KIZARU'S DEVIL FRUIT POWERS?! HOLY SH**!! | One Piece Episode 402 Couples Reaction & Discussion

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foreign welcome back to our Channel today we're going to watch One Piece episode 402 last episode ended with all the rookies being cornered by Kuma let's see if our straw hats will be able to get over away from him if you like to support our Channel be sure to link is down the description below you Channel and you got following Creations to the 1p series so if you're interested in those make sure to check it out now on TV anime ikimo show they're just destroying everything oh my God you just just saw the lasers not stop wow there's no limit to this [Music] oh oh what there's just so many beams oh my God [Music] wow is that well made indestructible come on Twitter foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] here oh this is a hole in this that is a holy crap what the [ __ ] these things are tanks they're hard to take anything oh no wonder they're so similar oh yeah that's why he defected he knows what's going on [Music] the way it's running awful what what are you transforming he actually becomes like a dinosaur or something oh no way why he does can he eat him oh my God what ancient soul on time an Asian oh my God oh [ __ ] foreign how do they do that oh my God he broke like everything oh yo everyone's showing their powers foreign that's the last thing you see he's killing all those people eventually he's gonna die what is going on playing music oh yeah oh yeah oh his whole body is instrumental look at this V is sick he's so fun oh my God that was so Random oh my God their powers are so funny I can't believe you tried to save him because like it's my time he just need to do that once and then the beat keeps continuing yeah it's like he's a midi board yeah he's a band himself is this a power it's like a roaster he's gonna roast them [Music] what wait what um what the dog oh my God he's what was that oh it's by us not in half on purpose [Music] that's what he meant to piss him off and then run away foreign she is light he is oh my God you can't beat them what he's invincible his face is so funny not me effortless oh that was him oh my God oh my God he is he bounced off oh my God that was so cool what the hell there's no way you need to watch that he's so strong that's like one of the most overp powers ever he got defeat all the rookies here what the [ __ ] [Music] but does he always make that face it's like he's just chilling he's not even trying it's like a sarcastic oh wow yeah what a shock foreign he lives he doesn't even need to kill him because he can do it anytime [Music] um cigarette why does it seem like he's embossing him around to the kid that's just subordinate he just said that that's weird it seem like he's kind of zoned out though like he doesn't really know what's going on that's true [Music] oh [ __ ] he still hasn't healed properly yet oh my God or is it trauma oh is that I don't know I don't know which one it is I don't think he's healed from that time that's true he's in pain oh yeah foreign if he actually tries or does something right it seems like I don't know he kind of is freaking me out of it because he seems like those Airhead characters that are actually really strong it's like why is you why are you letting your subordinate kind of tell you what to do yeah it's almost like he's too strong but he needs somebody else to like tell him what to do yeah like Luffy or something like that right seems like he's pretty out of it like he doesn't even know which snail to use to communicate and stuff like that he just doesn't it's not good with technology and his face too it's like he's so funny shocked yeah yeah yeah yeah but it's like it feels like it's sarcastic it's not like he's he's actually it's not like he's actually surprised it's like pretend it feels like he's sarcastic he's like oh wow like this is amazing yeah it's crazy this is gonna kill you right like he was actually surprised that he got hit he has to be light then because he like the way he um moves this way tell is like a light being reflected off like Windows or something right that's why it bounced back and forth he was like yeah or something yeah so he used instantly yeah he reflected he's totally warping too like Kuma yeah but he's actually he technically is actually moving though yeah because he's but he's just moving at the speed of light so it's like how can anybody even catch that it's just like I see that Kuma does the repel he like repels his body than the Pacific Stars this is legit then right yeah yeah so they're all the perceives that is modeled around eager Punk yeah but somehow they're using he said he said he's using his laser his light attack yes well I'm like wondering is like limited to his oru's attack or does it just happened that this model specifically are you thinking they could have different attacks basically couldn't they also have different attacks like why is it specifically have to be Josh attack it could be others attacks as well like other models with other attacks it's not limited because it's a cyborg they built it so maybe this is just the Prototype right he's always a part of it because that's clearly his power I would say I don't know if this is like a a completed [ __ ] Fiesta stuff oh it's still testing phase it still might be a testing