King's Quest 4: Stop It Ben

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It’s not necessarily that the edits were not funny it’s just allot of people use those videos to relax and fall asleep so that is sort of ruined by his edits :/

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/88darkfang88 📅︎︎ Oct 19 2019 🗫︎ replies

And this goes right onto my "Grump Sierra" playlist. Sorry Ben

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/Cascadianranger 📅︎︎ Oct 17 2019 🗫︎ replies

Yeah I wasn’t a fan of the screaming rap shit either

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/Nydo 📅︎︎ Oct 18 2019 🗫︎ replies

I was planning on doing the same. Good on this guy. He should have cut out the connection status popup messages, too. It is really distracting to me. It'd be a pain in the ass to hide them with a cut out of the current screen, but just black border it or something - even if it makes the ratio be a bit off. Ben's screamo rap bullshit cuts killed the entire feel of a 'Dan Plays' video - it felt intentional.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/whatifwewereburritos 📅︎︎ Oct 17 2019 🗫︎ replies
okay and and I'm also Dan king's quest for the petals of Rosella microphone test hello oh that is some janky janky 1988 computer music hey what's up it's Dan let me just get settled here I'm flying solo for one of my semi yearly playthroughs of an old school Ciara game from my childhood I absolutely love this game directed by Roberta Williams of course a legend in the gaming industry she she was a brilliant mind I mean is a brilliant mind she's still alive and this music was combined by composed by William Goldstein which was also marvelous of course now now 30 years later the processing power of this computer is a little bit too fast so you'll hear I'll hear a lot of sounds and music oh mmm you know it doesn't it's a little janky but you know what it's fine part of the charm so this is a game I played a ton when I was maybe nine years old ten years old with my friends it is king's quest for the perils of Rosella and that is Rosella the beautiful beautiful 8-bit princess with the return of his long-lost son Alexander and the rescue of his daughter Rosella from the terrible dragon old King Graham decides it's time to pass on his bass he pass on his adventure hat to his kids yeah I'm gonna have to read a little faster it's fine I don't know what that h in the bottom corner is for maybe hydrogen he flings the battered hat towards his children while his wife quit while they look on the Hat arches through the air suddenly King Graham experience is a terrible squeezing pain in his chest Catherine help me here ASPs the adventures had lies unclaimed upon the floor forgotten this was a huge bummer when I was a kid because I loved King Graham he was the main protagonist of the first game King Graham lies weekly in bed father death hovering near grief suddenly overwhelming her Rosella runs from the room ah father she sobs you're still young you should have many years ahead of you oh I wish I could help you Father do you really mean that a soft voice asks Rosella looks up but sees no one who's speaking to me boy these I am the voice says look in the magic mirror these cards go by fast you really got him Rosella sees an image in the mirror who are you she queries I am the fairy janista in my land of tamir there is a remarkable tree this tiny tree needs 100 years to bear a single fruit but this is no ordinary fruit for if a person were to eat it one would find that good health and well-being would be theirs for many years Rosella is much heartened by this news where is the land of Tamir well it's through the mirror you dizzy Dame Jeunesse two smiles Tamir is very far away but with my magic I can bring you here Rosella senses that there is more to the story but I suppose there are some problems again Jeunesse two smiles yes you are correct Rosella if you are willing to come to Tamir I will explain the situation however once I bring you here I can't send you back you will have to help me first go Rosella go confused Rosella says i don't know what if i can't help you or find the tree valid concerns to Nestor that was a pretty rough musical break janessa please you must decide now Rosella my powers are growing weaker by the minute now the ferry is but a faint glimmer and her voice barely audible if you care for your father say yes now and suddenly she's gone yes I suppose you could probably if they gave you a prompt choice you could say no and then skip this whole game and then and we're done here but that you're an adventuring lady and you gotta respect it I think I believe this was actually the first adventure game to ever feature a female protagonist so strides were being made the lovely fairy speaks i am the fairy janessa welcome to Tamir oh it's my 1988 dream threesome Rosella looks awestruck to the awestruck at the fairy she's stunningly beautiful woops who finally Rosella speaks I know you I know you would like me to help you in some way but I don't know how I could help a fairy janessa looks sadder than ever you're wrong Rosella you see I'm losing my magical powers yesterday as I was strolling through the woods Lala and evil fairy caught me unawares and stole my magic talisman a lot sucks your we will see a lot of her the fairy sighs she yanked it from my neck and raced away screeching with laughter immediately I felt my powers diminishing and my body weakening I will die in 24 hours if my talisman is not returned stakes are high man this game throws you right into all the single 8-bit tier intently janessa looks at Rosella Lowell odd is very evil and will use the talisman to bring more evil to Tamir now I figure it will contaminate my whole country maybe this is sixteen further I cannot send you home without my talisman Rosella is unsure as to what she can do meekly she asks I want to help you but how you can do more than you think Rosella Genest assures her I believe you will be able to penetrate low Lots domain suddenly Rosella remembers the tiny tree can you tell me where to find the magic fruit remorsefully janessa looks at Rosella it will not be easy to reach the tree it grows on a tiny island within a vast swamp on the other side of the great mountains yes it's tough to get here it bravely fighting back tears Rosella says I will help you in any way I can janessa how can I find Lola man Rosales life has taken a crazy turn in the last two and a half minutes the beautiful fairy points eastward lo Lots Castle overlooks to Mirror from the Great mountains janessa looks weaker as she says there's not much more I can do Rosella as it is it will be difficult for me to fly home again one thing I must do for you though I shall disguise you as a peasant girl so as not to attract attention oops okay I push the button so that skipped the rest of the scene point is she turned this into a peasant girl and that's us look at my sweet little braids ooh you know what this is not the version I wanted to play oh here we go this is what daddy wanted yes Oh much better nope not my first time oh great okay I guess they just threw us right into it well that saves us some time um okay look look at graphics advancements um okay so let's look around a river coming from the east spills into the blue ocean before you a lonely beach edges the ocean from atop the bluff a lovely meadow stretches eastward let's check out this lovely meadow shall we Oh dad I love being back in this world this game again as with all Sierra games from this particular time period I'm sure it looks very primitive to to you younger folk who grown up with incredible computer graphics but I do have to say this really was mind blowing at the time it was just a huge world to explore and I just couldn't imagine videogames ever looking more advanced than this isn't that isn't that adorable to think about let's go a little faster you alright so now we are traipsing through the meadow and this some who is a crow look crow the Raven doesn't look to be a friendly bird at all no it is not as we will learn yeah so there's a lot to do in this game and a relatively short amount of time to do it but I've played this recently and oh ok so there's a Robin look Robin a pretty Robin pulls hungrily at a long earthworm so let me get on over there and hope the Robin has been frightened away but take worm yes she has left the worm and now we have had our first success John who's John alright let's try the John save I apologize you must be ignored this is Dayan's scheme of worm thrones cool all right we're off man I just wanted to grab that worm that worm happens kind of randomly so I wanted to take a shot in the dark and see if I could grab it real quick but yeah I just played this through with ash actually we like playing these games together and she crushed it I was very impressed there was a lot I didn't remember and she was like what if you tried this and it was always right so screw her just kidding love you boo um let's look here you have come upon a cute little house built right into a huge tree an old waterwheel attached to the house goes unused beside the little river that flows gently before the house all right well let's come back to this house in a second we'll go a little bit faster because just whoops that's pretty quick but I think I can still still handle it just want to get a lay of the land here's a lovely graveyard which will come back to graveyard that's a Gav yard you know what we'll look you can see it it looks like a friggin graveyard oh here's a little here's a little situation look pond this is a very pretty little pond floating upon it are many beautiful water lilies you spy a large frog sitting on top of a big lily pad and yes it's wearing a little gold crown so you know that motherfucker's a prince but we can't do anything with him just yet sorry for cursing here is a little bridge and as you can see something is going on underneath that bridge so let's take a look look under bridge you kneel down and peer under the bridge aha you have found a small golden ball you pick it up and carry it with you so let's look and if you heard that little done and uh that's that means you did something right so let's look ball it is a gold ball and let's look worm it is a worm now we know but yeah like I grew up in a town in New Jersey and it had like a lot of little bridges and rivers like this and trees like weeping willows and stuff so this was another thing I loved about this game so much it it really reminded me of of home and when I was done playing it and I would wander in like the woods around my house I could I had a lot of like mental you know adventures in my brain IAM so let's look at this pool the beautiful pool is lined with tall marble columns it's crystal clear water looks very inviting let's get nude okay take off clothes all right well there go my dreams well it was worth a shot but there's there should be something going on at this pool sometime soon but uh ooh and here's another cottage just want to give you the little lay of the land first and that Raven is flying over I'll give you a little spoiler that Raven is one of Lola the evil fairies kind of guna SHhhh creatures that um is always kind of traipsing around uh-huh no oh God okay okay oh you you're caught the terrible logograms wheeler braves and drags off to an untimely and dinner we'll definitely be on you tonight cool I've managed to die I notice Roberta Williams thank you for playing King's Quest Thank You Roberta glad I saved my worm game I remember um okay that's one death I remember Roberta Williams saying in an interview that it felt weird to her for a female protagonist to die and I kind of know what she's talking about I I do not like it when Rosella dies in this game it makes me feel kind of extra bad but I love Rosella she's such a lovely character so you know what let's turn up the speed even a little faster so we can get really get moving around here oh look at this Cupid what's up dog see he can get nude ah you startled Cupid yeah you better put a run talk to Cupid he only wants to get away from you damn right but look what Cupid left ok I've fallen into the pool but look what Cupid left his little bow and arrow so let's take that take bow ok so that's good that's what I was kind of hoping would happen in my last playthrough but then you know what I got clubbed over the head by a giant and eaten um so let that be a helpful lesson to you sometimes you just need to let yourself get eaten by a large man and all your dreams come true let me get that gold ball one more time and then we'll be back up to speed look under bridge ok sorry I look down at the keyboard when I type like a um like a child alright so now we got this and let's save the game dandy I got bow and ball and and uh well good enough um alright let's move on shall we now I think there's a bunch of different things we could do but I think I will go ahead and visit this little cottage or house whatever you might want to call it but certainly charming very disney-esque if um if you recognize it then you know what's coming so open door and then I go and look at this this is the main room of the Seven Dwarves cozy treehouse hekia were in the Seven Dwarves house what a mess it is so you can take that as a little hint and go ahead and clean that house just like Snow White did right didn't didn't snow white do that I think there was a thing so I didn't remember that clearly from from the Disney movie but ash was like clean their house and and then I I did it and it was masterful and look at Rosella she just she just Bruce Lee is that and and annihilates the entire thing these moments in this game see we're kind of rolling through this quickly but Sierra games back in the day of course there was no internet there were hint lines that you could use for help but basically it was very tough to make progress and whenever the smallest bit of whenever you had any success it was worth reveling in and so well you hear the dwarves approaching you watch quietly as the dwarves file in one by one get a bowl of soup and take a seat at the table so here's a perfect example every one of these god damn dwarves is going to come in and take take his meal so this is the kind of thing I'm talking about like now with the pace of games that were used to these days this kind of thing is like all right guys wrap it up after you know the fourth or fifth dwarf but at the time like you would make so little progress in these games that when something good happened and you actually succeeded you were like hell yes now I get