Kingdom Hearts: Level 1 Guide for Beginners

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as Kingdom Hearts 1 just too easy for you are you tired of getting smacked by fleshy entities of darkness over and over and it barely puts a dent into your HP bar when you boot it up the game you had three options and you thought well this one's named after the best of the seven sins so you went with that but it's still just not challenging enough have no fear actually have a lot of fear I'm not afraid of the darkness no you should be Riku 4 with the press of a button you can stunt your growth and subject yourself to a whole new world of pain it's like a magic carpet ride for masochists you've probably heard of the level 1 run and maybe you've even tried it yourself for the uninitiated ever since kingdom hearts 2 final mix most Kingdom Hearts games have given the player the option to equip an ability that prevents them from gaining experience this ability is known as exp zero zero exp or no experience because consistency is for Lamers favors the ability didn't exist in the original releases of Kingdom Hearts 1 but ever since the game was re-released on the 1.5 remix for ps3 the ability has been available by default when you start the game on proud mode now you can turn this ability on whenever you want but for a real challenge you can flick the switch while source 2 level 1 during his dive to the heart and you can play the whole game as a frail child who will be knocked over by a slight draught of the main three games I feel like the KH 1 level 1 run is probably given the least attention I don't have any specific info to back this up but I feel like it maybe because cage 2 and 3 are a bit more accommodating to players who choose to take on the challenge the level 1 run was possibly more front of mind for the developers when making 2 in 3 whereas in 1 the ability was added in retro actively however KH 1 will still bend the rules of the game a bit in order to keep the experience from being utterly miserable like making Sora deal a reasonable amount of damage to bosses even at level 1 so that those fights don't take an eternity regardless the level 1 run is no easy task and I would recommend playing the game a few times normally before subjecting yourself to it but for those of you who are ready for the challenge are already making your way through it I've decided to put together a guide all within one video that covers all of the major encounters you'll face throughout your journey we'll go from start to finish and I'm gonna cover every script and encounter including optional bosses as well as anything in between they may give players some trouble I'll have timestamps in the description for all of the major encounters and for the sake of time we're gonna jump from battle to battle so I won't waste your time or mine by walking through all the normal stuff that you'll be doing on a regular playthrough I should note that I'm by no means an expert of this run I first completed the challenge and I want to say 2014 and I've done it about 4 times now with the 4th run being the footage used for this video I am far from able to be the toughest fights on one try or getting through the challenge at a speedrunner level of quickness and i'm positive that there were bound to be more efficient strategies for certain fights out there but the ones I'm providing should give you a reliable way to get through each encounter however I would love to hear about any alternative strategies you might know of in the comments I should also mention with regards to stat boosting items that's entirely your call as to whether or not you want to use any defense or power or AP UPS that you may come across as for the first two their effects will be practically negligible so it honestly doesn't really matter the choice is yours so with that let's get ready to die a whole lot now before we really get started here we need to deal with some pretty important stuff during the dive to the heart when presented your choice of which weapon to pick in which to sacrifice your best bet is to pick the staff this gives you an extra unit of MP that you won't be afforded for picking sword or shield as I mentioned any boosts to the damage you deal becomes inconsequential very early on in your run and defense is also practically meaningless since most enemies will be able to kill you in about two hits as for what you give up it doesn't really matter all too much I just went with the shield next up and this is very important when answering the Final Fantasy characters you have to pick all the bottom options so that your journey begins at night on a normal play through this would make leveling up prior to level 50 take longer and this is especially useful for us because without that we could end up getting to level 2 before we're able to actually equip the zero exp ability speaking of which your first opportunity to do that will be after fighting the shadows on the Aurora platform so make sure to do so before moving on the dark side as for dark side there's literally no benefit to beating him you know it's not like there's any experience or items to be gained here so if you want you can rough them up a bit as you would normally me I put all my energy in the trying to die by getting punched in midair which is frankly much more stylish than winning all right so even though all the Destiny's Island duels are optional only give you potions for winning I thought I'd cover them because why not and boy when I come to regret that starting off with Walker we'll learn some fundamentals of what you'll be doing throughout the run parrying is something that's gonna come in handy a lot like what we're doing here with Walker's blitz ball since we won't be learning any abilities from leveling up we'll never have access to guard which means the only way to deflect physical attacks will be with a timed Keyblade swing I find walking to be the easiest of the three to deal with just hit his ball back at him and follow up with three hit combos rinse and repeat for selfie your best opportunity to get damage on her will be after pairing her jump rope when she's swinging in a circle around herself best way to do that is with an aerial attack like so she'll always give you an audio cue for her doing this move by saying you're ready you can parry her other attacks but it's more difficult and they won't give you as an opening to retaliate don't bother trying to hit her while she's running around you like this she'll take advantage of your miss swing and attack you back lastly if you're nearby if and when she falls to the ground you can capitalize on that and get a free combo Titus's attacks can be parried - but I find it a lot easier to just wait for him to make a swing step to the side and retaliate with a combo anytime you're facing him head-on you're in more danger so you'll save yourself a lot of aggravation by just sidestepping and getting back at him with a combo okay this sucks I really don't think I'm exaggerating when I say this is one of the harder fights on level 1 and I personally had more trouble with it than even some of the super bosses thing is those super bosses are always just one guy but here you've got these three little middle-school trying to make your life a living hell you will likely hear Titus mock your loss many many times okay here's how I ended up tackling this I take out Walker first and we're gonna be doing that pretty much exclusively by deflecting the ball and following up with combos thing is you need to keep alert from cues with selfie and Titus so that they don't overwhelm you the fight always starts with walk up behind you into your left about to use his basic throw attack so I lock onto him and move toward the ocean a bit and deflect that before following up with a combo you have to deal with whatever Titus and selfie are trying to do basically anytime selfie preps are circle attack I drop whatever I'm doing and deflect that before getting back to the task at hand also it helps a lot to use l2 to switch between your lock-on targets as for Titus for every three attacks he doesn't land on you he'll pause to lament out you're not fighting the way he'd prefer you to fight and he won't attack for however long it takes to complain pay attention to how many times you hear him swinging after three that's your window to combo Walker so long as you've also already neutralized selfie notice how I try to keep all of them in front of me when I go for the combo as to increase the odds that they'll get hit by one of my swings if they move in on me also I highly encourage air combos here in the one-on-ones things are calm and slow enough to use ground combos but using them here will leave you wide open much more often than not if Walker goes for his big take this attack I recommend just stepping to the side of it you can't parry it but if you mess it up it deals more damage than anything else at these three condition oh that if Titus happens to get in the way of a blitz ball when you deflect it it'll stun him for a really long time so you can use that to get him off your back for a bit or get a free combo on them for whatever reason I don't think this can happen with Silvie or at least I haven't seen it whenever she's gotten in the line of fire anyway keep at this until walk is dealt with and then you can turn to Titus without having to worry about ranged attacks it's slow going but I really only engage when it's safe so I either try to synchronize selfie being stunned and Titus complaining or only engage with Titus if selfie is relatively far away so the former scenario you want to wait for selfies you ready attack and then bait three sword swings out of Titus and then go in for your combo an important lesson here in general is to not get greedy if you're going for a combo but the situation becomes unsafe just take one or two hits and then run away once you get down to just selfie it's business as usual except your hands are probably a lot sweaty err this time alright after that nightmare Riku is an absolute predictable and manageable joy to fight against Riku always retaliates after every successful four hits you learned on him barring some weird exceptions like if you hit him while he's in the air with that in mind give him a ground combo and follow up with a single hit and then just sidestep out of his way when he tries to kick you in the teeth most important thing here is a keep track of how many hits here on because if you lose track it's easy to get blindsided by a pair of shoes in your face basically everything Riku does offensively is easily avoided by just sidestepping him whenever he holds his sword up it's Vegas - just hit it three times sidestep and retaliate unlike in Sora's dream you do have to be this incarnation of Darkseid but it's not going to look too different from a normal play through air combos are gonna be your friend here you get as many as you can on darks eyes hands in the beginning of the fight when he's shooting energy out of his big disgusting chest hole I like to get behind his wrists for a bit of coverage from the energy blast and your Keyblade swings might just parry some of the ones that get close to you anyway when he punches into the ground I actually recommend climbing up and comboing his face you won't be getting any text points here obviously but it keeps you away from the shadows he summoned which are a lot more dangerous than normal cool guys don't look at explosions or giant shadow monsters being cast into hell where they belong in Traverse Town there's no penalty for losing to Leon but you do get an extra elixir later on for winning which can and will be very useful in this run so consider saving in the accessory shop before hand and soft resetting if you lose which is done on ps4 by pressing l1 r1 and start all at once your two safest opportunities to hit Leon or after he lands from a jump and after stunning him by knocking his gun blade fireball back at him and the latter is obviously even safer luckily Leon will always start the fight by doing one of these two things so you can react accordingly if he jumps towards you on Legionnaire combo on him and then retreat until he follows up with another jump or a fireball ideally he'll start with the fireball which you can deflect and then combo him while he's stunned afterwards I like to bait some swings out of him like we did with Titus in hopes of getting him to launch another fireball which he'll do at least half of the time whenever he does a little jump backwards through this you can pretty much get him cornered up against the menu building and just play catch with him except the ball is third-degree burns also this happens on one of my attempts and then he killed me as for the soldiers pre guard armor we don't really have any tricks or tactics we can employ yet so your best bet is really to just pick one of them combo him away and work on one at a time while Donald and Goofy engage with the others and hopefully don't waste too many of the potions when guard armor comes out I always focus on the hands first since they're pretty agile and somewhat harder to predict the hands use a move that's kind of reminiscent of selfie circle attack and you'll want to react to that in the same way with a parry in the air anytime the whole body launches into the air you want to be in the air along with it right before it lands as to avoid a shockwave when it hits the ground keep focusing on the hands and don't hesitate to use a potion or two if need be as you work on the hands keep an eye on the feet if they do a flip in the air like this that are about to come marching towards you which you can parry and pretty much the same way as the hand spinning attack once all the limbs are gone the body goes down without much of a fight and it probably won't have enough time to get two hits on you once it's by itself now that guard armor is dealt with I should have mentioned I do recommend going after all the collectables as you normally would especially the 99 puppies as the araga reward can be useful for some late-game encounters if you need any help with that check out my treasure guide he said shamelessly link in the description also do everything you can with Hundred Acre Wood as having a stop upgrade and Sora's cheer ability will be even more crucial also also remember to check Donald and goofy inventory for any items that they may not have used and promptly steal them for yourself they're in better and more competent hands now so the world order for a level 1 is a bit unorthodox in fact we're only gonna do two of these for now and since battle level doesn't really matter it makes the most sense to deal