KINGDOM LIVE from LA - Maverick City Music & Kirk Franklin

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come on let's get it [Music] come on let's put your hands together [Music] but it's different now [Music] some things don't make sense [Music] gives me [Music] [Music] your [Music] [Music] your grace your strengths [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] worthy of every song we could ever say worthy of all the praise we could ever break worthy of every breath we could ever breathe we live for you we live jesus the name above every other name jesus the only one who could ever say worthy of every breath we could ever breathe [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] worthy of every soul we could ever see [Music] worthy [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] when he's worthy worthy of every breath we could ever [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh [Applause] you are [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] it is [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] there is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] no turning back [Music] jesus no turning back no turning [Music] jesus no turning back [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus [Music] is [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] let it be your eyes on me every time i [Music] just a simple song to see if i could have anything [Music] let me be [Music] come in i like can we take it back [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] me [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] these wolves [Music] oh [Music] is [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] so good to be in the house with you tonight buckle up we got a lot more left l.a makes some noise for house fires [Applause] oh yeah listen guys we just getting started one thing about la la brings out the stars yo we have some special people in the house that's why all of you are special let me just make that clear i want everybody to be offended all of you are special but uh we have some special people in the house ellie can you make some noise torrey kelly is in the building [Applause] la can you make some noise one of the greatest baseball players of all time is in the building make some noise for matt kemp he's in the building [Applause] l.a you got to make some noise for these ladies right here they homegrown l.a i need to hear you make some noise for erica and tina marry mary and the builders oh yeah everybody come to l.a man man listen let me give you my announcements anybody who buys the new album from kurt franklin maverick city kingdom book one all the kingdom deluxe gets 10 off on merchandise we're in church tonight we don't turn staples into a sanctuary so when you're in church you got to do what the do i'm going to be the pastor tonight i guess you have to repeat after the pastor say neighbor y'all didn't say it right say it like i said or don't say it at all say neighbor you get 10 off all merch now put some emphasis on this work with you didn't say it from you you didn't say it from your belly say with the purchase of a cd la make some noise right all right all right i'm so excited about tonight it's it's about to it's about to get real crazy um um uh let me see here where we going with this one um what churches what churches are represented here tonight all right ho ho style south south south south south south south south south south i do to every city y'all really think i can hear all y'all but y'all just screaming go go go church search ifc who amen church amen one church sin of hope i know cali worship is in the building sin of hope praise the lord all right well y'all give it up for all the churches anybody in the building work in the healthcare industry healthcare healthcare healthcare if you're in the healthcare industry i need you on your feet i want to see you healthcare let me see your healthcare healthcare healthcare yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes i love it let me ask you a question where your mass at all y'all here listen listen i'm taking this thing off tonight you telling me what to wear but you're massless i'm playing you i'm joking give it up for all the healthcare workers [Applause] yeah now listen la tonight one night only for the first time on this tour we are streaming live all over the world on youtube premiere so la what i need you to do for your boy is i need you on your feet and making some noise for the people that are watching all around the world let's go l.a chicago's watching georgia's watching virginia's watching dc's watching everybody's watching make some noise [Applause] now at home if you're watching take that link share it to somebody who could not make it to the city that we've been to and tell them you can get this whole tour tonight somebody say tonight all right now i told you listen y'all didn't come here to get to get comfortable cut out that lounge and now i don't like the lounging face i'm just gonna sit here until my favorite group come up no you get enough of everybody so here we go i need everybody on their feet because we're about to go crazy at this place right now i can't take what's about to happen la i can't take this la we're going to chicago illinois [Music] [Applause] this man is a three-time grammy award winner [Applause] this man is a 17-time stella award winner this man is a 10-time dev award winner he has one of the dopest voices you will ever hear in the world los angeles california make some noise right now for the one the only jonathan you make me [Music] [Music] i gotta have you come home [Music] uh [Music] i don't know what i would do [Music] [Music] come on [Music] [Music] now check this out i only have one job tonight and that's to make sure that everybody regardless of cultural background all sings about jesus together is that cool salt worship has been a soundtrack to your life just sickness say jesus we love you [Music] come on now some of you are just as churchy as me so you gotta say the same thing [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] uh [Music] oh it's gonna be a good night [Music] [Music] build yourself [Music] [Music] [Music] can you make [Music] [Music] [Music] if you know that you're built to be a temple of the holy spirit [Music] hey [Music] [Music] and let you think that this year after all the craziness we've been through for the past two can we finally break some cycles off of our lives come on if you know that god has the power to shift things there's power in the name of jesus to break things [Music] [Music] tell me what i missed [Music] [Music] he wants to make cause if he gets another chance he feels like he can take my joy my peace my faith if you know it let me all say it [Music] [Music] that's how he keeps us inside [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh go how y'all feeling y'all good listen i'm so excited to hang out with you guys we got gospel we got jesus music in the staples center i mean whatever you call it but check this out i know you guys are looking forward to hearing the goat kirk franklin i know you guys are can't wait to hear the incredible cool kids maverick city i've been hanging around all these incredible songwriters you got you got brandon you got chan you got naomi you got kurt and i realized something we're all kind of the same when it comes to this songwriting thing sure there are songs that god gives us well we are real holy i mean we're just on one knee you put a prayer shawl on and like smoke fills the room and we emerge with a great song but that's really most of the songs just come straight out of life the good bad and ugly life and i gotta admit that this song that i'm about to sing uh i mean it was probably inspired by my ex probably y'all judging me over here i'm just gonna look over here it's cool [Applause] cause look at your neighbors say neighbor what's the opposite of going in cycles look at him and say moving on ellie i need y'all to sing this song like you gotta wave bye bye to some people and some things too [Music] come on see i'm closing chapters i'm turning page glory to glory from