Kingdomcity - Shane Willard

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anytime you read a scripture you want to ask a couple questions one what happened and two and more importantly what's happening in me right now because of it anytime I preach I want Jesus to get bigger I want the cross to work better I want the resurrection to be central I want scriptures to get bigger not smaller I want you walking out of here tonight talking about God instead of the AFL I want you walking out of here tonight talking about Scripture and asking questions and wondering man what else is in there that we haven't seen I want to recapture the wonder of surgery sometimes sometimes we lose our opportunity to be in all of God at the altar of having to figure it all out actually I want us to recapture wonder because God is not necessarily the object of our knowledge but rather the cause of our wonder and that it's a whole lot better way to look at it and so I want to talk to you tonight about fashion right because and I want to do that by looking at the Book of Numbers chapter 15 so we're gonna we're gonna start with the riveting Book of Numbers cuz I'm sure I'm sure we've all memorized that like good Hebrew people and Jesus is they this was called the Torah this was the the law it was the the basically the summary statement of how they were meant to live and so God gives this incredibly odd command about what we are to wear and so if you could bring that up this is Numbers chapter 15 verse 37 and the Lord said to Moses speak to the Israelites and say to them throughout the generations to come you are to make tassels on the corners of your garments with a blue cord on each tassel and you will have these tassels to look at so that you'll remember all the commands of the Lord that you may obey them and not prostitute yourselves by chasing after the lust of your own hearts and eyes then you'll remember to obey all my commands and be consecrated to the Lord your God for I am the Lord your God who brought you out of Egypt to be your gun for I and the Lord your God he says I want you to take tassels and I want you to attach it to the corner of your garments say is an odd command is it it's not even particularly that fashionable he says I want you to have this and of course if somebody says I want you to put tassels on the corners of your garments the obvious question is why he says all because I want you to have something to look at I want you to have a tactile reminder really close to you all the time that allows you to remember God's ways brought me from slavery to freedom God's ways brought me from darkness to light God's ways move me from Egypt Israel God's ways are the best ways for my life now there is a lot going on here and so I want to cover some big concepts and then I want to go on a journey from the general to the particular okay so next slide so there's a couple big words going on area I want to teach you I love words all right and so we're gonna repeat a couple of these words with some go West Coast Eagles gusto all right so here live we're going to do that and also inland Ghana and in in Butler we're gonna repeat it there too all right so I want you to participate and when we repeat words we repeat it with gusto okay we don't do it this sort of no no we do it with gusto all right so the first word that's really important is the word knopf now it sounds something like this ready knopf now we're gonna try this together in Butler when Guerra and here ready when I do like this we're gonna say it together the word is knopf ready go canal and si s very very good I can tell you guys did it - except for you on the third row they're in Butler over to the right so you need to pick up your game you need to pick up yeah all right all right ready let's try this again ready go Knopf now the word Knopf it means corner now remember there's only eight thousand words in ancient Hebrew so they had to have a lot of meanings so the word Knopf can mean Corner border him or it could mean wings as you can see this is kind of a bit you know they could they could make that mean wings now by far the most important word we're gonna learn tonight is the second word and that word is to leap now with that same amount of gusto and Butler when gara in here let's try that ready go to lead now a tallit was a garment is most words have a literal meaning and a symbolic meaning the literal the literal tallit is this it's a it's a garment but Bhalla CLE it meant the presence of God that should be covered in God's presence here's the reason why there was a veil that separated the holy place from the Holy of Holies in their concept God was not everywhere God lived underneath that behind that veil right so the idea was was that the manifest presence of God is behind that veil now the problem is is that you're not allowed to ever see it no one's allowed to go in there except for one guy one time a year and so what they did was is they made exact scale models of that veil and they made it into clothing so that people could wear it and somehow experience a bit of it symbolically so literally a tallit was a garment but but symbolically it was the presence of God it's sort of like this how many men in Perth would love to drive a Ferrari all of us how many of us can actually afford a Ferrari none of us so what men do is they buy these little model Ferraris and they put them up on their Mantle's and somewhere deep inside of us it makes us feel like we own a Ferrari right it bets this and so what they would do if you give me a second I'm gonna put this on just give me one second what they would do is they would put this