with deep jungle first if you ask me as well at least get cure for beating the boss there since we have to pass one of the other worlds on the way though you might as well stop at Olympus Coliseum to pick up thunder and whatever items are lying around after getting sunder there's no reason to do the prelims right now the inferno band and sonic blade are gonna be useless to us so we actually won't be back here to do any fighting until we're halfway through Hollow Bastion I mean you can do the prelims in the cups whenever you want but I always save them for much later in deep jungle sabor is a lot like Darkseid one and that there's really no incentive to waste any of your time or resources on this fight so just die your next required encounters will be against five groups of power wilds who will all go down with two thunders apiece so that's what I recommend for an easier time here if you want you could do each fight and then heal up at a save point to get your MP back and you can pretty handily deal with these battles if your thunders don't finish everyone off try to isolate enemies one at a time and then finish them with combos the final support fight can be pretty tricky as it's hard to land a full combo without taking damage what you can do only twice before dying keep in mind there will be scenarios where you're only one hit away from death even if your health isn't in the red and this fight is an example of that in play this fight might take a few tries so I actually recommend turning around and exiting to the camp right when the battle starts there's two benefits to this one you don't have to skip the cutscene every time you die and two it gives you much better positioning starting the battle from the cutscene has sabore right in front of you and he can get a really easy hit on you if you don't get out of the way quick enough as for dealing damage you have two options as I see it as I said full combos are tough to get off here so you kind of have to nickel and dime sabor with one or two hit aerial attacks here and there a safer but maybe less controllable method is actually to use goofy as a bodyguard if you keep goofy between you and sabor and press triangle there's a good chance of boars attack will be deflected by Goofy's shield and that gives you a window to actually get a combo on him after getting a full combo I like to use all my MP on launching fire spells at sabor which reminds me I should mention the damage storage bug slash feature which isn't at all necessary here but will be incredibly useful later on basically there's this weird quirk about the no experience ability that enhances the power of your magic and summons but only if your most recent attack was a full combo finisher so moving forward there will be some occasions where we get a single combo off on a boss and then swiftly and his life by using magic or summons and I'll highlight those occasions later on but it's something to keep in mind moving forward it'll start to get more useful around monstro anyway i honestly think the goofy strategy is your safest bet here I'll be it a bit slower of a strategy keep that up until you can pull out supports tooth that's a token of your victory like a goddamn barbarian for clay and there's a lot of setup I put into this fight and some of it might not be necessary but it was one of the biggest roadblocks for me the first time I did level 1 first off you want Goofy and Tarzan as party members Tarson actually already has a Curie bility called healing herb which makes him a better healer than donald at the moment to ensure that he won't waste his MP on anything else on equip his offensive abilities and wind armor aka arrow which is pretty much useless right now if you want you can use the leftover AP to equip it's critical plus abilities though I don't know how much of a difference they can make here second and it might be overkill but I load everyone up with potions and high potions basically whatever I've got on hand they're gonna become pretty much obsolete once you get cure so don't feel too bad about potentially wasting them okay as for the fight I recommend doing the same thing with sabor in the beginning ditch play in and come back so you don't have to skip the skipping how privileged are we in 2019 that we can skip the skipping now I had this cutscenes Lions and choreography memorized back in 2002 anyway if you ask me there's no harm in spamming thunder on the power a while since you don't really have choose your MP otherwise and the monkeys can quickly overwhelm you and the last thing you want is to start off the stealth sneak portion without full HP as for cleaning himself you generally want to stick the two hit combos as a third will send him flying away and give him time to recuperate whereas you could pretty much bully him forever if you just go one two one two once I realized this the fight got a lot more manageable if the power Wiles are taking care of it really doesn't matter you could just three hit combo him and you'll have enough time and space to follow up before he can retaliate okay so stealth sneak kind of sucks this phase always starts off with Clayton shooting his guns so immediately roll out of the way he follows this up with a charged attack so your best bet is to get to an elevated position where he can't hurt you after that I give him a full combo and they'll react with another charge I got hit by it but if you can get back to higher ground before that can happen but if not it's really no big deal as someone will probably heal you before anything else can hurt you now you just want to spam air combos and keep an eye out for stealth sneaks swiping attack that he does with his feet but I don't really ever get hit by that since I'm basically always in the air doing combos eventually clay won't be knocked off stealth sneak and from here I do like to get a full combo on him both to knock him away from sneak and to get some damage storage for fire spam liquid support after depleting your MP your best bet is to do those two hit combos to keep playing stun locked in place if sneak is getting close you can do a three-hitter to get clay into a space more conducive to a hassle-free beatdown the fight gets pretty chaotic here and while you can mitigate the chaos by keeping clay and stuck in place there's a bit of luck as to whether or not stilts knee can easily hit you wherever you are and that's where your party members can hopefully come in and heal you and worst case scenario you can dodge roll away to some cover and throw a potion for yourself if your MP fills up again you can let off some more fire spam but otherwise just keep it those two hit combos until Clayton goes down this is definitely the hardest required fight up to this point so don't feel discouraged if it takes you a long time it took me forever on my first attempt plus I'll get here is your reward which will make things a lot less stressful moving forward also you might as well throw on jungle King at this early stage in the game strength can still be somewhat useful plus it's a bit longer than the Kingdom kick moving on to Wonderland I do recommend getting as much evidence as you can as having Donald and Goofy as participants in the battle even if only as meat seals to take a few hits and die is better than the alternative of everyone's focus being on you right from the jump to play it safe start the battle off by hitting the Queen of Hearts to get the red cards off your back from there just spam air combos on the tower and run back over to refresh the queen's concussion if you hear her start yelling again even if you get hit by the black card you have to hear now so this shouldn't be too much trouble also I should point out that you'll almost always want to jump in the air before curing as it comes out a lot quicker than if you do it ground it this applies to all magic but it can be a matter living or dying when it comes to cure trick master honestly isn't too different than normal but I really wouldn't even bother with getting on the table and jumping off to attack after the first combo I just jump from the ground and swing at the peak of my jump and you should be able to get hits on them this way after a few of these he staggers and you can get a couple of full combos on them of course you can still use the table it's entirely up to you you can just do this to him even as he goes over to light his batons at the stove which is the most dangerous part of the fight but even so as long as you have cure and use it after every hit you take you should be fine this battle is a lot more dangerous if you choose to do before deep jungle if for whatever reason you did just remember to take cover behind the chair or the stove if trick master is firing off his projectiles but yeah just keep going for those high swipes and he'll go down pretty easy I really don't have any strategic insight for opposite armor beyond what you do normally he's just way less dangerous than guard armor even without here and he can't really hit you too many times quickly enough to pose a real threat just pick one limb at a time and have at it with air combos and heal if you do get hit when he turns into a cannon he's way more in danger than you are and that's probably the easiest opportunity to get a bunch of combos on him you should probably only take you one try the first required fly in Agrabah will be against the bandits in the desert and they can be pretty annoying and overwhelming if you try to do it normally it's possible but not really worth the frustration instead if you just start the fight off by immediately summoning Simba you can take out both waves by using two fully charged crowd roars I messed it up here and had to take up a second wave manually but it's not the end of the world if this happens it's Agrabah bow regardless if you start your first charge quick enough you'll have just enough MP left over to start up your second charge which makes this fight incredibly quick and easy next up you'll have to unlock a small keyhole in the bazaar to move the plot along so there's a mandatory mob fight in here this room can spawn black fungus but it'll usually spawn regular heartless namely two bandits and two green requiems on the starting ledge if possible avoid dropping down to the ground level as that'll spawn a bunch more heartless and make your life a lot harder just stick to air combos and try to hit the enemies towards the entrance to keep them on your level before moving on don't forget to clean out Aladdin's inventory as he's carrying some ethers which can be useful besides taking a little longer to ether and then cure there's no reason to use a potion instead of an ether since a potion is basically one cure but an ether can be three because of that I generally like to have my inventory loaded with MP items so I'm going into the pot centipede fight with three ethers in my pockets centipede is kind of a bad fight probably the second toughest so far especially if you're impatient whenever you get a combo on him when he's not transitioning between rooms he breaks apart and you basically just have to sit in wait until he's done whipping around his little antenna things for another chance to move back in for more hits add in some pot spiders kamikaze you from the heavens and this can get kind of annoying what you really want is for centipede to move between rooms and do air combos since when he's doing that he doesn't break apart and go into his electric with the Tassili move so you'll get a majority of your damage on him here try to stay up near the head as he's marching along both to avoid the tail whip things and to keep from getting your attacks deflected also you'll have arrow at this point but I wouldn't recommend using it just cure after every hit and save your MP for that and use your ethers if you need to beating pot centipede gets you the array of light accessory which is good because it raises your MP by one but it also raises your HP a bit normally this is also good but in some parts of the run having just a bit more HP can also make it so fully healing requires two cures which can obviously be troublesome if you're in a tight spot and this can potentially happen during Cave of Wonders so you can wear it for cable wonders or not but regardless you can throw it on afterwards and you should be fine I wish I could tell you came wonders is merciful after a pretty annoying pot centipede fight but it's actually a lot worse and probably harder than stealth sneak if you ask me by the way you can avoid the scene skipping again if you've back out into the desert at the start of the fight so the issue here isn't so much the cave itself it's the heartless it spits out really any time you've got more than one enemy to deal with even if it's a bunch of typically weaker enemies you're generally going to be in more danger particularly in this fight the bandits gonna be a huge pain in the ass as even if you're up on the caves nose they can fling themselves up there knocking you off and probably killing you when you land the cave always starts by shooting some energy from its eyes usually right when they inevitably pierce Donald's soul I summon Simba and anticipation for whatever the cave is gonna spit out if it's bandits I use a crowd roar to get rid of them so they can't bother me if it's a fat bandit you can just dismiss and hop onto the nose it's kind of a gamble but if you wait to see what gets spit out before summoning you might not be able to get a full charge off without being interrupted once you're on the nose I would just wait until he pulls up from the sand before trying to hit anything after you're raised up high you want to alternate between hitting each eye and unfortunately you don't have scan so you kind of just have to try and keep it even when you take out the first eye this causes air soldiers to spawn which makes things 10 times worse so we want to try and take the eyes out in close succession to avoid that I tend to stick with using lock-on switching and doing two hit combos the third swing can kind of mess up your positioning and get you in the way of an incoming eye blast so I try not to get the read from this point you basically want to fight like hell to stay on top of the cave and unfortunately there's a bit of randomness involved if the cave spits out bandits again they'll start throwing themselves off at you as well as messing up your lock-ons just try to stay calm and if you find yourself on top of the cave with a bandit or two I would just ignore them as a lot of the time they'll fling themselves off again if they hit you just cure and continue on with your if and when the cave starts convulsing and shooting energy