Kingdom Come South Africa 2020 || Session 1 || Shawn Bolz

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[Music] how many of you heard Bull speak before oh my goodness I I don't think I actually need to do an introduction but just to say how much we value and we appreciate a father in the face faith an epistolary figure a man who's pioneered so much whose walk whose life is filled with integrity he loves what he preaches any teachers and it's an absolute privilege for us as South Africans to welcome bill Johnson Thanks thank you thanks thank you thank you thank you oh I I think there's a strong evidence there's a lot of fanatic since South Africa I remember growing up I heard the definition of fanatic that I like the best it's somebody who loves Jesus more than you do I thought that was a good oh so good to be here so good to be back in South Africa and I'm glad I'm not on a screen it wasn't near as fun I couldn't eat the food I couldn't enjoy your faces or anything but it was it was a privilege to do that but it's even better to be here so glad to be here with some dear friends and both Shaun Foyt and Sean Bowles and a whole team over here from Bella music that's working tonight too just a real treat for me I was in thinking about taking a couple of minutes just to talk to you and then I want to introduce our guest tonight one of my favorite stories in the Bible that I return to often for personal nourishment and insight is Israel leaving Egypt finally getting into the Promised Land it's not a picture of course of us going to heaven it's because Moses didn't make it it's it's a picture of entering into a reality in God that we call the kingdom of God the reality of the kingdom that is now its future but it's also now one of the phrases that I grew up liking probably 40 35 years ago was the phrase kingdom now but not yet it always helped me to kind of settle things that that that it is now but unfortunately many people have found a way to let the not yet be the hiding-place for their unbelief and we don't want to do that we don't want to create a theology that explains away lack what we want to do is learn to contend before the Lord and to carry out what Jesus modeled for us what he accomplished what he did in his lifetime in three and a half years is extraordinary I understand eternally God but he gave us an example that could and must be followed he gave us an example of what it would be like to be fully dependent upon the Father through the Holy Spirit he Illustrated that in such a way that we could actually follow it as I have pondered looked over this great story of Israel coming into the Promised Land I I'm fascinated by goodness a million things in that story but two of the things that stand up for me for tonight is the way that God would manifest himself when it was nighttime he would manifest himself as a pillar of fire in the daytime when it was hot he would manifest himself as a cloud he tended to manifest himself opposite to his surroundings so how would he manifest himself to a group of people in economically hard times he is he is not the God created by our culture he has other than and we don't get the benefits of his kingdom when we live according to the rules of this one now we're law-abiding citizens don't read into that but there are ways of faith there are ways of following his principle his heartbeat his presence they gives us access to an ongoing dimension of the absent superiority of his world and the cool thing is it's what everybody is hungry for the Bible calls Jesus the desire of the nation's everybody wants a king like Jesus everybody wishes there was a king like Jesus and when we come in word only not as many are drawn in but when we come with compassion and display the mercy love the care of God for the most broken of those in our society when we come with power to see things reversed that technically are irreversible and who we see Jesus show up suddenly things begin to happen that none of us can take credit for see when we don't function in the miraculous we operate in a gift mix that we can actually take credit for whatever we do but when we step outside of what is humanly possible and simply through radical obedience give him a place to do what only he can do then he shows up in a way where he alone is glorified that I believe is what the Lord is going to be releasing over us in these next couple days and I'm just happy as can be to be able to share a couple days with you Sean Bulls us one of the dear friends of our house Bethel Redding where I've been trying to get him to move there but I don't he's got this thing going in Southern California I don't understand it I love he and his wife so much fact I was privileged to do their wedding number of years ago what a treat that was outside we got a pasture of sheep bang in the background of this wedding it just seemed prophetic I don't know I don't have to be extremely prophetic to read into that somehow so it was it was good for me but Shaun has deposited so much in my life and in our life as a church family our movement it's the prophetic obviously it's for me it's the unusual gift that he operates in on one hand and the other side of the same coin is his impact on bringing transformation to broken people's lives and ultimately transformation and culture we are here not just to get a few people to sign up to be church members we're here to do what Jesus said to do and that's disciple nations to do that there has to be an adequate display of who Jesus is and Shawn is one of those individuals that is so unusually gifted to be able to put on display both in the preaching of the word the teaching the equipment and the demonstration of God's power the demonstration of God's love I was telling her folks here some some months ago when I had that privilege to introduce Shawn's or our group I I'm in a lot of conferences every year last time I don't even count anymore but last time I counted I think it was 35 or so a year and I hardly ever ever ever missed a session so I made a whole bunch of teachings all year long besides what we have going on at home and I'm just saying all that not for pity not for mercy not for envy just to say I hear a lot of wonderful people speak and I don't research people's messages online except for Sean I find something that he's ministering on and I'll put it on my computer and I'll sit there and get provoked once again and how we can bring the presence of God the power the prophetic of God into culture and to bring true transformation in any given setting I'm so thankful that I get to share the Pope on so many friends and one of the Sean bulls I want you to express your love and appreciation to Sean [Applause] [Music] [Applause] well thank you I'm so glad to be here go ahead and sit down I always say that words of affirmation or not my love language except for one bill or my wife do them and then I want to cry or get really touched and I never it's weird being prophetic and that's not one of my primary love languages is to hear words I love action I love acts of service out of quality time and words of affirmation are what people need the most right now in our culture they need to hear what God thinks and so it's exciting when you you get a moment to hear put someone else thinks of you it's a beautiful thing well hello I feel like we're throwing a party this is so good I feel soaking it in here we it took us like 36 hours to get here I'm not sure about you you might have driven down the street or even come from Zimbabwe but uh how many of you have ever heard me speak or heard me do anything or am i an add-on to the conference for you okay so there's a lot of you that we've got how do you listen to explore the prophetic podcast anybody that's amazing so thank you for listening thanks for being part of if you're not a part of it it's free every week it's a free download you're gonna really enjoy it anybody seen the CBN show come on thanks that's awesome so we we just launched with TBN and it's could just come over to Africa as well and you could also get on their online downloadable app we just love to resource about it Christ said this this dream and this passion that we're all gonna hear God in powerful ways in whatever sector of life we're at and see transformation and so that's one of my primary passions I'm the least likely person to do it so imperfect I grew up around a lot of very eccentric ly gifted people of all types but whether it's in the arts entertainment or business or create you know profits and I always thought that like the most normal person in the room and I thought how am I ever gonna have an impact in the world because I wasn't born under a star and I don't have a birthmark on my butt and I don't have you know when I took the spiritual gifts test in the 1980s you know we only believed you had one or two and mine was like helps it wasn't prophet or healer or something forth and I hated those gift tests back then because you only get one right your church is like that's yours now that's who you are and I'm like no oh so so I come to you just as one of you I come as your brother I could come as a father if I'm old enough but don't call me daddy if you're like 50 I'm I'm too young that's not gonna happen but I just so enjoyed coming to groups like this because I can feel the spiritual hunger and I want to take away over the next two days that I get to speak any excuse you have for thinking you don't hear from God my favorite thing to do ministry is not to demonstrate my favorite thing is to see you activated demonstration only we only do that just so that you can see an example of what it might be like but one of the things I love about our exploring the prophetic podcast is I think there's about 130 150 of them out and over the last 2 and 1/2 years and and you have stories from every kind of person whether it be a mom or a movie star or a politician or whatever from many nations who are sharing how when they hear from God their world change and then they change the world around them and that's what I believe so that's where we're coming from I have a lot of resources about it most of them are free we do have some books and stuff on the table but we have a youtube show we have a podcast we have two TV shows there's a lot of ways if you're liking when I overload you with stuff if you like me at all like you can just find me online and there's too much so just pick one you know don't don't get overwhelmed because I want to do life with you I want to go on a journey with you well this is the shortest pulpit I've ever been at I love the pastors of this church in their vertical challenge it's great Wow when I was young I was I was around 15 years old and what my dad was in the Air Force we just got transferred and they had their choice of going to Washington DC where he can go after being a full General or if he was gonna just be stay at Colonel or I think was like car was gonna be a colonel and we're gonna move to Sacramento California yeah and our family prayed and we felt like we're supposed to go to Sacramento but we were in the midst of a mini kind of revival that was happening amongst a small town in central California where most the high school got saved the public high school and we were right in the middle of it and it was just such an exciting time to see so many people get saved it was from a Baptist use group and it was a cessationist Baptist Church and our family was the Enigma where they were like we like what you do and who you are but don't bring all of it here but do it do it outside of us I'm numbering all the people here but don't do that thing in the church that you guys do and I people ask me who are your main spiritual parents as my parents they're now 80 and 78 they've been married for 57 years and they've loved the Lord my whole life it's just been beautiful to watch so I was