Kindi Kids Cartoon | ALL EPISODES | Full episodes!

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[Music] uh hello it's my first day welcome to rainbow candy candy kids wow there's a supermarket corner over there ooh this kitty has corners for everything we can pretend whatever we want here come on candy kids let's get started now to get to know each other we're going to play the clappy slap name game hang on a rainbow one two three hmm oh i know i think i left my bubble bath running [Music] hmm hi i'm jessie cake what's your name isn't it exciting to be here i can't wait for clappy slop come on hello [Music] dodge the slip and slide there now what was i doing oh yes one two three four all girls are here oh my son shower i'm very bad at counting sometimes everybody clap twice and slap your knees that's the clappy slap you can clap along too ms arbo donna dina donna tina jesse cake jesse cake marshmallow marshmallow peppermint hey i think i heard my name bunny cart very chill very chill kitty scales kitty scales apple blossom oh that's okay kitty basket peppermint pig oh no how embarrassing i i think oh i super love hide and seek great idea peppermint having the hiccups is not how you do hide and seek but it is how you do hide and squeak hiccup pick up hiccup i know i'll close my eyes and find it by listening for the hiccups [Music] very chill are you hiding too nope i just get the hiccups when i'm excited what are you excited for it's time for a snack to unlock the snack you have to guess what it is a sandwich not quite it starts with a letter f fry pickles slow down speeder rooney i'll give you some clues it has the colors red yellow and purple and it's delicious and nutritious um oh i know a fruit salad tag found you oh crumbs i forgot about hide and squeak see you later very chill [Laughter] tag hey peppermint what happened to your hiccups i think i was just nervous about my first day of preschool well everyone gets nervous i do this i was so nervous this morning i put my skirt on backwards i start talking really really fast i suppose we all show nerves in different ways next time you feel nervous tell us it will make you feel better now i have new friends i don't need the hiccups anymore hmm your hiccups must be hiding i rushed in here for a reason but i can't remember why miss arvo found the hiccups i love to play hayden [Music] [Applause] candy kids at this school we dance whenever we hear the word play this is the best [Music] look at your bubble wobble and you can dance at home too get your bobble on [Music] just like jelly yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh yeah i love a shopping race well i'm the fastest racer there ever was no ah i'm going to get all the ingredients for the surprise feast first ready steady [Music] so [Music] so what's the plan donna tina plan we only have a couple hours to get the feast regime so we have to go fast and get as much as possible obviously don't you think i think i only need one or was it two oh no oh no i don't know can i take a break and make the shopping list first you candy kids decided to turn it into a shopping race jesse cake you don't have time for that should be enough time excuse me i'm a scanner not a bloop machine huh i suppose i am a blue machine that'll be two coins miss one two gotta go i'm in a hurry [Music] oh hi miss arbo sorry donatina i was just reading these shampoo ingredients what are the candy kids up to today we're shopping but it's also a race then we're making a thesis secret surprise for miss arbo uh oh i don't think i was supposed to say that say what dear oh yeah real pretend i never told you told me what you're great at this have fun with your glitter glue miss arbo [Music] all right girls time's up the shopping race is complete and the feast preparation race she'll begin right about now hey cash register can we please take a break between races so we can organize our oh no blanket mountain is exploding you know what that means the floor is lava your feet are not allowed to touch the ground [Music] back to normal time to make the feast well i don't love it this is horrible all i wanted to do was do something nice for miss arbo and we've just ended up with a disaster maybe making it into a race wasn't a good idea peppermint is right all i cared about was being the fastest instead of making the best feast i'm sorry jesse cake i got carried away with the race me too but i think there's a way to fix it with your help jesse cake ready steady [Music] it's beautiful thank you for helping me thank you for showing us that sometimes it's good to slow down and make a plan and that working together is the best way to really win a race turns out it was sticky glitter explains why the first ingredient said glue what a twist ms arbo we have a surprise for you look oh it's a lovely surprise candy kids you did all of this by yourself yes thanks to jessie cake's planning skills and we did it all while having to play the fourth level [Music] [Applause] [Music] no matter what you're doing it's time to get [Music] your bubbling [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello you wouldn't believe why i'm late i was watching a caterpillar then i saw a cloud that was so cushy looking and then there was this icing spill and you are it i'm it how exciting what is it it we're doing dance tag do a pretty dance on your tippy toes or a fun dance you feel