King midget engine placement

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all right good afternoon or good evening this is lee and giving you an update on the uh progress on little red anyway i've got the motor set i got it clamped in place finally got it exactly where i wanted it because the belt's got to run straight if it doesn't run straight you will wire your belt out so normally the way i do this is i use a straight edge like this one right here and of course i'll make sure it's straight not bent and this one i've had special made for a long time i've got a little edge right there on it and i usually just push that right down in this shiv right here well these cv techs are tougher nails i can't get i can't get crammed down in there i just can't get enough uh labor done but the comic clutch easier to go but i normally put cram it down in that groove in that cavity and let it lay right over the center of this clutch right in between and put it right you know wherever we'll line up in the middle and of course then you can set for straight too you can take you can take this and lay it like so and make sure that you're running straight on your belt with the shiv you can lay on the side of the shed back here and make sure that you run straight up here so i've got it said i'm gonna take you underneath and show you [Applause] sorry about beating you around here okay so as you can see the belt the way i sit in this one because i can't get that straight edge in there get it where i want it and when i pull down on that belt it's pretty much in the middle and that's what i'm looking for also these old cradles over the years they get beat up some places in them like that and then of course i've cut off i've cut off things off of this one and on this inside over here had that uh um generator mount got rid of that so anyway i've got this thing clamped and i measured not off my mount but off that tab right there on each side and i measure to the edge of this bar to get it exactly square with the transmission it took me a little bit of done i'll have to say but then also measured off of this side outside the bar to this hole right here that hole and i got about 12 inches center i got them the same a little bit ago i was a sixteenth off and i wasn't happy with that so i got it then on anyway i know that i had showed earlier notices hard this rod right here and if you'll notice i've threaded it this thread let's get you a lot there so you can see i've threaded that so that i can adjust where i want this cradle to set to get my belt tension right and then i threaded this end also and uh that way i can tighten this cradle down and it can't move and if another thing i kind of interests me is this uh transmission it's just perfect i mean it just barely misses that riding that is just amazing to me some of the things that they've done to get it dead on i mean a little bitty beater box car and some of the things they've done it just fascinates me and how durable these little fellers are well anyway that's how she's gonna set i'm gonna weld it in probably in the morning i'm gonna quit for the evening i've been down here all right a long time and anyway i've been a few more things i'm going to show you all them one thing once i get this thing motoring and get done i'm going to flip the car back around and and i'm going to show you how to set toe in and set the uh these struts so that you feel like you got shock absorbers so you know exactly how your little car should be set for when uh from best ride and best drive anyway i wish y'all have a good evening see ya
Channel: Lee Seats
Views: 3,713
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 6G9idYSIFRc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 14sec (314 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 24 2020
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