Kim Justice's Top 100 PS1 Games of All-Time

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[Music] welcome to the games of my teenage years as the playstation itself gets closer to 30 and a large amount of the denizens who loved it back in its day are at all near lamarck where life apparently begins the finns that defined gaming on the system have come to be embraced low quality textures wobbly lines dithering the various trappings of early 3d and a lot of the more creative efforts that would result from these limitations according to gaming history 101 it's a time where video games grew up and embraced more adult games and actually became cool and what have you but one look at the system's many varied great titles shows a lot more than just red blood dark skies and endless fog there's games that pop on the system things that still feel fresh and unique touches that you just don't get anywhere else as much as a lot of this list is based on nostalgia it's chock full of games that anyone could play right now and love it deserves nothing less than a big top 100 and that's what we're going to do now my personal 100 favorites from the gray old psx it's been a lot of fun to revisit these old discs that's for sure and hopefully some of your favorites will be here too i'm sure also that some of your favorites will not be here and naturally the comments section is right there for you to sound off on that anyway let's do this the ps1 was a chance for many older games to be revisited for the first time and given a shiny new 3d coat of paint we'll be seeing a few of those but the list starts with tempest x3 this is of course pretty much the same game as tempus 2000 for the atari jaguar a very solid take on the classic arcade by the almighty jeff minter now with a bigger audience on the playstation as you might expect jeff minter pretty much retains the phonetic and very addictive play of dave fuhrer's original arcade only with the addition of a signature psychedelic light show and the invitation for enemies to eat electric death some may say that when he's not feeding sheep and sea into llamas mint has spent quite a lot of his time iterating on this one legendary game but when the results are this good it feels like a worthy endeavor indeed the original call borders as a game is perhaps a bit bare bones there's only a couple of courses and not exactly all that many modes there'd certainly be games that would improve on it to come but this game deserves a spot mainly for what it represents did we know that extreme sports was going to be such a big genre on the system i'm not sure they'd obviously been plenty of attempts in previous series but most of them hadn't really cut the mustard or they just felt a little bit cringey cool borders was something that paved the way for the greatness that was to come and even if it's not aged super well it is quite important i thought you were history [Music] when the ps1 gradually started becoming more of a retro machine one of the things that i think people hankered for were the weirder games with concepts that you just didn't really get anymore certainly in the days of the late 2000s when a lot of mainstream games were well very dull and brown while i'm honestly no good at no one can stop mr domino at all is the sort of thing that is so ps1 you play as a domino you run around and around and you have to set up ever more complicated tricks by dropping other dominoes setting them off and earning points i may be utterly useless at the game as you can probably see but it's a little gem regardless and there'll be a few others like it later on [Music] there are some playstation games that have perhaps not aged too well but still deserve a spot on my list for nostalgia because i did enjoy them in the past the next two titles are good for this we're visiting a game like nightmare creatures for the first time in quite a while can be frustrating i mean it should be a fast-moving hack and slash game where you savage beasts in victorian london but then you have to contend with classic ps1 tank controls of the era and ah that definitely takes you back doesn't it of course you were just used to it back in the day because of hours spent with other games like this well nowadays it's just an unreal pain especially in a game not designed for it that said cutting zombies in half with a well-timed slice is still pretty satisfying all told and here's another one i used to enjoy speaking of tank controls and the like well obviously we're going to get to the likes of resident evil later on in the list and i don't think that's much of a spoiler but capcom's game produced a lot of imitators with the same fixed camera angles and pre-rendered backgrounds going on in cold blood isn't a survival horror game and instead is more of a spy adventure but it shows off a skewered version of capcom's formula like many revolution weren't quite able to recreate my word is this one janky to play now back then i certainly persevered due to my general affection for stealthy spine type games and a not all that bad plot even if the voice acting perhaps isn't quite of a level that suits the game's narrative through your clearance yes okay shower rooms over there door on the left thank you my friend i won't be long another 3d take on an old classic galaga destination earth is also the list's first more conventional shooter in many cases something like this can't ever really match the original arcade for sheer simplicity but even if the mechanics of gallagher aren't necessarily improved with the addition of horizontal and third-person sections there's something about destination f that's a bit more ambitious than a lot of the more pedestrian takes on golden age arcades that we'd see in this generation and that's worthy of a bit of credit rage software's dead ball zone has a tough task it's a future sports game that's directly influenced by the kin of the whole genre and one of the greatest games ever made speed ball 2. said influence is obvious and the game is searingly tough but the presentation and pace of the action make it a good one i had this on a demo desk and although it was an incredibly short demo a single one minute quarter it was one that i would play an awful lot it was also a lot better than the bitmap brothers own 3d rendition of their classic speedball 2100 tough to learn but very nice when you actually do something spectacular [Applause] when i recently did my video all about core design it was nice to see that their game ninja had actually held up pretty well an ambitious game that spent a pretty long time in development ninja tries to be a lot of finns it's a bit of a beat em up something of an adventure there's a lot of platforming and even the odd bit of puzzling there's many ps1 games that would dip their wick into all sorts of genres and they wouldn't necessarily do it well this one manages to be enjoyable even despite somewhat janky bits like an annoying camel and what have you it's not the best ninja game on the system of course but it's a good bit of action most of the games on this list are going to be 3d of course while i generally think we got more 2d games here in europe than the us did probably thanks to the massive success of an upcoming title it was still the case here that 2d was often by default seen as inferior uncool and not the new finn however one that viewpoint may be still we're going to have a good bunch of 2d games here and lomax here is the first one it's a lovely little spin-off from lemons mainly thanks to the absolutely cracking visuals a masterclass from the legend that is hank nyborg a great euro platformer a little bit of omega kicking about on the shiny and brand new system and it's certainly several orders better than the attempt to bring the actual lemons kicking and screaming into three dimensions [Applause] much like the earlier cool borders the port of ridge racer gets a spot because it helped to shape the platform obviously it's perfectly decent on its own as a port of a damn fine arcade but ridge race has set the stall early on for racing lots of racing and freaking brilliant racing too yes we're going to be seeing plenty of racing games on this list because a playstation without racing games of all shapes and sizes would quite frankly feel pretty empty it didn't take long for this first port of ridge racer to be overtaken but the simple controls and enjoyably ludicrous hair trigger drifts still make this game a fun one yeah it's a new record another game that i mainly played a lot thanks to a cool demo on an official playstation magazine disc pandemonium is a good example of the very nice 2d 3d stuff that you'd start seeing on the system it's the sort of platformer that i enjoy seeing as it's one where you generally get to move at a decent gallop and the pretty scenery does go a long way into making it thoroughly pleasant it's not the best in show or anything that particular game is to come of course but it's always a game that i look pretty fondly upon [Music] [Music] it's time for the list's first football game before