inside or a perfectly perfect dance oh a pretty fun perfectly perfect oh dance you felt that one on the outside i know how to teach you marshmallow in ballet that goes there and this goes back and that reaches here okay everyone let go [Applause] is that ballet ah not quite don't worry i got this i'll teach you to do the hop skippy close your eyes and listen to my voice you do a hoppity hop pop then a skippity skip skip okay i think it's time to let me take over this just watch me closely marshmallow one two three one two three oh it's no use maybe i should just watch maybe your feet were too slippery i know we need to make your feet sticky not slippy i'm ready to stick the moves then do the dance tag game one two one thanks bunnycart who knew learning to dance could be so hard sorry i'm late i spilled a vet of icing and oh is it already nap time marshmallow is that why you're resting in bunny cart no miss arbo we're teaching marshmallow how to dance but she got a flying lesson instead i'll get my ballet shoes back into twinkles i think marshmallow should focus on the waltz she'll be able to dance like me in no time that ballet is easier i want her to dance like me but mine is the best what i think i need is a little break something making you feel not so cool well i tried to move my body like peppermint but it didn't work then i tried to do what donut tina said and it didn't work so i tried to learn by watching jessica but that didn't work either i'm not a very good dancer did you know that people learn in different ways some learn by watching some by doing some by listening but some some learn best from reading a book about dancing maybe this book will help you find your own dance the score is tied one to one and bunch of bananas has the ball [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] i just needed to find it in my own way tag you're it it was more like three twinkles but i couldn't find my ballet shoes that's okay it doesn't take special shoes to play with us [Music] come on dance dance on show us your special dance [Music] [Music] just like yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] you're all here for our very special day it's going to is that cantaloupe and lima bean casserole i smell special day [Music] do you think maybe one miss arbo said special day she admit that today is someone's birthday i love birthdays is it my birthday can we have a party with cake and presents and a barbershop quartet of crocodiles you're right it's too late for crocodiles but you can do the other things everyone get going you have to put on my party i'll do the cake pops i'll get ice cream i'll do cupcakes and i'll be the special birthday girl hurry faster candy kids i can't wait being special is pretty cool what can i help you find i'm up for a challenge flour sugar milk a flamingo vanilla and two eggs excellent adventures shelly we have to get out of here what are you going on about yoga marshmallow is baking a cake and needs two eggs two eggs we should hide no we should run come on hey yo berg sickle we finally made it to the north pole oh what about the ice cream no ice cream isn't made from ice cubes that'd be just plain cold hi shelley yolka bergen sickle do you want to come to the party daily shopkins it's all pretend [Music] no no no i want chocolate ice cream and vanilla marshmallows but don't tina we worked really hard to make this for you but peppermint it's my birthday so you have to do what i said they don't have to do what you say because it's not your birthday i asked miss arbo and it's not anyone's birthday today it's not then what is the special day what about my party no birthday no party it's not very fun anyway if this special girl doesn't appreciate it come on peppa mint and marshmallow i heard kitty scales loves vanilla cake pops unhappy nobody birthday well hello to you too donatina weren't you all just getting ready for a party we were but then we found out there's no one special to celebrate besides they weren't very good at birthday parties well i always thought the nicest most special things someone could do is celebrate someone else i guess i didn't think of how special that was but if there's no one special that deserves celebrating i guess we don't get a party or maybe surprise happy special day wow but you know it's not your birthday right donna tina this isn't a party for me it's for you for being my very special friends sorry i was rude when i thought i was the birthday girl thanks donna t-moon this is special happy special friends say what i just hear did someone say the word where's the music she said day not pl uh the dance word oh are those cake pops and ice cream oh now it's even a more special special day what's the other special day today is a very special day because we're going to do our art project read a story then play [Music] everybody [Music] we know [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] i spy with my giant space telescope something that is pink is it a pink omelette filled with pink cheese it's your hair donna tina thank you marshmallow for helping me carry this heavy spaceship simulator but miss our bow we didn't carry in anything oh thunderbolt you can do kids wait here when i get back we'll have a goody raindrops adventure [Music] oh i'm already tired of waiting i don't want to go to space we're not really going to space it's one of us our most pretend adventures