Klipper Screen is COOL - Quick - Easy - Install

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hey welcome back friends to the building basement today we're going to do a relatively quick video about Clipper screen a couple ways to install it a couple of gatches for anybody that purchased a wave sheer 5.5 inch screen and is attempting to use it with Clipper screen uh and a couple tidbits about your Raspberry Pi's and the underlying OS and some other things in there too so kind of a manage of things here going on in this video but let's jump right into it let's take a look at what Clipper screen is and what it does so let's take a look at the printer how exciting a printer sitting on a desk so right here is Clipper screen this is the uh hey this is kind of like the home screen this is what you're looking at this is the basic Clipper screen now keep this in mind and I know it's kind of odd looking at this with my little finger here waving around it so I'm gonna keep my finger right out I'm just going to talk over this basically we have a touch screen we have a GUI here we have the ability to control the printer right now it's homing itself we have the ability to do a bunch of things from here we even have the ability to bring up uh where do I want to be here system uh nope I want to bring up now we could do here to do upgrades here or to do updates here we have the ability here to set up Network information here we have the ability here to do a bunch of stuff let's go here we can even bring up a console if we wanted to and do a bunch of stuff here if we wanted to but anyways all that aside clever screen is pretty cool allows you do a lot with the printer I will say this it's not any quicker than using a scroll wheel in a small screen now that I put fingerprints all over this dang thing but it allows you to do a lot more than what you can kind of get there and you don't have to dig so deep in the menus so it's kind of nice to have uh it's a pretty pretty interesting and fancy way to control your printer that's a rough air reveals what Clipper screen is what you get out of it what it does for your printer what it provides to the front of your printer and kind of a really quick overview of what it does I'm not going to get into the menus and things like that you get it you play with it you're probably gonna like it so without any further Ado let's look at how we install clip screen and uh basically I got two ways to do it I got one way that I kind of pay to admit I prefer because it's not the way I normally do things but maybe I'm changing um so let's do a screen share all right Clipper screen uh First Steps we we can go to the Clipper screen read the docs.io um I'll try to get this information also in the uh the the the notes for this video as well uh some of these links so you can go ahead and follow them uh but basically there are two primary ways to install clipstream one is manual and one is using the the the software known as k-i-a-u-h and I'm not going to try to say it because I can't um and if I do I'm sure there's about 15 kajillion ways that people say it but basically K some vowels and an H how about that right uh we'll just call it K from now on out the auto installer um so anyway so what is this Auto installer and I don't want to make a big video about this this is just kind of a small portion of this particular video but basically it's an easy way to install Clipper on a printer meaning that basically you install Clipper allow you to build your firmware there and then install some additional things on there your Mainsail your fluid or Mainsail I should say Clipper screen um what else can you do in there forget now you do Moonraker um Crow's Nest yeah you cross this is a bunch of different things you can do with it so anyways this is what you're looking at if you do it this way and this is basically as simple as running a few commands on your already built uh Clipper or your Raspberry Pi if you will via your your SSH into that Raspberry Pi so let's uh let's open up our putty real quick we're gonna be using putty today for quite a bit of this so six four I'm going to be manually doing some things here real quick I want to try to make my text bigger and putty so people can see it a little bit better and I'm going to then save that uh let's see here session logging let's do that and let's save this as and save and let's go ahead and open that one there we go all right so I got the jumbo text here on my putty so we can all see it so everything on this printer currently set up is kind of a default so I'm logging in as Pi because that is the default for log into our Raspberry Pi uh IP address is my local IP address to my Raspberry Pi you're gonna need that if you're SSH changing to it hopefully you want to get that if you don't have a video on how to use angry IP you're gonna have to go back some ways though in our default password is raspberry of course hopefully we spell that correctly and we didn't miss kite type anything there so um there we go uh I have let's see Wi-Fi is currently blocked by RF kill use Raz Pi config country before use so I haven't done that because I never config Raspberry Pi Wi-Fi on this particular printer maybe I'll go back and do it at some point uh maybe something you want to do I tend to keep my purchase plugged in so what we're going to do here and let me actually do this do a split screen is uh I'm going to show you what this K Auto installer does real quick so we're gonna we're gonna actually follow this on the GitHub but I actually already have it opened here and it gives you instructions how to install which is basically baking a new Raspberry Pi