raised by them I was raised without the limitation of a life that came had to escape the world so my parents worst fear came true when I was around 15 years old and I told them I want to go and minister to the war zones and to prostitutes and to Hollywood and they screamed they were like what are we waiting because they thought the church was the best thing they've ever seen and they both escaped the world so they were so excited to go to conferences and events and I was like if it doesn't work in a war zone it doesn't work in church so we have to see so my parents were very disappointed but very happy at the same time because they were raising me but during that time when I was 15 I had seven friends died of different tragedies and I was so young and I had I've never had a walkaway period from the Lord but there was a period that was really just the dark fear and I'd grown up around the church and I saw a lot of wonderful miracles and I even heard God and saw some of the gifts manifest but I didn't have that personal intimacy connection fully yet developed so when they all died I felt like the sky was falling and I felt like I wanted to just die I wasn't suicidal like I was depressed because I didn't think life was worth it I just wanted to be with them in heaven because they were all Christians they all died of different things three of my had led to the Lord so I was happy they were in heaven but it was just really hard as a 15 year old who had just moved into a new city and had no friends yet and I looked around and I thought I don't want to start all over I don't want to do this again and so I I just became a little dark for a season and I began to read the Bible instead of being dark and just you know get goth or something I've listened to hardcore now man you know I just start reading the Bible a lot and and and sometimes like all night I would read and I wouldn't sleep very much and I just started to cry out like the Habakkuk thing god I stand in awe of who you are and I hear all these things that you've done and my parents have been involved with all the stuff and other people's families and of revival history and the Saints and the Mystics you know from the Catholic Church and I was reading all this stuff and I was saying if I don't see this in my life time it's not worth living anymore and I can't just see it for me I have to see you move and if it doesn't happen for people who are the least of these it doesn't matter to me and so I felt him challenged me when I was around 16 and a half years old I started to go down to a street down in Sacramento and I'd bring youth and we'd all lied to each other's parents or lie to our parents and tell them we were going to each other's house to spend the night but we'd stay out all night and minister to prostitutes and pimps on the street and and we did this for months like we did this every Friday night for months and so we started to get a reputation we bring them food we'd love on them we pray for him we became the youth that they go to them if you're sick or if you need something I just remember feeling like the best reputation I ever had in my life that we would go down there'd be prostitutes we'd be like Sean and hug me and hold me like I couldn't wait to see you you know like and so we were in a meeting with Kathryn Kuhlman's last living disciple at the time besides Benny Hinn and she called me I was a small meeting she called me out in front my parents my parents brought me this week I don't know this woman and she called me out she said you you've been ministering to prostitutes on Friday nights and you've been sneaking out of your house and having youths sneak out of their house and she she doesn't call me out my parents were like we can't ground you for this but what do we do we're really mad at - so I only went back a few more times just because my parents put some restrictions out I don't know why and you know it's start the good stuff start having like one in the morning so I was really disappointed but I but I remember just feeling like god I want the reputation that when you walk past the broken they know that there's hope and there's possible change there's possible transformation now one of the stories I tell this story because one of the stories in that one of the things that lit me up as I was in this pub very big public school thousands of students and I was still kind of going through a dark period where I was trying to figure out hope and there's these wonderful students I was a football player for American football not not your kind of football and we would have two a day exercises and I loved it but they cancelled my morning exercise and so I ended up going back and to a choir class of all things a show choir like Glee or show choir and they made us go as football players because there's nothing else for us to do so we would sleep in that period but there's this teacher that came along and it was a wonderful teacher and taught us how to sing it was great but in that class it was all the broken birds of the school because we all got kind of shuffled into this elective class and two of the girls who I really was just I just had a heart for and it would always speak to him I'd say this is who you are who you are isn't what you're doing right now who you are as I said I would speak to him what I saw in God without putting a lot of spiritual language to it and what about her name CJ and I said CJ you're a leader you're a made to be loved you were made uu so you say something and it lands in our hearts and we all listen to you if he tell us to be quiet the whole room stops it's like what a CJ thing well one of the nights we were out on the the streets I walked by and there CJ as a prostitute I realized I was 16 and a half years old she was 17 when she was in school with us and now she's 18 and I look over at her and I go CJ and she's like Sean and you think we were the best friends well my youth group was horrified because they didn't know why I knew her so well and if we're hugging and she's crying in my arms and she's like Naomi's over there which was one of the other girls from school so I run over and Naomi's now only 16 and I run over and I hug Naomi and Naomi's trying to pay for three children she's had already by being on the streets and I said you guys I don't want to take away from your work to have time to eat with us like let me take you to the diner like is that okay like can we take there's no problem so they came with us from there prostitution night and came over to the diner and they ate with us and my youth sat there on one side of the Denny's and we said I sat in between them and we're just talking like old friends because we really had a friendship and but we hadn't seen each other in about a year and so they they were telling about their life and it was terrible like what was coming out of their mouth and then they'd say it's okay though and then they would come out so I looked at my you think okay I want you guys to love them and tell them who they are but don't tell him who's or not and we had this beautiful moment where these youths who had us and then these were prostitutes before they sat at the table with us and they were my friends they were prostitutes who were those guys those other people and all of a sudden they're at a table of friendship and they're seeing these girls in their full value they don't care that one of them is on drugs they don't care that the other one is being beaten by her boyfriend as subjecting yourself to that relationship who's pimping her out they just see these these two real human beings who I have a lot of joy for and who have a lot of joy for me and they became part of our inner sprint ship circle for that dinner and they began to speak into their lives and these girls are crying and they only had a Christian foundation but her mom was the first one who sold her into prostitution so she left home early and they when they're just weeping and I just remember just I was in the you know seven friends who had just died it was only a year and a half away from that and I just said okay now I see the kingdom now I see its what why it's worth it because the church that I was going to was so preoccupied with what the devil was doing and what man was not doing that they didn't even care about these girls and what they were doing and who they weren't God and Jesus came and he picked the most unusual people I loved his pick i love i love his picker cuz our pickers broke in a lot but his picker so beautifully picked these people who are completely who we would have never picked none of you would have picked Peter I promise zero of us would have picked Saul who became Paul we would have been like yeah not so much so but it'd be like saint kim jeong-hoon er o generation hey kim jong there's gonna be the apostle of the whole world right now it's gonna be great North Korea is gonna come into revival it'll be really great none of us see that happening but four years ago I remember standing in a class and I was super annoyed by a famous Hollywood family because of I watched a couple their episodes on a plane on the way home I didn't seen it before and their names were the Kardashians I was super annoyed and as I was watching this show it's like this is such a bad representation of America I can't believe I loved them in Christ but no it's like I was so frightened I got home and my wife prays for them we live in Hollywood we live right around the corner from where the show is taped literally it's one and a half blocks away until they moved to Calabasas and my wife's like Shawn we gotta prep so I would say things that were Christian derogatory meaning they had a hopeful spin but they were like oh you know the Kardashians they're you know they're they're they're bringing corruption to America they're bringing you know I'm the one who teaches you can't have authority over what you don't love or who you don't love and I'm saying certain things but I'm just saying it very subtly and I don't even know how aggravated I am with them and my wife looks at me was five years ago my wife looks at me and says you teach that you have to love first and you're aggravated because there's many body parts and one of them is this is an eighth hole in your being one and I was like I don't want to be the body of Christ but hole as she goes one of this aggravation that's in your soul is because as you pray for them you're gonna get a vision for them and you're gonna start to understand who they are and you're gonna start to love who they're supposed to be and you're gonna see what the redemptive destiny was not who they're not today I remember just saying yes honey yes honey shut up honey but not really just you know when you do that like conflict avoidance like mm-hmm super-nice evita pastor me in this moment we all need those relationships and and I and I was aggravated for about a year after that I started to think like I had faith for CJ and Naomi which has led me to in front of literally hundreds of prostitutes and thousands of kids and war zones and then also has led me to Hollywood where there's a lot of people who feel like we have the spiritual tour world nations and all the conflict zones and war zones LA and Hollywood feels like the spiritual conflict zone and war zone of culture and place where people get prostituted but it's it's their gifts and their talents you know there's not very many people who haven't laid down a really important relationship for their career in a way that was prostitution and the spirit and so like I was led there so I had to look at these people with the same compassion not asking them not the Kardashian family versus the Christians or whatever because they fundamentally love God they professed Jesus and I had to like change my heart and I remember just praying about it and I was teaching a prophetic class