Klonoa: The Complete History - SGR

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if you liked the video then please consider supporting slopes gameroom on patreon the Sony Playstation easily one of the most impressive game consoles of all time why because it came out the exact right time you see in the mid-90s we'd all been teased with 3d graphics and CD video game systems but they always fell out of reach even they was too expensive or they were just simply not marketed very well and as a young 10 year old that basically means the console was crap and thankfully for the most part that ten-year-old was right that was until rumblings of the Sega Saturn started to emerge I personally been hardcore Sega Megadrive for the last few years and even adopted a rather beefy Master System collection - in other words it will come to the surprise of nobody watching this channel that I was indeed Sega obsessed and with the upcoming Sega Saturn on the horizon it was pretty damn obvious what system's gonna be making his way into my collection next that was until a friend of the family bought round this new futuristic almost PC coloured system from the same company that made my snack system called the play station my mind was blown like I said Sony jumped into the video game market at just the right time the world has been teased with virtual reality polygons and CD quality sound up to this point and finally the future was now I would argue that to this very day no matter how much VR or Freedy if throwing someone's face there has never been a bigger leap in gaming than that of the fourth generation of consoles and the fifth generation of consoles not just because everyone was moving from 16 bits to 32 bits or even 64 bits but because the world was ready and the technology was finally ready to turn 2d into 3d for better or worse gaming was growing up and with my brand new Sony Playstation in hand I was - I'm sorry Sega Saturn besides your father console to collect for now that I'm an adult who can import all of your good games anyway it was such an exciting time for me sure I was playing with futuristic racers murderous clowns filling the screen with blood and smashing cars to my heart's content but deep down in my subconscious cutesy characters and platformer games were still very much my jam heck stuff like Sonic and Knuckles my favorite game of all time and the original Tekken came out the same bloody year my mind can have changed that quickly right well it was only a few short years later and my two younger sisters were getting into gaming too that they got a game that really did look pretty damn good on a random birthday Christmas or Easter I can't remember and that game was klonoa door to phantomile the game grabbed me by the ears a game that took me back to my roots of simple fun addictive and masterful platforming gameplay and helped broaden my horizon ever so slightly to experience other legendary games that I will be discussing in a future complete history so join me as we take a look at the entire klonoa franchise well we'll be looking at the game's histories twists in development it's possible surprising future and of course the games welcome to slopes game room [Music] ah yes klonoa a great bloody game that's starting to fetch quite the hefty price nowadays for collectors of the I hate to say this retro console it is the PlayStation 1 gah can someone go get me my walking stick turn our door to phantomile did what it needed to do it brief some rather needed life into the overcrowded mess of guns and gore sure plenty of hours did the same to and yes I have covered those with more to come soon enough but this felt different if all you want is my review simply put it's a great game an absolute essential purchase for any collector of Sony's first but jumping straight into that first game isn't in the words of the philosopher Rita Ora how we do because I mean we're fat getting a little ahead of ourselves so let's go back to the beginning Hideo yoshi's ro makes creating these videos such an absolute joy I will admit that I was a bit clueless to the name at first until I saw just how many games that this guy's helped make that I personally absolutely loved but before he created several games I would argue every single retro gamer has come into contact with he didn't even start in game development oh no way way way back when Yoshi's our son got rejected so many times from companies such as Sega yes so much so that he ended up taking a sales job a little-known company called Tekken although you'll probably know them by their eventual name Tecmo Yoshi's are a sans job was to sell arcade boards he so plenty of them for the following six months and at the same time he constantly gave game development suggestions to the people that were making the arcade games this caught the attention of the guys up top and because it is Yoshi's our son ended up becoming a member of the development department his first arcade game he worked on with the rest of the team was pimple action a fairly solid albeit standard pimple arcade game and I'm sorry guys I think I'm gonna keep hold of his sequel for a future Valentine's episode a few more games past like the schmuck classic Gemini Wing which was also rather solid albeit a little bit obvious in retrospect but the action really started in 1986 when Yoshi's our son got given his first directors role yeah okay mighty bomb Jack isn't exactly the greatest game going another game there's a tad average in fact when his game doubled one goes through Yoshizawa son it's not a bad attempt at all and dare I say two marches is actually managed to rake in quite a decent-sized fanbase just like several of his other projects have done - thankfully for everyone else it was all the other games