Comprehensive Civil3D 2023 Road Design Webinar | From Scratch to Finish

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[Music] thank you hello and welcome to this webinar replay of the geometric design of a highway using civil 3D my name is Henry Barnabas and I at the time of recording this video I'm a project engineer with tractor Nigeria limited a prominent Ross construction company in the northeast of Nigeria I've been designing Highway infrastructures for over two years now that is not smaller time because I've been part of the design of the first grade interchange in Yola adamawa State and and comprises of flyovers on the past and pedestrian Bridges I designed the geometric performance geometric design So and I've also designed over nine routes from start to finish right so um in this webinar I have taken you through a comprehensive overview all right of the design of a highway using civil 3D that is starting from importing your points through to your design and then eventually extracting Your Design data for setting out on site all right so I've also shown you how to import Your Design codes that will automatically be checking your design while you are working on it yeah all right so whether you are new to civil 3D or new to Road design or even both uh this video is exactly what you need to move you from becoming a novice uh into becoming a very good Highway design engineer and uh also if if probably you're already been designing this video will help you learn some valuable insights from my experience because I have been designing and I just and I don't just design I also supervise the designs during their construction and also and perform revisions where necessary so you would be learning from a Hands-On Project based design all right having said that let's get into the video already foreign [Music] so these are the fact the design steps sorry okay the design steps first we are going to the step one is familiarize ourselves with the survey data you have to know the survey data that you're working with very well so that you can accurately import them to civil 3D then secondly uh we are going to be setting up the Civil 3D workspace then thirdly we are going to import these survey coordinates fourth we are going to create an existing ground surface then fifth we create the vertical the horizontal alignment and then proceed to vertical alignment seventh we are going to create offset alignments and widenings and intersection okay then we in Step 8 we create assembly create Corridor Corridor surface step 9 we are going to compute this the materials are required a cotton field and then we'll create our cross sections um then step eight we are going to generate plots and reports all right welcome back so this is where we get ourselves familiar with our survey data okay so based on the design steps so if you see we have five columns here this is column A a b c d e now these are the descriptions of the point of the columns this is the point numbers or p then this is the instance which is e and then this is the Northerns n and then this is the elevations Z and then these are this is the description of d p e n z d let me just write it here b e n z d sorry D this is the Point code you know just yeah I'm just saying this because you will see it shortly when we go to civil 3D uh you have to understand how your points are arranged so it's arranging this format here p e n z d points distance Northerns Z elevations and then D descriptions so what are these descriptions we have CL here CME Center Line so if you go down you see grnd vrnd is shot for ground okay so yep as we go down let me go down faster oh wow you have a lot of ground points here yeah of course we should then St string okay I know this because I took this away data uh with the surveyor so all right so then of course the surveyors will give you the descriptions okay they have to tell you what the point stands for so that there should be full description but for now we have this like this so this is Str stream okay so and then we have TRS over here okay yeah three we have three I usually take the three the points for the three so that if if I need to avoid some trees avoid cutting down trees I will do that okay because I'll see those these points in my uh workspace okay which is important I encourage you to always do that when you're designing take the coordinates of the threes so that I can preserve these threes we don't want global warming all right that's on a lighter note but very important okay so let's move on so this is an Excel fiber it will be saved as a CSV file there are two ways you can import your uh you know drawings to your points to civil 3D is either going to be in text format or or a CSV format okay so but in this case I have saved it as CSV points so I'm not save that so this way I've saved it okay this is the name so now let's go to uh civil 3D already so okay so here is my civil 3D I've just opened it all right so this is 720 2023 so like I have said I think I said if I've not I'm saying it now so whatever I'm doing with this simple to the 2023 it can be done with any lesser version so you must not have 73 2023 of course there are Advanced tools that you can do with 7 to 2023 but it's not related to what we are doing now all right so if you're having for 2015 um you know up to 2023 you can do everything that I'm going to do now so what you do is you create your new file okay so we have this workspace here these are our civil 3D interface and workspace all right so yep if you look here it's similar to AutoCAD just normal AutoCAD but of course it is having civil 3D capabilities you can even switch to AutoCAD from here if you just click on this drafting annotation it's it becomes AutoCAD yeah that's it but once you switch to civil 3D it brings in all these complex ribbons so it's not complex too much like that these are similar things if you have used AutoCAD but you have uh you know place to create alignment here which are which is not in AutoCAD okay so and then right here by my left you would see the two space okay this is the two space it has four tabs which is a prospector setting survey and toolbox so we're going to be using uh some of them in white now in a short while now so now the first thing you are going to do is to set up your workspace okay first of all let me save this drawing I'm going to save this drawing I press Ctrl X Ctrl s okay let me go to my desktop or or yet okay let me find something to save that quickly in my local addressable 3D projects into the webinar let me just save it here let me call it where webinar root so save it anywhere you can locate it this way I've saved mine so I've saved it so automatically you see the name as even populated in this prospector tab so the first thing is to set up your drawing go to settings and then go to the web on this webinar or the name you right click and do edit drawing settings so it brings up this wizard uh or dialog box all right so you will see under the units and zones you'll find the drawing unit to be meters okay so we are working in meters because I'm in Nigeria we use metric okay I'm by the way this civil 3D is civil 3D metric okay so we have 70 Imperial if you install civil 3D it installs automatically metric and Imperial so but I'm using metric because we use metric system here if you're in the US we are going to be using Imperial of course so this is uh is the meters okay everything here is meters so if I have any foods okay if I have food sorry Imperial unit which is in food it will convert it to meters for me using this conversion rate which is 0.304 whatever for per meter per foot sorry so this is the default scale so you can change it but no need all these things can be left before by default all these things so my angles are in degrees all this thing gives you on default what you need oh you you may not be making any change here where I want to making change is in the zones okay under the zones you have your data you have to select a Dayton so where are you working at you have to select the country where you're working at I'm in Nigeria so I'll scroll down to Nigeria I can just press n to snap quickly to where n is so I have found Nigeria all right so then on the coordinate system we have about six of them on this drop down menu in this drop down you can see but we work with utms on 31n okay there's a reason for that it's just what we usually work with in Nigeria here so once you do that every other thing here is populated so you leave it now I'm not going to go into these other tabs because there are things you can set when you have been frequently working with simple 3D you might find the need to come here and set some things before going into the design so you can set the layer whatever here so let's just go let's apply and then okay so we have Set uh drawing to our coordinate system and once you do that automatically you will see that this geolocation over here appears it won't appear if you have not done this okay it allows you to also you know on this your location you can open your maps and things like that but I'm not going out to you all of that all right so let's go to import our survey points all right so you can import your survey points in two different ways okay you can import it number one as a Google point that is coordinate geometry point or as a survey points now a quick difference between survey and coordinate points coordinate Google points are in Google points you cannot you can easily move the points around in the workspace but when you import it as survey points you cannot move it you cannot move it because until you use specialized commands now again in Cocoa points it is local to your own file or your own laptop but when you're using import it as survey point you have the opportunity to collaborate with another person using working on the drawing because you can be able to save the points in such a way that in a cloud system where another person can work with it okay right so that's just the quick difference between survey points and Google points so now on that is survey points we have okay let me just import it as cargo points all right because going through survey points is quite tedious and I don't want to take too much time here so let's go to the prospector tab we have the points all right under these points you right click on it and then create okay it brings up this rebound for me you have all these styles from about six of them one two three four five six seven so the last one okay is what you're going to take if you hover your mouse are over it you will see it's a import point so you import points all right so if you look at this sorry okay if you look at this you have to select the file where the point is located at so it takes me straight to where my points are but this will not happen if you have not previously maybe worked on that folder so you have to you know use this uh things here being able to navigate to where the folder is so this is my points directly so I open it okay if their points if if it was set up correctly it will show you a check okay but if there's an error with your the way you saved your file between you it will not be able to upload so remember I said the points are you have to put the point formats now you have to select the point format it's p e n z d so let's look for that here if you go down you're going to see pncd very good so look at it and it's comma delimited okay we will have another format which is maybe not comma delimited if you open here you'll see a lot of other formats okay you have space delimited and command delimited but we are using comma delimited because it's CSV file comma separated value that's what CSV means so if you just click on that you will see it will preview those points that we saw on the Excel look at them okay these are the points number and then this instance nothing's point elevation in the same so once you have done that you go straight leave all these other ones unchecked okay all right because there are some points where you need to add them straight to a group but they're not doing that now let's just add them directly so we just press ok okay so once you have done that the point is somewhere in your drawing you can close and then press z e okay once you press Ze you you enter sorry z e you press enter it will zoom straight to where these points are okay look at the points yeah right now you don't see what which which points uh the descriptions of the points okay you can you can add the descriptions to the points it's only the three points that you can see descriptions that's because of what we call descriptions key sets under the settings you'll find something under points description key sets Okay and this is where you find but I'm not going to that all right let's just go let's just go on I don't want to complicate this thing please let's just do it simple all right so let's have our points groups you'll see all points well when you expand it you see all points these are all these points they are all grouped into this all points so if you right click on it and go to properties you'll see the under information tab you see the point style okay and then you have the point label so for now you don't have any label that's why it was not labeled so if you choose let's say elevation and description and then press ok okay you will see that it automatically populates you know the descriptions of these points so you can see all these points and see what they mean these are string these points are this point is called stream you know why I took these points is because you know in the