on to remind themselves that you can't organize your life where God is here but not there that God is with me everywhere I go everything I do everything I say how I treat my husband when he leaves his underwear on the floor for the 18-thousand time that matters because God is with me there as well how I treat my wife when she does something that disappoints me that matters because God is in the middle of how I speak to her how I treat to somebody who cuts me off in traffic that matters because God is in the middle of that how I treat the waitress when she's taken too long to get my order that matters because God is in the middle of that that the best life is never found in organizing our life between here and there the best life is found in realizing that God is with us everywhere we go everything we do everything we say as a matter of fact in Hebrew there is no word for spiritual you ask a Jewish person how's your spiritual life they go what what are you talking about the whole thing is spiritual where where can I go that God is not or are you serious right now now you see this all through scripture like put on the garment of praise whose later later they called this Christ Christ are covering Christ God's presence so Paul would use things like put on Christ but where Christ around you this was imagery it was symbolism it was great metaphors to realize that the best life is found not ever in separating our spiritual life from here and there but God is with us everywhere we go everything we do but but but the important thing I want us to remember is that the word is tallit let's try that again to leave in one gar and Butler try it again to Lee alright and that means the presence of God it literally is a garment but it meant the presence of God now there's two other words that are going to come out later and that word is those words art MA so Tim may is is the word unclean so someone was declared unclean they would have to announce it so that they wouldn't be touch and they would go Timmy Timmy Tim a unclean unclean unclean and then once they were deemed clean they were they were given a social sort of a status as something called tahor so the words were Tim a which was unclean or to which is clean I realize in English too horse sounds the unclean one I realized that but but in in Hebrew tahor was the clean one and taa was the unclean one so here's here's what Moses says I want you to put tassels and I want you to attach it to the knopf of your tallit in other words debating who has the presence of God and who doesn't have the presence of God that's absurd every living soul belongs to God are they breathing in God's area are they held together by gods and ate me up are they living in God's world yep then they then they have some sense of the presence of God but like the idea of all I'm anointed so the idea isn't just the presence of God it's how you carry the presence of God and he says I want you to do that I want you to symbolize that with tassels now there's all this imagery in the tassel next slide so I'm going to hold this up to the camera so everybody can see this and Butler and mcgahren I'm gonna try to do it here where everybody can see it the best I can that is a properly tied tassel if you look at that there are five knot oh right there are five knots in that tassel one for each come on with it there are five knots in that tassel one for each book of the Torah Genesis Exodus Leviticus numbers and Deuteronomy five knots so it's not just the presence of God it's the presence of God as it is attached to the Word of God it's it's remembering that although the presence of God is what it is and cannot be taken whew you need to have it attached to the Word of God or things get very very strange also between those five knots are four spaces one for each letter in the Holy Name Yahweh you'd hey Bob hey so what they would do is they remind themselves that it's not just the presence of God it's the presence of God as it is attached to the Word of God and the name of God the name of God was defined in exodus 34 he is the lord the lord he is compassionate gracious slow to anger abounding in love and forgiveness that was the definition of the name of God they use that everywhere sometimes positively bless the Lord O my soul and all that is within me bless His Holy Name and forget not his benefits who forgives all of your sins and heals all of your diseases for he is the compassionate gracious slow to anger abounding in love and forgiveness God who does not treat us as our iniquities deserve but gives us mercy this new every morning sometimes negatively like Jonah I knew it I knew you were gonna forgive the Assyrians I knew you were a compassionate gracious slow to anger abounding in love and forgiveness God that's why I ran see Jonah had to learn that God is not nearly as interested in getting his enemies as he was and God is not nearly as interested in getting you as your enemies are like it's not just enough to have the presence of God it's the Word of God and the name of God it's the disposition of Messiah it's compassionate gracious slow to anger abounding love as a matter of fact we talked this morning about what it took to be a rabbi and when you were in your rabbi training and when you were in the process by which you were learning to memorize Scripture when you did your memorization test and your memorization drills the rabbi testing you before you started quoting scripture he would take something and he would dip your tongue in honey to remind you that the Word of God is sweet and must be expressed sweetly the idea is is that you can be right but be wrong at the