if you want to do from scratch because uh their suggestions start off with a base OS of Raspberry Pi light which doesn't come with a desktop environment so uh if you want to do this this way this is another way of doing it it's actually pretty dang easy way to do it so I probably at some point do a video on how to build a whole printer using this particular procedure but there's a ton of people out there doing it I just never done it when I built this printer now that I've taken a look at it and have tried it I actually kind of like it so um yeah so we're going to jump through this and you can follow through this we're at the GitHub for the the K Auto installer and I'm just going to copy this right here which is going to get us running here it's telling me right now there's an update I'm not going to do the up there right now we don't need to wait for that but this is the GUI for this program which is all number based uh and basically we can see here that we have our Clipper installed we have Moonraker installed we have Mainsail installed we have clip we don't have fluid installed we probably wouldn't want fluid and Main sails installed we could but I probably don't want them on my other printer I do a fluid I like both main cell and fluid they're they're a little bit different there's a lot of comparison videos on that maybe I'll do one at some point uh Clipper screen is installed I've already installed it and then Crow's Nest is installed on this and then some other additional things for remote viewing of your printer and things like that which you're not doing so what we'd want to do here is basically hit one for install and then we'd want to pick what we want to do here they're all numbered out based on what they are you have your your firmware you have some web mirror faces you have your touchscreen GUI your GUI which is five Clipper screen we go ahead and hit five we'd install that it would actually go through the process all by itself it asks for very little if anything um so yeah so I'm gonna hit back because this is the first way that you can do this and I kind of suggest it it works pretty well I'm going to hit Q for quick we're going to back right out of this and we're back to our Raspberry Pi so that's option number one for installing uh your Clipper screen and it works really well I think it's an awesome way to do it uh let me get to the right place here okay so the other way to install Clipper screen is to manually do it uh and to manually do it basically you're going to clone the git uh for Clipper screen so basically you're going to get yourself back uh to to the root here we're gonna by the way uh easy thing to do here if you're if you're following instructions and I'm going to leave links to these instructions so these different instructions different places uh if you basically highlight and copy uh Mouse click right you know do a right click hit copy if you right click in your putty session not a control P but a right click it will type it right in for you you can run that you can go to your next line you can go ahead and copy that as well right click over here and hit enter and it's going to do what you need to do it's telling me that the director I exists because we know that and we've already installed it so this one right here it is basically bringing us to that directory which we can do I'm not going to run the installer because I don't need to but I LS here which basically is going to list everything in that directory and we can see right here that we have a bunch of things that have stuff to do with us so um yeah so that basically is how you would manually install Clipper screen if you were doing it you'd follow these particular instructions you can just copy and paste them over like I did uh with the final one being this one right here with scripts Clipper screen install sh uh and it will install all the packages required to install Clipper screen and do everything you need to do that and then ah once you get done with that you're possibly and these are some things you're possibly going to have to do you don't always have to do them it's you know these are Tinker machines in some ways is basically an authorized client in Moonraker I'll show you that real quick what that looks like so let's uh let's load up our printer here and let's bring up our machine and basically we've gone right here we're on Machine in Red on uh on Mainsail basically going into where our config files are for everything uh and then we're going to open up our Moonraker config right here uh and towards the top here usually you have a section for trusted clients and basically those are things that are local or things that basically you want to be able to interact specifically with your printer as trusted things that don't necessarily need additional credentials to do such things so it makes things easier you may have to add that is that what their yeah one in my case I don't need that but you may nothing you may need to do in the Clipper screen config is add your Moonraker API key so your Moonraker API key let's see if we get back to this right here oh let's see here there's our Clipper screen flipper screen config um if you need to add your Moonraker API key you're going to basically be doing it right here again that's something I didn't need to do here I'm not going to go into how to get the API key basically you do it in putty there's a couple commands you type in it plops it out and you can basically copy and paste it in here if you need it again I didn't need to do it I don't think you're going to have to do it either some of this information changes based on version numbers so keep that in