to watch a bunch of good stuff and and just just bask in my triumph it doesn't seem like there's a dopey in this group I always I always looked for the one without the beard but kind of a lazy eye to dopey have a lazy eye I remember but it doesn't seem like it just seems like all of these dwarves are your typical classic run-of-the-mill meat and potatoes average assed wharves but that is the last one this dwarf must be really be hungry he's getting two bowls of soup come on Shanker but no the Seven Dwarves seem very pleased that you tied to their messy home one politely asks you your name you tell him and he cordially invites you to sit down with them and eat the bowl of soup he got for you so it was actually him being super cool and getting us a bowl of soup you see yourself at the table and begin to eat the surprisingly delicious soup munch it down talk dwarves you politely talk to the dwarf nearest you where are you from Rosella he asks you tell him Daventry hmm the dwarf thinks for a moment never heard of it I always like to imagine even though it's not it's clearly a nice moment I always like to imagine this is like a super awkward quiet moment where you just hear like the tink tink tink of like them spoons hitting the bowls and nothing else talk dwarves again again you engage in conversation is to have entreat far from Tamir the dwarves wander very far you tell them how did you get here they ask as you don't want to get into the specifics you tell them bye see that answer seems to satisfy them as they return to their eating tink tink tink tink delicious that would be it that's like the classic awkward like you're on a date with someone and you just have nothing to say to each other and you're just quietly eating and then someone says mmm delicious tink tink tink it's time for the little men to go back to the mine they work hard for the money so hard for it honey goodbye and thanks for the soup you call as they take their leave one bite god damn one taking their sweet-ass time no of course they wouldn't just all get up and hang out together like all great friends they walk single file and never make eye contact I also like to imagine the final dwarf to leave it's just like see you uh you go to high school or I'll just go you finished your soup also it was the best soup you've ever tasted maybe though you were just really hungry I mean yeah you've done some here so you stand up clean okay you're gonna clean again because that is the courteous thing to do and look what one seems to have left a tiny pouch but still you're you're cool like that so you're just gonna clean all the bowls I hope that's the last of it let's just check here look table you see a long wooden table you also notice a blue pouch look pouch okay that's what we knew about the blue pouch uh take pouch all right now look pouch nope that's much it's a diamond pouch filled with diamonds excellent so now we're rich and let's just save that because wouldn't want to have to go through it again and dwarves take a long-ass time eat okay so man that Raven is early we're so we're gonna go visit the dwarves because we have to return their little pouch to them very very sweet of uh very sweet of us we're just great people and so here's the little mine that um where they were called a very conveniently located hen reminds me when um when I first joined game grumps and we recorded out of Aaron's house and I lived right across the street and I could just get up and walk to work and I was delightful and look at this little gem stony mine how delightful and I've fallen I'm alright you're ok Rosella shake it off so let's trot over here and there's our boy so look you see the busy little dwarves hard at work within the diamond mine diamonds flash and sparkle from the earthen wall walls I've never had trouble saying the word walls in my life but here we are give pouch you're not close enough let me get right up on this guy yeah being an honest person you offer the forgotten pouch of diamonds to the dwarf his gruff exterior softens a bit now you can keep it he says we got plenty here we also got an extra lantern we ain't using here go ahead and take it the dwarf scruffiness returns and he says now skedaddle on out of here all right so let us skedaddle and we got a lantern so let's just take a peek and there it is and it is unlit at the moment so that's important to know we don't need sometimes in CRA games you'll need to find like a lighter or something but I believe this Lantern just has a flint on the side of it so god damn it I've fallen down the thing again and let's just take a second and I will very slowly make my way up this is the danger of having the speed on kind of quick during these sections of Sierra games it can be easy to lose your footing and I mean here there's no real consequence for it but in other parts of the game you will definitely die so let's continue okay so this is the the cottage that belongs to the giant that killed me so we're gonna take an alternate route see here [Music] let's see here okay now I know I have to I have some notes with me because you there's a lot of ways you can do these things a lot of little orders to certain things but I just want to make sure I don't go on a side quest that I don't have the proper stuff for and then I'll have to like backtrack but overall it's it's pretty leisurely paced at this point in the game because it's daytime things good things get a little squirrely when the when the Sun Goes Down here's a lovely haunted mansion indeed this is a spooky old house it looks as if no one has lived here for many years flanking the old house on both sides is a rundown Cemetery a thick forest looms all around and you know we like our forests thic see so let's open this door I love that little but a little well so this is a little spooky haunted house and there's a lot we'll need to do in here a little bit later but for the moment we just want to go in here and here's another thing I was impressed the - figured out I promise I'll stop talking about my other playthrough of this game but she figured this one out when I was a kid this took me maybe three months to to figure out I was just stuck here forever so you look in this room considering the disarray of the rest of the house the parlor looks in relatively good order however the fireplace is cold and unused the bookshelves are almost bare and the old furnishings are dusty the key here is not these two dick like things in the fireplace but this painting an interesting portrait of a young girl hangs above the fireplace you gaze at it intently and notice that her eyes seemed to stare at the left wall of the parlor so in retrospect that should have been a clear hint as to what's going on but I hadn't figured it out so you got to go over to this little blank wall and you look at the wall you examine the left wall closely I noticed a little latch I don't know what the verb would be pull - you flipped the latch in the wall and behold you have discovered a secret door mm-hmm girl ah yes okay so there's a shovel let's just look around you have found a secret - Wow Tower is the word I was like a secret tower narrow steps spiral dizzyingly dizzyingly upwards you notice a shovel leaning against the wall so let's take that shovel we are gonna need that later so up these stairs we will go up there eventually but don't need to do that just yet um I hope I hope you don't mind just kind of like taking you on a little tour through this game I know in other Space Quest games that I hadn't played in a long time I was kind of like refiguring out everything in this game I pretty well know what to do but it's still super charming to me to spend time in here um in this world because I don't know it's just something about it is very beautiful to me um but all we need for now is the shovel this place kind of like most haunted mansions this place kind of comes to life at night but for now get Raven get law I mean what he doin man all right so now let's say notes notes notes okay you I am going to wait wait hang on a second I don't want it ah yes there we go oops now I've got it together so what we want to do is we want to get back to that little pond where the Frog was and I can't exactly remember where it is it's right here okay sorry let's save our game let's try frog pond is full of frog juices great uh all right we scared the Frog away I it up I'm sorry I try that again okay there he is again look so we know that um well let's just one more time okay we know that if we get too close to him we scare him but as with the old fairy tales of Enchantment perhaps if we drop the gold ball as an offering you accidentally dropped the golden ball into the pond from atop a lily pad a large green frog leaps into the water and disappears from view a moment later the Frog emerges with yes your lost ball in its mouth oh man been there it seems as if the Frog is kindly returning your gold ball to you what a sweet little frog here he comes look frog the large frog stares back at you with big bulging eyes take ball nope I didn't want to do that didn't I didn't want the Frog to leave I've blown it yet again third time's a charm drop ball okay so here comes the Frog has brought me my jam once more okay pick up frog squinching up your nose and disgust you catch the large frog and hold it in your hand it stares at you with its big bulgy eyes and wobbles its throat ladies you know what I gotta do I gotta kiss this frog kiss for you look at the frogs green lips hmm good you feel silly doing this as you slowly put your mouth against the frogs booyakasha suddenly the little green frog changes into a handsome prince ah my prince has returned who are you the prince demands I thought you were supposed to be a princess while you're nothing more than a peasant girl you Blanche a bit at that remark but say nothing well Tata he says I'm off here you may keep this to your surprise he tosses the little golden crown to you as he takes his leave good riddance II think what a tool but that's not important anymore what matters is we got his crown and I'll take the gold ball too all right I've got 27 points we're cruising right along now let's save the game again I'll just save it with the same thing and show you what happens when I put on the crown boom poof you're a little froggy so there's not much I can do as a frog you don't like the clammy feeling of being a frog you look around decide there's no reason be one right now and remove the little gold crown okay so that's what we need to know there is a we're okay right now we're good on being a frog some traveling so let's pick up the pace a little bit and oops sorry I have my mouse is on a slope which is why I keeps creeping back into the screen so there's also some some world we have yet to explore and let's see what we can do in the meantime okay so here's the Crypt this will be important later but not much we can do now here's what we were looking for so here's little waterfall now if I go into that waterfall right now I will die and I don't like die but you know who can get into a waterfall a little freakin frog so let's put on the crown boom and then it automatically just hops right in and there you go it sure feels good to be yourself again so let's look in here what's this why it's a cave behind the waterfall you see an old board lying by the cave entrance so let's take that board excellent and let's save again I'll just save it as the Frog pond is full of frog juices because this is a place where it's very easy to die um we're gonna go into this cave and we don't want to do anything just yet you can't see it but there's a monster lurking in here that it just it ruins your day it you right up so this cave is very dark try as you might you cannot peer through the darkness and we don't want to right now all we want is the bones on the ground you see a pile of bones by the cave entrance so let's take a bone so that's good and as soon as we walk in nope it's too dark to see oh no you've been caught by the vicious troll great super-dee-duper fate be what it may you are dragged off to meet it alright so now you know very visually arresting scene but we were murdered by the cave troll yeah there he goes get out of here dude I'm just just want to take your bone take bone ok now we're out of here if this place can we survive this let me see maybe it'll just spit us back out cool all right that's all we needed okay so we have made more progress good for us now there's a little bit more to do as we wander through this land this is a nice little babbling brook we are looking for a unicorn we are looking for a minstrel and we are looking for a flute playing pan any one of those will help us with stuff [Music] to find one of those things before we can continue on our merry way so let's let's just do a little searching around shall we here is a beautiful meadow and some more meadow see this is another thing that was kind of difficult about these games at the time like your friend you would watch her friend play and there would be the thing he needs like like the worm was easily for us when we first started playing but you could all like the minstrel could be sitting on this rock that's one of the places he hangs out but sometimes he's just not around and then you wonder oh but there he is now yes okay oh wait and now that I did I say this I realize I forgot some dang it alright well we'll talk to him in the meantime talk minstrel you say hello to the minstrel who looks at you in surprise well well who do we have here he asks you introduce yourself as Rosella hello Rosella the minstrel says let me play one of my favorite tunes and begins to play an old ballad unfortunately appears that his musical skills are quite limited as he plunks and pings his way through an otherwise beautiful song this guy sucks let's get out of here but I'll remember that he's there okay so he is to the left of the Frog Pond noted and there's pan great but we can't do anything with him right now either because we're a little bit out of order so these these things are just kind of like oops okay this is the place where the giant can kill you so I'm just gonna maybe not be here right now let's look at that little bird up in the tree you see small birds here and there well thank you this sometimes this game was very matter-of-fact and would made me feel stupid for like inquiring about stuff that I was like I'm sure that matters of course it doesn't it's just a freaking bird let's see here so now I need to get back to the little haunted house which I believe is up here you yep it's to the