatomy and what we're seeing as far as with the scope itself it's more about the equipment and surgeons and companies are working together and coming along with new instrumentation so we can use these minimally invasive techniques certainly healthy patients are good candidates but even patients with issues such as diabetes are good candidates because we're using small little incisions so the risk of infection the risk of wound complications are less than the traditional open procedures now when it comes to a procedure like that I'm I'm sure people are wondering well how long does it take and then maybe what's the downtime sure when it comes to that it's typically the downtime is less so I like to divide procedures up into a cleanup procedure or a reconstruction depending on what the issue is if it's a cleanup procedure in the shoulder where we're going in and the breeding cartilage or bone spurs really we have you in this link for the rest of the day but the next day we want you out of the sling and working on motion same thing with the knee if we're de breeding any meniscus or cartilage now if we're doing a bigger reconstruction certainly there's a rehab that goes with it and that's the most important part actually the patients I tell them you know you have six to nine months with their ricans struction in their rehab and that's the most important part but certainly with the techniques itself it offers up and moving the next day and we want patients getting on a cycle bike and get going so you always a doctor I mean you you can only take it so far it's really up to the patient then for that rehab process you could is there a chance if they're not doing any of that they wind up back in the same position they were in before absolutely I usually have this talk with patients afterwards I say I like to think that I had the hardest part of surgery but really my 30 minutes the two hours is actually the easy part the patients got to live with this for the next six to nine months or three to four months depending on the condition and that's where they're living with it day in and day out doing the rehab doing their exercises and that's really where they get out what they put in so that's the hard part certainly and again if someone is starting to feel pain this is something that I feel like you should really look into right away because then it could get to a point where your services really don't work absolutely that's a great point we get concerned about that with certain things in the shoulder like rotator cuff tears there's things that we can do in the acute setting and if you fail conservative treatment obviously it's not always about surgery we like rehab and and anti-inflammatories and things like that but we certainly can treat conditions get patients back up on their feet or using their arms going back to work quicker rather than putting this off for years and years and thinking that they're not a good surgical candidate so how does it work they come in basically an initial consult with you and absolutely I'm n green and wodsworth locations now but we have physicians all over the Northeast Ohio area and they come in we see him typically there's some sort of imaging ranging from anywhere to an x-ray to MRI then we sit down with the patients and and I spend a lot of time with patients telling them that that you know it's elective surgery most of the time so it depends on how bad their issue is and and what their options are and I'm happy to do whatever they want to do what would you say would be the number one mistake you see with with patients who come in typically thinking that you know they they don't have an issue as far as where surgery can help them within the shoulder they think it's either too far gone or they they haven't tried you know physical therapy and anti-inflammatories and there's nothing that we can do for them and and we look at them we examine them we talk what their options are and and usually surgery has very good outcomes as with this arthroscopic technique and patients get back on their feet and wish they would have done it sooner dr. Eric here again with the crystal clinic in your locations where are you again green and wodsworth keep that in mind and if you're in pain he's the man to help you out I'm gonna let him do all of the hard work together esta thank you so much thank you your wife struggle with it
Channel: Crystal Clinic Orthopaedic Center
Views: 3,299
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: h6PaeDq5NjY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 48sec (288 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 14 2018
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