top of your voice it's one thing to carry the anointing it's a whole nother thing not to be a jerk about it it's so it's you could be right but be wrong at the top of roy's it's it's not just the presence of God it's the word of God and the name of God now this is a properly tied tassel it takes 613 loops to make that there's exactly 613 commands in the Torah so you had the Word of God the name of God the ways of God but a tassel always comes off with eight strands in Hebrew eight is the number of new beginnings fresh starts second chances clean slates Mulligan's and the opportunity to write a better story in other words all in this shawl all in this garment was a reminder that God is with me everywhere I go everything I do everything I say but it's not just the presence of God it's the presence of God as it is attached to the Word of God the name of God the ways of God and a reminder of the grace of God when I fail and what they would do is they would wrap the tassels around their hands like so and it would remind them they'd look at it God's ways brought me from slavery to freedom God's ways brought me from darkness to light God's ways brought me from from Egypt Israel God's ways are the best ways for my life so that anytime before I send with my hand I had to physically unwrap God it was a deterrent from prostituting ourselves by going up to the lust of our own hearts and eyes so there's all of this really cool imagery with the tassels now that we know that light remember there's this one time Jesus says beware of the Pharisees who wear their tassels too long why because sometimes people in the first century like to make a loud announcement of how close they are to God like we would never do that right right essentially Jesus is saying beware of people who are too loud about how close they are to God normally they're not and that's your experience and that's mine like when I come into a church and somebody comes up to me and says I'm the prayer warrior here normally not it's normally not true normally the prayer warrior is somewhere praying I've never met a prophet in my life who told me he was a prophet in my whole life I've never met a true prophet that announced himself that way the true prophets are the one everyone else is saying well watch out for that dude I'm read your mail essentially Jesus says beware of people who pretend their flaw free and act like their holy because normally they're the wolf beware of people who wear their tassels too long like there's just one Psalm where David says under the shadow of your wings knopf knopf God doesn't have wings no no this is what is that this is under the Word of God the name of God the ways of God the grace of God the nature of God as it is expressed in in the presence of God remember there's this one time there's this guy named David right and David kills a giant guy named Goliath the Philistine warrior and he is he is very very popular amongst the people but he is very unpopular with Saul and he starts running from Saul and also lies and what you find out in that story is David is a bad dude when it comes to hand-to-hand combat he's unbelievable lion whatever bear bring it on right right big Philistine warrior I got this David's up but David's Jack Bauer on speed right but as awesome as David is at hand-to-hand combat he's terrible at hiding right it says that he went to a cave to hide from soul and 400 people already knew he was there and his family like as good as you aren't hand in combat bro when it comes to hiding frankly you suck right that's the idea and it says that soul went into the cave to use the toilet right so he goes into the cave to use the toilet and it says that it was dark in there and evidently David's eyes were already adjusted it says that David snuck up behind Sol and he cut off the corner of Saul's garment hang on a second if Saul's the king of Israel what would have been attached to the corner of His garment tassels right and then David sneaks off into the distance right Saul finishes his business comes out of the cave puts his garment back on and reaches for his tassels to wrap around his hand but when he reaches for his tassels he can't find them because David had cut off the corner of his garment and David is in the distance holding up the corner of Saul's garment and it says soul saw as a reproach of course he did what's David saying he's like soul the presence of God is not for me to take from you I can't touch your anointing that's above my pay grade but what I can do is give commentary that the way you're caring it stinks to high heaven yeah you have the anointing just like you always have but you've lost your tassels bro you said Saul Saul doesn't approach so all this really sort of neat imagery in this kind of stuff well an interesting prophecy came about it's in the last prophet of the Old Testament it's a guy named Malachi one of the last things before the thing shots and he's trying to define how will you know when you can see Messiah in front of you and he's talking about this and he gives this interesting prophecy about how to know when messiah is standing in front of you and here's what he says next light but for you who revere my name the Sun of righteousness will rise with healing in his wings but the word is enough in other words you can tell who Messiah is by whether there's healing in the corner of his garment o mark chapter 5 so an interesting story comes about that centers around a guy named Jairus and his daughter now it's the product could have sort of a long story so I'm going to read a few verses then I'm gonna tell the story and then we'll come back and look