to the right of this right I should have drawn myself a map before this started but no oh there it is in the distance how kind of them to draw it in there okay I've fallen incredibly embarrassing but hey I mean you know these games like they take like two or three hours to finish so you know what you were getting into when this started come on now so let's open the door travel up on inside what I forgot in this room was the books look at the books you examine a few remaining books on the bookshelves only one catches your attention it is titled the complete works of William Shakespeare take book you remove the Shakespeare book from the shelf and carry it with you okay that's what I needed now we can continue basically the fact that the minstrel sucks [Music] minstrel Inge is your first hint that perhaps he would be better off in another line of work so we're gonna go we're gonna go find him again and it's going to be I hesitate to use the word delicious but it's gonna be delicious I also appreciate how peaceful and quiet these games were there you are you saucy bastard so let's give him the book you hand the Shakespeare book to the minstrel curiously he opens it and begins to read aloud first hesitantly and then with increased forcefulness as he begins to get into it suddenly he stops and looks at you this is wonderful he exclaims this gives me a new lease on life no longer in my a mere minstrel now I will become a famous actor to be or not to be God living in LA I feel like I've had this conversation with people how's that he then gives you his loot bids you farewell and wanders off to stardom good luck buddy I hope it works out for you but now we have the loot which is very good because we need to find our boy pan the little then there he is oh right on cue it's like they knew I was doing a playthrough look pan you see a lively creature who is at the same time both man and goat he is a satyr and his name is pan he seems to be greatly enjoying his flute music but what if I play the lute yeah that stopped you in your little huffy tracks didn't it you bastard also I'm very impressed by Rosella and her ability to just crank out musical skills at any given moment pan has ceased his dancing and now looks at you and the lute curiously so now we give the loot to pan we're not close enough so now we kiss he's too strange to kiss oh man I've been told that okay so give loot okay Pam gratefully accepts your gift of the loot and in return he gives you his flute happy now he dances away with it oh man he is that is impressive he can just you just pick that up for the first time after seeing it and and jam out I bet he's playing fish I don't know why I just that's what I can say pan plays flute dude bro cool so that is that we're in good shape with just about everything cruising right along 44 points out of 230 that's nice gotta love it gotta love it real hard and now we're gonna go back to the first stage that we started the game at which is right up here and we're going to go north because that is not something we have done quite yet this little chasm by the way is something you can fall into and die so be aware of that when you do your playthroughs and there's a little fishing house and look a little fisherman off in the distance all right so let's go say what's up to him he seems like a friendly fellow sorry seagull didn't mean to freak you out look you are standing at the edge of an old weathered pier from here to the west you can see nothing but ocean look fisherman you see a grizzled old fisherman on the pier apparently he isn't having any luck today today is your lucky day bro because you're about to talk to a hottie talk fisherman you say a few words the old fisherman however he must have other things on his mind as he seems to ignore you what a dick bag you're not getting away that easily MF er so you're just gonna follow him right into his house before he even has chance to clip I was the door open the door what's up y'all I'm in your house now the inside of the fisherman's Shack looks almost as shabby as the outside you see the old fisherman at the table and his wife needing bread at the counter the fisherman's fishing pole has been set in the corner yep there it is over there now perhaps he'll talk to us since he is stuck sitting at a table and I have waltz into his domain you talk to the grizzled fisherman as he sits at the table sign he tells you them fish ain't been bitin lately if things don't get any better soon I don't know what to do what a sad tale and yet strangely strangely prevalent in 2019 um so you know he's going through financial troubles talk wife you say hello to the poor woman with little patient oops you say hello to the poor woman with little patience she responds what are you doing in here young lady can't you see I'm busy we have enough problems without worrying about you so these are friendly folks let's give them a ton of money we have that diamond pouch so give pouch you offer the pouch of diamonds to the fisherman who takes it gladly wife give the girl my fishing pole in trade he tells his tired wife obediently she retrieves the pole and hands it to you thank you excuse me thank you very much she says smiling you have certainly helped us pardon me while I realized my microphone okay this thing is drooping very slightly and it on a consistent basis so if you hear me um you hear me get softer very slightly I promise I'll fix that in a second okay so now I have the fishing pole so now it's time to do a little bit of fishin excuse me seagull okay now ah it wouldn't do much good to just have fishing pole cast into the lake but uh luckily I do have that worm so let's put the worm on the hook scrunching up your delicate nose you gingerly bait the hook of the fishing pole with a large earthworm that worm has had a rough go of it man first it was getting taken apart by the robbing and now it's on a hook about to get eaten by fish oh well that's life so cast line boom well perhaps just fish eagerly from the end of the pier you fling the baited line to the fishing pole into the ocean dance nice wide fish the fish don't seem to be biting fish again baby let's say come on now give me that good good huh fish don't seem to be biting all right I guess maybe I miss something all right we are not ready to to get to that point yet so let's go back and see what we're missing here the only thing I can think of is that I haven't encountered the unicorn yet perhaps once I do then it will let me do some fishing let's wander around like a bunch of lost jackasses in the Sun see if we can find ourselves a unicorn I mean what could be so hard about it right just finding a mythical creature which supposedly visits people once in their lives yeah I love this little footbridge thought it was really pretty as a kid I also like that you could walk over it and look under it it's just the the the perspective and the scale of this game was always very cool to me doesn't show up on these screens unicorn where are you my sweet angel you bastard show yourself alright I'll wander around for one more minute and if we don't see him I'll just ask Ben to uh it'll cut the footage she's still with me there Ben you hang it in there homey I know this is very long and peaceful I hope you haven't fallen asleep okay well in that case yep let's pause the episode right here and then we'll cut back in once I found that Unicorn here we go there we go okay yeah goddamnit it ran away alright I guess don't bring it back yet okay so we're back I am a silly goose I forgot to do one important thing that will trigger a bunch of other events that you know would normally just happen with you wandering around and exploring this world so as you can see I was just where the dwarves were at the mines and I walk eastward and here is a rocky path that leads up a mountain surely nothing bad could ever happen in a fantasy game top of a craggy Mountain oh well Lots goons no oh god no yeah that looks uncomfortable I mean honestly like they already had me by the wrists they could have just I could have just walked me up the path but it's fine it's fine we're good but we are about to meet the main antagonist of the game the lot well my pet slow lot hisses what have you drugged home today the lot gives you a are you a foolish girl who wandered here by mistake or are you a spy sent by my enemy janista I'm a spy you swear - oh you swear - a lot that you were nothing but a poor peasant girl who has lost her way but she doesn't seem to believe you as her mouth begins to snarl in her eyes narrowed to mere slits yo lot sucks um not a fan even though I like her eighties tiger-stripe style columns and stares for the first time you experience real fear and begin to tremble and there's that Raven you just saw it's always flying around lo lot snarls you don't look stupid enough to have wandered here I believe you're a spy well that's flattering she thinks were smart take her to the cell I think the dialog box that we skipped was that Lola has Genest 'as jewel around her neck okay so now we're in the dungeon this is cool let me let me make a little norm more normal speed so this guy is doing well at least two unfortunate individuals have met their end here yeah that's the rack that's where they stretch you out to make you taller it's part it's a beauty makeover thing boy that you hear the henchmen returning perhaps they are setting you free how very hopeful also impressive that that guy's skeleton managed to stay together henchmen motions you to follow him out of the cell so now we're trotting back to the lot there was nothing to do in that dungeon you just kind of sit there for a minute and think about how effed you are the lot gives you a sickly sweet look you're lucky my dear she coos my precious son Edgar has taken a liking to you and he believes you he convinced me to give you a chance to prove your innocence that's Edgar over there her son he's adorable no I look he's blushing you glance at the homely young man standing next to Lola he blushes the lot continues I wish to own the unicorn that inhabits the meadow land there we go bring me the unicorn and I shall not only set you free but reward you as well to her henchmen Lola orders go take her back to the forest and remember that talisman she has around her neck that's the reason Genest is dying because she doesn't have that so to real just a just a library of dick moves on the lots part but they will set me down surprisingly gently here which is quite considerate of them and back they go and we'll turn up the game speed just a little bit and back we are maybe a scooch faster all right so now hopefully of God we will find that Unicorn that we were looking for so let's see now the unicorn will walk away like run away from you every time you see her as as is I don't know if been put it in but I spotted the unicorn right after I paused the recording and it was there but it it pieced out immediately and there it is look unicorn you see a beautiful wild unicorn in the meadow it's code is dapple gray and it's wonderful Horne shines like gold the unicorn shy is at your approach and trots away no shoot unicorn with arrow boom baby you aim one of Cupid's golden arrows towards you the beautiful unicorn you let go of the bowstring zing bullseye I guess that also approach applies to unicorns sides the Magnificent unicorn is no longer afraid of you it's now your friend hell yeah girl let that be another lesson to you if someone is kind of giving you the cold shoulder that you really want to spend more time with shoot them with an arrow pet unicorn you gently stroke the velvety soft nose of the unicorn it seems as if you've made a friend Rosella ride a unicorn it would not do you any good as you could not mount the eunuch as you could mount the unicorn but could not guide it that's right so we need a bridle so let me just give this unicorn a smooch you plan a big kiss on the velvety nose of the beautiful unicorn mwah all right and now now and only now is it time to fish but let's save the game um because we've done some good things here unicorn like me a cool see so we travel across the land and back as soon as you hit the shore you travel back up north to the fisherman's house and I do have to say I I do love how Rose Ellis braids like even if you stop it it's like it always catches it mid-swing yeah I just I love the way they move I like to move it move it I like to move it move it if you know that song chances are you're a child of the 90s okay so now let's see if we can go fishing in a way that will notice a little bit of a fish or I could fall in the water like a huge jackass and then have to make everyone wait while I swim all the goddamn way back to this shore ah embarrassed embarrassed and back we go luckily I'm dry I'm like Michael Caine in Jaws for if you haven't seen jaws for I highly recommend you watch it as it's one of the most terrible movies ever and Michael Caine falls off a boat and then they pull him back up two seconds later and he's totally dry eagerly from the end of the pier you fling the baited line of the fishing pole into the ocean that's what we call continuity kids what's this fish don't seem to be biting what am I doing wrong all right well you know what screw it I'm just gonna go I'm just gonna go swimming I'm just gonna go for a swim see what happens hopefully a shark doesn't eat me because sometimes sharks will eat you and you don't need that nonsense in your life but no I've made it I've made it to Jeunesse t'as Island so this is the place where the Good Fairy lives you stare out at the ocean in the white sand beach of the secluded Island from the middle of the island a majestic ivory palace towers yes a majestic ivory Palace towers that's it surrounded by a lovely manicured garden look peacock a majestic peacock with a beautiful tail struts by show me a plumage alright it will not show me its plumage ha but there what is that upon the ground something catches your eye why it's a beautiful peacock feather take feather great so we did that um and the reason for that will come into play later but in the meantime that's all we need to do right now out there is just the vast open ocean you don't need to do anything there you'll just straight-up die but I'll just give you a quick little tour I'll take the long way back around because I have to swim back now but this is uh NESTA's beautiful fairy castle and I love it so Genest is tiny fairies guard the palace door Oh wouldn't you feel safer knowing that your house is guarded by tiny useless floating fairies and a single peacock you so