F-Zero: The Complete History - SGR

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if you liked the video then please consider supporting slopes gameroom on patreon [Music] there are plenty of video games set in the future he almost goes as far back as gaming itself now for me it doesn't get any better than Wipeout 2097 I spent an absurd amount of time with this game as did plenty of my friends with Xtreme G but those n64 gamers also had another futuristic racer up their sleeves that constantly tackled my prodigy blasting grey beast and that was of course f-zero X which would you believe it was my first introduction to this brilliant series f-zero is absolutely legendary a game series that makes the world including myself constantly ask the same question every single time a new Nintendo machine is released when's the new f-zero game coming out when's the new f-zero game coming out when's a new f-zero game coming out Nintendo answered our prayers with Metroid Prime and sort of did with the 2d games - and now Nintendo had got to do it again make this complete history defunct of a nice Nintendo switch announcement but until that day when it inevitably doesn't happen you can join me as we take a look at the complete history of the f-zero franchise well we'd be looking at the game's development is rejected beginnings is surprising mascot and of course the games welcome to slopes game room [Music] [Music] you know what I'm gonna do I'm gonna start a heavily Nintendo themed video by saying that the best f-zero game was made by Sega oh come on it's me of course I'm gonna say that feel free to let me know how well I am in the comments the reason I say this is that this was the days of the incredible GameCube probably one of my favorite Nintendo systems ever made and I'll admit although it is my favorite in this series it would be nothing without what came before it and with that well I think we're in fact getting a little ahead of ourselves so let's go back to the beginning the Nintendo Entertainment System aka get ready for it the nez yep this bad boy was rather popular don't you know and was easily the surefire winner for the majority of the gaming world outside of Europe and Brazil that is now unlike Sega's perfect example of not being able to sit still during the 16-bit generation with failed add-on after failed add-on the nintendo generation before this was quite the opposite you see during that 8-bit era the mighty n was doing so bloody well with this ugly grey brick and it's fast sexier red and cream design but they didn't really see much of a point in upgrading it in fact they was advised against this exact thing after the struggling mess that was the disk system by the bigwigs up top if it's not broke then why bother fixing it right well I suppose looking back this might seem a little stupid I mean what was Nintendo gonna do in all honesty just stay in the 8-bit generation forever obviously not they would have had to eventually upgrade but like I said during the mid to late 80s they simply fought why bother I mean come on even in the Genesis early days before the release of that blue single eyed alien looking thing Nintendo was still ahead of the game in North America but in Japan it had become quite the different story not because of Sega but instead it was that other company NEC yep the pc engine had already come out and it had done what nobody have predicted or thought was possible it actually started to take a lead and even beat Nintendo in sales now obviously like I said this wasn't the case in the States and again like I said Nintendo's 8-bit wonder was actually beating Sega's 16-bit wonder as well as any C's American offering of the pc engine the turbo graphics 16 but the big question was how long was that gonna honestly last when the mighty blue was pumping out advertisements like this ooh Nintendo it's time to buck up your ideas sunshine and get to work on your almighty 16-bit rival now this all may just sound like I'm poking fun at Nintendo after all it is pretty common knowledge that I eat a slope that's 34 year old nerd with too many trips to Saudi under his belt still lives in the fantasy zone land of the mid 90s where talks of the Mega Drive vs. Super Nintendo ruled the playground but come on let's get real here even though the Mega Drive is still my favorite system of all time and although it did beat Nintendo to the market by two whole years even I can admit that coming out second most definitely has its advantages technology was rapidly moving along in the late eighties and by the year 1990 the year that this bad boy was released they most definitely had played the fashionably late cars this curvy upgrade could pump out more colors than Sega's offering it had arguably the best controller of that generation and it had far more advanced sound capabilities - although Sega did have its rivals in that department didn't it but with all of that it still had one sneaky trick up its sleeve and that was of course mode 7 yes mode 7 the Mega Drive had blast proccesing whatever that is and the Super Nintendo had mode 7 whatever days of course you know what mode 7 is I think I may be the only channel on YouTube that hasn't talked about it up to this date well just in case this is the first video you ever played on the big red button allow me to break my mode 7 cherry and explain this is a Super Nintendo game just like the competition and what came before it it's rather simple you got your main sprites that you control