King Yella On King Von/ NBA Youngboy/ Birdman/ FBG Duck/ Diddy/ Charleston White/ King Lil Jay/ TI

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all right King yella how's it going what's up my brother how you feeling man I'm feeling good man glad to have you back yes sir you know it's always a pleasure man you know how we do it yeah for sure for sure man well I thought we would just start off with some of the biggest news going down in Chicago man and that is the trial of oblock 5 sl6 who were on trial for the murder of duck and the biggest news is trench's news is on the stand and you know it kind of shouldn't be surprising because we kind of seen the paperwork coming but you know what was your take on that that man are big as Alli R around man uh he start putting it out like you know I mean what's your name in that paperwork we already knew it he just tried to act like he wasn't going to get on that stand he get on that stand start singing you hear me but yeah man I dude just uh he not he he not a good dude man he he basically money hungry but it's so crazy though I've been seeing some posters though like 2013 where he was like man I'mma do everything on my power to get FBG to the top and and GBE and all this and he's supposed to be B man yeah well they say he's been a cooperator for like 10 years or something yeah so he been so I don't know it's kind of strange to me either was going to be he doing it for duck or what I ain't gonna say doing it for duck his ass doing that [ __ ] for money but if duck and there was alive and duck was alive and had this man around somehow man D probably be fighting a case or something man you know they might have been the opposite way you know what I'm saying cuz you been you've been doing this for 10 years man you know it be a lot that go on in these streets man that you know and [ __ ] be in them circles and he just a mole in a circle you know what I'm saying so 10 years is a lot of time man to be cooperating and information the amount of information that they've uh probably got from him is probably incredible yeah um I mean they say he helped with two murders yeah then I forgot they said he helped with two other murders that ain't had nothing to do with duck case so got 25 at least $25,000 and I think he's going to get more for testifying they said he down there got 25,000 every time like when you a when you a paid and for you you they they pay them just like a they pay them like I don't know if they get paid checks but like throughout that year or whatever so I think they said he got that multiple times like that ain't his first 25,000 it's crazy it's crazy man and so he gets on the stand you know the internet kind of goes crazy man do you think he's still going to be able to blog yeah you think he's gonna still be blogging yeah he's still been blogging they still been on I mean it's going to be some people like Street people like I I I tell other mother it's it's it's it's more civilian good civilians than criminals and gang bangers in this world you know what I'm saying so they not going to care they probably going to tell something too so you think they care they might like them some people might feel that's the right thing to do you know what I'm saying so what do you think it's going to be like if they beat their case for him what is all be like if they beat their case they say he's already in witness protection yeah if you said if if fooling beat their case D gonna make it six months on the street oh okay I'm just being honest you you y'all locked up for allegedly killing abbg duck somebody going to hurt them hurt that boy hurt them boys somebody I don't know who but I just know that if them boys come home they going to catch that belt somehow some way it might fall out the sky never know might might slip on some ice ain't no telling you know ain't no telling what might happen but I know they ain't going to live that long and uh uh trenches news witness protection trenches news might be cuz don't nobody want to the police [ __ ] think twice about that hey hey look kill another [ __ ] kill somebody [ __ ] ain't going go try to kill the police he's the police so I mean they probably going to move that man that man probably already don't even live in Chicago he going to relocate and live his life he already been hiding with the mask on I think about all put peep the signs put the put it together that's why he was talking about the [ __ ] he was talking about on his mother um on his YouTube channel and that's why he always got that mask on he was you hiding from something why you got a mask on blog why is you hiding you hiding from something you know what I'm saying he did always have a mask on huh and he never wanted to take the mask off and it seems like he still took the mask off people never took it off they put his they put his mug shots and [ __ ] up that's how people know who he is and so now you know what I'm saying it's like you kind of look back on it and you go this is probably why he's been wearing a mask exactly that's what I'm saying he was hiding from something he knew he was a foul person for a long time covering up something well another guy from O Block also has cooperate at uh old block Little Dave an ex old block member you know he was paid to cooperate too man uh you know he testified on the inner workings of oblock you know I guess he's looking for a reduction in his gun case that I guess he's looking at 10 years for a gun case he's trying to get that reduced I know he's getting money you know so he got snatched by the feds or he got snatched by the state I'm really not sure his gun case might be a Fed case but he's been cooperating for a long time too since 2018 man I ain't it ain't too many people man the fair J star snatching [ __ ] in Chicago like this like for [ __ ] like this like Duck murder I never heard of the feds snatching like Chicago guns and [ __ ] like the feds came for [ __ ] with drugs and [ __ ] like that this is some new [ __ ] I don't I don't believe that boy was facing no 10 years for no gun I just feel like he ain't want to go to jail he ain't want to go to that Cook County and get his ass roll even even though you still told you still went to you told to still went to prison but he might got his reduction that's what he probably would he probably got but I don't know man I don't think he went to the feds I he ain't [ __ ] [ __ ] in the feds going to have some type of fed picture oh picture or something like posted on their page why they that man hell no his ass his ass J was scared his ass rap well he's trying to deny it he's trying like like it's kind of crazy how you gonna deny How You Gonna deny something you understand then he went and Tagg made a post tag o block and said O Block [ __ ] some [ __ ] and like I don't people are like black and white but you understand somebody saw you how could you deny that he trying to make it seem like he just told a look like a little bit like he ain't bro telling is telling you can't big big small telling is telling ain't no Ain't No Way Around It I don't care what you if you said there compensated and gave law enforcement some type of information your ass is a rat that's just what it is ain't no you right you gave them people something you gave them people something you doing their job that's what's wrong with them now that's why they figuring [ __ ] out so easy they don't have to work no more they getting paid to get your ass to tell and now they job figured out they the case is closed we got it okay they ain't even got ain't nobody making their ass work no more they ain't even got to work no more these paid snitches are crazy you see why now that [ __ ] with zero and 25,000 that's a big I get 25,000 right now to tell you got 25 you got 25,000 in that bag right now sing that's life changing for some people yeah well uh some of the next biggest news coming out of Chicago is blazian doll and thf muda you know uh a while ago they started appearing on lives together and then it was you know announced that they were boyfriend and girlfriend everybody kind of tripped out because they're Ops and then uh yesterday muda posted a a alleged screenshot that she was trying to set him up she was trying to basically back door him yeah man mud muda should have thought about that both of them you I do them both something y'all both y'all both got a lot of Courage that you gotta have a lot of Courage you gotta be tough to really go mess with your and they they they hood is like main Ops I think so I don't know either it was something to figure out some type of information to figure something out or oh they ass crazy at the end of the day man mood ass should have knew better I'm not going you I'm not even gonna play with my life like that for no ain't no way but I saw it happen like look at the duck situation fool that that supposedly dropped duck low duck was his baby mama but this one thing I can say Billionaire Black and LBG folks know was they was [ __ ] from the Ops I like y'all crazy man I'm not hell no y'all playing with five that ain't I'm not doing that I don't want no [ __ ] I don't want to be around nobody I can't trust so I hell no blazing crazy cuz she for her to even trust him but he even crazy to trust her she females more sneakier you know the [ __ ] so they just moved to Atlanta they just did all that next thing you know it's over with that fast come on man well I