roadway you know sometimes water is passing across the road okay all right if it's an existing room so you have to take those points so that I can see the Innovation see the direction okay so that I can place my boss converts accurately all right sometimes your boss covered will be skewed that is not going to be perpendicular to the root okay it can be skewed for instance in this place I'm sure I'm going to have a skewed boss convert okay so that is that is the reason why I have taken these three points all right so yeah so that's much about the you know the points so if you see the points the description are overlapping okay that's because of the scale if you reduce the skin it's somewhere here to let's say one is to 200 you will see that these points you know it's more uh yeah it's more it's not overlapping it's not so big like that again so let's go back to 1000 because we can walk away so yeah that is it for this so let's now go to uh the second The Next Step okay which is to create surface now before we go to that now I have remember I have Center Line points okay I want to work with the center lines these are the existing Center Line the existing Center Line Of course as you know as you may know this is an exit this is an existing roadway that has not been designed so you know you take the proposed Center Line okay the existing Center Line which is you try to you know follow the existing Center Line of course when you are designing all right so uh I have to group all these points in the center line as you can see it's here somewhere here and then there is another one here so I if I say let me be checking it checking them I would have issues because I will not be fast enough so let me create a group for all the center line points so I'll right click on point groups and go to new group so on the names I'll call it Center Line okay so when you go to the point list you don't see any points here that's not that's because nothing has been added here so let me add it using all the points with raw description ending with c c l i put Aesthetics okay once you do that you go to pointless you see in that it takes only all the points that have CL okay so once you do that you apply and then you press OK so you see that point appear so click on that right click on it and do select you'll see it I've selected all my Center Line points it have highlighted all of them and let me do something isolate if I type isolate on my keyboard and then press enter it will isolate only the center lines so this is my existing Center Line of course it looks like it's it's a very nice part but what we are designing we may see that the curves that is kind of coming here may not be sufficient so it's going to of course be based on our design coach so that's it let's move on let me on isolate on isolate okay so I have all my points back so that's the good thing for creating Point groups I like doing that now I can I will create Point group okay for all these Points categories remember when we reviewed our points our survey data you should know all the points descriptions and then create a book for all of them okay I won't do that now okay so sufficient is the center line now the next thing on our design procedure is to create um the surface so still on the prospector tab let me minimize this you have the uh surfaces okay you right click on the surface and create surface we are going to create a thin surface okay automatically it gives you 10 seconds so and the surface name you are going to name it uh EG surface EG service okay then you press ok now you have created the surface you will see this uh button comes up for you to expand and then see the surface you have created okay I've created it but there is nothing showing because you have not added any points to the surface yet so you have to expand the surface you find descriptions expand descriptions and then you find the point groups here you right click on the point to add so it brings you all the groups that you have so far we just have two point groups that's because we only created one more which is the center line and remember this Center Line is still contained in these all points it's not like it took it away from the all points this all points is all the points in this so this is what we're going to be creating our group our surface from so we press ok now you see our surface this is our surface beautiful but it's over it's you know triangulating over a large distance you can view this surface okay this is what I like doing always when I'm designing I kind of visualize what I'm doing so if you press object viewer you can see the surface okay yeah as you can see this is relatively flat that's why you're not seeing as if there are you know variations in the levels okay if it was maintenance you will see you see it showing okay but I don't like the way it it is because I don't have data around here but this surface are triangulated and you know all these places I can delete it but I have to first of all change the surface to triangles okay I can find that here and this modify tab you go to surface properties and then you will see the surface that I change the surface styles to Contours and triangles then press ok then you can use this edit okay edit surface and then delete some lines we can go to the deleting some lines like this okay I'll press delete okay and then I'll just delete some lines okay I will delete Sorry press enter how when you have highlighted some points so you can see the surface is coming fine now it's just you know about the boundary okay is coming fine um so make sure you don't you don't go too much into your proposed uh so I will do that continually until I have a very fine you know uh I'll remove all the excesses okay but uh let's let's just move on okay you have this you see how to do that you can do that for the rest you have this if you're not jeopardize our design okay for now yeah so let's move on let's move on we can now proceed to creating our alignments all right so moving on we are at the next step of the design process which is to create a horizontal alignment but before we do that of course we need to have our codes set up so that it can be checking our design for us so to do that just type design criteria design criteria editor and press enter so by default you have the AutoCAD civil 3D 2011 roadway design standard all right so you can modify this into your country's codes and then save it into savings really okay that's the simple thing to do so um look at under units we have metric whatever so this is just a normal unit okay if you're using metric system which is for Nigeria we're using microsystem so you leave all these ones by default here so unless this you need to change them but here's where you make the changes so in the minimum radius table okay it might be different for your country so this is where you just adjust it all these things are editable so you can edit all these files all these things and then save it so let's look at this first one now okay let me open our manual the federal means of works on highway standard manual okay this is it this is how it looks like this is the first page okay let me go to sleep page 64. that's where whatever I'm looking for is helping 64 contains the minimum radius table okay as you can see for a design speed of 50 now it looks like we don't have design speed of anything below 50 okay so of this table but actually we do because this is the formula here right here for calculating the minimum radius so it is you know you can look at this later okay let me not describe it so if this table is what you are constrained to work with based on your conference code you can or you can program it in that interface that we just saw okay here is it let's say maximum for a maximum super elevation of four percent okay all this was for four percent at fifty designs the design speed of 50 we have the radius to be 86 so if you look at here for uh 50 it's 86 it's almost the same I mean it's the same for us to just that in our store we have lesser design speed so for instance if I want to have this ones removed so I can just click on them and then click this button all right then remove them so I'm left with from 50 up to 100 is that what I have here yes for 50 up to 100. so yeah so this one is already beginning to customize already so let's say my order is up to 120 all you need to do is click here and then add 120. okay then I say maybe if I've calculated it maybe 700 the minimum rate is there I put it so once you do that for your own country's code calculate everything all right if your own formula it happens to be different from from this one here you can calculate everything and then impute them for a maximum population of four percent then for maximum population six percent you do that once you change everything while you are changing it you can change the name here okay let's say I change the name here you just double click I change the name instead of Ash to I call it f f m w h for that Mr Walker housing IBM manual then it's 2013 hours so I'll just edit it as 2013 and press enter so can you see I've just saved it so I do that for all all assuming there is uh is different okay so when you are done with that you go you go to super elevation then if they need to change this one these are formulas if there is need to change the formulas you change them this is the attainment method for super elevation okay so when you go to the Super elevation tables okay as you can also change them once you expand it all you can change these things if they are different from your own country's code it's quite uh you can feel you will spend a lot of time some time doing this but once you do that of course you're going to save it and then use it for future uh designs so minimum K table like for our our minimum our key table it's almost the same thing of course with us too so but if there's any difference with your country's own you know you just adjust it here and then when you are done look at this button right here it says save us so when you click on it and save us then you find your browse to somewhere in your file uh where you want to save it to and then save the the file so let me cancel so I'm not saving anything because I already have it done okay I just need to import mine while I'm designing okay so let's quickly go to design our alignment so before we do that remember I'm going to be working on the center line okay only so remember we created a a group for a center line so let me select that group and isolate it okay let me select my Center Line and then isolate it great I've just isolated my center line so I'm going to have less disturbance while it's designing my alignment so let's go to design the alignment so you find that on the Home tab and then you go to alignment under alignment you select create alignment creation tool once you click on that it opens up this dialog box for you so you have to name your alignment let's say you call it rule one okay already we have this account this this thing naming it for us okay I believe if you open your own what you'll see here is alignment one all right because I've worked on table 3D before it can use information that you have used before okay so let's say we're going to name this group one you can rename it manually or you can have civil 3D set up a template with simple 3D just like was here before let me just show you on this template I can just call it to name it Road Nest counter I added this as next counter so and the counter is starting from one and increasing by one always so if I say okay so you'll see uh it's going to name this alignment to row one okay and then if I have this the next alignment I'm going to design is going to be row two okay so we automatically be naming it so I don't need to feed any name on this place again so that's the good thing simply read allows you to do just automates the process so let's go down now we have the general tab okay we can save it to a site but we don't have a site for now so and then the style is a proposed alignment these are you know default styles that are available for you okay you can always create your own style by coming here and do create create this style simply uh shows you how your alignment will look okay the colors for the lines and the you know the styles of the lines the labeling and everything okay here comes the labeling so in this case I just want to level the major and minor stations okay and that's good so now let's go to our design criteria Now by default we have our design speech to be 100 kilometer per hour which is exactly what we have derived for our design but in case there's a need to change you just highlight it and then change it let's say 80 okay once you have 80 yeah that is if that's your design speed but let's go back to 100 because that's our design speed or unless I forget here where we have description you can describe that alignment you know assuming of course you are working with different Engineers or even with yourself sometimes you forget what the alignment was for so you can just describe just anything that will you wanted to you want you wish to add to the naming uh all right so now right under here you have to check use design based use criteria based design now right under it you will see uh the ellipse button for you to go and import Your Design groups remember I showed you how to save it so if you have saved if you have customized your own design code and saved it find it where it is so let me look for where I've saved mine so I'll go to documents and then I'll just quickly rush through where I have saved it and