faith [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] what's behind me [Music] [Music] she taught me well before i get your failures and forgive yourself i'm moving up with this part come on [Music] behind me is [Music] me [Music] [Music] forgetting what's behind me [Music] now i've been looking around the room okay and while there are several thousand of you standing up there about 10 of y'all sitting down and i think i know why it's because i've been singing for 15 minutes and i haven't explicitly given you any scripture so here it goes in genesis 4. now you know i'm real holy cause i'm starting in genesis genesis of revelation equals holy anyway back in genesis seriously genesis 4 god was talking to cain and he was like you know kane was kind of giving god this little lackadaisical convenient worship and god was like you know if you do right by me with this worship all will be well with you will it not be accepted if you don't however sin is crouching at your door so very early god connected your ability to avoid cycles and to move on and avoid mistakes he connected it to your worship everything that we've been singing about for the last 10 minutes is all contingent on your ability to make room for god with your worship so i need all the believers to go ahead and lift up those hands we're going to take a little bit of a right turn and make sure [Music] that we make room [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] that's my favorite line sing it again jesus [Music] prepare to show you fear [Music] [Music] hey holy spirit help us [Music] [Music] my itinerary [Music] [Applause] [Music] whatever it is [Music] see whatever it [Music] it is [Music] [Music] [Music] what i am [Music] you are sure [Music] foreign [Music] oh [Music] what i've done [Music] you will cover and what i let [Music] i'll trust the lover say [Music] i needed your grace [Music] [Music] i was stronger in my [Music] i'm [Music] couldn't make it without [Music] can we turn these [Music] like a [Music] i need yours [Music] come on if you know that you need the grace of god somebody shot right there [Applause] i need it way more than i'd like to admit we're not standing up here on just talent charisma personality and creativity we're up here on something really solid and that's the grace of god now check this out we get to do this jesus music in a lot of different places and sometimes we go to places where you know they don't know all the church language they don't know how we how we talk to each other oh bless your bishop they don't know all that so when they see me walking on stage they say hey good luck out there and i'll be looking at him like you know i don't need luck right and it's not because i'm so good or anything but it's just that i'm on something greater something a little more unconditional something that doesn't have ups and downs good and bad days i'm talking about the love of god i need somebody i need y'all to turn this into like friday night church of god in christ service and say neighbor can i tell you something about me i'm not lucky [Music] [Music] see maybe i succeeded from the [Music] ain't made for me [Music] and as much [Music] [Music] is [Music] today i'm in a happy place [Music] my [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] let me all lift it up cause can i tell y'all something about me for the next two three minutes i'm just gonna be jumping around come on [Music] come on [Music] come on come on [Music] jesus [Music] everybody [Music] [Music] tells me [Music] [Music] at least if you want to sunday school every sunday [Music] energy [Music] [Music] i love you all so much [Music] oh [Music] l.a you thought i was finished no i just went to grab another friend of mine [Music] this goes out to the world sorting out a million thoughts running through your head to [Music] for better everyone is [Music] praise the lord [Music] breathe [Music] is [Music] praise the lord [Music] y'all give it up for my big brother jonathan nick reynolds l.a l.a how y'all feeling tonight it feels so good up here i know a lot of us have come for my favorite songs we may have come for our favorite artists but i just want to know who came for jesus the only one i just i want to know who came for jesus the one who is lifted high the one who is exalted the one who is magnified come on let's fill this arena with worship real quick let's turn it into a sanctuary i will bless the lord come on say love [Music] this is what we've come to do [Music] [Music] it doesn't take that much to think about it [Music] i will be i've made a decision tonight [Music] [Music] you deserve the glory [Music] only jesus deserves [Music] you are hallelujah [Music] [Music] let's lift it up [Music] um [Music] we are [Music] you are [Music] it is [Music] is [Music] my soul [Music] it is [Music] [Music] is anybody in los angeles california grateful it is well with our souls tonight i said is anybody in l.a grateful that it is well with our souls tonight lord we are grateful for this privilege we have to worship you together to cross lines that would normally divide us and come in this room to celebrate the main thing the one thing that matters which is we serve a gracious patient forgiving kind kind god kind savior who wants to meet with us individually tonight god we are not here to be spectators we are here to engage with the god who wants to change our hearts and change our lives in this moment we love you with all that we are meet us here in your name we pray amen amen are y'all glad to be here tonight los angeles i can't tell you what it means to be able to be here with my extended family with my friends maverick city i feel like my little cousins and kirk who feels like my little slightly older brother um yeah sam i need you to keep playing the piano i feel more spiritual when you play this whole stopping and taking breaks now we're not doing that [Music] my name is anthony evans i am from dallas texas good to see y'all yeah for those of you who like who's that why is he here i'm anthony evans i'm from dallas texas i'm a preacher's kid we got any preachers kids in the room tonight go i got a good therapist if you need him i'm not playing anyway i'm normally on the road with my dad as a preacher as i mentioned his name's dr tony evans he's in dallas texas and i love traveling with my dad yeah i love him and because my voice is high i get to lead worship on a lot of events with my sister her name is priscilla shire we get to do a bunch of stuff together but tonight i get to be here with y'all and i'm so grateful again for the opportunity first of all los angeles you look like a big bag of skittles like y'all this is all the colors of the rainbow la is what heaven's gonna look like i feel like that's what i feel like that's exactly what i'm feeling i'm an emotional dude you didn't ask anything about me but i got a microphone and you hear so just give me a second you know what i'm saying i'm an emotional dude i look like a linebacker but some days i have the emotions of a ballerina whatever it works for worship you know what i'm saying like go in the corner and write your feelings it just it works but there was a period in my life where i was a mess like a whole mess but leading worship at the same time and i felt crazy i felt like an actor y'all with l.a understands this i felt like an actor getting into character to get on get on the stage and sing the songs because i didn't believe what the songs were about anymore i was broken i was a mess i had people in my life who had no business being there i was dealing with a bunch of codependent nonsense people i should have been saying goodbye to that i wasn't saying goodbye to i went through a broken engagement because of those people that i wasn't saying goodbye to she was like i'm out all this was happening and then the next day literally the next day got on a plane to go fly to sing to an audience like this about how god is we i'm giving him all the glory and he's faithful and i felt like a lunatic i still i remember flying into the city standing on the stage i pulled the microphone up to my mouth and i took a breath to sing the words but i