he did as a games director that really did propel Yoshi's our son into the limelight any of these games ring a bell you've got Ninja Gaiden the Ninja Gaiden - Ninja Gaiden free radius Enki and super family tennis okay obviously a few ''tis are far more exciting than the others that all of these games have one thing in common as good as they are they are not the QT platformer that you know I will eventually get to that ladies and gentlemen came next when he moved from tech mode to another rather popular company called the Nakamura manufacturing company hey yes I'm only joking by this point that company was definitely more well known as simply name this is sprig in' and would you believe it before we got Claire Noah whilst working at Namco Yoshi's our son and his new team actually almost made us a 3d rendition of the rather violent anime very fitting for the mid to late 90s playstation generation if I do say so myself this game which is not being shown on the screen as it was never actually released got quite far in development according to a March 2018 interview who knows how far it got exactly and sadly or we can do is imagine because it got cancelled due to Namco losing the spring and license but that is okay because from the depth of this heart unfinished brigand franchise the team decided to rework it into a brand new IP which would eventually become klonoa this was a risky as hell move and it makes me love Hideyoshi's ara even more you see as the majority of the world moves towards the end of the 90s a game like Spriggans would have actually gone down quite nicely but a cutesy platformer well actually yeah the team looked at what was charting so plenty of hardcore games and decided that if they was also to release a dark gritty gray shaded game it would end up just being another brick in the wall so in an attempt to stand out from the crowd they did the absolute opposite and just like the creation of the spiky haired Sega mascot a competition was held for different members of the team to jump in with their brand new mascot drawing suggestions it was Yoshihiko array that came in first with his original design simply called shady apparently a very shadow looking character that instantly seemed too dark and therefore was scrapped before the more pleasing to the eye character was put forward oh yeah and before we get to that it's also worth showing off this this was one of the earlier designs using a similar mechanic to that of klonoa not much is known about this one and we will mention again briefly and apart from the fact that well you know here's some concept art obviously this one didn't last very long and that cute character that we all know and wish was a little bit more popular quickly started to take shape characteristically klonoa was based with animal features at the forefront such as typical animal wise and long is Yoshi's our Sun also added features that made him more appealing to a younger audience like their how the hell did I not notice he had a bloody pac-man logo on his head and his famous oversized red collar and yes this is where Octavius kitten got her inspiration from nor anywhere else guys ah you guys are really something you know that the whole design was aimed to be pleasing for a wide audience so I suppose you could say that in these parts of the world is most definitely more attractive to kids but thankfully when you do eventually play the game you can see it's fun for all ages but we will get to that in a little bit anyway the design did change a few more times before being finalized with the inclusion of adding typical cartoony like gloves and whatnot but all in all not much changed from that original design when gaming damo made the comparison between the way Sonic the Hedgehog was designed said this Yoshizawa son simply replied Sega invested a lot in Sonic's creation though we just gathered a bunch of designs and went with the one that won out although this interview was taken in 2018 perhaps he forgot the early idea of klonoa being a robot like stone figure brought to life by human souls being trapped in it yeah I think it's best we move along with the design on this one and simply just get into the release of the first game [Music] heyo Nina [Music] [Music] Glenn our door to phantomile the first game in the decently sized franchise you take control of klonoa and by using the rather unique ability of sucking up bad guys and using them to progress in the game in Col ever ways you make your way mostly from left to right in what looks like a standard platformer and I suppose it is a standard platformer but it is a standard platform of width like I said a rather unique little gimmick that works tremendously well I suppose it's sort of like the kirby games you attack an enemy by inflating them above your head which you can then use to hit our enemies reach higher ledges activate switches or collect trinkets found throughout the game it's similar to what Nintendo always do find one pretty awesome new mechanic and then find every single constant variation on using that one mechanic in the world around you it's a simple idea that is used over and over again until the player basically can't live without it the first half of the game is completely solid still looking and sounding and playing great we've solid level design to boot the second half gets a little harder as expected pushing all the abilities you've learned up to this point to their absolute limits and these areas can sometimes feel a little bit cheap but honestly it's nothing out of the ordinary for hardcore platforming fans in time after learning the best way to use the inflation mechanic and klonoa as mini flappy float mechanic so just think of Yoshi's extra little jump mechanic and you got it spot-on you will