guess what kind of sparked things were some old tweets of muda dissing her mom that's probably what it was but I saw I saw he publicly apologized to her and everything like you know saying he was young he thought it was cool you know what I'm saying oh no that's crazy but she probably start looking at him like damn [ __ ] you smoking on sass like this my mama so it's like I don't know she probably just it probably you know some sometimes you'll try to cover it up and like and try to figure it out then you like hell no I can't I can't go on with this [ __ ] and that probably something that just set on her this [ __ ] [ __ ] you talking about smoking my mama every post he was man this sess hit good man I can't go to sleep without smoking this sess you know he was just saying so [ __ ] I don't tell her I probably would have did the same thing too back door your ass [ __ ] I mean everybody kind of you know I see a lot in the comments like how didn't she know or you know like she didn't expect nothing like that it you know that was her Ops yeah she probably ain't never pay attention to no [ __ ] like that that's Twitter I know she probably even know the [ __ ] had a Twitter or like at the time whenever they both mood young she young they was little ass kids man so she ain't paying no attention to no [ __ ] like that that look she just start giving her little name right now so she probably just not really getting involved with the social media [ __ ] but it's the fans man you know the fans don't do no play gang they don't do no plan they going you better not have no skeletons in the closet they ass is going to get your ass you better not have nothing they gonna find everything I don't care who it is this going to be somebody that's digging yeah well I mean she was on she posted today you know she's kind of hitting on CPM now she's you know she's saying she never knew about the old tweets and hold up she she was hitting on KPM yeah what she say to kitm what' she say hold on let me find it I saw make a post cuz they were doing like some [ __ ] what in Chicago um Chicago wave they was uh like all the the [ __ ] was saying [ __ ] [ __ ] to the females telling them that they actually I think it started for somebody that said something about my little cousin uh uh I think one of the nigg said something about Amari Blaze and he eat up some crazy [ __ ] the next you know somebody else did it and then somebody just said something that tag no she said since they making posters and doing all that what y'all do to me or what y'all I'm single now so what you know she tried to get a [ __ ] to get at her yeah I can't find her but she was saying some uh she was saying some stuff that's cuz he said Clan D I told you Clan doll that Clan what you call it cayan D that [ __ ] Crazy K ma is crazy as hell okay here here it is she said uh you was right [ __ ] ma come eat my ass already he going to cing on 55 I'm going to come eat that ass I'm what he say eat that in that booty hole this n crazy he eat that what he say eat that ass that that booty hole that [ __ ] Crazy M but CRI m i mean and you know K Mac ass crazy he crazy man but he saw that so she can't what she gonna say what she G well I don't know because it's the opposite cuz she the one that tried to do the back door [ __ ] he just said some [ __ ] back in the day but the poster I got my location shared and all that crazy ass [ __ ] whatever was going on he really told fool like oh what what he tell her well how it go he told her he told her that it was going to be it ain't going to work basically [ __ ] he basically predicted it yeah uh when he first found out about their relationship he was like one of y'all are going to try to back door door the others oh yeah yeah that's what he which is the truth he wasn't wrong he wasn't wrong I mean I I knew I we all knew it cuz come on man I just ain't speak on it like that I ain't want to you know some people do be in love and but they young they got to figure that [ __ ] on their own I bet you they'll never go the op again you mentioned duck and Billionaire Black hooking up with OP chicks now what was like that like you know what I mean like was it like a lot like a couple here and there you know how would you guys Little J all they ass used to do that [ __ ] F of get I don't know cuz probably like back then too that was part of like the big BDK movement and [ __ ] um our [ __ ] used to do that like I mean we all I done [ __ ] some op holes too but like um continuing it like you know like it had to be like Spar the moment of something just happened right there or I clap you didn't know you was D [ __ ] you from over there you you know like [ __ ] knowing like yeah but F of them [ __ ] kind of different cuz they all like grew up together type [ __ ] too at the same time and then it just separated so they they [ __ ] was kind of different but it was still like [ __ ] at that time [ __ ] was picking side either you over with here or you over with there you know what I'm saying so hell yeah I mean did you ever like show up to a party or their house and be like yo what the is going on like I mean not not not more so like a [ __ ] really wasn't worried about it cuz you never knew but at at that time man it was get wild man I ain't going to lie one of them [ __ ] really play man they ass is going to get left at a party something like that you know what I'm saying we going don't know you ain't got no business over here you from over there a [ __ ] pull up who else did it you did it even if you didn't do it you did it that's what it was going to be you know what I'm saying but I'm saying me personally like no hell no I can't really like hell no this weird ass [ __ ] but like fol them like really was billion D was in relation sh with somebody from 600 du oh that [ __ ] was crazy that [ __ ] is crazy man you never did it you would never do it hook up H up with any option I'm saying I have but what I'm saying is like I said with some fluky [ __ ] probably I didn't know it was just happened or you know or I knew everything sometimes you know everything about you really don't worry about it but like on a daytoday basis like this [ __ ] over there with fool them and then she at my house like hell no like hell no you know hell no especially like bringing her to your house yeah house house like that's crazy and at that time really had Home crib in the room mama grandma house you know [ __ ] like that so this is the house this is you know but growing up like everybody really knew where everybody lived at anyway like you know well I seen you post about J man getting his car broken into while he was at no jumper and boy you you don't you boy you you move fast don't you he caught that inst look I just did that in the car I just did that so there's a video in the video you can see uh two dudes walking around cars looking inside cars and they pick J M's BMW and it looks like they you know they got one of those real quick glass Breakers where you just touch it and the glass breaks and they reach there couple click that yeah it's real big like up in Oakland like that is huge it's called bippin or something or Bing or bipping yeah I heard somebody say that in U somebody said that somebody said that in the comments they said that's bipping bipping yep but yeah man that's I don't know it's like what's the eyes of that was 50 cars right there why they why J Man car get bipped why is his car the only car that got hit you got to put your bags in the trunk man yeah that you know I said you know I said that too I I I knew that as my mama know least put it on the floor and put the seat put the seat back or something can't look and see it so no I was really just talking though I don't know if uh if Adam I don't feel like Adam really back on or no like that on like that I really just feel like you got that on your seat for sure won't crack that mother these bags right here and look there cameras in that all type of but then it's like Dam because when J Man showed the car they just took the bags it was shoes and clothes and all type of right there too a touched that so was it the mother was them with the bags or you know so you never know man it could have been some back do sneaky play but you never know I don't think Alan per say did no like that but and know telling Runner some somebody over there or J man I ain't no telling man J man you got to move strategically man you got to move smart you can't be leaving your bags on seat especially in mother Los Angeles California well them boys out there hungry like I said it look beautiful out there it look good but they get ugly out there they crazy get wild out there yeah uh the the jacking culture is uh very strong out in La exactly Go Jack your something Jack your your change Jack your the wheel something something out the car jack your house something gonna happen yeah that's a fact that's a fact too much money out there a lot of rich people a lot of people to rob a lot of people to steal from absolutely man well uh little RT are you familiar with him yeah I heard about little I just saw him that the little uh or something yeah yeah man he did the video well he was on ka's live he diss King vau you know they made him apologize for it but a lot of people were kind of like you know where' he even get that from why would he even say something like that [ __ ] whoever he around probably don't like King B obviously if you