the world around them that you interact with enemies obstacles backgrounds all the usual traits besides certain games looking better than others not a hell of a lot of differences it really occurred since David cranes pitfall and Nintendo's later Mario releases and technically I mean but keeping an eye on the background for a minute besides improving the layers aka the parallax scrolling the Super Nintendo had this mode-7 thing which as you may have guessed was the seventh mode available to developers that differentiated the system from other platforms to put it simply this seventh mode allowed the dev team to be able to rotate and scale the pixelated background on a scan line by scan line basis in an attempt to make a sort of fake 3d effect did it actually work though of course it bloody did is what you constantly hear about from snez fans and well their play for a 16-bit system it really did help push this system away from the competition and it was something that was constantly raved about in Nintendo publications such as the infamous Nintendo Power magazine so with this sexy new feature inside it's sexy new system whilst companies like sago is slowly chipping away at the big Reds bottom line with rather obscure but obviously brilliant licences Nintendo needed a game that would show all of those diehard Nintendo fans that were still waiting to upgrade what this new exotic system could actually do [Music] people she didn't know that I do you go ahead oh I mean come come free everyone this is the time of this [Music] the inspiration for the game that we're talking about today actually came from the previously released Japan exclusive game famicom grand prix f1 race if you think it looks basic well you wouldn't be alone as Nintendo of America for so - apparently it just wasn't cool enough hence why it stayed in Japan the game was created by how labs most well-known for the Kirby mother and smash brother games famicom grand prix f1 race which will now call fuku for one our was headed by Casanova Shimizu and the rejection of this new creation little bit of a bonfire underneath him to go back to Japan and try again but before our wounded Schmidt soo son went home with food before one are still in hand whilst he was in the States he decided to go to the cinema to perk himself up [Music] Tim Burton's Batman movie was doing the rounds at the time and ksham itsu son liked what he saw Nintendo of America wanted cool and come on who's cooler than the bloody Batman II thought so after buying several Batman comics he flew back to Japan showed his colleague machinery Nishida the awesome superhero this was the beginning of something awesome as an Ishida son was one of the team members tasked with playing around with this new mode 7 feature that we spoke about earlier and as soon as shim itsu son saw what was being done on the screen alongside his cool as Batman Batman comics he thought this is it I thought if we use that Batman and mode 7 to make a racing game it would shock everyone as you may have guessed going from this to this well it didn't happen instantly originally the cars had big fat wheels and look more like hot wheel cars rather than futuristic hovercraft why did this change well to put it simply the crazy amount of different sprites needed to simply turn one of these vehicles was staggeringly high and the pixel art is responsible for this one tachyon him amaura realized that if you simply take the spinning wheels off oh well that's a lot of time save and quite simply put that was that we decided to lose the tires and have the racers hover on top of this it turned out that trying to render 3d buildings for the races to drive through on top of this shifted mode 7 background proved almost impossible so they came up with the idea to simply remove those two and oh I don't know let's say it's a floating track above a city in the future right yeah that will fits the setting as you may have guessed the whole thing came together quite organically from this point moving forward and the setting of f-zero was simply a result of the new exciting mode 7 technology and the limitations of the system itself set in the game in the future adding some super fast speed some incredible jumps it all just fit Nintendo of America wanted something cooler than a top-down Formula One game with Mario on the front cover but hoping anyone expected a Batman inspired futuristic hovercraft racer right thanks Tim can you imagine if America said yes to food poof one hour instead well thankfully they didn't [Music] everything was just joining together smoothly so much so the shigeru miyamoto often outsourced quite a bit of Nintendo's wire to third-party companies felt that this newfangled mode-7 game was best kept entirely in-house it took surprisingly seven people and shig zzz input 15 months to create this new style of gameplay and fantastic new world and thankfully it was finished just in time for the Super Famicom launch in Japan alongside pilot wings did it do well of course it bloody did so before we get into this guy's origins which is probably one of the most bizarre pieces of this entire complete history let's take a look at the game itself f-zero released all the way back in November 21st 1990 in Japan August the following year in North America and during 1992 in PAL regions it had a lot to live up to and it nailed it the futuristic high colored super fast speed looks great it has an amazing soundtrack which also showed off what the new system was capable of