here is where I've saved my own the standards for Nigeria so once I open that up you'll see everything is customized to the film resource works all right anyway 2013 so you can see now based on our design uh we have maximum elevation of super elevation of six percent and then the transition layer I mean it is two lanes okay and then the attainment method is crowned okay so uh the country you know what my crown means you know we're having a cross slope okay the road is not we have a camber yeah so now I don't want to use a design check set let me uncheck that okay so and then let's have fun okay so it brings up this ribbon for you as you can see this is alignment for rogue one so if we zoom into where we tend to start all right we have this all these tools allowing us to manipulate and insert our alignments and you know alignment is just made up of straight lines and curves so from here we can just choose let me show you let me just quickly use the best method I use to design this I first of all look at these alignment of course I have studied this alignment and I've seen that okay from here we have a straight line and then we have a curve here then we have a straight line maybe going all the way up till somewhere here and then we have a curve they will have a straight line and somehow as if we are going to have some you know dancing profile here but it cannot dance too much because our design code will show us an error if we are below so let me just quickly start okay I'll just pick up a line here and then start from the beginning okay once I use that I draw I find a straight section and end it okay like up to here I believe my alarm is straight so I press enter okay we are not done of course so we have to find another um straight section okay from here let's say from here okay sorry I did that wrongly let me pick it up again so from here from here let's see good so going all the way all the way to here let's say it's a stress section okay let me zoom in yeah that's a straight session let me let me just enter okay so as you can see I need to add a curve here so I I can use the conflict command I can find out here all right you open up you select free curve fillet between two entities with ridges so let's put it here and we select the first alignment and then select the second alignment it is less than 180 okay the angle okay and then select one I'm sorry let's put the radius remember our minimum radius was 437 based on our design speed so let me use 450 here for instance Wow 450 is almost cool okay yeah it's almost cool it's almost going through our points of course these points are not design Point these are proposed center line but we are designing it so it's not going to pass through all the points okay so uh it looks good it looks good if we if there's any need to adjust it for instance let's say backward this way I can see that we can move it backward so we can drag it we hold this circle and then draw it backwards so in that case it will increase the curve ridges if you want to see what ridges you have just done by what you have a drug you can go to add a level okay and the level I'm adding is an alignment here so I can label a single segment let me just add a label here immediately okay let me close that let me you know stretch that out okay as you can see the radius here is 490 okay so it's well above our design code okay so if there was if it was below it will alert us let me just make it below and then show you how it will show an error okay let's say we push it upwards here can you see there is an a question a a warning sign here so what does that one inside say minimum radius is violated so the current reduce is 344 and the minimum resist should be 437 as you can see the radius here is 344 which is below our standard so we have to move it back in order for that error that warning symbol to go and I'll wrote this correctly designed okay so yeah so now we are back to 488 somehow if you want to use a round figure radius you can just do that by opening up this tab here okay you will see the curves here this is the curve okay this is the radius here you can manually add it here you have to first okay you have to come manually as it opens up you let's say we type 500 that's what we want to use enter as you can see here is updated here so you can now close this thing back okay so yeah we'll do the same for the remaining um part of the alignment okay let me just do one more okay here we add another straight line let's say we find a straight line from here from here okay let's say up to here up to here looks straight okay up to here look straight you must not even click on any line you can just stop halfway it looks like it's passing through somehow I'm not going to go into all these details so I'm just doing this just to show you to make you appreciate the process okay because you don't just put you just draw it anyhow okay you have to you know since we are working with the proposed alignment uh we can now try to match it okay with it but if you have the Liberty to just design where we have a large space of data we can just choose randomly where we want to pass but of course it has to be with a proper information so now let's go again and add curves okay now I'm going to use true points not ridges this time so that it will be more Dynamic okay if I click here then click this place the second one so I have the Liberty to just be playing around with it and then find the best fit and then drop it once I do that I press enter all right so you can see I have put a puff here let me also add a label okay to this place I can add multiple label at the time okay but it's because um I've not designed the entire thing if I use multiple segments but let me just use single segment for now and then add label here okay then you can see the radius is 438 wow that's a little bit above the design uh the limit okay if I want to add that I don't like it maybe I'll still go back to that conceptual and then look at it here so let me let me add it I need to okay if it's not opening up for any reason you have to unlock it okay once you unlock it it allows you to now edit it okay so let's say I want to use 450 instead of that just to use the resulting of round figure great so you can see it's 450 now okay I can make my my radius you know a round figure so that's what we keep on doing until the end of this alignment let me do that quickly and then we proceed all right so I've completed that for all these alignments okay you can do that on your own okay you can see that there is no error everything is moving fine and everything is you know coming close to my existing Center Line all right so the next thing is to just close this okay once I have closed this I can now create the alignment for the intersecting Road okay and uh sorry I forgot to mention that this road is uh 40 sorry 60 kilometer per hour the design speed okay so because you can see there is more sharp curve here if it was 100 kilometer per hour you can't have this kind of Shopko how do I know it's a shaft code because I've had experience designing it okay so uh let's design the next alignment so we go back to our alignment okay and click on alignment creation tool again so remember a good old template it is going to save it as Row 2 this time around because the next counter is two if you look at it here you will even see that it's also two here but I'm not going to all these things you know it's just to show you how disable 3D automates things all right so let's go and put everything uh just as we've selected before then go to design criteria now this time around I have my design speed to be 60 kilometer per hour so let me use criteria based design then I'll find where it is okay let me browse to where my codes are okay I just selected it okay once I select it it allows me to use the Maximus valuation in this case it's multiple Exploration with four percent you know for 60 kilometer per hour you can check that in the design specification so I'll uncheck this so and press ok the same thing as I did in the previous one I'll just look for a straight section and draw a line okay I supposed to start from this intersection but let me start here I'll extend it later okay I'll just start here okay and then find the Street Station I think the situation is going to end somewhere here then I press enter then find another straight section okay and then let's say from here it doesn't I just I'm making sure just to draw something that passes through at least three points okay or two so yeah so then I will have to put in a cuff affiliate curve and then add ridges okay is less than 180 and then we can use a radius of let's see and 400 is too much so let's say 200 okay that works but is it within the design code yes because we don't have an arrow okay how do we know uh what is the minimum radius for a root of 60 kilometer per hour you can find that on your design criteria editor okay you can just quickly check on that or it's still showing metric this rule so let's let's quickly bring in our own here and where is this okay okay if you look at it on the minimum reduce table 560 kilometer per hour the minimum which is 135 so as you can see we are within the um design uh you know specification so let me just do that for another another section let me see I think I have a straight section from here to here okay so we're here okay I'm not just I'm not going to you know be meticulously doing this thing but you know it looks like a tedious process but I'm telling you once you do pass through all this process you don't have to do much adjustments you know there's a process of you using you know tangent tangent with curve this is a popular way but I'm not going to use it because it's only when you have your P eyes your point of intersection you know given to you by the surveyors you know there's also surveys that will do a standard work and propose the alignment for a strong I mean when we have a real surveyor you know taking the data he will even be proposing a an alignment so making the work easier for the engineer so but when we have just surveyors that takes the points randomly you wouldn't you would have to do everything by yourself in the design so and that is luckily what I'm teaching you because I do this constantly every day in my design processes all right so let me now add the Curve all right so you add a call between these two okay less than 180 let's equal 200. okay 200 cents to be working for us so far but this one seems means you need an adjustment we can push it back okay as always if you want to see The Ridges you have just done now it won't show you here you have to add a label for it okay once you add a label you can be able to see it or you can open up this uh wizard here and then you will see that ridges I think the first one was 200 the second one is two to four point seven if you want to make it a round figure as usual just unlock it and then let's let's make it instead of two two four let's make it two to five just not to have any decimal point okay so once you do that you you can do that for the rest of the rule but in order to shorten this class okay uh um I will not do that for the remaining I'll just leave it there so back to this place where it's supposed to intersect you remember I told you we have to make this rule intersect so I just have to stretch this okay I pick this up and then stretch it and making sure that I'm in the same line okay with um okay if that is not working okay there's a way I normally used to do it I'll just draw a line a polyline just say PL and then click from here and then allow it to intersect so I'm going to move and then drop it somewhere so that I'll have something to snap okay once I drag my alignment this time around I can snap to where these two intersect great so then I can delete my polyline okay yeah so if you make sure you have a strategy to intersect without interfering with the alignment so great that is it so we can now move on to creating our profiles if we are satisfied with the alignments and completed everything all right so let's close this okay now we have to go to creating our profile all right so how to do that just uh click any of the alignments and then this contextual ribbon changes and then you will find surface profile here so just click on Surface profile okay and then you'll see that you have the alignment rule one which is this very load and then you have to select the surface which is the existing ground surface and then add it and then it it gives it a name this name is not so good you can actually you know adjust this naming system however it's naming it I don't like it normally I used to create a a distant template okay how it will name this thing okay this class I cannot cover that you can find a way to do that yourself okay so we draw in profile okay all right so we have this uh Road one the alignments you know all these things let's leave it by default but what this thing simply means uh all this window I mean allows you to modify how the profile will look before you create it okay normally for me I'd have to just create it okay and then adjust anything I don't like but let me just walk you through all the what you can do here so you can give it a name okay this is it's going it's using a template here okay so we can just call it if we want to use that template load one profile View okay then add a description if you want to then the style this controls how the profile is going to look so we are using a profile view style we can actually create our own yeah so you go to station okay you see the station this is showing you the length