Kirk Sorensen @ PROTOSPACE on Liquid Fluoride Thorium Reactors
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Channel: gordonmcdowell
Views: 182,011
Rating: 4.8761663 out of 5
Keywords: Protospace, Kirk Sorensen, LFTR, Liquid fluoride, thorium, reactor, hacking, molten salt, MSR, Calgary
Id: YVSmf_qmkbg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 156min 44sec (9404 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 02 2011
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Nitpick for Kirk at 1:17-1:18 or so - yes, there is hydrogen and oxygen generated in the normal operation of LWRs. However, it isn't too much. The reason all the hydrogen was generated at Fukushima was because the fuel rods coated in zircaloy got too hot, and the hot zircaloy stripped the oxygen from the steam in the RPV and combined with it, leaving the hydrogen aside. This generates massive volumes of hydrogen.
Zr + H2O -> ZrO + H2 (valences are questionable, but this is what basically happened.)
Still, a great presentation.
Super interesting. Watched it all.
I was going to upvote this about 3 hours ago, but was distracted by watching the video. Loving some LFTR