mind uh let's see if we get to the right screen here so once you have that all done I'm going to show you one last thing that I think everybody should do everybody should be aware of and that's basically adding to your upgrade manager uh or your update manager your Clipper screen to that so what you're going to do is here is basically in your Moonraker config so again we're going to go back into moonray config and down here you have update manager and you have some different things this particular case we have the main cell config Mainsail Pros Nas Clipper screen because we've already added Clipper screen well that was as simple as copying the the text off of there and go ahead and pasting it in and then basically what that's going to do is allow uh your your your Mainsail slash your GUI or I mean your Moonraker slash your GUI Mainsail or fluid to be able to look to see if there's updates for those programs or those pieces of code and provide you with information which will show up right here as you can see right now this printer as it sits there are a couple upgrades of Bill or updates available for it you can choose to run them just like that if you want to do them right away or you can hold off a lot of times these are very minor you don't need to do them a lot of times they're Security based or there's little tiny pieces of code that get modified big things usually don't happen that often but you should probably update your your software every once in a while so we have Clipper screen installed now we've looked at what we need to do to do that and I mentioned or I mentioned in other videos I've mentioned a couple posts on the Channel that I ran into a couple issues with my wave share screen so let's jump right into that and talk about what those issues were and kind of how to work your way around it um because I think it's important because a lot of people have purchased some of the same same stuff I have um and even if you haven't this will give you kind of a way to look at specifically what you might be seeing for an issue so jump back in here to our screen view and we're going to come back in here to our Raspberry Pi we're going to basically the slow way work our way backwards so right here we're we're at did you do where are we here we're working our way back now you could basically go all the way back to root um quicker but here we are so um and the reason I did that the slowest I wanted to show you basically every time you have cd space period period you're basically Move Yourself backwards you're going backwards in a folder every time you move into a folder you're going forward in a folder so CD space period period moves you back LS list what's inside of that particular folder or that directory if you will so specifically right now we're we're back here and I want to get into the boot directory so I'm going to do a CD and I'm going to do a boot and now I am in the boot director to show me that I'm going to do an LS just to show you that real quick and in here we have a specific file called config.txt so if you're not overly familiar I'm going to do this slow but basically we're going to do a pseudo which is Superuser do um basically we're we're taking control we're becoming the super user we're becoming you know the super admin we're basically taking control of the file structure the folders everything we're giving ourselves permission to make modifications at that point so we're going to do that we're going to type in Nano and Nano is a very very very small I mean it is nano uh text error that's available on the uh the Linux system it's built right into the kernel I believe but somebody cracked me from wrong on that so we're gonna do pseudo Nano and then we're going to do config.text so and basically what that is going to do is it's going and it's actually not showing up on the screen there oh I hate that [Music] um that is not showing up we're going to move this up all right there we go um I apologize for that so what that basically is going to do is going to basically give us the ability to run Nano with the ability to roll right rewrite change modify a file that you normally wouldn't have the ability to do config.text is a file that has a lot of information that the Raspberry Pi uses when it does boot and we need to change some some settings in there so we're going to hit enter and we're going to get Nano uh gnu Nano 5.4 to be exact and in here is a bunch of stuff most of it's already commented out we're not going to pay attention to it we're going to use the uh the uh the arrow keys to working here and what I will point out right now before we get too far is down here at the bottom a little silver a little bit down here at the bottom you'll see you have these commands these basically control commands so a Control G would bring up help control X will exit if you make modifications to a file and control X it will ask you if you want to save it I strongly suggest you hit Ctrl oh oh when you're done to write it out make sure it's already file name all the stuff and then exit it's just OCD I guess um but there's some simple commands down here you can look at so all this stuff that you're seeing right now in this uh this this light seafoam blue or whatever you want to call it are basically just comments or commented out things that that are available but we're not using such as infrared communication we're not using it for communications on here but it's nothing to do anything we're doing um camera overlays detected cameras that's on we could probably turn it off if we wanted to but we're not going to mess up mess with any of that we're not using DSi displays we could turn that off