like crazy it's best to either refrain from hitting or if you're feeling brave just go for single hits thankfully this will be the last fight that's even somewhat difficult for like two worlds so consider it a reward for having to put up with this garbage after that Jafar is really no hassle pretty much the same as normal I figured there's got to be a quicker strategy but I just whale on him with air combos like I normally would and wait to intercept him wherever he floats over to keep in mind he always starts off with his laser so dodge roll out of the way and take cover from that just try to stay out of the center of the room so you don't get caught in his big Blizzard spell and you should be fine same with Genie Jafar just a soul gilbert gottfried until you win leave a little empty and reserved in case you need to cure but if Iago is ever out of reach you can do a little bit of damage by hitting Genie Jafar with blizzard spells in the mean time it'll get three wishes for winning but I usually don't bother equipping it the strength boost is pretty much meaningless at this point and jungle king is longer which can be useful and getting your combos to connect so I just stick with that for now for the first parasite cage fight it's nothing too complicated or different from normal and if you want you can pull up a combo and in summon genie for some damage towards magic attacks typically Genie is good for single target encounters who are susceptible to magic based attacks whereas Simba is better off being safe for crowd control situations Genie won't be enough to take him down you can get some damage on him this way and then follow up with more air combos until he's down make sure to equip Goofy's cheer ability afterwards as that will increase the amount of time you're some and stay active which is obviously really useful for this kind of run the second parasite cage play has pretty much more of the same and I recommend doing the same thing as last time with a combo followed by Genie and then more combos in the event that you get hit by the poison breath attack get somewhere safe and wait for the poison to run its course all the way before healing otherwise you run the risk of healing I that's still damaging you leaving you susceptible didn't take out in one hit just go crazy with air combos and this shouldn't be too much trouble it's only necessary to complete one of either atlántico or Halloweentown to beat the game and I'll cover both but for now I suggest going to Halloweentown and saving Atlantica for later upon arriving you should take off the ray of light if you still have it on as enemies here like the white knights and the gargoyles are capable of hitting you for enough damage to require two cures if you're wearing it the sacrifice of one MP kind of sucks but it's preferable for some of the fights coming up so there are three occasions where you're forced to fight some regular mob heartless here the first of which is in the graveyard before getting to forget-me-nots there's not really a bad way to do this but I'd like to take the shadows out manually since they're not too threatening and then summon Simba to one-shot the search dose the white knights won't go down to a full charge drawer but it should weaken them to the point of being like one or two heads away from death or if you want you can just stick with combos and magic spam either strategy should work fine you'll have to pass through the graveyard again shortly after to get to the mayor near the tombstone minigame so you can basically employ the same strategy again and if you want you have Dumbo now so you can follow up with that if you want to play it safe once you get the jack-in-the-box I recommend continuing on to moonlight hill and lighting the lifts and then taking it back to the graveyard the lift will stay that are waiting for you when you have to make your way to OGIS Manor which can cut out a third graveyard fight if you just show up light it again and jump on once you take the left unless black fungi decide to spawn you'll have a few regular heartless spawn to your right and you can use either Simba or Dumbo again here to take care of them regardless you need to get rid of them in order to examine the small tombstone to make the hill extend try to keep the fight contained to the area where they spawn so you don't end up spawning more enemies at the manors front door a couple of gargoyles and white knights will spawn you can get the gargoyles to de-spawn if you get far away enough by hanging around near the cage to your left but they're all manageable enough to just take out with combos and magic after you get rid of them and open the door you might want to back out to the bridge and come back so you don't have to fight them again and open the door if you die on lock stock and barrel if you take any damage on your way up to the top of the man orchid sitting taking out the search goes underneath this archway so you can open up your menu and use a cottage if need be so if we're lock stock and barrel it kind of sucks and it's probably the first fight that might give you some difficulty since the Cave of Wonders what's annoying is if they're all too short to reliably air combo so you'll want to be sticking with ground combos but this of course leaves you more open to attack lock is definitely the one you should save for last as 9 out of 10 times you're getting hit in this fight it'll be from the other two shock is probably the easiest to parry you can hit her with an air attack while she's doing her spinning move but you might be better off to just avoid her you can really easily get stuck in a loop of getting hit jumping up to here and then landing to get hit again forcing you to jump up and cure once more you can sort of avoid this when retreating to here by jumping onto and above the couch since shotgun barrel can't reach you there and lock rarely ever hits me with this projectile when I'm on there keep in mind these three little bastards all drop a different thing when you smack them around money for barrel HP forelock and mp4 shock the first two aren't too useful in this scenario but don't underestimate the amount of MP you can get back from the MP orbs that shock drops it can get you out of a jam before low on MP from caring all-in-all just try to pick one of the brats and focus on them before moving on to the other two I tend to try and get barrel first because I find him harder to deflect and easier to get hit by okie bogey flight is sort of like Jafar and then it's not really difficult just sort of tedius although there's a bit more you can do to mitigate that first off I like to have Jack and Goofy with me for both of their cheer abilities which Donald doesn't have yet I also recommend having a mega potion in your items to heal your party so you can summon it's better to burn the potion than to waste the time and MP on healing one or both of your party members you'll have to take out the two gargoyles in the beginning and I would suggest saving your MP and just taking care of them with air combos if you're able to take out the second one with a finisher that's preferable as have damage stored ready to use a Oggy but if not hit oke with the combo and raised up to his platform and I like to bait him into hitting and missing me with that first slap then some and genie and just match triangle on him you might be able to take him out just by doing this but I usually end up having to just do the fight normally after Genie runs out as some of his attacks usually get caught on something and don't connect with okie regardless the fight isn't that hard and it's really just a warm-up with a comparatively much tougher oh jeez man or fight so this fight is held if you try to do it normally so we'll have to do it in a pretty abnormal way you have to take out seven shadow globs to win and that's easy enough except gargoyles will start spawning after you destroy the third glob when you factor in multiple airborne heartless with the chaos of the landscape and the dark orbs and the fire being shot at you it's a really difficult combination to deal with you can almost completely circumvent the gargoyles though and that's gonna be key here start off by destroying two of the shadow globs that you have the toughest time reaching I like to get the one closest to the big lantern and the one all the way at the top so I don't have to climb the whole manner if I get knocked off when you're attacking these try to keep track of how many combos it takes to destroy them the goal was to know roughly how many hits it takes to take out a glob and get all the globs to a few hits away from destruction this way you can take out your first three safely and then just run to the rest of them hit them a few times and hopefully avoid getting overwhelmed by the gargoyles when you're counting your heads keep in mind that if your party members are also attacking that's gonna slightly screw up your account if it took you say 12 combos to destroy an aura but goofy and Jack we're hammering away at it alongside you you might want to compensate for that when dealing with the next orbs since the heartless starts spawning out to the third one is taken out you can pick another one that might gave you the most trouble and take that one out safely before running around to pick off the remaining four this one might take you a few tries and it can be a lengthy process when compared to most other fights the devil is really in the details here and it might take a bit of trial and error so keep at it after winning but before you leave now is a great time to revisit the bridge and the mana ruins to pick up any treasure you left behind as heartless won't spawn again until your return trip this can save you a whole lot of trouble if you do this now instead of later also you learn gravity after beating Odie's manor which is the last of the first bubble magic spells so I highly encourage going back to Travers town and getting Spellbinder from Merlin which will give you a really useful boost to your MP which is the only stat that really matters right now I should note that by this point you can finish Hundred Acre Wood and get everything you want from it so long as you make a quick stop at Atlantica and take the torn page out of Ariel's Grotto as long as you've been picking them up as well as collecting enough puppies for the torn page reward from the Dalmatians you can have access to both the stopper upgrade and Sora's cheer ability if you get high scores on all the minigames and then talk to Al all right your next required fight is gonna be anti Sora and neverland before starting you shouldn't be in danger of eating two cures to heal right now so you can pop the ray of light back on for that extra MP also after you do the green Trinity for the ladder it doesn't hurt to just leave and re-enter the cap in this way if you happen to die you don't have to redo the Trinity over and over hopefully this won't matter though as anti sora isn't too difficult for the record I recommend just going for ground combos here as he's a bit too short to reliably arrow combo I like to start off with a ground combo and then bring Dumbo and I'm not sure how much damage it does but it really can't hurt plus you're invulnerable from damage which is a lot safer than using genie in these close quarters keep in mind that using splash makes Dumbo's MP drop faster so if anti Sora melted to the ground hold off and wait for him to resurface before spraying him again after Dumbo runs out this is basically just a glorified Titus fight keep an eye on anti Sora bait out his swings and then close in with a combo if you're feeling safe you can follow up a successful combo with a bit of fire spam but I would suggest leaving some emergency MP for cure anytime anti Sora is seemingly disappeared stay on the move or he'll catch you with an upswing attack when he rises out of the floor also when you get to the point when comboing anti Sora turns him into a dark cloud for a few seconds you want a dodge roll away immediately before he reforms and hits you this fight can also take a few minutes but if you stick to the plan it shouldn't be too much of an issue before heading out to the deck I say just having your item slots filled with a mega potion and two ethers if possible before Captain Hook there's a mandatory fight against three waves of heartless when the battle begins running back into the ship interior and come back out to avoid the cutscene you got a few options for dealing with the heartless if you want you can probably handle them well enough in the old fashioned way or you can get damage stored ready and then go for Dumbo or Simba or both if you want Simba is pretty good as you can go up high where the Pirates can't reach you and use them to take them all out in one full charge another full charge won't take out the air pirates that spawn afterwards but it should stun them and leave them only a hit or two away from death after that some battleships will spawn which you can take out in whatever way you want it's usually manageable enough to just air combo them once the hook fight starts immediately back out and leave Donald to his death not only does this let you skip the pre-fight cutscene but you won't have to deal with the Heartless fight again if you die Captain Hook is another fight that could get you a few times and it's likely to take a few minutes alongside Captain Hook are some battleship heartless which one exactly worth killing since hook will just respawn them anyway but they are good as a safer option to hit with physical attacks to regain your MP I also like to use them to get damage towards setup since they're bigger and easier to land a combo on than hook and whenever order you want bring out Dumbo and Genie and focus your attacks on hook it won't be enough to take him out though and you'll need to fight him on normal terms to finish him off one of your safer openings to attack is when hook is using his - attack or by Todd rolling in as he's winding down from throwing one of his explosive presents another thing you should keep in mind is that whenever you knock him off the boat he always returns to the deck in the same way by floating up and hanging out for a few seconds on the same side of the mast if you're prepared you can meet him there and get off a free two or even three hits if you get lucky lastly if you ever need to heal your best bet is to fly up and do it over the ocean out of harm's way also I killed hook in midair which I thought was pretty cool your next big fight is unfortunately Riku and this honestly just sucks ass back in destiny Islands you can get a whole combo off on Riku but that is no longer