and best of all for me it's go go go yep choose your driver choose your league and boom 400 kilometers an hour apparently whilst you listen to some high-quality pumping beats if you want story then you're out of luck that is unless you get the original box where Nintendo wasted no expense in blowing up the world of f-zero for those that actually wanted to go a little further looking it all up which is why I like this approach I can't get enough when the story is told to you in a beautiful comic strip setup don't bother downloading this one for The Verge console guys you gotta buy the original what else is there to say about this first release that can't be picked up by simply looking at it nothing really if this looks like a fun game that's because it is if it looks like a hard game at some points that's because it is this is a game that showed the world what the new kid on the block was capable of and other than the fact that it isn't exactly over filling with content probably the only negative I have to say about the game in all honesty it's a game like I said that holds up rather brilliantly if you've got a snez then get this game it's an absolute must own and if you ask me when I see Captain Falcon I am always reminded of the brilliant Super Nintendo even more than this unshaven mess but why is that exactly after all you don't see him in the game do you is it simply because f-zero was a launch title well yes that does indeed play a role in this fault process but it's this guy's origins that really does connect him with the 16-bit wonder you see when this game was in its final stages of completion an amorous son was creating several illustrations for the game when all of a sudden someone expressed the desire to make a mascot for the Super NES with a name like Captain something so I started thinking about a character that would suit the colors of the Super Famicom controller with some red and blue and yellow this new character for the Super Nintendo and the final stage of f-zero illustrations all came together at the same time it was only when the fruits of their labor was shown to Nintendo of America who absolutely loved it all by the way that they decided to change the Super Nintendo mascot into the f-zero mascot even if he was only ever seen on the boxart and in the manual there you go Nintendo fans you almost had a cigar smoking long shinned nineteen-thirties pilot look-alike as the mascot for one of the most well-loved gaming systems of all time how's that nothing prepares you for f-zero created for the new Super Nintendo Entertainment System you won't believe the power believe the control you won't believe that jumps the curbs or the feeling you get until you experience it for yourself wow that's fast F zero for the ultimate g-force only on the next-generation from Nintendo now you're racing the power super power so with fans loving f-zero critics loving f-zero and even rival console owners loving it too oh I doubt they would ever say that obviously a sequel was a no brainer and sadly the Super Nintendo never got one well I suppose if you lived in Japan and had this a ton of you then I suppose you could say you actually got two sequels confused well like I said if you happen to live in Japan and happen to own us a ton of you and happen to download the what is essentially DLC BS f-zero Grand Prix games during the short couple of our time slots then you can get pretty much the same game plus an extra difficulty mode and a few extra tracks and different ships some of its games content has been lost due to nobody having the data left over on the downloadable cartridge however some of it is still available because of this must-have it's become a bit of a favorite among the bootleg selling market the really important thing to note here is the f-zero never stopped being an innovative tool used by the big end to show off whatever hardware or new idea they was working on at the time the 16-bit generation was blown away by this and the hungry Japanese market was well I assume blown away by this too and as you can imagine it wasn't long before we got entry number free [Music] said something to me Claire Nikita McClure a nice song to me Claire as weeks it was during the development of Mario Kart 64 in 1996 when she decided that the time and the technology was right for another entry so he got several programmers who recently worked on the beloved waverace 64 game and began development on f-zero 64 which will obviously change his name eventually to f-zero X the first ever 60 frames a second racing game with 30 simultaneous players quite the accomplishment right well to get the system to actually do this they had no choice but to make the game look as basic as possible it's not bad-looking it's just incredibly minimalistic looking the ships are simple shapes and the environments that you race in have almost no textures it features all that early free G gen stuff like fog to cover up draw distances and super wide track so you don't get to see much of the backgrounds however graphics aside the game gets everything else spot-on the music is pumping the tracks are insane featuring all new corkscrews and loops truly bringing the franchise into the next generation and it won't take long before you completely forget about those bland graphics because when a game runs as smoothly and as hectically as this one does it's gonna be the last thing on your mind Nintendo yet again nailed dis release in my eyes and sure it was a bit of a risky move