too um and we have a bunch of other stuff in here now this is where well let's let's start with the the major thing down here so this all is added code here these last couple lines specifically are all added so uh these are the things specifically that basically are forcing the HDMI to run in such a way that allows that wave share screen to work properly such as use HDMI timings HDI mode uh and then group it's a boost and some Heights and some memory stuff and whatnots but basically this specific code is uh for the most part required in order to make that screen work now if you run the screen without this it will turn on it will do things but it's going to look like a complete mess it's gonna not be readable it's not legible it's nothing but ghiblical all of that screen and that's a real English word if you want to look it up but once you put in the proper timings for it and everything you restart you're going to have a screen you can read you're going to see the boot load process of your Raspberry Pi but the issue is going to be that your screen is going to be in portrait mode because the default on this setup is for that screening portrait mode how it reports itself to how it comes across now you'll do a quick search or you may do a quick search and you'll find that if you do a display underscore LCD rotate equals three this particular screen that will rotate at 90 degrees which will take it from portrait mode and switch it over to a landscape mode which is great right but it's not going to work why isn't it going to work I'm going to tell you it's not going to work because and I kind of gave it away here because the text is in the text is in the pudding the the puddings in the text the proof is in the pudding whatever you want to say there is acceleration on a Raspberry Pi 4 and it's specific to a Raspberry Pi 4 when using the waves share screen when you are using Raspberry Pi 4 and when you have a wave share screen you need to be able to rotate it you cannot rotate it with acceleration turned on it does not work there's no command I can find anywhere as it does it now the other option you'd have to do is basically run a batch file that would change the actual Clipper screen configuration to move things around it's I'll show you it in a second but it's a cluster it's a mess you don't want to do it you don't need acceleration to run Clipper screen on your printer it's going to be just as smooth either way so my suggestion is you disable the the overlay equals vc4 KMS v3d you put in the line display underscore LCD rotate three the 90 degree rotation you add the additional HDMI information you hear at the bottom to make that work and then you basically write this out and yes and then I'm going to exit and you're going to call it good so let me hit reboot it's going to make everything go blah and we're gonna come over here and it's gonna take a few moments why don't we switch over to well we switch over to the clicker screen cam so we're seeing right now if you're not aware this is basically Linux loading uh our our light a Raspberry Pi OS light here and and what's doing is loading modules it's loading small pieces of software kernel software uh things I basically needed in order for the OS to run and as well as things it needs to do to make things function uh you know different chipsets and things like that on the printer but what it is not running is the acceleration because we disabled that so now we have clear screen we have it running we can see it I didn't show you the messed up version because it's just not worth looking at it's a black screen with a bunch of white squiggly lines on it but if you have that and you want this this is the steps you got to take so it's pretty easy right it's it's it's not overly complicated and I tried to be relatively brief here what are we at we're about 20 minutes on this video It Doesn't really need a 60 Minute video to do this and I could have provided some more detail and gone step by step by step but if you've made it this far in your build if you've made it this far in this type of hobby you probably don't need those instructions now if you do need those instructions if you do have additional questions by all means leave me a comment I can make another video that goes step by step by step mind you it's going to be two to three times as long but if you need that type of content let me know I'm more than open to answering any questions comments and providing content based on what you're looking for so with that being said I do do hit the thumbs up if you enjoyed the video and if you did enjoy the video hit the thumbs up anyways because they'll help me out and check out another video maybe you'll like a different one um yeah short video don't really know what else to say it's Clipper screen it's relatively easy to do you look awesome on a printer build yourself an awesome warm printer or whatever it is ADD Clipper screen to it do some LED lighting get some neopixels do a bunch of fun stuff you know what it's a fun hobby you get to do whatever you want you can take it as far as you want and it's all up to you so with that being said I will see you next time tune into the next video tune in next live stream and say hello and um yeah see you later
Channel: Build It Basement
Views: 8,595
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Voron, Voron 2.4, Voron Printer, Voron 3D Printer, kit, build, help, how to, 3d, printer, core, xy, maker, 3d printer, core xy
Id: UZb0DpT2Z1k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 1sec (1381 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 15 2023
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