the case Riku hits you back on every third hit so a full combo will almost definitely end with you taking damage but we still want to take advantage of damage storage to make this a bit less painful so try to get a three hit combo off make sure null and goofy are alive and summon Dumbo to get some free damage on him or at least I think I'm honestly not sure if it does damage I do know that unfortunately Genie isn't really useful here due to his magic based attacks which Riku just shrugs off after Dumbo runs out you can summon Tinker Bell basically his life insurance still cure yourself whenever necessary but if you run out of MP and ethers you can essentially wait Riku out and have Tinker Bell heal you back to full health and if things get really desperate you can run alongside the walls on both the lower and upper levels and break the pots for HP balls if you don't mind getting hit and having to heal over and over you can just try to go for the three hit combo but otherwise the best way to whittle his health down is to just nickel and dime him with single and double hits usually when he's in the air or landing from a jump it sucks and it might take a few tries it's definitely up there for one of the more frustrating main story battles beating Riku gives the ability to use white Trinities you can go and get all of those now you should especially look into going back to Wonderland and getting Lady Luck it doesn't change your MP from Spellbinder but it has a higher strength it won't be too useful for Hollow Bastion but when we go back and deal with stuff from Otherworld it'll come in handy against the weak or heartless there are a couple of required fights on your climb up to castle the first of which will be in the upper part of the castle gates where you'll need to clear out the heartless in order to activate the lift crystal I like to turn right and glide over to the orange platform and wait for the wyverns to follow me it's easier to get them trapped against the two walls here in err calm with them to death and it reduces the risk of you falling back down to face level you have to fight some wizards on the big elevator here and none of the summons are really good for it so just do air combos on them it actually might be better to use two hit combos to keep the Wizards from teleporting after every finisher but I only thought of it after the fact so it could be worth a shot so I went back to film this on a different save file because it totally slipped my mind but you don't need to mess with any of the blocks here even if you want to get the royal crown accessory when you arrive at the high tower area here you can just glide down into the hole in the wall beneath the blocks I highly encourage doing this since the rail crown gives you an extra two MP at the cost of some strength which as you know doesn't matter all that much in this run now I just want to progress and avoid having to fight any mob heartless you can use the Dumbo trick on this ledge here just ascend as high as possible and dismiss and you could bypass the puzzle try to wait for the wyverns to attack you first otherwise they might snipe you out of the air when you're making the transition to the ledge so in preparation for Maleficent you might as well use a cottage to heal everyone up and you're also gonna want gravity on your shortcut menu so you can bring her floating rock to the ground for some easy damage you can just do a combo on her and then bring Jeanne out when it's spam Showtime after that I use Dumbo and if I'm being honest again I don't really know if he takes damage from it I can't really tell if you have the mp4 you can also bring out a Tinkerbell again as some life insurance regardless just use gravity on her platform whenever you can and hit her with air combos and I would just get out of the way and hug the sides of the walls that she starts to use the meteor attack as for the Heartless she spawns if they're giving you trouble you can take out at least one of them for a bit more breathing room but you'll want to leave the other alive as killing both will just make her respawn - replacements overall not very hard and you'll get Donald's cheer ability for winning which is gonna be useful moving forward however I am an idiot who forgot to equip it before fighting the dragon which unnecessarily makes the fight harder but it's still doable even without it starting off it's gonna be hard to get a solid air combo on the dragon if you just go for it right off the bat so I like to circle around her a little bit and make her turn to face me as she's turning that's a good time to go in for your combo once you land your finisher fly away from the center and land to heal the likely dead Donald and Goofy and then bring out Jeanne just go nuts with the showtimes and try to avoid getting hit by her stomp shock waves by using it in the air you might be able to finish her with Jeanne if you have all of your tears equipped like you should but if not you can bring out Dumbo next and finish her off that way remember to stop using splash when she's out of range so you don't waste them bows MP all-in-all it's actually not too bad but it might take a while to get the hang of the beginning since it's a pretty hectic I'd say the fight is pretty much won or lost within the first 10 to 15 seconds alright so here's the deal the game changes a lot if you move ahead with a story right now that is everything you haven't done yet will become a lot harder after your fight with Riku Ansem there's nothing stopping you from moving the story forward but I highly encourage you to do all the optional content that we've skipped so far because you'll want everything you can get your disposal for some of the upcoming fights the big three things here are Atlantica everything in Olympus Coliseum and synthesis I'll be covering the first two as our next destinations but the synthesis is totally up to you it's entirely possible to synthesize everything on level 1 including the ultimate weapon but it's gonna be a gigantic pain in the ass without BPD's heartless are and without any lucky strike abilities if you wanted to tackle synthesis now would be the time to do so while the enemies are still relatively weaker keep in mind you'll need to advance the plot past Riku and some in order to get some of the necessary materials so you can only do so much while conditions are more tolerable with that being said we're gonna go to Atlantica next you really don't have to do it by getting your thunder upgraded by beating giant Ursula can make some of the Olympus Cups much more bearable so I like to deal with this first right when you're dropped off in Atlantica you'll need to take out some heartless after learning how to swim you're go to move in this world it's gonna be fire spam it melts the seamy islands like butter and it's not too bad at dealing with some of the other heartless you might come across in Atlantica you might as well swap goofy out for Ariel as she's capable of acting as another healer and if you want you can do what we did with Tarzan and unequip her non-healing MP abilities so that curing is her sole function your next fight will be with a shark but don't bother with him on your first visit you only need to fight him when you return on your way to Ursula Slayer and you guessed it the strategy here is gonna be getting a combo and then launching fireballs at them like your life depends on it because it kind of does if you need to he'll try to move away and vertically in either direction before doing so overall though a pretty simple fight this Ursula fight really isn't all too different from the normal one the big difference is that you'll probably need to be a bit more conscious of your MP and your positioning I recommend going into the battle with your item slots filled with ethers and start off by spamming fire into the cauldron you know I grew up thinking you had to use different spells depending on the colour but it's got nothing to do with you it's actually just showing you attack Ursula's going to use while you're shooting fires though try to move around a bit as staying in place makes it really easy for flotsam and jetsam to swim up and smack you in the face speaking up if you need to here it's the same way as it was for the shark position yourself above or below them and a bit far away from where you got hit before healing if you try to do it immediately after getting hit you're likely just gonna get hit again but you have you mindful with your fire spam move around and try not to shoot any unnecessary fires when Ursel is already vulnerable and headed with some combos if you run out of ethers flotsam and jetsam are there to replenish your MP by hitting them and this can be in an annoying fight and can take a while but overall it's not too bad now giant Ursula can be a problem if you try to do it relatively normally which I initially did well kind of originally I just went for damage towards fire spam but I just kept getting killed in one way or another the strategy here still involves damage storage fire spam but I also use stopper in-between a keeper locked in plays so if you haven't done hundred-acre one yet first opera it would be a good time to do it I'm sure this is still somewhat doable with regular stuff but you might as well up your odds because this fight is going to be a huge drain on your MP you should really go into it with three elixirs and even those might not be enough if it's proving to be an issue you can make your party goofy and aerial turn off all of their MP abilities and give them some ethers or elixirs that way although only use them on you when you need them the biggest issue with trying to do this without stop is the constant stream of lightning strikes that form over Sora while Ursula is also throwing on attacks using stab not only makes Ursula freeze for a few seconds obviously but it also stops the lightning allowing you to get ashore interrupted bursts of fire spammin the way I do it I open with the combo for damage storage then stop and then use as much fire as I can and then after stop wears off I still try to get some fires in molar selectively you could go for another stop but at that point your MP is probably low enough that you won't be able to take full advantage of your stock window to attack so use the rest of your MP popping elixir rinse and repeat on this run I ended up running out of MP and I had to swim in and out for combos but like I said if MP becomes an issue consider the strat with Goofy and Ariel to have a steady supply of magic winning this fight gets you Sandara as I mentioned which can come in handy for our next stop Olympus Coliseum remember the prelims it's time to do those even on level 1 you're pretty overpowered for these especially with magic at your disposal I'd walk you through these but the answer is literally always going to be using thunder and then picking off any stragglers who survived cloud is pointless to waste any time on you won't get anything for winning or miss out on anything for losing so just get Buster sorted in your face Cerberus is kind of surreal on normal playthroughs he's actually kind of intimidating but now even on level 1 he's a pushover get your combo climb up the stands a bit summon Genie and Showtime him to death look at that Genie bodying Cerberus that's the Disney magic right there also I swear I didn't cut this I like you warped or something right here look at that what is happening here all right from this point on the first three cups will be open to you after leaving I recommend doing at least the basic version of each one as you'll get a gravity upgrade strike rate and the yellow Trinity ability for doing so if you want you can do the solo and time trial versions especially if you want to go for synthesis but you'll definitely have to do the time trials before going back to Hollow Bastion I also wouldn't bother doing the fill cup time trial as the reward is a tech boost ability which is literally useless for us in this run if you remember the prelims I'm just gonna give you a couple of guesses as to how you should probably deal with most of the mob fights so I'm just gonna skim through and give you tips on anything out of the ordinary the final fill Cup battle is fittingly the most difficult even though there are yellow operas in play start off with a thunder to get rid of the blue rhapsodies and then pick off the yellow operas either with blizzard or with air combos you'll want them out of the picture before moving on to the armor body for the black fungus halfway through the Pegasus cup remember my advice for dealing with poison during parasite cage if he could hit with any of the fungus attacks wait until the poison stops training you before healing also if they're in they're invincible state run away and hit triangle if you don't want Donald and Goofy to waste their HP and MP on trying to fight them and they'll run over to your position wealthy on you fee I pretty much just played straight I start on you fee and deflector shuriken and basically just wail on her keep your ears open for Leon and stay immobile so he can't easily hone in on you once he get Leon on his own he's really not much of a threat just watch out for his attack rails it's over it goes for a big jump attack you're probably more likely to get hit by the upswing than the actual landing so be wary of that heartless in the Hercules Cup are gonna be a bit more resilient to your Thunder spells especially the pirates for whatever reason so I tend to just fire spam on them when they show up in large groups still Thunder is the way to go for a lot of these encounters and don't hesitate to use some ethers during any of the cups when you get to the rare truffle it's kind of pointless but if you want you can regain MP by juggling the rare truffle but it's probably not worth your time still it could be good practice and being decent at bouncing the truffles could be useful for farming elixirs and make elixirs later on cloud is kind of annoying and I find them to be annoying even on regular playthroughs I just never really feel like there's a great opening to get hits on him but I guess your best bet is to try and parry his sword swings an attempt to get a combo off I went into the fight just planning to do that but figured fire spam might be good and it seemed to help a lot his Omni slash attack when he powers up and flies around can be tricky to avoid but if there are other party members active cloud might target them so honestly my advice is to make sure at least one of your party members is healed so cloud might target them instead of you on a couple of his slashes I guess it kind of goes against the whole my