of the road so you want to start from the beginning to the end of course that's what you want but if you want to have a specified range you can actually choose this and then add it put a range but usually we want it for the entire length so the profile view height okay you you will leave it as automatic then the display option um these are things that you can always modify later when you create the profile if you see that you have not found something that you are supposed to see okay you can always edit so let's let me just go down and then create this profile leave everything by default Okay so because the divorce is exactly what you need basically so now this is we are going to create the profile we are going to find somewhere on our workspace not go too far but don't be too close so that you know overlap on your alignment okay so let's find somewhere here because it's going to create it to the top right so just click here and then you'll find it uh here so if you can see the red line is showing us our existing ground profile okay so now this grid this vertical grid looks quite noisy okay it's too bold and it is looking to you know uh two boat so we can actually adjust how it looks like you can click on it and then on this ribbon here you can choose profile view properties okay once you choose that it opens up this profile view properties you can choose how uh you want it to look like okay so remember the name we gave it roll one profile view all right that's why you see it here so the stations you can choose um okay these are the Bands or not here let's let's use let's use um profile view Style okay profile view Style okay select oh I mean no forget about that let's just right click and then go to edit profile view Style okay it brings you this so it allows you to select the grid you can add from the information this is the profile view Style okay you can customize everything here this vertical acceleration shows you that this profile has been exaggerated by in the vertical Direction by times 10 which is always good for you to exaggerate your vertical profile by by 10 okay it allows you to see the the undulating nature of the road properly because if you put it by one the road will be relatively flat let me just do that and show you everything will just look flat but that's not what you want you want it to be exaggerated by 10 so that you can you can see clearly now on on the grid you can there are so many options here okay I'm not going to go through everything okay but what is important here is in the horizontal axis I okay mine is a good it's supposed it's a 25 interval so my change is is at 25 uh sorry not percent 25 meters okay so I'm working on a change of intervals of 25 meters that's what we have here then the intervals as in the intervals is 12.5 so the major stations is 25 and the intervals is 12.5 that's exactly what I need so um you can see that here already it happens to be here by default because I've been working with the file okay so if it's not so you can just adjust it to whatever you use some people use uh major stations 20 meters intervals so you can change them okay let's change that to 20 meters so you appreciate the class better so you you go back there to the profile view style let's change it to 20 meters interval 20 meters in the mouth and then 10 meters so 20 meters major station and then the 10 meters minus station of course let's apply that okay as you can see as you can see it changes here automatically at 20 meters so that's great all right so let's proceed to creating the design profile these are existing ground profile let's create the design profile so let's go on to profiles and then profile creation tools so you select a new player on the grid and then it allows you to you know name it opens up this ribbon allowing you to name your profile let's say One Design profile okay again you can create a template that allows you to you know name it the way you want so let's proceed uh to the and select the profile style okay and also we can select the label Styles okay let's just leave it to the default here device the design profile completely good set here then on the design criteria again you go back to import Your Design codes now if I wish I would have just saved that design code here so that uh civil 3D always sends you to a particular folder by default so if I bring that my code here next time I don't have to start browsing through okay I don't have to start browsing through to find where I've kept it okay that's been important so let me uncheck this and press ok so it opens up that ribbon just like the alignment you can create alignment create it with straight you find a place that is relatively straight and then draw a straight line now if I was to design this rule of course you have to study the profile first and then after studying this profile I find out that I can just go straight from here all the way to here and then have a call that will take me to this hill and then I reach this Crest here and then I have uh the high point you know PPI here and then maybe go down a little or no or just still keep going high now look at this roof this place is quite close there's no allowance here I can adjust that on my profile view style okay right click and then go to provide view Style okay once it opens up I go to my grid okay and then above maximum elevation let me have like two meters above that and apply okay let me make it five more okay as you can see I have more room here so that um it will not just it will not prevent me from adding a pi higher than that so let's now proceed I'm going to use uh let me do my curve settings okay I'm using a circular cuff okay so I'm use parabolic curves paragonal curves is ideal okay but uh secular cost is easier to construct I think I've made a post regarding that on my LinkedIn profile so if you're not following me on LinkedIn yet you can kindly do that so you can find me when I make posts or comments regarding the road design so let me put the default reduce of 1000 okay but for Crest and suck okay once you do that you can now select uh draw tangent with curves okay so now assuming I want to start exactly from here then I pick it up then I as I told you if it's with me I will just go straight okay all the way and then level all this place level all this place then find somewhere here and have my pi okay and then I'll go up the hill okay and then drop my p i somewhere here and then keep going up probably drop my Pi somewhere here now I have a large field okay that may not be economical but I can adjust this later so once I'm done I press enter I basically put my proposed you know uh you know profile but I can always adjust it like this cover is of course too small okay then you can just drag this and then increase it okay or you can just use this um button here and then increase it up to here okay yeah no this place looks quite small okay all right so for the purpose of this class I'm not going to go deep into all these you know things but you can adjust this thing continually just like you saw me so it was doing on my profile okay and then until you find a profile that is suitable for you okay like here now I have some Cuts here I'll be having some feed here then I'll be having some just like that you can just keep adjusting this until you get what you want so for the pause because let me just stop here editing the thing here okay so let me close this so I'm done with this road one let's go to row two so the same thing you click on this and then you create surface profile okay then you just add the surface and then draw in profile view and then you join profile view you go to leave everything by default yet just like the previous type then create profile view all right so once you've done that you can now just click it find it somewhere here okay this is a existing blood profile for the Row 2 so we go to design the road so profile creation tools we select it okay and then populate everything here let's give it a name road to design profile okay then we use our criteria based design again we have to import it okay let's go to here I've saved this then open it up okay so I'm gonna press ok again if I see this profile now after studying this profile I find out that I can just have a straight up from here up to here and then down to here so let me click that from here I have here and then down to here enter that's all okay oh I do not use uh tangent with curve but no worries you can always add the curve by just coming down here and then find free vertical curve you know you can just do that you click this alignment click alignment and then specify the radius let's say 1000 upgrade soon without giving us a call but still I don't like the the 1000 is not enough for me I can just drag you know up to here and then like like previously I told you you can just adjust it to wherever um however suits you best but the code will be throwing you whenever it is below standard okay or then whatever is below standard all right so that is it that's how you create your design profile right so let's move on all right so once you're done with everything you just close this the next thing we are doing is to create our intersection now let me quickly show you something on the profile you remember that you realize that these two roads are intersecting right they are intersecting they are not independent of one another so we designed these ones separately but that does not mean that how do you how are you sure that the level here is the same as the level where this rule is intersecting okay let's look at it these rows are intercepting at about chain H three plus four twenty on road on Row one on road one row two is intersecting Road one at chain three four twenty so let's find out where it is 3 4 20. okay 3 4 20. you can see all right you don't have to do it manually I'll be checking it there's a way you can import bringing download to profile here and see how it is looking so let's just do that if you click on this grid anywhere you'll find somewhere up here that shows you superimposed profile then go to Row 2 and then click the design profile okay and then come back to this place and then click the anywhere on the grid it opens up this ribbon and allows you to you know select whatever you want to select here I won't go through all these things but I just want if you just want to have only some sections shown but I want everything shown so let me just press apply okay and press ok so now you can see how root 2 is on root one okay obviously the levels are different see where this one is intersecting so these two levels have to be married these two blue lines this is where the starting point is so this one has to marry with this but how do I do that I cannot just drag it you know I have to create an intersection so watch this closely as you have seen this by the time I created an intersection these two will join this one has to go the since this one is the one intersecting it has to go down to meet this road and so if I want to adjust it up back I have to adjust Road one up and then row two automatically follows all right so let me go and create an intersection so I find intersection here on the Home tab and then click on intersection create intersection so I find where it is intersecting and then click remember this is one of the special features of um this design okay because it's not quite an easy thing not everyone covers it you know I'm taking my time to do this because I love you all and I want everyone to you know be proficient in what you're doing all right so here I'll just create an intersection I don't need to create all these offsets parameters uh I will not go through all the reason why but just follow me okay and then automatically all these things are unchecked so I just want to create an intersection so I can name the intersection uh co2d is just giving me a template whereby it will just name it intersection one and then if I'm creating another intersection it will name it intersection two okay so if I want to add a description I can add it here if I want to select a marker style but I'm going to leave it at default here so you can always create any of your you know default you know views if you want but basically leave everything by default this rule is an intersection whereby the primary route which is the main rule that is travel at 100 kilometer per hour is crowned okay while the other one will just be joining it uh without being crowned at that intersection okay but if both of them were brothers that are driven at 100 kilometer per hour together I would select this option all roads will be crowned so it will be crowned at the center so but for now since the primary road is at a high speed and those I'm going to select this one so let me create an intersection so once I create this intersection Watch What Happens okay automatically it names it for me um okay it should be one here but never mind okay so this is the intersection let's go back to our profile and see what happens you see this profile has automatically come to marry the intersecting where it is intersecting so anytime I make an adjustment both of them will go up let's say I want to adjust this one upwards okay let me adjust this profile upwards see what happens foreign you see this one is following it so it has to be intersecting in both alignments and profile so that is the importance of creating an intersection wow I'm teaching you all these things for free yep so I spent a lot of time learning this myself when I was doing it I was always worried that was the time I was doing it manually even of course