Kirsten Tibballs VS Her Sister | Bake Off!

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I don't even know what their first sentence means right start so this one doesn't go in the chocolate Oh today I thought I would bring my sister into the kitchen everyone yo no my sister who works in IT we're on the pastry chef in the family and may I say on the creative one and Fiona's the one with all the brains so I thought I'd bring her here today to have a little bit of a challenge what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna get her to follow one of my recipes some of it I'm gonna do it with her and see how she goes with one of my recipes they're self so if you know I'm gonna run you through your paces today yeah I'm a bit nervous I'll be honest I've given you some very clear and concise instructions there right as to how we're gonna start where your thoughts polish ACW to - I don't even know what their first sentence means right start you're gonna be creating a chocolate flower which we're gonna color okay I'm nervous but that's okay and then we're gonna put that on a cake that you're gonna glaze and finish with the decoration no pressure I've done just so you know I've done none of those things before but you haven't done some of my recipes before yes I have after watching your TV show I did get inspired and start making some of your recipes it's just been fun and I've made a three times they even made like seven recipes it's what I can't it's one all right well let's get started then so Fiona we're going to temper the chocolate to start with there's a few different methods that you can use the tempering you can use the microwave you can do tabling it's totally up to you what method you're going to use we're working with white chocolate now it's a chocolate that contains cocoa butter so you must temper it and it's got to be between 29 and 30 degrees Celsius once it's finished for it to actually set and contract so this is not a race at all but we need to temper this now I didn't even know whether microwave is okay okay I'm just gonna follow what you do all of it so what am I doing this for you can't bring the chocolate remember which means I can have the right temperature we get down oh hang on you got your tools you calling it down to ensure that you're not going to get fat bloom so fat bloom is where the cocoa butter separates and settles on the surface and also if you have a temper that greatly it will take a long time to set and it won't contract which will be very disappointing for you and will is this kind of like making mud pies why does he look sticky anyway hey wait a minute your piles getting smaller and ones getting bigger okay I'm gonna help you out a little bit so this one doesn't go in the chocolate Oh like you're enjoying that this one try to scrape it all in so you have no drips and you're gonna scrape it on top of nala like so to that this this enables the bench to cool down and then you spread it out again so that it campus faster so do you know what temperature you're taking it to did you know about me there's a little bit of chocolate going places um you said 2930 yep too cold so you're actually going to cool it down to about 27 degrees Celsius and then you're going to put it back into your bowl where the chocolates retain at 45 so you should have 1/3 of the chocolate in your bowl which will be at 45 degrees oh okay so I'll be on a series of easier ways to Tempe can just temper in the microwave using a plastic bowl I've heard that's easier but I've also tried it and I'm not sure that I've been totally successful but I'm gonna keep practicing Oh put the wrong thing in the truck with a gay singer you don't want to take it too far that it's us just stick to the Oh get you again I think he got the coordination is the family to say it was going it some got messy again let me see if I can make it up again you're always the messy one I'm not so what happened Nana Fiona and I need to bring up any young creative people are always a little bit messy oh I found that however mention though when it's ready so it'll start to thicken a little bit but you want to catch it before it starts sticking to the bench but when you lift it up it'll leave like your dog the great spoke yeah so why not sleep flow back into the chocolate so I reckon that you are just about there you're ready to put it back into your bowl this could be interesting but yes I'm willing to try you want me to show you how I do it I've got one fit left how much ever this is gonna get really misusing it if you have enough chocolate for your flowers you may be said that missing one was amiss heard you oh yeah nice nice I think you've done something to my sweet but hey Yankee little bit chocolaty is chocolate dipped spoons part of the recipe give it a little bit of a let's see there mm okay so how we know if it's tempered or not your knees differently tempered plastic scraper in the bowl we leave it at room temperature white chocolate takes 10 minutes milk chocolate seven minutes and dark chocolate takes five minutes we don't put them in the fridge I'm gonna do something for you I'm gonna let you use my chocolate so we're going to your chocolate and we're gonna start with my chocolate thank you now we're going to make a flower we're gonna make the petals so I'll let you go first you can pick what implement you would like to make your petals these are all for creating petals I know how beautiful your flowers are and I have no idea which two peaks on its gonna pick randomly at home I like the look of now I'm gonna have to use something else I just left the rocket the last one would you like to use this one lifters pink so we'll need to keep leaving this as we go as soon as it gets a little bit cold okay okay you've got your paper in your stuff there you can start chocolates ready to go if I go really slowly will you go first tell you what I'm gonna give you a head start oh how kind of you I'm gonna give you a head start and then I'll start so cuz you said had to be deep but I have no idea what you do dad that's not gonna make it'll get hang on now foot chocolate labor these hanging out so if I went like that Wilma no that's not looking a petal like he thought is there any particular reason that you've used the pipe is that way because it was there but okay that was a hint I think ah hang on me guy oh wow so that vaguely would like that looks amazing alright you've