Killer Cycling in Big Sur - Bicycle Touring the Pacific Coast Bike Route - Ep8

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making it through San Francisco trying to get out [Music] well I'm descending to the coast I feel like the wheels are uh turning now and there it is [Music] [Music] I'm back on a lawn for a few miles at least let's do it come on on bicycle hiking trail that's paved which I see on the map is going to be gorgeous well that was fun I'm thinking there's more but not sure this is Susan hi everyone she's across Canada New Zealand we're gonna interview her later Half Moon Bay is where I'm at now I got a campground ahead of me fairly close and tomorrow should be a longer 70 mile day or so [Music] all right I'm off again I have either a 40 mile day class or a 70 plus model Bay we'll see how I feel once I get going I'm leaving early so I'm going to fuel up somewhere with some breakfast of some kind and and see what else this Coast has to offer it's a gorgeous blue sky day with cool temps but not like bitter cold just chilled I mean right here a little bit of a headwind at times and then sometimes pushing me oh it's a little drier than I'm used to and the hills are not bad I've climbed twice it's definitely smoothing out [Music] what a Tailwind we got nice hey yeah it's awesome easy I'll see you on the next stop all right in case I don't get to interview her later when she was 55 you figured out that she likes cycling and started getting into bicycle touring across Canada on her own across New Zealand on her own and now she's Crossing anything she can she says she does it for the exercise I was 59 and she says that when she does the tour she feels so good and that she can't help but to get back on the bike and get out here and rock the miles going 15 to 25 miles an hour I've been on a middle grade incline for a while [Music] what a trail coming into Santa Cruz yes oh awesome it was CC on 101 but Trail you know can't beat the trail I guess I'm already in Santa Cruz I've been jumping from one bike trail to the next busy but slow traffic just serious congestion it's busy around here but I hear this park is amazing or this State Beach is what they call it well I'm in for five bucks what and the hike bike section which is usually here at least in California is like a section where all the bicycle hiking people camp all together it's uh right next to the beach the first thing I want to do is set up my tent and let it dry out because it's wet from all the Dew from last night and this morning when I packed it wet it's my favorite little tent now I really really enjoy it I look forward to sleeping in it and it's really a neat to getting better at setting it up and it's easy super fast super simple heading to Monterey today should be a short day again but it'll set me up for a Big Sewer which will be several days with not much around last night Susan the bike tour from Canada showed up she's the only one in the group that was camping at Half Moon Bay that made it she is insane how strong that lady is I'm just gonna make it to Monterey today 40 miles or so and take a break I need to take a couple of days without doing much of anything and resting before I hit Big Sur which is the next big draw for my tour I have to find you a swan because the other route is up into the mountains for a long while and the way I feel today I don't want to climb I just want to get there all right that was a busy section there but uh so far now and this one is nice and quiet it's called the Elkhorn Road and about 20 miles of it closer to Monterey all smooth kind of feels like I'm in Pennsylvania all these uh back country was climbing plenty of climbing I like that time [Music] foreign just cruising on down to Monterey on a bike path City Marina two miles from Monterey where I'm gonna stop after 45 miles I'm gassed today just low and energy all together I'm coming into Monterey I gotta say this California City bike access is uh standing for San Francisco and here anywhere even Santa Cruz very friendly I'm leaving Monterey it's Tuesday the 15th and I've been here four nights the update is that sometime in San Francisco I cut a bug and it kicked my butt the grease this morning and it's in the low 40s right now Chris chilly plant here but I'm getting it really slow there's so much traffic coming into Carmel which is south of Monterey there's no shoulder but not a lot of traffic a bit of a Tailwind we got to be back in the road that was the top four of these I spent there this scenery is crazy can't get over it straight shot up it's kind of weird when you see The Climb for a long distance how it intimidates it wasn't that bad at all the greatest fairly smooth I'm feeling pretty good I was questioning how good I feel today after getting over that bug and taking days off and it seems to have worked yes gorgeous 25 miles into the day feeling good so beautiful just uh cruising on down it's not even 12. I feel my right hamstring where my injury is tightening up putting tension on my on Friday during the day I forgot to put the sear stopper on on the front end kind of tweaked on me I try to save it and then the process hurt my upper right butt cheek and my lower back was so stiff like really bad so I've been stretching trying to get it to feel better came off the coastline and now Anonymous Valley Inland some not much and it's forested beautiful I was climbing up this mid gray Hill here not a big deal at all and touched my heart and now I I feel a case of tachycardia I haven't felt it since uh Michigan last year which means I need to stop [Music] but I don't want to I took a break for a while but I'm clearly not all there yet but it happened to happen to me in the beginning of a really good time here I'm going as slow as I can trying to keep my breath straight but not easy right now but I get it I'll get it figured out at some point I'll stop climbing and start descending and then there'll be some flat ground blah blah blah I should have started so soon I'm definitely still with atrial fibrillation I can't even climb a low grid incline with a hyperventilating it's been like an hour and a half I'm still climbing this hill and stopping I don't know how many times I'm definitely not controlling it but I