friends are my powered thing but we got to work with we had here Hercules is pretty much unchanged from a normal run that literally just stood the whole song and dance with the barrels and follow up with combo is pairing his headbutt attack when it comes orb let him combo you like a scrub the choice is yours despite being the latest of these three tournaments I think Herc is probably the easiest of the final round so far now that you can do yellow Trinities you should definitely swing by Neverland and pick up the upgrade to arrow I know we haven't really used it at all but it comes in pretty clutch for some end-of-the-world stuff later on alright if you're satisfied with everything now now is the time to move on to Riku ants them back at Hollow Bastion remember this will be your last chance to visit any of the worlds while all the Heartless are still relatively manageable also you've got fire glow from beating the Dragons so you can go and get Mushu now but you won't be too useful until the end of the world without further ado this jerk at least unlike Riku won this fight doesn't prevent you from getting off safe combos but you also won't be able to use Tinker Bell for insurance luckily we can pretty much trap Riku and get the majority of our damage on him this way it might take a few tries to get the timing down but you can pretty much lock Riku into being practically helpless by hitting it with single strikes at a certain rhythm one two three four you want just a little bit of a delay between your third and fourth hits on four if Rika retaliates with a spin slash you can go right back into the one two three four and keep him stuck there for a good while if he breaks out of it with this - that's alright just jump away and cure for a safe opportunity to get him back into it wait for his mover a side steps and does a slash into the ground when riku's hand starts flowing and he says now witness true power you can just get a full combo off on them and another one or two hits if you're feeling brave at this point you can continue trying to loop him after he goes for his ground slash or wait them out until he's stopped glowing honestly I recommend the former because as the fight goes on you'll have to be comfortable with the only with Riku while he's in this state anyway if you're lucky you can get Riku stuck in the loop before you can ever do as dark or a move but odds are you'll have to deal with it honestly it's not so much dangerous as it is annoying to have to sit through if it comes up just hug the invisible wall closest to the way you entered the room and glide in place the fight is actually a lot more manageable than Riku won in my opinion but it requires you to know a bit more strategy to do it without too much trouble alright the next mandatory fighting you'll have to do is on your climb back up the castle at the castle gates is basically a harder version of the fight you had the first time but I suggest the same initial strategy of gliding over to this orange platform this will despawn half of the wyverns and all of the air soldiers and you can choose to deal with the remaining wyverns and red knock terms however you want you can throw out some gravities mixed in with air combos or you can summon Dumbo for some free invincible damage keep in mind you need to stay above the platform even when riding Dumbo otherwise you'll helplessly float down to base level and question why you even made a youtube count on your second elevator ride Dumbo actually comes in handy yet again and he can reliably take out the yellow nocturnes and put a dent into the air soldiers don't bother spraying the wizard as they won't take any damage and then just finish off the stragglers with air combos and once again skip over any high tower nonsense by using Dumbo to skip up to the ledge leading into the castle chapel ya Dumbo has a pretty good run here on the return trip keep in mind you can now get access to a Roga as the last puppy chest is in the Grand Hall so you can grab that and head back to Traverse Town and collect your last set of gifts the behemoth is no real threat mostly just a nuisance that takes a while to beat I typically do a combo to set up damage storage for Jeanne but Showtime can hit at an awkward angle sometimes so your degree of success might be limited here I might have just had bad positioning so you might have better luck if Jeanne doesn't finish him off your best move is to spam gravity spells on the horn and his combo and whenever he's vulnerable speaking of a gravity spam that's gonna be your guiding strategy for pretty much everything in the end of the world starting off with the mandatory fights you'll have in the final dimension area you're gonna want to jump at gravity and then repeat while switching your lock-on to different targets using l/2 you should have plenty of MP to employ this strategy comfortably for everything in this area plus you should have a bunch of cottages saved up so you might as well use them just make sure you've got at least one left for linked worlds also some of the chefs in this area will spawn heartless but a lot of these items really aren't worth fighting for like the pretty stone so you can once again check my treasure guides end up the world section to know which chests you might want to open and of course with the behemoth you can just use the same exact strategy I talked about for the wining Hollow Bastion as for world terminus if you've been following this guide you shouldn't have to do any of these fights until the Hollow Bastion section I really don't even recommend doing them for the items as almost all of them are just gem synthesis items the Invisibles in the hallway here can get out of hand if you give them enough time so wait for them to spawn in and then start hitting them with the gravities and they should go down without much of a fight same for the two in the room with the machine okay Chernabog is really fun because you pretty much just completely bypassed this fight if you're anything like me well first of all bless your soul but this fight gave you a lot of trouble as a kid and now you can almost effortlessly dispatch him without much thought so just fly up to his face get a combo make sure Donald and Goofy are still alive and land on the mountain some and Mushu fly back up to face level hold triangle and Mushu will just mercilessly spit ball into death's fighting fire with fire in the most ridiculous and satisfying way and that's it now this is kind of an Orthodox and obviously you wouldn't be doing this if you were speedrunning but with Super Glide in hand and having gone as far as you can go and end up the world without reaching link to world it's as good a time as any to go back to Olympus and take care of the Hades Cup in specific I think it could be a decent investment to get the Hades at least and beat him for the gråvik upgrade as well as any other magic upgrades you'll get along the way this video is already long enough so I'm gonna try and cover only the noteworthy encounters here I should note that Fedora and grittier aren't gonna be as effective until they get upgraded Sundara especially I would probably go into the first 10 rounds of the cup with your hotkeys being caraga firaga and ADA Rivera or Bliss ara also a raga can actually start being decently useful here so if you're having trouble getting bombarded by enemies considered using an aroma at the start of the more problematic fights if you don't mind using the MP so with yuffie it's obviously the same as the fight with her early on but more manageable I recommend just going for the parry and the ninja stars instead of trying to dodge them and stay on her so she can't get a healing the behemoth is the same as all the others except this is a sanctioned match so some ones aren't allowed so I would just go with the grooviest famine combos beating the behemoth upgrades you to blows agha and you should keep in mind that you can drop out after every 10 bottles and you can pick up where you left off without penalty and I'd actually encourage doing that so you can get your refill on MP and HP switch up your customization and restock on any items you might have used I'd also recommend using blog on the torches now that you have it so you can claim the Shema belt reward which will give you an extra unit of MP like the behemoth Cerberus has made a bit more cumbersome by not being able to summon I honestly just fight them like normal and throw some magic and here and there patience is gonna be key here unless you don't mind jumping away and carrying over and over remember to heal even if your health isn't in the red you can parry the biting attack but I always find the timing kind of awkward so I usually go in for 2 or 3 hit combos and then I dodge roll away and then wait for him to bite before moving back in you'll get some dog after beating Cerberus here and it might pay dividends the back out I put that somewhere on your shortcut menu for claw early on I like to focus on Leon first since cloud is a bit louder with how he Telegraph's his moves so I find him easier to avoid since you can drop out after this match consider going all-out with a fire spam leaving enough for Kier for emergencies I like to approach Leon by jumping toward him sometimes gliding a bit above him and beating out his attacks the only downside is he might decide to clip you with his upswing attack so keep that in mind after Leon's dealt with the cloud strategy from before remains the same remember to have one or both of their parties healed and active when he starts up his omni / attack Hades is kind of weird and to be honest I don't really have a great handle on what's the best way to deal with him is blizzard moves do double damage against him and that can be boosted with damaged storage but it seems to very quickly send him into his big spinny fire wall attack which isn't really that dangerous but it's a huge time-suck as you can't damage Hades during this time so use that at your discretion if you're having trouble approaching Hades while he's moving around freely consider waiting at a distance and pairing his big fireball so you can stun it and move in some more damage the real prize of the Hades Cup is one right here as you get thick ravika upgrade so you can actually just quit now but you can't continue on to rock Titan if you want these last nine fights before rock Titan or obviously some of the hardest and I would recommend going all-out with a gravity spam especially on fights with Invisibles and angel stars in the mix the penultimate fight is especially dangerous as it's fought in five waves and the last one is especially chaotic so try to conserve enough MP to deal with that and be liberal with E or ether or elixir usage during the fights with the stealth sneaks that's a great time to just go for physical attacks and build up your MP if necessary to a lesser extent you can get 15 free hits on the white mushrooms if you attack them separately to regain some of your MP as well rock Titan is just about as much of a joke as he is normally you can pretty much do whatever you want I didn't think to do it but if you throw up a raga you'll always be getting damage on him by just being near him and that'll be for basically the entire fight so probably do that if you really wanted to you can do the 80s cup solo but your only reward is gonna be save the queen for Donald the time trial is I think pretty much impossible on level 1 and I think that's the only thing you really can't do during the challenge but you're really only missing out on save the king this is also sort of an unorthodox next step but I think you should consider going after the Phantom and never land before moving on to the rest of end of the world he's by far the easiest of the super bosses as well as almost everything left in end of the world and you're just as well equipped to fight him now as you'll ever be now that you have all of your magic spells at level 3 plus the reward is Stoppa and that can be particularly useful for linked worlds the only setup you really need is in the elixir department as I recommend having 7 on hand for the flight just to be safe elixirs are hard to come by after you open all the chests and get all the Trinities but you have a couple of options you don't even bother synthesizing them it's a huge waste of time and not at all a fair trade-off the less reliable option but potentially the more bountiful one is they go after rare truffles on the ship deck and neverland's they're the easiest to juggle here thanks to being able to fly and they can drop both elixirs and Meg elixirs only problem is it can be annoying to get them to spawn in the first place the more reliable route is to go to rapid house in 100 Acre Wood and pull out all of his vegetables enter his house and then repeat I actually didn't know this was a repeatable thing but you can farm elixirs this way along with potions which you could probably just sell at this point you can only get 1 elixir per batch so if you get one just head back inside and repeat it can take a while they had a stash built up but it's definitely more reliable so phantom really isn't difficult at all you just need to go in with the right strategy the reason I suggest getting so many elixirs is because I tried to do this with three and Sora's inventory and I just didn't have enough MP to do it and maybe I just got unlucky with how many times he used one of the colored orbs instead of the white ones and I wasted so much MP by hearing too often so he here's what I do you need Peter Pan in your party to even access the fight so he is a lock I'm putting goofy instead of Donald because we actually don't want Donald doing any caring and goofy can hold more items believe it or not we're gonna give four elixirs to goofy I know it's a frightening prospect magic customization is up to you but I'd like to keep cure on deck and I usually just manually you stop and thunder when needed since fire and Blizzard require more aiming so I'd like to have them shortcut it as well we're gonna make sure everyone's MP using abilities are turned off and we're also gonna customize goofy and Peter Pan to make their physical attacks as infrequent as possible so they don't steal your hits when the Phantom uses the white orb basically goofy is just holding our drugs for us you're gonna be the only one using MP and we want him to use them only on you the catch here is that goofy will use it on anyone who's HP is low as well so here's the deal we're gonna kill Peter Pan for the first few seconds of the fight we want to keep him alive and hopefully not let him get hit by the Phantom but we want the clock to run out on him so he's out