Kids Share Their Hidden Talent | Show and Tell | HiHo Kids

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- One, two, - [All] three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10! (lively music) - [Male host] Hi, everybody! - [All] Hi! - [Male host] What are we doing here today? - We're going to China! - No, we're not! - We're showing our talents. Guess what my hidden talent is. - Dancer. - I think you're a dancer. - You're wrong. - Aww! - Will you show us? - Can you please show us? - Please show us your hidden talent. - Doing a pushup with one hand. - What did you say? - (whispers) Push up with one hand. - [All] Push up with one hand! - What? - I don't believe him. - I'm going to do a one-handed push up. (all laughing) - Action! - One, two. - [All] Three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10! (all clapping) - That was amazing! - Cool. - It was amazing. - Avik, you're going next. - Okay. - [Male Host] Ta-da-dut-ta-da! - Say hello to my little friend, Zoro. - [All] Hi. - Hi, Zoro! - Hey! Hi! - [Zoro] Hello! - [Zoro] Lots of good-looking people here, and some ugly people. - [Avik] Are you saying I'm ugly? - [Zoro] Yes. - [Avik] Well, that's not nice. - [Zoro] Well, you always told me to speak the truth, so there it is; you're ugly! - [Avik] Don't say that! Say you're sorry! - [Zoro] No. - [Avik] Say you're sorry. - [Zoro] No. - [Avik] Say it now, or you're going to get it. (giggles) Now! [Zoro] Fine. I'm sorry you're ugly. (laughter) (clapping) - Can I try? - Yeah, sure. Just put your hand in there, yeah. - [Zoro] Yo. What's Up? Hi! - How you doing, puppet? - [Zoro] Terrible, and it's all because of you! - [All] What? Whoa! (giggles) - [Zoro] Who wants to go next? - I do! - [Zoro] Okay, get up here! - What do you think my talent is? - Dancing. - You're right, but what type of dance? - Oh! Irish dancing, like the dun-dun-dun. - Excuse me! (laughter) - I'm doing Vogue. Kiki Ballroom. Do you know what that is? - Yeah! - It's a type of dance. People come around and compete. I just did a ball recently. I'm going to show you what voguing is, but I need a little bit of space. This first element is called Hands. (thumping techno music) The next one is called Catwalk. (thumping techno music) And then this one's called The Dip. Hopefully I don't hurt myself doing it. - Okay. - Whoa! - Now I'm going to do them all together. (synchronized clapping) - [All] Whoo! - What part do you guys want to learn? What do you want to learn? - The Dip. - You're going to use which ever leg is comfortable, lay down on your bottom. You never, ever want to let your head touch the floor. - [Male Host] Three, two, one. - Don't let your head touch the floor. - Okay, stop. - This is impossible! (applause) - Duck Walk, Duck Walk. I want to learn Duck Walk! - You want to learn Duck Walk? - You're going to kick your leg. Kick! Kick! Sometimes you can step, step, step, step. - What do you think my hidden talent, that is not very hidden, is? - Um, hip hop? - No. - Karate? - You are so correct! Literally, you are correct! - I know what outfit she's going to get into. - Quick intermission! (laughter) - What are you going to do? - Okay, I asked my Sensei to help me put together a like, little thing. I'm going to do my Kata One. I need a little bit of space. Can you scoot your chairs? (dramatic music) - Hut! (dramatic music) - Hut! (applause and whooping) - Any questions? - Can we see that again? - Yes, you may. Would you like to learn? - Yeah! Huh! (giggles) - Fist. Hand. Bow. Shuffle. Kick. And then cross, on guard. I happened to get first place. (applause) I am going to be modest. I think I got first place because no one showed up. (cricket chirps) Anyway, your turn. - Does anybody know what I am going to be doing now? - I think you might be doing singing. - No. - Dancing. - Kind of. It's not like a full dance routine. - Tell us! - I'm going to be doing a one-handed cartwheel. - [All] Let's see it! Yeah! - I need some room. - [Male Host] Ooh! That looked hard! (applause) - Yeah, I saw her put one hand on the floor and one hand up, and then just twisted with one of her hands in the sky and one of her hands on the floor. - Can I do a cartwheel and see how they are similar? (laughter) - I want to try. - I want to try, too. - One-handed. - Ahh! (overlapping voices) - I want to try! - You go. - Do it very softly. (laughter) - Okay. You give it a try. - Uh oh! - I'm going to do a regular one 'cause I'm going to definitely get hurt with a one-handed one. I don't know how to do it! - [Male Host] How was that, you guys? (overlapping enthusiasm) - [All] Thank you for watching! Bye! (overlapping goodbyes) - What's the Fortnight dance? - Bye!
Channel: HiHo Kids
Views: 18,501,068
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: show and tell, show off, kids show and tell, Hiho Kids, HiHoKids, Hiho, kids, kids videos, children, kids describe, mailbag, mailbag videos, unboxing, unboxing videos, Kids try, kid friendly, family, family friendly, Maddox, Maddox weddle, kid activities, games, experiment, kids play, fun, toys, friends, kids make friends, try new things, kids guess, Cut Videos, Ernie, Desmond, Crystal, Justin, GG, Austin, Jayque, Steven, Carolina, Kids Share, Kids show, Show off, Hidden Talent, talent
Id: _IN2vu9XlZc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 3sec (363 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 09 2020
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