yeah I used to like hanging out here just by itself because it's a really pretty place and I'll save it well as unicorn like me a because the ocean is a dangerous place sometimes bad stuff can happen there is a shark that can randomly attack you and if it does that then there not much you can do you just you just kind of have to die and and it's it's only lesson is to teach you the importance of saving your game a lot sorry I got scared I thought that fish was the shark but it's not and we've made it back to shore and we're totally dry again and let's see if that's what I needed to trigger the fishy goodness because it seems awfully strange and in my other places that I just recently did this part was super easy it just happened right away you give me fish goddammit give me fish yeah almost immediately you should feel a sharp tug on the line something pulls and fights your line as you slowly reel it in there it is you've caught yourself a fine fat fish yeah baby hmm okay so let's save that I will say a less size fish 2019 baby we're all woke so let's go swimming one more time and see if we can find the whale because that is the next trick to all of this hmm you I feel like the whale getting very tired yes this is this is the danger of of swimming as soon as you go in there's like a pretty quick timer uh-huh and a shark so I'll just travel back this way to safety loading kind of slowly loading slowly have we frozen swimming slowly to shore boy oh snap something went wrong that's that's not good that's not good let's try let's try that again back we go choice hotels enjoy a comfortable night's rest a hot breakfast the lowest price guaranteed Comfort Inn and Suites interrupting let's plays since 2014 all right let's say I'll load my game up here no it is not or tuna that I just saved okay cool now let's see here take a quick look my little to-do list here okay yeah all right so yes we want to swim around and find ourselves a sweet whale come on Whaley man were you a dog getting very tired whoops my drown my drown it'll be very embarrassing if I drowned two inches from the shore you could just do that floaty thing where on the grant like lay facedown on the surface of the ocean it'll just carry around I'd be fine carry you to shore man I know how not to drown a grown-ass man I don't know what I'm talking about point is we need to find a whale and this might be another thing I have been fade out on and fade back in when we see a whale but let's just try one more time okay all right then we will pause the episode right quick and I will return at will time uh-huh-huh-huh okay Ben I'm going to assume you caught that 1:30 I'm just got to write this time sink down sorry for the behind the scenes everybody okay but that was important because the whale just surfaced we saw him and I barely even had time to dip into my bag of Cheerios oh well look whale you don't see anyone all right well is there a second ago yo we have been sucked into the whirlpool horrors you have been swallowed by a huge whale with large human-like teeth that's not good whew this place stinks that's like monstro from Pinocchio okay so look Horace you've been swallowed by a huge whale what a bummer okay so there's a scale of man here look skeleton the skeleton of an unlucky man let's call him James rests upon the wreckage of a small boat look bottle you don't have it well I'll just take that bottle then okay see I can get up on the tongue okay open bottle you open the glass bottle and retrieve the imprisoned note read a note I'm a little kid and my name's Tommy I'm having trouble with old King Cole and Humpty Dumpty Humpty Dumpty and mixed up mother Goose come and help me oh that's from another Ciara game but we don't have time to work Buddha I don't have time to worry about that right now we have to sneak yeah there we go okay quicker than I usually do that tongue is very slippery look teeth the whales throat and mouth are enormous huge teeth great tongue and yes even a large uvula what's that you say well suffice it to say it looks like a big punching bag and hangs down from the top of the throat see you learn something new every day I knew it you view is Musa I'm 40 I'm 40 years old okay so what we want to do is tickle the uvula with the peacock feather coochie-coo baby you frantically tickle the throat of the whale with the big peacock feather you begin to feel a quiver under your feet which quickly turns into a mighty tremble suddenly you hear a thunderous achoo and you are swept out of the whale's mouth into a tremendous wave of ocean water again you find yourself swimming in the ocean alright we're really out there now we don't know where we are but there is an island in the distance so let us go there okay look you have found yourself stranded upon a desert island also it seems also it seems have others before you now what are you going to do Rosella well here's the deal there's two things two important things about this island one is that there's a friendly looking pelican a pelican visits you on this desert island even though pelicans are generally not friendly and if you've ever seen that every day I'm house hustling penguin video he's I mean he's a bastard so I bet that Pelican would like that fish we caught throw fish to Pelican you're not close enough no Pelican all right let's try to bring that back hello Pelican tries again shall we you bastard all right give whoops fish blood you throw the stinky dead fish to the Pelican greedily he catches it in his large bill as he does so you notice something shiny fall from his bill onto the ground then there it is there's a shiny thing look ground you see a shiny whistle lying on the ground take whistle all right Luke whistle silver whistle how lovely here's now usually in every Ciara game there is one moment where you just get stuck on it forever and it takes you seven years to beat the game after having given up because of this one thing this was my one thing in this game a crucial um item to finish the game is hidden here in this boat so it's not enough to get off this island you have to actually like look it looks as the many unlucky sailors been stranded here so to get up in here and look around you look at the ground inside the wrecked boat what is this why it's a golden bridle you pick it up and carry it with you look bridle yep how in God's name was I supposed to know that was there but it was and it's cool because I figured it out eventually and so now we were honored to a deserted island far away from the main world and that is not good because we can't survive the swim all the way back so in order to get out of here we have to use the very whistle we just got Oh blow whistle didn't think you'd make me say it you put the shiny silver whistle to your lips and forcefully blow into it producing a loud tweet to your astonishment a friendly dolphin appears just offshore and jabbers excitedly at you hey dolphin friend pet dolphin doesn't understand dolphin pet dolphin dolphins skin feels smooth and slippery as you pet it talk dolphin you speak to the dolphin and it shatters back ride dolphin boom and that dolphin will protect you from sharks and whales and all kinds of other disasters of the sea he's a friendly fellow I like him very much I wish I could communicate with him more maybe I should kiss the dolphin nevermind no time didn't give me the chance alright so that was a very sweet dolphin and now it's time to save our game again nice dolphin friend is good to me alright cool so now we officially have everything we need let's see what did we do with that sweet unicorn perhaps I think we can turn the speed back up a little bit come on uni friend you must be just around grazing being a good dude all gracias show yourself you unicorn stood maybe down here there you are put bridle on unicorn rattles go on the front put rattle as the beautiful unicorn offers no resistance you gently place the golden bid into its mouth and fit the bridle and reins over its majestic head the unicorn looks at you with curiosity oh yeah dog I'm riding you it's happening ride unicorn you're not close enough right unicorn did that work oh yeah you nimbly mount the Magnificent unicorn grab the golden reins and set off towards lo Lots castle yeehaw it kind of does this automatically for you cuz I guess it doesn't want you traipsing around the world in your fun unicorn situation which I absolutely would do but then of course oh unicorn seems paralyzed with fear as the goons return ah nothin extra goon this time to to carry me extremely uncomfortable off to see Lola and one too I guess walk the unicorn up the mountain hope then unicorn trust me considering I just effed it royally you so the lot says I hear you were a good gorram Acharya you brought me the Unicorn I'm almost convinced you might be innocent after all but she clears her throat not quite uh-oh this doesn't sound good you think no of course it doesn't cuz lots of stank green who always the luck continues I am desirous of the hen that lays the golden eggs currently the hen is kept by the ogre and his wife remember that ogre the one that ate me yeah cool got to go into that house bring me the hand and you shall have your freedom and a great reward super super-dee-duper take her away low lot order sir goons savagely right cool love this woman um alright check my little notes okay - all right that's that okay so now it's now it's time get super brave gather up all my scrump as my friends call it which is a mix of strength and courage and to this cottage the ogre sees you you better run as she know she'd like to have you for dinner yeah okay okay I don't think she follows me here let's just see here yeah my god it's a smorgasbord of giant all right let's just save the game here Oh gir is dick bag wife too oh man I gotta go when he's not around okay there we go let's slow this down a little bit because there's clearly many opportunities to die here take this nice and leisurely all right we got to sneak into the door let's see what's cooking in here oh it's death watch out a very unfriendly Bulldog rushes towards you luckily I have a bone that I picked up so throw bone munch it down baby quickly you toss the bone to the big dog who catches it in midair happy with his surprise gift he takes it to his favorite rug lies down and begins to nod he seems to have completely forgotten you okay so while he's doing that perhaps I'll just trot on upstairs and do the thing I need to do real quick which is get this axe cake acts god all right now I believe there's nothing else to do up here strict time limit because as soon as that ogre gets home it's all about death so let's see here door you okay look you'll find yourself inside an ogre small closet for a closet it's surprisingly empty you notice a large keyhole under the doorknob of the closet door look keyhole okay nothing going on so let's open the door once more I save that game again ochre is dickbag wife too see what's happening in this room oh it's death okay I'm just gonna slide on out and head back cuz she would kill me in a hot second so I'm just gonna secretly hang out in here and then I'm going to look through the keyhole again still nothing going on but perhaps if I just chill here for a single hot minute then can you give me some chill music thank you I will play cool and then I will here the ogre approaching I guess it gives you a little bit of time to to explore the house but I didn't want to take any chances because once that comes home look Oh grrrrrr everything goes to hell so it's pure through it one more time you should be getting home any second now or not let's open the door Oh No you hear the ogre in the house okay good thing that I did not type of open door look keyhole there is the ogre roars fee fie foe fum I smell the blood of herb quiet you old goat interrupts the Auris that's just a deer you smell you know how you get when you're hungry here eat so he's eating that deer that she was dragging um back then she dropped because she wanted to kill you wife shouts the ogre bring me my hand there's the hen that's a big-ass hen lay or does the ogre with excitement you watch the hen lay a golden egg which the ogre takes he yawns then falls asleep on the table soon his snoring rattles the walls ok so he is out cold which means it is now time for ah to make our sneaky departure oops open door you see the ogre sleeping at the table you'd better be real quiet just destroy everything take hen got you baby now I'm just gonna all sneakily slide on out this open door oh the hen is woken the ogre fantastic just marvelous ya know why why hen damnit what the what is up with that hen oh that's a bit that's a rough uh death screen restore all right Oh Grizz dickbag wife to man okay open door let's do this again why was the hen all squawky not cool let me take a look oh I say alright I do remember what's up now did I take the axe let me see cool alright I do have the act so I'll just explain to you what's going on in advance while we're waiting there is a forest to the east of this house um and that's the only way I can escape if I try to go left which is my first instinct I did it's just too far to run and he grabs me but to the east is a forest full of haunted trees that have faces and hands their branches are hands and they and they grab you and kill you if you walk too far into the forest but if you have an axe with you they'll be scared of and so you hear the ogre in the house so that is how we will make our escape yes you smelled the blood of blah blah blah you're eating the deer punch it down you plus-sized bastard you you boys a chunker he ate that whole deer in like two seconds all right bring the hen she Chuck's the hand down like bam like wow with that hand lay or does the ogre which is not something you should ever say to anybody and takes the golden egg passes out and we're back okay so I'm just gonna soon as this lets me get back to the screen where I can do stuff I will save the game over today - and then I will open the deal you and VL grabs a hen faster I can handle this tick hen take her all right here we go open door you open door like how dumb is this hand huh good good there baby get it alright alright let's try it one more time man there is really like no room for error okay third time's a charm opens a door you take this loud in hand and back we go a little faster believe it's just that I got hung up on the door exiting so I'll just be ready go go go go go go go go go go rozilla come on alright I'm gonna have to do it real slow I have to do it real real slow leave a you know what not