and it was a rather large class so it was really hard to do we couldn't do one-on-one and we did a question-and-answer time there's like a thousand people there so we couldn't do like the activations we normally do which is activities to get you prophets because we just couldn't control a thousand people in the room and I remember one of the people asked what do you think about people in culture like Kanye West and I just thought oh my gosh I don't want to talk about the Kardashians or Kanye West because I'm still working on that in my own testimony I'm still working on my own heart but out of my mouth comes Kanye West is a prophet to our generation is gonna be a worship leader in Leeds Stadium events so I began to prophesy and it's all like and it goes viral because it was on the internet so I was people are like you think Kanye West's crazy he just went they had his mental breakdown he was currently in the breakdown when I prophesied so it was wild and some people some of his friends were contact me going do you think he's gonna be okay and I'm like it's not the kind of time that you prophesy and you're like pastor bill you're gonna be an apostle and a greater way to the nation's of course he it's like it's Bill if God upgrades bill walls just be happier you know but someone who's like kind of offensive to culture not only Christian culture but also too I mean he was did all kinds of stuff in his journey like he hosted the porn Awards and didn't okay all kinds of stuff in his journey and prophesying and I kept every class that we do I'd say we have to take the people that are hard for our soul one of the ones that was for me was Kanye West and I had to see who it was in the spirit and God actually gave me an extreme word for him and I don't always get extreme words for these people but I actually prophesied in the redemptive identity or destiny of God over Kanye's life he's actually called to be a prophet to our generation he's a creative genius God has put a heart of David inside of him I'm going to pray for him so we started firming his all around for Kanye and the whole thing and if you told me five years ago that Justin Bieber would be leading Instagram prayer meetings that Kanye West would be leading revivals and stadiums that our vice president of our United States would be a prophet who hears from God who like literally listens to God for every decision he makes and a start of faith coalition for other people in government both Democratic and Republican if you had told me that Mel Gibson that he would come out of his hard time by having a vision he was supposed to make the resurrection of Christ movie and heard God and God walked him out with therapy but also through the Word of God where he heard God saw demons cast them out of his house and was walking with Jesus now if you told me that five years ago I would have been like Wow because right next to real faith is delusion and some of us are so afraid of delusion that we won't walk in real faith so I'm gonna take you on a journey tonight because I believe I believe that what God's gonna do is so astounding that your frame of mind you're in right now can't imagine your dream with God even if you're a dreamer even if you're one who's like I could see it all happening the way that God brings saying is things as oftentimes so contradictory to what we expected or hope for but it's compatible it's not contradictory like oh I wish you wouldn't have done that way it's compatible in the sense of like he did it greater if he's in Street 20 then I could have hoped for a dream for imagine of my wildest dreams and I'll talk a little bit about this tomorrow I want to go into kind of a picture because I want to prove to you tonight that you're wired for connection was gone you're not only wired to hear God's voice you're already hearing his voice and some of you are like I'm not the prophetic one of my family I had a man come up to me he said my wife's the prophetic one and I said I hate that because I do too and I said oh no I hate that you said that he's a businessman I've known for a number of years he has three awesome kids who are all adults and he's very wealthy and he said his wife's you know that could you have a word for me my wife's the prophetic when I don't ever hear from God I need some direction for my life and I said no I hate that I want to take that excuse away from you I don't want to be your prophet I think you're your own best personal profit but you're using an excuse that you don't hear from God when you actually hear from them powerfully but you're not recognizing it so you can't partner your faith to it you know even the devil believes in God but that doesn't mean he has faith in God and the church right now believes in God but we're not in faith with who God's nature is we're not manifesting faith towards culture and God wants to give us that kind of faith then when we look at the hard cases of culture that we actually start to see who God is who he's called him to be and that we don't care about the bad report it's kind of Caleb and Joshua they came back and they saw something that was so extreme and they didn't care about the bad report they were like it's filled with milk and honey and I would have been so discouraged if the other reports were listened to after I've given a report and it's happened to me in some ways we're obviously like we're not gonna go that direction even though that sounds good we think you're idealistic you're you're kind of a vision we're gonna go this way cuz it's safe and the church has we're kind of in one of those times in 2020 where it's a jump-off point where God's opening a window that things that would take 20 years can happen this year this is such a pivot year such a time that we get jumped through into spaces start a business create a ministry create something that is a voice that that there's a moment in time right now that we can miss it if we don't jump in and we'll take longer if we don't jump in and part in our faith and the good news is God wants it more than we do so he's waking us up he's speaking to us he has caused you to come here so that you can experience who he is and his wiring inside of you and so this man after he said that to me I said I got proved you in 15 minutes you hear from God and I said okay go ahead so I said tell me the last great big win you had with one of your kids when you gave him finances because he's a businessman so he you know one of the ways businesspeople a lot of times operate in their love language is to help resource their children and their family so I said what's one of the last times that made a big difference he goes okay I have a perfect time he said my son had taken a year off from college and he's finished now he's doing great but he took a year off to go in the mission field he met a woman from a third world nation a developing nation she's amazing she an Ivy League degree and she is like driven she's an alpha female and he met her and they were getting married the problem is she had never had family she'd never owned a house none of her family had ever been a part of owning resources so a lot of what she represents excuse me as a justice cause is actually theoretical I felt like she needed to actually experience nesting in a home that she didn't have children because of how she was raised and I thought my wife and I felt like she needed to have children like that was part of who she was and I said okay so what happened he said well we took a portion of their inheritance and we gave it to him early did not just buy a home but to buy their dream home so that she could find a place of nesting and they could actually make a family and I was like that's how did your other kids respond because I know those were kids and he said actually they thought it was God as well they thought it was a good thing to do as well I said so how did you know to do that because I just knew I just it was just intuition and I said okay so it wasn't God he goes no I just made a decision I mean God could have been on it I said when did you make the decision and he goes well we have this little room in our house designators room and we were praying about what to do for them for their wedding I said you are such an idiot you made a decision in your own right out of intuition that kind of a generational curse that created resource that cost it now what happened tell me what happened it goes well in their first year of marriage she actually got pregnant and she started nesting in that house and she was so happy to be a mom it changed everything your life she changed her career from like this big you know justice career to being something that she could manage from home because she's like this is what I want to be I want to be a mom and have a part-time career and as someone to do justice but I'm going to start a foundation to cause from home and she then now they're they've had two children and they were pregnant with her third as at the time I talked to him of this and I say Europe your decision as just a good father changed a destiny cut off generational curses created and cut off poverty cut off a mindset that was wrong you're you're pretty big hero of this story do you see anything wrong with this story at all anything and he's like mm not so much he's I'm kidding he said oh okay wait a minute so I said how did you tell me initially when you thought I need to give them a portion of inheritance was it your wife or you guys know it was me how did you think it goes well inside that place where when I get real quiet and I make decisions from that's where I heard it but it's my voice it wasn't God's voice I'm like do you realize that God abides inside of you and that were the only religion that our God lives inside of us and tells us from the inside out he speaks to us from the inside out not just to do things for him but to do things with him that the God who doesn't fit in the universe he created is living inside of you as this temple and this is our God so let me I'll take you back to that story but John John does a really good job of laying out this theme and he starts in John 10 and he says you know there's a Good Shepherd in a sheep hears voice when he lets him out to pasture which would be outside of the gates would be outside the church well that's another pasture they they know it's him sending them out when he brings them back in they know his voice they know when it's not his voice so he's he's starting to set up like what Jesus was saying about fellowship with him connection to him that God wants to be seen as a good shepherd not a dictator even a benevolent dictator but a good shepherd as someone who's caring for his flock then we're getting into John 14 and he starts to prophesy about the fact that Holy Spirit's gonna come and fill us as well then John 16 he actually says it's good that I go so this is the first time he's revealing I'm going somewhere if I don't go the Holy Spirit can't come and operate the same way I've had this connection to the Father you're gonna have this place at an inner dialogue with the father you're gonna be on line so to speak we're the only generation that can fully understand that so far you're gonna be on line you're gonna be connected right now and they said oh no we don't want you to leave because they don't actually be better than I leave because then you'll have this in its fullness of what we already intended then in John 17 John shows how Jesus was such an intimate moment he prays for this connection to happen he prays for them to stand and oneness together which is all of us as they're one and that they would be one in Him as he's one with the Father he prays for the level of connection that were not worthy of that's the most beautiful resource we have that most of us are in denial of because we don't understand how to operate in it and yet it's one