said i was like i don't feel like doing this i said that into the microphone and i watched my road manager in the back of the room go yeah he looked at me like well this is this is it this is the last time you're doing this i made a decision in that moment to worship because not because i'm noble i was there i made a decision to worship in spite of the way that i felt and i have never experienced god meet me in that way when i made a decision to worship in spite of the circumstances that were happening in my life in spite of what i was facing i have never experienced that in my life i'm listen i told that audience all my business i know a lot of them were like oh my god we just came to worship this is too much like you doing too much you know i told them all my business after i finished that night it was it was a deep night of worship a lot of tears i diverted my flight back to back to um dallas where i was living where my dad and mom are living at that time i'm actually here la's my second home i live right down the street actually [Music] i diverted it i went and sat on my dad's couch the couch i grew up sitting on talking to him i was like dad listen i get it you preach to the world you tony evans i think that's beautiful but i need you to speak to your son right now cause i'm over it i'm about to turn this microphone off like the proverbial microphone as it relates to my faith i'm about to turn that mess off in my life i'm not doing this and he listened to me and he listened to my feelings he listened to me and he's i'm the kid where he's like are you done i'm like no another thing like that's that's my anybody else like that anybody okay and i kept talking i kept talking i kept on he said anthony are you done i'm like okay yeah yeah yeah like tell me something and he's like i understand your feelings i get it we're not gonna negate those your feelings are real and understand you feel left you feel lost you feel abandoned you feel like god's forgotten about you you feel like he's left you but what you need to understand is that your feelings do not have intellect your feelings cannot think your feelings cannot be the engine they have to be the caboose you have to bounce your feelings off the truth and he flipped open that ever so familiar bible that that bible we've seen our whole lives have flipped it open to philippians 1 6 it says i am confident in this he said anthony this is the truth whether you feel like it or not and he flipped his bible open to philippians 1 6 and he said i am confident in this that he who began a good work of me will be faithful to complete it until the day of christ jesus that's the truth whether you feel like it or not he said anthony let me talk to you about something else can i talk to you about football for a second which my dad's always going to find a way to talk about football i'm like what's football ain't got nothing with no feelings what you're talking about he was the chaplain for the cowboys all growing up so he always going to talk about football don't do that don't do this okay don't do it i also have add so while i'm talking to y'all my mind is like squirrel so you can't like yell and stuff while i'm talking it throws me all the way off i'm not playing [Music] he said anthony what would happen if i took you to cowboys stadium we did all the parking the waiting in line the parking get up get your tickets stand get your concessions go to your seat hours it takes hours to get to your seat what would happen if after the first whistle blew the team just huddled for three hours how would you feel i was like what kind of question is this what do you mean how would i feel if the team huddled for three hours he said tell me how you feel i was like i would leave the game i wouldn't want to be at no game where the team was huddling for hours i didn't come to see them do i didn't come to see them huddle i came to see them play he's like anthony how else would you feel i was like yo tricks are for kids like what's the point i don't understand what's happening right now [Applause] he said anthony the reason why you feel dead to your faith is because you know the coach very well you know the plays very well but you are doing nothing to execute what you know on the field of your life so you don't know what it feels like to win as related to your faith because you spend your life in the huddle and i was like dang that's what i get for having tony evans as a dad let me have it but he was right i spent my life in rooms like this churches discussing the coach discussing the plays i could quote you 200 bible verses and i would leave the room and be like anyway and not do anything with with what i knew so i didn't know what it felt like to win is related to my faith i flew back to nashville after that talk with my dad and i sat down with a friend of mine his name is ben green i sat down with ben and was excited telling him what i'm telling y'all like emotions don't have intellect i've got to do something outside the huddle and he was just looking at me and he kept going [Music] i was talking to him and i was like ben what's wrong with your neck i don't understand what's happening right now he said anthony you are sitting here talking to me about getting outside of yourself getting outside of your feelings and getting outside of the huddle and you know what i do you you you're one of my closest friends you know what i do and i was like oh okay yeah man about that i know what you do you work for an organization called food for the hungry and what i'm not about to do is sponsor no kid because i know that's what you have to ask me to do and i actually don't believe that these kids are real i don't believe that i don't believe that y'all these kids are actually getting what you asked for sorry no shade but uh-uh i felt like the president of your organization drives a ferrari and lives in malibu you know what i'm saying like trust issues i'll work them out later with my therapist i'm not playing he was like yo come with me to the office like at least come with me to the office i'm not gonna lie to you so i went with him i came with men to the office i walked around i was like okay these kids look pretty real you know what i mean like i feel like they're doing what they say i spent the whole day there watching what they're doing i did everything but dig through the president's drawers because i'm a skeptic i'm very much a skeptic about a lot of a lot of things in life and i knew at the end of the day i was ready because i knew ben was going to ask me to sponsor a child i knew it was going to happen so i had my answer ready ben walked up to me at the end of the day with this little picture of a little boy named juan andre and he said anthony this is juan andre you've seen what we do all day you know these kids are getting what we say they're getting do you want to sponsor this little boy i thought i had him i said ben i will sponsor this little boy if you take me to meet him and i thought i had him i thought he'd be like well we can't do that because this picture represents a bunch of kids that need your help i thought he'd have like some way out he said give me a second it took him about 14 days he introduced me some other staff members with food for the hungry and he called me and said anthony pack a bag get in the car you're coming with me long story short we flew to lima peru i drove an hour and a half up a hillside and a bus with with no pavement and no guardrails i was stressed all the way out i was like this kid better be so real we get up there i jump out of this bus and at that point i'm kind of getting excited like this kid from the picture i'm about to meet this kid you know i didn't let's see what's up i jump out of the bus and go has anybody seen juan andre where is he at and they said he is not here and i was like oh ben we about to fight right here in lima peru we're gonna fight because you can't we came all this way and this kid's not here i said where is he and they said he's at the bottom of this hill you just drove up he went and he went down there this morning oh that's nice uh but why would he go down there we drove up to