KILLJOY Setups and Lineups for Updated LOTUS and returning ICEBOX

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I'm just going to be going over the changes to Lotus and how I think K is going to be played now or at least how I plan on playing her and then for the second half of the video I will also be going over ice box showing what setups I use and then also new lineups that I found because of the changes on bite but starting with a on Lotus I don't think anything really changes here you can still do the same setups it but k isn't really played here much anyway however the only thing I used to do is put Molly on the door and activate when they open the door which I found out today the hard way that you're not going to be able to do that anymore because the door takes a lot longer to do its full rotation because by now the M would be going away and they'd still be able to walk in so I think if anything KY just got worse on a so just more a reason to stick to B and C B has gotten better for kill Joy normally I would have done this set up like this and then put the other Molly in the ledge over here which is now moved over here but now I'm probably still going to use this Molly and then just put another one opposite around here placing swarm grenade with an alarm bot push in pretty much stopping the push if you wanted to you can do something like this but this isn't going to work as well they can still just run in the right side coming back but C is where all the changes were and kind of at first glance it would have ruin K you on this map because obviously my old setup was a Molly here and a I've lost lost it now and a Molly like around here somewhere which obviously doesn't do much anymore because of how wide they've made it but I I think K is still going to be just as good on this side because even though this is much worse for her now you just have to play war for after the push in for this area so the two setups that I found the first one is going to be putting up you find this little Mark in the ground here and put a Molly just outen and then second Molly just on the stairs like this with an alarm bot somewhere here alarm and they got this out to melt anyone trying to run in around this corner try to get that second Molly a bit to the left of the stairs just so you don't leave too much of a gap here and then the other setup that I'm doing is run like this first person mly on that corner there and then second Molly on this line here SW grenade I'd say within a lot like somewhere here I've been putting it up against this wall like at the base of the stairs there it'll hit the people when they get to here so before they really get a chance to shoot the first Molly and then this covers this entire area which also stops people from being out of plant anywhere here so it will delay the plant as well because they're not going to be able to run over here here and here is where the planting spot starts the other change I found is that now you're are going to be planting here which you've still got the same lineup That I Used to use coming back except this plant isn't really going to be a thing anymore so it's one lineup but I I did want to find a lineup for this plant spot but it just wasn't happening at least not from Main area I tried for about an hour trying to to find a lineup even using Viper will be try to find it easier and I just couldn't get anything through the through the um holes here that would go far enough to get back to this corner the closest I got was over here but I felt like I needed to at least find something so I did find a lineup for this plant spot but it's from CT over here so if you find yourself over here and they're not pushing from CT you can come over here up against theall water here so you you are slightly on the ramp but just use the water to line yourself up and then you've got this Leaf here which should be able to see what I'm lining up with that that little Hardline on the tip of the leaf and then throw that and it'll bounce off there down into the corner grenade out yeah so I think K is still going to be very good on C especially with these new setups placing swen mainly the two that I that I show but actually work the only other setup that I know is once you do this for a while teams will learn not to push that area and they will much prefer to instead of pushing through there they'll come try to come around here and then for this what you can do is one Molly in this corner and then one Molly in this corner grenade with like an alarm bot somewhere here alarm out and then when they try to push down here activ these two and that you cover that entire area as well as being able to stop planting this corner so I think kill joy as much as they've made it slightly worse for on this map I don't think it's going to be too much of a difference I think just stay away from a even more than what we were earlier and then just you can alternate between C and B however you want to but yeah so let's see ice box okay so now on ice box we've pretty much this is just going to be a full guide because the map hasn't been out for so long and obviously i' I've had to find new stuff on B because of the crate thing being raised the container being raised it's ruined the old lineups and I know that cam cam also made a guide so if you want to learn more about ice box you can watch that one as well but most of what I'm showing here is going to be different except for the asite lineups so we may as well start with a setups the one that cam cam showed is this one here where you put one on this ledge which he did say was a new ledge it's not this ledge has been here the whole time so and this is setup that I've been doing since since before ice box was removed and then throw the second Molly into that gap which I haven't been able to get it in there very consistently now placing SW Gren so I don't know it's I don't know if they've changed something but I've been strugging to get out placing SW grenade there you go I got it I got it there this time not quite in but you can get it into that hole I'm pretty sure unless they fixed it but this is one set up bom grenade out with an alarm bot like here that's the old one that I used to do along with one like this using the same M on the ledge and the second one just kind of anywhere on these triangles but best to put it like somewhere around there and then with an alarm bot this Molly has to be thrown after the barrier because the barrier is like along here where I'm standing now just put the alarm bot like against the barrier around here alarm so that it hits people when they get to here and then with these two moles they cannot stand anywhere in this area Gren out and then you can kind of just play from here Peak them and then Peak here which is they try to run to be safe recing the other one that Kim Kim showed which I'll show again here is still M on Sledge and then and then second one up here SW grenade put them M on the on the other side of the ledge I think is bettering grenade got that