of our first birth rights to know our God to be in communion in connection to him just as he designed in the garden in the first place then he goes the garden to consent of me and he's he's one of the disciples to pray with them and they're so tired they fall so funny enough I was in Israel a month ago and it was my first time and I wanted to go my whole life my wife and I went with a small crew just to have like a real experience it was like a real small crew and we were so fire hose have you ever heard of rabbi Jason Sobel he wrote the book with Kathie Lee Gifford the road the rabbi in the rock or something like that it's a New York Times best-selling book he just they just released it last year so Jason took us and he not only as an incredible teacher and understands history but he also is prophetic so he's he's pyre hosing us for like 12 hours a day so by the time we got to the Garden of Gethsemane it was like five days in and we go to the little private garden if David like a key to and we're in there and I've always thought just in my ideal isn't suppose one day I will go to the garden and I will pray with Jesus the way he longed to be prayed with you know I will pray with him and by the time I got there I was so slap-happy that all's I could do is giggle my wife looked at me I said what's wrong I go I go to sleep right here and I just lay down on the bench and I'm like I gotta go to I'm so tired I'm so overwhelmed and I laid down I'm like oh no I'm in the garden I can't do that so I stood up but I walked around looking over the western gate where Jesus is going to return and I could have nothing there's like no emotional sentimentality there's no I mean I wasn't crying out Jesus returned I was crying out give me a bed please right now so I I thought oh with the wrong part of the scripture there but Jesus is in this garden and he asked the Father something very peculiar and John captures it very uniquely and intimately and he says father and he knows he's going across he's used the cross as a metaphor over and over before he's prophesied the cross as a destination he said deny yourself pick up your cross before he was ever announced he was going there so he's prophesied as a destination of where this thing has to end it started over the tree it's gonna end with the tree so he knows and he cries out father if there's any other way that you could take this cup from me as there's any other way would you would you help me and there's no resolution in the book of John it's really interesting because you'd think John his most intimate friend would have described it more but it was in other parts of the scripture so the scriptures could be made complete about this but he goes the cross and he goes you know in an amazing way to the cross because he's he goes through the bloodiest trauma you've ever seen The Passion of Christ it'sit's a depiction that a lot of scholars think was actually mild compared to what really happened in torture and so you know you look at this and you just go wow you went even though you were at the place of bleeding in your sweat over anxiety over this decision you still chose us we see later on on the ride over sort of Hebrews 12 you know we don't know if the writer of Hebrews was Paul or John or a woman we don't know we don't know who the writer of Hebrews is I know that's controversial I said it on purpose because some of you need to love women and who they are in the Christ but Hebrews 12 verse 2 it says for the joy set before him he endured the cross so now we know that when John saw him in the garden and when Jesus described that in the garden to John so to write about it because John was asleep that there was a joy that was set before him that he saw something that caused him and compelled him out of his great love to endure that price I'll come back to that in a little bit 1st Corinthians chapter 2 I just want to read this to you real fast it's because it's important this is verse 8 or 9 to the end but as it's written things were ci has not seen in the ear has not heard and which have not entered the heart of man all that God has prepared for those who love him hold him and affectionate reverence who obey Him who gratefully recognized that benefits he has bestowed this is the amplified version for God has unveiled them and revealed them to us by the Holy Spirit so in other words the whole Old Testament over and over there's this theme and it's God who's rebuking his people saying you don't know my mind you don't have my heart you can't consult me on the matter who put the stars in the sky me and then Paul is actually saying we're in a new dispensation the things that no eye could see in no ear can hear he's revealed it to us by the spirit then he starts to describe something that realized you were the first generation of people on the earth that almost all of us have a smart device if you have a smart device just Pat it for a second might be in your purse in your pocket you might be holding it it might be your cell phone or your pad or you know could be galaxy or Apple whatever you have a smart device and out of the smart device which is an interesting psychology right now in the world because it's become an extension of us and out of the smart device we have been the most connected generation to relationships and community of any generation but the least impacted by the connection very interesting we don't have time to talk about that but I love the psychology behind that but you know when there's an update to be had for your favorite app or for the whole device that the cloud communicates through invisible waves to your device and your device does things and it starts to work better you didn't initiate it most the time it's automatic you didn't even notice it happening you go Oh a new feature that's so cute I can do new kitties this is amazing I love these new Kitty icons are amazing I hope that's not you kitties are fine but all of a sudden you have new features that happen because invisible clouds from technology warehouses send them to your phone and all of a sudden you have an upgraded experience because you have invisible waves that come and fill your device that's in your pocket or your purse and change the capacity in which you communicate and connect where does God live in the cloud God lives in the cloud and what Paul describes in first Corinthians 2 is the clearest expression of a jesus prophesied in john 14 and 16 where he said the holy spirit will come to you now here's what he says and this is important I'm reading the amplified version which is little expanded he says for God has unveiled all these things and revealed them to us by His Holy Spirit for the spirit searches all things diligently even the sounding and measuring the profound depths of God the divine councils and things far beyond human understanding for what person there's the thoughts and motives of man except a man's spirit within them so also no one knows the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God now we have received not the spirit of the world but the Holy Spirit is from God so we may know and understand the wonderful things freely given to us by God we also speak these things not in words taught or supplied by human wisdom but in those were taught by the spirit combining and interpreting spiritual thoughts with spiritual words now in this he's giving you massive entitlement you know we have a generation as a wrong spirit of entitlement God is giving you massive entitlement he's saying I have wired you to understand and know the depths of my process now where do we see this in the scripture before Solomon that's the first place disappears before Solomon has a dream and God says Solomon you could have anything you want what do you want he says I want to be able to perceive and know your inner thoughts about how you would lead he doesn't say wisdom that word wisdom is so shallow it's an English word that just doesn't capture it he says Shema which is a Hebrew word for I want to know the counsel or the perceptions of your thoughts inside of my thoughts I'm gonna occupy your brain to occupy my mind so I can lead the people the way exactly the way you would perceive and do it and it's a very spiritual word this is not like I just need this sermon I just need to know what's good and bad this is a word that says I need communion another time we see this isn't Daniel 1:17 where these young men were filled with what was called in the Hebrew divine intelligence they were filled with the Holy Spirit who's let them think and operate levels that's not humanly possible without God now we see it again in first Corinthians 2 when you're wondering what is the prophetic you were wired to hear from God and he gives you thoughts and now your job is to discern between what's you and what's God why does he do it from within because the Holy Spirit is proving that he's with you he's the Elohim the el-shaddai he's the God who's with us he's the one who walks inside of you from the inside out is transforming you and then the world around you now we all as Christians believe this to some degree but we don't actually operate in a great faith measure in it the way that we're called to and God wants a generation who says I know what's in God's thoughts I have the word in my heart but I also know what he thinks about this culture I know what he thinks about this country I can see what he's doing and we offer solutions to problems that can never be fixed financially we offer a third option where there's only two options on the table for racism we offer a third option like Nelson Mandela did several times we offer it with not human wisdom but spiritual eyes that see what's in God's heart I think of a this man and I that businessman I mentioned earlier and I said okay so you discerned God's heart over the situation and because you had the counsel of his heart the way he thought with wisdom he's supplementally not very emotionally intelligent so the fact that he perceived that a son would never have children with this woman without God intervening was huge so he had emotional intelligence that was far above his emotional pay grade right and he had this moment so when he saw that it was God not him I said wouldn't when I'll stood here from God he goes oh my gosh I hear God all the time because he can fix me of sin like a night when I go to bed I ask him for areas of opportunity I ask him ways that I can do things differently and he takes me through conversations I remembered them and they're highlighted and I know I need to apologize to that person tomorrow or I need to think differently about how I treat them or I need to give them more opportunity and he starts to see that he has an inner navigation that's going on that's not human intuition but is actually the holy spirit that he's invited into his life in a powerful way but he's not been seeing him in an obvious way and so he's not participating in the obvious way so it's happening to him instead of with him and he realizes oh my gosh have other wins with my kids especially when it came to resources now the two ways that we learned how to really hear from God in the beginning stages and most of you who are mature can relate to this is the conviction of sin and it's the worst because you I mean like we are so powerful in this generation like it's hard to let someone speak into our lives like I know so many leaders in this generation there's even people who have 500 Instagram followers and they become an influencer now because they have 500 I'm like 500 really that's what made you in them okay you can't really get paid sponsorship but now you're the most powerful person in your life it's harder to speak into your heart so if a Christian and the our generation gets convicted of sin you know that's not them they just aren't that good it's Holy Spirit living with us saying hey