Killer Ketamine (Full Episode) | To Catch a Smuggler

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foreign are you traveling with anyone the reason for your troops all right well congratulations where are we going now we're gonna go right over here bring your bags up here are you bringing any food no all right no food no any alcohol alcohol clothes and shoes there's a lot of tonic lines so maybe plans to open up a store or something oh probably one number one bottle broke in the whole box are you mad the only one yeah everything on board signals so these are all for you only for somebody else not for me and my friends you know oh it's important um the subject had over 100 bottles of tonic wine for us that's a red flag because it's also a method of concealment within those Hundred Bottles maybe five or six could be loaded one of them I have to crack over to make sure it's tonic one all right [Music] yeah it's just tonic wine there's nothing there you're going to keep this for yourself to drink it whatever you want to do it's not consuming right now yeah all right now no no not now we had to open up a few of them to make sure they were good to go but everything's checked out and we're fine information he asked me if I can bring him back so I'm bringing him back what's his friend's name yeah I don't know his legal name short man yeah for several years but you only know him as short man he just asked me if I can bring some shoes back for him his personal shoes I I think so I don't I don't know I didn't even ask him so did he give you money but you have to pay for an extra bag so he's not giving you money for that oh he's gonna have to yeah he's gonna have to now so we just got to make sure these sneakers don't have anything inside they're not supposed to have especially when the sneakers that you don't know anything about it just want to make sure everything checks out so we x-rayed the shoes and everything appears to be all right just look at this Louis Vuitton that's not how that logo is these are real you don't know if they're real it's copyright man Christian Louboutin I don't think a friend asked him to bring back the shoes I think he purchased the shoes over there in Jamaica knowing that they weren't real with the intent to just use them over here listen the thing is is that you can't bring knockoff stuff into the United States that's the issue sorry are these real you don't know no I'm like 99 sure they're not real but I don't want to bust your chops because they look used right right and it's not like you bringing it in for commercial use to resell even if they are counterfeit and he's bringing in a pair that's his personal use we can't do anything with that because they already bought it they bought it wherever they bought it and they're using it you could tell they've been used they've been worn off the fact that the shoes look worn is what made us uh Let It Go all right my friend you're all set thank you all right man have a good day the exit is right out there [Music] foreign how long were you over there 10 days 10 days that's all you got in there ah I have closed there recently past year or two we've been noticing a lot of young Travelers coming from Colombia bringing a lot of party drugs other than just the cocaine now big drug that's becoming popular is ketamine party drug they call it Special K usually found in toiletry bottles [Music] tell me this one the Colombian flights there's no right or wrong person to stop unfortunately but I like to stick to the single traveler with just a couple of bags make sure we take out all the liquids any other kind of products that we feel need to be tested and make sure we don't miss anything okay King Carlos Carlos okay [Music] foreign this is liquid form in a lot of little perfume bottles and shampoos so that's why we were going through all those smaller bottles a little small bottle like this can be worth a lot of money sonuel just let it sit good thing with this I poured some out here on the table looks like a old school trick of knowing that something's not what it is [Music] drying off a lot of times you'll see when we go to grab something and it's loaded the passenger will be all over it or distance himself really far from it she had no reaction at all so I was pretty comfortable that there was nothing hidden in there okay [Music] adios I understand may I see a password this year the only one covet has been pretty busy what do you know with this here in Fargo we're looking for Contraband or anything that can do any harm to the General Public we get a lot of bags shoes belts from high quality merchants how about these boxes over here usually comes from South Asia can come from any other part of the world it looks like all these boxes belongs to the same shipment yeah let's take one of these down whoa n95 Mass but we have a problem here because this box is short kn95 but this one has n95 inside mm-hmm ka95 is produced in China and the n95 is supposed to be produced here in the US yep and the ship is imported from China and the box is made in the USA it was made in the USA it wouldn't be coming from China they're not the real deal this is going to nursing homes different healthcare providers the general public I don't think they know the difference between the original and the counterfeit and a lot of people can die because they're not getting the right protection are those the same day I know these are actually 10.95 so these match the Box on the outside they mixed in the good ones with the bad ones so if you check this one box it's covered yep deception I have to open up every single box so we could get an accurate count of how many n95s we have and the KN 95s many boxes do you think I'd say about 500. we got our work cut out for this how much do you think they sell this in the market five to ten bucks supplies short they're desperate they will pay top dollar they're making tons of money on this their profits and approaches all go to different criminal organizations