by the way I have designed routes on AutoCAD or just normal AutoCAD without civil 3D I do that always it's quite smooth it's quite sweet but it's not automated that's where the issue is when you're doing revisions you will suffer but on civil 3D you can make revisions fast you can design a large network of root fast that's why simple trading is powerful and besides it's also beam compliant so right so I I have to upgrade I had to upgrade a long time to semi 3D so that is it here okay we are creating an intersection the next thing is to create our offset alignments all right remember our roadway is uh 7.3 meters okay so that means 3.65 to the left 3.65 to the right so let's create that offset alignment so where do you find that you find that here in alignment under alignment you'll see create offset alignment once you select that you click the alignment you want to create an offset okay and then it opens up please okay you can name the offset alignment here it is going to use this template I I expect I just want you to use a template because yeah since you're going to be we are going to be creating a limit both to the left and to the right so automatically to be naming it left and right for us using this side here that you're seeing so this is a template that automatically knows that okay this is the left side so it names it to the left and it means the other one to the right so make sure you are if you want to start from the beginning to the end to create the offsets yeah you can choose that here okay just leave that both of them checked okay now we are creating you can create multiple alignments offset alignment to the left and multiple to the right but for now we just want one offset alignment to the left one to the right so here remember our lane is 3.65 so I'm going to put 3.65 here and then also here 3.65 all right so uh we can add the sites and we can have offset Styles and then we can choose a level now I don't put levels when I'm doing offset alignment because already there's level there's the levels in the main alignment so let's go to the widening criteria okay now I don't need any widening so I'm not going to add that and of course no check no design check for that so I'll create an offset profile for sure so because I have a profile on this um design profile on this Center Line so I'm going to be using that very design profile okay that road One Design profile now do I want to superimpose it to the Row 2 you yeah if I want to so that it will show on that profile view okay but I don't want to do that for now so and remember our cross Loop is 2.5 percent okay if you if you remember the review that we did okay if you are using two percent you can leave it at that for your own route but for this road it's 2.5 percent so and then the profile name it will create an offset profile with this okay and then slope it down by 2.5 percent to add 3.6 meters okay okay and then it will name it okay using this template let's leave it like that so let's use the profile style as existing or sorry design profile design profile all right so because it's a design profile so let's press ok okay once you do that you can see that these are this is the offset alignment very beautiful okay this is already looking as the road uh proposed root what does this offset alignment do this offered alignment is dynamic okay when you change the center line it also changes automatically so let's say I change this to this to somewhere here you can see it's moving together okay if I drag it if I drop it anywhere okay it will it will it will update so let me go back by pressing Ctrl Z okay and then I'm back so that's the good thing about the offset alignment so let's create offset alignment for the next for the intersecting alignment so let's create offset alignment create offset alignment and click on this so since it's the same thing oh sorry I'm creating connected alignment I suppose to create offset alignment here I click on this and then it opens up again so I'm going to allow everything to be the same okay of course you can see 3.65 is already populated here for us so everything I'm going to leave it the same because it was I filled it before and single 3D gives it's merciful enough to allow everything to be back in case I want to use the same things okay so I'll just press ok and then yeah it has created it for us all right all right so the next thing I'm going to be creating is the connected alignment okay why is this important because as you can see this is an intersection so you have to drive uh through a curve when you are going to negotiate this intersection okay you have to drive through a coffee so you cannot do that with just the normal affiliate command you have to use that using connected alignment so you find out here on the alignments you go down to create connected alignment okay you click the first offset and then the second offset of the intersecting road then pick a side where it's going to be put then you press enter okay it opens up this window for you it's a little bit different for 2013 you know uh as opposed to 2018 and 19. okay if you're in 2022 and 2023 this this this platform here will it looks different you know where to find what to put but it's the same thing so don't worry so here you can name it okay give it a name or allow civil 3D to just name it for you here we can just call it um let's say left cob return okay yeah because the curb return so let's give you let's uh see the what we have here on the general tab we can choose the site but we don't have any site so we have the alignment style to be proposed and then the level side I don't want the label so good I don't have I don't need levels because the levels are noisy so on the design criteria I'm not going to be using a criteria based design for this one because um it's going to be judging it as if you are driving at a long speed as a speed when you are negotiating the intersection usually you are almost at zero when you come to the intersection before you now start driving so you just need any curve that will allow you to turn and usually you know you you consider a truck okay a large truck that is about 20 meters long so when it's negotiating this corner usually uh when you're using WB 12 uh truck to design is about 20 meters long so it needs about 11 meter radius here so but for this course we are going to be using like 15 meter coverages where do we find that all right you can find out on the parameters okay so the coverage is going to be let's say 15 in this case Okay so and then we and the offsets I don't want any offsets right in so as in 2018 you won't find this thing but we are using 2023 you'll find all these things here so I don't want any offset to the left or to the right you can even press preview okay so I said no so we have to select a circular affiliate not so we need a circle affiliate so let's preview that good you can see how it is going to be okay when it is done so I think this is good and it's going to be overlapping by 25 meters okay no problem and you can adjust that if you wish so then for connected profile it definitely is going to create a connected profile so in this case as you can see the the cross Loop is 2.5 percent which is good if you if you have it as 2.0 you can change it to 2.5 because that's what we are using for our design so and the alignment name is going to use you know a profile name template okay let's call it uh let's see what that template is saying okay starting from one okay for now let's just have it like that okay so again we are just using a profile style as design profile then the profile curve type okay you're going to make a parabola or circular I prefer circular because as I told you it's easy to construct and then the radius I can just use let's say 1000 or let's say okay let's say 500 for this okay let's say okay now great so we have created that our alignment so I used the style design profile that's why it's looking like my center line but actually I should have used offset profile but that's not a problem okay then let's do for the other one we'll go to the alignment and then create connected alignment we select the first and then the second and then find the side and then press enter we're also going to use 15 in this time so let's just quickly go to everything Remains the Same let's just okay let's call it did we call the other one left cover return so we call it right corporate on right so let's call this one left called return so let's leave everything the same it will almost be the same in fact everything will be the same because we have CO2 is massive photos I will not just yeah be doing it again so the connected proof everything just allows us to use that template that was there before now I'm going to just use uh you know um what's what I could have just used all this layouts profile let's say layout okay and then everything will keep the same all right you can see okay still green you can make it white you can change the color to white you can also right click on this and then go to alignment properties okay once you have these alignment properties open you can select okay sorry you can select how it will look let's call it um intersection basic okay apply that gives us a white one I like the white okay and also this one you can change it for this one alignment properties all right so you can change it to the intersection basic press ok all right so that's that's the value okay so let's say we're okay with this so we can now move on to the next thing so look at our road it's looking fine is it not all right so the last thing we are going to do is on the design steps is to create our Road Assembly okay so if you remember uh this is how we want the typical cross section to look like all right so we'll try to model this into symbol 3D so that we can create our corridor from there so let's go to assembly under the Home tab on the create design and create assembly all right so if you look here you can name the assembly or use the template to save 3D provides for you but because we are going to have so many assembly I'll show you why shortly let's call this full assembly everyone that will have all the parameters together so and then we are going to name we are going to give you the type undivided Crown root and then we'll choose the alignment sorry assembly style to be basic and the cost set let's use U and it I like it for some reason but I will have my style which you can also create Yours by using this create new here but we will not go into that so let's press ok so you choose somewhere within your drawing anywhere that you can locate later okay I will choose to do it close to my stats of alignment somewhere to the right of it all right so then I'll click uh there and that's able to zoom into the center line for me this is the center and the Baseline for creating the alignment all right so uh sorry creating the assembly now let's bring in our tool palettes you click on this place as and open up your two palettes so uh we're going to start from links okay we'll choose Lane super elevation aor so it brings up this properties window allowing you to put in all the um this thing I remember in in the cross section we have a wearing cost 50 mm binder 100 this costs 150 sub base 300 and then the subway will be designing so by cotton field so let's start we are going to model to the right first so let's model to the right then our width if you remember is 3.65 okay let's look at the drawing uh 3.65 and then I'll show the 2.75 all right so our width is uh 3.65 then our cross Loop is 2.5 percent all right so our pavement debt is zero point the first step is uh 50 mm which is 0.05 meters the second one is 100 mm the Bender which is 0.1 the base that is 0.15 and then the sub base is 0.3 great so leave the every other thing uh um you know as it is so let's click on this so as you can see it brings it up for us here so the next thing we are going to do is to model the shoulder so you if you see you can't see should okay yeah here it showed up so you choose shoulder extend all okay that's the option you can choose you know there are many but for now we usually shoulder extend all okay so let's click uh we're going to explain but before that of course we are going to adjust our parameters so shoulder width where the side is right the shoulder width is 2.75 from our proposed cross section okay so away from Crown let's have it 2.5 percent here and then the daylight slope remember it was two is to one in the cross section 2 is to one and then we have the daylight with all these things leave it to you know has this you have this 2.5 he said okay I forgot I think in the shoulder is three percent okay yeah I'll show the three percent so let's just make it three percent here three percent here shoulder base loop three percent two all right so where do we go what is remaining nothing so let's extend our shoulder now you know actually we don't have asphalt okay on the shoulder but I'm still going to just put Ash for that you know I don't want to go into all those complicated things if I don't want asphalt I can just make a zero okay because normally in Nigeria here we used to do uh surface dressing just surface dressing on our shoulders because there is not a travel way okay it's just the service Lane something I mean it's just a temporary you know area for maybe yeah you know when your vehicle is broken down you can just park by that side and also of course it's a good opportunity for the highway so let's click on this node here and then it extends our shoulder okay okay it seems that there was something out of place here it should