we get to the really big ones there's got to be a place for libero grande a namco game that did something quite different you didn't usually get footy games where you were only in control of one player the granddaddy of the modern fifa's beer pro mode libora grande isn't necessarily wholly successful with the concept due to an ai that can at times be a questionable to say the least but the idea is brilliant and the football itself is very satisfyingly weighty especially for a game from this era it's very satisfying when you manage to put a really decent move together and finish it with a goal [Applause] [Music] capcom's strider 2 is an interesting one the sequel to the legendary arcade game that was actually less faithful to lumunga that heroes games were supposed to be in synergy with but it sure is a lot better than the next game as much as i wish that the revival of strider in the modern days had continued down this path strider 2 does represent a pretty good arcade-style follow-up sure it isn't quite as good or as utterly tight as the original but seeing as that's one of my favorite games of all time well not many other games are either [Music] i was never too big on the fully 3d updates on road rash that came out in this era i kind of felt that they lost a bit of something that made the 16-bit one so special with that in mind my heart's fully with this much more 2d game that originally started out life on the 3do it's fast enough to still very much feel like road rash and the pumping soundtrack that starts off with the almighty rusty cage by soundgarden and continues on from there most definitely helps a very early game indeed but punching your rivals directly in the face never get sold even if the irritation of suddenly veering into an incoming car and losing all your hard-earned progress is always in the background i've always had a bit of a soft spot for boxing games it has to be set so i was all over the original knockout kins when it came out in many ways a follow-up to another game on the 3do this time one called foes of ali knockoutkins gives you a whole load of great boxes past and present to play around with oh and butterbean who's actually quite a laugh to play around with this is a series that would ultimately result in the almighty fight night but even if this original game is a lot simpler and a bit lacking in the graphics department it's still quite fun to play with just watch that you don't get disqualified for landing too many low blows and kidney punches [Applause] [Applause] rage racer one of the various follow-ups to ridge racer this is the one that tries to be a bit more involved with a big career mode the chance to buy lots of different cars and customize them to your heart's content and all that still the simple arcade play and outrageous powerslides are utterly present as always i was absolutely all over this game back in the day i have to say way more so than any other ridge racer game and so even if i imagine that games like ridge racer type 4 are way way better regarded these days i kind of have to go with rage race was my favorite of namco's peddleton of metal affairs on the system just the way it is [Music] few games are simpler than a good old fashioned athletics title and in a lot of ways international track and field isn't a great deal different from the game that konami originally released in 1984. i mean obviously the graphics have had a slight upgrade but it's the same button matching and trying to get that magic angle is this a problem well absolutely not i get a big kick out of these sort of games i mean who doesn't love mashing buttons as fast as he can that's a big and very important part of gaming a tradition that you can find in games like this one in shoot em ups and even in some fighting games i always have a soft spot for the presentation in konami sports games too there's a certain welcoming cheeriness and cheesiness about them that i find thoroughly welcoming now the big question is who will be the number one in the world [Applause] we go from namco to konami and now back to namco again the original air combat helped to spawn a series of games that still go into this day but if i'm honest i only ever really got big into the simple original title there's not exactly a whole lot to it you get in the air and you shoot down targets all over the shop while watching out for that dreaded bogey on your tail one of those games that's just simply a great way to kill half an hour or so dropping targets out of the sky and your beloved tomcat going on daring ones and having some nice music to go along with the whole thing very nice indeed [Music] [Music] it's never too long in this list before we're back on the track and destruction derby is a game where as the title suggests smashing the living hell out of other cars is not only allowed but encouraged i'm the sort of racer who tends to use the cars ahead of me as a handy brake on a difficult turn so naturally the style of destruction derby is very appealing to me and the original package is the more appealing one mainly because it's a lot easier to last more than a few seconds in the dreaded dust bowl here the actual racing tracks are simple but a lot of fun and well it's all in service of the motor slamming concept who needs anything more than a crossing where everyone's going to t-bone each other every single lap total chaos is actually pretty good watch those barriers they'll only while a lot of people bought tobal number one back in the day due to its included ff7 demo the fighting game itself is actually very cool indeed you've got a full 3d environment a system based on grabbing a quest mode that's fun to screw around with and some really cool characters that have actually held up really well courtesy of the almighty akira toriyama my favorite has always been hom he's a goofy robot that makes incredibly annoying noises all the time he has a lot of really cool moves and he even has a freaking suicide button on his back that you can actually press if you want to such completely and utterly ridiculous touches are part of the reason why i have a whopping great soft spot for this game [Music] this one here's another little underrated gem future cop lapd is an ea game that in many ways is similar to their more famous strike titles but here you play as a mechanized coppo in a futuristic and thoroughly lawless city of angels the presentation has that amusingly dorky 90s touch of forced call but the action itself is very fast-paced and intense to me this game's held up a lot better than ea's 3d attempts at the strike series and if you enjoy that sort of game then this is absolutely a title you need to check out [Music] i should stress immediately that i am absolutely terrible at parappala rapper i'm not sure what it is usually i'm not too bad at rhythm games but there's something about this one that really froze me admittedly i am playing these games on the duck station so perhaps i should just blame emulation lag instead of me just being old and crap anyway even if i may be awful at the game palapa is still a gloriously nostalgic title with an art style that's always going to make it stand out it's little wonderland this game has always been near the front of people's minds when it comes to remembering the system seeing as it was such an unexpected treat all you've got to do is say kick punch and someone's going to finish the line for you an obvious great [Music] there's a good few driving games on the ps1 where the general smashing up of everything in sight is not only allowed but encouraged the original gta was on here after all felony 1179 isn't exactly the most famous game of this type but it's a cool arcade style wamp where you earn loads of points for breaking stuff and it's usually accompanied by a slow motion sort of effect that kind of makes the game feel like a strange proto burnout the balance between causing all sorts of mayhem and actually achieving your objectives within the allotted time makes for a nice wee bit of gameplay and this was also a demo that i played a hell of a lot a not very well known but fun little game [Music] [Applause] few finns are quite as 90s as the big hubbub around anna kournikova and her time in the spotlight was enough to produce this very casual and approachable tennis game from namco the frills here are very fun indeed and it's a tennis game that can be picked up immediately making it a nice one for any occasion tennis games can be pretty widely variable but this one's fast and very responsive basically it's got pretty much anything you would want from a tennis title so it's great to scratch that racket itch whenever it comes up one of the first wrestling games available for the ps1 power move pro wrestling is the western edition of one of uk's new japan games meaning that instead of the likes of masahiro chono and tatsumi fujinami you get made-up wrestlers with kooky gimmicks like de judge malibu mike swanson and the almighty kin og the characters may be goofier than a list of new generation newer wwf gimmicks but the wrestling in