at some different things here's Mark chapter 5 I think it's verse 21 when jesus said again crossed over by the lake to the to the other side of the lake a large crowd gathered around him while he was by the lake then one of the synagogue leaders a guy named Jairus came when he saw Jesus and fell at his feet this is a posture obviously of begging he pleaded earnestly with him my little daughter's dying please come and put your hands on her so that she'll be healed and live so Jesus went with them now we're gonna talk about the rest of this passage because things get very interesting very quickly but we have to remember that this whole thing is about Jesus going to go pray for Jairus his daughter because if we forget that it's about Jairus daughter what happens next is so spectacular we might lose sight of the fact that this is actually about Jairus his daughter because Jairus daughter is dying so Jairus asked Jesus to come pray for his daughter because his daughter's dying but we don't want to lose sight of the fact that this is about Jairus daughter because what happens next is pretty spectacular and sometimes we quit reading because the next thing is pretty spectacular but the whole thing is actually about Jesus getting to Jerry's daughter and we don't want to lose sight of the fact that he's getting to Jerry as his daughter because if we lose sight of that we're gonna miss the whole point because this whole story's about Jesus going to go pray for Jerry's daughter even though what happens next is pretty spectacular this whole thing is about Jesus going to go pray for Jairus daughter cuz Jairus daughter it's pretty sick Jerry says begging Jesus please come pray for my daughter said Jesus agrees to go pray for Jairus his daughter and the whole thing is about Jesus gonna go pray for Jerry's daughter because we don't want to lose sight the fact that even though the next things pretty big this is old thing is about Jesus gonna go pray for Jerry's daughter because if we don't remember that we're gonna miss the whole point so it's very important when I tell this story that we remember this whole thing is about Jesus getting to Jarius his daughter so Jesus is gonna go pray for Jace's daughter on the way there says a woman with an issue of bleeding for 12 years pushes through the crowd reaches up and grabs the corner of Jesus's garment hold on if Jesus is a Jew and he is what would have been attached to the corner of his garment tassels why is this woman grabbing this well remember these people memorized every prophecy about Messiah and she knows if he is who he says he is then there should be healing in his wings now to understand this we have to understand a few things let me give you a quick Hebrew hermeneutic lesson in Jewish hermeneutics you always read the Bible through four levels Western people approach a scripture with this thought I don't want to be wrong what's the one meaning right what Jews approach scripture with I don't want to miss out right so if there's another way to read this tell me we want to hold all these things in tension right right now the four levels are if you're a nerd the four levels are push shot Ramez brush ensued if you're not a nerd one two three four now level one is just like the Passat it's it's the plainest thing going on so the plainest thing going on is there's a lady who's obviously bleeding I think we can assume it's some sort of female issue she's been bleeding for quite a long time and evidently without medical care she's at the extent of the medical care and she's got one hope and that is a touch from God so she pushes through the crowd to touch Jesus that's what's going on but it says something interesting it says she's been bleeding for 12 years how did they know that what if it was 11 years in nine months what if it was 13 years what has she held it to herself for three years like it's obviously not the point when a Jewish author says the word 12 they would have a Jewish audience what about 12 that's 12 tribes that's us so on what that's the Ramez the Ramez is a hit or an allusion to something so so in one sense this story's about one lady at one moment at one time needing a touch from God and a hold another since this story is about an entire nation leaking life and needing a touch from God this story's about me and it's about you right then I understand what's going on we gotta understand there's two words we learned earlier teme and Tel see in Jewish culture you rate one of two you were you were either teme unclean or you were Tajo clean now we've defined sin very poorly we defined sin as the bad things we do so we are he does a bad it's a sin okay fair enough but sin was much broader than that in Leviticus sin was anything that wasn't perfect it made you unclean and it was very contagious like Tim may was incredibly contagious I'll give you help examples right in Leviticus it says it's a sin to have dandruff so won't you just check your neighbor right now see if they're living in sin in leviticus it says it was a sin to have any skin rash yeah anybody want to tell us about a skin rash they have that we can't see I don't even how you lived back then and this is true in Leviticus it says it's a sin for a woman to give birth in Leviticus chapter 12 it says after a woman's given birth she must bring an offering to the temple to atone for her sin of loss of blood why because hard labor was never part of the original plan that was the idea and of course these these things made you unclean - here was the problem Tim a was very contagious so if you have dandruff and I touch you not only are you unclean now I'm unclean why because