be it should be 150 but nothing spoiled you can click on it right click and then go to support assembly property T's and then here it was supposed to be 15 so let's make it five add five and then press ok so as you can see there's still some things that's out of place okay maybe it was when I was creating this one yeah page one page 250 okay let me let me adjust it again some assembly properties if it doesn't look as you want to you can always be adjusting it okay the first step is 0.05 yeah that's a mistake the second step is 0.1 and then the third one 150 and they're about okay great so you can see it matches look very good so the next thing is to add our daylight so do we use daylight General so you can adjust all these parameters but I don't want to go into all these things otherwise I'll bore you but you need to have it to be at uh you know slow climate to be two is to one so but I'll just put it there for now this class is already longer than I wanted it to be so just click on this okay you have your daylight of course it's to the right okay it's to the right here right here as you can see so once I've done that okay I can just close everything I have modeled towards the right I don't need to model the left also okay I can just mirror it so what I just do I light everything and then click on mirror and then click my middle Baseline so it mirrors everything to the left so very great This Is My First Assembly and it's called Full assembly if I go to my prospector Tab and go to assemblies I can find that full assembly here all right so great so um I can now you know create my Corridor but before I do that I would need some assemblies I'm going to just create it right away and I'll show you where it will be used so I need half assembly to the left half assembly to the right so I can do that by modeling the whole thing again or by just simply copying this assembly copy it downwards as I'm copying it downwards watch closely here you see in the um the assembly it names it as a full assembly too but I'm going to name it again give it another name as left half assembly okay and then I press ok and it left because I'm going to delete all the ones that are to the right I'll click all the links in the right and delete them great so I have a left half assembly all right so what do I do I also have to create a right half assembly copy and then create um I'll delete all the ones this way okay I'll delete everything to the right okay one after the order so that's all everything to the left so I have only the right so I will rename it to right half assembly right have assembly great so I have I have assembly for the letters so because I can move that if I don't want that to be here let me just be somewhere here so I'm going to create um Corp returns assembly that one's a little bit tricky just follow me and since this is a video you can always watch it back again so I'm going to sorry I'm going to create assembly this again create assembly I'm going to call it left curb return okay and everything Remains the Same okay and then I'll click on it it zooms in for me okay so I open my two palettes again and then I go to Lanes and then model place now this time as I'm walking to the right I'm actually walking towards the left okay because you'll see that in a moment so I'll mark it to the right and my Lane is 3.65 meters okay and then if you my cross slope is now here I'm going to choose you know two percent okay I'll show you why I do that I want to not be minus two percent so let's uh have all these things as we have it in the previous one 0.1 here 0.15 here and then sub base that this and then everything so let me click on that now yeah you see it's sloping towards this side oh I put it two percent it should be 2.5 percent I can also adjust that here once I've created it I can just adjust it here to 2.5 okay 25 so press ok so now I'm going to be putting my shoulder to the left here okay so my shoulder is going to be shoulder extend or and then I'm going to be putting it to the left okay just follow me 2.75 and then the cross load is is three percent from the shoulders okay I believe it's three percent sorry this is the shoulder okay this is the shoulder three percent I forgot in the previous one we are going to adjust that all right so uh then the daylight slope is two is one okay and the depth oh my God CO2 is not merciful in this case so I have to put in everything again so and this one is 0.15 all right so there we go okay so I think everything is fine so I'm going to extend it to the left so I'm going to select this okay yeah so it selects it to the left now as you may notice these things looks big the description just because of the scale okay if I choose that if I reduce it to one is 200 okay look it looks nice better okay so let's uh add our daylight our daylight okay go to Daylight we have daylight General okay and it's going to be to the left okay great is to the left already now I'll just put that here all right so that's my left uh curve return I can model the same thing to the right okay but let me try copying this and then mirroring everything okay copy this okay and then mirror this one I'll mirror this one mirror is and then delete the one I've made load then select this one and this one mirror it okay and then delete the ones I have made so I've just created another one for the right so I'm going to call it rename it I'm going to call it let me delete this too and then call it right computer press ok so these are the assemblies I need for my Corridor first of all I'm going to create the corridor for the main uh you know for one and then two okay so let me go to create corridor I'm going to create corridor then we can have a template but you know we need only one Corridor actually because every Corridor the intersecting corrid will be tied to the main problem so I'm just going to call it main corridor simply all right I'm not going to create another Corridor I'll just add a region and baselines you see that shortly so I'm going to use just the basic style I don't have you know unless you want to create a new one this controls how it looks so uh and then it's going to be an alignment and profile then which alignment we need to do on group one and we are going to use the design profile oh we are having two profiles here what does this mean okay this one is the superimposed profile that we we did let me go back and show you that okay if you remember we had this superimposed profile actually when we were done with it we should have deleted it so let me do that now once I delete it okay and go back to creating my corridor okay I will not find it again so let me call this Main [Music] everything back and then I'll choose your one so you see it's just that design profile so the assembly you're going to be using is a full assembly and we are targeting to the existing blood surface so once this is done you click OK and then you press ok to rebuild the corridor okay so once you review the corridor you can watch and see how it looks okay already we are looking at these places we are going to be having cut here that's why it's a red color these green areas of field the red areas of cut okay automatically showing us what's happening already so let's now move to you know adding Corridor for this one now you don't have to create a new Corridor for this one you just add it as a baseline all right so uh we are going to add click just click on the corridor and press um you know add Baseline so once you click on ADD Baseline now it asks you to name it but we can just leave it to have this default name it's going to be an alignment and profile and what alignment is going to be root 2. you can do that by selecting the drop down or if you download the name if you have multiple alignments building this drawing already you can just use this and then click on this and then press ok okay once you have done that you have to select a profile now the profile is going to be the road design profile all right so you press ok so we have created a baseline for this now what does that allow us to do it allows us to add a region still on the corridor being clicked we are going to add a region and if you hover around you can see that the Baseline has highlighted so we are now going to click somewhere before the cop return you know just anywhere and then that will be a starting point and then we are going to start from here from here okay and then go all the way to the last point of the alignment then which assembly I want to use still we are going to use the full assembly press OK again here we are going to be targeting to the existing ground surface let's leave that for now everything should remain the same in this case here so and then you have modded your Corridor can you see that right beautiful you can see that um uh it is one Corridor if you click on it all of them are tied to each other so one thing is we are going to split this Corridor at this uh for the road one okay you have to split it you split the region you will see why I do that recently um shortly so just double uh click and click again anywhere here okay once you do that it has split the corridor there it's still highlighted so click somewhere here okay and then click the corridor click to split again so great if you can see we have split the corridor out here and this point so we are going to change the corridor section or the assembly section assembly for that region so let's modify that region okay we just use region properties and click on this place now you can see that we are using full assembly here here let's choose right half assembly okay right half assembly and press ok okay you can see that it have deleted the left side and then using only just the right side because that's what we have created so the next thing is to add you know our cup return uh corridors okay so let's quickly do that but before we do that we have to add them as Baseline otherwise when you want to add a region you won't see anything to add let's say add region you cannot see anything on this computer so you have to first of all add it as a baseline okay then you have to select the carburetor if you don't know the name of course an alignment and profile you can just use this box here to click on it and then update the name then press ok all right okay oh we should have named it the right cup return okay I made a mistake you know originally so I love me for that so we are going to use this profile so let's press OK so I've created that computer so let me add another Baseline okay so I I will select this one so you can see this is the name this one should be legitimately the left underneath this one right okay so I named it wrongly and that time sorry so okay so let's go on I've created uh now select the profile I've created a baseline now if I want to add a region you can see it will be highlighted in Red so that's what I'll quickly do now I'll click on it and then start sweeping from the intersection of this to the intersection of this okay great so what assembly am I going to use I'm going to use the right curb return okay I'm going to use the rice computer numbers okay all right so when we are to Target we are going to Target the existing ground surface and then for the which targets we are going to uh Target the center line of this okay let me just use let me just look select root one and then add select root two and then add okay once you do that then that will be the targets and then for the we have selected the targets for the horizontal uh for the you know alignment let's also select the target for the the slope okay for load one we are going to select the design profile okay we are selecting targets for the elevations so we press OK and then press ok great you can see uh Corridor has been built around this God return great perfect so let's let's quickly view that before we are done go to object viewer then you go to you can see beautiful beautiful so it's remaining the left one let's let's quickly create the left one so again we just go to add regions you select here you swipe from here and sweep up to the intersection here okay all right I should have made the section snapping what's happening okay so I'm going to use the left card return in this case okay and then I will be using I'll be targeting to the existing ground surface and then for my width Target I'm going to be using the road 1 and level two for my with targets okay and then for my elevation targets I'm going to be using root one the design profile and then from two I'll be also using the design profile so I'll press ok and then press ok so as you can see it is targeting fine for me as well so because this thing uh so for some reasons I did not Target it well so I will just have to drag this to this um okay what's happening okay it's not snapping for some reasons okay normally I'll just right click and then go to let's say endpoint oh my God but you understand what I'm trying to do okay it's just it's being slow for some reasons you know that's what co3d it requires a lot of your heart you're gonna drive you know with my first laptop I'm having issues so let's go to end points greats all right so that is it so you can see it has snapped very well let's now view it on the object viewer object viewer if you can see clearly you see that my role has come I've intersected properly so great so this is what you have we have just done we have created the intersection so it's simply one Corridor and then everything is it's all good it's all good so let's all right so since we are done with that we cannot close our two pallets all right so you can see everything