itself is really great kind of like a proto smackdown which makes sense since that's what these fillers would go on to do later on it's got that satisfying crunch to it a few nice moves and matches that can actually be quite long and dramatic making it a decent grappler on a system that if i'm honest struggled for decent ones for quite some time [Applause] everybody's golf or hot shots golf if you're not from these parts kind of fits a similar bill to smash court tennis in that it's quite simply a game that can be played by absolutely everyone you'd obviously hope that to be the case considering the title but it's fully casual breezy and approachable perhaps not quite on the ultimate neo-turf masters level but not that far off and when you mention one of the top three sports games ever in relation to a game that's a definite compliment [Applause] back to the track and it's time for some toka big hefty cars generally go fender defender in this title they certainly do and i'm playing anyway toca would hit its absolute peak in its next installment on the ps2 and while i've generally got the colin mcrae games higher up on the ps1 toka 2 is still pretty excellent another game from the time when the folks at codemasters suddenly decided that actually they were pretty bloody good at making racing games it's just a shame they didn't call any of them advanced motor racing simulator or something along those lines absolutely brilliant i would say so [Music] he's the most macho gaming hero of them all here to kick ass and chew bubble gum and now he's also here to ape the silence of the almighty tomb raider not that the duke was the only one plenty of games took after the lara cough formula and time to kill is definitely one of the better ones being a fine little third-person platformer this style of game may not have necessarily held up well for everyone with its tank controls and what have you but it's a fun one if you like the formula and naturally it's got a lot of duke nukembe being all action heroey and spouting lots of one-liners he's jackie chan this is his game and stuntmaster might actually be the best game to feature the legendary actor it's basically little jackie transaction kung fu on the pc engine stuntmaster is a very nice little 3d beat'em up that naturally allows you to perform lots of cute little moves and also have a go at pulling off the odd ridiculously energetic set piece ideally without falling and breaking every single vertebrae in your spine i always get a kick out of a game that rewards you for trying to do things with flair and also moves along at a decent clip so what jackie chan lacks here in the way of any facial features is certainly made up for by the quality of his game [Music] fifa naturally makes a couple of appearances in this list from the time when the series really started to kick on in 3d even if there's not too much difference between this and road to world cup 98 i have to put both on this one certainly gets in for all of the great memories of having friends around and playing many a match winner staying on and all of that unlike a lot of 3d football games these ones here have also held up very nicely mainly because they're very quick and goals usually tend to come thick and fast whenever you get into the area there's certainly an excitement about this serial fifa lattice well perhaps missing a bit in the obviously more complex and expensive modern titles now that's what i call tackling great save by baier he's having a great game so far safely coping with anything that they throw at him man he looked good didn't he john they gave him too much time actually we've got space for two games based on franchises that present themselves as a trilogy alien trilogy might be a bit confusing seeing as it doesn't actually try to directly go through any of the three movies but instead it does a pretty great job of recreating the gloomy atmosphere of the films and creating a nice early fps that will certainly keep you on edge lovely music too it's a very nice shooter in the old school vein with 2d sprites kicking around and everything the nice position on the list sees core design show their face with one of their excellent thunderhawk or thunderstrike games where you grab a helicopter and fly all over the world fought in the plans of many an evildoer with a rather nice collection of missiles i'm generally not one for 3d flying games but these ones are excellent they strike a nice balance between simulation and arcade and they're presented well i greatly prefer this to ea's 3d strike games i have to say thunder hawk 2 definitely has an edge over those titles even if the striker games are probably a bit more famous another nice one from the early days of the system gremlins loaded is something of a straightforward affair just from the box art alone you know you're getting a whole of mid 90s vintage clout in dimly lit settings and the game itself with its big dose of gauntlet inspiration and all manner of big weaponry certainly doesn't disappoint naturally it can be a bit of a tricky blighter at times but loaded's got a fine line in a very classic style of gameplay that doesn't tend to get old another pretty early game motor tune grand prix the second one but first to come out in the west is famously what a certain studio by the name of polyphony did before they went on to make gran turismo what we have here is a very welcoming spot of card racing a lovely selection of vehicles that warp around rather nicely and plenty of the usual power-ups to play around with there's a couple of very nice cart races on this system that could certainly challenge big old mario kart and this is absolutely one of them you should definitely give this one a try if you've never had a look at it before [Music] atari made a good few 3d versions of their classic arcades and well they were a mixed bunch some like asteroids and centipede were okay if nothing to write home about others like breakout or missile command were frankly a bit rubbish but this one here is the absolute winner and it's pon of all things the granddaddy of them all gets a fantastic update perhaps simply by doing the obvious fin just keep the core pawn gameplay the same and add a whole lot of fun little gimmicks a couple of power-ups and a whole load of varied arenas that will naturally have a lot of effect on the ball it makes for a very nice take indeed on this the simplest of all video games psygnosis opted to make wipeouts again only with open tracks and cars that can race anywhere regardless of gravity much like those old rc cars that said they could ride on walls on the ceiling but usually just ended up falling off and smashing well cage isn't exactly as famous as the aforementioned space racer but it's got much the same feeling of exhilaration as you bob and we through the other races and usually end up in some sort of chaotic race that will see you going from first to last and then probably back into first again it's a very late 90s feeling kind of racing game as well one that just seems to fit perfectly onto the ps1 and weirdly almost nowhere else [Music] eric chehey goes back to the cinematic platformer with a wondrous tale of a little kid who gets trapped in this completely alien world and somehow has to survive while also being the chosen one and all that sort of thing the cinematic quality is indeed pretty top level for the time period and the difficulty is expectedly challenging as much as this is presented in a more cartoony matter this little tyke's probably going to end up dying horribly quite a lot of the time heart of darkness might have been a little overshadowed by other games in the genre that came out of nowhere but it's still a great game from one of the genres masters [Applause] this one is quite different overboard or shipwrecked if you're in america is a game where you man a sailboat and make your way through various levels engaging in battles and solving the odd puzzle here and there you don't really get any other games like this and it's a lot of fun once you master the fine art of sea combat blast in the cannons at the appropriate time a successful broadside that sinks an enemy and sends poor souls into the depths is quite satisfying this is a game for those people who always really enjoyed the combat sections of pirates gold and which there was actually a game that basically consisted of nothing but that yes there's a place on the list for good old street fighter to go along with the various other fighters on here and let's face it alpha 3 is probably a better choice than the likes of the ex series or god forbid the movie it's certainly the one i made back in the day and alpha 3's always been my favorite of this very nice looking prequel series of sorts seeing as it has a veritable cactus of characters and all the options you could really want obviously the game plays pretty fine seeing as it's street fighter and even if the ps1 might not necessarily be the 32-bit platform of choice for 2d fighting i still enjoy this one an awful lot on here or in the arcade [Music] we covered