gonna lie I'm embarrassed but this is how Sierra games are man you got to got to be patient you got to be chill you had to take the hand when she's close enough then we go from there like a vault okay we'll start a little higher this time open door yes squawk squawk the hen has awoken the ogre all right I'm in my god it's like that Joker should run sprints in the Olympics you know what Ben if I if I mess this up one more time I will I'll just have you cut too when I successfully do it I don't remember this being that hard last time I played this but like like anything like any Sierra playthrough every time you'll get hung up on something else being here for the last time did make me realize what a charming dead wolf's head that is on the wall what I missed that otherwise all right let me save the game here Oh Chris dickbag wife to open door alright I'm already out the door and we're off my god all right Ben we better pause the episode and I will figure this out in a second peace okay I got it I'm back all right here's what I have to do I was I was trying to do too much I was trying to get right to the the forest when what I should do is run south first and then get on this screen and then make my break for it with my sweet little hen okay you where am i huh okay so here's here's those trees that I told you about I like that little guy kind of off to the set-off right-of-center who's like hey what's the matter you but oh they will grab me and kill me unless I swing the axe that I just got so that's me swinging it the trees tremble at your might and they are frightened by your axe they will bother you they will not bother you further yeah that's right tree it's goddamn right and get all right up right up in his face swing acts okay well all right I guess they're cool now but the good news is we got the hen hmm let me swing the axe one more time just in case I need to hear okay cool it works for the entire forest but there you can see the Giants cottage off to the off to the left and now I believe now that we can safely make it through this forest yes okay let me just show you what's over here because I wasn't able to get here before it is this area which is an evil skull cave lovely very lovely you know what we're not even gonna deal with that now sorry sorry for the tease sorry for the big old tease right there don't want to deal with that quite yet but we will need to very shortly so it's good to know how to get there in the meantime we have the hen that lo lot requested so we will head back to her place her sweet her sweet spot that bangin ass castle she has pomme Tetons it's um see this is why you kind of have to turn on the speed sometimes because you know when it was 1988 when this game came out and I was 9 years old boy I had all the time in the world to just wander slowly around on long summer days but you know what I uh I don't have that much life left I got a ready get cracking on this I got bills to pay baby you so here we go Lola's goons will come back I think this is the first time I've had it on a slightly slower speed so you'll get to see them slowly arrive in all their glory and as they are extremely awkwardly carrying me away God just pull my arms right out of the sockets why don't you you bastards hmmm this is lovely this is quite a lovely scene we have here and now we are back in the Lots castle what a good girl you are Lola gushes I really ought to give you real reward right now sorry I forgot to do the voice she pauses and you wonder what she's up to but I have just the tiniest little bit of doubt left she's such a tool man I'm not in there I'm not feeling away if you do just one more thing for me I'll be completely convinced of your innocence and you'll receive a wonderful reward how delightful somehow you don't quite believe her dirty pirate hooker I want you to I want to have Pandora's box it is said that whoever owns it would be in possession of the purest IVA so that's good though Lots red eyes glow as she exclaims with the power and evil of Pandora's box I would be unstoppable maybe we shouldn't be helping this chick maybe this is your terror returns as you realize what an evil being Lola really is take a little sip of my water real quick hmm you wonder if you should be helping her in this way but what can you do about it nothing right now I don't know the whereabouts of Pandora's box Lola tells you you must search for it yourself all right then again she orders her henchmen to take her away take take me away not her that's it's an important distinction okay yes so now there's a couple things we can do in the meantime here the team bring tink all right now that that's taken care of and let's go ahead and save the game a lot is a tool where is new album where is your new album tool come on man wait 13 years for that thing very excited it's gonna be so awesome but now it is time to go into that skull cave I was showing you before here we are so now in this skull cave we will find three super evil witches again if you thought this was gonna be cool and everyone is gonna be nice you were silver is sadly mistaken Stan here Oh more more trees okay got it okay so you do have to swing the axe to figure out how to get here because this is completely surrounded by that evil forest alright so in we go and there are three evil witches and ones coming after me and I got it kind of like see they have one eye that they pass around between the two of them and if you out I guess I touched a cauldron if you take I watch out no I'm dull okay well I got too close I got too close to the witches and now they grab me they're gonna put me in the stew you knew you needed a hot bath but not this hot good and you're dead okay cool great feels wonderful thank you thank you Roberta Williams all right so the trick to this it is it is old tricky I should have saved that's that's fine good I should have saved when I went into the witch's house but the idea essentially is that they have one glass eye that they pass back and forth between them all and that's the way they say and if I can just snag that from them then they lose all their powers but in order to do that I have to first dodge that first witch and then wait till their passing the other two are passing the eye back and back and forth see how she just gave her that first eye and now she's coming after me like a basted you come on Lord head fake big head fake okay you know what I don't like the way this is going okay I gotta wait till they pass the eye tip okay there we go take I know take I dang it take I take a yeah dang it oh man that's that's tough news man that's did I forget to save it again am I an idiot yeah I did didn't I uh-huh all right Ben here we go with the pauses here we go with the pauses woof this game's unforgiving all right whoa baby okay I just went up to them and caught it at exactly the moment they were passing it back and forth you just managed to snatch the glass eye from the grasp of the old witches now they are totally blind and helpless yes bah Oh God give us back our eye the old witches plead hmm maybe you should try suck a dick okay look I mmm that's lovely alright let's go back in and see what they've got to bargain with yes bow before me as you re-enter the dismal cave the three one-eyed witches throw something towards you which lands on the ground here take it they cry it'll ward off the undead you'll need it now please give us back our I give us back our I the old witch's plead you think about it look ground you see a black scarab take scarab all right now let's save as witches get stitches all right and throw I you throw the glass either the three old hags who once again take turns peering at you come closer dear one says we'd like to give a little gift to you you ready gave me a gift she want to eat me so I'm gonna peace out cuz now we've got the Scarab gorgeous a gorgeous obsidian scarab so let's save perfect alright now I believe it is time for us to get the fruit the actual fruit that we need to save to save our dear old dad this will be another somewhat difficult part of the game this game has a lot of like unrelenting moments a lot of real tricky puzzles but first let's get back there to where I need to go to then we can worry about the rest later okay so there's the Haunted Mansion that's that's where this is where Pandora's box situation comes in this is where we have to be for that but it's got to be nighttime and as you can see it's it's getting darker but it's still day so let's go back to jeepers I wonder where it is it's around here somewhere I have - hello Raven friend he's basically that Raven is always flying around keeping an eye on you for Lola so she could keep tabs on your progress he's a he's a bastard that one I believe we're getting close need to find that waterfall again it was kind of near the Frog Pond see if it's down here must be attached to the river so there's the pond perhaps it's read down the road here let's take a quick peek okay there's the river and I would guess we would just follow the river to the falls does this take you to the hold on imma I'm a little turned around now does this take me too it's getting a little a little more raging rapid e which gives me a good feeling about this screen okay oh this is going to be another trial in tribulation but let's put on the crown frog thing get back in all right sure feels good to be myself again okay so now we will save Chris is about to get terribly difficult and we need to light our lantern using a flint attach the oil lantern you lighted the lantern burns with a bright glow okay so the thing about this is that troll is still in this cave and he will just randomly attack you and you just have to kind of hope for the best it just doesn't come after you but there he is now dang it so let's just keep dang and maybe one more time with ah you didn't show up that time so that's good now let's immediately save and I must pause the episode because I'm getting a phone call pardon me okay I'm back sorry about that um just got a little piece of good news so now money I'm in a good mood we're gonna save we're gonna save this as cave troll soul sucking nightmare because that's what this that's what this section is you got to kind of like wander around here feel around is that good did I do that right let me see yes okay I mapped this out beforehand because this is such a pain in the ass ka-chow soul sucking nightmare too you basically just want okay that's as far south as we can go look the cave is very dark try as you might you cannot peer through the darkness okay up alright so there this is good so sucking nightmare alright so we need to get there but there is a chasm here which we just have to kind of keep our eyes open for it's coming up soon up there it is okay look ground the earth floor of the queue Sam earth chasm s where's the chasm but ground again the Luca Luca ground look a look at the ground but I found the chasm a chasm terrific let's try that again maybe if I walk up a little bit it'll be more obvious there it is okay great now I know the general vicinity of it time it's like right about here put board on ground feeling in the dark you managed to place the board a caught across the crevice now can you cross it safely yup feeling in the dark again you managed to pick up the board without dropping it into the crevice excellent so now we just move towards the light carol-anne and there we go we made it crawl crawl crawl all right so let's turn off our Lantern you extinguish the oil Lantern look from here a huge muddy swamp spreads eastward large moss covered swamp trees tower overhead while grass Tufts and Reedy plants poked up from the mire you can hear the many chirpings and croakings of unseen swamp creatures all right so we don't want to do this too fast but we want to jump Boop and we just want to keep jumping across these little marsh pads to safety because if we even touch that swamp we are super dead and there it is there's the fruit there's the magical fruit which will save our dad hell yeah what could possibly go wrong we're so close and it's a giant evil Cobra um so we're just gonna slow this bad boy down and there we go that's a good Cobra move so let's look you see a small island in the middle of the huge swamp upon this island grows a scrawny little tree a large glistening fruit hangs from a small branch unfortunately a huge Cobra protects it so let's put down the board because that's a long chasm and here's what we need to do we need to play the flute and we've hypnotized him using pans flute hells yeah nervously you raise the flute to your mouth and begin to play a melodic tune to the big Cobra who begins to sway with the music soon the snake is mesmerized by it and falls into a hypnotic trance okay so real quick we take the fruit okay and get the heck out of here because as soon as that snake comes to we die okay no all right he's back so we pick up board we save our game Godfrey [Music] um and here's a funny thing since we just saved it let's look at the fruit it's magic and you hear just straight-up beat it and then your dad dies so let's eat the fruit you take a bite of the delicious-looking fruit mmm delicious before you know it you've eaten the whole thing Wow a feeling of vigor and vitality courses through your body giving you boundless energy and that wonderful glow of good health and now your dad is doomed so let's restore the game make sure we look at the fruit okay we've got it again and now we return to our regularly scheduled jumping program jumpity-jump addy jumpity jumpity Jew like a heavy blanket darkness in folds you like the arms of Hayley Westenra yeah so we've got 132 of 230 points and it is now nighttime and now everything is a little different in this world and I'm gonna get back to the safety of the shore and then I'm going to take a nice little intermission for myself because I have to go pick up my car and my voice is a little hoarse these Sierra one-man playthroughs really really do a number on your voice but I enjoy them very much so let's save and let's hit intermission yeah okay so we've saved it and I'm going to pause the episode here and I shall return this will probably be all one giant episode so to you it'll be like no time has passed but to me many hours will be in the books goodbye for now my love's and we're back oh yes um to you it seems that no time has passed but to me it's hours later I did all kinds of errands I got my car back from the the shop um a lot of a lot of good things in my life just happens and but I'm back now everyone's gone from the office it's it's late at