the way you treated her right now that's just another I don't care if she's that you know cellphone customer service lady who had three bad people and is treating you like crap that's not how you treat her I want you to come higher and you're like okay I'm not gonna make the choice I was gonna make so we know this one we know the conviction of sin that is what the voice of God sounds like we also know when he asks us when he's training us to really hear his voice he asks us for things it's the worst and the best he ties your value to things you would never say yes to except for if he put inside of you an incentive which is hanging one obey me for something really fun you're like yeah does it give a bunch of money this person who you don't know oh that's fun Jesus is that have you ever been ambushed by one of your friends like I mean Holy Spirit's my only friend who can get me to do things that I mean Shaun Floyd is one of my friends like this he can get me to do things that I would never say yes to but because it's Shaun I'm like okay I'll go I'm like why am I gonna and the whole way there I'm like Who am I going so stupid why am I going Shaun and then we get there we have a blast and I'm like I'm so glad I went was a great idea I had no it's because it's Sean's crazy I had a secret idea of its TV show told Matt Matt Crouch about I said we're gonna get Sean for you and myself and a couple other people and we're gonna go do basically jackass meets the extreme mission field and we'll do like stunts and crazy stuff I'll be the one who's the instigator so I don't have to do everything I'll just pull the strings like a puppet master with Sean but we'll get guys who we're willing to do anything it'll be great and then we'll go do the missions too well it'd be a great show we should totally do that but when you have a friend who you love who has adventure in their hearts and they ask you to do something they can overpower your no by their want to do it come on come on come on come on come on come on it's gonna be so good and you're like no it's not I'm gonna die no come on you might die but I think you won't die that's - holy Spears and I heart my wife and I are in church you know five six years ago I think yeah six years ago we were newly married we've been married for eight years so we're two years in we're saving up for a house and I live it's just super easy because it's totally cheap and and so like realize if you save up for a house in LA it starts out like a starter home that's in the ghetto is a million dollars u.s. can you imagine that I'm like why have you sent me to a city god where ministers don't thrive because there's no way to get into how you like to have to rent and rent as hard - so we're saving up for a house isn't Phaethon are saving is like at the time was really a little and so we were just starting you know we were out of dad had no you know no obligations but it was gonna be a slow time saving we're sitting on the front row of our church and our wheat we have a couple homes in different places and one of them happens to be in Mongolia Africa it is the children's rescue center that we started and the motto is today's or yesterday's orphans today's leaders and so we have other children's homes we work with when we meet kids especially that we've rescued off of streets or in slums or whatever if they want to come to this home they have to agree that they have assignment from God over the nation to be a leader so if they're eight years old they have to say yes to that otherwise we put them in a place that's normal so there's no pressure on there because we're looking at you're going to go all the way through college and become a Supreme Court justice you're gonna do something in justice you're not gonna move out of Kenya you're gonna actually stay and they've all greed so we've had a couple of crops come through they're amazing kids well one of them well are one of my best friends jennifer Tilly - found him when he was 8 years old really sad condition well now I have met him several times and now he's sharing how he's graduating high school on video and just thinking our church for paying him for his life - first spiritually adopting him and he and his friends just asked the directors of the school or the the children's center if they could make a video for our church how sweet is that not to ask for anything just out of honour to say thank you like our life is different because of you so my wife's never been there she's never been anywhere like extreme and so she's never been to you know wherever so she but she's watching this she totally has a compassionate heart but she's watching this and as she's saying it he shares the dream because because of you I now dream to be a lawyer and I want to be a teacher probably of law thank you so much my life because we have to pay as college now this is not a pitch fidget video this is not like a video where they're asking for money to pay for kids college I'm like no we don't she goes ask Jesus I'm like Jesus we pay his college you know okay but in my heart I'm hearing like no you need to sow into this young man's college you need to actually care for this young man you're believing that there's leaders being raised up you have to take action now we know it's God when we don't want to do it when the when the pastor of this church comes up and says hey we need 25 more children's workers to make sure ministry really work and you're single and you don't have kids and all of a sudden your hand goes up you know that's God not you you're not like yeah I want to spent two services out of my for services a month with children when you don't have children that's like hard and when you do have children it's harder because you're like I need everything like services become your babysitting time were you actually like I can breathe and sit down and they're not calling me I didn't hear dad 25 times like if you hear as a parent you're supposed to be in children's ministry unless you have the gift of nurturing nursing and and a PhD in love then it's hard so we know Holy Spirit's good at telling us to do things we don't want to do he's good at getting so you need a reverse engineer like my friend it was the business man and look for those areas that he said something or put something in you or areas of win and victory that you might have credited yourself like I got a promotion I'm awesome and actually go wait how did I get into this job how did the promotion come was there other people who were actually more likely and what has God been talking to me about what's in my time in my season and actually walk with God I feel like these are the things that start to help us to understand when we know our own season with God we have authority to navigate others people other people seasons with God and I think one of the frustrating things in culture especially Christian charismatic culture is that the majority of people who come to our ministry in it and ask us for need it's not what you meant arrestin how to hear from God that's number two number one is should I get a divorce or am I gonna stay bankrupt or where's my missing child and they're asking us to be a psychic not to be another Christian who's praying with you because you have the authority to actually hear from God for your life now realize Martin Luther if you're a Protestant in here Martin Luther nailed a thesis to the Wittenberg door chapel doors a number of theses there's a hundreds of points but one of the main points was he was sick of everybody looking to somebody else to be their mediator between heaven and earth so he said we are each under fire by our own faith in God that's our theology if you're Protestant you have that theology if you're Catholic you may not have that theology but it's a good one to think about and he said you're justified by your own faith in God and in that justification when you get to heaven there's not gonna be a priest who goes okay these are my people come over here one at a time I will talk to you okay Jesus that you can let this one in you can let this one and Jesus is the high priest and we're each supposed to have our own relationship with him and we've been given the word to actually navigate that relationship in the spirit to breathe life into it now that means each one of you is your own best personal prophet and if somebody comes in in the New Testament and has a word for you that contradicts what you believe inside of you and you listen to them you're gonna experience a type of failure because you're not no longer in the intimacy walking out God's life for you if a paul said to a goddess no I guess I won't go to Rome because you've given me a prophetic word as a prophet so I better listen to you when the Lord told him clearly he even said address agamous thank you but God's told me to go to Rome I have to go to Rome like that was huge in the Bible in the New Testament because a Groce wasn't considered a false prophet he was consider profit but Paul was justified by his own ability to hear from God and there's so many times that were going to somebody to get into a solution not prayer to help here or hit prayer to identify God we're looking externally for God when he's already internal he's already with us and this is when we violate relationship with him and it's really sad not to good prayer is never violating but to get prayer with the intention that you don't have God inside of you and he can't solve something with you as saying the Father in Heaven who thought of good works for you to do before the beginning of time who dreamed of you for the equivalent of millions of years before you were born can't communicate to you and can't connect to you and Jesus died on the cross not for just like a little bit of a repair I've never gone like taking your smart device to a repair shop and it never worked the same again and they've done that when he gives you your device back your your spirit back but he breathes life in your spirit you are not just upgraded you're not just fixed you are brought into a version that doesn't exist on the earth yet you're wired for connectivity that doesn't exist outside of Christians we're all wired for it in humanity but it doesn't have full life until the Spirit of God comes now let's take it further real fast John I love John he was the beloved of Jesus self proclaimed and so that gives me a lot of courage I'm his favorite you should feel the same way I always go to my parents I'm like you know I mean favorite like Jennifer ants and he don't really matter that much I mean they're great but you know I'm the one who matters right like yes don't tell your sisters but they say the same thing to them like I had these relationship moments with God sometimes I'm like I mean you know like thank you he's like that's cute but John would proclaim he was the favorite of God and then he has the revelation of all revelations and this is such an important book in the Bible not because of eschatology that we're gonna press pause on eschatology tonight okay so if you're pre-trib or pro strimm are gonna be left behind or flash forward or millennialism or preterism or partial preterism or the mark of the beast with Illuminati or the Nephilim or whatever you are press pause that's always Austin that that won't get you to heaven so like just press pause the book of Revelation before it's that kind of thing it's a love letter and it's an exposing of God's intention towards humanity and the first part of this book is Revelation chapter 1 john sees jesus and he doesn't see jesus that just returned in the upper room and in these places he sees jesus in his full glory he sees Jesus in the way that Moses cried out for but he could only see the backside of God he sees Jesus face to face and he almost dies but doesn't die now that right there could have been the revelation of revelations I