but things go wrong on pretend adventures too what if we pretend to get lost or pretend to run out of rocket fuel or pretend to be attacked by aliens i know what will help we'll practice let's go shopping for supplies [Music] space juice to drink when we're having a picnic on the moon and we need moon picnic snacks i got you covered candy kids it's time for justice to unlock the space snack you have to guess what it is here's a hint it's dry it's crunchy but it tastes sweet something dry crackers cinnamon crunch bars oh i got it building blocks that's not even a snack what do you think the snack is i know ashna ice cream yes freeze dried ice cream [Music] now we just have to practice pretending to get to the moon i'll be the moon to get to me you must blast off as fast as you can but you can only move forward when i'm not looking when i look you have to freeze wherever you are are you ready jesse cake not very many things could go wrong right only meeting a moon monster or blast off i can do this just go with the flow [Music] blast freeze we made it to the moon space walk space walking in space what's up chessy cake i can imagine all sorts of scary things going wrong monsters dragons aliens if i may way in here jessie cake you can't control what you're given but you can control how you deal with it so if there's monsters dragons and aliens what can you imagine to deal with them hmm a spacesuit that will protect me from anything i can imagine that i better put it on [Music] no alien can get you in that awesome suit i feel as light as a comet check it out my spacesuit has a jet pack it also has a force field to protect us from bad monster aliens [Music] wow your space suit is extra terrific yep i'm prepared for anything whew time for the space simulator adventure what's up candy kids rainborific now we can all play space adventure [Music] [Applause] [Music] no matter if you're here on earth or on the moon or in outer space it's time to dance [Music] [Music] can you bobble your belly [Music] just like jelly [Music] or yeah [Applause] [Music] they're beautiful the most perfect mini moons with the curly yarn snake friend i've ever seen that's not what they are there's a medals for our first ever great kindergarten games i love games what kinds of games lots of different kinds but we'll need someone to judge and hand out medals did someone call for the grand dame of games ms arbo's the name and i'm game for some games what a perfect way to spend another starbullescent day at rainbow kindy [Music] quack quack marsha mellow wins the first round now up loudest animal noise [Music] i could never compete with that donna tina wins round two [Music] those are really shiny are they too heavy for you maybe i can hold one thanks peppermint but i can hold them all i love love love winning [Music] all those games made me [Music] thirsty here you go kitty register thanks peppa mid how many medals did you win well actually none maybe i'm not really good at games after all not good at games well that's the silliest thing i ever heard and i've heard donna tina say lots of silly things but i must not be good at games i didn't win any of them if i'm a way in here i don't think that matters games aren't about who wins them they aren't that's right if you're having fun that means you're doing good have you been having fun during the games i've been having a great time then you're good at games round 37 charades this is a game where you have to act something out without saying a word if the others can guess you win marsha mello's up first your word is [Music] a pirate who's been cursed by a witch so she can't move it's a no talking in charades marshmallows out guessing was fun up next peppamint let's see your charade will be [Music] a giant hopping pickle on a spring a bunny [Music] yeah i meant bunny too this is so much fun rainbow riffic peppa mint you're so good you get to go again [Music] stairs all day hmm i have an idea on everybody join our charade parade charade parade guess the charade charade parade now you guess what is peppermint doing did you say swimming that's right what's jesse cake doing [Music] did i hear making a cake rainbow slam that's top-notch guessing do you know what charade donatina is doing neither do i i'm playing wibble crab she says [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you too dance with us [Music] is [Music] hmm [Music] we had reading time nap time and singing time and now it's almost time for my tea party i've been waiting for the perfect day for my first candy tea party and that day is today did you hear that there was a twinkly sound listen nothing quiet do you hear it no there it was again i must find where that sound is coming from we'll be quiet while you look i mean they'll be quiet thanks kindy kids keep on on is going to be the most perfect tea my quieting party ever planned yes i mean yes [Music] oh dear i forgot to tell everyone what the theme a loud is that everyone will hear just whisper it to me i'll pass it on like the whisper game to make the tea party perfect wear your favorite hat to make the tea party perfect wear your favorite cat pass it on to make the tea body perfect bring your favorite plants to make the tree party perfect um bring your favorite oh what was it um uh a pinecone she said to make the tree party perfect bring a nice scone cookies shelly and yoko's excellent adventures can't