KML to DWG autocad file by Lisp || Unlocking AutoCaD hidden features

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hello viewers welcome to my channel thank you for joining us today here in this video tutorial I want to show you guys on how to convert KML Google Ed data to autocard DWG data from our previous tutorials on this channel we have shown you guys on how to convert from DWG to KML so you can find that video tutorial on this video description and other relevant tutorials on autocard and Google EDS pro thank you so to convert your KML Google Ed data to DWG such as this data you are seeing on the screen so if you check what we are having here I have digitized some features of Interest which is the road leading to these Parcels these are the buildings this building parcels and other routes linking to it therefore if you have other features you want to digitize you can also digitize the features and save it under your layer however you can still find the video tutorial on how to digitize features on Google EDS Pro under the video description that will guide you on how we came about these features on Google EDS so after you have the features digitized selected on Google ss pro you are to save your features you have extracted as KML so these are my features under this folder details the roads and the buildings okay so after you have your features here you are to click on the folder of Interest or the features of Interest Any Which Way however in the course of this video I have all these features under the details folder so I will click on the details then you are expected to right click so when you right click you scroll down to save place has you click on that after you click on that you go to the folder where you want your data to be saved under so I want it to be saved under YouTube under my desktop okay so this is details and I want to save it as do not save it as kmz save it as KML so to change that you click on this then you are going to see KML you check and click that okay so when you done with that you click on Save and that is all on Google EDS Pro so our data has been saved has been extracted and it's been saved as KML so the next thing to convert this features to DWG by leaps you will minimize the Google Ed Pro work environment then you come to your auto card then you open a new drawing environment on autoc card please if you have watched this video to this extent why not hit on the Subscribe icon as well as turn on your notification on this channel to keep getting valuable and educative tutorial content freely thank you so when you are on your new work environment on autocard the next thing is to come to your command line then you type a then you click on enter so in the course of this video the method I'll be using to convert my Google SS KML file to DWG data is the auto Li method so the list file I'll be using here is the KML to DWG okay so when you have your file saved on the folder okay you navigate to the folder of Interest then you make sure you have the file popping up and showing on your desktop okay so the file I'll be using in the course of this video is the KML to DWG please check under the video description to see the download link to this autoaves to here so when you see it you click on it it going to appear here when it appears you click on load then below you are going to see successfully loaded then you click on close then the next thing to do is to come to your command line then you type IR RT and you click on enter so you are going to see this prompt poping up on your autocard then the next thing is to define the coordinate system okay or the KML data so the territory is World generally therefore I am going to choose my coordinat reference system the projection system of Interest where I extracted my data from so you have to note your coordinate transference of system where you extracted your data from so the wgs84 is the datum Google s uses then different zones are actually there so I am just going to Define my reference system below here so this data is extracted from the wgs84 UTM Zoom 31 so you click under the drop down Shadow Arrow here then you scroll down you are going to see wg64 then you go to your place of interest then you scroll down to your zone of Interest so my zone of interest is UTM Zone 31 then you check check and click on that so it has appeared and you are done defining the coordinate system as you can see on the screen so the next thing is to go to map type you click on that then you scroll up to local files so this are local files then the next thing is KML so the KML you are to import and click on import all right so when you're done with that you scroll down if you do not have anything displaying here on the folder if it is empty you have to click on this then you define the folder you want your converted data to be saved into so I want it to be saved inside the YouTube folder then you click on the folder and you click on okay it is going to appear here after you done with that you click on okay therefore the next thing is to select the file so here you are going to select mode you see file you see directory so you click on file when you click on file you're expected to navigate to the folder where you have your KML saved so I have it saved under my YouTube therefore as you can see on the screen this is the details KML file we saved initially so when you save your data it is going to appear you click on that okay when you you click on that it is going to appear as F name then you click on open therefore you are to scroll down to zoom extent or you come to your command line to type Z enter e enter so guys this is the extracted details on Google EDS that we just digitize and attracted as KML you can see it's well converted as DWG autocard data thank you for watching if you find this video so valuable and helpful to you do well to hit on the Subscribe icon on this channel and turn on your notification to keep getting updates freely from this channel thank you for watching see you again [Music] [Applause] [Music] nah
Channel: Eazy Geospatialz🌍
Views: 2,950
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: -x9UEOCRjA8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 38sec (518 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 27 2024
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