a kid you saying and it's crazy majority of the world love love the D they love D so obviously whoever he around must be saying yeah they made him apologize he a kid of course he G yeah he might got scared or say okay I'm sorry little DK I'm sorry walk off no what I'm saying he said it like that obviously that he's a kid all he is six seven eight years old or something ain't he a old he is nine years old n same [ __ ] n years old God damn s is crazy man a NY old kid rapping this all have you heard his music his music is Gangster as hell yeah somebody writing that [ __ ] same way they did little mouse I just saw another little [ __ ] from New York named uh Sugar Hill something else he like six years old you sound like a a little mouse these little kids crazy man but then it's the it's the parents behind some of people know already if I that's like me if I take my lyrics and give it to one of my little sons and let them rap like that they gonna blow up instantly but there's a lot that come with this [ __ ] man you don't you don't want that [ __ ] on your kids like that man that [ __ ] not cool man yeah I mean to allow your kid to be rapping about that timee of stuff at at that age is and they rapping about that's that's why you know like this [ __ ] be made up you talking about smoking mother and selling doing this and doing that and man you six seven eight nine years old man you ain't even got no coochie yet shut up what you talking about that make sense you ain't even had sex yet man you ain't smoking no weed you ain't even these lyrics this [ __ ] is entertainment purposes only this [ __ ] is not this [ __ ] is that [ __ ] is not real man it's definitely entertainment man because but the numbers the numbers gonna go up cuz that's like when I first heard it I sat there and watched it now it got me I'm what the who is this little boy I'm listening what the I'm looking at my son I smack I wish you would [Laughter] boy and it be crazy cuz you got like my think me being the type of person I am or see [ __ ] you think I have my my kids be like that boy my yeah all right yeah they going to be a mother nerd [ __ ] that's out you don't want your kids going through the same [ __ ] that you went through when you you know getting shot going to prison all that even put you put it you agreeing to put your child in that lifestyle like that and if he not in that lifestyle guess what it's going to be a bad career cuz guess what now [ __ ] going to try you slim Jesus your ass now okay let's see what you talking about is you really on that how old were you when you seen like somebody dissing the dead like what's the youngest you've seen like a kid doing something like that man that [ __ ] new how old was I when I seen that yeah this [ __ ] new little mouse probably was the first young [ __ ] in Chicago that I saw around with them and I don't even think he was talking about smoking dead [ __ ] and all that that [ __ ] that [ __ ] new well I ain't going to a new but like you know like my era like wasn't no kids or nothing like that doing no [ __ ] like that little mouse uh what's the other little [ __ ] he rest in peace now from Memphis that was signed a Fredo little CEO back then he was talking crazy like that too okay yeah but like like kid kids like that hell no I mean you know we was we was young [ __ ] was young duck and all them came out they were still teenagers and you know when they was rapping like that but not no 10 11 years old that's different that's some crazy ass [ __ ] that's that hit different for real well Charleston white linked up a little Tim Char w a little Tim linked up I guess Little Tim is putting together some sort of documentary and he wanted Charleston white to be a part of it or he wanted Charleston white to interview him I'm not sure exactly what they got going on but you know they definitely linked up and uh Charleston white was very excited Charleson white hay king of course he and people like Charles White do some up and crazy stuff but Charles call a lot of [ __ ] on the head too mother think he crazy but a lot of [ __ ] he say makes a lot of sense too he disrespectful he disrespected me even disrespecting my my daughter before and said some crazy [ __ ] but if you really listen like I'mma listen I pay attention to a lot of [ __ ] he speak a lot of facts and a lot of [ __ ] man like the same way he told Li Jay his ass was going to be back in jail two weeks later his ass was back in jail like but um yeah man he he probably that probably that probably no homo made his thing stand up to to talk about uh I mean to be a part of the documentary where it's going to be involved with the person that killed King Von yeah well you know what's crazy about it is Charleston white just spent so much time a dissing the Crips and you know he's a well-known [ __ ] from his area man people don't pay attention to that [ __ ] just say that [ __ ] all the time man because now you got look at it some people Charles why just be talking that's how they looking at it man ain't nobody oh he said [ __ ] but then you got to think about it you saying [ __ ] [ __ ] Crips say Crips you know how many Crips it is Crips in t be tour with Crips it ain't no you gotta put a what did he put a name on and he say neighborhoods did he say you know put a name on it when they did care like even the [ __ ] oh GD or what like the way a lot of people think nowadays is sh he a say the gd's on 73rd and ha he ain't talking about us you know what I'm saying cuz a lot of these games that be the same don't even with each other yeah you G but I'm from 70 I'm from 73rd you from 72nd y that's how people be looking at it so he said it was like meting his hero huh he said it he said it was like meeting his hero who said that Charleston Charleston I told you man look man that's crazy he said me look was like me and his hero that's crazy that's beyond me he's serious he's serious he ain't joking think he be joking he was serious yeah man I guess uh you know I guess we got to see what they got coming up man it's going to be interesting to say the least well booy's been making a lot of noise there's been like you know a few people mostly Rod wave who is kind of taking some of his lyrics taking some of his stuff and kind of used it and he's been threatening to sue him or you know uh at first Rod wave said he was going to pull up on him with a bag but I guess that didn't work out Buie said he just want to uh 200,000 and and a percentage and then he said [ __ ] ra way said oh that the labels didn't know so it was some crazy [ __ ] whatever was going on but now booy like [ __ ] okay the labels did it so you know he definitely going to stand on business all the way now so you better off what you going to do you know pay them for this them lines you done took cuz you you got to you got to pay that's like even [ __ ] Beyonce took that hopped up by my bed Turn My Swag On soja boy that's what so some money come from that [ __ ] like you can't just take nobody ly and just put it in there and think you just G you gotta pay homage man you got to pay for that booy ain't wrong I don't think he he wrong make sure y I just got done watching him man he's ass that's is crazy man he just he just did um 20 women and one rapper that [ __ ] funny he crazy he did like a reality show no it's like some YouTube [ __ ] it was like 20 women that you know he either stay or Le you know what I'm saying that's kind of been a thing though you know I remember JZ used to always take lines from biggie like that was like a big thing for Jay-Z like he did that like every album yeah multiple times sometimes [ __ ] I mean I understand a [ __ ] paying homage like you know [ __ ] paying homage to [ __ ] but I don't know see Jay Jay on a whole another level like buy buoy in a do but buy ain't they still playing with booy now you know what I'm saying they don't like no they don't really the industry don't like no independent [ __ ] that's standing on their own so then they try to start closing the door on your ass you know what I'm saying so did you say that the record label knew about them them taking it no Rod W said that they did it he never told him they never told him okay well I think Rod W Rod W said that he was going to pay booy but then he found out that other people owned his music so he was like I'm not going to pay you and then I still could I could still be sued by other people so hold on other people own his music I don't know about 100% of it but that's that's what Rob wave has said the other people own his music and then that's why he didn't pay him and I'm probably lines from like his old [ __ ] when he was really sign sign y I don't know boy probably tried it well uh thf Tey one of the guys in the duck case who's uh accused of dropping the location they're saying that he was in there raping dudes in jail huh they're saying he was he was raping his cellmate in jail I ain't heard that that's serious yeah let me find it hold on hey he on this little J [ __ ] huh see that boy in the taking booty he might know he might feel like [ __ ] he ain't coming home he know he let me start now let me start now man hey Sally sleep on your belly s I'mma get you eat that honey bun off my bump I be all right you know you owe me owe you what oh owe me some mask [ __ ] hell no a no telling man well did you see the video of Caleb B uh going off on the DJ for playing NBA young boy no his sister