night and that kind of fits because I'm about to do the nighttime section of this game and you know what before I get back into this cave let me just let me just take a minute to appreciate how much I love how these games look and I'm sure it's nostalgia but you know II you look at the trees in the distance and and the stars in the little sky up there and and the way they used you know these little it's just a couple of squares a bunch of lighter blue squares in the right position made it look like a living body of water and I just really I just really appreciate this game I think it's it's very beautiful and I was always impressed by you know and the shadows are you know just a bunch of squares too so it's just like it's really really mind-blowing to me how they were able to just create an entire world with a bunch of little squares which I guess is still what they do today but much smaller squares much more difficult to detect with the human eye all right so we did everything we needed to do now it's time to light our Lantern again okay and we need to get out of here and hopefully you wrote won't run into that ding-dang troll again or fall down the chasm so I'll just I'll just type in put down board yeah alright that worked and then strut across I already picks it up uh and we're we're just doing great I think the troll won't attack you once you've gotten this deep into the cave um I mean who knows maybe maybe the purpose of that thing is just to keep you from going into this place - nope nope never mind never mind man but a bunch of shenanigans all right restore I'm gonna have to I'm gonna have to save well my theory before that was going to be maybe the troll was just put in there to prevent you from going to the cave before you're ready at that point of the game but clearly that hypothesis was a load of horseshit okay so let's try right here put down board I'm not close enough how about now yeah you better believe I can cross it say uh okay so there was a an obstruction of some kind there so let me try putting it down here okay yes all right so far so good now let me save it again and I'll bring it back to cave troll soul sucking nightmare because that's the perfect name for this experience and now we head upwards and I'll just keep saving it every screen where this nonsensical troll doesn't attack me I'll just save it and then we'll progress no no troll cool let's do that you more one more screen after this must be getting close oh no there's the exit right there yes Queens all right great so let's save again [Music] works for me and let's put out the lantern okay extinguish lantern there we go I'll save it again just because that is the type of thing I totally forget to do if I die let me just get sucked out here and now you see it's nighttime so things are a little more dangerous a little different now I'll pick up the speed ever so slightly you now it's time to go to the Haunted Mansion up in up in the north there and you'll see it is significantly more haunted than it was before crank this up even a little bit faster because oh god oh god no no no not like this Oh God oh man Oh co pondrom and I don't I'm sure you're great but this is not it's not what I wanted this is is everything but what I wanted no as a matter of fact it's not my first time okay let's just restore it okay all right no harm no foul faster and faster boy that that is a that is a touchy mouse system okay so get sucked out there and back we go one more time um so yeah this uh this part kind of creeped me out as a kid believe it or not hard to believe that it seemed scary at the time oh now we've got straight-up zombies they they come out of the ground and it's not good it's a bad time luckily I have that scarab and that will ward them off but getting eaten by zombies in this game as a kid was a very upsetting experience so what's that you hear why it's the sound of a crying baby and it's coming from upstairs so we will go check that out I believe it's nope I think this is the wrong room yeah you hear a baby crying over here oh I know I hear a baby crying all right I think I got in that time so you can see this place is in quite a state of disrepair and yeah there there it is sure enough the crying baby seems to be in here so let's look cradle the baby cradle rocks to and fro as a baby's voice wails from within look in cradle with trepidation you peek into the rocking cradle and see nothing tentatively you reach her hand into it there is nothing there woo that was spooky as a kid I wasn't into that so there is a crying baby and he's very upset but he's not in there because he's a good girl ghost baby but there's nothing we can do for him in here which means we have to go outside now one thing I haven't done you is read the tombstones that's something you can do at any point but we're gonna do it now and see what's out there but first we're gonna ward off some zombies that try to kill us hey hey hey buddy don't mind me just reading a tombstone if everything's cool lord konig's be 1559 to 1626 sleepeth here in peace an honorable man a valiant soldier he served his country well ok so let's remember where he is that's the soldiers grave I plant these shrubs upon your grave dear wife that's something upon this spot may boast of life shrubs must wither and all earth must not on all earth geez shrubs must wither and all earth must rot shrubs may revive but you thank heaven will not damn Roberta Williams the terrifying zombie senses your obsidian scarab it immediately retreats and goes back to whence it came so yes if I had not done that whole shebang with the witches these guys would tear me to shreds ok same thing and same thing ok so peace out Cub Scouts let's see what's over here 16:43 here lies Newberry will his life was finished because he took ill but none will miss him he should have been wiser his his own fault for being such a miser alright so here's where the misers buried good to remember see what's up here here lies the body of Marianne louder she burst while drinking a seedless powder called from this world to her heavenly rest she should have waited till it ever vest I don't know what aside let's see--let's her side let's powder is but I'm sure that would be make more sense if I did dear I let's him when people's ill they come to Iife is exploit and sweat 'some sometimes they live sometimes they die what's that - I I let some nice doctor real good what about this tiny gravestone up here - the ever loved living memory of Hyrum Bennett baby son of Edward and Sarah Bennett aha who by a sudden surprise fell asleep the eleventh day of November 1553 aged six months so remember we have a shovel time to dig the grave and so sella digs were a little obscured by trees but you get the idea you carefully dig a small hole at the poor baby's grave what's this you have uncovered a silver baby rattle you bend down pick it up and carry it with you look rattle alright there it is okay so now we make our way back and let me tell you something again I feel like if they could make this game again today they would not do it like this but you have to do this five times believe it or not there are five different ghosts but open door but at the time again progress was so slow in these games and you were so excited to make progress of any kind anything that like kind of put you on Rails and you were like okay I know what I'm doing it made you very excited and very happy so it all makes sense in that context into the baby's room and put rattle in cradle oh well sorry but rattle and cradle you drop the silver rattle into the baby cradle as you do so the crying of the baby ghost and the rocking of the cradle cease you breathe a big sigh of relief alright so let's save you made baby happy though still dead cool all right so that's the first one [Music] the sound of loud moaning and the rattling of heavy chains disturbs you okay I don't know what's up with this house I just like I guess everyone died everyone's in the process of dying oh okay there's a ghost so look ghost the ghost of a stupid old miser trudges through the house lugging heavy chains behind him he moans loudly in frustration as he appears to be searching for something he can't find so there's your answer we already know where the miser his grave is so we're gonna head back into the graveyard and here's a little pro tip for you in the some playthroughs of this I've thought oh man how cool would it be to just dig up everything in advance but until you actually see the ghosts they're there things are not waiting for you in the grave you just won't find anything and also did grave no okay and also another thing if you're playing this game through a way you can get easily tripped up I'll tell you in one second you dig a small hole at the grave of the old miser aha you have found a bag of gold coins you bend down pick it up and carry it with you if you um if you go a dig in every grave you see you will actually break your shovel and to my knowledge there's not another way to get a shovel in this game so you're pretty much effed once that happens so yeah just just another one of the examples of lake save early save often [Music] come on miser where you at dawg terrible rattling of chains okay well come on then dog could he be in here yeah there is okay okay give pouch to miser whoops you inventory no boy I'm having a little bit of trouble here [Music] so her flute axl Cupid's bow goal Oh get gold coins okay give poins to miser you offer the bag of gold coins to the old miser ghost he greedily snatches it from your hands and then promptly disappears there you go satisfied by money even in the afterlife the sound of weeping fills the house all right I guess you can take it with you oh and what have we here look ghosts you see the sad ghost of a beautiful young woman she sits in a rocking chair and weeps as if her heart will break that's a bummer talk ghosts you try to comfort the lady ghosts but she doesn't respond it seems as if she doesn't even know you're here she continues her deep sobbing kiss ghost you can't as the ghost has no substance you know they really wrote in a lot of options for kissing things and I appreciate that I think it's very nice just that you're a kind lady she's given out kisses what could be sweeter so we did not see the woman's grave on that side so let's check the crypts I'd read tombstone Betsy Betty Cowden 1652 1669 here lieth the body of betty Cowden who would live longer but she cohdon sorrow and grief made her decay when she lost her lover at sea one day oh so sailor um but let's take her grave let's respectfully dig her grave it's terrifying zombie senses your scarab and it pieces out okay day up you yeah you have found a lovely locket you bend down picking it up and carry it with you okay let me just read this tombstone you 16:34 to 1672 she done her best yeah I know that feeling and let's just take a look at these other graves too while we're here at length my friends the feast of life is our I've Eaton's I've eat sufficient and I'll drink no more my night has come I've spent a jovial day tis time to part but oh what is to pay beautiful dentist Brown stranger approached this spot with gravity John Brown is filling his last cavity sweet is this does this one count yeah I guess so Rebecca Freeland 1598 she drank good ale good punch and wine and lived to the age of 99 yehey Rebecca hell yeah 15:46 reader here lies but forbear to read one more without a tier-one I cannot speak the rest you may weep I'll smite my breast grief preventing and the stone too small to be written on only this a little boy Willy in Abraham's bosom laid woof Willy yeah poor young bastard let's check this one if this is in fact a tombstone whoever you are tread softly I entreat you for if he chanced awake be sure he'll ye you okay um we'll just we'll just move on then get Raven I'm seriously I'm I'm so tired of your nonsense um let's just look at that locket before we give it to her oh there's her handsome man looks like he was moustached uh or mustachioed you know how it's sometimes it looks like mustachioed when you see it in print it might just be me okay so sorrowful weeping and once we do this it will be more than halfway done with this lovely yet somewhat tedious part of the game give lock it to ghosts no not the locker you hand the lovely locket to the distraught ghost the locket seems to make her very happy as she vanishes into thin air oh good she was she seemed thrilled what was that a loud wailing sound comes from downstairs all right well look ghost you have encountered the gentleman ghost of the distinguished lord of the manor he Wales despondently as he seems to be looking for something he desperately wants so that's the soldier and if you recall correctly his grave is out this way to the left guarded by hideous disgusting monsters okay let me just read tombstone to make sure this is the one yes okay so let's dig his grave in the most respectful manner possible I don't know why this game makes you threatens you well you dig a small hole at the grave of the lord of the manor gotcha you have found an impressive medal of honor you bend down pick it up and carry it with you Hey terrifying zombie blah blah blah all right you know what I'm just gonna save make baby happy those still dead cool just in case something it's hard to die on this part but just in case something goes wrong maybe with the capture or something I'll have it saved what was that a loud wailing sound comes from downstairs look metal there it is that's a good-looking metal where is that confounded ghost Lord Coningsby mahir please cease your English - anguished wailing dude just show up alright there we go okay give metal to ghosts you offer the medal of honor to the whaling ghosts he takes it from your hands with great reverence satisfied he vanishes into thin air peace dog all right so here we are you've accomplished a lot a cute little boy ghost suddenly appears he grins mischievously at you begins to giggle and runs from the room alright let me just look at this painting real quick you noticed two interesting portraits above the downstairs doorways one of a middle-aged woman and the other of a young man you wonder who they are perhaps one was the Lord Coningsby all right let's see what this little guy's up to ah he's got a ladder you here naughty giggling as the little boy ghost runs from the room climb a ladder what do you want a little little guy man all right he's beckoning me over the little boy ghost laughs and refuses to budge from his seat on top of the chest it might help if he had a toy to