believe we got invited to a tea party that's why we're hot shopping brighten up the old shell how about something with feathers if i wanted to wear feathers i would have hatched i know what you need something that brings out your flavor shelly yoga don't you two look delicious ready to join the party [Music] you too lettuce good news everyone you can be loud again yay [Music] turns out i have a case of twinkle ear get in close and you'll hear it happens to us stars attention i hope you got the message because it's time for the tea party [Music] what's all this i told marshmallow to tell you to wear your favorite hat i heard where your favorite cat hat does make more sense no one got the right message now the party's not perfect at all baby can still be perfect but the theme for the tea party was hats and no one's wearing a hat well except shelly and yoka this is all so different than what i planned but isn't it our differences that make you like us so much my great granny beau always said you can't change other people but you can change you your great granny beau was super bright well she was a star so attention everyone the hot tea party is cancelled but the whisper game tea party is on everyone grab a chair [Music] could you pass the uh uh miss arbo the theme is now whisper so you have to whisper it around like the whisper game pass the booger oh i get it pass the sugar did you say play no i said hey marsha mellow but now you said play [Applause] [Music] oh i don't have elbows [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's trick or treat day we'll hide in here and then we'll pop out and yell what am i supposed to yell surprise too obvious how about pickle they'll never expect me to go pickle come on cupcake [Music] [Music] that sounds like a terrific outfit sprinkle shaker my favorite trick-or-treat costume was being a ballerina i dressed up as a baker once i had a so so soft sheep costume last halloween i was a box i was a unicorn from the land of country media [Music] hi i'm rainbow kate it's my first day at rainbow candy and i'm hoping happy to meet you big announcement candy kids we have a new student coming today but miss arbo she's already here so she is hello rainbow kate welcome it's trick or treat day and we were just about to play [Music] this is the bubble dance [Music] whoa no way wow watch the drawer i wish we could talk more but i heard we're going trick-or-treating and that's the best catchy lavender later trick-or-treat very chill let's see what i got [Applause] [Music] thanks green is the greatest and lettuce is the loneliest trick or treat grab a foodie friend [Music] can you give us a little extra energetic don't you think i thought i was over the top do you want to hear how loud i can yell yell or i could show you my mega magenta stomps or i could yell and stump at the same time i think we need to think about it oh that's okay i'll just go check out the friendship chair who knew you could get exhausted by other people hello candy kids how are you getting along with rainbow kate she's too much very chill she doesn't seem to stop ever and she's louder than i am hmm do you candy kids know what i love about rainbows a rainbow welcomes all the different colors and gives them each a place to shine each color brings something unique and special have you taken the time to get to know the new color that's a part of our rainbow kindy [Music] hey raymo kate that's a nice song what do you call it huh i don't know i made it up just like that when i was thinking about all the colorful adventures we had today it just popped into my head wow that is so cool we're sorry rainbow kate we haven't been very good at showing you around or getting to know you oh that's okay i'm sorry i got a little over thrilled to be here there were just so many new friends to meet with each one of us bringing our own color to the rainbow say what's your favorite game hmm oh i hate same knight huh oh the game we swap things around to make them the opposite is that wrong one color kate no oh you mean yes no how was trick-or-treating kinder kids we had absolutely no fun i'm confused did you play trick or treat miss arbo said please yay let's play come on bring your friends and let them shine as you all get your babylon it was a game of opposite day [Music] oh [Music] hello is anybody [Music] i home not know this language is there a person i may speak with [Music] tickle party timeout i see you've met our new friend pick a pup oh yes did they ever have so much fun in this so much fun-filled candy now i'm off to fetch my laundry citrus fresh so what do you silly little yellow bananas wanna do today [Music] oh i'm sorry i meant them but you can totally join in i had a special surprise for you today and i want you to find it oh fun i love surprise finding games and cupcakes and flamingos i love those too me too me three four great the closer you get to the surprise the faster i'll clap if i clap slower it means you're getting further away got it [Music] [Applause] [Music] surprise it's me where are you mr sapphire surprise hmm nothing [Music] let's go to the supermarket peppermint are we getting close oh no we're getting further away kitty cash register kitty scanner have you seen our surprise no clue not me hmm this is strange we haven't looked over there [Music] [Applause] oh we're getting closer i hope so hey a bunny cart did you see our super sweet