roll cage just a few entries ago a pretty good game that was still obviously diagnosis trying to capture the magic they found with the original wipeout titles of which 2097 is definitely my favorite once again the games just seem to have a certain vibe about it they certainly caught the attention of the dance and rave crowd thanks to the funky visuals and foley hip soundtrack admittedly i was slightly too young for the raves back when this came out so i can't launch into some pretendy human traffic style account of coming back from the club at 3am with your mates in a kebab and sticking this on or whatever the hell 20 somethings in the late 90s did but that doesn't make the game any less excellent we're into the top 60 and here's crash he's got the bubbly personality and the ridiculously catchy music and naturally he's got the fun little platformer too crash bandicoot is obviously a pretty big deal here on the playstation and i do imagine that some folks would have this one a lot higher than i do but the original crash is certainly a game i can enjoy even if it can be more than a little frustrating at points he certainly made for a good mascot of sorts for the system one that was a bit different to the sonic wannabes that littered the end of the previous generation and again you can't really think about playstation without getting a certain earworm in your head rally driving reached a point when it suddenly became all a rage certainly in the world of games where it seemed like everyone was bringing out their own mudslinging and over-questing stage-based racer at one point and in the end on the playstation colin mcquay pretty easily stood tall over the rest of them technically an excellent game that most definitely pushes the system a fair bit but also one that can just be grabbed immediately it's codemasters once again showing just how good they are when it comes to the track and as far as rally games go well the only one that passes this title really is its sequel which obviously will be seen soon [Music] how's about a nice little bit of shooter action here's taito's race storm a game where you not only get your typical shot to blast everything with but also some nice missiles to really rack up the explosions and combos again like 2d fighters the playstation perhaps isn't fully the platform of choice when it comes to the arcade shooters and most people would understandably opt for the brilliant works on the sega saturn but we've definitely got a couple of nice 3d style entries into the canon on this system and i've always really enjoyed this one [Music] some of the coolest ps1 titles don't need to be flashy at all to be brilliant such is the case with a game like cooler world this is a game that seems to be so simple all it is is a ball some cubes and a grid based movement but it doesn't take long for something that appears to be basic to quickly leave your head spinning as you roll around hunting for the quickest route or indeed any route at all and being very pleased when you actually find it the perfect sort of game for a quick blast of somewhat unique puzzling excellence [Music] there's no real prizes for guessing what rapid reload or gunners heaven took its main inspiration from it most certainly does feel like a whole scale tribute to treasure and in particular to gun star heroes but even if the game doesn't quite reach those lofty heights it's still an excellent and thoroughly action-packed 2d run and gunner on a platform where such fins could be lacking it certainly makes a mockery of the heads of companies from back in the day who kept insisting that two-dimensional games were dead or uncool or whatever and as frustrating as it might be to see so many of the excellent 2d games from the generation never leave japan at least this one managed to get a chance [Music] [Music] we're back to the realm of 3d fighting and one of the best games from out of a big old chase in pack bloody war ii the one with the big old gimmick of transforming your fighter into a supercharged animal with a blast that usually sends enemies flying was always a brilliant little alternative for anyone looking for something different from the usual bouts in something like tekken as great as namco's games obviously were a few games certainly did get close to them the animal gimmick is the most famous part of the game obviously but the deep and impactful fighting is what makes this one stick around [Music] [Music] every little look at einhander usually tends to start with something along the lines of square not exactly being known for shoot-'em-ups a sentence that probably makes the world's only fan of ken's knight on lynessa's lip wobble a bit still einhander does have a bit of a different feel to a lot of other games in the genre thanks to a generally darkened moody atmosphere while also having some neat touches like its power-up system and actually grabbing the weapons that all the enemies use the game gets mentioned so often that it's probably not right to call it overlooked anymore and it stands as one of the console's best old-school type shooters [Music] it's psygnosis again and it's also reflections who take the killer driving and bashing into fins lay conjured up in destruction derby and stick it in a game that's basically designed to make you feel like steve mcqueen riding around the streets of san francisco or elsewhere in a classic muscle car driver does have some pain in the ass moments even in the freaking tutorial or if i'm honest i usually just loaded this up to have a nice little free ride and get into a big chase against the cops and it's very much satisfying in that regard even if driver would eventually be eclipsed by gta in the next generation this was something else at the time and a real system pusher [Music] one of the system's most unique games that over the years has gone on to be very well remembered jumping flash is definitely a different take on a 3d platformer a first person affair that not many other people would try and imitate once good old mario came out there naturally the fun thing about this title is that you can jump really high and really far you're more than likely going to be able to reach anything that you can see and you're probably going to have to at some point in order to find a jetport you're against the clock and searching for the last remaining pod on a level can sometimes get quite a bit frantic but never all that annoying [Music] just as tekken thought it was going to have it all their own way here comes tecmo with a game that's absolutely bags of fun dead or alive kinda came into its own on the playstation more so than either in the arcade or on the saturn while it is certainly remembered for various odd quirks tons of rattatas and those massive bouncing bosoms it's not difficult to see what a fantastic 3d fighter this is one that encourages reversals and severe punishment and one with a very nice range of characters to fit every style not to mention the almighty rio hayabusa from ninja gaiden this is a brilliant game indeed [Music] it's top 50 time and here's a game that some might think of as a guilty pleasure but really neversoft made a damn good 3d one and gunner with apocalypse one that still manages to have a little bit of 2d feel and goodness about it yes this game is most famous for starring bruce willis delivering what feels like about five lines or so in a manner that really makes you question his motivation for the wall but the play itself neversoft nailed that and that's hardly a bad fin at all considering that the development of this was chaotic and they really didn't have much time and futzing around with the game's engine would result in the origins of tony hawk so finn's generally worked out pretty bloody well here trey kinkade may not be bruce's most famous character but strapping one on and jamming with him is a right good laugh [Applause] hey it's another 3d shooter and of the ones we've seen so far yeah our type delta is definitely a keeper iom's continuation of their legendary series ends up being very well suited to polygons fill those tight squeezers exciting weapons and big memorable bosses are very well represented indeed with the result been for my money the playstation's best old-school shmup it probably shouldn't be too big of a surprise that our type as a formula was built to last delta is a more than worthy evolution and up there with the best entries in the whole magnificent series here's a pretty big one rayman is in fact apparently the best-selling title on the ps1 in the united kingdom if that is correct is that a surprise well perhaps not this game was always big and it was always around coming out right at the start of the system and always been available through the platinum range seriously it was kind of tricky to not own a copy of rayman somewhere obviously our fellow here is a memorable character who'd go on to lead tons of other titles and the game itself is a 2d affair that gets incredibly tough after a while but on the whole rayman's original entry is still one of his best one of the most