here's what happened right the people who ran the temple figured out that you can profiteer on people spiritual guilt so what they did because we would never do that what they did is they took the law and then they made it harder and harder and harder and harder to keep it and they made it more and more and more and more contagious and they created all these man-made rules around the other rules around more rules around more rules like for instance they said not only would it make you unclean to touch a woman who's on her period right which is so weird how did you know that how did you even live back then like if you're here tonight you're on your period would you just raise your hand that is so weird right they said not only is it a sin to touch a woman on her period it's a sin to touch a chair a woman said on in the last three days if she's been on her period right which ok alright so if you don't really in raise your hand would you put a little note in the chair so like what here was a man-made one it was against the law it was a sin to touch furniture we're a married couple had been intimate in the last three days like what did you do put up a sign I I was teaching this in a pastor's home once and he made everybody get off the sofa well he was 75 no no no my hero now here's the thing so think about this for a second and we tend to read the Bible where's the doctrine we want the doctrine okay but let's stop for a second and let's read this emotionally if this woman had been bleeding for 12 years first of all let's talk about physics just physical stuff think about if you're a woman if you'd been bleeding if you've been having a female problem for 12 years how would you be feeling physically and be terrible and remember medicine I mean penicillin was just invented 90 years ago like like Advil just came around six I'll be like no this is terrible and now let's read it emotionally let me just paint a picture this woman would not have been purposely touched in 12 years and it wasn't cuz people remained they they literally could not afford to touch her so she won't think about the emotional pain if she walked in the room even good hearted people because if they touch her they're going to go to the temple and buy sacrifices it's horrendously oppressive be terrible so here's what she hears she hears that the one who says he's Messiah is close by and she knows the prophecy if I can just get close enough to grab the corner of his garment this thing will leave me here's the problem she's a castaway how does a castaway get close enough to touch him this is where you gonna love her she's like hang on I'm Tam eh no one can afford to touch me so here's what she does she puts her elbows out excuse me pardon excuse me pardon excuse me right you like her right she reaches up and grabs Jesus's garment and she gets instantly healed now what's interesting is is that Jesus doesn't even address the healing actually Jesus does something weird you never see him do it before you never see him do this again it's a one-off this lady touches him he gets healed and he's like who touched me who touched me power has left from me does that sound like Jesus no that sounds like obi-wan Kenobi right Luke the force has left me right so weird normally when jesus healed somebody his he was let's keep this on the down-low let's keep this between us not this time this lady touches him and he's like who touched me who touched me power has left from me now why is that important why would a Jewish rabbi point out to an entire crowd of an unclean woman touched him like what what are what are they gonna what would the crowd think Jesus is now 10 eh they're gonna think he's unclean right and that's the gospel in a nutshell is the one who knew no sin was willing to become unclean so that someone else can have a bit of clean and wholeness and peace that's the whole thing in a nutshell the one who had the right to claim cleanliness actually was willing to be perceived as unclean for the sake of the other that is see that see with first century rabbis had laid would they have laid hands on people yes but would they have touched them no but would they have laid hands on them yeah but would they have touched them no but would they lay hands on them oh yeah but would they've touched them no they think about that till tomorrow right so what happened see for us we live in a real literal world so when we read laying hands on somebody we read this right and look amen hey if you pray for someone and you do that and it works please keep doing it nothing wrong with that but but laying on of hands with something called mala it meant to impart something that is within my authority to impart over you it for us it would be ministering the name of God like Jehovah Rapha our healer Joe vajira our provider Jehovah said can you are righteousness Jehovah Shalom our peace that we have a right to minister that name right so this lady reaches up and she grabs the corners got she gets healed Jesus doesn't even dress it he says go in peace go in Shalom in other words don't make the next group of friends pay for the rejection of the first group and don't make the next community pay for the pain you just went through don't just go physically whole go in Shalom but then something bad happens like really bad remember this stories about Jesus gonna go pray for Jarius his daughter we'd only excited that because actually one of the best miracles Jesus ever did was an interruption to his schedule which is a whole nother thing like if God can't interrupt your schedule you might miss some of the best stuff God might ever do for you too regimented