it's terrible thinking that people will take advantage and do this to us cool great job guys the shipment that we just finished Counting I had over 230 000 masks next step we will call our HSI agents to let them know about this counterfeit shipment we'll hold it as evidence and eventually it'll get destroyed okay let's continue going to another Warehouse [Music] all right what city are you going to right now [Music] you guys on the vehicle nope not yet we are currently set up along the highway we got some information of a semi-tractor trailer that is potentially loaded with narcotics that's already in the United States if we can locate it uh based off the information that we have we'll follow it where it goes to find that Distribution Hub because the people that are involved with the next level of distribution are a higher tier Target for us so deeper into the organization here we go so one of these tractor trailers this is it it's got that red glow in the front of the cab and now we just gotta catch up it's important to not lose this vehicle we'll see where this goes that's our goal I have the ground eye speed 75 miles an hour copy that we're on one of the major highways running North unless it takes one of these next exits it looks like we might be headed for Los Angeles County the Los Angeles area it's a massive Distribution Hub and with the cargo based smuggling the drug loads that can come through and get anywhere from 500 kilos up to a thousand once they get to the LA area they can be cut up and broken down into smaller shipments and ship anywhere and we'll see where this goes yep we're destined for Los Angeles County it's imperative that we take it down before it gets cut up into those smaller loads and goes deeper into the interior of the United States foreign [Music] yeah today we have a flight that we're interested in Bogota Colombia all right how much money you traveling in cash today US Dollars yeah we got some passengers we want to take a look at and ask some questions what's the reasoning by going on vacation to Bogota Colombia being that it's a source country for narcotics how long were you in Colombia for 17 days 17 days what are you bringing back from Colombia yes float we usually try to make as many stops as we can while we're working the higher risk flights to try and get as many young Travelers coming from Colombia I'm gonna go through all the bags make sure we take out all the liquids any other kind of products that we feel we need to be tested bring an Alcohol Tobacco back comes with 150 we're doing good if we did 20 people we're doing really good where are you coming from man I flew from from here to Bogota um and then from Bogota to Cali Colombia Cali Colombia so we're just gonna do a bag he says now let's go this way okay did you learn any Spanish while you were down you're almost a citizen for all this I think 1200 oh yeah I know that you're creating too much and bringing stuff back that's why I like you already so you say you own your own spot so how long you been uh in business I've been in business about five years what are you doing today Wellness those are like boards for your stomach Force for the stomach after surgery procedures and stuff they went shopping down there I mean they're cheaper there it's better to get it while you're there yeah over here you know they charge like a hundred dollars for one of them it's how much you are strong a hundred dollars no I'm gonna beat everybody to cry why don't you bring a camera I had a whole bunch of groceries the ginger ale you get Ginger out here why would somebody buy Ginger Ale in another country well it's not it's that much sugar in it we're just gonna just test it way I ain't gotta take it you just want to feel comfortable about the Colombian Ginger we got a little machine that tell us everything [Music] sugar got water sugar yeah some granulated sugar okay we're good all right thank you man thank you oh wow what do you have looks like it's in my pocket white powder beautiful great job all right how many uh boxes we have 17 total from Italy those all jackets too loaded we have two bags in each jacket there's got to be a couple of dozen jackets in each box you first we want to know what the substance is reading through the plastic into the substance it's gonna tell us what type of narcotic if it's a narcotic at all right very good seasoning entire shipment let's pack it up and we'll bring it back we're going to be going back to a building we're going to process everything see exactly how much we have [Music] two zipper Pockets per jacket both Pockets have packages Academy is a drug that's used for anesthesia purposes and animals and in humans but out on a street it's a party drug used by a lot of younger people by snorting shooting drinking and it causes hallucinations out of body experiences too much of it overdose causes death 64 grams in each bed it's gonna be a lot so 128 per jacket three jackets is a pound yeah it's gonna be one great seizure what's the uh total weight that we have about 63 keys that's approximately six million dollars off the street great job that's very good this was a very gutsy move to bring in 60 kilos at one time we called our HSI agents opening up an investigation we're gonna see where it was going who it's going to and I can foresee a lot of people being arrested [Music] thank you [Music] all right this is all your bags everything yeah and you said you went well all right you've been meeting friends or family anything down there I met a friend okay and did your friend give you anything to bring back for them nothing like that all right foreign [Music] [Music] just last minute vacation okay yeah one of my good friends lives there and you need a break from I thought yoga was very nice relaxing calming soothing okay yeah you read these oh yeah those are terrible tarot cards but many talents so how did you get to tarot reading I'm not like interesting well it's like the part of the day okay you know what I see nothing get you