to remove something that was pretty much a key selling feature of the n64 but by doing so they had a product that could show of how much nail-biting on the edge of your seat action could be had with this machine [Music] [Applause] bill come know could you say [Music] what were you hire yesterday evening hey cool it who said or X oh yes Japan always does these adverse better don't know so f0x a worthy sequel yes a worthy purchase oh yes and considering it's an n64 game it's actually not all that expensive either on the second-hand market which sadly can't be said for its sequel remember that's the television slight upgrade on the first game well Nintendo decided to use the f-zero license again to show off this thing the nintendo 64dd an expansion kit for the f-zero x called 'i'm f-zero X expansion kids obviously which was released for the system but only in Japan it's got a couple of extra tracks you got a ship editor and easily best of all you've got the track editor these are rather impressive it says by all accounts and a fairly close to what the programmers themselves used when making the original game but like I said it was Japan exclusive and is now not only the best game for the 64dd but also one of the most expensive due to the system being one of Nintendo's biggest flops right up there with the Virtual Boy which by the way also had an f-zero game for it although I would wager the copy of that one would be worth a hell of a lot more due to it never being released with only a few images to go on which basically meant the f-zero maximum velocity became the first game in the series to be released on a handheld system and what an awesome looking game for such a brilliant system it was yet again Nintendo had released the game that just wouldn't have been possible before on handheld f-zero maximum velocity is the sequel that classic SNES players wanted to get all those years ago completely bring him back the style of the classic games with plenty more tracks and vehicles to choose from made this an absolute must for fans of the original however if you was like me and you didn't own the snez so sorry there I go again and this was the first time you ever owned an f0 game well then you might struggle a little bit maximum velocity is created for people to have already played the original it might as well be called f0 extreme hard mode it just felt unfairly hard for a newcomer like myself that weren't willing to put a stupid amount of time into it but let's be honest that's the case with every addictive racer out there right I'm not alone in thinking this Am I you've got fun racing games that straight out the gate are fun to play and then you've got games that you really really need to learn before you get the maximum enjoyment out of them and maximum velocity is one of those games every single f-zero requires a slight learning curve to master but this is slightly steeper don't be put off it's not a bad game it is a great game but be aware it is a game that you are probably gonna want to purchase after playing the original [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Game Boy Advance console quality gaming anywhere on Monday the 18th of February Nintendo of Japan made a very special announcement and that was the release of the Triforce no not that Triforce this Triforce what the hell is this well it's a brand-new arcade board based on GameCube hardware nervous well I can understand why I've spoken many a times in the past about Nintendo's dodgy arcade days well no need to fear here because the name Triforce actually implies that Nintendo wasn't gonna be the only company working on this unique Hardware because they bought Namco and say go along for the ride - can you imagine hardware that has free awesome developers working on it at the same time well imagine no more because the very nintendo named hardware did in fact exist the aim of the Triforce was free fold to expand the video game market create a less expensive development environment for the high cost arcade sector and offer new ways to play video games linking the arcade and the home market speculation quickly spread across the internet about what game would be announced with Soulcalibur - being at the top of the list and then just four days later at the ayo UX bow in Japan on Friday the 22nd of February 2002 it was announced that f-zero IX a brand new f-zero arcade game created by Sega's very own amusement vision most well-known for Super Monkey Ball was in development a strange idea right well no it wasn't Sega arguably the king of the arcades creating the most popular arcade racers ever made which is why it was actually the perfect fit but get this F 0 IX wasn't the only game that they was releasing because my favorite game in the series was also put out on the Gamecube called f-zero GX and if you happen to take a memory card with a safe slot from this game and put it into this arcade game then you can even unlock extra tracks for you to play at home girl remember when our page used to be this cool [Music] embrace through 20 gravity defying courses that week ticular speed yes everything is in your hands thank you Tea Party [Music] [Applause] [Music] so f-zero GX why do I love it so other than the obvious well firstly it looks stunning keeping up that brilliant 60 frames a second that the game before it managed to keep a hold of as well as completely expanding the look of the game whilst playing to an f-zero game has never looked this stunning and they're gonna have