and stuff you know so something tragic happens the little girl dies while this is happening this is horrendous and tragic once again think about this emotionally if you have a child and you just got news that your daughter died what is your basic emotion right and then add to that how horrendously they told him check out how blunt these people were this is blunt to a level you can't imagine next slide this is verse 35 well Jesus was still speaking some people came from the house of Jairus the synagogue leader cherish your daughter's dead why bother the rabbi anymore okay first rude that's rude Jairus your daughter's dead why even bother the rabbi anymore cherish your daughter dead okay first that's rude second let's be Jairus for a second emotionally what are you feeling first disbelief like no way second devastation once it sinks in third who are you angry with no not Jesus you can't be mad at the Lord Jesus no no no no no mad at the woman stupid woman been bleeding 12 years couldn't wait twenty minutes he's serious he was on money he's on his way to pray for my daughter and you had to stop things you stupid woman 12 years you couldn't wait twenty minutes now but daughters dead oh man why would they be so rude once again we got to understand their culture this is Israel he's a synagogue ruler in Leviticus it says it is a sin to knowingly walk into a room where a dead body is so if you know a dead body's in there you can't knowingly walk in there without being a sinner so they're like hey the daughter's already dead there's no need to bother him he can't walk in there he's not allowed but it says it is a sin to knowingly walk into a room where a dead body is unless you're already considered unclean who touched me who touched me power has left from me I need all of you to look over here I need all of you to think I'm unclean you realize they wouldn't even let her him in the room if that interruption had not happened what appears to be devastating and an interruption is actually the very thing that made the next miracle possible Oba Shan I lost my job I lost my job good maybe now you'll be free to start that business you've been dreaming about for a while what might look shame they left me they left me Oh God Oh God good she was terrible ask your friends you just got a mulligan bro take it what might seem like the end of your story is just a new beginning now Jesus carries on and he covers his bases he's like she's not dead she's just sleeping wink wink right he's so good it's a good next light and he went in and said to them why all this commotion and wailing well a little girl's dead there's people carrying on the child's not dead but asleep but they laughed at him and after he put them all out he took the child's father and mother and disciples here with him and he went in there now unless before we go forward I want to remind ourselves of something give me a second I'll put this back on so if Jesus is Jewish and yet there have been tassels attached to the corner garment and where would these tassels have been wrapped around his hand now it's very important this garment everybody together in Butler Langara and Canning Vale the word is tallit with a whole lot of gusto everybody together ready go to lead let's try that again ready go to lead and to lead is literally a garment but symbolically it's the presence of God it's reminder and God is with me wherever I go whatever I do watch what happens next and he took her by the hand stop what would have been attached around his hands tassels so in the first part of the story you have a woman being touched by God because she's reaching up for him in the second part of the story you have a little girl being touched by God because he's reaching down for her even after she's dead and hopeless see sometimes you'll get a touch from God because you're desperately reaching up for God sometimes you'll get a touch from God just surprised because he's reaching down for you and he took her by the hand and said tallit ha come my little girl I say to you get up but remember in their culture this was the presence of God tallit ha come my child the presence of God is here get up my child the presence of God is here it's time for you to arise and I came across this nation to stand on this stage at this very moment and prophetically declare a word to you tallit haa whom my child the presence of God is here it is time for you to get up all but Shane I went through divorce I went through a divorce yeah seven years ago how long you gonna wallow in that get up get your head up your shoulders back you move forward it's time for you to shake the dust off your feet and go on with life ha but Shane yo tallit ha come my child the presence of God is here it's time for you to arise no it is irresponsible of me I actually couldn't preach this if I didn't stop and make this point because my conscious wouldn't let me it is irresponsible of me to preach a message like this without realizing that some people might use a message like this to presume upon the grace of God to fix things we could fix ourselves it allows us to be irresponsibility listen God is not duty-bound to fix our own stupidity nor is he duty-bound to finish something he didn't initiate like listen I think I speak for the leaders here if I don't I humbly apologize because it's not my place but I'm pretty confident about this if you get lung cancer we will pray earnestly and authentically for God to heal your lung cancer but we would much rather you quit smoking today than to need a miracle in 20 years right look if you're if you're having financial difficulty we'll pray with all we got for