had enough of a head start Oh oils [Music] they're looking great really good that way it was no sarcasm there at all was there do you reckon if we I'm shade mum she could guess who did which ones no no difference at all there think you really got it with that one I was gonna say that was actually quite close to a petal there's anyway eight try 15 you say how many you up to eleven twelve I think I've got two useable ones oh look at that one very nice if you're swapping paper Jarek and maybe you got the bit of tulle then we could swap tools I'm happy to swap tools your own spot cool yeah okay just in case there you go I think I still got enough oil from before thanks very appreciate that and this thing is possibly not that but this is the way to get me to make the pedals with your pedal tool they seem to be working really well for you if that's all don't they do you think if you made them using my tool they count as mine we can't negotiate actually can I swap back I think I'm doing a we're stuck with you so far yes I kind show me do a few more for you yes I mean first if you check me all right now that I'm midway through yeah okay have a look it's a Dipity yeah turn it over pop air bubbles white one side okay and then press it down yep pull up and pull back oh that's better isn't it there you go Thanks so how many of you got now for eating my favorite sister three good news I reckon for that ever use a bullet there might be the prettiest flower but so the pie I saw you quite enthusiastic with the pie pan stir yeah that's actually for once you've created your petals to give them a natural color but did I mention if you're to flow creating the petals the chocolate will set before they start to curve no pressure I so like those ones on the end are probably going to be in trouble right now I feel like I'm doing all the work for you but can I give you another tip you've got to work right on the edge of the bench so please paper to the edge of the bench and you should form your petal right on the edge we go what time is it and it's unique it's very special it's not many of them in the wild so over done here but um how's it going slowly I don't know that I mean I'm through me a little bit I think yeah yeah yeah how many more do I need Oh probably about twenty unsex let me keep going in I got that the wrong way around tonight all right great job so I think you've got enough pedals now thank you for your help don't put them on there they were okay for the first step for the flower you're gonna need a paper piping bag okay like a witch's hat I can say what is it like white start I gotta give it there I watched you do it and now it's thank you you're the best sister and the only one you have still the best so we're gonna use this chocolate as a base for the flower always fold your bag away from the scene boys a clean one is a studious one away from the scene yeah I mean down down yeah then we're gonna cut an amount off and we always get rid of the teeth when we were working with chocolate other ones if you don't go in the food somewhere then gonna hide it in the middle just squeezed all out no not all then rest your bag on the scissors so it doesn't set because the bench will make it too cold take your petals off the pipes well if you're you can just follow maybe one lay the petals down we pull that chocolate six this one that's going to be a lily so lilies actually stop flat and they come out almost like a pyramid very nice cuz I'll let you go first then we're gonna do more chocolate and then we're gonna put another layer on don't use all your best petals at the start and each petal must be in contact with the chocolate or else it's not gonna stick and you say well in the first row once you've got two rows of petals on there once they're all in contact then what are you going to do is you're going to change the way we apply them and we're going to use cool spray so you've got a pan here it's really cold some things are nervous fetched I'm cheating and I'm pretty much I quit on because my petals out touch there that's really cold okay so that's gonna set you chocolately don't spray too much it's compress cold air you spray too much you'll get condensation so then the next layer you're going to quote the back in chocolate was I'm into sprays that nice yeah that's true don't afraid then because we lift this up a bit then we spray actually I think that would want to be alright it was you can have that one so again he rejects no I'm already noticing a difference between yours and mine it'll eventually I don't want to use your good one Laurel Society calling as we speak I'm actually I'm just want to point out that um you've got a bit of miss your self you know what that's wrong though that's review or tempering and it's all the droplets on the side of the bench just point it out you just kind of say yeah because you got a white apron and you just did that so that I'd take a bit of time to clean myself up see oh it's a very frozen petal now that didn't stick to anything if you put that cold spray on it or you can put too much on nothing's gonna steam so get it fresh pedal that hasn't had spray on okay I think it's resembling a flower still looking bad it's not looking great do you think you someone like walked in from the street they look at that and go it was a flower it's on its way out sort of well er but you've been given flowers two weeks ago and you've still got them in the bars and you haven't thrown them out like the petals randomly fall off so it's not a full flower anymore but you can bring it back you can bring it yeah you think I need to sit bit of petals would probably spray well I'm just trying to make sure they stick I figure this I believe at least if it holds together but I've achieved something we're gonna add a little bit of color so color can cover good tonight cuz I do have quite a few folks I think so when should I start using my good petals are you save them I'll save ya they are my good ones so I start using them that way it looks like a mop with you anytime bring you lid once they came in yeah hot hands are cold hands are hot so yes those are cold okay I think the chocolate yeah might not so much how's it going when I look at mine I think I'll say bad then look at yours I'm thinking actually if I'm honest with you it's pretty good for your first attempt thanks for that qualified compliment I appreciate it and can I just say that I'm a