surprise sorry i didn't but good luck this is bananas fairy tale is your surprise i'm afraid i haven't maybe we'll take a purpley peek inside [Music] no surprises in there sorry peppa mint but we looked high and low and we just don't know we give up wait a minute is the surprise inside of you hmm peppermint please open your mouth wide and say ah you got me i was just having fun with you the surprise is inside of me it's that i'm going away on a family trip to australia where i'll cuddle oodles of cute baby koalas i'm so excited away you're leaving rainbow candy well this surprise is like a total bummer but it's not forever promise and i'll miss you all so so much marshmallow you're so creative you see things differently and always know how to make me feel better rainbow cake i love your energy and you always bring bright sunshine into my day jessie cake you're so good at organizing us all almost having such a good leadery person around donatina you're so funny and silly and the best at coming up with super fun games miss arbo berry chill and everyone else rainbow kinsey wouldn't be the same without you you make it all come to life oh we'll miss you too peppermint peppermint you're the kindest and most thoughtful person we know you always want to make sure everyone is part of the fun we love you oh thank you surprise group hug now this is my type of sapphire surprise any room for a little scooter oh hey so i'm not leaving yet we still have time to play [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] hi has anyone seen my shoes uh the ones on your feet would you look at that thank you oh wow are those new crayons [Music] today is indoor camping day yay losers there are a few pre-camping tasks to do and then we'll be set up for a rainbow-testic day of kindy camping fun so who's in we are hmm i'm forgetting something oh i didn't floss my teeth dental hygiene is important candy kids back in a jiffy perfecto now we just have to buy some camping supplies from our pretend camp supply shop how about you be the shoppers and i'll be the shopkeeper here are some coins you can pay me with them sorry only two donna tina i need you to get jam and smoothies easy squeezy i'll just say it three times so i remember jamming smoothies german smoothies jam and smoothies yay rainbow kate can you get rainbow cupcakes and rainbow slushies yep yep i'll cook up a rainbow rime to remember slushies and cupcakes are very very sweet they make me so happy i could dance in the street and marsha marshmallow i need you to get pillows and strawberries um oh okay i think i can remember that even though i don't have any special remembering tricks that'll be one coin miss cha-ching [Music] uh marshmallow aren't you like supposed to get your camp supplies oh yeah i'll go get them now i just love the color of this wall pick a pup what color is it hmm i think it is called pink [Music] oh hot pink done excellent work rainbow kate that will be one coin miss so where is marshmallow anyway um is tickling bananas one of her camping tasks [Laughter] hey marshmallow we were all just wondering if you were gonna do your task wouldn't it be fun to start candy camping soon i'm sorry i'll get right on him [Music] did you hear about the almonds who covered themselves in sparkles pretty nuts thanks pick-up pup but will jokes help me remember my camping tasks hmm probably not no oh i forget stuff all the time there's nothing wrong with that sometimes i use magnets to help me remember things each one means something different i stick them on me and voila but i'm not made of metal no you're not but you could use stickers to help you remember just pop a sticker on your arm then remove it when you finish a task i love that thanks barry chill okay okay that's a bit tight [Music] yes tasks are done rainbow slam we knew you could do it oh is this a fort tent yeah marshmallow nap time is gonna be the best in a tent rainbow cake did you wanna tell us some camp stories first once upon a time there was a purple penguin who could rhyme his name was chicken wait that's not it his name was rainbow ray and he always loved to play uh did you say what i think you just said yep i did yay [Music] 98 99 and 100. good job everyone let's take five and then we could do green froggy over the logging jumps [Music] that's five are we ready for some green froggy hop up we all love a good froggy hop bop rainbow kate but we thought that maybe we can do some slow activities today slower activities do those words even mix together hiya kindy kids i couldn't help overhearing but yes there are heaps of slow and relaxing activities to do i for one just watched the grass grow on my lawn the entire weekend now that's a slow activity okay i guess i could give this slow thing a turquoise try yay let's do it i just said to do this one is called tree pose because it looks like a tree whoa i'm a rainbow tree in the wind watch me wiggle and jiggle around um yoga is less about moving and more about being calm and still maybe we can try another one how about one called downward dog yogurt [Music] and done want to play hide-and-go-seek or do tons of colorful cartwheels i love doing tons of colorful cartwheels but we just started drawing oh we can juggle apple blossom and jam [Music] i think i'm just going to keep doing calm things today but are you okay rainbow kate i guess i'm just not so good at doing things slowly my brain always