yep she set her ass down my doing too much she out here fighting yeah she better sit down mother do her ass like they did her brother playing crazy she better sit her ass down just like that's kid stuff I would let King V come on in okay it is what it is you know but I I understand cuz that's the [ __ ] we come from but I know it might have been a distance song that's the only time I really make now this one of them disrespectful ass songs and they talking about duck or they talking about you know [ __ ] talking about some dead [ __ ] from my side or something yeah but as a woman man she need a that's men business man sit your ass down be a lady sit your fake pretty ass down and go you know suck [ __ ] to be fair though if a video would have came out with her dancing the young boy she would have got a hell of a lot of backlash she she can't be caught dancing the young boy [ __ ] I I done dance I [ __ ] the Ops might come on in this moment I'mma turn it up I did it on I'm in traffic so what that's what I'm saying be yourself when you be yourself you ain't got to deal with that [ __ ] no more like my I don't care bro I'm grown as hell I can listen to who I want to listen to you that's cuz they portraying that tough ass image now that's why you going to get the backlash if you just be yourself she if she would have just been a lady or you know and didn't try to stick a neck out and try to be like her brother and do all the [ __ ] then it won't be going on like that no damn was she probably still listening to that [ __ ] man that [ __ ] for the internet man young boy come come on she probably in that [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] you know what I'm saying you know tell her man so so you've never uh tripped on anybody for playing any op music or something yeah I said of course I have that that's that was that was something we stood on in Chicago for show yeah it depends saying it's certain [ __ ] I done did Mother out here in B but it depends the song If it's some disrespectful [ __ ] then yeah turn that [ __ ] up bro I don't want to hear but if it's just some regular [ __ ] and it's cool yeah talking about your homies this that turn that [ __ ] off you even listen man you saw the video of Van rapping slide like come on man you think this [ __ ] don't happen King V was rapping duck [ __ ] like [ __ ] some [ __ ] you just can't you can't stop your if this song is getting played on the radio this mother at every Club eventually you going to hear that mother and if that mother hard you damn this mother hard I can't even lie this [ __ ] trip that's just music or you just a complete hater bro you just a real hater turn that garbage ass [ __ ] up this [ __ ] really hard as hell you just that's fake you being fake uh so you mentioned uh you know making dudes change the music man is there anytime you guys had to get physical with somebody or you know what I'm saying whoop someone's ass or something why we ever have to roll more I don't think we ever have to roll no more playing no music CU nine times out of 10 it was turned it off but this [ __ ] deeper than that man we probably up guns on [ __ ] well turn that [ __ ] off [ __ ] yeah it get real that BDK movement was real man yeah that's like 2012 2013 around that time and [ __ ] what do you think about Joe Buon calling young boy a horrible artist so what Joe but young boy a horrible Pump Pump Pump It Up just blaze ain't that the only Song D had I mean that was definitely his biggest song uh I mean it might have been his only real hit exactly so he can't how you gonna say something about young boy you got one song that's the only song I ever heard of dude and that was 0203 I remember that I was 12 13 years old I'm 33 now that was 20 years ago the [ __ ] what you talking about man it's just they he that like said man he a old like every young boy something like I don't listen to young boy like playing it but young boy hard you know when he come when he come like I like this more it's old [ __ ] but shorty still talented man especially for you to just come with songs back to back to back to back to back to back to back like that back to back to back to back to back to back damn all raw [ __ ] like hard like his ass Joe but Hey Joe be quiet man your ass like don't like come out the closet or something I don't think so I've never heard that you Ain never heard that my tripping you Ain never heard that either he heard it man do your research do your homework see now you slipping I know I ain't tripping man they said that boy was sweet and apple proba more precious than gold matter of fact I think his wife or somebody said something too like no he he said it or B he said he was bisexual something he commented on some gay media and he just said yeah okay Ahad oh he said he commented and said he I I am so what I think it's more like a joke because he said it on his podcast like going with the going with the allegations I guess oh he was just he might not be but he gay for trying to say young boy why you even think about young boy you you instead of you could just salute well I don't listen to his music I I I I salute him or you know like you and I think young boy you know young boy don't play that [ __ ] young I think young boy replied back to his ass already too he proba you old ass [ __ ] he probably say some [ __ ] what what your boy second [ __ ] ass n me boy no he get to talk I don't even know what his country ass be saying I thought I was country [ __ ] yeah young boy did already respond you know and so did Birdman Birdman kind of threatened him too yeah what Birdman say he said uh Joe Buton you with something you should leave alone stun a Corleone that was about it basically shut your ass up basically he didn't go in on him he just kind of touched on it know Bird Man there I ain't going to say too much Playboy son still a gota be explain Playboy glorilla not too long ago was seen dropping RS just like Puff Daddy son was just just did it earlier too yeah um she knew what the was doing man that's a girl though man I everybody drop R in that ass man as you can see you even got Queen coms doing that's why it's mother Daddy figh that [ __ ] not all of a sudden this [ __ ] when you a gang banger now crazy part is this I a even just I just made a video on this too but Glo real I Ain we going it's all good man she could suck my suck my you know I'm I still let suck my she could drop the r while she sucking my hold my like like this like she dropping the r between her fingers and suck my that's but um you saw the you saw Diddy son yep I seen Diddy son you was born famous bro why is you on here talking about you GDK these people I don't know maybe is it he's doing something to get the attention off his daddy being a pervert or what's going on I'm trying to figure out what's the allegations on pup daddy right now you want to drop the rakes and do all this but your daddy got all type of [ __ ] coming out right now but I going to tell you what's so crazy I don't know I relationship with Stevie J right me I got a relationship with Stevie J and um Stevie call me and you want me to talk to somebody you know St Stevie J and Diddy got a relationship you know what I'm saying um he want me to talk to somebody you know and tell him he tripping guess who he wanted me to talk to who Queen coms so he say I couldn't make this up I'm lying up down right now um yell W you tell this [ __ ] that ain't the way to go man he trying to do drill music and talking about shooting Ops and killing Ops and [ __ ] I say man I'm on the phone with her man bro you was already you born with a silver spoon in your mouth man your daddy puff that like why would you want to go make music like you a Pretty Ricky ass little black mother why you want to go talk about something you not doing like where is you doing this at all these years of past all of a sudden you got you talking about and he not only dropped the race he said GDK he said it out of his mouth so he just got to stand on all that I just saw the [ __ ] out here at the birthday what was that the birthday back I mean what that was lovers and friends just took pictures with me and everything you you GDK though I wish he would have said yell GDK I would punched his ass right in his mouth right there look at your daddy you've had conversations with him my kids I had conversation with d he know who I am just like I know who he is he know what on I'm telling you I can go on my forone right now Stevie J I got a relationship with Stevie J Stevie J put money on my books while I was in prison everything bro know they got the relationship Sten J married to Faith Evans you know what I'm saying Faith sign of who did so you know know you brought up Diddy man what do you think about Diddy's whole situation and the lawsuit and and the way he settled the next day huh he settled the next day the next day with who Casey you didn't hear about that okay so she came out this uh lawsuit and she was suing him for 30 million and all these accusations of rape and uh you know taking a bunch of drugs and all types of stuff next day settled how much you give them they haven't said how the is it rap if you my girl everything that I'm doing we doing you know you know what's going on [ __ ] I ain't force you to pop these pills [ __ ] you know I pop [ __ ] you pop too now i n n we just going to be honest with you now nine times out of 10 when it's cracking like