going maybe she can read your Torah give me give me a card give me a card well he's scariest his curious no you have to pick it all right Shuffle it shuffle it all right so what's in your mind the next seizure yeah there you go so put it in your mind and then just flip the part over however you'd like all right this says the universe all right all right so let's see for the reading it civilizes the moment when the inner and the outer worlds become a single entity in some traditions the state is described as Enlightenment and that we will dance and sway along the flow of life so that means everything's flows exactly I should co-mingle with the rhythms of life and I have not seized any narcotics today so I'm not actually complete and I'm not actually fulfilled Miss Caitlin you are a delightful person to have to search thank you good luck thank you for your time alrighty get that seizure flowing I want a big one today we've landed just south of downtown LA in the produce District immediate right turn into the business are going to take over we've got our La team out here they are now taking primary and we're just here in support of them I've seen the forklift come down the ramp uh over the direction and stuff our surveillance team is currently with eyes on the vehicle that suspected to have the narcotics and we're currently just waiting Forest Products are off the truck he has those separated from the other one it looks like there are workers on the dock [Music] that are moving uh produce around on pallets well it looks like they're just keeping three or four Brown pallets off to the side you know these things can end a million different ways so we just have to kind of roll with the punches and and make real-time decisions it's dark traffic starts increasing around here in the produce District once it starts getting busy we're just gonna lose track of those power lock it down freeze the location copy that we're going to make our approach now [Music] canine's coming the dog's hitting there you go here we go get the other one [Music] we're identifying this one okay so these two are for sure that one is for sure and that other one are the ones that are confirmed all that should be loaded yeah we're gonna check them out it's fresh garlic what do you have yeah there's nothing there so right now they're uh they're emptying the garlic nothing [Music] it's up here oh wow found it yeah it's right there bingo [Music] so just place your bags on the counter please I'm currently assigned to passenger processing at terminal four but we do Immigration and Customs we focus heavily on merchandise and just making sure that you know everybody's doing the right thing as far as declaring goes and your resident right make sure you read this question carefully any merchandise you purchased outside the US that is coming back in today or any gifts received that are coming back in today this added purchase it is something okay so did you buy anything outside and you have nothing to declare right then you put a zero right there all right you sign the bottom and that's it so we're gonna have a quick back check all right okay put all your bags up here so you're saying no food no alcohol no tobacco what do you consider food anything you put anywhere else to eat like I got some like peanuts ah all right yeah how long were you there Senegal all right what were you doing there I'm I'm my family so vacation all right what is that that's a shampoo [Music] I found receipts listen I thought you told me you didn't buy anything how much is this is gold right is this fake I don't know I don't know but if this is real gold it's gonna have a problem how much is this how much is that in dollars before I convert it myself tell me man this is like this is 61 dollars this for my daughter they say it's not tall 18 carat and this is I think this is this right here that's what yeah this is for that's worth more than 60 bucks I didn't buy this that's one of my employees he asked to ask me to bring it I think she got this for a long time gave it to me I think this has been with them for like day is for yesterday it's clear cut right in front of you I know that's fine how come you didn't declare it I'm gonna ask you okay I didn't know see they gave it to me for um because if somebody's supposed to you're bringing somebody else's stuff but I know how so she's just like a sister my husband gave it to me that's all fine but you have to declare okay I understand remember when I asked you that like three times so I understand you get it if you were to declare it it would have been much easier people need to declare everything they purchase sometimes they don't declare like this gentleman didn't declare anything today but we found some gold Juliano you know you have to pay Duty on this right you got to pay the government their taxes all right let's convert this see what we got here gold Duty rate is five and a half percent so we multiply that and we're left with only 95 bucks you gotta pay today that's it you're not even bringing nothing to nobody I just need a receipt you pay right there they give you a receipt and you're good to go all right okay I found receipts we gave him his exemptions and at the end of the day he paid the duty and walked out of here so let that be a lesson thank you for all this is outbound what we're looking for is the inbound store okay today we picked this Warehouse we look for where the shipment is coming from the shipper uh what is going to destination whether the shipment is being packed the packaging told us a lot okay what's the best one here so what is funny one but is bigger than the other yeah coming from overseas yeah let's open it oh [Music] Louis Vuitton wow we gotta check this it's heavy oh we have bags inside our bag YSL same Laurent this is not white so they don't package like this [Music] see how hard it is very bumpy the stitching is horrible this is bad quality stuff we have a lot of branded items but I can fill the material it was like thin