King of Scars | DISCUSSION

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hey guys it's Sam and this is my spoilery discussion of King of scars by Leigh bardugo as I said this video will have spoilers in it so if you haven't read this book go ahead and check out my spoiler for your review which you learned on the screen so as I said my review and as you've probably seen on Goodreads and as you've seen me talk about this book was a little disappointing to me not the worst book I've ever read a 3.5 star review is not a bad review video on that coming up later but just not quite what I expected in a lot of ways so let's get into it so with the world I felt like yes the world did expand she did a really good job of like telling us about some of the like customs in different places and such but I really didn't feel like it expanded enough for how much focus there wasn't some of the political things with like Nikolaj me and choose a bride and how all of these like how Kerch and the shoe and all of them like how the significance of all that we've always had those nations talked about but for how significant a role they played in this book I still feel like I didn't care I didn't know enough about their politics I didn't it didn't grip me and I feel like it needed to for this book about him as a ruler as a king with all the things that were happening when he was gone with the political betrayal thing of like the assassination attempts and stuff like we get a lot about like fear des which also I'm like that's probably the most boring places whatever we got a lot there but we just don't get a lot of the other nations and I'm like I'm still a little lost as to why I'm supposed to care I'm not engaged with that part of the plot like I would like to be speaking of not engaged Nina bored this living crap out of me I was bored by her from like basically the beginning I didn't really care about what she was doing over there with anything and it's such a shame overall not enough death magic from Nina not why is the overarching theme of my year thus far not enough death magic like you're gonna give me death magic and then not quite give me enough of it like yeah when she made like the bone tree I'm like yeah but like other than that like there just wasn't quite enough and I'm like you have necromancy give me more like I just oh there's a little bit of it but just not quite enough and I wanted more for use of that power and I just found her POV dragged like I don't know I mentioned this my review I don't office because like I liked her dynamics so much more with like the six of crows character she just didn't even really feel like the same character to me she felt just like pushed in because she is such a fan favor and she's gonna Lee's favorite characters and you can obviously tell so I almost felt like she just was like rammed in there where she didn't need to be and it could have just been a book about like Nikolaj and Zoya and those POVs and that would have flowed better but then we had these breaks with her and I'm just like I just don't care what you're doing over there it's just I just don't I liked her budding relationship with Han I think is her name Hanny and I'm not sure how to actually say it cuz I'd often pronunciation guy for this book but I'm still just like I don't care like that much like yeah we did the whole Mathias thing and now we're like with her and yeah like you know that's where it's going it's very heavily handed out I think or her as like a new character she's really cool but I'm still just like I just don't care about what you're doing over there I just don't it kind of felt like she was just like stuck in there for that like Purim tie-in like with her like the drug and stuff but like I expecting her plot line to converge a little bit more than ickle I enjoy is it didn't obviously will in the last book but like I just feel like I needed more interconnectedness there than my god so with Zoe's POV I love her obviously like she's such a great character but I feel like we need even more of her I would have honestly preferred her be like the main focus of the story like I said maybe just like her and Nikolaj or even just her I just felt even more like a soja book and then like a Nikolaj book I'm like a sister's boy a duology like it's really about her character growth and like not really so much Nikolaj but I really enjoyed her but I feel like we needed more for the gravity and the magnitude of what she was going through I felt like the whole story could have been just in her POV and would have been great because I would have gotten all of that for example we really didn't get enough time with her training at all for the magnitude of what she was she melded with a dragon Saint and is now one of like the most powerful Grisha of all time and it felt anticlimactic I was just like I don't okay cuz like the magnitude of that wasn't like we didn't have it we didn't have the time with it we didn't really see much of her training we had like one chapter of her really training like we got so much more like I feel in my heart that all the time we got with like Alena has a son summoner like I believe in Alena as like one of the most powerful guru of all time you know now Zoya is effectively more powerful than Alena and I'm like I don't buy it because we didn't get to see like this progression even though I know that's true but we just didn't get to see that like I liked getting the backstory and the amplifiers and all that but like we just didn't get to see all this like build-up to her being this boss because there wasn't enough time spent with it cuz we had to focus on like look Neal is doing as far as Nikolai I still love him he is so smart and so witty and my heart hurts for him and I love him so much but he won't took a backseat in this book honestly a lot of his stuff was focused on like Zoya and what Zoe was doing and like he felt like he was being pulled along by the plot a bit and not really acting on his own accord really which is kind of the point like he feels like he's under and being controlled by other things and outside forces and stuff so I was robably the point of it but I just didn't feel like this was like I said his story also I didn't like mind the heavens away or romance being teased but I also don't really care for him and Zoya together as just like an idea him and Zoya together has been a fandom favorite for a long time so I've always seen stuff like that but like I just don't need every character in universe to get together you know I'm kind of like Lee's like she really started doing it a lot with like six of crows and everyone I think I'm together and stuff I'm like we don't need to have all of the characters end up with each other like I just I don't need this to happen so I'm kind