that but he had he had Cassie since she first came out she was young what Cassie came out like 06 and Cassie about my age so you know he probably he probably she was 19 she was 19 [ __ ] 19 you grown but um yeah I mean n times out of 10 want to a g to sit there try to wrestle with a mother in the court and she knew that I mean he knew she got hella of [ __ ] on I saw something else too they said uh I guess didy did he had a relationship with I forget one of them rich white men whoever the they said did he make people sign non-disclosure or whatever you can't talk about my personal life you can't talk about [ __ ] you know what I'm saying and he said a lot of them people didn't sign a a couple people didn't talk about like his security his security and them telling the stories and [ __ ] but he was saying that um the white dude he the one that got in Cassie ill whatever he paid for the lawyers for he the one told him how to you know told her what to do to get to uh daddy oh don't know man well they you ain't in the wrong you settling that fast he settled faster than Michael Jackson [ __ ] he settled fast in the mik after he settled this quick in this came out man you know more women have came out accusing him of stuff and another woman is accusing him of drugging him and raping her I mean drugging her and raping her from 1991 that's how it go everybody everybody now know it's money involved [ __ ] we from plot sh let's go say he did something to us man did did he get us off drugs made us walking at the Cheesecake it might going to be some of them mother come out next D Kan CH and all them what some come they come for that bag yeah man it definitely seems like a lot of women are at this point you know they seen uh Cassie you know go after all that money and they was like okay I could get me I could probably at least give me a meal or something from him yeah see let him settle my eyes though for real for real like I'm not even on that type of level in life for money that long what the we ain't what this [ __ ] is thre at you very easily and very it's not hard like what the I got to drug you and rape you for like you know that don't even that that [ __ ] is like when you got a name and you him are they they just want to suck anyways like you got to do all that I don't know obviously that's some um problems inside of you Jeffrey D some sickness in you free KES with some R Kelly in you Bill cos put something that Jello P up man yeah yeah well I think one of the surprising things I seen in the lawsuit was that in 2011 Cassie started to develop a relationship with kid cudy and uh Diddy went through her ended up going through her phone finding some text messages she was C uh it says developed a relationship so I would assume yes yeah no and saw they said they was he was yeah and and so you know he seen the text message didn't like it told her you know he was going to blow up kid Cy's car and not too long after that his car got blown up anything can happen when you got that that bag make anything happen man that bag make anything happen that got to be good he blowing up cars over that God damn I'm going try to get me some of that I might blow up a house hey then she she left him for a personal trainer that he got her right is that how they broke up I don't know yeah she start the personal trainer damn and end up I think she married him and had a baby with the damn personal trainer that he got for her and then she turns around and sues him well 50 Cent says he's making a documentary surviving Diddy bro I just saw a picture they put bro they put R Kelly and Diddy face mixed together that is hilarious swear God oh manale's face mix with with Puff Daddy what is going on Surviving Diddy man 50 might try to do some like that he gon go 50 crazy he gonna go find all all the people that come out 50 going to go reach slide right in that inbox trying to make a couple dollar let's talk about bullying 50's been going hard on Diddy man you gotta you gotta Wonder like what what happened between them that makes 50 c go so hard on Diddy like there got to be some black Bad Blood there I don't know what happened I didn't even know they got I thought they was cool man there got to be some bad blood there yeah one of the things people were saying about this whole Diddy situation was that imagine what he's done to Young Miami he's probably having a ball with him but I don't think I don't think he gonna be doing the [ __ ] that he probably did to Cassie or Cam this ratchet Miami Hood [ __ ] and if she if he is doing it she like it she already she did what she say she like to get pissed on what she say she just said all type of crazy stuff so whatever's going on she might like whatever did he on she might be funling his ass man don't tell him what's going on but I know she probably she GNA play that role for role for that bad Kodak and Southside had some issues over in young Miami yeah they was fake tripping you know that's um that's his baby's mom that Southside baby mama yeah I think she got a couple baby daddies though but she was messing with Kodak too I think so I think that's what the problem was when Kodak went to jail he was what or Kodak was with the first and then while Kodak went to jail Southside put a baby in and then when he came home whatever was going on they was tripping with each other damn well people are saying it's weird that that these women want money and not Justice money root to all evil man whatever's going on that took did did whatever happened to that all that time ago I'm quite sure you don't had a 180 stuck in you since then what you go to do send a [ __ ] to jail I want I wouldn't want a to go to jail I want that bag give me that I'll take that million let's go [ __ ] someone going to jail isn't going to make me feel any better but me getting a couple meal man I'mma feel good I'mma feel a lot better about the situation see and I think after all these years like a lot of that [ __ ] I don't know well you can't even say that cuz they came yeah they came and get Kos but they just was on Kos was just doing some outrageous ass [ __ ] that [ __ ] was with Miners and [ __ ] but [ __ ] like that most of that [ __ ] a half of that [ __ ] going to only be a civil case anyway you can't prove no DNA you can't prove how you going to prove all this [ __ ] all these years later like yeah you know there's been a few cases man where dudes got in trouble for [ __ ] that happened years ago and there's really no evidence it's really just her word against his and they winning on see but that's what I'm saying how they getting got is cuz now it's 90 people coming at you damn every time you look up man you know how many Cates R probably never even met Diddy in their life it's all [ __ ] gonna be coming up just for the bag be doing that [ __ ] for the bag yeah K [ __ ] was so crazy mother M and [ __ ] was sicking their daughters on his ass for real that [ __ ] crazy or Kelly or Kelly should have stay away from a little well did he Diddy should have just paid her off man behind the scenes had Diddy just paid Cassie off before before she went public with the lawsuit like none of this would be happening see it probably yeah it probably was behind or he probably Ain know she probably just went straight to it and made it public so now these people all in your business now well he got his clothing line is being taken out of Macy's he stepped down still wear that out of Macy's that [ __ ] that [ __ ] is and the cheapest stes ever man they probably got that [ __ ] in Walmart now he had to step down at Revolt I mean this is probably going to destroy him he's probably going to have to sell his companies or they're probably just going to fail sponsors are probably going to pull out they don't like that they don't like that rape [ __ ] I don't like [ __ ] any with women really domestics all that they don't like that [ __ ] yeah going to lose everything it's going to be ugly got enough money though he ain't he can play behind the scenes he can still run companies without putting his face on it yeah I I don't think he'll be hurting if if he loses he got enough money to fall back from all that [ __ ] right now he's he's still paying what's the name um how much money he say that man he get that man every day every step I the original the white dude yeah I I remember that uh but but I think they were just joking I don't think he actually gives him that much money every day sting right Ain no telling man he probably said man I don't if he took the royalties like that did he pay sting $5,000 per day for this sample uh I I think they were just joking I don't think the song makes that much money to be paying that that kind of royalties $5,000 a day I know that [ __ ] have dried up it Ain like this Mariah care Christmas song that stream every Christmas Mar to make another bag this Christmas Mariah makes a huge bag every Christmas man that [ __ ] crazy she get a real Santa Bag Man never drop again in life that's the most stream song on Christmas one day well I seen that you had uh some things to say about the interview I did with little Jay oh yeah and butter am butter what I say about L gay are you said that he admitted to being gay oh yeah that that that was a narrative that the internet ran with with one of the clips that's what it sound like to me what did he say he didn't say that uh I don't think he got say all type ofit talk about he come home