smelled like plastic it's definitely counterfeit these criminals use the internet to sell the products they make a lot of money like one of these bags like three thousand dollars plus when people go and search for a product that they like they see the product and it looks original and people buy it let's see the brand they say oh wow but they don't know exactly what they're paying for this entity they take advantage of that and they imitate the product and they make a good money on those so I'm gonna detain this do an inventory of every single box and send it to the import specialist absolutely because he looks like it's the same thing the same even Footwear Jordan let's see oh Balenciaga Balenciaga the shoes goes for about 900 retail it's crazy this imitation is almost exact why are they real when you wear something like that so how many we have here 10 boxes on one skid sending kind of fit product it's a federal fence what we're gonna do we're gonna put everything together and uh we just send it to the import specialist and the product gets destroyed this is what we're here for and whenever I find something it's a good day for me all right good work guys another day in the life of customs [Music] let's put it back up there sir both of these bags of yours yes anybody give you anything to bring here nothing okay this guy's by himself younger male coming from Colombia with just a couple of bags when I stopped and start looking through his passport he had a lot of trips so it became more interesting to me how long were you in Colombia uh four days five days what's this for it's for my face what's the straw spinner I pulled out face wash and there was no straw in the pump which raised suspicion as to we need to test some of those liquids out everything in here is yours right what's in here that's getting gritty it's starting to crystallize isn't this one right here [Music] we're gonna get all liquids out take them in the back start testing on the liquids you see two little granulars on there all these little specks yeah that's probably crystallizer Colombians Master disguise when it comes to concealments [Music] that went through fast there you go ketamine Special K Academy the Palm what is it's a tranquilizer you don't know what the concentration of this ketamine is people are taking it they might take too much go down and never come back that one tested positive Academy too let's go to the next one yeah that's because it has to be airtight otherwise right otherwise it'll crystallized yep [Music] yeah another one more ketamine so it looks like we have four bottles [Music] 1.68 [Music] we're gonna detain them right now la manotra the academy and the amount that we have here didn't meet the threshold for federal prosecution so we contacted our state and locals here in Georgia they're going to come down and they'll hopefully try and get more information from him I need you to level four fingers flat on that pad some people smuggle because they're in a bad situation some people get coerced into doing something they don't want to do and some people do it because they're entrepreneurs and they'll think it's easy to go there and get something to eat bring it over here flip it make a lot of money I don't know the full details of that but according to his password he has a few trips I can almost be certain that he's probably done this a few more times [Music] thank you [Music] three four five six we got one more right here take it out keep going oh yes boom it's a pretty big load what's good the pallets were loaded just took us a while to kind of get to this point we still have two more pallets to go but it looks like pretty much every box has Contraband in it so this pile is going to get a little bit bigger produce loads are unfortunately used as cover loads for Narcotics Contraband loads like this are coming through the border every day this is a bad time to tell you guys I'm allergic to garlic these packages here from what they feel feels like crystals so it's probably crystal meth see how this is shape difference yeah this may be Coke this may be fentanyl I don't know if you ever saw me do this before if you thought Yeah the more that sounds like a wood block the higher pitch in my experience has been Fentanyl and then the thought is more it's a mixed load but the predominance of this uh cargo is going to be meth the meth production in Mexico has increased exponentially especially this year we're gonna run out of room they're using large loads and large storage areas like this tractor trailer here in large quantities I think that's it it's a lot these are quite large for meth packages a lot of times we get them in about the one pound these feel like they're about one kilo each it's just over 500 kilograms of just meth 13 packages of cocaine and Fentanyl today is a success we took over 1200 pounds of poison off the streets of LA here and we are going to continue the investigation and pursue the subjects that we're supposed to pick it up and work the criminal Network that brought this all the way from Mexico to L.A these semi trucks are crossing from Mexico into the United States every day just one of these getting through can have a significant impact on the drug trade so every seizure is a significant seizure [Music]
Channel: National Geographic
Views: 223,007
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: national geographic, nat geo, natgeo, animals, wildlife, science, explore, discover, survival, nature, culture, documentary, perpetual planet nat geo, photography, full episode, To Catch A Smuggler, Drug smuggling, documentary 2022, Drug seizure, Drug smuggling 4k, Illegal cases, Drug linked case, Overdosage, Solving Skills, Drug Usage, Smuggling NatGeo, HSI San Diego, to catch a smuggler, drug smuggling, airport security, border patrol
Id: BAchsEEv4M8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 24sec (2664 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 25 2023
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