successful euro platformers ever for a very good reason bruce willis is here again it wouldn't normally be good for a disc to feature three games in one you might expect said games to be a bit basic and naf because of that however die hard trilogy manages to smash it out of the park the whale shooter for die hard 2 is the least memorable of the trio but even that's not bad the third person game for die hard where you rescue hostages and blast terrorists is pretty good too but the real gem is of course die hard with a vengeance driving around nyc causing absolute chaos and smashing into bombs in a way that somehow defuses them without killing everybody that game alone would be enough for die hard trilogy to get a decent place and the other two nice titles are a very sweet bonus and here we have the big ps1 stealth franchise that doesn't feature a certain solid snake well sort of anyway siphon filter is more of a mixture between all out stealth and all-out action while the high octane parts are crawling with enemies and the stealth parts usually instantly fail you if you get seen as such the games can be a bit frustrating at points however the quality of the gunplay is most certainly enough to satisfy and the games throw plenty of really nice set pieces at you the first gets the edge over the second for reasons that we'll cover in a little bit but there's plenty of rolling around and head shotting in this one for the game to earn its status as a cool big budget title from the era naturally tony hawk is also going to appear more than once the original obviously requires a place even if the series would get even better from here it's still a glorious nostalgia bomb and a game that continues to be ridiculously intuitive as complex as the game can be when it comes to pulling off tricks and setting up ones once you learn how to play tony hawk you never really forget it obviously there's the soundtrack and all the levels that everybody knows complete with a whole load of secrets to find and it all comes together to make a thoroughly thoroughly complete package [Music] diddy con racing as people should know was the nintendo 64's mario kart beater and here crash team racing is the playstation's mario kart beta let's face it it's miles more fun and memorable in its tracks and it doesn't feature any utterly stupid crap like blue shells plenty of big franchises had cart race and spin-offs around this time and the quality of ctr is kind of shown by how this one's memorable enough to be remastered and enjoyed in modern times rather than just being thought of as an old spin-off an absolutely excellent entry into the genre [Music] this is absolutely the best of the various updates on classic arcades that we've seen even if robotron x doesn't actually change a huge amount it's still the same classic arena shoe to play with the simple goal just being to make it even more wild kaleidoscopic and intoxicating if anything it plays even faster than the arcade original and it keeps the utterly classic gameplay intact while throwing even more enemies for you to weave around and blast to kingdom come when the original's so good you don't need to fix it all that much this is a truly great update neversoft comes onto the list again with the sort of spider-man game that everyone really wanted one that happily allows you to do all the things that spidey does without much in the way of restrictions peter parker's had quite a few really good games over the years but in many ways this ps1 title was the one that provided the foundation for the rest even if you don't exactly see much of the ground in this game you can still swing your way around buildings at all times climb the walls and ceilings and naturally beat the crap out of many a bad guy in short you simply get to play as spider-man and that can only be a good fit [Music] one of the most simple games on the whole list and one of the most addicting devil dice famously was built almost entirely using netirosi and yet this puzzle game went on to sell millions it's a game that takes a little bit to get to grips with at first you might struggle to get your head around the fine art of rolling these dice about and making them disappear but once it all clicks in my word you can end up playing this for ages trying to make as big a chain as you possibly can planning all these combos on the fly and finding everything that you would expect to be in a really top-class puzzler [Music] gremlins 3d take on worms is a great way to start the top 40. heroin did a better job of taking worms into 3d then worms itself ever did it does a good job with the different setting with weapons that are appropriate a good few vehicles kicking around and not bogging everything down too much but it also presents itself in a way that doesn't feel derivative of the much more famous title a part of that most certainly has to do with having the almighty rick mail all over the game but even without that genius on the voices hogs of war would still be a great bit of silly strategy [Music] you have the wrong guy [Applause] [Music] [Applause] my teeth are upside down swan turismo 1 and 2 are obviously going to both be here in the end i played the original a lot more than the second so i have to stick that one higher but both are kind of obviously pretty good at what they do i mean leona wants the biggest titles on the system after all a manner from heaven not just for car lovers but plenty of others still even if you don't necessarily want to go through a thoroughly in-depth simulation that inspired so many other games of this type gran turismo 2 does end up offering something for pretty much everyone with its expertly done racing endless options and of course the simple fun of admiring your work in louis plays afterwards the game moreland justified its high ambitions back then that's for sure [Music] [Applause] [Music] abe's odyssey was such a wonderful surprise to me when i first managed to play it i loved the cinematic platformer style on the 16 bits and it was so great to see another game in latvane only with a lot of the graphical and other technical improvements you'd expect but more than that this is obviously a game with a wonderful story a legendary character to play with and all those thoroughly different things you can do all the speech getting into the minds of your enemies leading your fellow mudacons to safety and so on just a fully inspired game i have no doubt that there are many f1 games that are an awful lot more technically capable than this one but formula 197 is still my favorite by some distance i was much more into the sport at this time so it represents latiwa very nicely with everything from the drivers down to the tvs presentation and of course having murray walker on commentary most certainly helps but bizarre creations racer is still one that moreland holds up on the gameplay front whether you're doing the arcade or simulation modes and even if the added bonus of a big shout off he's lost it whenever you screw up certainly helps that smashing quality is what makes it one of my absolute favorite racers on the system he's just hit the stafford kind of want to defer a little here when covering ape escape to the venerable try for my life in gaming someone who utterly adores the game even though he only first played it a couple of years ago like me this is one of the best 3d platformers around because it does absolutely no end of creative things with the analog dual shock sticks that you have to use in many ways it represents something of a road not taken with the control format what could just be a simple game of running around and snagging these brain-added apes gives you a whole amount of useful tools at your disposal and it's tons of fun to use every single one of them in the end you kind of wish that there'd been plenty more games like it just excellent the original siphon filter naturally has a place on the list there's not exactly a great deal of difference between this and the second one meaning that this first one kind of got the stealth and action mix pretty much spot-on straight away of course one big difference here is that one of the most satisfying and ridiculous weapons in gaming the air taser that has the range of a sniper rifle and sets enemies on fire after a few seconds is available to you from the beginning but the original has that big super action crack secret agent ultra spy feel going right from the off and it's still a bit of a surprise in many ways that the siphon filter series never quite managed to fully establish itself in the next generation beyond the it was a really close one finn when it came to picking my favorite ps1 racer the game you might well expect to come top ultimately did but colin mcrae 2.0 is just a superb sequel and is another game that really feels like it's pushing the ps1 to the limit it mainly gets over the first game through the added variety and the tracks that it's got but it doesn't leave anything out of that first game either it's got all the rally racing and all the arcade racing it's no wonder that this series