and do a song with L n's X then he reacted he just did a reaction to Saucy Santana video like out of all the people you react you got gay allegations on your name and then you go react to a gay a gay person that say I'mma knock you out and when I'm done I'mma you he what the now at this point is you trolling you not trolling freak is you know what's going on he know what's going on now for each his own man I just just admit that [ __ ] man you ain't you knowm that [ __ ] [ __ ] going respect it more you admit that [ __ ] but the part of the clip I don't know if I saw wrong for what I saw I reacted to what I saw and from the sounds of it man sound like he a zesty cucumber man he said he just doesn't care about the rumors and then he could do what he wanted you know basically basically like saying he could do a song with little n x and it wouldn't affect him no now I just thought about what he said the real [ __ ] said that even if it was was me I'm still a real no then he said what' he say what's the date on the videos that's old the past is the past what do you mean what do you insinuate on what is he insinuating the past is the past what is you talking about what is it what is the past in the past so if it was 6 years ago and you freaked that man 6 years ago to the pass is the pass what he was talking about you talk to him what he say that's what he said the pass is the P six he ask you what's the date on the video you talking I don't know back I don't know right right and he said the past is the past so what the is he talking about he didn't say the past is the past it's self-explanatory what what if the if we talk about yell you got caught on camera uh having sex a man sitting in your lap kiss you in your mouth and I say what's the date on that the past is the past we going let what what do you mean the past is the past we talking about sexual things was happening in jail and you say the past is the past am I tripping I no I'm not tripping that would have been my response what the the pass is the pass obviously I'm admitting the p is the P I was I was gay back then I did some gay [ __ ] but the p is the P we leaving that [ __ ] back then that's basically what that man did what's your guys' relationship like man and uh you know if he gets out of jail are you guys going to be able to squash it I listen man I'm living King Yellow life I'm not looking for no friends man me and Li J ain't really before he went to jail he did some foul play that's what him and butter all that they did backo ass [ __ ] already so that's why [ __ ] wasn't for duck wasn't with dud nobody was he nobody was these [ __ ] so [ __ ] try to act like oh the GU switched up but [ __ ] don't say what you did before you went to jail you don't say that you was back doing snaking on a [ __ ] [ __ ] you don't say that you was allegedly with mama duck but you know what I'm saying this [ __ ] was yeah like you know like Duck ain't put it out but then it just came out like this [ __ ] was [ __ ] was going on gang like you sneaking sneaking and geeking doing all type of [ __ ] bro you can't and then he had the most clout at the time he was just on his high horse think he was better than everybody and could do whatever he wanted to do now you done did some snake with the jail why the is we helping you or being there for you make that make sense [ __ ] you just like it was before you went to jail keep that same energy that's what it is but it's crazy cuz we was getting past that and then this [ __ ] came out man that [ __ ] came out and made me just had to fall back all the way man ain't no love lost but that's like reality game he snake me already and did some foul [ __ ] like I wouldn't even trust you like you would never come to my house or we never it'll never be that again you know what I'm saying it's cool from the distance or whatever like when I talk about this [ __ ] and say what I say about Little J it ain't oh I'm hating on them like I always speak highly on them but [ __ ] I saw what I saw with my eyes and I'm stand Standing on them I'm just supposed to I'm standing on my business period the same way if [ __ ] your name was in paperwork like butter or this type of [ __ ] [ __ ] I'm standing on what I'm standing on [ __ ] can't get mad cuz you [ __ ] is doing foul [ __ ] and think mother what we supposed shoot me in my face and I still supposed to hang out with you huh what the you talking it don't even that don't know it don't know like that bro then you got butter all your jewelry fake your ass still stuck in Chicago your cameraman trash your engineer ass you your YouTube channel is not on you got like your YouTube it's on some G [ __ ] be on here doing the most bro I'm the one that taught these [ __ ] how to Vlog I show these [ __ ] how to use their phone and turn the camera to the side everything put you an intro on [ __ ] was not doing that man and then you still want to go on here and play with your daddy like that like I'm you [ __ ] father man like [ __ ] don't even understand that I'm the reason these have look at listen who the was vlogging like this bro let's be honest until when I took off me and J Man all type of mother just start doing this type of [ __ ] Bro [ __ ] just came out of nowhere with this [ __ ] Bro Chicago [ __ ] [ __ ] every a lot of places and [ __ ] don't even admit that [ __ ] like come on man I motivated you [ __ ] and showed you [ __ ] to roast to this [ __ ] bro like [ __ ] is crazy like I said even with j m j man J man was doing it he got discouraged cuz folks in there was hating on him and saying [ __ ] you know talking down on folks and I start doing that [ __ ] what these [ __ ] talking about you know what I'm saying [ __ ] we doing all [ __ ] this how you take care of your family you feeding [ __ ] ain't F to take care you [ __ ] you know how many [ __ ] I got a gy [ __ ] in my inbox talking crazy right now you vlogging and [ __ ] that's some police [ __ ] F make the guys look bad I'm not doing this [ __ ] for the guys [ __ ] the guys [ __ ] you talking about [ __ ] what [ __ ] at where the guys was at when I was sitting sitting in prison where the guys was that [ __ ] guys [ __ ] I don't know [ __ ] be having this [ __ ] up bro but yeah man butter ass pray then he try to say and try to go there like bro yo ass I don't [ __ ] be funny bro [ __ ] is not on nothing man I just be wishing the best for [ __ ] the [ __ ] just be hating man I wish got a [ __ ] get in a position to do something go up do your thing come on now I don't know man these [ __ ] be crazy man so you feel like every got the bloging from you they know they did I'm that same [ __ ] I'm that same [ __ ] I'm the same [ __ ] put these [ __ ] in position for real they know and I surpassed a lot of [ __ ] that was doing it like [ __ ] like [ __ ] don't even like my my [ __ ] I might be Shadow ban you know you could you know you you know [ __ ] [ __ ] act like like that I could share your video like when you drop I share my [ __ ] through the community and my fans going to see it and it's going you know your [ __ ] do is one too but it's going to put an extra on it too for my fans you know what I'm saying [ __ ] might be Shadow B you can't get none of these [ __ ] to H your [ __ ] bro I'm shadow bear right now share my [ __ ] [ __ ] won't even share your [ __ ] like these [ __ ] be haters G I'm the same I share these I don't care about this [ __ ] is enough money for all US pass this [ __ ] around and keep the PO going don't think like that that's why these [ __ ] get to a certain level and fall off get to cuz God know you [ __ ] is for y' yourself [ __ ] is not [ __ ] is selfish bro for real TI and his son had uh some issues at a football game and that's my son man keing L keing my son you don't know that no I'm real pops because of the light skin they you know they lot of people say he look like me they a know I was his real pops no let me stop playing hey man look keing crazy man oh he tripping with his daddy man he's that's the same way man you [ __ ] is born with silver spoons in your mouth no matter what if you would have to go over Grandma house or whoever house I'm a famous rapper I'm doing what I'm doing of course I'm gone on tour of course you going to have to be at somebody house daddy can't sit there all day I got I'm making the money but I'm quite sure when King was born King was born I remember when he was born he was born around the time uh what years there well around the time ATL came out around that time I think he was born or something around that time T was living in no mother Hood man he act like like he you not From The Trenches man come on man these [ __ ] be crazy yeah they say he got real embarrassed when TI pointed out that he's not a street guy that's that's cool though that's what's wrong with the world now that's what I'm saying you [ __ ] do do people understand how backwards this [ __ ] is [ __ ] that want to be street or come from the [ __ ] that is Street want to live the good life [ __ ] want that's what the mother want to live and then that got the good life want to go live the street life like what the you moving backwards that's ass backwards bro you T tiny son your mom from SW what it is SW what's the name of the group your mom came s SWV Mama came from a singing group your daddy TI like come on man you like both of your parents is famous like come on man like just be cool man yeah yeah ti. said