this town it looked like national geographic live and in person that's what it looked like it was cinder blocks and ten roofs and people it just looked like how do people live like this and i ask why is he down there and they said because something is wrong with him and we can't figure it out up here we have nothing left to figure out what's wrong with this little boy i was like wait wait a minute we got to find him then we came all this way let's go find this little boy we drove back down this hill walked into this place that they call a hospital that not one of us in this in this arena not one of us would go into that place because that was not a hospital most of us would not take our pets to the place that i walked inside of i walked up and saw this little boy hanging over his mother's arms and was like yo this is the little boy from these pictures that is crazy and i walked up to her i was trying not to be the american that showed up to save the day and i was like what is going on through the interpreter like what is happening what do you need and she said to me something i will never forget my whole life i will never forget i will never forget what this lady said to me this precious mother because i was thinking about my sisters and how they would be with my nephew i was like just just losing it she said i have been sitting here all day hoping that somebody will have mercy on me because i cannot afford to have my son seen i can't afford it and they won't help me and i'm just like somebody please help me and they're telling her to wait we're going to try to fit she couldn't figure it out and i was like yo this is crazy because all i could think about in that moment when she said i'm waiting for somebody to help me is the fact that i had that picture folder in my hand that i did not fill out if i would have taken the three minutes that it took to fill out that picture folder this little boy would not be in the scenario that he's in i grabbed him i was like let's get out of here we went to a better place a better hospital we rushed him in there i leaned over the counter and said yo how much is it to have this little boy scene we need to have him seen this is an emergency let's have him let's let's whatever we're going to make it work she leaned back over to me and she said um through the interpreter she said mr evans it's going to be about it's going to be 45 to have him seen today [Music] i'm sorry this this whole day has been about 45 dollars now i couldn't believe what i was hearing i felt nuts because i was holding a picture of this little boy in a folder i did not fill out and it was 45 which is what it cost to sponsor this little boy now when i first got asked when ben first asked me to sponsor this little boy that's right when gas went up to 6.7 million dollars a gallon and i was trying to figure out that y'all know it well we know it well over here i was like uh ben can i get sponsored like y'all have an adult program like what's up because i can't figure this is this is not a time to be asking me to sponsor anybody i'm trying to sponsor myself he said anthony look through your credit card receipts he's my friend he could talk to me a little crazy he said anthony look through your credit card receipts there's going to be something on your statement that's repetitive that you ain't you're not even thinking about especially in this day and age of subscriptions you don't you don't have something that you can give up to sponsor this little boy so i did i looked through and i was like okay between seven and nine in the morning across my whole credit card statement is the same place like the whole okay first of all you're judging me in the front row and i can hear you she's like i'm right here seven feet away girl it was starbucks girl i know it was starbucks [Music] you don't know me so anyway i added up all the times i went to starbucks that month and i [Music] i had spent enough money on coffee to sponsor two kids all my meetings about worship this and tour this and go do that and i'm gonna get do write this book and do all those meetings where i was drinking coffee i had spa i had spent enough money on coffee to sponsor two kids and as i held this little boy in the lobby of that hotel at the lobby of that hospital i grabbed him after he came out of there they gave him a shot he had an infection that was not dealt with i looked him in the eyes and thought i sacrificed coffee so you could have health food education essentials disaster relief all that is happening in this little boy's life because of my sacrifice you know what i'm saying i've been back three times with some of my friends who are right over here i've been back three times to visit this little boy to spend time with him and i made a commitment to myself that i will help create scenarios in in environments like this where we have a easy objective for some of us a very easy objective when we leave this huddle when we leave this maverick city kirk franklin huddle tonight that an impact is made not just right outside of this room but globally food for the hungry has made it wildly easy listen y'all i have a very christian way as a preacher's kid i have a very christian way of saying no to people we have tactics in church and preachers kids got issues so i told ben i will never forget this i told ben when he said hey you should you know you talking to me about sponsors little boy i said you know what ben let me give my christian no real quick i said ben let me pray about it i just need to pray about it for a few minutes i'm gonna go i'm gonna get with the lord on that for a minute as i walk away anybody know am i alone in this she's like i just did it ben looked at me and said anthony james the first chapter commands us to take care of the widow and the orphan when is it ever okay to pray about a command [Music] tonight we have an opportunity through food for the hungry in a room like this in a sold out room in the crypto arena here in los angeles where we can not only change hundreds of kids lives we can change thousands of kids like kids lives in this room food for the hungry knows it's crazy there are tens of thousands of people here they know it's nuts so what they have done is made it to where you didn't have to get out of your seat in just a moment they have placed volunteers all over this room and what we are going to do is i'm we meaning me kirk math all of us up here are going to ask you to be brave and bold in just a second and raise your hand right where you are the volunteer is going to come to you and you're going to get handed a packet just like the one i was holding in that lobby of that hospital you're gonna get handed a packet you grab that packet this kit is real this is one packet for this kid this is someone's real-life son real-life daughter who's in need you take you take this child out right here you fill this out it takes three minutes to fill this out you put it inside this envelope and you hand it back to the volunteer in the aisle it's that simple you keep this in seven to ten days this child is gonna know that they've been sponsored you can communicate with them i get the report cards my little boy we need to work on them but it's still nice to get them it's cute [Music] it's that simple and don't feel like you're too far those of you up there don't feel like you're not talking to me i'm way up here they're volunteers up there los angeles california tonight i just feel like we can we can change to the lives y'all these these kids lives are really i'm not trying to belabor the point but i've seen it we have seen it so wherever you are in this room on the count of three i want you to be brave i want you to be bold and i want your hands to go up all over this place and please help me kirk maverick city house fires jonathan mcreynolds this whole tour create a ripple effect when we break huddle and change lives all over the world on the count of three los angeles help us change these lives one two three no matter where you are in this room here you go keep your hands up high we're gonna make sure that you get them all over this place keep them up just be patient the volunteers