would have been happy I cried all the time to see Jesus I want to see your face I want to know you I'm gonna see you the way you want to be seen I want to see you in your glory you prayed in John 17 John saw it in Revelation chapter 1 there's precedents for it scripturally I pray that I want to see you because when John saw him it changed him and he couldn't describe it but he did the best of anyone I know who's actually seeing Jesus because people who've seen Jesus as a cocker spaniel Jesus he has a cocker spaniel hairdo he's a white man with blue eyes have never been the middle east not once they've been to England you know they've been to the white parts of England they have not been so all those old Renaissance pictures and stuff it was like so neutered from reality of culture and Jesus he sees Jesus he sees you know hair is wool and flaming fire and he's like I think this cry bit and you think it's almost like can't you do a better job but he's so overwhelmed that the book captures the emotions of what he was experiencing and he even falls down as though he's dead and God touches him so he could stand back up to prove to us that it's our time and so time to know him now this could have been the end of to me that's the revelation of revelations we get to be face to face what happened in the garden has now ended I mean what happened after Garden Island if we can be with Jesus again we can be in full communion connection then in Revelation chapters 2 and 3 happens it's beautiful and it's the message of Jesus to try and get humanity out of it out of a survival mode and gives them a new parts the heart of what it is to overcome he's like you're not just gonna go back to culture and be like I guess I'm afflicted here coronavirus sucks you know politics sucks economy sucks I guess that's my long life you're gonna look at that and say no no he doesn't just bring us out of poverty he brings us into promise and so he says to those who overcome they will be given this promise and this promise and this promise so we have the hope that don't have to live under this economy we don't have to live under these politics this way we don't have to live we can actually live somehow supernaturally tied to heaven and the values of heaven and it causes the difference just like the children of Israel when he was referring to this when you've studied it out he's referring to not just coming out of Egypt but coming into the promised land and it's that mentality that says we're not just coming out of something we are now occupying his dream now that could have been the book of Revelation I would have been happy I would have been like wow you know to me I geeked out all that stuff well Revelation chapter 4 comes and I've talked to several rabbis who've studied ancient Jewish texts and there's a lot of heavenly encounters like there's over 200 heavenly encounters that different Jewish people have had throughout history mainly in biblical history and around those times and right after and so I said tell me what happens for these you know Jewish leaders when they heard of it was there ever time someone else heard a voice from a higher place in heaven what does that mean he said actually yes it was quite common all days actually seven rabbis said I'm at four or messianic it was quite common in these jewish studies for voice to come in a higher place and said well what does that mean they said there's a higher revelation I was like what's higher than Jesus and the church overcoming what's higher so I had to read through it again and I hated at the time reading the book of Revelation because I've seen too many Left Behind movies and mark of the beast movies like I would watch Freddy Krueger over those 80s movies that have like I have a barcode on my head it's okay like you can get the mark two and you'll be okay and then the girl gets her head cut off because she won't get the mark and I was eight like you should not watch those movies when you're eight years old I met one of the producers of one of those movies in a meeting like this who said I'm so sorry I was one of the ones who made that movie I mean we'd leave different theology now I'm so sorry I'm like I still don't like you but I love you in Christ so it's okay but you got you know put aside everything that happens the book of Revelation for just a minute and tell Revelation chapter 19 to the end we get to Revelation chapter 19 and this is astounding because when John gets to this point he's already in all of what God is but I just want to read this he sees the 24 elders and the four living creatures and they fall face down and they worship God who's sitting on the throne and they're saying agreement amen hallelujah then the voice comes from the saying praise our god I'll use loving servants and then he looks over and he sees let us rejoice and exalt and him and give him glory because the wedding celebration of the lamb has come and his bride has made herself ready fine linen shining brightly and clear has been given to her to wear and fine linen represents the righteous deeds of holy believers now realize this is the only time that the Book of Revelations explains itself once there's no other interpretation the whole time that's why you're all so confused about it because it's not like John said well this means this and this means this this is the only time we said they're clothed the bride he sees the bride now this is what Jesus saw in the garden against enemy when he saw the joy set before him he saw the counterpart of what he had created humanity to be with the father being restored in its fullness not like a little redemption like she's a little broken like have you ever seen the people who are you know so messed up and they just want God to fix them but they don't have any intention of really living they're just in survival they're like oh I think it just could be past this I'll be okay well that's okay unless you're trying to date them you know when I was dating I was 37 when I got married so I dated a few girls not a lot I wasn't a church Houston or anything but I dated you know here and there and I never dated a girl for my church because I was like the dad so I couldn't date a girl for my local church that I pastored so there's this one girl that my friend set me up on everybody tried to set me up with somebody all the pay even people at Bethel would try and some people and and there's one girl down in Los Angeles that someone tried to set me up with and I went out with her and she's been divorced I think twice and the first date was all about her pain of the divorce and I was like my pastor Shawn or a my potential lover husband Shawn I'm not sure how this works the second date we went I don't know why I said yes again she asked me out that time I asked her out the first time we go out and she has a kid and she's like talking about the pain of the ex-husband and we were negotiating her calendar and how to manage her dysfunctional relationship to her ex and I look they're gonna go I think you need a spiritual father and a pastor not a husband right now I don't think that I'm coming into your life at the right place you're an amazing person but there's just some things there going on she's like no no God told me I would marry a pastor and my whole life would change I'm like and that's why we're never getting married but I by e so when I meet Sir reading my wife I fall head over heels for in about three weeks three weeks she looks at me in three weeks and says you know son and I've had five women like try and date me because they want an upgrade to their life which would they would perceive my ministry to be and they were marrying me for the identity of what I do not Who I am as a person they didn't know me and it was really hard and so my picker was little broken because I was picking pretty girls who like me for the wrong reasons and they were picking me for the wrong reasons and they didn't really like me they liked my ministry but when I met Sheree there was chemistry there was fire it's like Jesus does make someone for us and and when I met her three weeks into it she goes hey you know I got a I have to have a really honest conversation with you you know how much I love the prophetic I love ministry I love God I love I mean I'm never gonna compromise that but she goes to have a public persona of prophecy and ministry and supernatural stuff that's a big price to pay and I'm not sure I'm willing to pay that price it's kind of a liability to me and so I'm not sure that we're right for each other because I I've been counting that cost that I'm not sure it's worth it for me yet we're only three weeks in the honest conversation and I looked at it I go you're the sexiest woman alive that's the sexiest thing anyone's ever told me in my entire life I want to marry you what she ran from when we didn't date for two years and then now we're happily married for eight so it's great but in that here's what I here's why I had to tell a story when I looked at Sheree I saw identity and you can't fake identity she didn't need me to be her upgrade she wanted me because of who I was and when John saw the Bride of Christ he saw a woman who was fully ready to cooperate in her identity that she had embraced from the Father who she was and this represented the condition of Christians don't realize when he saw her he saw himself he saw the believers in his generation he saw all the believers who would ever love Jesus he saw them and it was so holy what he was saying he expected Jesus to be that awesome but he didn't expect her to be that awesome do you understand that so when he saw her he was so overwhelmed that it says now this is the only time this happened that we would call this heresy if nowadays he falls down and worships the angel who shows him this there's no light way to put this you can't theologically change this because you're so holy that you made her he's like no no I didn't make her I didn't do this and he said and and John said I don't want to write about her he had no problem writing about Jesus he had no problem giving the entire world a word about what Jesus wanted you in the church but all of a sudden he sees her and it's so awesome to him because he can see why she was worth it he's not seeing the kind of broken mess that people are he's seeing fullness he's seen us at the end of the race with the trophy in her hand we have won the prize that Christ made a prize for and he's overwhelmed and then that here's what the angel says and this is what prophecy is he says don't worship Me John you write down what you've seen because what Jesus's heart is hungry for what it's cries out for is what his heart is prophesying over is her what he did on the cross and what he cries out before the throne as our intercessor it's her and so when John saw from this point on it was no longer like conspiracy prophesy not that it ever was there was no longer like I wonder where the Illuminati is in the Jewish community right here you know I wonder where the demons are which principalities over the area you know what's going on over here I bet there's a big warfare over there he didn't care what the enemy was doing he didn't care what man wasn't because he had a precedence for how Jesus treated him his entire life which he wasn't worthy he probably had a little bit of impostor syndrome or he's like I can't believe he chose me he didn't she was like I mean I'm kind of I'm just just a guy you know like I'm not like I'm not incredibly well studied I'm just he probably a little bit bit of that his whole life until he saw what the father had made him to be in the first place the right of Hebrews also says therefore we boldly approach the throne of grace full of confidence and there's something about when you're willing to see the way God sees and perceived the way he perceives that you enter into a prophetic