Kirk and Chelsea Cameron on How Adoption Has Shaped Their Lives

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finally we turn to a Hollywood power couple who both are passionately Pro likes actors Kirk and Chelsea camera and who first met on a TV sitcom studio set are married with six children four of whom are adopted I sat down at the Cameron's in January when they were in Washington DC for the March for Life my interview with this Hollywood couple about family and adoption is this week's pro-life focus Kirk and Chelsea Cameron thanks so much for taking some time to be with us today pleasure the first off you are have six children four of whom are adopted and you adopted your four children before your two biological children is that right yes yes how did you two come to have make that decision together well I was adopted also my brother is adopted so I've always had a passion for adoption and I I think we we wanted the first our adopted kids to feel like they were our you know first choice and so I feel so grateful for my life and my family and so I don't know that we knew we were to adopt four in a row no yeah they came quick yeah so yeah all six or a year apart and so we formed the family pretty quick yeah yeah so that's just how it happened for us we they just our first floor came pretty quickly that's beautiful and with adoption being such a big part of your family what do you think are some of the misconceptions out there facing adoption that misconceptions you'd like to just break people often ask me like this is it different with your biological children and your adoptive children and but once a baby is placed in your arms or a child of any age and you're their mom really that you're their dad I just think there's a special bond that does come straight from God it doesn't necessarily have to come from your body you know so it's been an incredible journey we always said when they were you sort of forget who's adopted who's not adopted it's a gives your family right now sorry that's beautiful yeah we we did you see that everyone always forget which ones are adopted and we we it's been such a gift for us to have a family this large and to have it come together in such diverse ways we also have a diverse family so we have multiracial family and so that's makes our family just this family of different colors of different backgrounds different talents different gifts and it's really a beautiful mosaic of things that God brings together for our family and and I want to also point out to that that adoption I really think is at the very heart of God you think of as Christians we can't overlook the fact that Jesus himself was adopted right so so Joseph adopts Jesus as his son you think of Moses who is an adopted child and as Christians we're adopted is they actually the word that's used in scripture to talk about the way that we are brought into God's family regardless of our background regardless of the color of our skin regardless of our religious upbringing we're adopted into his family by faith and we become his children 100% yeah we're meeting care that we could have March for life and you both are hosting the famous storks gala and you've I spoken at Karen at conferences before it seems like you both have a heart for these Pregnancy Resource Centers and and just being there for women and unexpected pregnancies why is that important for me I'm as a story of my life you know there was somebody who stepped in and you know I'm from a teenage mom all my kids also and there's that fear I think that when someone says you can do this and I'm gonna help you do this and you feel so much gratitude for that person who counseled them and helped them to choose life that I've always prayed to be involved in this in this movement or this causes mission and so when storks came across our path I knew that this was right at the heart of what I wanted to do so I'm honored I'm thrilled and I haven't really in the past been able to travel much because I've been raising sick kids right because I have some drivers I have now so yeah so it's really a new season for me to be able to get out and and share and help support this cause so it's very exciting and this is your first march for life is that right how do you feel how does it feel to be here and do ya know we've never we've never actually been to one of them and it's very personal for me I whenever I see people come together for this cause I I'm I I'm so thankful personally to them you know in - yeah the seven most important people in my life my wife who is adopted our for adopted children and our two natural-born children who wouldn't be here if my wife had not been adopted yeah if she had been aborted so this is very important yeah exciting does one decision can impact so many life and so many generations might my final question Chelsea really is to you if there's an expectant mother who's watching this I'm considering adoption yes an adopted daughter yourself yeah what would you want her tell that woman well I told my son Jack when he when I first time I talked to him about adoption and he was about four five I explained to him that God had placed him in a really really special woman's tummy he he placed Jack with somebody so amazing who loved him who took care of him for nine months fed him and loved him but also knew that for my story was that it was not time for her to be a mom but she listened to the voice of God what I would say is the pregnancy is a miracle it's not a problem there are people who could help you through and there are whether you choose to raise a baby God will God's grace and his help and his strength will be with you and there's people to help you in this journey but I would I think I would just say that to just breathe and say you know what this is a gift from God and I'm going to be a part of giving someone life I hope that that message reaches the ears that need to hear it Kirk and Chelsey Cameron thank you for your witness thank you good to be here thank you what a beautiful witness for life
Channel: EWTN
Views: 487,406
Rating: 4.8821011 out of 5
Keywords: ytsync-en, epw
Id: vkDeU2YjO-4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 4sec (424 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 08 2019
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