will give them to you will you help hand these back to those folks over there please thank you very much we'll get them to you in just a second just keep your hands up all over this room y'all it's really let me fall off this stage it's really really really simple here you go you can pass those back for me and y'all it's wildly for the first time food for the hungry has partnered with a domestic organization through maverick city music they have an initiative that tonight when you sponsor a child you're not only doing something internationally you're doing something domestically through maverick city y'all keep your hands up be patient we'll make sure you get them chandler's going to tell you a little bit about what maverick city is doing domestically through this program of food for the hungry keep your hands all the way up we'll get it we'll get them to you [Music] what up uh so we have something called maverick city music initiative and uh we do a lot of things a lot of partnerships across the country but a couple of things that we do where we're housed which is in atlanta georgia we have something called a map house where we basically adopt kids and we do life with them teach them take them on trips and it's a house for at-risk youth so these are kids whose parents are incarcerated who have ended up homeless or without family because their parents are incarcerated or whatever their situation may be we bring them into the math house teach them things do music with them we go into prisons do writing camps in the prisons our whole kingdom album was recorded in a prison in miami florida we're passionate about mass incarceration we do after school music programs and some of the schools that don't get the best opportunity so we do a lot of things and it's all for the least of these all for those who may be forgotten about marginalized or people don't notice and it's because that's the heart of jesus it would be cool to get in here to sing our favorite songs and see our favorite artists but what change will we make when we leave the this uh arena tonight so we're inviting you to opportunity to change generations we're changing generations on the tour so again tonight you're not only sponsoring a child internationally you're sponsoring a program that also works domestically all the impact goes on you keep your hands up with volunteers let's make sure we cover these hands quick i see some people who had their hands up for just just a little while and um you know i think mavis doing something special tonight and if are you cause if not i think you are now because i just said it to a microphone uh yeah tell them chandler so as a way for maverick city and the tour to say thank you for helping us change lives the first 150 of you guys to turn in the packets the sponsorships you get a meet and greet with maverick city tonight after the show as our way to say thank you come take pictures come hang out come holla at us let's kiss your babies so it's real simple if you're not going to do the meet and greet you just fill that out the volunteers have pens you fill it out at your seat hand it back into a volunteer there are also tables on the main concourse if you're interested in being one of the first 150 all you have to do is go to section m8 um there's a table at uh ioma there's a table there's tables all over the concourse but that's the one you go to they'll give you a wristband tell you how it's going to work out we're going to take just a few moments to get those packets filled out get them turned in and we'll make sure that you get them and thank you so much los angeles for making us feel at home and thank you for helping us make an impact in lives outside of this room we'll see you very soon give you a couple minutes to fill those out we'll be back with maverick city and kirk franklin [Music] so check this out [Music] can we make [Music] i mean there's been times i feel like giving up and i just want to throw in the towel i'm like man and then the maverick city comes out of nowhere it's like we were missing that sound because every time i'm going through something i listen to a maverick city song after reading the scripture and it's like i'm back to being rejuvenated i mean i'm lost for worse man i just meeting these guys you might as well say the world almost stopped when kirk franklin walked in here that's like michael jackson i mean for us he's like the king of king of gospel and now being being in the presence with guys that's just trying to worship god and all on the same page one vision everybody's coming together for one goal to bring people to christ man the love the fact that these guys took time out the fact that they come in here to make us feel important for four days is just there's no words for that it's just it doesn't even make sense and we feel loved and we just we just appreciate it we just thank god [Music] [Applause] [Music] father this prayers for everyone that feels they're not good enough [Applause] just prayers for everybody to feel that they're too messed up for everyone that feels they said i'm sorry too many times you can never go too far when you can't come back home again that's why i need hey [Applause] hey pick me up turn me around place my feet home solid ground i think the master i think the savior because he healed my heart changed my name forever free i am not the same i thank the master i thank the savior i think [Music] another one i i am free book of revelation chapter 7 verses 16 and 17 yes they shall hunger no more neither shall they thirst anymore but god shall wipe away every tear from the eye get ready [Applause] wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute los angeles tonight it's not about kirk and it's not about mavs so what's it about it's about jesus in the kingdom and it's about to [Music] be right [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] friday [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] mercy [Music] [Music] see hallelujah [Music] [Music] can we take it away [Music] hallelujah is [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] can we celebrate because he keeps his promises [Music] i'll be ready to dance you better have your dancing shoes on [Music] [Music] what does he do you hear [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] turn [Music] [Music] anybody believe in him you'll finish [Music] how grateful you are [Music] [Music] cause i really really [Music] cause i really really need [Music] i am [Music] [Music] hungry why you're not dancing with us [Music] [Music] me wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute chandler wait a minute chandler that roof was kind of nice yeah little bro that that that was kind of cute do you mind giving la a little bit more that was kind of nice one more time one more time for them one more time [Music] [Applause] that scared me that was not good yo y'all went that nice kurt says you're so nice you do you should do it huh you do it come on sing kurt you got it [Applause] you know that's not my anointing i am a worshiper no no no no we we're here in l.a they came out to see maverick city and kurt franklin and they came to hear us sing so if you're not going to do that you got to give la something what you gonna what you gonna give him you gotta give him something just do your best with something maybe like this maybe something like that [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh my god how you doing i want everybody to rock with me like this [Music] everybody rock with me come on how y'all doing over here hey y'all doing over here [Music] for the rest of my life do it with me dance with me come on come on [Music] oh [Music] everybody [Music] for the rest of my life oh [Music] [Music] [Music] our god isn't also god he reigns from heaven over is [Music] los angeles there's so much hate in the world so much division in the world every day there's no pain to talk about but how many people in this room tonight as brothers and sisters believe that jesus is still the light of the world [Music] how many of you guys are tired of race dividing us in politics dividing us and religion dividing us how many people