a hard job topping this one with any future entries that is if they ever decide to make a new one but on top of the look and design the gameplay is also a perfect blend between the crazy track types found in Ex merge of the tight twists and turns that you need to master from the original it doesn't take long to get used to the game but just like all classic arcade races you are gonna want to put some serious time into working out every single track layout if you want to beat your best times oh and can we give a quick shout out to the soundtrack - oh my god is so good and it's exactly what you would expect hard EDM over here and hard rock over there wah-wah-wah perfection you got 30 vehicles with plenty of customizations you can buy upgrades and strangely extra chapters in the very cheesy storyline basically there is something for everyone in this game but especially for those hardcore fans of futuristic races in a nutshell it's the perfect way to go out but f-zero birds would you believe it two more games were released both based on the f-zero anime [Music] now guys whilst we look at F 0 GP Legend and the Japan exclusive f-zero climax both of which were released on the Game Boy Advance let me ask you this are you getting bored of this yet no no not my video the game series no well that's good for you go and pick these games up GP Legend is pretty much the ultimate version of the classic game filled to the brim with story modes time attacks plenty of ships all that good stuff whilst the later release climax which is perfectly fine for any fan of the series is really just more of the same although it does lack a little bit in the extra content now guys please I'm not saying that these games are bad again they're both absolutely fine after all I like the classics and it's a formula that they nailed from the get-go fourteen years before these ones came out but come on how many more times can they repackage these games and that is really the reason I decided to do this complete history with this brilliant 3d racer which perfectly improves on the already great n64 original and probably more most seven style games that you're ever gonna want to play where else is there for this series to go when sig Z was told that plenty of fans want to see a new entry in the series he replied with the same thing what else is there to do with f-zero it's a tough one because even as I lay this big steaming dump of truth onto a franchise that has literally never had a bad game in it quite the accomplishment on my ad there is nothing else that needs to be done with this franchise besides making an HD remake of that game cube game in my eyes the hey I may be wrong like I said the series was perfect from day one and Nintendo and Sega have evolved it further than my wildest dreams it's a series that almost outstayed is welcome but thankfully it did what all good shows movies comics books and in this case game franchises have done before it it left us wanting more and the more Nintendo teasers with Mario Kart DLC Smash brother characters Nintendo land minigames mangers and whatever else they keep building up the fanboy fire so until we reach a time where console developers create something radically different from 2d games 3d games and arcade games all of which this franchise is perfected I say let's leave f-zero B we have got plenty to keep us going well other than a nice HD port that is we've online play ok ok I'm done I'm done I'm done [Music] [Applause] [Music] hadar guys thanks for checking out the 50th complete history video Wow can you believe it oh yes and what an awesome franchise to have as my 50th complete history so as usual this is the part of the video where I give a big special shout out to all of my patreon but an extra big special shout-out goes to Ryan Burford Gary Pinkett Andrew Dalton Brent craft Joe Lazar se-na Chapman Phil Rawlins Aaron Magnum era Ian Roberts video game basement her Nana's retro to next gen gaza go CL ski Samuel Victor red the beer John fuller Michael Conrad Constantine pretend Oh 64 might Fallon Gavin Galvez creamy elephant James Loveridge Casey garnet blitz hedgy Ben hall Gemma and mr. t-shirts Jacob coy Marcus King emo cut Jun Rob Jenkins the geeky dad Richard Carter aka fantastic dizzy dunder control Todd pool flow Jeep petit mu and Brian Wilson if you wanted to get your name shout out get your name shown come and see what I'm working on join the exclusive rooms that discord shot and plenty of other random exclusive stuff that I give to all of these lovely peeps then please be sure to click the link that you see on the screen don't forget to subscribe give the video a thumbs up or thumbs down whatever you prefer but for now this is DJ slope signing out see you next time mm-hmm
Channel: Slope's Game Room
Views: 99,107
Rating: 4.818305 out of 5
Keywords: slopes game room, dj slope, SGR, Review, Opinion, the complete history, daniel ibbertson, slopes gaming room, franchise, f-zero maximum velocity, f-zero: the complete history - sgr, f-zero gx, f-zero mute city, f-zero gx ost, f-zero big blue, f-zero x, n64, gamecube, satellaview, n64dd, arcade, f-zero ax, triforce, satellaview games, f-zero big blue guitar, satellaview commercial, f-zero, n64dd blue disk, snes satellaview games, f-zero ax arcade, triforce trader, n64dd games
Id: Cl9xTw2iR8A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 21sec (2241 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 17 2018
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