of the fight and goofy can't heal him you don't have to worry about goofy healing himself because the phantom will just one shot him so after Peter dies is when I recommend you start using stop on the clock base because we want goofy alive at least long enough for him to use it for elixirs on us and that's pretty much the gist of it it's gonna be a long fight and you should have more than enough MP to get it done and you honestly might be able to do without giving goofy any elixirs but it's a solid back-up plan if he asked me as for battle tips phantom will always retaliate after you hit his orb three times with a basic swipe attack which you can just move away from after you get three hits on his orb again he'll move to the clock and shoot his tracking energy thing at you which you can avoid by just hiding close to the corner on another side of the clock face apart from that you just keep an eye out for the clock hands and make sure they're stopped and you should eventually chip phantoms HP down over time for me it took about ten minutes all right back to end of the world and I will lie this sucks also I have 2012 money and it's the end of the world coincidence yes okay a bit of setup for linked worlds I recommend the shortcut menu have stopped a gravity and cure one of your item slots should definitely be a mega potion to make sure your party's active for when you need to summon the other two can be elixirs or make elixirs it's up to you I went for the mega lectures because we've got a lot to spare once you enter the room of a Hemanth will leap towards you and almost certainly kill Donald and Goofy which is fine just make sure to get out of the way before you get trampled yourself once again behemoth can be taken down with genie or gravity spam or a combination of both genie is fine to use here you'll still be able to use him again for later waves but it's likely that you'll die a few times attempting this and I get impatient having to watch the summoning cutscene so I just do gravity and combos ideally you'll want to kill the behemoth with the finisher so you have damaged storage active the next part is really important and I wish I knew about it the first time I did linked worlds as soon as the behemoth dies super glide over to the emblem door and start pressing pause the command menu was gonna turn blue for a very short amount of time and you want to pause when this happens as this allow you access the menu when you do use a cottage and get everyone all healed up the next fight is doable if you mess this up but it's gonna be made a lot harder the first wave apart listed spawns after the short cutscene are a bunch of dark walls and the best way to deal with them is to do damage storage Dumbo even if you have some extra Dumbo MP left over after you get rid of them all just dismiss because you want to be prepared and ready for the next part the next wave is a bunch of Invisibles and this is one of two make or break points in this fight you want to be kind of in the middle of the room as they spawn in and you need to let them spawn in all the way before casting stop you really want to get all six of them frozen in place so it might take two shops once they're all stuck use gravity like crazy switching your lock-on between them after each casting you'll likely need to refill your MP at this point and thanks to having stopped though you'll have the extra time to stop down and use one of your elixirs or Meg elixirs and still have enough time to keep using gravity on the Invisibles it's okay if one invisible doesn't get stopped as one is pretty manageable to deal with using just air combos the transition to the next wave is tricky because you need Donald and Goofy alive you need enough MP to summon Simba and you need to do it quickly enough flake preferably right after the last invisible dies and before or right as the angel stars start spawning in when the transition to the third wave is happening summons Simba and if you can try to be away from the center of the room at near a wall as soon as he summons start charging up and release as soon as possible this should take out everything in the room don't wait for anything else to start spawning in immediately start charging up again if everyone in your party has Chiri you'll be able to do this for the rest of the waves if you mess up and Simba is gone before the last wave is cleared you'll just have to go all-out with whatever's left at your disposal gravity and stop spam even genie or you could bring him Tinker Bell for insurance this is by far one of the hardest and most strategically demanding fights in the game even more so than some of the optional bosses so it might take you a good few tries also I just want to say this is one of my failed attempts and Donald Heyman clutch here three times in a row I don't want to see a single shitty meme about how he's a bad allure he's the boy he always has been he always will be hashtag Zeta flare final rest is the point of no return so let's stop down for a bit of preparation and now's the time to fill everyone slots with Meg elixirs and elixirs you do have the opportunity to do this after an someone but if you die on dark side or handsome too you'll have to do it all over again and this can get annoying so I just do it here Donald or goofy might waste one of them during an someone if you're unlucky but I'd rather that than have to scroll through the menu every time I die to Ansem to which can be a tricky fight also this won't be useful for the first two Ansem fights but you want fire and gravity on your shortcut menu that's super important finally strike rate can come in handy for Ansem - you definitely don't need it and it's more of a fail-safe option so the choice is yours you'll need to use some ap ups to have enough AP for both dodge roll and strike raids so it's up to you if you want to do that the alternative is making sure you just don't get hit by Ansem submit move and if you do you'll likely need to use a lot of MP on curing what that let's head through the door so after link twirls the game cuts you a break and makes an someone a complete joke get a combo on him make sure the only goofy are alive summit Mushu and hold triangle to win simple as that if you want you can use a cottage after Ansem but we're heading into the arena to get a full heal darkside is pretty much the same as before except now you've got a lot more at your disposal I like to combo his head when he's at ground level about three or four times then back up a bit and then go crazy with fire spam when his hands are holding the big energy ball even after his hands are out of queue blade range you can still jump and shoot some fires at him if you're trying to get this done quickly like before when he slammed his fist into the ground and climb up his arm and combo his head so you can avoid the shadows more often than not your swings will carry the raining energy ball so they're not too much of a concern once he's done with that you'll have a little time to get some combos on his hands and launch the more jumping fires then he'll kneel down to do its big chest bursting movement for that I would just go to the hand farthest away from where the shadows are and then get behind his wrist and do air combos even when dark sides dying and things start to go slow motion keep hitting to build up your MP as you carry it over it dancing to Ansem - is tricky but he's one of my favorite level 1 fights because it's really tense but still totally doable Anson has four moves he can use during his first phase there's this big energy blast move that travels along the ground there's a simple low swipe attack from the Guardian that there's submit and there's his charge attack which is probably the most dangerous for starters you really want to stay on top of him for the most part as long as he's reasonably in range just bust out the combos even when he pulls up The Guardian in front of him - odd roll around back and you can get some free hits on him sometimes he'll retaliate with that low swipe attack so keep in mind if anthem is far away from you he has more options and you're gonna have to make a judgment call and whether or not you want to approach him to put pressure on him or let him use one of these options so he doesn't intercept you when you're trying to approach if he does a little jump backwords he's preparing to do something and I usually backed off so I don't get caught in whatever he's about to do the energy blast move is easily avoided by just running or rolling to the side but you can't really challenge it if anthem says take this he's going for his charge move which can really mess you up if you're not prepared this move will always be for charges and Anson will try and fake you out on the fourth charge so dodge roll dodge roll dodge roll dodge roll pause dodge roll you basically have to get comfortable with dealing with this move if you want to get through the fight if you get hit by any one of these charges it's crucial that you wait until he's done charging to heal yourself because he can and will kill you if you try to do it in between his attacks also the closer you are to the walls of the arena when this move comes out the better chance it's going to cause trouble for you Anson can kind of get stuck on the walls and throw off your timing so try to move toward the center of the room and the move starts up while this attack can be scary it also gives you a parry opportunity if you jump up and swing in him as he's charging at you this will stun him a bit and you can turn the tables on him this way I tend to try to do this on his third charge after dodged rolling out of the way for the first two if he starts up his charge attack on your weight on him you might be able to just parry immediately if you're already trying to combo him as for cement keep in mind that the move has a deceptively longer reach than it appears ideally you'll want to just dodge roll away or jump out of rage but it often manages to get you by surprise this is where strike rate can be useful straight great gives you invincibility as long as it's active and this will protect you from both the Guardians possession attacks and Anselm's energy shield it might not last you the entire duration of the submit move but it can save you a lot of MP as opposed to using cure every time you get hit if you can't or don't want to use strike right here I recommend just dog rolling for your life until it's over as sometimes the Guardian will come up for an attack while you're rolling once Anson gets damaged enough to start doing his super move in the middle where he says my strength returns just run in dog roll around him you want to hit square as soon as you see the blue pool forming below you and just keep doing 9 till it's over you might need to use one of your items during this fight but I would recommend trying to use no more than one as you'll want at least two on hand for the final gauntlet so world of chaos Ansem is really really annoying and overall just not a very fun fight and finally a goofy are gone so you're all on your own and it's a pretty dangerous environment and there's no summoning to circumvent any of it starting off you'll probably want to let Anson get off two of his big swinging attacks before you approach him as soon as it's safe get off a combo and then back up to avoid his next attack from here you just need to use fire like it's going out of style what sucks is that fire pushes you back a bit so you might need to readjust in the middle of your assault basically you need to be far away enough so you're out of range of his attacks but close enough so the fires still connect you probably want to be behind him into his side of it for your best odds in retrospect before your MP is depleted Ansem is gonna start up a laser attack it'll always preface that by saying one of two things if he says welcome the darkness into your heart basically keep firing up until he says heart upon what you want to start flying away you'll have to avoid two sets of lasers and you can just continuously fly to the left or right and come out unscathed more often than not after those lasers and get back to an SEM and start using fire again if anthem says all shall be extinguished I really want to get out of there Reyna readily says it's beat as the lasers come in a lot earlier this time this wrong will be six single lasers with a delay between the fifth and the sixth because an SEM is a deck who likes to fake you out just like the chart attack from an SEM - if you get hit by the lasers you should really wait until they're over before stopping to heels if anthem sum is the bit sniper heartless you really don't want to deal with them so just fly far away until they D spawn basically so long as there aren't any bit snipers or lasers you want to be launching fireballs at the anthems ripped abdomen Anselm's big move in his play is prefaced by him saying still confused then perhaps this would enlighten you I don't know it's not very good but I tried it still confused then perhaps this will enlighten you while he's talking you can basically keep casting fire for the entirety of the line and even for like a split second after he's done talking ideally you'll kill him before he can start the next attack which really sucks it's just like a seemingly endless stream of lasers and every time you think it's over it starts back up you just need to wait it out and try to close in on Anson and get some more fires off before they start back up again I want to know what's really tragic I was one away from killing him and then I had to spend like a minute flying around like a dumbass when he just needed one more fire to go down it's Saturn in the ending of days really you can't and likely will need to use one or two of your items here but that's alright if you start Donald and Goofy up with stuff and they're about to get back in the mix before that though you need to take out this room core full of shadows and this is the first part that I'd recommend using a roll go for it keeps the shadows off your back and you can just handle all of them with ground combos I should mention it actually proves you to purposefully die after each phase of world chaos as there's no penalty beyond restarting the phase but your HP and MP will be refilled the last thing you have to do on your own is take out the artillery which is really really annoying if you don't have a Roga active what makes matters worse the small artillery are very awkwardly placed and your Keyblade will often get deflected off of the gross piece of flesh that they're on focus on the big artillery first and consider using fire at gravity spam on them but save FMP for cure