know that when the praises of the lord go up that's when the blessings come down but before we can change the world i want to invite every brother assistant here tonight to help me turn the crypto arena into the crypto missionary baptist evangelical church of god in christ saint defined methodist presbyterian wherever you are can we have church in the drilling tonight [Music] so in your own way i want you to help me change the atmosphere in here if you just want to lift your hands you want to sing you want to worship they show the world what happens when we take enough time to stop fighting with each other and we worship together everybody your own way come on let's create an atmosphere to show the world what happens when god's people come together [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hell are you still with me ella you still with me [Music] [Music] ah [Music] oh [Music] took away the beer [Music] [Applause] [Music] take away [Music] take it from your heart [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] take it over here come on forever [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] the holy spirit reigns forevermore [Music] come rest on us as the spirit was moving over the waters spirit come move over us come rest on us come rest on oh [Music] uh [Music] when you fill the [Music] now [Music] me [Music] do it again [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh yeah [Music] [Music] me [Music] come [Music] holy spirit [Music] holy spirit [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you're you for the holy spirit [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] holy [Music] we'll show spirit [Music] when you fill the room [Music] i know you [Music] i know you will feel me feel me feel me feel me feel me you feel me fill me up god fill me up god fill me fill me [Music] fill [Music] me up fill me up fill me up fill me up god [Music] till we overflow till we overflow one more fill me up god fill me up god fill me [Music] fill me fill me fill me [Music] come on sing it you're here i'm here i'm here and i know you will feel me [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] don't ask me how [Music] i've got some blessings that i don't deserve i've got some scars but that's how you learn [Music] [Music] i know it comes from [Music] a million little miracles yeah come on [Music] nobody [Music] i wanna live heart i wanna live like i know who you are [Music] miracles [Music] one two a million little miracles oh yes i do miracles [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] will [Music] oh [Music] set me free [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] one two three [Music] if you know so many moments when you look back over your life and you shouldn't be alive but the grace of god the blood of jesus pulled you out of that pit and he sets you on the rock beside him he is the rock you are alive because of jesus let me remind you you are breathing because of jesus your life is a miracle your life is a miracle your family is a miracle [Music] i feel my heart [Applause] [Music] i feel my heart [Music] feel so good to know you oh my friends [Music] no [Music] i should have been just another number with a tragic you didn't see it fit to let none of these things be every day by your power you keep on keeping me i just want to know if there's anybody in this arena with a thank you lord for all you've done for me [Applause] [Music] no i shouldn't have any friends i should be just another number i should have had a tragedy [Music] but your grace and your mercy you didn't see fit so let none of these things be every day by your power i'm so grateful you keep on keeping me [Music] and i want to say thank you lord for if you know you're a miracle can you just lift some praise in this room real quick [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] is [Music] [Music] may come my [Music] [Music] with him i know i can't stand [Music] so when you're testing trials nowhere to be found i know [Music] if you have your heart broken los angeles what do we do [Music] [Music] what's his name [Music] i know [Music] one more time [Music] is [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] sing it with us y'all everybody look up to your father sing it to him one more time like a big family like a big family [Applause] sound man sound man turn that 808 up [Music] let me see you play the piano with me come on is [Music] can you imagine me [Music] can you imagine me [Music] free [Music] finally [Music] [Music] [Music] this song is dedicated [Music] to people like me those that struggle with insecurities acceptance and even self-esteem [Music] they have never felt pretty enough but i want you to imagine the lord looking at you right now and telling you everything that's happened to you right now it's gone every hurt every pain [Music] in the name of jesus god can i get a witness can i get a witness can i get one witness that knows his god hallelujah [Music] what's your name [Music] [Music] you say [Music] los angeles when you travel now they charge you extra for your luggage so that means when you fly you need to pack as light as possible some of you are going through life right now and life is charging you extra for unnecessary luggage but i heard the pilot say who the sun sets free [Music] and if you flip over a couple of pages he says cast all your cares upon me for my yokes and my burden is so if you believe that and if you came in here with some luggage l.a if you've been carrying around some unnecessary stuff right now i want you to join me i want you to look at your luggage right now and tell your luggage [Music] it's not for everybody this is only for the people that are sick and tired of being sick and tired if that's you shy [Music] to the people that said you'll never be nothing to the people that laughed at your dreams what you gonna tell those people y'all [Music] to those thoughts the enemy puts in your mind late in the midnight hour the devil is [Music] to those church folks that are so super spiritual they forget where they come from what you gonna tell the super saints [Music] if you really mean that if you really mean that l.a i want you to do me a favor in 10 seconds in 10 seconds won't be long i want you to tell that beautiful person next to you everything you're saying bye-bye too i mean everything you refuse to carry another summer and don't worry about them telling your business because they got some problems too so right now in 10 seconds tell that beautiful person everything you're saying bye bye too come on tell them let's go [Music] how many of you know that where you're going is a lot greater than where you've been how many know that i did not see yes god has been gone for you if you believe [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] peace [Music] [Applause] in los angeles we just getting started it's about to get gooder [Applause] because maverick city's in the building kirk franklin's in the building jonathan mcreynolds is in the building bars in the building mad city gospel choir is in the building come on and yo yo yo yo we got a special guest in the building we can't believe they came out they showed up i'm so excited y'all we got a vip in the room this is crazy this is crazy i can't believe they came y'all please right now l.a you got to make some noise because jesus is in the building [Applause] [Music] put your hands together [Music] [Music] the darkness [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] like this [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] what do we say [Music] what do we say [Music] [Music] foreign [Applause] because [Music] right now right now right now right now right now [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] the kingdom is coming it's inside out it's upside down it remembers the forgotten it dignifies the unworthy it welcomes the stranger and gives grace so abundantly its offensive the kingdom is coming the kingdom is coming to set his people free yes the kingdom is coming to bind up the wounded the kingdom is coming to make the slave our brother yes the kingdom is coming and are you ready