get to grips with the game all in all what you have is probably one of the very best platformers for the system is it better than crash pandemonium or croc probably Crash Bandicoot 3 is a good contender but other than that I would say that this game is easily one of the very best platformers the playstation 1 and it's easy to see why so many fans have become obsessed with the series ever since and thankfully you don't need to sell a kid need to buy the fing 2 as the game has now been released on the PSN store : our daughter phantom r was a very well-received game especially in Japan not only the first in the series but also one of the first 2d pre-rendered sprites in a 3d world similar are supposed to the fantastic Paper Mario series the game was so legendary and built up such a huge fanbase that a we remake was made several years later however we will get to that one in a little bit for now it's worth noting that the game was ported to the PlayStation 2 as part of Namco's 50th birthday called the NAMM collection this one was only released in Japan or Bruce Lee and even had a mobile phone adaption made as well also in Japan although you guys can keep this one thank you very much [Music] right okay moving on to the second game which also was japan-exclusive for the band I won this one called kaze no klonoa moonlight Museum and this one was developed alongside the PlayStation 2 sequel which we will also get to in a little bit if story is your thing then this is one to follow as it actually acts as a prequel to that original game and is very very Japanese hey ka it's not really for me feel free to go and find a fan translation if you really are that worried about it the gameplay itself it's okay it's far more retro but sadly it feels so incredibly sluggish it's fine to play if you really are a hardcore klonoa fan which i know there are plenty of you out there but as a whole for me the game is just very very average not all die exciting at all six I'd say possibly a seven out of ten platformer and what makes it an even harder pill to swallow is that it's gonna cost you a good fifty to sixty quid to go and buy it because simply it's a klonoa game and it's at this point you really got to ask yourself why honestly unless I end up doing a Wonder Swan stream one day I doubt I'm ever gonna play this one again it's a nice looking game for the system it has a fairly decent chip tooth fantasy dreamlike soundtrack but everything else just seems to fall a little flat for me it's really really easy however we've all that said one thing it did do well was set the standard for the upcoming handheld 2d versions of the games which thankfully did make their way outside of Japan [Music] this one is klonoa empire of dreams released a couple years later for the Gameboy Advance now obviously comparing an original wonderswan and a Game Boy Advance game isn't exactly fair but as a retro gamer this not only looks better but it feels better - it's a speedier game the controls are absolutely superb and again it looks great basically if you sort of like this one then you're seriously gonna like this one is a very solid Gameboy Advance game that really doesn't get spoken about as much as it perhaps should plenty of short puzzle light platforming levels that will stop and make you think from time to time and even the occasional mix-up snowboarding level which can be pretty frustrating but are thankfully few and far between I suppose what they do though is mix up a very repetitive looking game somewhat so yeah Empire of Dreams perhaps it's had on the shorter side of things which made creating this segment of the video nice and easy but that's fine by me the games only about 10 to 15 quid box and dare I say it has actually aged better than the PlayStation original game that came before it due to that good ol pixel artwork and although we are jumping around the release schedule a little bit here I do want to quickly mention clen hour to dream champ tournament that also was released on the Game Boy Advance in Japan North America and not Europe sadly [Music] [Music] the reason I'm quickly mentioning it is because just like the last two games that came before it this third handheld game is more the same only better this is a must-own for any Game Boy Advance collector the graphics the level design the music even the story which I don't normally care about is a lot lighter here and therefore is easier in my middle-aged mind everything about the game is slightly improved on the previous two and I can't recommend it enough dare I say it's possibly the best-looking klonoa game to date I had a great time blowing up the screen size I'm playing through this game's beautiful 42 levels well okay I didn't do to Mord you got to collect certain stuff to open up certain areas but you know what I plan to go back and do that exact thing this game is slightly more expensive than the previous game due to it not hitting European stores but it's not a ridiculous amount if you like solid 2d puzzle platformer games with unique mechanics make sure to go and play this game there is one more handheld game but we will chat about that one in a little bit because I think it's time we go back to 2001 back to the main console series with the PlayStation 2 release of klonoa 2 Luna taya's Vale [Music] [Music] straight off the bat you can see that the game has gone for a more cel-shaded look and although I am a big fan of the whole 2d in a 3d world thing going on in the first game I can't deny that this has just about stood the test of time which is really impressive considering it was a very early game for the system thankfully the PlayStation was the talk of the town and because of this klonoa 2 is actually one of the best-selling games in the whole series which