anointing where you start to see not what is not happening in you know South Africa there's so many people who can give you the predictions and the indicate of what will happen as a matter of fact you can discern and discernment is a gift of the Holy Spirit but it's only a conversation starter we start to discern what's not you start to discern maybe even good things talents and skills redemptive possibilities but only when God speaks or shares with these accounts of his heart can you call forth what was in God's heart from the beginning of time like Jesus did see prophecy isn't just knowing some nice thoughts of God to have a less complicated life prophecy is walking and union with God and seeing what he perceives over your family over yourself over the people around you if anybody tells you you can't promise every people you know they're a liar or they don't understand because we actually the most authority over the people you love the most but usually the most connected to his heart for them and you're the most connected to their heart in your life and when John came back to the earth he didn't die he didn't go to stay in heaven he came back and when he came back I wonder what his life was like because now everyone he saw he saw them in the fullness of the Father's love and affection he saw them in the fullness of the price Jesus paid a price for and treated them and an upgraded way which is a culture of what the prophetic slike before it's a prophecy like something like I'd love to learn how to prophesy have you learned how to see people and fullness and not limit them for who they're not today have you looked at them and actually spoke to who they are in the heart of who they're supposed to be who they're becoming and enforced and encouraged that because that's what prophecy feels like it feels like when you've had the best coach when you've had really good parents who call out redemptive things inside of you when you've had people who helped navigate hard situations and you've actually won not lost in those situation that's what the Holy Spirit feels like in relationship to you that's the communion that we belong to and it's automatically given to you but sometimes he's stuck as pastor bill says the Holy Spirit can be stuck and unbelieving believers and alms we have to do is part in our faith and the tricky thing is the more mature you get the harder is to partner because he does things so outside your process in your box he always keeps you on your toes you know one of the things we were supposed to do with resource at one point and it's a long story I won't go into but just this one line is we had about forty seven prophecies about a property we're supposed to own in Los Angeles and and I just had a hard time with that I just I believed it would magically come if a angel fairy came and waved her wand and some rich person gave us money or something but I didn't have any faith for the practical of it or the reality that I was like one day that'll happen in 25 years and they started to give us words like it's gonna happen soon will my wife began to she was on a mission to say okay I'm gonna really understand what God's saying to us here pray into it and you know work it through and one day I was a July of four years ago I was walking down the street from my office's and I to my office's and I hear the internal audible voice of God I don't hear that very often most the time it's just I learned how to navigate my thoughts and his thoughts impressions but this time it's him and he says the house I have for you and the property I have for you is gonna be off the market on Tuesday it's Thursday cause do you want it and it was such a father that's how God it's like if I'm an Old Testament kind of prophet are one of the judgment prophets I might say because you did not partner your faith the house was gone then I give you this word on Tuesday but because we have a loving father who's navigating inside of us and has grace for our weakness and even our sin who paid a price even for our sin even progressively as we grow more mature and as we allow unbelief in our heart and he just asked me simply would you partner your face over this word so you can get the property I have for you and I called my wife up and I said hi honey have something real important to talk to you about yeah I haven't had any face for this at all and we have another prophetic word I never told you about I forgot about a listing and this could be the house and God said our house is ready right now and we'll miss it if we don't go by Tuesday so uh hey so the listing that was prophesied to us was an exact name of a listing with everything matching the prophecy and my wife had already had it saved for 30 days in her listing whatever program on her app and she's like we almost missed this because of you but I forgive you because we didn't but next time I will spank you but I feel like that's such a picture of how the more we walk with God the more you have to keep her heart connected we have to become emotionally healthy inside the more we have to recognize when we're at moments of weakness and be vulnerable with the fact that we don't always believe what he puts inside of us or we don't always expect what's inside of us to grow bigger than you know what we could manage and he always grows bigger than what we could ever have capacity for that's just who we are as Christians is that we have his capacity not ours and the prophetic is our navigation system but it's also our interior developer to make Christ form within us and when you understand this that you start to get a vision for yourself at the end of the race with your trophy in your hand when you look into the father's eyes and what he's preparing in you for Jesus you'll be so radically undone you will be so humbled by what God has carefully thought of any calls you his masterpiece that you'll be overwhelmed and there will be no pride it won't be like oh I'm so awesome it'll be like you're so good god you're so good help me to become worthy of that for him and when you have that in you you're one of the safest people for the prophetic and God could take you before kings or someone who's homeless on the streets and you'll be safe because you understand it's not about you you're not the hero of the story hashtag he's the hero and God wants to entrust us with the spirit of prophecy and he wants to entrust us with this culture of seeing people at the end of the race and the only thing that's limiting him from trusting us is our own ability to say I believe you speaks to me in impressions I remember the last time you convicted my son I remember the last time you asked me to give money to somebody I don't want to want to give I remember the last time you had me go out with friends I don't want to go out with you constantly get me to do things that are not an order was what I want I recognized you so now I'm gonna be listening and do listening prayer instead of battle prayer or instead of father God I pray father God that you would father God do this father God where I'm using so many words because I'm no longer in a listening mindset or listening practice I'm in a you know declarations only practice and we have to change the style of how we have relationship if we want to hear him and we have to bring the most precious things to the table and say I'm willing to hear you and I want to hear you about these things and I recognize my own ability to not be able to hear very well God but I know that you'll get louder if I don't hear you so I just I it's a listening this is who goddess I love the God who could bring prophetic evangelism but most of us when we think of hearing from God we think of the person on the street we're gonna prophesy - but what about the cares and concerns he has in our own families our own heart so let's all stand that's quite a noise I suppose you put your hand on your head because most of the battle over this is in our head god I pray you would deliver us from the way that we think and help us to have thoughts like Solomon your process Jesus what you prophesied to the disciples and what you released in the upper room we pray that you would release on us thank you that the first sign even besides the vision of the tongue was they prophesied in many languages they start to carry your prophetic heart for nations they started to carry what you wanted to do in nations and how you want to reveal yourself we pray Lord that you would breathe into us your prophetic anointing right now we pray that we would hear and even identify ways we've already heard Lord reverse-engineer our relationship with you so we can see moments that you appeared and recognize those moments no longer as our wisdom or a win or it's just a good victory or it's just Providence but it's actually a hand of you God who's carefully working inside of us I pray that you would train us how to walk with you we released the gift of prophecy and discernment words of wisdom and words of knowledge I thank you for first Corinthians 14:1 where it says go after love like your life depended on it and eagerly desire the spiritual gifts especially that you may prophesy and we release prophecy right now in this room Lord if we've had wounds towards the prophetic if someone's manipulated us or we've been around a culture where someone brought not a dignity but they brought shame to prophecy or words of knowledge of these kinds of things they cheated or they manipulated I pray that you would deliver us from that image of what prophecy is God thank you that theological II that's not what prophecy is what reset us to have expectation thank you that you chose us the weakest things of the world that you're not looking for the noble person who's awesome and had a vision when they were nine that they're gonna be a prophet you're looking for the one who least expects it to raise up and I pray that you would feel that wiring and that rewiring I pray that there would be even in your head so you would have signs that there's like fizz in your head going on that there's buzz or that there's thoughts or that there's a disruption to your current way of thinking or that you would change even our natural neurology if there's mental disorders if there's learning disabilities God thank you that you healed me of two learning disabilities Lord heal this room or touch us and there's been diagnosed this as a bipolar or ADHD or any of these kinds of things Lord rewire us tonight as a sign that we were wired to hear from you that nothing can stand in the way of this operation Holy Spirit come I just want to read the scripture real fast just stay there he's here he's ministering I was reading this in Psalm fifty fifty-one sevens verse twelve let my passion for life be restored tasting joy and every breakthrough you bring me hold me close to you with a willing spirit that obeys whatever you say and I felt we were supposed to pray this as a theme tonight that we would say you know and we don't have to pray it out loud but let my passion for life be restore just ask God to restore your passion for life if you've had depression or if you've had discouragement if you've had just a lack of passion remember the time you were the most passionate about life and about God that's what David was doing there stirring up that place restore that place of passion some of you are like at the opposite of that you're like god I don't know why you didn't break through when I was at a place of passion God purposely did it so it wouldn't be in your own strength he chose a weak time in your life to bring his strength because therefore even you couldn't attribute it to God to yourself you'd have to say God did this I didn't even have the capacity for it tasting joy and every breakthrough God the breakthroughs that are coming I pray that you would identify him even as we're here at the conference I