will you let him in will you say yes will you feed the hungry will you remember the forgotten and the least of these will you visit the prisoner yes the kingdom is coming coming from a family uh of so many relatives that have been incarcerated i know what it's like when people make mistakes and they are just written off by society that's something i know personally and so the grace and mercy that is needed to be able to give people another chance and have patience with them and to also realize that but by the grace of god that could have been me that is the memory that i'll always keep with me having a chance to worship at the everglades [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hella feels like family is in the room tonight am i right or what [Music] it was crazy how it can feel like family and we've never met right and hopefully you got a chance to read what was just on the screen chandler's from charleston i'm from charleston and so that shooting really hit um us at hallman there's been so many since over these past few weeks and months right it feels like our world's gone absolute cray-cray and there's so many sick people out there you know what i believe that god's on the throne he's not surprised by any of it and the most beautiful thing is as much as that hurts god will take any situation there is no situation too dark too far gone too painful he can't take what the enemy meant for evil and turn it for good but we want to partner with him tonight and we want to pray and we want to intercede for our family across this country we're still in that pain and that um i can't even imagine what they're going through right now how they're still trying to wrap their minds around not having their loved ones california texas rob elementary and and and and buffalo and all over you know my bible says that the prayers of the righteous of bear leth much we feel like it would be would it be right to gather tonight the church you know i believe that the church is the hope of the world but it takes us moving and it takes us praying and it takes us using our faith and believing and interceding for one another i believe that god wants to use this moment tonight to lift up those families so can we do that can we be a family i know you've never met those people but there's something about when that when that thing when somebody hurts your brother or sister in christ it's like it's almost like it happened to your own family in a small way and we have just as we've reached out and we've tried to be more than just this group that sings songs we've really tried to be like people that are really not just not even just prayers but people who are the doers of the word and we want to bring our attention to these to these these things that have happened in the past few weeks so in your own words can we just and out loud put the enemy on notice tonight can we can we lift up these families right now just for a moment we're going to continue to worship but i believe this is as much worship as these songs that we're singing so come on lift your voice let's intercede for these families all across our country now in jesus name [Music] [Music] y'all it is such a privilege to be here with y'all tonight um in la we normally get into a circle in this round and sing songs together but we are super grateful tonight that y'all get to join us in the round and even those online tonight you get to join us in our round to sing songs together um but there's this one thing that we do it's called a song share and really usually brandon has the aux cord he's playing us all his songs he's just written because he writes like five a day but uncle kirk hello do y'all realize that we are in like on a whole tour with a living legend like kirk we love you we honor you we are grateful for you we thank you for your authenticity and your realness and beyond the songs and beyond um the the anthems really that you've that you've done for us lord like we just thank you all twist turned upside down but we honor you for your gift and who you are your character as a man we're grateful for that but we want to know la wants to know can we sing some songs can we do some songs tonight can you share the songs with the wait hold on y'all la wants to know can you do some songs hello all right thank you well on behalf of melody dd mark incredible scenes with me we're very uh yeah yeah very very very very excited to be with um just one of the most beautiful movements i've seen in christian music this young generation of worshipers in maverick city please let's [Applause] [Music] and this is what i think is what i think should happen if you want to hear some kirk songs i think we should do a blend of some kirk and math song let's just do a little bit of together you know like [Music] is [Music] our love sings to oh [Music] to you [Music] silver and gold [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and [Music] you can stop if you want to l.a you can stop if you want to do i hear three-part harmony out there don't play with it l.a don't play with it eaglewood [Music] don't play with it compton [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] give me a maverick song give me a marriage [Music] no matter how much [Music] this is [Music] no matter how [Music] cause you blow me away [Music] you blow me away [Music] [Music] you know what else blows me away [Music] dante you know what blows me [Music] about away night jesus [Music] it is [Applause] [Music] do you love that name [Music] [Applause] [Music] what a friend we [Music] what a friend [Music] there's no wrong way to do it there's no bad time to start you don't have to sound pretty normal just tell them what's on your [Music] so just talk to your father [Music] is [Music] and until we see him i'm also called to be that kind of friend to you [Music] your tears i'll be there in a hurry when you call is [Music] but there is no cure for his disease he looks up to his mother [Music] [Applause] [Music] the sun will shine again [Applause] [Music] you don't have to worry about singing [Music] is [Music] is [Music] you can [Applause] [Music] [Applause] los angeles make some noise for torrey kelly the people came to sing [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] that's right make up your own words that's right [Music] come on l.a i sing the chord [Music] his eye is [Music] glory hallelujah [Music] [Music] last time hold it [Applause] so [Music] [Applause] you want to know what math song i need to hear though i need to hear promises [Applause] [Music] if [Music] though the storms may come and the winds may [Music] say [Music] is [Music] [Music] i've got a memory [Music] [Applause] [Music] he'll never [Music] [Applause] [Music] foundation [Music] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Music] when i don't know where to go i'll still bless you in the middle [Music] when i'm in the middle of the road and i don't know which way to go i'm still i'm so blessed [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] my one last time from the rising sun [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] yesterday [Music] [Music] but here's what i love about jesus i don't have to do it by myself i do it through the strength of jesus anybody depending on the strength of god hallelujah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh my god oh my god l.a l.a y'all just getting all the treats tonight this is crazy that was catching me sit down jesus mary mary oh my god jesus ain't nothing left to do [Music] i don't believe in fairy tales i guess i've outgrown it but that doesn't mean i don't believe that there's something bigger than me cause i've seen it in the hospital when the doctor said sorry there's nothing more we could said i've never seen a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow but i've got a promise i can hold [Music] how i want you to but here's what i'll do i'm gonna wait on you i'm gonna wait on you i'm tasty [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] but there's no predicting what is next [Music] is [Music] [Music] trust me [Music] [Music] [Music] we [Music] we [Music] i know [Music] [Music] don't