is a great thing but sadly not good enough to get a proper sequel for quite some time after this so what's this game like klonoa - lunar tears veil his fantastic his scored high with critics and gamers alike it's a stunning game that deserves all of its reputation in fact is so good the Sun people class is a top 10 purchase for the PlayStation 2 dan I'm not sure I'd go that far but it is still rather good I already explained to you guys how much I love the graphics in this game and I can't stress that enough although that later we version may be slightly better these are still rather brilliant fans of the original will get along with this game no problem at all the gameplay is perfected this time around pretty much the same as before but somehow it does feel slightly refined I can't exactly put my finger on what they've done but it does feel a little bit better and considering day namco pretty much nailed it the first time around there isn't really much they had to do with this one the music is stunning and the game design and the level design is probably the best in the whole series I just can't suggest the game enough you don't need to play the original to understand this although to be honest story in games has never really been something that I am that bothered about all you really need to do is add klonoa to Luna tales Vale to your PlayStation 2 collection is a brilliant game and an absolute must own which brings me to that remake rights no not yet this ladies and gentlemen is clear our beach volleyball oh come on Namco you took this away from us European gamers but gave us this instead yes when our beach volleyball is a Japanese and European exclusive so I take that America right so clean our beach volleyball actually it's a why now in all fairness it's been a long time since I've played anything like Beach Spikers on the Gamecube and to be fair I really did actually enjoy that game and this although not as good as that it's still pretty good I suppose it's the only game in this series that offers multiplayer if that's the positive for you and well it's just a volleyball game what do you honestly want me to say okay the the graphics are OK by PlayStation 1 standards the music is pretty good I suppose and the gameplay is volleyball good you know it's solid enough there's this whole Special Move thing that you can do that's hard to get your head around but yeah when you do you're gonna be completing the game very quickly what else Wales oh yeah thankfully each character your players gives a different ending if stories your thing and so for me this is nothing more than a standard volleyball game which I suppose is okay because it's obviously a standard volleyball game and come on guys I think that's enough please say that's enough I don't really know what else to say about a bloody volleyball game so let's just move on shall we [Music] okay we're getting firmed now only next up is the often brought up but sadly not bought enough during his release remake of the original game on the way that I previously mentioned in this very video [Music] dropping the door to phantomile name what you've got here is basically a better version of this whoa hold up lonoa fans we're not all hardcore fans like your good selves and sure there are a few updates that are slightly questionable as a whole but for the average gamer this is actually a better game I can't stress that enough you may have different opinions on that but one thing I think we all agree on is that klonoa as in turnover for the Wii not clean over for the PlayStation one is still a solid game and it is a worthwhile remake Namco really did put the effort in here and why wouldn't they although it pains me to say it that the Wii was in some cases still full of as a younger gamers console so using it to try and breathe some new life ins and the slowly dying franchise that is klonoa actually sounds like a really good idea sadly however it wasn't that's not taken away from the game and so I can't stress this enough honestly if you have a wave and let's face it who doesn't you should seriously consider getting it think about it one of the most sought after platformers for the PlayStation 1 remade into a better health for God's sake shut up okay at least a non power game with that one he's a big no brainer the real problem was it didn't sell very well so I scrubbed that it actually sold quite badly there are plenty of theories as to why these games slowly dwindled from the public eye since that first game in fact I'm gonna link you to two channels that were worth checking out below one that chats about that and one that goes into why more detail on every single release in this series but if you ask me the real reason that these games sold as badly as they did is because one they seem way too cutesy Japanese s for a Western gamer coming come on look at these things they don't exactly scream forming for all ages do they and of course the other reason behind it all is that these games are marketed really really badly yes in your dad versus plaid into this whole complete history and as you may have seen hardly any of them were made with a Western audience in mind there was practically no promotion for these games at all at that with the let's face it to mainline games and a remake and boy NZ a games that no doubt never made it into your region and what you got is an absolute mess in all honesty it really is a shame that this game franchise didn't get the attention that it deserves there is one more game to discuss which was an RPG the one you seen on the screen now again japan-exclusive but looking back through some of those worst games in the franchise all you're really gonna get is an average game when you end up arguing with yourself over what game is