is smooth the next thing on our design process is to create our Corridor surface okay uh how to do that you can just click click on the corridor okay and then click on Corridor surfaces or just go to Corridor properties okay under the properties you go to surfaces you would find this interface right here as you can see there is no surface of the corridor so you have to select a new Surface create Corridor surface so you can call this datum surface we call it that one service because it is the base it is the datum line okay that we are going to be using okay that's a surface all right so and then we have to add the links you add links and we are going to use the datum link we'll add the link right under the datum surface and then this under the overhang okay we are going to use the bottom links all right we are going to use the bottom links for the overhang calendar so and once we do that we're not going to add the brake line okay so that is fine now but we need to set a boundary for our data surface okay so we have to create use the corridor extents as boundary which is the you know the daylight okay so we can use the corridor extents all right so that's great so we just apply it will ask us to rebuild our corridor okay and once we do that don't mind all this all right so we close this and then check this now we have created a surface when you go let me you know minimize all this go to surfaces okay you will see that we have this datum surface created right here so if you want to visualize this office we can just select it okay and then go to object viewer so you can see it have extracted the surface out of our uh Corridor so this is not our existing glass surface this is our Corridor surface right now taking everything up to the um you can see there is a very smooth line showing our way our proposed roadway or the remaining by the side is the daylight so showing the fields and also the cuts okay and in fact let us drive through our road right now that's right I think it's about time for us to see to drive on our road let's just do that by you know selecting the corridor and then click on Drive okay Adam I want to use dry from the crown at the crown so once I do that can you see can you see how beautiful this is how beautiful this is let me drive it at uh yeah okay at the speed of 100 kilometer per hour because that is the speed of the road okay okay let me select okay I can just type that manual here okay so let me just play all right can you see can you see my root how beautiful is that oh my God this is a beautiful Road I love it so that's what really can do so as you can see these are cut areas now you come to areas of fail so you said you can see our proposed roadway all right the carriage and then the shoulder showing and then the daylight the daylight is showing you the cause and feel by the left and right all right so I can do that but let me just close Okay and then uh close this view all right so uh we have created our Corridor surface that was the next thing uh and then we have just done that so the next thing on our list on our procedure is to compute materials so let's go ahead and do that now before you compute materials you go to settings and then you go to quantity takeoff materials we'll continue to take off criteria so you expand it and you you will find cotton field there are material you know criteria that are available for you to use okay but usually I like creating mine okay I'll just right click on this and then click new so let's create a new criteria now we are going to use okay we're going to add a new material here okay let's call it on the information tab let's call it [Music] um Edge work cut and fill okay then let's go to material let's add a new material we've got We'll add a cut material and what is the quantity type is cut okay so under that we are going to be adding a surface okay we are going to be adding number one the EG surface and then we are going to add secondly the datum surface okay now what is cut material okay cut material is everything that is below our EG surface if you are going below address so we are going to set below aging surface and if it is above our datum surface it's a cut material so below above note that okay so we're going to add a new material and that material is going to be called fill material so and make sure that the quantity type is called fill okay so these are back to this cut we have the cut Factor so if you want to use you know account for you know when you when you know when you when you are filling the material right we have a fill factor and cut Factor so it can be less if you have the material because when you compact the material the volume reduces and things like that but let's just keep it as this for now okay so still under this field we are going to add the EG and the datum surface again so what we'll simply do is to you know is to just um okay we are going to just reverse this since this one is below this one is going to be above and then this one will be below so what we're going to do we're going to apply okay or so then when when we have done this okay we have just complete we have just created a criteria now sorry there is one thing that you have to do before Computing the material properly okay you have to create sample lines okay and then create your sections okay um that was supposed to come before in the procedure you know after step nine that's why it's all in Step nine so you do them together okay but let's create cross-section that was the first thing we're supposed to do all right so let's create add sample lines you just go to under the Home tab in this side you find the sample lines you click on the sample lines and then select an alignment want to sample on the road one so let's just press just press enter okay then we select an alignment from this middle okay we select okay group one and then let's give it a name we can just use the default naming style and then um we are going to allow everything here open so let's just sample all these data I want to sample everything I want to separate the EEG surface the main Corridor and the male Corridor that on the surface so when sampling everything so let's press ok so we are going to be sampling by a range of stations okay and remember my changes was at um 20 meters intervals right okay so we are going to be sampling with 20 meters interval so let's check we are going to select that from here okay we are going to um sorry we're going to be sampling all right part of me let's okay all right so okay sorry here all right so let's check uh by a ranger station okay all right so while we choose this range of station we are going to select the intervals so as you can see we have um the okay the station range we want to start from the beginning of the alignments which we will look at us through I want to go up to the end of the alignment okay so the left SWAT width that is how long from the center line is it going to go to the left we are going to sample to the left so already you know our width to the left is one lane is 3.65 and then they will show that is 2.75 so making a total of about um you know six minutes out there about so let's see everything want to sample like 20 50 meters to the left okay I could have just left it at 20 but I can show you that you can actually adjust it make sure that it's beyond your Corridor uh you know a week for one one link okay so let's say 15 meters okay then you go to the width and to the right SWAT to it and also put 15 meters if you wish okay then the increments all right our long tangent is 20. a long course is 20 along as far as 20. great okay so yep so and we can add an additional at some stations but we we don't want that for now okay so let's just leave everything as it is now when we just press OK see what happens okay it automatically samples you see the blue lines let me escape this command okay and then you see all these blue lines uh showing okay all right so as you can see as you can see we have sample uh all our sections are 20 20 meters intervals now what can we do with that we can create section from that so if you go to your section view you go to create multiple views okay once you've created multiple views you open it now you'll see for which alignment you select for root one and then you select the alignment collection okay so you select this section placement now we are going to use production okay if you want to use production you have to select a sheet okay you are going to select it in a sheet but we are not going to use a shape now because I don't want to go into all the entry cases that are involved in that let me just put it as draft okay just paste it and draft now let's go to offset okay okay let me just for a sake put this production okay we can select a sheet okay a0 A1 A3 you won't find A3 okay I haven't just said it beforehand I have to create it myself so um okay let me use uh A3 now if I must use A3 okay there is something that I should have made an adjustment I should have made I have to make sure that my scale is the same with what we have here so you see that A3 is one is to 250 here so let me close this back I should make sure that I have one is to 250. selected but because you don't have these A3 sheets I'm not going to use it okay please follow me I'm not going to use it so let me go to the section views create section View let's just use the normal draft okay because you don't need to select the sheet in this one so you will go to offset range leave it as uh okay this shows this the the sample line extends the 15 15 we chose both the swap read now let's go to Elevation okay let's leave it as automatic okay then what are we sampling we are going to view all these ones yes we want that so let's the data bands now if you want some data because we have calculated our cuts and Fields we can add some data bands to it but let's not add that for now so let's just do create section review now you have to select a place where it will not interfere with your original drawings okay so let's find somewhere here and put in a section sheet okay so watch for it to come out great so we have these sections as you can see it's how our section is looking like okay now this is not a very great view because we are just using draft that's why everything just comes in without title block you know extent when you're using that production it will bring up a title block and just use maybe it will group like uh six of them into one sheet yeah so of course you can see we have plenty so if you keep viewing them all of them one after the other you will see it's showing you the cuts is showing you the view okay for each of them how it's looking on the elevations by the side you can adjust all these views if it's not looking fine for you you can click on it on one of them and then go to you group properties okay okay you can select you know for instance if you want to change the style let's say to Lang desktop okay let's say to another view okay if you do that and then apply okay you can see this is another view style this one is looking more compacted and you know better all right so you can always adjust how this thing looks like by just creating the view that you that that works all right so that is it we also do the same thing for the row two okay that is by creating sample lines we go to sample lines and just press enter and go to and click on row two press OK so you still press OK everything is by default now go to by ranger stations again then everything I think we receive 3D again is merciful to bring the previous settings so uh you know remember with notebook at the beginning of station okay all right we in the previous one but we needed it that's why if you notice in the cross section in this sample view you won't see each in a zero zero or in this case let me put true here okay to start at the beginning of the station okay and also at the end of the station okay I press ok all right so if you can see it has also created samplements for that so we now go to create the section view create multiple views for it as well so we are going to use row two this time and then sample collection three uh that's the name automatically for the sample and the associated with Bluetooth so every other thing I think I'm going to leave it by default so let me create this section view again I'll find maybe to the right hand side of this and place this okay so again I can choose how this change as you can see this one is spanning all the way that's because it is at our intersection okay that sample line is somewhere here so that's why you see the The View was uh it's not showing you the shoulders and things like that so you can monitor to see if there's anything that is not showing well in this section so that is it that is it that is it so we have created a session then we can proceed to Computing our materials so how do you contribute your materials just click any of the sample lines okay and then go to compute materials okay now we are Computing material for root one and then we are using the sample collection line collection of this so I press OK and then once you do that now because we have to we created a quantity takeoff criteria we find out criteria Network code and field and once you find that you just use map objects with the same name so it will map EG surface to Egypt surface it will map that one surface to my main corridor from surface automatically so once you have done that okay it will automatically create compute your materials great so allows me 3D to complete it once it's complete it's great the materials have been completed okay we want to if you