moves super duper fast i wish i could explain it better but it's like my thoughts are always going turbo speed you know [Music] i kind of understand i wish things would slow down for me but i don't know how to do it hmm i might have an idea jessie cake donna tina let's show rainbow cake some breathing exercises to calm a busy brain breathing slowly always makes me feel better so everybody shut your eyelids tight and take a deep breath in so you're as big as a balloon now blow it all out great let's do it again in and out in and out [Music] okay let's all open our eyes uh rainbow k hello huh so how did that feel [Music] i i actually feel a lot calmer it's aqua awesome totally sometimes it feels good just to relax and slow down yeah it does hooray for sl play [Laughter] i was just watching some pink dry but i perked up when i heard our special word that's right kids when we hear the word play it's time to dance the day away come on now get your bible on yeah [Music] [Music] just like yeah [Music] here's one the blonde bunny buried big blue blobs in the barnyard who wants to try i will i will okay the blonde body blurred like blue blobs in the barn tongue twisters are so twisty [Laughter] [Music] jessie cake donatina rainbow cake and marshmallow i want you to meet someone very special our new student [Music] so what's your name my name is summer peaches hi summer peaches yes hi indeed summer just moved to town and i hear she loves storytelling dragons and other fun magical things okay you girls have lots of giggles i'm off to fix my hair this stuff won't curl itself wait she has hair so summer do you want to do tongue twisters or twist your tongues or have a purple but durable picnic am i asking too many questions since it's her first day let's ask summer what she wants to do hmm wait i know why don't we all go on a magical imagination safari what's that an imagination safari is when we pretend to see all types of magical creatures around the room like fairies and football flowers anything you like oh look over there does everyone see that peachy unicorn resting after his long trip to the moon bean mountains yep yep oh yeah really you can see that too i can't see anything how do i use my imagination [Music] whoa neato i see it now pizzalicious come on there's lots more cool things to see we're going on a safari it's gonna be super fun i think the song doesn't work so i'll just sing colors pink purple blue red green look look i see a flying turtle who looks sad because he can't find any spicy gumball soup yeah me too but i can't see turtles or wings it's okay your imagination is your own special thing there's no right or wrong way to use it yeah different people can see different things maybe you can see something else in the clouds hmm maybe i see a flamingo yay that's so peachy see your imagination is your own thing look over there do you see anything in your imagination [Music] i think i see a dragon rawr [Laughter] there's a what next to me i can't move i can't move help it's okay very chill we're just using our imagination melons oh it's fun to make things up thanks for showing us this new game summer peaches i really like being your friend ah thanks it's so peachy to make new friends like you so what game do you want to play now [Music] [Applause] um the dance game whoop-a-doop cause you just said a special word we bobble dance party it up when we hear the word play oh let's dance summer peaches [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] wake up your sleepyheads oh we are up could definitely not be more up nope yep we're awake [Music] can anyone guess what day it is monday uh sure but it's also the second ever great kindergarten games day yay the grand dom of games is back and i'm game for more games how about we begin with a personal fave i spy [Applause] okey-dokey oh i've got it i spy with my fairly big eyes something that is fast pick it up yep nailed it wow that was actually it i know i'm good at this okay round two i spy with my fairly big eyes something that is red and a bit pink donut tina's hair my ruby red tongue nope afraid not but smart brain noodling team i know this that's easy sneezy it's the friendship chair oh yeah oh yeah me for the win correcta mundo whoa can we try another game now i need some real competition [Music] musical chairs is one of my absolute favorite games remember when the music stops you better find a chair no chair equals out so are we all ready hit it mr oj dj [Music] hey that's my chair no it's mine [Music] it's summer peaches because she was there first sorry donatina but i'm the best at games i'm better at games than everybody in the entire universe try another game okay girls ready for some more musical chairs yes we are play that music ojdj maybe you didn't hear me i said i'd like to try another game oh my we did hear you donna tina and you're not being so nice i'm not not really no so please just try to be a nice winner and loser i'm confused how can i do that just remember that not everyone can win all the time sometimes it's me sometimes it's you if you do lose just let the others finish the game and be happy for them yeah and have fun and cheer them on to the end okay i guess i know what you mean can you let me make it up to you i promise i can do [Music] [Applause] better job marshmallow wow that was a bundle of bundle celebrating others winning feels as good as actually