bit envious seeing your job now after spending time doing this I might have to make more than one of your recipes you two could have done two am starts and add in our days for parties yeah actually the envy is going really fast I think about that oh I just melted this pail because I sloppy to die had onto a tulip let's see if your pudding well I melted it while I was attaching it it's just a little bit well look but you can't peek which one i melted because they're all wonky I'm not getting self-conscious at all with you watching no I'm actually quite ly impressed there's obviously some sort of genetics there where you get some sort of creative gene that's passed through the whole family because the first time I'll be up front that's not bad if I give you a hug now she melts and petal here I was gonna say I got to put the pedal on first before I hug you anyone I think I might stop there I think if I keep any more it's actually getting worse not better you want to start your happy with that result no I'm not happy with the result but I'm gonna stop there because I think the more aired the worse that actually gets what do you think you think I should add more I'm getting that sense from you you think I should add my candy would come to a point in the center okay okay going you are the expert one more I'll stop there no no I think it's good to have closed or come to a point so the flowers gently opening petals taking the Sun line like that we go watch new colors you've got white and pink you can mix them you can just do one color it's totally up to you so you're going to fill that Cup okay I'm gonna put a lid on well he didn't bleed but we got put that in the win Fiona flowers are very delicate that way once you get a win going get a pull it back mole I definitely what color would color on it so hold it here with your finger I got you all the way oh I'm going for delicate blush [Music] glazing part we're ready to glaze okay so you've got your glaze here yeah you can go first because that's why my cakes much different Fiona they're still the same cake but a little bit picky chocolate bear so I've got chocolate titanium in that so we've prepared that for you a little bit of white titanium color and 10 to 15 percent grapeseed oil because it has no flavor so the chocolates not going to set and crack I've looked after you okay so you can pour it straight from the bowl or the jug I'll give you that this is an online class saver online classes so it's a beautiful cake inside yeah or your cakes are sick so I'm not gonna look like how I've decided I'm gonna use the jug because it might give me a little bit more control or later the I am I can pretend I've got more control [Music] really well do you laughing so hijacking families love the ground is that a right yeah we pray these days I'll be straight all that up I just scraped it off [Music] we should look at the other side it's kind of set now so yeah this is them done I think great job same ingredient yeah I do see some differences in their technique so now is it sets you'll simply cut off the drips on the bottom okay okay put a little bit of cake with your chocolate there that's always nice isn't it over the mess cake right absolutely a cake on that side too so pull the tape out separately you don't want to mix it in with the glaze now we're going to give it a marble look Carrara marble black oil soluble color got some grapeseed oil you can pick a brush my favorite brush obviously ones in the family okay so we mix a little bit of oil with the paint and you're gonna brush it on my question what this is but I know what my other looks like a book on how mine's gonna turn out like my book but I'm going to give it a try got a good start got a really great flat surface do you see I've got a picture that I'm referring to no cheating don't try and copy it's not a competition but don't copy huh yep I'm done Wow unfortunately I'm not quite as fast as you doesn't quite look the same as yours I've noticed and you know what you've got I reckon we've got a triple dip chocolate the layers are actually showing I think here it's intentional you know me I'm Triple D effect do you think if I do more it'll make it worse or better right inside go deep what if you don't have creativity we're all picturing your mind what Carrara marble looks like right so one of the differences between us is the ability to picture something and make it look like that on a cake yeah I think I'm gonna leave it at that now this is very expensive and you know my husband's an accountant I will just keep this between the two of us a little bit of 24 karat gold Wow just in the crevices this is really expensive and this whole book is just one gram of gold I've got quite a few crevices so so now we're going to put a little bit of chocolate on there to secure the flower look at that so these is a class on savor online classes if you want the full tutorial you can subscribe to saver online classes and I promise I won't tackle you while you're actually creating your marble cake but actually I'm pretty impressed with what you did to your first time because I think the most elaborate thing that I've ever seen you make is a chicken salad so you've come quite a long way with the contribution of my pedals your flour hasn't actually come out too badly but I think that's part of that because of me I think I will give some of the credit for the pedals I'm also give you credit for the nice wave effect there that happened when you use a spray gun well Fiona thank you for coming and creating this marble cake for me and I'm going to give to you that cake you can actually take it back to the office people I might take yours as well actually that's okay if you enjoyed that episode you will love my channel subscribe today for even more tutorials on chocolate and baking best of all it's free to get on it
Channel: Kirsten Tibballs
Views: 14,323
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kirsten, tibballs, how, to, make, create, cook, chocolate, tutorial, easy, bake, pastry, patisserie, savour, school, kirsten tibballs, technique, sister, off, cake, decorations, sister of kirsten tibballs, tibballs challenge, christmas, cake bake, how to bake a cake, funny cake moments
Id: 1xGy0K0PCfg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 59sec (1979 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 03 2020
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