still continues on to this day really even if the late scottish rally legends endorsement is no longer present [Music] we've seen a couple of the ps1's attempts at bringing the style of old-school beat-em-ups into the world of 3d while some of the more famous ones haven't quite made it as you might have guessed by now there's no space for fighting force on this list to be honest slow all the other 3d beat-em-ups utterly pale in comparison to gakido a game that frankly nails it and is the only ps1 attempt i'd put at the level of sega's 3d efforts like dynamite deco and what have you all the characters are actually worth playing as and they've all got plenty of moves combos and rage modes this is a thoroughly outrageous laugh to play through and honestly it's a surprise to me that this game isn't way better known we haven't actually seen all that many fps's on this list for a couple of reasons there's a good few decent ones although a lot of them are fine ports of pc efforts that if i'm honest our best served being eventually covered on a pc games list i didn't really consider the likes of doom duke nukem 3d or quake 2 for inclusion here so for something that's more of a ps1 original naturally medal of honour fits the bill ea's game certainly isn't treated with the same reverence as the n64's goldeneye or perfect dark but this was a fine one indeed for us playstation owners a game where you can happily and accurately shoot nazis in all of the various extremities engage in the odd bit of espionage and play your part in some of world war ii's most famous moments even if the series ultimately repeated itself into total irrelevance the early medal of honor games were quite frankly stunning [Music] from a game that would kick off a trend of endless world war ii based shooters over the next few years to something that couldn't possibly be followed upon vib ribbon is as wonderfully odd as the ps1 gets a line drawing where you play as a rabbit and make your way through the peaks and troughs of musical tracks with well-timed button presses naturally the big joy of this game is using your own cds and building tracks for vib that way but the game does also come with a very appropriate soundtrack of its own that's absolutely worth playing for as well it's both utterly unique and also thoroughly evocative of the time it was made in [Applause] [Music] [Music] the top 30 begins with something a lot more classic a top-down action rpg in the zelda vein packed full of good old-fashioned beautiful pixel art the sort of game we didn't see enough of on the ps1 in the west working designs at least made it so that no one had to import alundra's adventures and they do a pretty decent job on both the translation and not futs in with the game too much it's a long and occasionally viciously cryptic game but the world is an absolute beaut and in the end it most certainly makes you feel like you've gone on an epic journey [Music] namco's clinoa comes at us next with his odd language and his ability to make big floaty balloons out of just about anything this is the sort of game that just makes you smile an awful lot really a thoroughly classic platformer in the 2d 3d vein the sort of game that always remains quite pretty and has some thoroughly easy going mechanics that will still have a bit of bite as you get closer to the game's finish quite simply it's just lovely and as good a platformer as you'll find anywhere gorgeous [Music] gran turismo does end up having to be the top racing title it's the sort of game that changed absolutely everything for the genre and certainly a game that i put hours and hours into back in the day and sure a fair chunk of that time might have been spent trying to pass those brutal license tests but that was just part of this game's whole new depth and detail when it came to racing polyphony created something here that still referred back to today and the actual race in itself remains silky smooth and wholly satisfying both when you're in the thick of it and when you're watching it all back rightfully a console legend [Music] the original grand theft auto was the sort of game everyone talked about when it arrived certainly when it came to people of my age who are naturally very much interested in the driving about and the violence and the mayhem and all that sort of thing which was pretty much the goal of the original press bait in ad campaign sure this original one is crude as hell it certainly wasn't a look or even len and the actual missions and play can at times be infuriating but it still kind of got something even before the whole series went into the stratosphere a sort of anarchy that makes driving through hack and slash on a four-star wanted level a constant blast hit the list yet again this time with the system's top old-fashioned space shooter this sort of genre that you may well find better represented on a computer got a very nice entry on the ps1 indeed with the colony wars games of which the original remains my clear favorite it's pretty much got all the elements you need for one of these games whether it's the effort to create a decent narrative to tie the missions together the appropriately big ships to take down and of course the fine art of dogfighting and taking down enemy ships as quickly as possible something that's not always easy another great game from the generation's best uk studio and indeed perhaps the best uk studio there's ever been it would be hard to do a list of playstation games and not find a spot for spyro really there's lots of 3d platformers on the system but only a couple of the very best could really lay claim to challenging the champ back in the day people were very keen to hype spiral the dragon up as a mario 64 beater and even though it might not quite reach those very lofty heights it's definitely within striking distance a very classic feeling 3d platformer and crucially as the recent remake of the trilogy shows one that's still a whole lot of fun to play right now that and it's got a ton of brightness and personality about it which very obviously helps matters [Music] [Music] the original resident evil is another obvious one now my heart and my experience is mostly tied up with the sequel that we are naturally going to get to later but even if i played that one first i ended up spending plenty of time with the original it's got a lot of the memorable cheesy lines and acting of course but putting jill sandwiches to one side it's also got the formula down pat the constant pressured decisions you have to make trying to figure out if you can leave areas behind without using precious ammo to deal with zombies worrying about leaving corridors behind that are only going to get more infested and perilous when you return and the constant threat of whatever lurks behind the next door amazing and still so very atmospheric [Applause] capcom's fighters have appeared a couple of times already but as nice as it is to play street fighter alpha one here their real fighting gem on the platform is rival schools the 3d fighting game that they absolutely nailed it's a pretty easy one to learn but still involves a fair bit of strategy when it comes to using your techniques or conserving them it's also got a very memorable set of characters and story to go along with it which is always a nice bonus in a fighting game it remains a shame that rival schools never got the success that it deserved at the time but it has more than certainly earned a spot as one of the system's great underrated gems [Music] here we have the very first game that i ever played on the playstation at a family member's house iss pro left enough of an impression that i had to have it when i got the system myself and it's still one of my favorite football games the immediacy really helps being that it's the sort of game that you can load up and measure the amount of time it takes to kick off in seconds and of course there's the hilarious cheesy commentary that's memorable to this day the football is also fun while being quite in-depth for the time particularly when it came to actually implementing through passers and the odd trick here and there that sort of thing makes iss pros shine still many years later scorchio [Applause] the big guns continue to come thick and fast and capcom are here yet again this time with the game that's still best summed up has been resident evil only with dinosaurs some would think that adding dinosaurs to a mix would be a sign of desperation but dino crisis is of course a fantastic iteration on capcom's ultra dependable survival horror formula a game where the prehistoric beasts are appropriately lethal and the sense of ominous dread perpetually hands over your every movement the second game obviously came with a lot more action about it but it's the first one that still really sticks with me after a couple of lackluster entries to start fins off in the 32-bit generation road to world cup 98 was where at last fifa really got into the game on the ps1 it's gotten a lot not just a ton of club and national teams and amusing indoor mode and the