Killers of the Flower Moon Review

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time for a review of killers of the flower Moon which I finally got to see so this is a three and 1 half hour Martin Scorsese picture starring Leonardo Dicaprio and Robert dairo and a lady named Lily Gladstone uh it's based on a book by David Gran and I have to say I have not read the book but I'm an admirer of David Grant he's a writer for the New Yorker he comes up with the greatest stories he finds fantastic stories to write about and his stuff is just riveting whether it's short stories or books and this is one of these stories um about um America shortly after World War I and the oage tribe in uh um in Oklahoma is put on reservation land and that land yields oil and so they become rich and so of course vultures descend on the oi tribes and there's intermarriage and oi Indians are start to be murdered and the question is how why is this happening and how is it how is it happening and uh so so let's take a a look at a Quick Clip because the acting of course is just great with Leonardo DiCaprio and Robert dairo here's a clip from The Killers where um Ernest Burkhart who is one of the main guys and William hail who is the Robert the powerful Robert dairo character are arguing about trying to cover up a murder the guy was supposed to be shot in the back of the head so it looked like suicide instead the fool killer who did it shot him in the front of the head a classic typical Scorsese scene it's supposed to be a suicide you jump B you didn't tell him to leave the gun I don't know why I told him to leave the gun I told him told him to leave the gun just like you told him I don't know why he didn't I don't know why I told him just like you told him you told him to do it in the front of the head and why did he do it in the back of the head it's so simple the front is the front the back is the back may he has to make it look like he done himself it just looks like murder it's not supposed to be that way you hear her I told him the front of the head I said the front of the head just like this just like you told me I promise you I promise you I swear my children I swear my children and don't swear on your children makes you look foolish classic it's going to say because he's fascinated by evil he's fascinated by corruption and he sees the humor in it and the stupidity in it but also of course the deadly evil in it and this is the thing the way in which he changes the book by Killers of the flower of the c Flower Moon and I want to talk about this because people might ask about it here's Leon Leonardo DiCaprio talking about the development process with by the way it was written by Eric Roth who wrote Forest Gump and a lot of very famous pictures it was told from the perspective of of the FBI and we developed a screenplay soon after that um but there was a dynamic missing there that we uh we ultimately felt that we weren't getting to the heart of of the story we weren't immersed in the oage community the way we wanted to be and there was two short sequences of of Ernest and Molly together which was this insanely Bizarre Love Story something that I've that was hard to Fathom in a lot of ways how this woman stuck by someone who is so duplicitous but it was true all of it was true and so from that point on we said to ourselves well what if we take the chance on in getting to the heart of of this story and the oage community and this insane dynamic in Oklahoma at that time and what was going on what if we made it about you know Molly and Ernest so this was this was an inspirational thing you might say well why do I want to watch the bad guys instead of the good guys and the reason is simple you know why the good guys are doing what they're doing you know why the they they were not the FBI they were just the Bureau of Investigation you know why they're trying to solve the crime and the book is the subtitle of the book is something like the formation of the the birth of the FBI but the FBI plays a the bureau plays a very small part in the movie but you don't you can't imagine why people are doing the stuff they're doing the greed the evil and especially as DiCaprio says this relationship between a white man and an osaji woman who was played by Lily Gladstone in just a tremendous performance remember she's up there with these two major stars and it's a wonderful wonderful sympathetic uh complex living female performance it is just a a remarkable performance and the the DiCaprio only mentions one side of it why does she stay with this guy when she realizes that he's not just duplicitous he's homicidal but the other question is is how does he go on doing it when he clearly loves her he actually loves her and yet is destroying everything she holds dear and it's it's a remarkable relationship and so human and so real and it's what makes the story take on meaning instead of being just another one of these preachy stories oh America was bad because minorities were mistreated in the past it shows you the kind of humanity that goes on the love that he's capable of feeling for this osaji woman uh he really does love her he loves the children that they produce together who are half breed children uh who many people are are bigoted against but he loves them to but he also is destroying them and he also uh just has this love of gold this this greed that is forcing him to do what he does and the same thing in some ways is true of the Robert dairo character who is a benefactor of the osaji but is also this uh villainous uh you know bad guy at the same time and that's what makes the picture so interesting and what makes the picture so good you know this is a lot of stuff this is something that we get a lot uh those of us who whose audience is conservatives those of us artists whose audience are conservatives will yell at us why are you showing us the bad people why does everything have to be ugly why are you making sex jokes why are you doing this because that's where art is Art lives in the humanity of humanity and the humanity of humanity is dark people who understand the Bible should understand that the humanity is dark they should understand the Brokenness of The Human Experience and why when you even try to portray goodness which I frequently do try to do you have to portray goodness crawling out of the muck of uh of human corruption and if you don't show that you're not showing anything you're just writing a Hallmark card you're just writing a little fairy tale here is a holiday gift idea that's sure to make you the hero of the season that's the gift of genus cell skin care from now until Christmas genus cell's most popular package has a special discount just for my listeners at claven YT treat yourself and your loved ones to the absolute best skin care in the world those troubling farhead wrinkles Fine Lines skin redness and yes even a sagging jawline will disappear right before your eyes with genus cell's most popular collection plus included in every most popular package 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make that turn that into a great movie by just going through each scene and cutting a minute out it's just over long it's not like that at all sc's an artist and he does a great job and it the movie and some ways is very tur but you could have told it in two hours you just would have had to write it better you just would have had to write it tighter we've been talking all through the show about the power of the internet and the power of the internet becoming pervasive in people's lives and one of the things that it's done is it's made the it's alienated us from the movies the movies are now not the art form of the moment anymore obviously streaming TV is and so artists who make movies are losing some of their discipline they're losing some of their desire to appeal to an audience which this would have done much more if it had simply been shorter Alfred Hitchcock used to say two hours is the limit of the human bladder you know that's why he would make his film bring his films in under two hours so again there's nothing there's nothing I can point to where I say cut that out or cut this out or cut this out all I can say is you could have told the story in two hours it's not Gone With the Wind it's not the Godfather it's not an epic story it's a very personal small story about a very personal small incident the book itself is not that long and I I was joking with somebody saying eventually movies are just going to be endless and they'll be all they'll be is movies of you watching a movie and you'll just sit in the theater for the rest of your life watching a movie about you watching a movie that's self-indulgence it is self-indulgence and I think that the internet is in some ways is killing the discipline of artists and the discipline of filmmakers to keep things tight to keep them where they belong to keep them in the at the very Pinnacle that that Apex between length and entertainment there's a point when you're not entertaining anymore and you've got a stop before you reach that point and I just think in this I just thought this was a lack of discipline other than that very entertaining film I watched it at home because I didn't want to sit in the theater for three and a half hours but definitely worth seeing and especially for that relation that Central relationship where they they were wise to make the Central Center of the movie and the performances which are just great uh and again this woman uh uh Lily Gladstone does a fantastic job keeping up with Leonardo CIO and Robert dairo both terrific actors at their best and that guy is great if you want more great content like that like And subscribe and don't forget to subscribe to the Andrew claven show wherever you get your podcast
Channel: Andrew Klavan
Views: 29,335
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Keywords: killers of the flower moon, killers of the flower moon review, martin scorcese, andrew klavan, daily wire, movies, film, cinema, leonardo dicaprio, robert deniro, lily gladstone, killers of the flower moon trailer, killers of the flower moon clip, killers of the flower moon scene, killers of the flower moon analysis, killers of the flower moon explained, killers of the flower moon movie, killers of the flower moon book, scorcese, david grann, osage
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 41sec (641 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 19 2023
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