when the giant Guardian uses the wind glass to knock you back if you need to heal wait until the laser spawns as if you're floating still it'll just snipe you while you're trying to cure once there's only a few artillery left you don't really need to worry about keeping you the Roga once that's done you're in a room with goofy and a bunch of dark balls another crazy Saturday night just go nuts with gravity here and if you run low on MP goofy 11 Meg elixir or elixir for you for the record if you're ever need of item attention from your party members and they're leaving you hanging lock off of whatever enemy you're focused on and press triangle this will draw your party members attention to you and they're a lot more likely to use their items on you and this goes for Donald as well with feeling the face can be annoying he's kind of like Ursula with the constant barrage of lightning bolts I tend to go for damage towards fire spam as if you want to do combos you need to really time it right and move out of the way between each finisher or else risk getting struck by lightning it's a lot safer to go for two hit combos and move around in between if you want to go with physical attacks even so with the fire span you still need to weave in and out of the lightning bolts typically after every two fires if you're running low on MP for fire save some MP to Kiera likely dead goofy who can hopefully hook you up with a make elixir or elixir and remember to get back when the face tilts his head up as he's about to do a big energy shield attack for some reason I lost all of my footage for the invisible room in the main core but the strategy here is the exact same as the dark balls just go all out with gravity and this time Donald is there to heal you with both cure and any items he still may have if you need it as for the main core you can cast a broken if you really want to but a couple of air combos on the main core in the middle will finish it off pretty quickly now I just wouldn't be fitting if the final boss of the game wasn't just a total laughingstock wait for Anson to finish swinging around to get your opening for an air combo then fly around back and land on solid ground and just like Chernabog make sure Donald and Goofy are healthy summoned Mushu and defend China's honor right in Anselm's big dumb face now you know why Mushu acts like such hot when you reunite with him in kh2 he's pretty useless on a normal playthrough but the level one run is canon he killed Anson and the devil himself practically single-handedly he's easily in contention for MVP of the run with that all that's left are the remaining four super bosses if you're skipping around I already covered phantom and you can check the description for the time stamp I'm gonna go in order of what I consider to be easiest to hardest starting off with curse ISA who I think is actually easier than a lot of what you have to deal with an end-of-the-world the way I see you've got two options for Kersey's a safe and long or riskier but short Kersey's as gimmick is that he can lock you out of using magic or summons which is especially dangerous because you'll be unable to use cure until you break as two orbs and get access to magic again however for the safe method you can just spawn tankerbell at the very start of the fight before the curse kicks in tink will he you had a pretty fast rate and it's tough for curtsy so to get three hits on you before take your belt and get a cure off so with this you can pretty much do the fight as you normally would attacking the orbs getting combos when he's vulnerable and then spamming magic on him when he's got his big shield up and for that I'd recommend fire or thunder spam the only real danger here is when he starts doing his big vertical and horizontal spin moves as he can get you quick enough to outspeed Tinkerbell's healing but you could still survive if you bring some high potions and make up oceans as for the second method you're not gonna summon tink at the start and instead just try to take out the orbs without accruing much damage it's alright to take some hits before taking out the first one as the HP balls of drops are substantial enough to get you back to full health after the second one makes your Donald and Goofy are active get off a finisher if you haven't already and bring out either Dumbo or Mushu these guys are both great because they can do a crap-ton of damage but their attacks also still constitute as magic so after using them while Kersey says vulnerable you can still keep them active when he pulls up his big shield and use them to damage that I've seen as either of your summons and get your cursor hovering over the other and summon him right when Donald and Goofy are back on the field you should have more than enough time and MP to take him out during his next window of vulnerability but if you don't forget ever reason you might be able to use Genie after that though I haven't tried it with him up next is ice Titan and here's with the super bosses start to get pretty difficult there really isn't too much you can do to cheese this and yes you do have to hit the icicles back without guard which will almost definitely take some getting used to there is a little bit we can do to lighten the load however go into the fight with full elixirs and fire and gravity on your shortcuts and start off by avoiding the first wave of icicles and getting close to the ice titan you'll probably want to circle around him a bit instead of making a beeline for him when you get near his feet lock onto his head and start jumping and spamming gravity on it you might get hit by a stomping shockwaves but with some tricky timing you can't avoid them typically I tend to use all of my mp doing this then I get on to the stands popping a lick sir and use one or two more gravities missile put ice Titan in his vulnerable state which will save you a whole round of icicle blocking here I get off an air combo and then get back onto the stands and fire spamming fire can still reach him even when he stands back up and you only need to stop when he tilts his head back and starts shooting out more icicles so here's where we're basically out of tricks we need to deflect the icicles back at him and without guard that requires some very finicky positioning and timing unlike in a normal run where the straight lines of icicles are what you want in this case we want those horizontal spreads I would recommend getting up on the stands near any of the four corners but not so close to the corner that the camera is suffocating you we want soar to do a specific Keyblade swing where he swings and horizontally from left to right so in terms of placement for deflecting you want to be to the right of any oncoming icicles and swing and you can hit a bunch of them all at once it's gonna be frustrating you're likely going to get hit by either the icicles or whatever the ice titan does next and it's going to suck just keep cured up and keep at it you should keep in mind that whenever he's shooting out icicles your best opportunity to deflect is typically gonna be on the last ones and that set all right now let's talk about the other attacks in this phase the first is one he'll use during the first phase while you're spamming gravity on him and that's the ice stalagmites that come up from the ground it's always six of them every time he does it and you can jump up and glide when he starts and count for six noises of them shooting up though this can be risky in the third phase when he starts to do this in conjunction with his next attack which are the big blue snowballs that he drops on you for now these always come in threes and you can either just run in one direction or dodge role before each one drops lastly if you walk or land on the floor after he uses its ice breath attack Sora will fall over like a helpless grandma there's no rush to get up from this as you're actually invincible from any other attack while you're sitting and even for a second or so after you're standing back up so wait that out but we're moving again for as long as you can also if you need to he'll always always jump up and towards the arena not up the stands because you can get sniped by one of the four icicles if you're too close to the ground I actually don't do this too much and my successful run and from watching the footage back it could have made things a lot easier for me in a couple of scenarios keep deflecting icicles wherever you can until you get him knocked over again if you want you can go in for another air combo for damage towards fire or just do fires right off the bat since they do deal double damage in the first place your window of attack when he's in this state gets shorter and shorter as you get him closer to death so keep that in mind also now might be a good time to use an elixir if you're hurting for MP this is the last phase and things get kind of crazy here after getting back up he's gonna shoot out a bunch of icicles and he'll drop three single snowballs on you while that's happening if you're in the center of the stands when this starts you can just run to either end of the stance to avoid all of that ice Titan is gonna follow this up with his big crazy move called diamond dust and you just need to be off to the side of him to avoid that if you could call right in the middle of it from when it starts that's pretty much game over afterwards if he did that move on the opposite side of the stands or in the center he's gonna stomp a few times as he turns to you and so long as he's stomping snowballs are gonna keep dropping so stay moving while he turns you're gonna have to pay a lot of attention to his patterns now so you know when you're safe to heal it you need to be moving I'm gonna put the patterns on screen here get it memorized get it memorized get it memorized after his first Diamond Dust he shoots icicles then he slams his hand into the ground which signals the six ice spheres from the floor and from now on there are gonna be two snow balls thrown in there while that movie's active after that he throws icicles again and then ice breath every time he finishes blowing on an ice breath a snow ball drops at the end so you need to be ready to dodge that after ice breath he goes into another diamond dust and just like the ice breath right when diamond dust is wrapping up he drops another snowball after that he gives you another burst of bicycles and then goes into a second diamond dust and then the cycle repeats the most dangerous move in my opinion is the ground Spears with the snow balls at the same time if you get hit and are in critical health at any point during this attack I encourage you to wait until it's over because you want to stay in motion and if you're on the ground or in the air you're vulnerable if you stop the Cure ideally the best time to heal or use an item would be right when he's starting up diamond dust so long as you're out of range you're pretty much completely safe you just need to be ready to dodge the snowball that drops when it's finished as for the icicles they always come out the same way in this phase when the icicles just teleport out from him I typically don't bother with those ones when ice Titan himself shoots them out after moving his hand it's always gonna be a straight line of them followed by two sets of horizontally spread ones it's one of these two sets that you want to hit the first spread is gonna be easier to hit but you're likely to get hit by the next spread when you're done if you go for the second spread you'd have to avoid the first one and if you connect you might still get hit by whatever move ice titan is about to do next basically you're gonna eat ship and you get to choose if you want it for lunch or dinner I tend to go for the first of the two horizontal spreads that's about all there is to it it's incredibly frustrating and most of it comes down to you just learning the patterns and learning how to react to certain moves my successful run of the fight here took me about six and a half minutes so it's one of the longer ones winning gets you the diamond dust Keyblade which you might as well put on since it gives you some extra MP up next is unknown which actually might be easier than ice Titan but I had never done this fight or suffereth on level one prior to making this video so initially I tried to just grab a spam on the guy and that seemed to get me decently far but he would always trap me in the move where he messes with your command menu which is practically a death sentence so the goal is to avoid that move and for the life of me I couldn't figure it out so I had to look this one up from someone who's already dealt with this this strategy is entirely credited to will jb2 and I'll link his video in the description I don't know if he was the first to use it but he made the video I saw that employs this track and it works really well if you remember the strategy we used to get Riku to stuck in place this is similar except there's a lot more moving parts basically in order to avoid that awful electricity move we need Donald and Goofy out of our way when the battle starts we want to wait until unknown uses any of the moves that isn't the lightsaber until he uses either his while attacker the big energy ball is just dog drool away once it uses either of those moves summon Simba or genie I like to go with Simba to start and I'll explain why later once he's summoned I'd standstill for like a second and examine your surroundings and basically objects in the overhead compartment may have shifted all the summon animation was playing it usually happens if you summon during the ball move unknown will move around a bit and he might surprise you by being on the other side of you and you've come out of the animation we didn't summon Simba to use him but rather to get Donald and Goofy out of the field Simba is just here to chill with Simba out the strategy here is the wait for either the two attacks that we were looking for at the start when he does one of them you want to use a mid-air gravity on him if it works he'll be stunned which he shows by contorting a bit and sparking with blue electricity at this point close in on him and get off a combo now depending on how quickly you get to him you can hit him up to five times with a one two and in a full combo but it'll generally be farther away for him with the first time you stun him so I play it safe and just go for a one followed by a three or just a regular three hit combo now here's what the strategy really starts after a finisher regardless of how many times you hit him he's gonna do a little flip jump backwards and then use the ball move as he's jumping back and starting