winning yourself so what else can we play you said play [Music] [Music] [Music] just like yeah [Music] so what you think [Music] okay today we're going to do a special art project i want to paint pictures of colorful eggs me too [Music] i'm not sure what to make maybe a cute bunny tail and some whiskers to go with my ears i'm in let's do it i'll make the biggest and bestest and most fantastic mr bunny card ever so it's settled let's get a hop on and have some fluffily arts fun hippity hobbity time for stoppity how's it going summer so good this mr bunny card is going to have so much fluffy fur with even more rainbow glitter oh and a cute bed too and mountains no no mountains with flowers we can't wait to see it bye it looks nothing like i imagined maybe i should make a new one [Music] this is a bunny disaster too i kind of like it but i also like super silly things it's not supposed to be silly oh i'm sorry i meant to say it's okay donna tina i think i just need a minute oh my you don't look so hoppy what's wrong summer peaches i just wanted to make a perfect mr glitter bunny card but it looks horrible i do see the potential but maybe it'll just take some practice and patience what does that mean it means that if you just take your time and work on each step a little bit your work improves and everything will work out i guess i am pretty speedy and i didn't really practice any of the steps it just so happens you are friends with the greatest artist on wheels in the world so come on madame we shall take it bunny step by bunny step or puppy tiles in my case good luck you'll do great have so much fun [Music] oh if i could clap i would bravo somehow peaches all thanks to a great teacher [Music] everyone um so i just wanted to say thank you for being such great friends in my first year at kindy so i made something for you all i hope you like it [Laughter] wow cool love it what a beautiful mr bunny card summer peaches now it's almost snack time so let's just play for a few more minutes goodness glitters i said the special word didn't i [Music] let's dance [Music] your nose [Music] down [Music] welcome back did you happen to spot anything new huh did you hey hello can you kids see me i'm right here turn you over summer break donna tina you first [Music] we have a brand new doctor's corner took me some time to assemble but don't you think it's just star rific more fun than a moon bug jig [Music] amazing gold let's stay here all day it kind of reminds me of my summer i was under the weather and it felt all blueberry blue but i feel badly great now the doctors and nurses were so kind and their office was awesome they made me feel super duper rainborific [Music] wait what if we make up a fun game and you pretend to help me get well we're in uh i guess i'm in too but i don't really understand scientist stuff i'm definitely in nice to meet you i'm cindy popps i'm new here and i love science hi zitty pops wowie you have a lab coat like the doctors and everything welcome cindy pops let's make me very bright and all better okay okay first we have to figure out what's wrong with you uh i just don't feel like my rainbow self today um what should we do when i was at the doctors this summer they took my temperature with a therm mo mo jiggy um do you mean thermometer yeah that's the one just a cake can you take a temperature donutina check her heart rate with the stethoscope [Music] that turquoise tickles dr cindy pop do you want me to give rainbow kate a blanket she can get all warm and cozy great thinking summer peaches [Music] marshmallow would you take rainbow kid's blood pressure please whoa that's my face [Music] okay do we have a diagnosis yet my tummy is rumbling and grumbling [Music] excuse me i think i ate too much magic cake magic cake can do some funny stuff let's give her some vitamin stores donating that should help [Music] thank you that's berry berry better um marshmallow everything okay it's just well we're all so good at pretending to be doctors and stuff and i don't know how any of this stuff works we don't either we're just having super silly fun we can show you how we're pretending if that helps or are you sure of course i'll show you how to take rainbow kid's blood pressure [Music] i can do that rainbow kate can i try it on you the right way oh purpley please hey i uh uh hi i'm zoom the ambulance unicorn whoa an ambulance i'm always late i have a bit of a hard time with um with the directions it's okay it's snazzy razzy to meet you oh me too what game are we playing you heard him he said the magic word oh i feel a moon bug coming on come on everybody dance with us [Music] [Music] just like jelly yeah [Music]
Channel: Kindi Kids
Views: 606,097
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kindi Kids, Childrens Toys, Dolls, Kindergarten, First Day at School, Family Fun, Childrens Animation, KindiKids, Kindy, Jessicake, Donatina, Marsha Mello, Shopkins, Cartoons for Kids, Moose, Toys, Goo Goo Galaxy, Happy Places, Scruff-a-Luvs, Little Live Pets, Easter, Kids Craft, Pre K, toddlers, parents, parenting, preschool, games, play, fun, summer peaches, all episodes, kindi kids, family fun, halloween, full episodes, petkins, rainbow kindi, stitch up
Id: ZfYNprq_ddA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 21sec (4701 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 19 2020
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