try it in the wrong way [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] shall [Music] hey [Music] [Music] that's why i swear [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] oh yeah [Music] he's never let me down he's faithful through generations [Music] [Music] yes i did [Music] so why would he [Music] this i wouldn't be here if it wasn't for this one it's my mom's birthday today mommy i love you happy birthday see you over there looking fine 50 some years old happy birthday god that is the joy [Music] he promised to keep me never to leave [Music] keep my life clean every day i want to go with him when he comes back i've come too far i need somebody with a testimony real quick [Music] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Music] you're everything i need nothing i can do [Music] i'll never be [Music] i you would cross an ocean so i wouldn't drown you've never been closer than you [Music] all over the were we call [Music] will you [Applause] [Music] [Music] i don't wanna forget how i feel right now on about i can see so clearly [Music] when the sun goes down [Music] you are shy [Music] [Music] [Music] i know who i am come on [Music] more than i could [Music] [Applause] [Music] already imagine he made up his mind [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] if is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] in every circumstance [Music] more than enough don't believe the lies of the enemy don't believe the lies of the enemy don't believe the lies don't believe the lies don't believe the lies of the enemy don't believe the lies don't believe the lies don't believe the lies of the enemy don't believe the lies believe the lies of the enemy don't believe the lies don't believe the lies listen you know often we don't like to sing about the devil or talk about him too much but how many know that there actually is an enemy of our souls that there is someone seeking who he can devour and the someone is you and me and us and god has given us everything that we need pertaining to life and godliness he's given us everything that we need but the enemy comes and he lies and he tries to make us believe that we are not already covered that we are not already safe that we are not already chosen that we are not already his but how many know that who the son sets free is free indeed and where the spirit of the lord is there is liberty and so we just want to proclaim that today if you've been believing the lies of the enemy that you're not worth it that you're not enough that you're not worthy of love that you've not been chosen that something that you did could disqualify you from the grace and the mercy and the love and the kindness and the favor and the patience of god there is nothing that you can do there is nothing that you can do there is nothing that you can do to snatch yourself from his [Music] the hands of the enemy no don't you worry don't believe the lies of the enemy no don't you worry and don't believe the lies of the enemy no don't you worry i don't believe the lies of the enemy he is [Music] so i will be [Music] you are [Applause] one two three [Music] [Applause] [Music] be singing foreign [Applause] you can't go nowhere cause we just get started if you want some more make some noise [Music] every [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] remedy [Music] me [Music] foreign [Music] is [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] if you've never been to a gospel concert this long make some noise but if you want some more music make some noise i want to see those hands up like this come on come on that's right all these beautiful shades of pants that's right make you look like chirping here come on come on [Music] hey whatever [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] [Music] uh [Music] he's coming with everything [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] church put your hands together we're going to mama's church [Music] you better come like your mom almost [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] if you wanna know [Music] melodies [Applause] i'm [Music] [Music] hey [Music] [Applause] take it out take it up [Music] okay [Music] take it out pick it [Music] come up [Applause] now you know wait uncle kirk i need you to help me decide wait wait wait huh can we just give it up for our choir cause what in the world it's no it's super dope but while you're down here you gotta help me all right we need to decide though who won that dance battle i already know who won but okay los angeles you got to help us if it was the fella let's make some noise all right but if it was the ladies let me hear you [Applause] well since we're all winners in jesus [Applause] i think it's time that we all [Music] los angeles i can't hear you come on [Music] way up there [Music] i just want to see you smile [Music] [Music] everybody turn your light on your phone and do this with me [Music] turn your light on your goal let's light it up let's light it up l.a yeah let your light shine bright can you [Music] oh that's so beautiful let's let it out come on make it beautiful one two [Music] oh [Music] this is [Music] yes [Music] hello [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] brandon naomi yeah ronnie bobby sorry we've got some more music we need to do you got one more song kurt that's one we just got one more you got one more song dude you see these people you got one more song you can't give these people just one more song just one at least it's a new song show them to do something okay okay we're gonna do this song right here i need everybody to lift their right arm up like this lift you right on up lift your right arm up and i want you to do this everybody do this with me if your deodorant is still working i want you to get real lit on this song because we need to show the people at the club that god's people have a better party can we do that [Applause] okay see the song says is [Music] [Music] you turned out my enemies is but so everyone around me can have everything and all this folks can't [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] um with me [Music] [Music] my [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] we [Music] [Music] we got everybody [Music] [Applause] [Music] but so everyone around me can have everything they need let all these folks with me god have everything they need let all these folks [Music] [Applause] wait a minute come on kirk wait a minute come on we gotta go hold on ma'am excuse me ma'am ladies sit down curve the people you're not going nowhere we gotta go hold on you said we said once this is los angeles california see see every city look at them they're young they're cute they pretty they handsome they don't understand you just don't walk out on l.a dante's still wet behind the ears [Applause] now maverick sitting there lady if you move one more time we gotta say bye bye to l.a the right way the way you say bye-bye to l.a as you say for those of you that think the gospel music has gone so far [Music] a party [Music] i need to see a party up in here [Music] [Music] what you're thinking [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] i don't see a party over here [Music] is [Music] i wanna see somebody [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] i promise [Music] los angeles [Music] that's not how you know let's go [Music] we love you alive [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah woo [Applause] thank you [Music] um [Music] [Applause] hey [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: TRIBL
Views: 2,994,848
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Worship, Live Worship, Spontaneous worship, Tribl Music, kirk franklin, maverick city music, kingdom, kingdom tour, bless me kirk franklin, gospel music, crypto arena, mav city, promises maverick city, promises mav city, stomp kirk franklin, i smile kirk franklin, mav city tour, kingdom book one, deluxe, miami, los angeles
Id: ZC35bP9aJ5c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 234min 7sec (14047 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 24 2022
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