appropriate vintage music on the soundtrack but a speedy play that's full of options and things to do that are actually you know effective basically an entirely different game from the sluggish efforts that preceded it and one that more than holds up where so many others do not when i think back not just to the great times i had playing this back then but the times that i still have playing this one today less no doubt about it road to world cup 98 is absolutely my favorite fifa and my favorite sports game on ps1 in the back of the net gta 2 is in many ways the black sheep of the whole series at least as far as the main games go not because of anything to do with quality but mainly because it's the only game in the line that wasn't all that successful i remember the reaction being quite lukewarm and a feeling that the game was old hat compared to something like driver i enjoyed it back then so that was a bit of a shame to me nowadays gta 2 tends to get a lot more love it's as good as classic top down gta gets with a much smoother look and the enjoyable multiple gans providing missions that have a lot more creativity and personality to them plenty of other quality of life improvements too that are very welcome it's certainly as far as old top down gta would go and the transition to 3d probably wouldn't have been as magnificent without it [Music] we've got a 1034 in south pontabashi there's a deadline if you want a high octane action game on the ps1 that feels a bit different absolutely holds up today and is a bit outside some of the more famous titles look no further than this one silent bomber probably best described as a bit like bomberman only much faster freer and with a lot more dodging this game has you planting about a million and one bombs everywhere setting them off manually there's absolutely nothing that can't be fixed with the accurate placing of a bomb of some type of other the pace is very high indeed and the difficulties place quite nicely plus there's a good old cheesy plot with bad voice acting to go along with it all really there's not an awful lot else you could want out of a classic ps1 title and you should absolutely play this if you haven't [Applause] as mentioned previously the ps1 was a bit of a wasteland when it came to decent wrestling games hence why there's so few on here especially in the west in the days before smackdown well finns were just bloody miserable you had to pretend that the likes of wwf war zone were in any way good all the while forlornly looking over at wcw nwo revenge on the n64 thankfully smackdown redressed the balance somewhat and smackdown 2 kind of represents both ps1 games here having all you need from a superb vintage year 2000 roster all the different matches a cool story mode and a much better creator wrestler than the first game which is the main reason i put it ahead even if it isn't quite as good as the utterly peerless no mercy it's still an excellent game that would deserve to be in the same conversation and for us ps1 wwf fans well it was another freaking godsend [Applause] [Music] [Applause] psygnosis have a lot of titles on this list they're one of the best uk studios and they mastered the playstation like few others ultimately g police has come out for me as the cream of their ps1 crop i absolutely love this game it's a flying shooter a little like colony wars but now the action's tight and focused being that you're on patrol in a city and there's all kinds of tasks and missions to do the technical quality for the time is naturally top level i mean just look at the presentation but this game is actually such a compulsive and addictive one to play it most certainly gets very tough but the ship to ship combat is so engaging and the areas feel so right that it's really freaking hard to put down even when you're only trying to capture a little bit for a list like this because you've got 99 other games to do absolutely one of the playstation's very best it's the top 15 and it's time for namco's fighters to finally start making their entrance for the most part this is where layula roost back in the good old days i just well absolutely rinsed through tekken 2. i simply had to play it and play it and unlock everything even if it meant playing through characters i'm bloody awful with lay for example and taking hours to finally beat the devil at the appropriate difficulty i did get pretty okay with tekken 2 as a result of that and even if i'm nowhere even near as good now playing this takes me back to those days immediately sure it's got a sequel that kind of improved on it in every way but even with that in mind tekken 2 still deserves a place this high up the ladder this was kind of a tricky one to put down unlike a lot of games here my first major experience with ff8 was a few years ago when i reviewed it and played it all the way through and nowadays it's something i look back on very fondly it does have some annoying aspects whether it's dungeons that could have been a bit better or the sillier moments of the plot or just the existence of irvine in general while also having brilliant parts triple triad the environments the flashbacks the animations all the existence of selfie in general more than that it's got so many just plain odd and weird fins a game that's almost purposefully entirely breakable to the point of comedy there's so much fun screwing around with junctioning and the like that you don't see in many other games and well probably for good reasons but on the whole i have nothing but very positive memories of finally playing through final fantasy viii and i clearly leaned much more towards loving it than hated [Music] well it hardly gets simpler than this you can break down kurushi into a game with basic cubes that you either stand on or they move towards you the simplest of textures and a character that's made up of what appears to be about five polygons you could probably do some compression magic and fit the whole game into a few kilobytes nowadays but the mechanics the sound and of course that music well they suddenly make this into one of the most pressurizing puzzle games you can find to play kurushi is to have a puzzle that feels so different something that actually puts you on edge and another game that it's hard to actually just stop playing even capturing it for this before i knew it i was more than a few stages in with way more footage than i could ever possibly need and i still hardly wanted to stop i absolutely love this one and on some days i have a good mind to simply say that it's the finest puzzle game that i have ever played oh [Music] the ps1 may often experience some foggy days but that's one thing that very much works to silent hill's advantage a survival horror that really leans in on the psychology with an abandoned town that seems to contain nothing but the very worst fears of those who've been drawn towards it manifesting themselves in various ways and often quite aggressively but silent hill is more than just a torable room 101 especially back in the series pomp it was a vehicle for the most deeply personal stories the ballsiest uses of mechanics to serve that narrative and a whole lot of emotion to go along with the scares few games have managed to pull that off since in all honesty not in the way that silent hill did and at last here's good old lara once again we have a case where a sequel for me came before the first one but no matter what the original adventures of lara croft still shine especially for those interested in tank controls lengthy puzzles and the wholesale slaughter of endangered animals tomb raider has been covered quite a lot on this channel it was an absolute game changer of a title it helped core design become a really big name for a good while and well yeah it obviously remains a very special game and so we have reached the top ten namco kicked the list off with a fighting game but it's not from the series you would immediately go for i always feel that the original soul blade gets a little bit forgotten due to soul calibur coming after it which is a shame because i love this this hackle of a fighter has all the great characters in place complete with great stages and themes and it always seems to have an appropriately epic feel about it like something from an old movie there's the master mode to add a nice bit of depth to the console version along with the arcade that i played for many hours indeed as you can probably tell siegfried's the one for me oh and it's got one of the most memorable and utterly hyped-up intros on the system too the edge of soul is exactly what you would want to start off any game in short yeah soul blade should get a hell of a lot more love than it does nowadays [Music] yes of course symphony of the night has a place in the top 10. i'm sure this list has a lot of omissions for some people particularly of the rpg variety but i certainly wasn't going to miss out on this one as you might expect i didn't play symphony of the night until quite a bit later and it wasn't actually on a playstation although it was a fine emulation of