that he's going to jail and that he sees that energy he knows that energy from being young and that he he thinks his kid will end up in jail they got something for him let these little [ __ ] learn they got to learn same way I do with my kids I try my best but if you jump out there and you want to figure out you want to go you want to go do whatever you do when you put yourself in that situation figure out how this [ __ ] is fig that's what you want to do figure out you to get shot go to prison you you you'll figure it out [ __ ] looking up in your head one of Ops [ __ ] trying to kill you it's not a good feeling and if that's what you want to figure out that's on you to figure out trying my best or whatever like TI man I can't get mad at tip man tip trying his best to make you live the best life and you mother still be ungrateful selfish and like come on man like I don't care what I'm about King your little ass is not From The Trenches when you you ain't got a a video on the Block in the hood nothing hid You From The Trenches man I don't care you went over some grandma house or whoever house you went over here just cuz you went over there don't mean that's where you from you really ain't from nowhere until you about 15 16 when you jump up that's when you you know you feeling yourself and you and I'm quite sure when he did that his ass and a big ass house going to a nice school around that time come on man king man huh she from Escape yeah Escape I'm b s WV I said Escape same thing okay let's let's make a correction yeah it wasn't s SWV it was Escape that's ESC same thing to me it's all pretty singing ladies I'm sorry y'all yeah he comes from a really you know famous background you know with his mom and his dad both having a huge success in the music business I mean you know T ti. got in a lot of trouble you know I so I don't know where that energy or that feeling that he needs to be a street guy to really to be cool or just to fit in yeah that's what it is all these [ __ ] doing this [ __ ] they want to be cool man he hanging around uh booy son little toty raw you know now [ __ ] want to be like that man yeah I mean it might look cool until you're shot or you're sitting in prison doing you know 10 plus years that's when you realize like wait a minute maybe this wasn't as cool as I thought it was at that time it's too late now you got to figure this [ __ ] out tried to tell you don't go that way I told you son don't go that way it's that's not the right way to go turn this way with me man I'm on the right track now go this way your ass going be what you're looking for the judge in the Young Thug case is saying that his lyrics can be used against him yeah they doing illegal [ __ ] music is your first Amit freedom of speech I can say whatever I want to say out my mouth dirty they dirty they I don't think they're going that's not they're not going by the Constitution with that they're just saying that you saying this in your music we just going yeah you saying this [ __ ] so you know what I'm saying and that's another thing though [ __ ] get too cocky talking about [ __ ] in their music when you ain't got you know these [ __ ] that go kill somebody and make a post on Instagram yeah go pick your homie up who did that somebody did some [ __ ] like that went on Instagram told [ __ ] pick your homie up what the this [ __ ] really de you go pick your homie up like what the you if you this this I ain't gonna lie man this Instagram the social media [ __ ] changed the world this [ __ ] changed the world this [ __ ] is something different Chicago used to be pretty wild with the tweets and the threats and the things that dudes would say you know back in like the early drill era yeah I mean I don't I don't think we'll ever witness something like that again no that's cuz and at that time Instagram wasn't popping like that Twitter was cracking so that's how [ __ ] strange words and [ __ ] through that now you got now people [ __ ] they gonna YouTube Instagram and [ __ ] like that went back and forth before that was one for Facebook and all that [ __ ] well uh Gunner you know he keeps giving young thug shout outs like wishing him happy birthday and you know uh he he's been giving him shout outs at his shows even though you know Ming but do we really know that we don't really know know that I think they said something like that yeah he a he can't speak on nothing what you going to say yeah the [ __ ] told on me yeah you guilty you said he told on he can't say nothing like what he GNA say he can't say nothing we'll know if he beat it or whatever then it's going to come out he could Beal witness yeah but I I don't think he gonna be on on no uh they ain't gonna use him to go against him like that so Gunna Gunna Gunna said what he said that was like the same thing but them other [ __ ] really other [ __ ] did way worse and said way worse [ __ ] than Gunner did but yeah czy did he just start it off yeah I'm starting it over okay I think I'm out of topics anyway so oh oh you you mentioned Birdman earlier what happened between you and Birdman nothing no Birdman try to um he try to uh sign uh slim Jesus and when you try to sign slim Jesus U he went through U JoJo Capone in Chicago and Long Live Crump so Crump and JoJo called me on the three-way and then they called called Bird Man [ __ ] couldn't get in contact with slim Jesus at that time only you know I had them like this in the H out and U so [ __ ] was going through me to talk to one more figure it out you know what I'm saying and um it was cool man bird man was with us or whatever but he was really trying to get the little white boy and [ __ ] he was trying to get him but I called slim Jesus on the phone he talked to him SL Jesus hung up and bird man face all type of [ __ ] you know bman get that man I'mma fly all y'all out here all y'all come out come to Miami and with me it's on YouTube the video while I was talking to him on the phone I uploaded that [ __ ] um excuse yeah but then so wait wait slim Jesus hung up on him yeah slim Jesus hung up on bird how come I don't know oh he said he ain't think it was the real Birdman but it was just real it was the real Birdman like I had his number after that like me and Birdman talked text called you know after that like but then I started seeing like he really was focused on dude so he wasn't even focused on us he wanted to get him and if we couldn't get him then he really ain't want no so B man said what he say oh I been with y'all and woy wo wo and I was like um cuzz he said something and I'm like you know we the other side though he was talking about Chief keing him I'm like yeah them the Ops from from other side you know what I'm saying like man something happen and really get to going back and forth like talking crazy like you know what I'm saying I'm talking I don't no about none of that like who you is [ __ ] you talking about like it was like that we really start tripping on the phone wo yeah like but that [ __ ] oh man that [ __ ] small but yeah and that was it you guys never talked after that never talked again damn and uh slim Jesus never worked with him either never slim Jesus ass stupid man killed his own career when he found out you were like Durk and Sosa's Ops did that like affect the conversation did he care about that or was he just like I don't know maybe it did maybe it did but I don't know it was something that he said and what it kind of rub me the wrong way and it was like you know like I took like you know like I with y'all ke all y'all and I think that's what it was I'm like [ __ ] that's the other side [ __ ] you know what I'm saying yeah we the J side like you know B you do your homework on this [ __ ] like you know [ __ ] this [ __ ] ain't I know you think Chicago [ __ ] we all ain't together you know at that time like [ __ ] wasn't like it was really up like right then you know so it like I don't know especially after I start peing like he you just wanted to white boy you ain't really want to with us or have us out there yeah you probably would to flew us out there just so you can get D you know what I'm saying but I know me I know what type of [ __ ] I am anyway like even I would try to make it happen cuz yeah you don't really know me but I know I get in your face and you see what type of person I am and see how I move already like we going lock in like you know what I'm saying the energy and what type of [ __ ] and how I work you know like that's what I was trying to do but it went the opposite way so know it is what it is well I think I just seen some pictures of was it you and booy or you were backstage at the show what me and booy was it booy you were just backstage at a show with somebody right when recently yeah I was just backstage with Todd dollar sign I was backstage with uh you know I got a song with booy he on my famous R remix buoy in one of my videos and all this [ __ ] actually The J Man disc choked out oh you you got a J Man disc you know me and J man was tripping a couple months ago he got a dis towards me too okay I can't find the picture maybe it was like a old picture well a no tell I done I got pictures with a million people man I done seen everybody everybody in the industry I'm bumped heads with so what all you working on you got an album coming out listen man duck ain't Dead part two man what's today the third the fourth something whatever day is it drop on the 6 man Doug birthday