play with talk ghosts you try to talk to the boy ghost but he only giggles alright climb ladder all right so that is the little boy that had that big long tombstone off to the right of the mansion so we're gonna go take care of that and and then that is the last ghost we will have needed to make soups happy right after these GD zombies annoy me one last time okay just got to make ultra sure this was the one I think it was yep okay so let's dig the grave the terrifying zombie the terrifying zombie they're a lot less terrifying when you know they're just gonna reach you and then get sucked into the ground you dig a small hole at the little boy ghosts grave aha you have uncovered a toy horse look toy and there it is what a what a lovely little horse so now returned for the final time to the haunted spooky mansion house mmm all right so let's go up give this little scumbag this is toy yes you're charming and adorable as a tiny keyboard blaze your theme climb ladder all right up we go and now [Music] give TOI you give the toy horse to the little boy ghost in hopes that he will vanish like the others before him for a moment you fear he will not as he takes time to examine it carefully suddenly he grins at you and her twinkling disappears goodbye little man sorry you died open chests see what's up with that chest I am too close enough look in chests you peek into the open chest and find an old set of sheet music you take the sheet music and carry it with you okay I enjoy looking at these little things yeah that's what that is okay so let's save the game and it is oshi music okay and climb down the ladder and now let's say I believe yes that's right okay so now we're finally going to go back to that big mysterious staircase that I didn't want to go up before and I would have gladly shown you what it is but it's it's just so easy to die on stairs in these games if you fall enough if you fall from a grade enough height you will not survive and it gets a little squirrely here as you can see so let me just save it it's very strange that controls reverse uh-uh as you go up the stairs so now pushing up brings you towards the screen which would be down otherwise it's very confusing but I got the hang of it and so here when you here's an organ a dusty old pipe organ sits in the center of the tower room so we sit we better to move to the inside of the bench you got it we sit and play organ you can only remember one oldie but goodie yeah hell yeah all my people in the club say what see one of my people bouncing now this is what I would have done had I come up earlier just played the organ by candlelight with my sweet awesome super long braids hanging off the bench and then at the end Wow it's really impressive Rosella what a virtuoso you are but nothing happens as you see so we must play the special sheet music you find it difficult to read the old sheet music but you attempted anyway very Phantom of the Opera very very smooth and exciting so yes it is a mournful tune the type of song you would expect to hear in a house where do everybody's dead mogera everybody's dead including a bunch of people at a young age real cool real nice only the miser looked super old even the Lord was kind of like maybe mid 50s or 60s or something actually probably said it on his tombstone but yeah Betty the baby the little boy they all died super young but hey that's how it goes when you live in medieval times I remember I had a teacher once who said 'would Oh what hang on what is this a small drawer has opened in the organ you there it is look in drawer you see a skeleton key in the drawer take key take the skeleton key from the drawer look key that's the skeleton key all right so let's save stand and here we go back down the stairs yeah I had a teacher once ask ask the class who here would like to live in medieval times and at the time I was totally obsessed with medieval times not just dinner and tournament which I'm still obsessed with but um I was very excited cuz I played a lot of dungeons of dragons and I was like hell yeah I want one in that action but sure enough the teacher then explained to me what the bubonic plague was and how life basically sucked and the life expectancy was way shorter than now and I was like you know what maybe this isn't it's not so bad living at this time so now I have got the skeleton key and it is time to go to this section over here this is why as we dance this sh rod with the zombies once more yeah dude kind of funny when they just follow you I'll read this last tombstone just to be a completionist about it here lies a poor woman who was always tired she lived in a house where help wasn't hired her last words on earth were dear friends I am going to where there's no cooking or washing or sewing for everything there is exact to my wishes for where they don't eat there's no washing of dishes I'll be where loud anthems will always be ringing but having no voice I'll be quit of the singing don't mourn for me now don't mourn for me never I'm going to do nothing for ever and ever Wow you know what I probably would have creeped me out as a kid and now I'm like you know I get it I've got a lot of to do man the five at like 6:00 p.m. when you're in Lok Lak jam traffic you're like you know oblivion maybe not that well whatever okay so look crypt the stone crypt is built into the mountainside open door the door is locked unlock door with key that's what we needed the skeleton key for you place the skeleton key in the lock of the crypt door slowly you turn it click it unlocked open door and here we are what the and I've died okay oops I slipped Oh God I slipped I slipped god dammit alright thanks to my clumsy butter feet I now have to walk down these stairs again man that again that feels like it shouldn't have been so long a drop that it killed me but here we are anyway that was what you just saw in there was Pandora's box in the lower right corner and a mummy guarding it from its sarcophagus and The Mummy pops out whoops but that's close enough to the ground I'm okay The Mummy pops out and tries to fight you but again the Scarab protects you and I don't know why they put that because you know I would assume that if you've gotten this far if you've gotten so far to one as to unlock the door surely you must have warded off the zombies so it knows you have the Scarab but I feel like maybe maybe these zombies can like get hung up on the graves if you don't mind me good sir [Music] just may hold that thought use key on door okay unlock door with key okay open door okay alright maybe I'll just slow this down a pinch you can see by the flame on the wall that everything slowed down a little so save spooky Spurs papaki spoo c-s crimped okay look ground Pandora's boxes on the floor of the crypt look down look Oh with its rope that's what it is look rope you see a pile of rope on the end of the platform pick up rope you reach down and get the pile of rope to your happy surprise you find that the rope is actually a rope ladder attached to the end of the platform gladly you throw the rope ladder over the edge of the platform where falls to the floor below okay climb down ladders since clearly this kills you when you fall okay so here comes the mummy look out for the mummy is it a mummy look mommy because he pieces out real fast this mummy appears to be at least a thousand years old its wrappings are loosened decayed and it stinks gross all right so all I was gonna say before was there's probably ways where you can dig up everything as you go while getting those zombies outside hung up on tombstones so they can't get you so I guess the mummy is just insurance that you actually got the Scarab because there's definitely no way to get past him to get to Pandora's box if you don't have something to ward him off so look Pandora's box Pandora's boxes on the floor of the crypt let's save okay an open Pandora's box just for fun just for funsies you don't have it all right pick up box open box okay but you'll be sorry that was very foolish Rosella now look what you've gone and done you've loosed the terrible demons and killed yourself in the process but whoops that was all the evil in the world okay so I'm dead but I feel like if picked up Pandora's box in a game and and didn't open it like I feel like people would be bummed out so just want to show you what happens so pick up box now let's get the flying from frame out of here Clyde rube look at all these points we've got god that's the label okay so close door okay wouldn't want any zombies getting into a crypt you know what I'm saying okay so now we can speed this up a little bit again yes I know the terrifying zombie did things okay you so now it is time to go back to Lola hello Raven who that's I never mind I was gonna make it that So Raven joke and then I embarrassed myself into not doing it and here we are so we head back up the cliff for the third and final time because now I mean truly we've we've really done a lot for this chick we've got her a unicorn we brought her a box with all the evil in the world in it and a hen that lays golden eggs I mean come on with your nonsense like at some point I'm gonna have to use the B word [Music] but bodacious and bad mmm I am so they take me back to Lola and as you can see 176 with 2/3 of 2:30 we're getting close to the end here the Lots miles an evil smile you know she says I've never asked you your name what is it you tell her Rosella Rosella what a pretty name you wonder what this is all about can't be good definitely not gonna be good you will find out soon enough oh you find out soon enough well Rosella the lot grins ominously you've earned your reward my son Edgar has fallen in love with you I wish him to be happy and I give you the honor of being his wife and my daughter-in-law well your heart turns flips and somersaults as you hear this perhaps of joy Oh Edgar you're a nice dude he can't help he can't help it that he's green and just disgusting you'll be married first thing in the morning she informs you you asleep in Edgar's room tonight while my son sleeps elsewhere ah keep it chaste I appreciate that she motions to her goons let us relieve you of your burdensome load before you retire load okay yo you are so shocked by this tragic turn of events that you hardly notice your possessions being taken away this is a bummer to her goons lola orders escort are Rosella to her room it's uh a little bit of a downer from a girl oh well this is a fine mess of turnips we've gotten ourselves into you think to yourself now what huh look room I guess normally this is Edgar's tower bedroom actually for being in such an awful castle it looks quite comfortable but you're in no mood to care I like the way they did this like the way they show you a little cross-section of the wall and the door and just let you know that there's wall there but you can still peek inside good design look out window you see the mountain out the window Wow so deep so very deep look dresser you see a chest of drawers with a mirror on top look mirror you look in the mirror and see the reflection of a poor but beautiful peasant girl that's me uh-huh it's Edgar you hear something at the door what's this why a beautiful red rose has been pushed under your door you pick it up and carry it with you oh man but did you see did you see what happened with that Rose situation what a beautiful red rose what's this why there's a little gold key attached to the rose take key you remove the little gold key from the red rose open Oh unlock door you're not close enough okay how about that you can see my little metal feet little Tootsie's using the little gold key you quickly unlock the door open door okay again another good chance to save oh sweet Edgar you're so nice Edgar save protect I attack smoke crack aah there's no room oh well all right so now it's a is an easy place to die okay so must be careful as I work my way down this situation this way nope sorry this is where it switches over and controls and it gets a little confusing okay there we go all right so far so good up sleeping goon his chill look goon henchman is asleep look in general you are at the bottom of the west tower a spiral of stones a spiral of stone steps winds to the top okay so I gotta be be careful quiet you okay let's save again I'm just going to save it as something slightly different so I have two separate save games here don't want to wake up the goon keep it quiet Raven on this all right here we go look you have discovered the castles kitchen not a very pleasant kitchen but a kitchen nonetheless against the back wall two cabinets flank a gold a cold stone fireplace you see a long table under the one small window okay open cabinet cabinet is full of dishes that don't do for me I could have had dishes back at the dwarfs house hours ago open cabinet here all your possessions wow so either a bunch of dishes or literally all my take possessions take stuff thank you look table nothing on the table interests me great in that case just save real quick [Music] place this one yes got my stuff [Music] Shh all right to sneak back don't mind me mister guard man and now sneak over here okay don't want to get too close to the goon cuz he'll wake up wakey wakey eggs and Bakey and then I'm dead so now here we go quietly up the stairs thank God she has like seven simultaneously asleep henchman okay I remember the layout of this castle correctly there's yeah okay there's that door there I believe I die if I go there because that's where the torture chamber was and such so I want to go up these stairs I save again cuz this is getting a little a little disturbing sorry John you're out of here replace John save with stirs okay let me go up the stirs oh here we go there we go then I've fallen to my death Wow very scent of guards okay good thing I saved right on those stirs okay just got to really hug this wall you and we did it okay there she is sleeping like a beautiful baby open door I'm right on the door unlock it first you got it on lock door which key do you want to use the gold key to the skelling key I'll use the gold key on door using the little gold key you quickly unlock the door open door okay Let Me In okay come on okay look low Lots the evil fairy sleeps soundly in her bed she wears Genest his magic talisman around her neck and you see it gleaming upon her chest as she sleeps she makes very strange clicking sounds yeah that's normal look talisman you don't have it okay well I'll just save right here has got my stuff take talisman maybe if I gently remove it okay well she has woken up and I'm dust you stupidly