his ball attack again you want to do a small jump backwards too and then use a minute gravity on him stunning him again this is all happening pretty quickly but after landing from that gravity you need to do a big jump over the energy balls and closing on him to hit him again now my big roadblock here when I was starting was that I was always getting caught in the attack when trying to jump over and I think it was because the jump I was using to cast gravity was too high and so I was landing later thus getting caught in the blast when trying to jump over so for me it helped to do a much smaller jump before using gravity and I would visualize it as Sora just barely jumping over Simba who's almost always gonna be right behind you it's like the perfect height and distance away from unknown and it'll set you up to clear the jump over the energy balls not what I try to do is hit him with my first swing as I'm landing from the big jump over the balls and then follow up with a combo from there you rinse and repeat finish her small jump back with gravity big jump over the orbs combo and finish her repeat it's probably gonna take a while to get into the rhythm but once you do it's pretty much foolproof if for whatever reason it takes you longer to get to him or you get clipped by one of the energy balls don't get greedy with your attack if you've been doing five or four hits just get off three hit combo and keep the cycle going one thing I'd recommend is trying to keep him away from the walls as you can mess up your spacing and knock him out of the loop while landing your finisher try to orient yourself so that you're knocking him towards the center or at least away from the nearest wall if you do mess up the cycle and he uses another move you can still get him back into it but it'll probably take a while you have to wait for him to use the wall or the balls again and as you get further along he'll start to use a much longer lightsaber attack as well as his blue both of which you can just run and dodge roll away from trying to get him back into the loop however weights the way it you're some engaged so you might just want to softer reset and try again keep him in the loop until he rises into the air and starts shooting energy beams out of his body at this point Simba has probably either run out or ran out a few seconds ago regardless dismiss him and hopefully darling goofy can use an elixir on you when they're back in the mix as unknown is doing his big energy attack you can either strike rate him until it's over or try to dodge roll and super glide away but that's obviously much harder right when he's wrapping that up you want to make sure everyone's alive so you can summon genie unknown is gonna start shooting orange lasers which you just want to run in a straight line left or right to avoid and eventually he'll follow up with a really long lightsaber attack the first time you just want a dog roll away from it the second time however you want to dodge roll away for almost all of it but start gliding as he finishes up while you're in the air cat's gravity on him the timing here is tricky but it's your best opportunity to get him back into the loop as soon as you get him locked back in the fight is exactly the same as it was when you had Simba I can't imagine trying to do this fight without the strategy so big props to will for the great video on how to carry this out it's probably gonna take you a few tries to get the hang of the timing and positioning but once you learn it and get into the group it's really not all that bad alright so here's the granddaddy of super bosses Sephiroth load up on elixirs and googles and therapists there's a few things you should know about Sephiroth the first is that he's a total sometimes Sephiroth just doesn't feel like getting hit and decides to eviscerate you with gigantic flame pillars you're going to get punished and more than half the time you just have to take your lumps run away and cure like a little baby I'll let you know up top I died a lot getting the footage for this and while I feel like I got a grasp on how to do it now I probably died quite a few more times if I had to do it again it's by far the hardest fight level one has to offer I'm not gonna tell you how to do it and pretend that I'm a pro and that this fight isn't sometimes complete I probably died somewhere around 80 or 90 times so I am with you in solidarity in his first phase separate has three moves a simple horizontal slash from a standing position which is gonna be our favorite his other sort attack right now is an annoying move where he slashes while jumping forward and then jumping back to his starting position you're gonna need to get used to that one as your window for attacking right now is gonna be after he finishes either of those slash moves with the jump slash don't pay attention to where he's going stay focused on where he started before he jumped and be ready to meet him there with a combo his other move he has right now is flame pillars which are just a ton of ass after every combo you get on him Sephiroth will either retaliate with flame pillars or slash followed directly by flame pillars this is incredibly dangerous to get stuck in and while you can dodge roll out and take one hit permit you're more often than not gonna receive two hits if you're caught in it for this reason you want to try and always be fully healed as you can also sometimes use the pillars unpredictably and catch you by surprise and that could be death that could already one hit down also he'll use them if he gets impatient with you if you haven't landed a hit on him in a while he'll use it right after a slash attack so if you've been unable to get an opening for a bit try to bait the flame pillars out before trying to sincerely approach him again okay starting off Sephiroth can and will smack you in the face if you don't immediately back up or jump so do either and then get an air combo on and you're always gonna approach him in this phase by beating out a slash attack by jumping over him and then getting an air combo so here's order of operations jump over a slash combo wait for him to do flame pillars jump over a slash combo wait for him to do flame colors again after two full combo Sephiroth starts acting like a brat and will retaliate the next time you hit him now sometimes you can avoid this retaliation and sometimes it's flame pillars and you just have to take it if you're lucky he'll do a teleport slash and you can dodge roll out of range so on this third round of offense approach him knowing you'll only hit him once and then after that first hit your best bet is to just dodge roll and hope that it's not flame pillars if it is still dodge roll away and jump up and heal in general dodge roll it's crucial for this fight and you should probably do one or two after every action at land a combo or heal and then dodge roll away because you're gonna be left open if you don't this might be in my head but I found that if you dodge roll to your left or right you're more likely to avoid getting slashed after he teleports your instinct will probably tell you to dodge roll backwards in a way but Sephiroth usually catches you since he's slashing in that direction so regardless of where Sora is be ready to tilt your left stick to the right or left and dodge roll in anticipation of that retaliation attack after that retaliation you just go back to your air combos it's a bit tedious but it's the safest way to do it after every two combos he's going to retaliate so be ready that's all there is to the first phase the second start of the phase is signaled by Sephiroth doing a big boy jump and then he says come and gives you a creepy come-hither hand gesture while he's doing that you can close in on him for a combo but keep in mind he can still retaliate if that's where you are with him during your hit cycle regardless and phase two separate starts running around and now you belong to him at the start of the face he's gonna run directly towards you the first time he does this is always a bluff so don't bother reacting he'll teleport away for a really scary move but some people call it to send heartless angels some people think he's saying sin harvest but he's obviously saying Steve Harvey's Angels obviously the last thing you want is for him to get this move off so you need to super glide over to him and combo him otherwise he'll drop down to zero MP and 1 HP and at that point I would just reset because you want to save your elixirs and you can't really afford to use any on recovering from that now keep in mind his retaliation rules are still in play but one of your best chances to get damage on him during his faith is when you're interrupting Steve Harvey's angels regardless of whether or not you get off a full combo or he retaliates things are about to get hectic Sephiroth is just gonna start running at and around you sometimes teleporting and basically you just need to curl up into a ball and dodge roll away you have a couple of openings here for damage but they're not gonna be a safe as Steve Harvey if he jumps and happens to land right next to you you can take advantage of that for a combo if he's running in circles around you I wouldn't bother trying to attack as your hits probably won't connect that he'll just counter-attack you however when he runs straight towards you he has a chance of attacking with the horizontal slash what you can treat just like the ones in the first phase keep in mind though he can Bluff you in either teleport or jump away or sometimes even use flame colors I'd recommend trying to take advantage of this opening otherwise you might end up running out of MP from hearing if you only use the Steve Harvey attack as an opening now after getting a few hits on him in this phase he's gonna start prepping a really scary attack called octo slash which is cued by him saying a line in the screen getting darker honestly it's lame but the best way to deal with this is to just run toward him and press triangle to strike rate when doing it try to press triangle later rather than sooner during the follow-up attacks because you want to stay invincible for the duration of the move it's possible to avoid this attack by jumping and dodge rolling but it's really difficult after this move Sephiroth always follows up with a Steve Harvey so be ready to chase him down keep in mind at this point your MP is probably low or empty so you need to try and find an opportunity to use an item if he doesn't teleport too far away to use Steve Harvey you can probably pop in a lick sir and still have time to interrupt him but in general your best time to heal or use an item is gonna be while he's using flame pillars regardless you'll want to try and always have two MP available for strike raid because you'll need to do it a few times before moving on to phase 3 keep this up and take advantage of your openings and eventually Sephiroth will teleport around a few times and end up in the center of the arena if you want you can get close to him right now and get some damage on him when he starts going blue phase 3 is no surprise incredibly scary whenever the blue energy balls are in play you just want to dog roll away from them very early on in this phase Sephiroth is gonna use his meteor attack as the meteor start falling you want to try and be gliding so you don't get hit by the shock waves as I start to circle around the arena I like to hug one of the walls and try to dodge roll as they come toward me but I'm clearly not too good at that you can avoid the big final energy blast by dog rolling into it at the right time but it's pretty tricky I think you can also blight up and sort of over it or through it but I haven't tried it myself in this phase I recommend only going in to attack at two opportunities the more common one is when sepharad lands from a spinny aerial attack where he says dodge this you want to err combo him after he lands from doing that and I mean you should really make sure his feet are on the ground otherwise you'll move in too early and get hit by the end of the attack your other opportunity for damage is less common but safer Sephiroth will do his Steve Harvey attack in his faith and sometimes they'll do it a few times in a row you also have to bear in mind that he'll still rotelle as normal like you did in phases one and two so it's all easier said than done Sephiroth will still do octo slash in his phase and you can still do his meteor attack again so be ready to deal with those and don't hesitate to use your elixirs whenever you're low on MP all in all just dodge roll around and take your hits when you can get them steer clear of the blue energy orbs and don't fall for the bait when he says come he's just spawning more orbs that'll likely hit you it sucks it's tense and it's probably gonna take you a billion tries as it did for me but once you did it you can stand up look yourself in the mirror and finally say what am I doing with my life and that's that guy's my Kingdom Hearts level 1 guide clearly this has been my biggest project so far both and getting the footage and in scripting and editing so I really hope you enjoyed it and it could be useful to you like I said up top I'm no master but hopefully these strategies can get you through these fights and if you have any questions about anything in particular I am always responding to the comments at the end of the day it's a self-imposed challenge with no reward beyond the satisfaction of just doing it so however you choose to get it done is really all that matters this was a big old labor of love and I'd really appreciate it if you could drop a like and consider subscribing if you're new it would really just make my gosh dang goddamned day as always I've got stuff planned for the future and I promise that follow-up to the obscure cage 1 video will be out relatively soon for now you can check out the original right here that's a wrap for me today I've got to go listen to literally any song that isn't one winged angel as a wise man once said
Channel: Regular Pat
Views: 240,706
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kh1, kingdom hearts, kingdom hearts 1, level 1, lvl 1, kh1 level 1 guide, level 1 guide, kingdom hearts level 1 guide, for beginners, Regular Pat, PS2, PS3, PS4, square, square-enix, RPG, walkthrough, tutorial, Kingdom Hearts 1 Level 1 Guide, level 1 walkthrough, kh1fm, kh1 final mix, 1.5 remix, kh1 sephiroth level 1, kh1 unknown level 1, kh1 ice titan level 1
Id: fLoy6kJqfD8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 29sec (4649 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 20 2019
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