one like we don't know what is their definition of a completed like is it is it somebody that can have multiple powers or what like so far it seems like we don't really know right now like what's their different definition of it being complete right yeah so hard to say if these ones are complete but it's like this is the one that brought them though because it's like they just happen to be using his attack as well or or what because they showed up at the same time as he's using his attack as well Santo Mario was like these guys are gonna destroy the rookies or something right yeah maybe they are controlling or maybe there's like someone calling this shot I wonder who is calling the shots like I don't know we don't know who is controlling the Pacific right now is it kizabu or somebody else because it seems like they just conveniently showed up at the same time but you don't know it is he here the whole time or did he just show up earlier before Kizer or was he already like living in this island yeah we don't know it was so strange and maybe he arrived first so is he part of the Navy he is a part of Navy yeah he's uh yeah he calls him Uncle yeah it's weird he's actually like related somehow but it's completely different though like Santa Barbara does not look Yakuza yeah like I mean even the design right yeah the face and everything those look cool they actually reveal it's basically all the Ricky's powers and like what they can do I like a bruise power yeah that was pretty awesome they like it felt so Random I wonder how he attacks is it because of like the wavelength from them oh yeah that's like how he uses because it seems like yeah it seems like he was able to cast The Curve explosion but it felt like it came from nothing right but maybe it's because he was playing the instrument he was just targeting him he has Sal waves or something like that so Random you guys are so ballsy though for even trying to take the Admiral I would have just tried to run honestly yeah I don't know how you beat him it seem more scary than aokiji I think so because I saw technically he still have even though he's low a type he still has a physical form it's always on teleport yeah like I think bullets and stuff won't go through her because he is ice himself it would crack yeah but he is like light so nothing can actually hit light maybe a way you can um fight him is through reflection mirrors or something would that be enough to reflect his attacks like he's coming at you yeah because just now he used um that mirror thing teleport where he wanted to go so for example if he has light himself you use mirror you can reflect the light away like is that I mean if you're fast enough I guess yeah yeah that's why I'm wondering if that is a counter for him right mirror reflecting yeah or um something that wouldn't reflect light like absorbs maybe oh absorbs yeah so maybe like a lot something black that would absorb the light it wouldn't reflect it and he would it like absorb his potassium for example like you have I know you're wearing black clothing or something like the darkest black color yeah which where there is no possible reflection it like eats all the lights though we're assuming his powers are ready to light but we all know like which parts of real life is going to actually apply like which parts of the lights physics in real life would actually apply to his powers if he is light yeah it's strange how his light is attacking I think it's because he can generate it and it just shoots like a light laser beams out of his fingers or me is it that he like Heats it up so it's not just light so it's like a phrase or something like that different people yeah like there is heat involved in it that's why it can even cause damage because light itself is not damaging you're right you're right it would have to be like it's the speed right he's like accelerina really quickly what do you mean the light it's sort of like a laser like the heat like you said that's the only way he's shooting these lasers it should be like yeah we don't know like it's technically the lightest sausage yeah it should just be like a Sun Ray for example if you're talking about sun right it's not like the sunlight is causing damage it's like the UV is causing damage so it's in like his light is causing damage because he has extremely strong UV raised part of his life because the light itself should not do yeah maybe it's like he is the light huh maybe you wear like SPF that's it with sunscreen encounters SPF thanks for watching everyone if you guys enjoyed this video hit the thumbs up it really helps with the channel and if you're new here make sure to hit the Subscribe button below we'll see you guys in the next video bye peace [Music]
Channel: JDanime 2
Views: 102,166
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reaction, luffy, nami, sanji, ussop, zoro, jdanime, funny, cute, couple, react, reacts, manga, onepiece, one piece, coby, helmeppo, axe morgan, captain morgan, shanks, captain kuro, buggy, alvida, garp, merry, 3 sword style, gum gum, berries, bounty, jackie, devi, jackie and devi, jdanime 2, couples, reactions, japan, anime, one, piece, dorry, broggy, alabasta, vivi
Id: rkf2Hv9DFpA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 6sec (1146 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 07 2023
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