of like I just want them to remain like bantery friends but it's definitely going in like the romantic direction and I'm just like I don't I'm fine with that probably like I might start liking it I just don't need it you know and then Isaac I was like this other plot point I was like why are we wasting my time like again we needed to see what was happening behind the scenes politically in wall Nick lines I were gone and all this stuff but I also like I did not care about this person at all and his assassination you know as Nikolaj and the girl and all that that all felt so flat and anti-climactic to me because I feel like we didn't get enough of that like politics build-up stuff like I just was like I don't care I didn't care about their like budding romance and I kind of suspected that there was something going on solet but I just was like I don't I'm bored at least the chapters were shorter but I'm just like I don't I don't care what Zoya doing show me her fun dragon stuff ah the antagonists the antagonist so the antagonist of like the Saints and like will the one Saint really but like the Saints in general being shown to us and then like at the at the tail end of the book and then we have these really powerful Saints have been around for forever before even the darkling all of that and we have them being beaten so quickly and easily and even being taken out by each other so quick it's like why are they even in it like we didn't get any of that like dragged out like again when compared to some like the darkling where we get to like learn so much and whatever like I just didn't get the magnitude of them and they're supposed to be really cool or just like why are these all-powerful beings just being like destroyed in front of our eyes like they don't they don't have like the they're not carrying the weight in the magnitude and I don't really know what they're doing what they're doing in either direction like what if they want to be free from the prison but like there wasn't enough time spent I didn't believe like their motives are like who they were as characters I just didn't care and I found them pretty lame and they didn't need to be in it on the blame and they've been like you know this things have been teased like forever they've always been like a theme a letdown okay let's get to like the moment you guys have all been waiting for that I know you'd wanted to talk about because I have I'm so conflicted I have so many thoughts the darkling I don't know he's back and I'm so conflicted because okay listen listen since ruin rising I have had a headcanon along with a lot of people in the fandom that the darkling didn't actually die that he had a fake body just like Alina did and that he's out there kind of recovering and that Elena's gonna like for me it was always like Elena's gonna outlast Maul and like hauls to like and he's gonna show up at some point later on in the future and like you know they're gonna do their little tango again and everything like that because in my head her powers were eventually slowly gonna come back especially with the teasing at the end with the shadows she's still tied to him obviously with the shadow power all of that so I always have had a head can that the darkling wasn't gone but this didn't feel super satisfying to me god damn it I just I'm not sure I like it this way I'm not sure I like it this way I'm not sure like the whole the Saint thing and that all that like I don't know and also it feels very like spike in the bathtub in Buffy you know like you're containing so now is he gonna be a part of like the Scooby Gang like is he gonna be a part of there what is it I don't know if I like this he's not this way I don't know I'm also like that are they again like Elena come back like so my heart is like Elena you have to come back like you have his like shadow ability that was teased at the end so if Nikolai has some of the power in him that kept the darkling alive and so does she her abilities can come back right like I know Alina just wants to rest like I know but she can't he can't be back and her not coming back to meet him head-on you know what I mean that can't happen right like the it's not just that like that can't happen like also like like she needs to come back and destroy him for real you don't think that Alina would would want to do that like I said hmm I don't know so I just don't know this is gonna go and I'm just worried and I'm very conflicted because I've always had a head cannon in my head about the darkling being back and not being gone and now it's just like it's different and I don't know one can exist without the other Alina and him are opposites like that's the only thing that I'm really focused on but also like I said I don't want him to be like like uber fired almost and just like the you know he's tagging along and they're gonna really gonna do / friend of Oh what are they gonna do with him I don't know I don't know but like this I don't know I'm so I have such conflict about it I don't know what do you guys think I don't know I feel I don't like I always had a head Canon but I didn't necessarily him to come back in Canon you know I don't know I don't know so as you can see I'm very conflicted about this book I enjoyed many parts of it it was great to be back in Wrath I'm just looking at some home that felt great I loved all the references the original trilogy and I really liked Nikolai and Zoya I just felt like we need more time and this is a large boat but I just felt good any more time certain things felt slow certain there's parts about the painting that felt off with this I'm really looking forward to the next book the last book in this little series and also like what's gonna happen from there and and all of that with like Chris Traverse in general but this definitely felt like to me the weakest book in the universe right now currently which I wasn't expecting I really was not expecting that so I still liked it 3.5 stars is not a bad review but there's a lot of things that it just didn't meet my expectations for I didn't even feel like I've had many expectations for it and apparently I didn't meet them still I don't know I don't know man comment below and talk to me especially at the darkling thing because I have I'm I have such doubt I'm so conflicted so thank y'all for watching and I'll see all the guys [Music]
Channel: Thoughts on Tomes
Views: 10,202
Rating: 4.9220781 out of 5
Keywords: booktube, readables, bookables, book, review, goodreads, book haul, thoughts on tomes, thoughtsontomes, king of scars, leigh bardugo, discussion, gripe, gush, grishaverse
Id: OiVGF531O4M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 9sec (729 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 11 2019
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