pray that we'd have highlighted moments where you only see the relationship you just brought into our life or the friendship the business partnership the contract the ministry breaks through the land whatever it is that we recognize those and we taste joy in them and not just look at the bigger picture what has to happen before we would enter into joy but I pray for each place that would give us joy Lord we repent for not having joy in the small breakthroughs we repent for running past them and wanting our agenda with the big breakthroughs Lord we look at those and we celebrate with you every breakthrough God hold me close to you with a willing spirit God to give us a willing spirit that obeys whatever you say we reintroduce into our spirit full willingness that when we hear your voice that we do something about it we don't just go that's nice will help us to take action with a willing spirit to obey you Holy Spirit come and it says then I can show the other guilty ones how love and mercy merciful loving and merciful you are and they'll find their way back home to you knowing that you will forgive them Lord help us as we do this help it to be such a picture such a picture that other people are gonna find their way back home to you because we've returned our hearts to be able to thrive in our love but I want to do something go ahead sit down real fast I'm gonna have if you are a mom or a dad of a child or children under 12 years old and you've either had a diagnosis of cancer or you've just recently maybe beat cancer you're in the process of it I want you to come to the front so if you're a mom or a dad and you have a children under 12 and you've had cancer a diagnosis of cancer he recently beat it or you were still struggling with it I want you come to the front and if I can have the Bethel student team to come up to the front as well because I'm gonna have you guys face out and pray for some of these guys I just feel like the Lord was saying that he wants to heal the concern heal cancer and healed a concern of cancer that we're supposed to do something together that that there's something about the investment of families that we're gonna pray for families to be healed and restored and that disease as part of it so we have one do we know anyone else who has cancer or or you might have beat cancer in the last six or eight months or you might have it currently we have some more coming down now we're just gonna stand with you guys we're gonna stand with you this is not your story it was never God's intention to give you cancer it was that it was totally the following world that was not God and we just want to stand with you and believe that this isn't your story if you've already overcome it to some degree we want to believe with God that it's a full overcoming and I just feel like but even for your children that God is saying you know I wanna I want to give you a long life for your children and he's gonna bring the blessing a family and I just feel like some of you are gonna feel delivered from a spirit of cancer some you're gonna feel naturally something come off even then those of you who beat it we're gonna pray that God seals it so it doesn't come back and go ahead and go step up to someone you guys and I just probably who who has been is there a been like does one of you have a son named Ben does that I kept I was being drawn to you and um and you have a couple kids like three three kids is it like two boys and a girl is it like is there a William or a Liam or something like that your son and there's there's Ben what's the third one what does that say what what time oh there's three boys okay this is awesome well I just feel like you're our token of this group that God I feel like you already have gone through some treatments is that true and are you at the end of the treatments now are you past the treatments I just feel like got sealing you tonight that he's been walking with you this was sealing you against generational capacity for cancer and that I see you at stages of your boys lives that are important stages that they'll need you not only in their teens but in their 20s and their 30s that God is giving you a promise and a coveting with you as you've given your heart to God in this and you've just said your will be done he's saying his will and his story is for you to live long as a father and as a husband and I feel like there's something that that the toxic some of the treatments have done in your system and your metabolism that is healing tonight it's gonna be expedited healing and you're gonna feel like fit you're gonna start to feel like you're your old self again and there's gonna be an expediting of being able to have the full energy every day for what it takes to be that dad to be that husband and I just feel like God so proud of you you're gonna see these three boys there's such a call of leadership and they call of God in their lives and they have the call to produce great fruit in their lifetime and God has major the man for the job and is not going to let you get taken out so it can't be done so I pray over this family God that there would be and all these families that there would be a seal on their on their their condition right now Lord heal cancer break cancer off their lives we cast out a spirit of cancer if it's a spirit and we pray that there would be a complete health being delivered your original intention over their body God you guys can just keep praying for them I felt like we're supposed to pray for Zimbabwe I just want all the people room Zimbabwe all over the room to stand out and part of practicing the prophetic how many of you know anything about Pizza Bob way right now you've you've read something or whatever so just your your the prayer team because you know something about Zimbabwe even if it's a negative maybe you've heard a negative report we're gonna look at those who are from Zimbabwe and we're gonna ask the Father together and I want you guys to practice look at who they are they're all where in the room look at who they are and I want you to practice with a Zimbabwe crew that's here from different churches different groups there's one group here and there's some groups spread out I want you to practice hearing what God wants to do our nation because you want to learn how to prophesy not just you know nice things but powerful things you have to start to see what God originally intended not only over a person your family like we're doing right here but also over nations and God has an intention over Zimbabwe to become a culture capital of all of Africa he has an intention over Zimbabwe to bring resources that have been held by corruption that can make them one of the more wealthy nations of this whole continent God has a desire to bring a reconciliation that is not in the hands of man right now it's in the hands of God and angels and there's a war that's going on much like Daniels war there's a war that's going on that feels like delay after delay after delay but this decades something's changing this decade starting at twenty twenty something shifted and I believe that Zimbabwe those of you are here God is saying Zachery at nine we're saying return to your fortress o prisoners of hope for even now I restore double to you and before the nation even comes back into its inheritance God is going to use Christians to have restoration of inheritance and legacy and finances and resources and there's going to be a Rena Gatien of land stolen projects destroyed God is saying I'm coming to fight with you not just for you for you but fight with you and I pray right now over those from Zimbabwe that there would be a restoration of greater life that Psalm scripture earlier was for you so I want those of you who are like if you got excited I was in Bob way I want you to pray and say why I'm excited I'm excited Lord let it show show me one of them to prophesy to you but one of the share was and don't prophesy the negative things look for what God is doing not what the enemy is doing not what man is doing but look for what God so you have a couple days to sow in their lives I believe that God wants to give many of them individual words all over the room and so so in their lives a word later on I'm gonna have you go ahead and sit down you wonderful beautiful people mas when you were up here we only met at dinner for 10 seconds but when you were up here I heard the Lord say I'm gonna restore what betrayal stole and I saw you've raised up some people and you had a hard hit of betrayal over someone you raised up in ministry and there was a loss purpose but there's also a loss of key connections that were corrupted by this individual almost like an Absalom spirit and the Lord is saying I'm gonna restore what was betrayed and cut off this year you're gonna start to have but he's saying you open your heart because he's gonna give you a fathering spirit an apostolic spirit to raise some more up and don't I let your flesh remember what happened with the old but look and you're already doing it with so many others but look because there's some special connections that have keys to government and have keys to like sports entertainment that are gonna come up in your mitts to be raised up in your midst and the Lord is saying don't let fear from what didn't happen block you from what will happen and I feel like he's saying no longer will there be a shadow of shame over these relationships but there's going to be entrusting a beauty over the new relationships that are raised up and God is saying well done spiritual father this was not your fault it was choices made by immaturity and sin not because of something you've done and he's honoring you tonight because of what he's about to bring you into and then saying open your heart and we will witness together as a collective church people of influence being raised up under your ministry who have key connections that would have never even come into the kingdom of his it wasn't for what you built does it make sense bless you well we're gonna do a lot more prophetic stuff tomorrow and throughout their whole conference we have moments of this but I want you to just think about we're gonna do one more thing where these guys are praying I want you to just think about the main concern you came to the conference with and I want you to hold it in your hand maybe it's over family or finances or maybe it's over something with your church or ministry or maybe it's over the nation maybe it's over sickness I want you to just hold the main concern to God and I want you to just just release it to him right now just say god this is yours I came here and I asked you to speak to me about this I ask for you God to do something move forward in this area god I know God's going to hear this for each one of us and he's gonna do something really special for you that is a god orchestration that even if you could have gotten right in front of Bill Johnson for him to pray for it's gonna be better than that either you got a word for me it's gonna be better than that he's gonna orchestrate something that man cannot do for you and you came here by divine appointment he sent you here with concerns that he cares about some of you he's gonna address them directly some of you he's gonna speak to in other ways but he's he has your best interest in his heart and we're in a prophetic atmosphere where God's gonna be doing so many things and I'm so glad I got to be here for a couple days or so into it so thank you guys bless you have a great night [Music] you
Channel: Breakthru Life Church
Views: 15,725
Rating: 4.7703347 out of 5
Keywords: Shawn Bolz, Shawn Bolz South Africa, Kingdom Come, KCSA2020, Conference
Id: 5iPeJTl2UgI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 47sec (5267 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 05 2020
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