December 6 it's going to be on all platforms uh I'm dropping new music on World Star um yeah man that's all you need to focus on right now this mother duck ain't Dead part two I got 12 bangers on that [ __ ] now you know you're gonna get some some backlash what duck ain't Dead part two he ain't dead he's still living through us he's still living through me he's still living through his mama he's still he here he's still here yeah he gone in he gone in physical form and soul still here though so and his soul still in me so that being said duck ain't dead know I already got duck ain't Dead part one I I dropped that in 2021 then I this duck ain't Dead part two I ain't GNA get no backl I ain't get no backlash for the first one no okay and if I do get some they could suck my lonely duck man it is what it is I don't you know I'm GNA get backlash anyway I don't listen man good or bad I don't give a I'm still gonna get paid we still gonna get no matter what ain't no such thing is bad ficity man it's all you listen man they see King yell they still going to click it like [ __ ] at the end of the day if you don't like me why is you watching if you don't like my song why you watch the video why you you don't like you don't like me why you follow me on Instagram you why would you subscribe to my YouTube channel come on man they still fans man they just fans that don't know how to show love they don't know how to show love because they never been loved of course you don't know how to show love you never show so some people show love as you know remember as you was a kid the girl like I hate you I don't like you but guess what she really what she really like you she really she really like you and that's what it is that's how these [ __ ] is how these trolls is man they really fans go get that duck ain't Dead all platforms videos dropping on world starle same [ __ ] I got I got some [ __ ] man in the tuck man I got um some [ __ ] in the to make sure y'all follow me on Instagram King yell from 073 what features you got on there anything uh I got the I got booy on there I got a I I got FBG Duck on there got Billionaire Black on there I got GMB K1 on there cash um My Little [ __ ] AJ um Charisma blue also known J for uh I think that's it and I think the rest is just all me cuz like some of the features like two of the people was on all on one song yeah but yeah man I got some um unreleased duck [ __ ] yall ain't never heard me and duck the famous R remakes with booy how much unreleased duck stuff do you got just know this a lot of [ __ ] shout out my [ __ ] Daddyo man make sure y' if y'all ever listen to FG duck and you ever heard the beginning Daddyo you mix this Daddyo you miss this just know that's my boy just know I got listen man duck got song says he was F to drop his album man duck ass songs unreleased [ __ ] with Jeremiah R Kelly got [ __ ] with W Luchi he got hella [ __ ] and the world might never hear they might do they might not depends I don't know but just know I heard like it's around like it's around but um yeah it might be a couple it might be a couple you never know like folks ain't here so you you can't you know you don't want to just them like Jewels man some of that [ __ ] like some people do it like you know a lot of [ __ ] would have did it cuz it's about the money to them but like my [ __ ] Daddyo Daddyo Daddy on uh used to record Duck so he got a lot of duck stuff and folks don't care folks with genu he a real [ __ ] genuine and he really love duck so a lot of that [ __ ] he not going he not going to even he ain't G nobody not his mama nobody like and if for [ __ ] do want it they gonna have to like folks I don't think folks want to sell that [ __ ] like you a like that's how much fol just like love bro like and if it do they ass going have to pay a bag for that [ __ ] for folks to come off that [ __ ] but just know there a lot of duck music duck is really recording man it's a lot of FBG Duck Music that's only the close was SC bil black got a whole album on his ass he still ain't dropped it Billionaire Black has a whole album with him yeah I don't know I don't even know if Billy gonna ever is he gonna drop is he gonna ever drop it I don't know but Billy got Billy got Billy got I think what is it Cloud lifee 2 three they never dropped it I don't know if Billy gonna ever drop it damn that be some classic [ __ ] man I started with the originally started with him and buildon there they was twinsies you came there and separable they were you couldn't get them two away from each other let my boy man for sure long live duck man we're all right King yella man I appreciate you yes sir back too hold on there you go those your kids huh your kids no that's duck uh Zack TV brick that's brick oh he over here you see I can see duck who's in the middle right there right here my cousin hille oh okay duck brick BR Zack TV and long little guy okay you was close with brick me yeah brick live brick was living in Vegas with me before he died man oh [ __ ] brick was with me man brick got something that's going to stick in my head forever man I'mma tell you something before brick was out here man he had to go back to Chicago for um he went back for his son um baby shower but it's crazy I had a world where like sometimes it just be a feeling folks told me I'm end it right here with this folks told me that was my boy man when I say folks was a genuine [ __ ] like fol was something different like he ain't play about yelling I ain't going to lie to you he ain't play about y like have fans want to walk up take P folks on your ass like he wouldn't let a [ __ ] touch me like I swear to God that [ __ ] he was something different bro like the real when it came to [ __ ] he was like a demon to but females he love women like his his album look ganger gentleman and he really stood on like he a gangster when it comes to this street [ __ ] but when it come to ladies like the most up respect to you know like he ain't play like that but before that [ __ ] left man that [ __ ] said yell I'm G to have to kill somebody or somebody gonna kill me and that's something that just me up to a couple days later this [ __ ] dead like what the that [ __ ] be crazy man and it was like man you know you like man be say like like stop talking like that g you know just be mov strategic and that and people don't know [ __ ] like why you why you don't be like like I you know I live I left Chicago 27 years old like like everybody D and then that's like one one thing that sit on me all the time too like d fol went back and got N A lot of people went back and got n and that be something that sit on I'm not F to [ __ ] yeah pop in like wiggling like that like all it take us one time I'm not F to go nowhere and that [ __ ] over you know I got too much to lose I got kids I my kids and the family I my they out here Vegas they no this way now like I a what am I that [ __ ] I'm very I'm superstitious so be [ __ ] SE [ __ ] in my head like what the [ __ ] yeah how long has it been since you've been back to Chicago 2018 but I've been in prison all that time too then I was on papers I just got off papers in July but at now at this point it's like what the I'm going for Grandma and them dead what the my mama don't live there folks to be out here with me so like [ __ ] Chicago there too much going on so you don't have no so so that's it no more Chicago I mean eventually like yeah but like that's not nothing on my mind it's like nothing I have no like you know how you have something like old girl like I don't even talk to [ __ ] from Chicago no more like it's no like nothing for like you know like my pops and all them going like they out like I live in Las Vegas why am I going back to Chicago like y'all can come out here we gonna have a ball like I'm in Vegas already so we right here we Cali all the [ __ ] we you know they could have that [ __ ] man I did my one two in that [ __ ] already I mean besides like the violence and you know all the negative stuff man do you miss Chicago you know like it ain't the same no more all my homies dead like not like what you know it's like what the I can see if it was like that going on like I mean certain [ __ ] I miss certain restaurants certain you know but like I done grew past the stage where that ain't even no that's not a I got responsibility I got kids that I'm living for now so it's like I got to move smart for them you know and like a lot of people be doing [ __ ] and lose their life and then now guess what yo your baby mama your kids they got to figure [ __ ] out like it's hard out here you know what I'm saying so and I'm here huno to for a lot of [ __ ] so it's like damn you know if I lose they they lose without me right now until they figure you know so it's out well that's what it is yellow man I appreciate you appreciate you too man you know what it is man another dope interview man cap y'all tap the [ __ ] in boy King Yellow he what's up this is Cam Capone we got more content like this coming soon so hit that like button subscribe and stay locked in to cam Capone news
Channel: Cam Capone News
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Keywords: camcaponenews, interview, cam capone, cam capone news
Id: iRnT60914RY
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Length: 104min 2sec (6242 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 28 2023
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