this version on xbox live arcade being that it's one of the best examples and indeed a total game changer in a genre of adventure and platforming that i love naturally it didn't take long to completely hook me in all the way to a final battle with dracula and playing it for this review was once again a tricky one to actually stop well until some big enemy killed me outright and i hadn't actually saved in ages a truly wonderful adventure filled with everything from tons of secrets to bad voice acting and a game that's pretty damn hard to topple in its field [Music] [Applause] yes of course tekken3 is the icon it's the big daddy and as far as more traditional 3d fighting goes it's the obvious top title on the system hell it's still probably the king of iron fist's finest hour for me even if i certainly have a ton of admiration for modern entries like tekken 7 and it's not like that's just to do with nostalgia because this game still has all the things you'd want out of a game of tekken with a style and speed that's never going to age a game that's so utterly rewarding whether you play it casually or spend tons of time mastering a character or two and of course you've got all the unlockable fun and the nice extras like tekken force and what have you classic one-on-one fighters simply don't get better than this on the playstation [Music] [Music] there is absolutely room for two stealth-based games in the top ten when stealth became big it could become a bit of an issue for some developers who'd employ it in a ham-fisted way but while mgs was getting tons of highly deserved plaudits acquire's tenchu was also lurking in the shadows hell tenchu probably features more necessary implementation of stealth than konami's game having it evenly meted out over the whole title although in both games you're certainly more than capable if you have to get into a scrap tenchu has a lot of the ps1 aesthetics i love i'm honestly a big fan of the early 3d look a lot of the time and don't have much problems with fins like texture warps or different this game's one of the absolute first that springs to mind for that look absolutely brilliant music too and yes some dreadful yet amusing voice acting which kind of helps with the old ninja movie western dub vibe simply put tenchu is still the ultimate ninja experience as far as i'm concerned and i love a good ninja game so it has a pretty big place in my heart [Music] [Music] my first experience with resident evil 2 was from a rental and if memory serves the game pretty much kept me up all night the scariness was a part of it but i simply couldn't put it down i hadn't played the first this sequel was really hyped and well it sure as hell didn't disappoint that big old police station is so very familiar and still every time there's that shuffling and moaning of zombies there's that feeling of being on edge and immediately trying to figure out how you're going to have to go about finns whether you want to engage or you ought to run and all the different ways to play fool of finn it wasn't even until the second time around that the game threw mr x or a tyrant as we knew him then at you coming at you and ready to knock your block off an absolute game for the ages that i will never forget and one that i really ought to cover fully at some point the first tony hawks was brilliant enough but the second was the one that showed it wasn't a fluke more than that neversoft showed like the first game was only the tip of the iceberg this sequel took everything up several notches you've got so many great levels and even more secrets to unlock a full-on editor that even has a whole bunch more neat little pre-made tracks to go along with it plenty more unlockables including the almighty spider-man another absolutely brilliant soundtrack chock full of appropriate tunage for skating very welcome additions to gameplay including the debut of the manual it's a perfect sequel really there's usually a good reason why tony hawk's 2 is often thought of as the definitive entry in the whole series we've naturally got a lot of big hitters here in the top 10 with the playstation's all-stars all very much present and correct but of course there has to be a spot for bushido blade a wholly different sort of game yes it's a fighter of sorts but spaced around sword fighting with no time limit a set of rules to follow and a single significant hit will likely be fatal a straightforward concept that has kept me playing for well a very long time and this is still a game i'll pull out with regularity a game where every fight does feel somewhat different and also one with a few secrets about it from a story mode where you don't follow a conventional route in order to reach the proper ending to the reward for a successful one for a hundred goons in slash mode that and the combinations of characters and weapons means there's so many wholly different styles to learn although red shadow and the saber is my usual choice it all seems so simple but this formula was never quite repeated either by lightweight or others who've tried [Applause] the three biggest guns go at it in the top three as you might well expect and soon as we've just had my first experience of rezzy here's my first experience of lara indeed one of my first ps1 games soon as i got it on the same day i got the system tomb raider 2 features just about everything that makes the original so very good indeed but tends to ramp up the action by a lot more whenever i think about the game i always remember the stunning set pieces and settings from the speedboat in venice to the monasteries in tibet it actually doesn't feature a lot of tombs amusingly but it makes up for it with a lot of variation and exploration elsewhere and there's even a tour around lara's home with the exciting chance to lock a butler up in a freezer a justifiably humongous game and one that will always hold up just fine as far as i'm concerned and the wanna up slot goes to metal gear solid not by too far mind you again this is another one that brings back memories of all the big releases in the generation this is the one i was hyped up the most for and once it was in my hands i didn't stop playing it until hours later when i'd finished it i just couldn't get enough of the big old story the very cinematic feeling stealth gameplay and the entire character of solid snake i have played for mgs many times since then to be honest whenever i start playing it it almost feels like an offense to not finish it and those feelings are still there every time i just love this i love it for its wintriness it's melodrama it's tactical espionage action it's bouts of mind screwing and basically everything else that it throws at you there's no moment of this game that isn't permanently engraved up in my brain [Music] and so well you probably knew this would be number one certainly if you've ever watched me before i did do a four hour video series on this game once after all and i'm pretty sure i went through just about everything i almost want to say the same thing here as mgs when i start playing this it would be an offense to not finish it the only difference being that this is many many hours longer on the nostalgic side this was the big game that initially grabbed me i played just about nothing but ff7 for the best part of a year following christmas 97. weirdly was almost like my first sandbox there were many times where i just do nothing but continually explore the world remaining thoroughly fascinated by it the story itself still hardly disappoints at all hell that only seems to get better and better whenever i go through the game again and well there's just so many different layers to the whole fin an endless amount of things that i could talk about from that musical score to the constant ways the game changes up how it basically never stops for breath from the high octane start all the way to that utterly legendary finish it's not exactly a choice that's in any way out there but i couldn't care less final fantasy 7 remains both my favorite ps1 game and what it's also been since it came out my favorite game of all time and with that hopefully you've enjoyed this big old countdown of a whole hundred playstation 1 titles what a joy it's been to go back through this the iconic platform of my teenage years and even if you might disagree with a bunch of finns here hopefully you've enjoyed this trip as much as i have but until the next time bye for now [Music] you
Channel: Kim Justice
Views: 206,051
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kim justice, sony playstation, ps1, top 100 ps1, top 100 playstation, best ps1 games, best playstation games, kim justice top 100, best of the ps1, ps1 greatest games, classic ps1 games, top 100 games, kim justice ps1, kim justice playstation, kim justice video, kim justice list, kim justice top 50, kim justice retro, kim justice games
Id: pQYTThCcRv0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 10sec (5710 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 22 2022
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