want to view that you can click generate volume report so that is Rogue one the sample line so it's called it named it automatically for us at the material list one okay then we you can choose the format it's an artwork okay and then you can display the SMS report and then press ok no no oh this this does not look good okay here is it saved it okay so that is it so as you can see uh we have to need zero zero is not showing because I told you in the sample line creation we will not check true for that root one so but uh basically you can see that we have our cut and then we have our field so software here of this way we're not having a field until somewhere here we have here so in the end go to the last point you will see that we have a we are needing material so this minus uh three this thing this means that you need to feel okay so that is it cumulative uh net volume okay because obviously you can see that um materials this is what our material is okay let's have an image of our code let's all feel volume Cuts value okay so let me know just going to explain all these materials okay so that is it you can see the report so let's go back all right to we can do the same thing for two okay we go to row two and then create compute materials you have to select the sample line row two okay and then press ok okay we now use our quantity takeoff criteria and then map objects and then press ok we have created that material so let's generate volume reports okay so and then you choose root two and then it automatically gives you the sample line collection for that and then material is for that and then you press ok this is for root two all right so you can see Square short so we have um a field volume cumulative net volume this is the field volume cumulative field volume this cumulative cut volume so you can see that the the field is less and then we have more Cuts so we are going to be having more Cuts in this section of the road so and that is it let's go out on this so great so we have calculated our we have completed our volume and that's the last thing yes we have calculated our cross-section and computer material so we have the step 10 which is to generate plus and Report now in this one you can now do that by itself okay I've done Justice to this so if you want to dial you know generate blocks let me just quickly run through that you have to create on the output stack you have to create viewing frames okay if you are creating viewing frames let's go for one only this time and then go to Sheets let's do plan and profile okay let's do a view frame group all these things let's leave them by default okay and this one's two by default profile view yes everything so let's create new frames great you can see the viewframes have been created automatically so what will this thing do you have to create uh view sheets okay flash sheets so we are going to use the viewframe that you just created and then create sheets out of that let me create the sheets so that you can see the drawing has to be saved so I should look for somewhere and click on the screen and then it will create the sheets for me automatically all right so let's wait for that so great so It upgraded the sheets as a separate drawing okay so it's saved somewhere in your file all right so now if you click let's say double click on any of the sheets you see um how it looks like okay let's open it up okay all right okay let me check this so you can see it will automatically bring the plan above the profile so um sorry I didn't go through everything but while I was creating the blue sheets I could hide some of the views okay like here if you can see the surface is showing I will uncheck the surface okay in that case so that my Surface will not be showing I also uncheck my points so that my points will not be showing okay so I'll just be left with only probably the corridor or even the corridor sometimes I don't want you to show I just want the center line and the offset alignments to show it would have been done there so you know in this plot once you have done all these things you can now print okay right so that is that is it from this session okay so let's just go back to our drawing here all right so you could do that for row two as well but I'll leave you up for that you can just do that for me too okay so the next thing we are going to do is to create uh how to generate our reports okay so when you go to your toolbox okay you will find reports manager check it then let's go to profiles all right this is the one I use so the one that is the best for you to use is increased mental stationing report you double click on that okay you just it will bring you up uh this okay sorry I need incremental session reports the difference all right great this is the this is the this is the one I would use okay so which let's do forward one okay so which profile okay we need to move one design profile okay that's what we check okay and then we need also the EG service all right so we need it as an interval of 20 meters okay 20 meters all right so and then let's just use the regular interval let's remove uncheck all of this okay and then once we have done that we press we find we choose where we want to save it okay uh let's go to desktop let's save it as I mean one details okay with one chords and film oh let's call it Road One Design all right so let's say save and then let's create the report okay no existing ground elevation that are loaded okay we're gonna start the profiles okay let's continue yes okay so yep as you can see this is showing you the Eastern the noddings the elevation for existing and then the elevation for design all right this is the Innovation difference automatically showing you okay for every um all the changes from the China zero zero down up to the last change so this is what you need you can export this as Excel okay and then this is exactly what you're going to give the surveyors they will input this coordinates and on these coordinates they will input this elevation design okay this difference is just to guide them on uh knowing okay you need to um the difference is okay zero zero meters below so it's exactly we're matching the existing in this case so both here The Innovation we are going 19 CM higher than the existing ground level so with this you can even know how high or low you're going with your profile and once you just look at it you will scroll through so here you can see it is a field here's a field one meter and when one meter high okay that's number two meters even high so but you don't have to go too high let's say like four meters high in feeling so obviously I cannot see something like that or I'm having like seven meters in Cut but you know remember I did not designed the profile you know accurately like that painstakingly just like I did with my alignment so you can do that on your own because if you're doing a live design you have to do that properly okay but of course that does not mean that there are no cases where you can cut seven meters or five meters okay it's depending on what is available okay so that is what we uh all right that's all for the class so thank you very much for the opportunity okay to take you through all of these um uh things there are so many things to just go through okay in fact just alignment we can spend a lot of time on it so but this I've just breached through the whole design I've shown you areas you can concentrate on making the design better for instance your views and styles okay like all these views they're not so nice when you can create yours you can always adjust how they look and how in creating the section views okay you can see here is shaded it's actually supposed to show a ride on green depending on course of it but you can always do that and tell me the things all you need to do is just click on anything on any of the view okay play around with it right click and then go to edit view stance so here you can play a lot with repair play with all of this okay to make this view look better okay once you are done you can now plot it okay remember we just do draft okay if we did it in production style it will automatically add a title block here for us and then when we are creating the sheets it will automatically lift those sheets for us so yeah so we couldn't go through all that this is the motion we could take for the class thank you very very much for joining the class uh I can't wait to see your designs if you happen to you know do it yourself and send it to me I'll be much happy to review it and then give you any comments that could help you develop yourself okay so all right like I mentioned I'll be importing my templates so that you can see how I've adjusted all these views to look fine so let me go to you know manage I'm going to import my templates okay I have to save the drawing to do that all right so once I do that I click import okay I have my templates now this is not the one actually so let me go to my documents uh no not documents my local links okay I have a symmetry projects away uh my templates okay open it all right so let me bring that up while it's opening all right it's we're allow me to yeah import all the settings all right so there is it that's it my profile my you know templates it's loading okay okay beautiful is coming yep yep um template is simply all the design uh views that I I've adjusted so I'll just save those as a template okay all right so and then I'll import it into any design I'm working on so that's it will look good so if you look already let me turn this to one is to 1000 you can see that in my templates okay I'm having you know some reviews let me right click on the profile views there okay okay let me let me go to profile view properties properties oh my God sorry the profile view properties so I'm going to connect my template my template is this 25 meters interval okay I usually work on 25 meters intervals that's why we have it here so let me press ok wow you can see it looks finer right now all right so even for this I have a template for this so I can go to edit level group I can import my level set I have it on HP launch set okay I can press ok so if you look at it it's white and color showing you the radius of the cuff showing you everything so it's looking it's looking bad already so even the band set Styles okay I have my edit band Style okay all right it's all rather let me go to I did profile view properties so when we go to bands I have my own band Styles I call it hpe font okay so let me press ok great you can see my band Styles okay it's showing you a very robust view so and as you can see everything here is zero showing the difference here is showing zero okay between the existing and design is because I have not adjusted it so let me go to the band styles again okay when I go to the band stance I have to select the profile one to be the EG surface and then the provide two to be the design I'll choose all the profile 2 to be the design okay and then I'll press ok so you see it will update it so showing you all the cuts and feel that is available here all right I can do the same for all my uh you know section views and of course I put uh manually add that here I'm going to manually add that because I did not put that when I was creating you know I'm just importing the Styles now but usually before I start the drawing I import my Styles and then work with it I don't I don't want to just bore you with that okay everything is just something I'm just showing the capacity of what you can do it must know it cannot just look as ugly as it was originally all right so that is it that is it for now all right guys thank you for joining the webinar yeah it was supposed to be live but uh this is a recording you know to augment for the inconvenient experience that we had earlier so that was it so it was quite a roller coaster and there are so many things I I could have you know thrown you but um time will not suffice okay to make it I try to make it as concise as possible but you have learned a lot I believe even with this you can you know get the ground running if you're already in design I believe you've added and if you're just starting this is enough for you to just uh progress so I would like to see my future class when I get the chance to put some things uh on it all right so this like for instance uh I I did not put culverts you know but you see those places that I have streams Crossing and also the low points on my profile those are the places I put boss Converse okay so um uh of course I didn't mention that in this class okay I mean to cover in this class but it's something you you know is part of Road design okay so I've only designed the you know Road itself without the drainage you know and all those things but just know that this is included in the Raw design so thank you for joining me in this class and the webinar I would love to see you in future classes and you can ask your questions in the class so for some of you that indicated interests okay in my private class all right I've subsidized it and I will show uh I'll make a comment on that okay a subsidized for a limited period okay so um the link is right on the screen okay so you can just pre-register and then follow the instructions that follows on how to you know join so thank you and see you all [Music] thank you
Channel: Henry Barnabas (HB CAD)
Views: 54,211
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: wU81yICxUw4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 139min 53sec (8393 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 16 2023
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