better in a decent series of games you've really gotta think to yourself Namco what the hell was you doing wrong you made some great so that some of the best games going for some of the most popular consoles of all time but you just forgot to tell anyone about them I know I'm over simplifying things but it's hard not to in Japan the character was so popular that like I said klonoa even got a spin-off that would completely appeal to that demographic that is well it's very Japan a top-down RPG set in the world of klonoa called clone our heroes then set to know Star Medal and oh would you look at this yet another adverb promoting it very well for that region it looks good right yeah it does and if you're after an in-depth review of this game again I will link you to that aforementioned video below why well I'm sorry to say guys not only am I not into RPGs which I know isn't an excuse when you're making the complete history series but this game right here is yet to be translated I suppose all you need to know is that klonoa went out with a pretty decent bang if RPGs are your thing and you can read Japanese sure it's a bit grindy in some places apparently but overall wigs actually a pretty solid game by all accounts for people to want to get more in depth with the characters within the klonoa world I would have liked of Synanon this speaking release but sadly that's not an option and it likely never will be and do I want more klonoa absolutely I want more Claire now it's a stunning series of games that to date are criminally underrated to this day I still feel the urge to play through some of these games and I'm damn sure that if you try them too unless you're a heartless sir and so you will indeed get a kick out of pretty much well pretty much all of these games and crazy as still Namco knows this yes they know what they've got Namco loves to bring this little chap up all of the time in other releases like you know here they are oh here they are again and again and again you've got to give them June and cold love this little Roden and although they might not know exactly how to market the thing to a worldwide audience whether the world wants it or not klonoa has easily become a well-established staple in the Namco book of classic characters and if that's still not enough for you then you can go and grab yourself a cup like then our mangas or even better you could read the officials and our webcomic that literally pays so much more fanservice to those original titles than you could possibly imagine and finally there's this one last glimmer of hope for the legendary Namco character and that is a movie in October 2016 it was announced that Eclair know a movie was in pre-production with her day oh yeah she's always stepping in as the executive producer I got no idea if this will ever make it but if you actually made it this far into the video then I think it's safe to say that we all pray that it does Namco you can do it show the weld who klonoa is once again showing what they've been missing out on all of this time give them what they don't realize that they need humming come on have you even been on YouTube people of all ages love cat videos wait who is a cat right there is much speculation as to what klonoa actually is though he most closely resembles a rabbit dog or a cat the latter is probably the most fitting description as Namco has stated in various interviews that though he is primarily a fantasy character they mostly consider him a cat with long ears so um so yeah yeah when I was a cat yeah I don't know hey they're cooler Noah fans it's DJ slope here and I want to say a big thanks for checking out the video I want to give a big special shout out to all of my patrons but first I want to give a big shout-out to Octavius Kitson who helped with the voicing of this episode don't check her channel out the link will obviously be in the description but now back to those patreon survey special shout out going to rhyme Burford Gary Pinkett Sandra Dalton Christopher Turnbull Brent Kraft Ben Jackson Joe Lazar se-na Chapman fool Olins having McNamara's video game basement and Ana's retro to next gen gaza dorsey else key samuel factor at the beard john full of michael conrad constantine for tendo 64 might fail in gavin gone as creamy elephant james love which case see ghana blitz head japan all brian moore sunjammer mister t-shirts markers king emo cut Tindall june rob jenkins the geeky dad Richard Carter aka fantastic dizzied under control Bob if you want to get your name shout out get your name shown come and see what I'm working on that have awesome stuff then please click the link that you see on the screen don't forget to join the slopes game room discord channel which would also be in the description and if you liked the video one we'll give it a thumbs up and if you didn't give it a thumbs down hey don't forget to leave a comment and tell me how much I don't know about klonoa but for now this is DJ slope signing out and I hopefully will see you the next time
Channel: Slope's Game Room
Views: 64,616
Rating: 4.8770375 out of 5
Keywords: slopes game room, dj slope, SGR, Review, Opinion, the complete history, daniel ibbertson, slopes gaming room, franchise, klonoa: the complete history - sgr, klonoa, klonoa 2, klonoa door to phantomile, klonoa wii, klonoa anime, klonoa ps1, klonoa beach volleyball, KLONOA CAMEOS, PS1 Hidden gem, PLAYSTATION GENERATION, Hideo Yoshizawa, Kaze no Klonoa: Moonlight Museum, Empire Of Dreams, Klonoa 2 Dream Champ Tournament, gba, Klonoa Heroes: Densetsu no Star Medal, klonoa movie, MANGA
Id: DZbkkboROmw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 23sec (2123 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 15 2018
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