there as well so that's really it for the aite I did used to do stuff like around this corner here but it's too hard to set up because of the barrier being here so you're really just focusing util around all of here and you've got the hidden Molly which once again I haven't been struggling to get in placing SW grenen out SW Gren yeah they also patched which probably the reason placing SW grenade they've made it they made it so that you can't get Molly in behind this box anymore and that's placing swamp grenade placing SW grenade placing swade you can't get them in behind the box anymore which probably why you also can't get them in this ging SW grenade placing which while I'm on that note they've also changed the B side hidden Molly which I'm annoyed about because it was only found it was only found by one of the older wolf older kill Joy create content creators wolf and it was found and I didn't get to use it much too long before the map was removed because there used to be a gap in between these two containers here which could right click a Molly into and get an unbreakable Molly on grenade out which I found that that one was didn't exist anymore which is kind of annoying Spa grenade out however for bite if you want other setups I know cam cam showed some some including this one here which is which I'm still trying to learn a bit one mly there one up here after the battery goes down grenade out to cover that area one that I used to do is one around here this Little Rock and then one either behind or I suppose you can on top bomen with an alarm bot like this placing alarm bomen prevents the push from that side you can also experiment with like stuff like around here placing grenade people try to push towards default that could work except this m will probably get destroyed a bit too early and the and then the other one that I have is you can right click moles up on the ledge on yellow like this so you can do something stuff like this if I can actually do it like that and then you've got stuff like this for the if people push yellow a lot you can get damage there grenade out and then the only other setups we have is mid which you can play more info setups like turrets up here just to have a look but against a team that's hard pushing mid what you can do is an old setup where you put a Molly in here about back here with an alarm like that and then as the barrier goes down you can right click on Molly onto that ledge there and then with this set up you melt anyone coming through two and now with this ledge at first it looks like you can't place turrets up here but you actually can and it's a bit weird you you you just can't place turrets that are facing away from you if you know what I mean because as soon as you flip the turret and aim it towards you you can you can place them up here so if you wanted to take a bit of control here if they push mid late you can try to lock up tube and then on your way back Chuck to to it up here because you have to be over this side of the box to place it and then you've got a turret that a pretty bro broken turret if you place it correctly that can see the mid cross recalling my bot so now onto the lineups asight I'll start by showing runes that I have and then I'll show wolf I not wolf I cam Cam's one ones again so my old one for default is to stand on this a here and just aim at the cornering grenade B grenade out and then you've also and then my other one come up on top of the here aim at the tip of this triangle and jump grade tip of the arrow to land for the top plan bom grenade out and now I'll just reow cem Cam's lineups which the first one is to come up against this line here and just aim anywhere here really along here I just use this little like dark Pat which I've just done the wrong thing uh yes wrong wrong dark patch up here this one placing swarm grenade and that's your lineup for default which also hits the pant on the side grenade out and then the only other one C cam showed is a good one to clear back of Jen come around here as you're pushing in and then just aim at the at this corner here placing swarm grenade which does a good job of clearing out all the people trying to play back here and forcing anyone Behind Green Box to push all the way back so now onto the bite lineups I've just found three new ones because of the changes don't know if you remember but my old ones were from this corner here which you can't throw now because you aiming like here for default around round about there at like using this thing but now they' decided to raise this thing up you can't do those dups anymore which is honestly good because it was easy to get pushed here anyway so I found three new ones for default you just want to come up against here and then you can see there's a tiny little Gap right there which you just want to place that little Mark above the right click icon in into that Gap like this just get right here like that and jump throw swarm grenade ritual end out and then for the other two you just want to come up against the middle line here for the underneath plant spot you want to aim what's it called you want to aim like in this Gap here just in this Gap here will land on the left side if you want to cover cover the whole thing I I'll show you both jump throw for them that'll cover the left side but then you can just move across a little bit placing SW Gren and it'll cover the whole thing as you can see it land on the left side and then if you move cross a bit go land a bit more depending on how far you move across you're able to cover the whole thing and then for the top plant I'm still testing out how inconsistent it is but I think it should be fine same spot aiming in the aiming in the Sim similar area this time you're just aiming a bit down into this corner here and jump through which lands on the ledge there it looks easy to mess up because it's so close to the edge but i' I haven't really messed it up yet it should be pretty easy to do once you learn how to do it grenade out but yeah there's only one lineup I've forgotten which is for a just for default either on an attack if you manage to get back here if they flank or something or just on defense if you trying to delay the plan if you come up against here and kind of aim anywhere from the middle of the light up to the top of the light or even a bit further so you can see at the top of the light hereen and throw that it'll bounce off and then default grenade out but yeah so that's how I plan on playing ice box now and also Lotus so hopefully this helped and I don't know how I'm going to find ice box now I me I used to absolutely hate the map I've only played one game on it now and didn't mind it but we have I'll have to see how much I like it now as I'm higher rank then
Channel: 6S Mars
Views: 3,686
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ezYtnIT3dHM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 36sec (1056 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 14 2024
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