wake Lillet up Viper she screams as she quickly sits up points a gnarled finger at you as zaps you into oblivion well then okay I didn't have to say it was stupid I mean just okay so cool she I guess that's what she thinks of her son's future wife I guess I'll shoot her with Cupid's arrow because what could do better for anyone than to be in love huh it'll make her filled with happiness and probably come back to life and be a good person you aim the golden arrow toward Lala you let go of the bowstring zing a direct hit well yet better be him point blank range low Lots it's straight up in bed a look of agony upon her face what did you do to me she shrieks I'm Malik ting mounting no wait that's another story let's try again it hurts it hurts stop the pain stop it you cringe as you watch the evil fairy die a painful death what happened you wonder how could Cupid's arrow have done that you thought that those arrows were harmless and contained only love hell yeah horrible horrible love wait that must be it love Lola was so evil that when all that pure love entered her body it acted as a poison to our system in spite of yourself you feel a sense of sweet revenge yeah that as she breathes her last lo lot manages to gasp I don't know how but I'll get you for this well hmm a bright new day is dawning hell yeah it is I've murdered Oh Edgar Edgar bass you acknowledging his evil mother's death he begins to say you may now walk freely about the castle aye and suddenly begins to blush oh I love this guy poor Edgar well sorry we murdered your mom look low lots the lot is quite dead now Genest is magic talisman hangs from around her neck take talisman okay look talisman that is a good-ass looking talisman okay so let's save we will replace intermission with I murdered for good happy cool there's nothing worse than succeeding at your main objective in these games and then dying on the stairs it's happened to me in almost every seeker game I've ever played ah yes look goons Lola's goons are not appealing at all besides having an unnatural pallor to their skin their creepy little creatures who fly upon wings that resembled those of bats talk goons the Lots henchmen must not speak as you only hear them utter guttural sounds all right but I guess now that I murdered Lola they're cool everything's cool so let's open this door really feels like I'm right on that door ah there's the hen and listen it's the sound that space quest 3 used in Astro chicken I love that I don't know which one came first but I love it take hen got you baby and let's also take Pandora's box oops no sense in leaving that lying around yeah well how about the good one got it all right - 10 out of 230 we're doing very very well um let me just make sure there's nothing back here I think this is just a torture chamber yep that's fine don't mind me gentlemen I'll just be on my way after murdering your mom I don't know what she was here boss okay good good gay I'm trying to make it exciting for myself by not saving yes I did it okay thankfully the game designers decided to make this staircase a little wider cool all right let's get the rock out of here just make sure there's nothing that I need to be doing good-looking castle wondered what these Ravens are gonna do a little I said yep that's just where I was okay sweet look Raven maybe it's friendlier now see the lots Raven spying on you okay cool not any friendlier let's go and what's this outside you see nothing special okay it's a stable where my sweet unicorn friend is he's pissed look unicorn unicorn looks at you with sadness it needs to be free open gate Rosella you're standing in the way no guy sorry sorry oh well there we go as soon as you open the gate the splendid wild unicorn impatiently leaves it's hated prison it quickly trots out the open stable door to freedom ya unicorn happy for you bro all right what a beautiful day to walk near a castle of ultimate evil all right well I never had to do well well well goddamn it Ben pause the episode I've embarrassed myself and we're back okay sorry about that um let's just make this normal speed and I I did save it as walkie danger man Wow man that is really treacherous okay back we go walkie danger man okay that's how we're going to do this alright alright once you get past that first part it's a little bit better it's more your classic Sierra Oh God left down left down left down left down thing um alright why wouldn't those man why can't those goons just like help a brother out and like fly it will help a sister out and fly us down I mean like they flew us a hundred times when we were their mortal enemy okay so here's what we want to do we want to make this a little faster because now I gotta cover some serious ground um yeah Raven that chicks dead so you could just do whatever now excuse me it's 10:00 p.m. and I'm a little gassy you so this is not necessary to finish the game but open door climb ladder look out for the mummy back he goes okay put back box all right we'll just leave that right there yep got some points for that climb ladder I mean this is a box of ultimate evil you gotta gotta lock that away you know what I'm saying closed door and locked door you place the skeleton key in the lock of the crypt door click it locked you kick the key through the crack under the door now no one will ever accidentally release the evils of Pandora's box into the world hells yeah that got me two points for ensuring no hit that evil would never enter the world again and now there's only one thing left to do hello trees you goodbye house man we've had such lovely adventures i man it just don't make them like this anymore this is as good a time as any to say thank you to Roberta Williams and mark Crowe and Scott Murphy and Ken Williams and Josh Mandel and all the people at Sierra who made these games so special [Music] I just I love being in this world and as as as many advancements as there have been made in in video gaming and graphics and all that nothing nothing can ever replace the feeling of being you know 9 or 10 or 13 like your real formative years and and playing things at that age where it just feels so fascinating and it embeds itself as just this really special thing in your life I'll replace walky danger man with you swimmy danger you bro okay ooh now as long as a shark doesn't eat me well shark kiss rally again no shark all right cool as long as the shark doesn't eat me I'm good to go and back we are at sweet janessa's island [Music] oops I went to the wrong part I got to go in through the front door lovely Jeunesse tears look at those two cans Genest is tiny fairies guard the palace door well they could freak out all they want I'm going in look at this pretty castle this is the entry hall of the enchanted ivory palace two of the doors are closed and presumably off-limits to uninvited visitors the left doorway however is open okay well isn't this just lovely very 80s a lot of pink in blue aqua aquamarine you are on a tower stairway of the islands ivory palace and up I go this computer's having difficulty running these little fairies with their pixie dust and whatnot ooh janessa's bedchamber is very beautiful in serene Genest Allah is very still upon the seashell bed her concerned fairy helpers hovering near and her pet Snow Leopard lying close by damn look leopard a white spotted Snow Leopard lies on the floor of Genest his bedchamber it lies quite still but for the occasional twitch of its tail so let's just save here let's save this as [Music] dans fantasy cool let's try kissing that leopard we don't have better things to do right now it's probably not a good idea pet Leopard it's probably not a good idea death Leopard all right well Genest is tiny fairies help tiny fairy helpers flip furiously about trying to keep you from disturbing the dying fairy well punch fairies you have better things to do than that whatever man alright I'll just give her the talisman you give the magic talisman to the dying fairy almost instantly the color returns to her cheeks and her green eyes begin to Sparkle she sits up in bed stretches and smiles at you heck yeah baby girl you alright oh do I have to hit a button looks like bring that rosy color back into those cheeks yay this was a huge triumphant moment of my childhood yes you have saved my life Rosella the beautiful fairy says gratefully okay and you have saved Tamir from the persecution of Lola we are deeply indebted to you I want to go outside I need to feel the warm Sun on my face exuberantly she waves her magic wand there might have been some other part to that but I didn't read it in fast enough suddenly you find yourself outside my little hen janessa suddenly exclaims wherever did you find her Oh blazes you explain that the ogre had possession of her hell yeah I just got a perfect score two thirty of to thirty lock it in baby take your screenshots now poor things she says well at least she's back home now yes she goes right into the ocean and gets eaten by a shark now for you Rosella janista says it's my turn to help you out I will return you to Daventry and with the magic fruit you will be able to save your father's life we'd better hurry though as he doesn't have much time left I love watching the game choke on itself at that moment yes you are anxious to get home in Rahul but first janessa proclaims let's replace these peasant clothes with your royal gown Shazaam she goes that's the Rosella we know and love with a twinkle in her eye janista announces there is someone else deserving of her award for his kindness and heroism ah sweet Edgar you have a beautiful soul Edgar the fairy says to the ugly little man you should look like what you are boom [Music] this handsome hunk is Edgar ding-dang Rosella he says I love you will you marry me you think about it you think about it some more [Music] then I'm sorry Edgar you're very sweet but I must immediately return home perhaps we'll meet again you say and as a matter of fact you do well Rosella Genest announces it stuff as well goodbye we'll never forget you she's a she's a fast talker but you do meet Edgar again in the future so fear not pick up that adventure hat Rosella I wonder how long she was actually gone for maybe was just like two minutes cuz they have not moved much you give the healing fruit to your dying father and strongly urge him to take a bite which he weakly does [Music] did you imagine if it didn't work after all this what a bummer haha yeah King Graham how are you feeling father you excitedly ask him never felt better in my life is his reply what is in this fruit anyway he wonders haha like a freeze frame on everyone laughing it is magic father and you tell you're excited family of your adventure in Tamir I guess they don't really ask any questions around here I don't think you're through with this hat yet you say your brother Alexander and your mother Queen validus readily agree you've got too much life ahead of you sweet Graham as you remember from the playthrough Ross and I did of the later Kings quest he's very very old in that one but here he's still probably in his like 50s or something so all's well that ends well until next time goodbye yeah Thank You Roberta Williams with your green eyes and purple eye shadow you're awesome oh I got a secret code I don't know what that does and I also don't know what that symbol is between the J and the ass it's like a okay ah like the a that's connected to an e it's all weird yeah I don't know what that's used for but I can tell you that this final screen here when the secret code is gone yes this one it saves it and I remember calling my friend Mark Penha Savitch who I played this game with as a kid and asking his mom to drive him over to my house so I could show him this victory screen because it stays on here and and he wasn't able to because his mom couldn't drive him but I believe I took a picture with like one of those like see like those wind-up cameras from CVS that you definitely probably can't buy anymore or maybe we can I don't know but yeah like those temporary disposable film cameras and yeah it was just one of my proudest moments when I beat this game but I don't think I beat it until I was like 15 and I started playing when I was 9 so it was definitely a labor of love even though now it just took like three hours or whatever it was but um yeah I hope you enjoyed this playthrough I this game is right up there this is this one specifically king's quest for was always my favorite and along with the Space Quest games yeah just Sierra man what a special special group of people and a special time and I don't know I'm sure there's independent gaming studios out there now that are doing really cool stuff but for me the these these were my this was my crew these were my people and and they they left a huge mark on my life and I remember reading an interview with Ken Williams who owned the company and his wife Roberta who wrote these games that like they lived in three different places now and they had kids and they would go sailing on a yacht in France and I was just I was so happy for them because they really they really deserved it because they they brought a lot of people happiness myself especially and and I just hope they're enjoying retirement and they're very happy wherever they are in the meantime thank you for joining me thank you for liking these old-school playthroughs enough that I I get to do them more um because I love I love sharing these games and you know this game is 1988 man I I remember it very clearly but it was it was 31 years ago so the the more time that passes the more games like this risk being forgotten you know and kind of lost to history but I'm glad King's Quest still has a following and that that young folks like you were still interested in seeing the history of gaming and where where this this thing which we all love so much came from yeah it's very gratifying to share this stuff and if I ever have kids I'll probably um play it with them and hopefully they won't be like anyway thank you so much and I love you guys and until until next time until the next big Sierra playthrough I don't know when that'll be maybe in 2020 but uh yeah lots of love and I'll see you soon goodbye that was a journey
Channel: Chris Stevens
Views: 25,124
Rating: 4.9142857 out of 5
Keywords: Game Grumps, King's Quest IV, King's Quest 4, Dan Avidan, Dan Plays, Those Edit's Were Bad
Id: C8tGbO_FcT4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 191min 15sec (11475 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 16 2019
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