think I have a downhill soon I'll just keep doing a little bit of time I would grow a ride right now if somebody gave me a ride oh my gosh there will be a change of Tide here soon what a relief to get some downhill here take a breath it was just terrible timing how I got atrial fib there at the very bottom of a big hill I don't know I'm just stick that I got over it well another tough day I don't know I don't know if they can get any tougher lots of uh climbing and I was doing really good and strong but man my tachycardia hit me at the bottom of a hill and I as much as I try to get out of it I just couldn't do it so I kept going and I did that first Hill that was pretty big at a Pfeiffer State Park and from the ranger station and then I was like struggling so bad I have a hard time remembering I came down and descended and then I try to climb another Hill and my legs were just not getting the blood flowing I wasn't feeling my heart fluttering as badly as before but it was still fluttering and I just you know I just couldn't I could I just couldn't pedal anymore so I sat on the side of the road and hitchhiked and I had this guy Patrick total Road Angel he liked put my bike over his dinghy boat that he had on the back of his truck and I sat in the back seat and shoved all my bags in the front seat I don't know why that he had a cooler up there I guess and then uh he brought me to this Campground that I don't know the name of because as soon as I got here I pitched my tent and fell asleep it was 4 30. and I've been sort of sleeping and waking up and the sun's setting now and I I'm just going to keep plugging along and see if I can get my body to start acting up like like the right way because it's it's really been a very difficult time since I left San Francisco a week ago it's just been one thing after the other the butt injury and back injury that I feel is getting better for sure after the cycling today but still sore my bug this flu the bug that I got gave me sore throat for three days I was super bad I still congested us and a good reason why I probably don't feel 100 but it's going away and today tachycardia on top of that I'm like into me other than some accident I didn't say that but uh tomorrow's a new day and there's plenty of miles left for me to pick up a pace here and get it figured out anyways here's the the view from my camp [Music] [Music] thank you all right so far so good but it's only been one tenth of a mile I am looking to have a Flawless day whether it's today or tomorrow or the next day or next week has been a quite a struggle lately but I had a great night's sleep I slept forever and my back feels great my respiration feels good and my heart wow to have that happen to me yesterday was just unbelievable such a vulnerable feeling to have your body not function correctly usually I'm feeling pretty strong and that's why I'm 50 years old and looking to spend as many more years as I can doing this stupid stuff that I like to do which is pressing myself and my body to go see things that are really cool like this all right [Music] foreign [Music] cars on the road quiet all you hear is the waves breaking down there the road is seemingly mine I haven't seen a car in a long time it's so beautiful yeah that's what it's all about man it's all about so peaceful today just enjoy it profusely I never get used to those uh those drops right next to me you make a wrong turn you're flying off the cliff I've been a major client here the good thing is that my heart's back to normal and my legs are getting that blood flow that they need to do this kind of climbing so I'm kind of in a really good mood about that amongst other things like this insane calmness today with low traffic an amazing scenery this has gotta be it I'm almost there that was it I think and it's magnificent out here well the views ahead are crazy I just gotta make that turn around this big rock point and uh check it out better that's it I should be able to make some miles now I haven't covered but 10 miles in an hour it's not bad but um definitely want to do more I just saw ahead and this is another descent into another huge climb I see ahead back to climbing [Music] [Music] [Applause] these are insane cars all right [Music] foreign [Music] that was the top there but I'm sure there's more coming up foreign [Music] [Applause] foreign there's some of them that have their faces in the water as the surf comes in and they're like like enjoying the water hitting their face right on the edge right there awesome [Applause] wow how cool oh cool that was extremely cool and I compounded the entire episode by getting some reception and calling my daughter Madison we chatted for a while that totally uh made my day right there foreign I've been rocking the miles I'm back on Juan and I got about 20 miles to go to get to Morro Bay huge shoulder mostly low grade decent and a Tailwind I'm going 25 sometimes at least 18. [Applause] I'm riding through Morro Bay there's this giant rock on the shore here and it's an ominous giant protrusion out of the ocean with nothing else around it it's been a pretty awesome day 60 miles 60 plus Miles when I get there it's another four or five miles you gotta hand it to kill to California with the cycling these cities all around there's just insane bike paths and bicycle access to everyone made it to the campground I would have made it earlier but I was chatting too much today about 62 mile day feel good nothing uh got in my way like tachycardia foreign
Channel: Flyscout Ryder
Views: 12,701
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bicycle touring across america, bike packing the United States, bicycle touring camping, bicycle touring setup, bicycle touring america, bikepacking across america, bicycle touring usa, coast to coast cycling, bike touring, Pacific Coast Bike Route, California, bicycle touring, Bay Area Cycling, San Francisco Bicycle, Big Sur Cycling, Half Moon Bay Cycling, Morro Bay Cycling, Monterey Cycling, United States Cycling, Cycling Across America, bikepacking, adventure travel
Id: KyMy-4J_Xwg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 22sec (1942 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 15 2023
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