God to break through your finances but but we'd also like to know you're getting up before 10 you're bright you're bathing regularly you're dressing well and you're going to work right like there's a cure for broke it's called get a job and and this is Australia a land of motorcars paved roads stores the prepackaged food for us clean water and our tap machines that do washing other machines that do drawing world-class health care right down the road it's largely free when I hear Australians complain about Australia let me be blunt where you gonna go [Applause] right in other words if it's within your power this is the second temptation of christ remember Satan says hey Jesus throw yourself off the mountain and because God's got such a big plan for your life he'll catch you and never Jesus he's like probably but what would I do that when I could just not jump right in other words it fits within your power to change your life you ought to change your life right I'm not sure yes maybe um maybe Joyce Meyer be better if it's within your power to change your life get off your button change your life don't let me come back here next year find you in the exact same place if it's within your power to change your life get off your button do something about it and change your life [Applause] Lovejoy's maybe that doesn't do it maybe my favorite joel osteen i love him he's my favorite you're a champion god loves you you don't let that devil get in your head and get you all negative you tell him to go him back to Hell where he came from me and Victoria we talking the other day about what daddy you say about y'all and y'all aren't just beautiful people y'all are champions so the next time that Devil gets in your head and goes round and round and round and round you just reach deeper down inside of you you become the champion God intended you to be either way here's the truth if you live long enough you'll take all your medicine and it won't work it's not enough you'll do everything you can do to save the marriage and they're still gonna walk out you'll do everything you could do to save the business that you care about and the customer is gonna change contractors if you live long enough there's a moment where you're at the end of what you can do and at that moment that's when there's the promise of something far more profound a touch from God let me show you this one more thing this is just too cool next slide and immediately the girl stood up well that's good news right how much faith did it take for Jesus to touch a dead thing if she doesn't breathe we got a problem yeah and immediately the girl stood up and began to walk around oh wait a minute how old was she well she was 12 - oh so the lady's been bleeding the amount of time this girl's been alive maybe they knew each other I know it's not the point I know one level this is about one little girl and one lady bleeding one dead little girl and one bleeding lady but on a whole nother level this is about an entire nation leaking life and desperately needing a touch from God lest we die in our complacency she's 12 years old at this they were completely astonished you reckon and he gave strict orders not to let anybody know now that's Jesus that's the one and he told them to give her something to eat why well I guess rising from the dead you work up an appetite I don't know [Laughter] here's what I do now there are those of you here and you're straight in the middle of something and you know and I know that you could change your life and my call to you tonight is to get the courage to do something about it and in just a second the prayer team here is gonna be up here and I'm gonna open up the altar and we're gonna pray for folks and if you can do something about your life but you still would like pray you know but my prayer would be for courage to act that's fine amen amen but if you're here and you're at the end of all you can do you've taken your medicine you've done all you can do in that 26 year old son is still off the rails you done all you can do I want you to have your moment in prayer where we bring these things and leave them where they need to be left at the foot of the presence of God and what I'm gonna do now let me be clear these are my tassels okay I bought it at a Messianic Jewish shop in Jerusalem there's no inherent power in this this is symbolism this is metaphors but if you're the type of person like I'd only by taking this literally you know like Shane said his clothes have power no we're not going tribal here like wash and I know but if you if you're if you're not a tactile person this won't help you don't just come get prayer but if you're a tactile person I'm gonna leave this here when we open up the altar maybe you as a part of your prayer time just want to have a moment with the tassel it's an acknowledgement I've done all I can do and now I'm leaving this with you
Channel: Kingdomcity
Views: 4,356
Rating: 4.8032789 out of 5
Keywords: Shane Willard, Shane Willard Ministries, mark varughese, christian, pastor, leader, mark, mark varugas, mv, kingdomcity, kingdomcity perth, kingdomcity sg, kingdomcity kuala lumpur, kingdomcity kl, church, preacher, lisa bevere, planetshakers, sunday, sermon, message, speaker, christian speaker, christian sermon, jesus, god, holy spirit, holy ghost, steven furtick, brian houston, pentecostal, online service, conference, jewish, christian theology, jewish christian, theology, Apostles
Id: 1xl88X_7kiM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 17sec (2777 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 15 2019
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